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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  February 28, 2019 3:12am-4:00am PST

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>> john, i don't want to comment -- excuse me, i don't want to comment on that exactly, but he has a certain vision, and it's not exactly our vision, but it's a lot closer than it was a year ago. and i think, you know, eventually we'll get there. but for this particular visit, we decided that we had to walk and we'll see what happens. okay? oh, look we have a gentleman nobody has ever heard of. sean hannity. what are you doing here, sean hannity? should we let him do a question? i don't know. yeah, john? go ahead. >> so if he wants the sanctions completely off and you want more on denuclearization, how can you bridge that gap between now and the next time you might sit down together? >> with time. it will be a bridge, i think, at rt but there is a gap. we have to have sanctions, and he wants to denuke, but he wants to do areas that are less important than the areas we want.
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we know the country very well, believe it or not. we know every inch of that country. and we have to get what we have to get, because that's a big give. yes, sean, please? >> i work in radio and tv. the mic's on. mr. president, thank you. mr. secretary, good to see you. mr. president, could you elaborate a little bit more. we have some history. president reagan walked away in reykjavik. a lot of condemnation at the time, and it ended up working out very well in the end for the united states. was this mostly your decision or and what message would you want the send chairman kim as he's listening to this press conference about the future and your relationship? >> well, sean, i don't want to say it was my decision, because what purpose is that? i want to keep the relationship. we will keep the relationship. we'll see what happens over the next period of time.
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but as you know, we got our hostages back. there is no more testing. and one of the things importantly that chairman kim promised me last night is regardless, he's not going to do testing of rockets and nuclear. not going to do testing. so i trust him and i take him at his word. i hope that's true. but in the meantime, we'll be talking. mike will be speaking with his people. he's also developed a very good relationship with the people, really the people representing north korea. i haven't spoken to the prime minister yet. i haven't spoken to president moon, south korea. but we will, and we'll tell them a process that's moving along. we just felt it wasn't appropriate to sign an agreement today. we could have. i just felt it wasn't very appropriate. >> the "cbs overnight news" will be right back.
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>> really, i think a very productive time.
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our coverage here of the summit here in vietnam coincided with a pilgrimage of soldiers. most who went to vietnam never went back. others had no desire. for others it was a must. a reckoning of wounds that opened and never healed. >> programs, get your programs! >> reporter: 52 u.s. veterans from wisconsin. >> this way used to be the u.s. embassy before 1975. >> reporter: back in vietnam for the first time. >> today we have the city tour around saigon. >> reporter: this tour is far different than the last. >> maybe some of you remember the picture of the tanks on the last day of the vietnam war. >> reporter: it began where the war finished, at the presidential palace in ho chi minh city, or as many still call it, saigon. >> the bulletin has just come in from saigon. the war is over. south vietnam's new president
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duong van binh minh has announced an unconditional surrender to the vietcong. >> what does it mean to be here where it all ended? >> reporter: marine sergeant wayne pierret served three tours. >> i was born and raised on a farm. i never had anybody shoot at me until i got here, when i got to vietnam. >> reporter: what the hell does that do the a 19-year-old kid? >> a 19-year-old kid shouldn't have been here fighting a war. what do i know about war back then at 19? >> this is stressful. especially when you get close to the place you served. and we want to make sure we take all that stress out. if you're feeling emotional, you want to walk off with somebody, grab one of us. >> reporter: try to remove all the stress you want. there are demons that endure. >> we got into a fight. it was up in the dmz, and there was a young man -- he was dead. and i went through his pockets. and he had a picture of his wife
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and his children. that hit home. boy does it ever. he was no different than i was. he had a family. it's hard to live a life when you see this stuff every night. hard to sleep. >> reporter: nightmares? >> oh, yes. big time. and it helps me a lot of times just to talk about vietnam. like i said, it will tear me up, but it gets here. in my chest. it gets it out. and i get rid of some of that stuff. >> reporter: for wayne pierret and thousands of others, time goes by. it doesn't go away.
