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tv   Mosaic  CBS  April 7, 2019 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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hello. welcome to moasaic. today we encounter the new exist liveliness initiative of the average diacis of the averaged bishop. this is called the benedict 16 institute. you remember your rom arcn numerals that 16 is xvi 6789 itself institute has a special message. they put their mission this way. in an obsessively driven america fee us cussed on the
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busy, the productive is to you open the door of duty to come. we do this through two great strategies prompt siding practical resources for more beautiful sacred liturgy. and by energizing a catholic culture by connecting artists, artisans and patrons of the art. san francisco is our home. what we learned in the practice of serving the fabulous metropolitan-day area we seek to offer to the whole people of god throughout america and beyond. that is quite some mission statement. stood today we talk with the director of the benedict 16 agent institute about their mission, their plans, and their already numerous artistic and intellectual achievements. after this brief break, please rejoin us to see where we can find that doorway of duty that leads to god. duty that leads to god.
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maggie, welcome. you have you been for a year and a half. >> it's a new initiative. the benedict 16 initiative. it already has a nickname. >> sometimes we do, especially online. >> we shorten it. >> so this is an initiative of archbishop.
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responding to a felt-need for more beauty, more sacredness in liturgy. >> you're clarked with overseeing this. >> you know, pope benedict who we are named for once said that the only really great apoll jettics for the church, apology for the church are the saints she produces and the great art that is nurtured. for century,s, catholicism is a creative culture in which truth, goodness and beauty understood to me the three faces of god. we seem in the last 50 years started to treat beauty including sacred beauty as a kind of thrill or extra or
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decoration. it changes lives. it brings god in an extraordinary way. the archbishop charged us with understanding what are the barriers to reviving or renewing. great sacred beauty particular mri in our local parishes and how can we help overcome them with practical resources? >> i am an old enough catholic to have seen that. many people have noted it. there has been a detour from centuries of traditional beauty in the liturgy in experiments that maybe haven't worked out so well because their depth is shallow. listen some people of a certain generation. we're not here to take away anything that is bringing you closer to god but it is very clear. there is a deep hunger in the younger generation for things
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that are timeless and beautiful and that up lift. if many of us, it doesn't do it. we work in both forms. we are happy to work inic lib. we'll help you if you want help with a latin mass, but our goal is to just reintroduce people to this sacred beauty. we are finding that is response is amazing; right? there are a lot of people who say i have a musician in corpus christi in the east bay. he is a shell list with a local symphony as well as a music director at a catholic church. when he invited the teaching choir out, he just said i just heard st. hildegard, and i never heard it before. he is a trained musician. i was just blown away, and he wanted to bring that back to
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his parkish. >> i would like to do this. we start to think of box d minor mass or complex things, but what your group has gone out and done is i understand it is retrieve gregorian chant. it is single, not even harmonized. single melody. singular or group singing. easy to learn. beautiful to perform. am i right? >> this -- you know, this is the amazing thing. one of the barriers is people think gregorian chant is hard. there are some versions, marly that only a professional should attempt. but for thousands of years, ordinary people who could not -- not only could they not reuse it, they couldn't even read. learn how to do this. it is very intuitive. it is something deeply satisfied about doing it together, and it is prayer, not performance. >> prayer, not performance. >> let me ask for the first slide show if i can here.
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gregorian chant. we'll linger on these photos. here are some happy-looking children. is that gregorian chant the front of him. >> we have this amazing children's chant specialist who maryann karr wilson who in five days can teach children to chant a whole latin mass. i saw her do this with like 30 kids from the ages of seven to 16, and dan, she can do something simpler. not quite the full thing. >> i think this is a record from last summer. do your first summer camp. >> yes. >> it sounds good. it sounds good. >> if you want one in your parish, just call the benedictinstitute. org and contact us. we're trying to bring this in the bay area at acost of free. you know, if we have the right commitment to do the organization for. >> sow it is available. >> let's see the next slide if we can. now, i'll tell you i know what this is. down at stanford, you have a
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workshop for grown-ups. they came. these are the teachers and they can tell us who they were. next slide is again, the group gathered at stanford. there were two of these workshops. learning gregorian chant. they only spent four hours and three hours. >> then we do the vespers. the next slide is the performance of vespers. as you say, this is not performance. as there were more slides to show. benedict 16th incident in san quentin. in a minute's time, our segment is almost over. begin to tell me this project. >> archbishop likes to say the very -- once we launch the teaching choir, the very first take-up was the catholic chaplain at san duinton which is a catholic community. we brought to sing for them, and 35 guys signed up to form their own latin mass. so we are rehearsing with him.
