tv 60 Minutes CBS June 2, 2019 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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and ford. we go further, so you can. >> tonight a rare interview with the chairman of the federal reserve, jerome powell. about the health of the u.s. economy, interest rates, and the threat of cyber attacks. >> i would say of the risks that we face, that certainly is, is the largest one. >> we also talked with his two predecessors. i wonder what kind of advice you've given chairman powell about the withering criticism that you might get from the public, congress, business, the president. ( ticking ) >> with the n.b.a. finals underway, this might be the overriding question in basketball-- ( cheers and applause ) generation, lead by steph curry, kevin durant and klay thompson,
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be able to triumph over, not just the toronto raptors, but over forces like ego, money, and fatigue? it's inevitable there's going to be some friction sometimes. how do you guys handle conflict? >> you looking at me? ( ticking ) >> tonight, we'll raise the curtain on one of the most ambitious theater projects in recent memory. >> tom robinson? >> yes, sir? >> i'm atticus finch. >> an all-star cast has adapted an american classic, "to kill a mockingbird," for broadway. >> excuse me, mr. finch! >> but some changes have been made to the masterpiece, and that's always risky business. >> this is going to be incredibly exciting. i get to do a play again, i get to be involved with this material. and, i'm never going to make it out of this alive. >> really? >> yeah, you know, the book is revered. what could i possibly do but screw it up? >> have you screwed it up? ( ticking ) >> i'm steve kroft. >> i'm lesley stahl.
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>> i'm scott pelley. >> i'm anderson cooper. >> i'm jon wertheim. >> i'm bill whitaker. those stories, tonight, on "60 minutes." ( ticking ) moving? that's harder now because of psoriatic arthritis. but you're still moved by moments like this. don't let psoriatic arthritis take them away. taltz reduces joint pain and stiffness and helps stop the progression of joint damage. for people with moderate to severe psoriasis, 90% saw significant improvement.
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with unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy why wouldn't i get this card?! i redeemed $115,000 in cash back, which doubled our marketing budget last summer. what's in your wallet? >> pelley: the u.s. economy is about to hit record territory: ten years of continued expansion, though there are some signs that that expansion could be slowing. economists and the president will argue over whether the reason is the federal reserve. the chair of the federal reserve is arguably the most powerful person handling our economy. but, interviews with the head of
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the fed are rare. jerome powell was appointed to the board of governors by president obama and elevated to chairman by president trump. since then, the fed has raised interest rates four times, leading mr. trump to call the federal reserve "crazy." when we met with powell in early march at the fed's headquarters in washington, we asked the chairman about interest rates, whether the president can fire him, and what he believes are the greatest threats to prosperity. have you stopped raising rates? >> jerome powell: well, that's a good question. we see the economy as in a good place. we think that the outlook is a favorable one. inflation is muted, and our policy rate, we think, is in an appropriate place. so what we've said is that we would be patient. >> pelley: what does patient mean? >> powell: patient means that we don't feel any hurry to change our interest rate policy. what-- what's happened in the last 90 or so days is that we've seen increasing evidence of the
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global economy slowing down, although our own economy has continued to perform well. >> pelley: where do you see weakness in the u.s. economy? >> powell: generally speaking, the u.s. economy is coming off a very strong year last year. we had growth, just a touch-- higher than 3%. we have high levels of employment, low levels of unemployment, wages are moving up. consumer confidence is high, business confidence is high. we've seen a bit of a slowing, but i would say the principal risks to our economy now seem to be coming from slower growth in china and europe, and also risk events, such as brexit. >> pelley: a record seven million americans have fallen behind on their car payments. never happened before. what do you make of that? >> powell: car sales have been quite high for a number of years. so, the whole body of outstanding auto loans is much larger than it was. i think it also, though, shows that not everyone is experiencing this widespread prosperity that we have.