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>> my nightmares are not as pronounced as they were when i first got out, but i still get th >> reporter: does this trip here help take some away? >> i sure hope so. i sure hope so. >> we want to thank the old glory honor guard for letting us spend time with these remarkable men here. up next, what a vote on gay clergy and same-sex marriage could mean for one of the nation's biggest churches. and later, towns turn into islands in northern california. ♪ unstopables in-wash scent booster ♪ downy unstopables
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floods have forced thousands from their homes in northern california. the russian river is overflowing and still rising. meg oliver is in a town tonight that is surrounded. >> reporter: jeff, the russian river is rising so fast, homes are surrounded. cars are submerged, and the town is now virtually an island cut off in every direction. guerneville, a resort town 75 miles north of san francisco in california's wine country is just one of scores of communities in trouble here. the river along its south side is expected to crest at 46.1 feet at 9:00 p.m. here. that's 14 feet above flood stage, and the biggest flood here in 22 years.
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fallen tree, downed power lines and stranded residents are taxing first responders and their resources. you even have boots on? >> no. >> reporter: darrin dempsey walked more than a quarter mile to make sure everyone he knew was okay. how far did you have to walk to get to your boss's house? >> past the gas station. >> reporter: and he's okay? >> yeah, he's fine. >> reporter: are you going to check on him again? >> i'm going to get my kayak. >> reporter: evacuations were ordered for more than two dozen towns along the russian river. for the residents who decided to stay here, they could be trapped for at least another day. >> wow. meg oliver, thank you very much. coming up here tonight, new questions about the future of one of the largest churches in the u.s. of one of the largest churches in the u.s. hen people take action
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[cheering.] politjournalist:oubt you're goithank you. young lady. and thank you for the interview as well. i can imagine it was the last thing that you wanted to do after such a long campaign meeting. politician: you really are a very intelligent young woman. you're very smooth. journalist: you're very smooth, yourself. politician: you have no idea.
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the united methodist church is a denomination divided. 53% church delegates voted yesterday to strengthen a ban on same-sex marriages and gay clergy. dean reynolds on what is next. >> the one church plan does not agree with the words of our savior. >> reporter: the decision by the worldwide conference pleased traditionalists, but raised doubts about the modern methodist motto, open hearts, open minds, open doors. >> please, do not ignore our
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voices. >> reporter: traditionalists said looseni f same-x marriage ordination of gay and lesbian clergy defied the word of god. like reverend keith boyette, they said lgbt members are welcome, up to a point. but you think they're making a mistake? >> i believe that those who engage in the practice of homosexuality are not living a life that pleases god. >> reporter: amid an emotional debate, new rules were adopted to stiffen punishment for heretics, clergy who officiate at same-sex weddings could be suspended without pay for a year, and be defrocked if they do it again. but reverend thomas berlin said tradition for tradition's sake is self-destructive. >> you will be putting a virus into the american church that will make it very sick. >> reporter: but delegates were mindful of where the church
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matthew pearson is a gay minister from california who rejects the traditional plan and said it's possible a new church is being born. >> we arth point, i don't know. >> reporter: dean reynolds cbs news, chicago. from hanoi, we have been covering two extraordinary events today. exactly half a world away, hopeful talks as the president and leader of north korea seek to end hostilities a quarter century after the cold war. 8,000 miles away, that same president is called a racist and a con man by his former attorney who is heading to prison. a momentous day with echoes of history. that is the "overnight news" for this thursday. for some of you, the news continues. for others, check back later for the morning news. and of course "cbs this morning." reporting from vietnam, i'm jeff glor.