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we did our first latin mass there, and as one of the prisoners said to me, one of the men said to me, i really don't want to be here, but if i have to be here, i want to be in here listening to music like that. >> and this story that we showed you the slide from. that was a local story, but there was national news and the local papers got it, too. this is a story that is so refreshing and so welcome to know that, i mean, what are you doing while you are in prison serving your time. you can sing gregorian chant. pray a wonderful pasttime. let's take a little break. when we come back, we will talk about complicated music from the benedict 16th institute. the benedict 16th institute. [ cell phone rings ]
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>> yeah, i'm watching it too. i see them every day. >> the curtains, they're always drawn in this place. >> i know. >> that guy, it seems like he's in charge of them. i don't know, i don't feel very good about this.
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>> we have to report this. >> yes, absolutely. welcome back to m objectionsaic.
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maggie gal better gore, the benefit for the average die sis of san francisco. her preview view is music, liturgy. we'll find out later the arts as well. we just talked about a simple artform that your group is teaching to schools, to parishes, to a bunch of prisoners at san quentin that welcome it. now, you have also commissioned a many up more complex piece of material newsik and this has its premier recently. it is called mass of americans. tell us about that. we see the slides of mass of americans. there is the familiar plaza of the cathedral. next, we see something unusual. dancers on the has s. now we go on to -- there they are. more as tech dancers in their uniform. >> they are pretty photogenic. the next line. we have the catholic bishop and priest if their uniforms and their costume. here we come with the next slide, and there is this
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massive choir and instruments and so on who performed mass. so the next slide please. there, unusual. that is the virgin mary and juan diego to whom she spoke with carrying up the bread and wine for the offer tour gifts at the mass. and the next slide is -- now, this is the soh performance of the meditation which is the ava maria in the as deck language. i don't know if i am pronouncing it correctly. and our next slide what unites all the people in the church. i think there is one more to look at. there it is. the genesis of this whole thing and that is frank, the composer of the mass of the americas. i don't know if that is a letter cyst. >> that archbishop cornelio. thank you for those slides. to say the archbishop runs the benedict 16 institute with your management. and you commission this mass;
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right? the archbishop has long had this dream of taking -- instead of doing as we sometimes do at mass, a little bit of this person's culture and a little bit of that person's culture, bringing together in this days the mexican and kind of elevating them from the popular into the great sacred music tradition. that really is what frank accomplished. and you saw that. that was the -- this saturday -- saturday, december 8th, it premiered. and that is, of course, the piece of our lady of the immaculate conception, and it is also the day, the saturday before her actual feast day where there is this enormous celebration which is where the as tech dancers and there are horses, and most of latino
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catholic san francisco is aware, there is a march. a 2-mile pilgrimactionge through the streets. it is really quite something. it was the perfect equation for this tribute for our lady of the immaculate conception. and our lady of gather lupe who is the patroness of mexico and all the americas. >> and let me just say i was present for this thing. if a viewer happened to miss it, you can see it on our website. you can see it on our youtube channel. go to the benedict 16th website. it was broadcast by ewtntv live. you can see the video and enjoy the music. it is just really wonderful. >> we have a great thank you i don't that if you go to benedictinstitute. org and click on the liturgy button and press on the mass of americas, there are about five or six videos that have been audio engineered so you can hear them better than from the
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live television feed. particularly the first one in the as deck language is incredibly haunting. if you want a taste of what sacred beauty can do, that would be a good place to start. >> it is a gorgeous mass and frank called himself a classical composer which he is. he infiltrated it with folk, melodies and culture business from the north america, south america, and the latin tradition. wonderful. >> we premiered december 8th in san francisco at the cathedral. where has it been since and where is it going? >> february 28th. this is the great thing. all the great masses, the musical masses that you hear now, mostly in concert halls were born in the bosom of the church and moved and found their audiences through the church. we are excited that this is happening with the mass of the americas. most composers never get a
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second performance in any original work. and that 3000 people in that -- made that the largest new music event of the 21s century most likely. >> okay. >> we had our international premier. our mexican premier in tee juana on february 28th with archbishop marino. and that was an amazing experience. maryann took her san diego singers to a liturgy conference. so this is a national liturgy conference, and they all heard this great mass and we're hoping that we will be able to go on tour in mexico at some point. we also have a november 16th, the basilica shrine of our lady of immaculate conception will be in washington d.c. in that beautiful church they have just completed. we are working with several other places frankly. it is kind of been extraordinary the response to
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it, i have to say. >> and we know that people can see it on youtube or your website. they can see bits of it or a whole broadwhat's cast. what about a recording? >> we would definitely like to do a professional recording. i promised it to frank was part of the deal. the acoustics at st. mary's make it challenging to do a live reporting so we are still working on that and looking at it, but eventually yeah you should be able to get it. right now, he is working on each season. it needs a new ending. he is working on those. and then he is going to do in november a requium mass for the homeless ted. >> wonderful. >> you have more opportunities to hear them and if you never have, you really should. >> frank was on the show. let's take another break. when we come back, we'll talk about the further expansion of the benedict preview. into litter chu and all the heart arts.