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and that's something we pay attention to as well. >> pelley: but the overarching question is, are we headed to a recession? >> powell: i think growth this year will be slower than last year. last year was the highest growth that we've experienced since the financial crisis, really in more than ten years. this year, i expect that growth will continue to be positive, and continue to be at a healthy rate. >> pelley: the federal reserve system was created by congress a century ago, to prevent financial panics. its mission is to create maximum employment, while keeping inflation under control. you mentioned growth last year being slightly over 3%. that was with the tax cut, and with unemployment in this country at a rate that we haven't seen in decades. is that the best the economy can do now? are the days of 4% growth over? >> powell: you can break it down into a couple of things. one is, how fast is the labor force growing? and the other part is, how fast
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is productivity growing? the labor force, back when we used to have 4% and 5% growth years, the labor force was growing quickly, 2.5%, 3% in some cases, back in the '60s and '70s. we have an older population now, and our labor force is growing more slowly. it's growing less than 1% a year. so it's not likely that we could sustain the kinds of growth rates that we had when population and the labor force was growing more quickly. >> pelley: so 4% is something we shouldn't expect in the future? >> powell: there will be years of 4% growth. but it would be... it would be challenging to see sustained 4% growth, again, because of the slow growth of the workforce. this was a collection of some of the econ books-- e. pelley: powell's experience princeton led to georgetown law, which led to a wall street career that made him a multi- millionaire. now, as chairman, he's been raising rates in tiny increments to control inflation. but the president thinks he's
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gone too far. >> trump: no, i think the fed is making a mistake. they're so tight. i think the fed has gone crazy. >> powell: i don't think it would be appropriate for me to comment on other elected officials, or on the president. >> pelley: isn't it your duty to respond, when the president calls the fed a "much bigger problem than china?" >> powell: my duty is one that congress has given us, which is to use our tools to achieve maximum employment and stable prices, and to supervise and regulate banks so that they treat their customers fairly and so that they're strong, well- capitalized and can perform their critical function in good times and bad. that's my job. fire thent >> powell: well, the law is clear that i have a four-year term. and i fully intend to serve it. >> pelley: so no, in your view? >> powell: no. >> pelley: how independent is the fed? who do you answer to? >> powell: we are directed to take, to execute policy, in a strictly non-political way,
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serving all americans, and that's what we do. we are independent, in that sense. our decisions on rates can't be reversed by any other part of government. our accountability runs through the elected representatives and the oversight committees in congress. >> pelley: traditionally, chairs of the fed don't do interviews. their words can upend markets. but that tradition was broken by ben bernanke on "60 minutes" during the great recession. recently, we assembled bernanke, his successor, janet yellen, and powell. and i wonder what kind of advice you've given chairman powell about the withering criticism that you might get from the public, congress, business, the president? >> ben bernanke: well, i kept on my desk a quotation from abraham lincoln to the effect that, "if you're right, it won't matter what they say. if you're wrong, it won't matter what they say." so the best thing to do is to make what you believe is the right call. >> pelley: chair yellen, what
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advice did you give to chairman powell? >> janet yellen: we worked together closely, and i knew that he knew everything that one needs to be a successful chair-- to be inclusive in decision- making, to bring many voices to the table, to listen carefully. >> powell: being in this role is a very humbling thing. and you learn to listen to other people's perspectives pretty well. >> pelley: powell listens to a lot of perspective in the fed's boardroom. the federal open market committee sets interest rates. you've had four interest rate increases in your tenure. i wonder, were any of those unanimous? >> powell: they were all unanimous. >> pelley: all four? >> powell: that's not to say that we don't have vigorous discussions, and a range of perspectives. >> pelley: the fed wants to maintain inflation at 2%, about where it is now. but powell told us he's flexible-- to a point. if the inflation rate rises
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something over 2% for a limited period of time, that doesn't mean the fed's going to jump on the brakes? >> powell: i think we wouldn't overreact to inflation modestly above 2% any more than we overreacted to inflation modestly below 2%. i think we'll always be moving inflation back to 2% with our policy. but i think we do that in a symmetric way. >> pelley: it's taken nearly a decade to worry about inflation again. the collapse in the 2008 financial crisis was the worst since the great depression. mortgage fraud on a massive scale caused the dow to fall 54% and unemployment to rise to 10%. taxpayers were forced to bail out reckless wall street excess. back then, tighter restrictions were imposed on banks. but now, powell and congress are loosening those rules. are american banks safe today?