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on the broadcast here, as talks begin in the nuclear summit, the president's ex-lawyer tells congress mr. trump broke the law while in office. >> he is a racist. he is a con man, and he is a cheat. >> he is alleging that the president was carrying out a criminal conspiracy in the oval office. whether any of it can be believed depends on who you ask. >> michael cohen, fraudster, cheat, convicted felon and two months a federal inmate. it's an honor to be together. >> the second summit is officially under way. >> it is historic now. the question is what will actually come of it. >> the key issue, the u.s. needs to define what denuclearization is and how long it might take to get there. retrand.problems with flooding
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cars are submerged, and the russian river is rising faster than expected. and u.s. service members return to vietnam for the first time in half a century. >> what does it mean to be here where it all ended? >> it hurts. welcome to the "overnight news." i'm don dahler. president trump wrapped up his summit meeting with north korean leader kim jong-un in vietnam. >> and the bottom line is no deal. the white house hoped to reach an agreement that would at least limit the threat of north korea's nuclear program to the united states. >> no rush. no rush. there is no rush. we just want to do the right deal. chairman kim and myself, we want to do the right deal. speed is not important. what's important is that we do the right deal. >> and while the deal fell apart in vietnam, there was even more en president trump returns to the white house tomorrow morning, he'll be dealing with the fallout settling over the
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city from the bombshell testimony of his former personal lawyer and fixer. michael cohen told a house committee mr. trump broke the law while in office. and that he knew all about hush money payments and hillary clinton's stolen e-mails. republicans fired back at cohen, who has plead guilty to lying to congress in the past. there were plenty of fireworks as republicans hammered cohen, who will soon begin serving a three-year federal prison term. nancy cordes begins our coverage. >> and nothing but the truth, so help you god? >> i do. >> reporter: like a witness for the prosecution, the president's former fixer and lawyer said he and mr. trump committed crimes together. >> i am ashamed that i chose to take part in concealing mr. trump's elicit acts rather than listening to my own conscience. i am ashamed because i know what mr. trump is. he is a racist. he is a con man.
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and he is a cheat. >> reporter: with hundreds of people lined up outside, cohen told the 42 members of the house oversight committee that the president broke federal campaign finance laws from the oval office. >> he asked me to pay off an adult film star with whom he had an affair. >> reporter: cohen brought this statement from the personal home equity loan he took out to hide that $130,000 hush payment to stormy daniels. he says the president reimbursed him in installments so it would look like a retainer, signing this $35,000 check in mid 2017. >> is there any doubt in your mind that president trump knew exactly what he was paying for? >> there is no doubt in my mind. >> reporter: cohen also claimed that the president knew about stolen clinton campaign e-mails before wikileaks released them. >> mr. stone told mr. trump that he had just gotten off the phone
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with julian assange, and that mr. assange told mr. stone that within a couple of days there would be a massive dump of e-mails that would damage hillary clinton's campaign.umde to the effect, "wouldn't that be great." >> reporter: trump associate roger stone and wikileaks both denied it today, and republicans said cohen, facing three years in prison for a slew of federal crimes, shouldn't be believed. >> when you filed a false tax return in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016, was all that out of blind loyalty to the president? >> no, it was not. >> reporter: one of cohen's crimes, lying to congress. >> nothing he says or produces has any credibility. apparently he even lied about delivering his own child, which his wife had to correct the record. >> reporter: cohen admits he lied to lawmakers about a moscow
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real estate deal, says he did it because he knew that's what mr. trump, who he served for a decade wanted. >> he would look me in the eye and tell me there is no russian business, and then go on the lie to the american people by saying the same thing. in his way, he was telling me to lie. >> but he never directed you to lie to congress? >> he did not use those words, no. >> reporter: cohen also shared financial documents to demonstrate how mr. trump would inflate the value of his assets to rank higher on the forbes billionaires list, then deflate them in order to pay lower taxes. >> and was that done with the president's knowledge or direction? >> everything was done with the knowledge and at the direction of mr. trump. >> mr. cohen, how long did you -- how long did you work in the white house? >> i never worked in the white house. >> and that's the point, isn't it, mr. cohen? >> no, sir. >> yes, it is. >> with president trump occupied in vietnam, it fell to his sons to keep a running commentary on