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the heart arts.
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welcome back. we are learning more about the benedict 16 group. the san francisco's catholic culture initiative. maggie gallagher is telling us all about it. you have talked about music and litter chu and things that have happened in church. there is more to your basket of tricks, and i have been privy
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to be at some of them. intellectual moments, poetry, performances, all kinds of things that aren't taking place in the church but that are -- >> if they tend to be taken place in the church basement, but traditionally at stanford. >> that's right. that's right. speaking of stanford, you had dana and anthony. and talking about poetry and catholic poetry. you mentioned somehow in the last few decades catholic worship has taken a turn for the pedestrian. so we are bringing back the beauty. and i hear the same complaint about catholic arts and litter chu and you are working on supplying that. >> well, i think that there is no good reason why a culture as deep and rich out of faith as deep and rich as ours is not producing a lot more creatively. and we have looked for ways to help cost foster the kind of
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community out of which encourages the next generations of artists. we found in a magazine catholic arts -- >> i wanted to mention that catholic arts online magazine. no print issue. if you go to the benedictinstitute. objectionrg website. wonderful magazine and wonderful articles covering all the arts. >> yes. and our focus is on primarily on the work and the lives of living catholic artists. to show poem that we are out there and to encolonel the next generation that there is an audience for this that you can make it. and we were so pleased. our first two pronotion maller did promotional videos were both nominated. >> these are videos. the first big videos that pop up. >> i had a nice photo of you in your good clothes at the emmys in new york. >> that was the chicago emmys. the new york emmys are in may, i think. >> okay, you'll be there. >> let me ask our last slide show. it is a brief one.
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this is the renee at the church. so this was a study or a seminar on the work of the famous stanford professor and catholic theologan and psyche gist. who do we have here? jody bottom. gloria haven, the biographer. james matthew wilson, poet, and the artist. >> and they came and shared their art and their knowledge of renee. but three hours here at -- >> it was really an amazing event. james matthew wilson read us an original poem. jody read us a poem he wrote for renee that renee read. we had a painter who does sacred modern painting. >> and his work was on display. >> we had samples on his work on display this. and the top is renee and --
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because, among the other things that i notice that i was reading cynthia haven's excellent biography, the evolution of desire. you should have -- she is amazing. it is that he began as a professor of french litter chu. he was actually trained in that. and there was just this amazing outburst of energy. the people in the audience could easily have been up there on the podium. the turn-out was great. and then we had kind of a salon afterwards at the archbishop. it was really an amazing event. >> that was sort of high intellect. really, really major stuff. but then you have done things on parish level where you have done sort of staged readings at parishes. >> well, right. we had a great time on fat tuesday being in ancient athens reading -- i edited a version of plato's symposium so it could be performed basically, and it was a totally new experience, don't you think?
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to experience it in that way which is, i think, much more the way plato meant than, you know, kind of sitting this a philosophy where we are scrolling over it. >> yeah. and i want to say this. the music -- you're covering arts. you're covering -- but you always have a -- you want to get it down to the parish level. you want to supply music and training. these little parish fests which people do a staged reading of something, it is so communeal. >> it is the sense of community and the sense. people say people want a challenge. that is not it. we are so driven by distruction and entertainment. people wantto feel something. they are doing something deeply meaningful together. these thicks shouldn't work. but i have already had goes from several other places in the bay area to do the plato's symposium. and by the way, if any of you listeners would like us to come to their parish, go to benedictinstitute. org and contact us. because that is our goal is to get out there and find partner
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who is are interested in what we do whether you want to bring our teaching choir out to help your parish or start a school where there state's exhibit one, or do a children's camp, or host one of our events, we're looking for partners. >> let's be clear. you will go deal with parishes in a different die seize. you don't have to be the san francisco? >> well, for these kinds of events, we are dealing in the broader bay area. >> right. >> and that is our first. now, our children's chant programs if can travel depends on demand, but i'll tell you this, our basic business model is free our very low dos in the bay area. and we will make those outside of the bay area coupling the cost. >> that sounds great. >> i want to have -- i only have a few seconds. thank you for being here. in the beginning i said it was the liveliness initiative. i want people to know the catholic arts festival can be lots of fun. i haven't had so much fun since
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being an employee of this diaces. thank you for joining us on mosaic. we'll see you next time. you next time. it's not a space. it's an incubator of achievement. it's not square footage. it's a magnet for talent. it's not just property leased. it's your workforce unleashed. for 160 years, savills has been bringing real intelligence to global real estate, ensuring not just any space, but the perfect workspace. because the most important dimension of
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6:00 am
with love, california. now on kpix5 news this morning, police activity at a part station. one rider gets attacked by another. and a quick saving neighbor makes a quick call. the unlivable conditions some students say they had to deal with that one bay area university. good morning. >> let's start off this morning with a check of the forecast. >> not going to be


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