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>> powell: the american banking system is much, much stronger and more resilient than it was before the financial crisis. particularly the largest banks have double or more the amount of capital, which is to say, resources to absorb losses. in addition, we've required them to undergo resolution planning in case they do fail. there's a plan for what to do, which doesn't involve a taxpayer bailout. >> pelley: but in 2007, the fed missed the reckless, criminal banking that was happening. how do you know today that the banks are safe? >> powell: we spent ten years analyzing, understanding what went wrong, and trying to correct it. >> pelley: a collapse of the financial system like we saw in 2008 cannot happen again? >> powell: "cannot" is a strong statement. you know, i would say that our system is vastly more resilient.
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>> pelley: how concerned are you about either criminals, or more importantly, hostile nations, attacking our banking system through the computer system? >> powell: we devote very large amounts of time and resources to protect the fed, but also to protect financial institutions and the financial markets. the banks we supervise are required to have plans in place and state of the art, you know, technology. i would say for cyber risk though, i've never felt a time when i-- when i think we're doing enough. >> pelley: i have the sense that i just hit on the thing that keeps you up at night. >> powell: i would say, of the risks that we face, that certainly is the largest one. >> pelley: it's become your top priority. >> powell: the kinds of risks that we faced in the financialwe know, i think, generally what to do there. cyber is a relatively new kind of a risk with nation state actors, and it's one where--
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the playbook is still being developed in real time. >> pelley: powell told us about another risk, hidden in our economy. it includes an estimated half a million workers who've given up looking for jobs. >> powell: we have an unusually large number of people in their prime working years who are not in the labor force. the united states has a lower labor force participation rate than almost every other advanced country. that is not our self-image as a country. >> pelley: where did these people go, who are no longer looking for work? >> powell: part of it is evolving technology. so, as technology evolves, it requires rising skills on the part of the people. u.s. educational attainment has not moved up as rapidly as it has in other countries. globalization's also a factor. for many advanced economies, manufacturing to some extent, has moved into developing
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countries. so for whatever reason, and the opioid crisis is related to, i think, to those other factors. >> pelley: the opioid crisis? >> powell: the opioid crisis is millions of people. they tend to be young males. it's a very significant problem. and it's part of a larger picture. >> pelley: you seem to be talking about part of this generation being lost. >> powell: that is the issue. when you have people who are not taking part in the economic life of a country in a meaningful way, who don't have the skills and aptitudes to play a role, or who are not doing so because of- - because they're addicted to drugs, or in jail, then in a sense, they are being left behind. >> pelley: still, these are not bad days to be chair of the feda of more than 3%, and if the expansion lasts another month, it will be the longest in
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history at ten years. how long can it last? >> powell: i would just say, there's no reason why it can't continue. >> pelley: for years? >> powell: eventually, expansions come to an end. the business cycle has not been repealed. but i would say there's no reason why this economy cannot continue to expand. >> pelley: since our story first aired, the federal reserve's open market committee has kept interest rates steady, while president trump continues pressing powell and the fed to lower them. the fed meets again later this month to discuss the rates. ( ticking ) lincoln fiial, helping you create a secure financial future. >> good evening. mexico's economy minister will discuss trade tariffs in washington tomorrow. president trump suggests britain could just walk away if it does
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not get a better brexit deal. and a industry trade group says airlines will everybody 21% less than predicted this yearment i'm elaine quijano, cbs news. you might take something for your heart... or joints. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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>> wertheim: with the n.b.a. finals underway, the golden state warriors have pulled off what no team has accomplished in more than a half-century. not the michael jordan bulls. not the magic johnson lakers. not the larry bird celtics. the warriors have made their fifth straight trip to the finals, and now they're attempting to win their third straight title. golden state thrives with an extravagant collection of talent. you'll hear from most of the star-studded lineup in a moment. but the overriding question in basketball right now: will the best team in a generation be able to triumph over not just the toronto raptors, but over
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human nature-- forces like ego, money, and fatigue? we spent a week with the warriors in this, their last season in oakland. and as we first reported in april, when you're the hottest act in sports, the show starts early. 90 minutes to tip-off at oracle arena, home of the warriors. stephen curry emerges for his warm-up. no matter the night, no matter the opponent, fans show up early to watch this. curry launches dozens of shots, from every conceivable spot on the floor. once he gets loose, he keeps it loose. and for his final trick: the mother of all hail mary's. halfway to the locker room, he drains it. of course he does. ( cheers and applause ) >> get up off your feet and greet your golden state warriors! >> wertheim: the greatest shooter in the history of the n.b.a., curry is only exhibit "a" in the warriors' embarrassment of riches. here's kevin durant, m.v.p. of the finals, two years running.