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the hearing. donald trump jr. tweeting, "ha ha ha ha, michael cohen begged to work at the white house and everyone knows it." cohen claims their father repeatedly said racist things. >> and he told me that black people would never vote for him because they were too stupid. >> i've talked to the president over 300 times. i've not heard one time a racist comment out of his mouth in private. so how do you reconcile it? do you have proof of those conversations? >> i would ask you -- >> do you have tape recordings of those conversations? >> no, sir. >> well, you taped everybody else. >> that's also not true, sir. >> reporter: one of his nonanswers was revealing too. >> is there any other wrongdoing or illegal act that you are aware of regarding donald trump that we haven't yet discussed today? >> yes, and again, those are part of the investigation that's currently being looked at by the southern district of new york. >> reporter: cohen said he worries now about retribution
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and regrets his former tactics. >> how many times did mr. trump ask you to threaten an individual or entity on his behalf? >> quite a few times. >> 50 times? >> more. >> 100 times? >> more. >> reporter: once the hearing ended, i asked committee chairman elijah cummings whether he believes based on what he heard that the president committed a crime while in office. his response? it appears he did. cohen will be back on capitol hill answering questions behind closed doors. cohen implied the president may have lied to special counsel robert mueller about whether he knew in advance about wikileaks's plans and how much he knew about the trump tower meeting at the heart of the russia investigation. but the biggest legal threat to the president may be his ongoing investigations by federal prosecutors in new york. cohen testified that he couldn't even reveal the details of his last conversation with the president because it's the subject of an ongoing investigation. but republicans successfully
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reminded everyone that cohen is a liar. he is headed to jail and he cannot be trusted. so his allegations are not sufficient proof of anything.
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this is the "cbs overnight news." michael jackson's family is speaking out about sexual abuse allegations against the singer in an explosive new hbo documentary set to broadcast this weekend. in "leaving neverland" wade robinson and james claimed jackson abused them for boys when they were children. jackson always denied any inappropriate behavior with children. they both sued the jackson estate, but their lawsuits were dismissed because of the statute of limitations. they are appealing. the jackson family insists those are lies. gayle king spoke to brothers taj, jackie, marlon and tito.
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>> i take this very, very seriously because it is disturbing to me. that's why i did want to talk to this child psychologist who is an expert. she said it is extremely rare for teenaged boys to make false claims of inappropriate sexual conduct against a man. >> unless you're michael jackson. >> reporter: wade robson met jackson when he was 5. james savcek filmed a commercial with jackson when he was 9. both say he invited them to his homes and molested them, actions the jackson family vehemently denies. >> the one thing that struck me that wade says, he called michael jackson one of the most kindest, gentle, care, loving person he knows but also sexual abused him from the ages of 7 to 14. do any of you think that both can be true? >> michael helped him in what he wanted to do with videos and music from that side of things.
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but if neverland was so horrifying for him and why would you keep going back? >> none of us in this room were there at the time that these allegations were made. so how can you say what they're saying are lies? >> no, we weren't there. nobody was there. but the facts are public record. i mean, when he testified under oath, all the different things that he said, those are the facts. >> reporter: in the past, both men have said under oath that jackson never harmed them. in 1993, savcek gave a sworn statement to police for a molestation case involving another boy. no criminal charges were filed. robson testified in the civil suit that followed. in 2005, when jackson faced criminal charges, robson took the stand again. his testimony is often credited for helping jackson win in court. >> wade and james both say, wade in particular has admitted yes, i lied on the stand. yes, i lied under oath. yes, i lied to my parents.
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yes, i lied to everyone i cared about because i wanted to protect michael. he did not want to be the one, in his words, that harmed michael jackson. do you not believe him when he says that? >> i do not believe him when he says that, because we know our brother. michael wouldn't do anything like that. and then he waits until after the passing of michael, ten years later to come out in a statement? they're still in court with the estate. suing him for hundreds of millions of dollars. >> michael is not here to defend himself. >> so you think the only reason they're doing it is because michael is no longer here. >> of course. >> you don't buy that they wanted to protect him and that's -- >> no. >> no. >> wade's never protected anyone in his life. >> does the whole family feel this way? i've seen the comments from the brothers, but i haven't seen anything from your sisters. >> everybody feels the same way about this, of course. >> i think there is fear as well to put more energy to it and more eyeballs to it. that's why my aunt janet hasn't said anything because she doesn't want to make it any bigger.
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>> why do you think they're coming forward now? >> money. >> it's always been about money. i hate to say it when it's my uncle. it's almost like they see a blank check, because they've been taken care of their whole life. and i think that's the problem. these people felt that they're owed something, you know. instead of working for something, they blame everything on my uncle. >> some would say there is a lot at stake financially for the jackson family as well. >> we don't anything from this. >> emotional. >> emotionally. >> reporter: though the jacksons haven't seen the documentary, and say they will never watch it. >> they take issue with filmmaker dan reed who they say never reached out to the family for their side of the story. >> so he took what they were saying face value as to be true. but he trusted them, but which nothing wrong with that, but you must verify. because when you start filling allegations out about someone, you got to go become and say wait a minute, let me make sure
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i'm telling the right thing. make sure they're not selling me a bunch of goods, which they were. >> what do you want to say about your brother as this documentary is about to hit the country? >> i want them to understand and know that this documentary is not
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a chinese delegation is in indianapolis to claim a massive trove of artifacts brought to the u.s. by an eccentric indiana collector. the fbi seized about 360 ancient items from ceramics to weapons. anna werner reports now on what else the government found. >> these artifacts were part of a vast collection gathered by a man named don miller. he was 91 years old when the fbi showed up at his home in 2014 for what may be the largest seizure from a private collection ever. they said miller wasn't supposed to have many of those rare and ancient items. now we're learning some unsettling information about what else the fbi found. when the fbi showed up at don miller's home in rural indiana in 2014, it was a shock for people who knew him. >> he ver beloved. he was very charismatic.
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>> reporter: former local reporter liz dikes interviewed the former engineer about his time in world war ii, his mission work in haiti, and most of all his huge collection of artifacts from around the world. >> the entire house is a museum. there were things everywhere. it was just mind-blowing. >> reporter: miller even gave tours of his collection. so when the fbi came calling, she says -- >> i wanted to know what they were looking for. there had to have been something. >> reporter: there was, something the fbi hasn't talked about until now. >> when i first went into his house and saw the size of the collection, it was unlike anything we'd ever seen. >> reporter: tim carpenter heads the fbi's art crime unit. >> reporter: unlike anything you'd ever seen? >> not only me, but i think anyone on the art crime team. >> reporter: fbi photos never shown publicly give a glimpse of the collection, some 42,000 items, including pre-colombian pottery, an italian mosaic, and
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items from china, some that miller labeled chinese jewelry from 500 b.c. >> roughly, half of the collection was native american and the other half of the collection was from every corner of the globe. this piece, use can see, it was labeled by mr. miller. >> reporter: the problem carpenter says was that the fbi found a lot of it had been illegally obtained. miller admitted he had gone on digging expeditions in foreign countries and around the united states for decades, in violation of antiquities laws. did he understand that he had obtained some things illegally? >> he did. >> reporter: so he admitted that? >> he did. >> reporter: miller eventually agreed to let the fbi seize some 5,000 art if i cans so they could be returned to their countries of origin. but carpenter says all the fbi's careful planning couldn't prepare them for another more disturbing discovery. >> about 2,000 human bones. >> reporter: 2,000? >> to the best of our knowledge right now, there is 2,000 bones
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represent about 500 human beings. >> reporter: nearly all of those human remains he says were also dug up from ancient native american burial sites similar to these. >> okay, that sounds like a staggering number. >> it's very staggering. >> why would anybody have that many human bones? >> i don't know. i truly don't know. >> reporter: native american burial sites dating back thousands of years have been a source of fascination for archaeologists for decades. >> meticulous care must be exercised. >> reporter: this old government film shows the excavation of an ancient native american village in alabama. over time, many other sites have been looted by people seeking artifacts and even skeletons. this comes down to a basic human right. >> reporter: holly cusack mcveigh is a professor offant
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po poof anthropoll. >> brought in by the fbi. >> whose ancestors have been collected for hobby? and this comes down to racism. they aren't digging white graves. >> reporter: experts determined the remains found at miller's residence likely came from native american tribes, including the arikara. pete coffey is working with the fbi to bring them home. >> all too often we have been treated as curiosities rather than a people here. it could very well be my own great, great, great, great grandfather or grandmother. i characterize it as being ripped out of the earth, you know. >> reporter: miller died in 2015. we wanted to know what his widow thought about all of this. >> reporter: hi, mrs. miller? >> yes? >> reporter: so we went to mrs. miller's home, where a chinese
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terra cotta warrior stood guard outside. >> i can't comment on the situation at this time. >> reporter: but carpenter believes in his later years miller understood the ramifications of what he did. >> i think he felt compelled to try to do the right thing and return these home. >> reporter: returning those native american ancestors home, which is what carpenter says is the fbi's most important mission now. >> you have to treat these people with dignity. these are human beings and people that matters. it has meaning to people today. it has meaning to our children and their children. >> well so, far the fbi has already returned items from miller's collection to several countries, including cambodia, canada, columbia, and mexico. they've already returned some native american ancestral remains to tribes in the south dakota region and are planning a large scale repatriation of remains to other tribes in the coming months. >> wow. >> it's a big project. it's going to go on for years.
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>> this "cbs overnight news" will be right back. ♪ ♪
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report your crime to today. the summit in vietnam is shining new light on the conflict that ended nearly a half century ago. it was the first time war coverage was broadcast on american television screens. cbs news is among the news organizations that brought the front lines home. here is jeff glor. >> they are the first actual ground combat troops to enter the country. >> on march 8th, 1965, cameras were rolling as u.s. marines landed in da nang. >>that were combat ready as they landed. >> for the first time on a regular basis, news from the front lines made its way into living rooms across america. >> we are wearing these flak vests. >> reporter: walter cronkite gave us a look from the sky.
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>> i know something what those astronauts must go through. wow! >> the paratroopers are moving out more and more every day, getting a feel of the country. >> reporter: morley safer documented the sounds. >> we were walking into this village when you can hear what happened. >> reporter: and people. >> this is what the war in vietnam is all about. the old and the very young. >> reporter: the horror on the ground. realities of war minus the fog. more than 58,000 americans were killed over two decades during the vietnam war, including those who covered it. nine cbs news employees died. 33 others were wounded. >> there are six men in this small trench, and two of them wounded, one a cbs sound technician. >> reporter: ed bradley was hit by gun shrapnel. john lawrence's crew. >> six were beaten andrive
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back by police. >> the plane race down the taxi way. >> reporter: for the end, this. one of the most unforgettable moments in news history. >> the stampede of terrorized people tried to storm the plane. >> reporter: bruce dunning's 1975 report on the last plane out of da nang as the city fell to north vietnamese troops. >> as men clamored over one another, pushing aside women and children in their panic-stricken fury, members of the air crew dragged them on to the plane, trying to fill it as fast as possible. >> reporter: deserters shoved and shot their way on to a plane meant for women and children. >> as calm fell on the smug men who managed to fight off their friends and relatives to get on, the hardworking cabin crew took a count. 268 people were on board. among them five women and two or three small children. >> and that's the "overnight news" for this thursday. for some of you, the news continues. for other, check back with us just a little later for the morning news and of course "cbs this morning." from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm don dahler.
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captioning funded by cbs it's thursday, february 28th, 2019. this is the "cbs morning news." no agreement. president trump's second summit with the leader of north korea ends without a nuclear deal. claims of lies and crime. michael cohen's explosive testimony puts the president on the defensive. and catastrophic flooding in northern california and the deep south. ♪ good morning from the studio 57oo


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