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meet klay thompson... >> for n.b.a. history! >> wertheim: ...whose 14 three- pointers in a game earlier this season broke the n.b.a. record. but wait, there's more. >> blocked by green! >> wertheim: that's draymond green, among the best defenders in the league. and, with authority, it's demarcus "boogie" cousins. this roster is enough to make a coach relax. steve kerr, who came on five years ago, admits he takes a hands-off approach with this team, especially with curry. what are you telling him to do? >> steve kerr: i don't tell him anything. >> wertheim: you don't tell steph curry anything? >> kerr: no. >> wertheim: that's the trust you have in him. >> kerr: yeah. i had to learn, my first year of coaching. it's probably midway through that first season. we're playing the clippers. so steph goes into this, like, curly neal impersonation, harlem globetrotters, around the back. and i'm like-- like this. don't dribble through traffic. move the ball on. and of course, swish.
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i walk back to the bench and, "good shot, steph, way to go. way to go." but that was actually a key moment. the important thing for me to realize was-- who steph was, who klay is-- >> wertheim: who are they? >> kerr: they're gunslingers. >> curry sets fire, puts it up. bang! steph curry! >> wertheim: kerr knows greatness when he sees it. he was an important role player on the michael jordan bulls teams in the late '90s. he told us the vibe at golden state feels similar, to a point. >> kerr: i sat and watched michael jordan every night in chicago, something special was happening. the difference is, it could happen from steph, kevin, klay-- it could happen from any one of those guys on a given night. >> wertheim: we stuck around one day after practice to meet those guys... >> andre iguodala: what's good, g? >> wertheim: ...along with veterans andre iguodala, who was finishing his wheaties... >> hey, jon. >> wertheim: ...and stalwart shaun livingston. it was a rare five-on-one
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interview, with the players showing some signs of midseason fatigue. >> klay thompson: let's go, steph! >> wertheim: if i told you steph would be the last one, would you have predicted that? they weren't willing to confirm or deny that curry is always late. not until a few questions later, when he gave himself up. most likely to keep the bus waiting? >> thompson: this guy right here. >> wertheim: this guy? >> thompson: prima donna after games, man. >> stephen curry: i own that. i own that. >> iguodala: who got the most fines, though? who got the most fines? >> kevin durant: great question. >> curry: who had the most fines? >> iguodala: for being late. >> durant: you do have a set time, though. after games, we usually have a time on the board when we supposed to be on the bus, but a couple guys just don't even worry about that. they just come whenever they want. >> wertheim: lateness notwithstanding, the warriors' style of play recalls a symphony, emphasizing collective over the individual. there's so much talent on this team, that you guys sometimes have to sacrifice ego. you ever wonder what it would be like to just put all your
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talents on display? >> i think we do that now. >> wertheim: you feel like you do that right now. >> yes. >> yes. >> wertheim: do you feel like you guys are sacrificing? >> durant: maybe minutes. >> curry: yeah, in terms of, like, obviously everybody, if they really wanted to, they say they play 48 minutes a night. shoot 40 shots. but, like, at the end of the day, that gets old. when you're out there on the podium with the trophy, you're running around hugging everybody because you know, like, what you all been through together. so, that's the fun part. >> wertheim: beyond the champagne-soaked locker rooms and championship parades, they've also managed to transform the sport. the warriors shoot from long range more often than they go to the rim, making them near impossible to defend. >> kerr: it's changed the geometry of the game. and you're seeing it league-wide now. guys are shooting three-pointers from all over the place. >> wertheim: the three-pointer's not a gimmick anymore. >> kerr: it's not a gimmick. it's-- it's kind of a staple. >> wertheim: that staple requires constant upkeep. once practice ended, we watched
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as durant got in his extra work. his intensity is mesmerizing. >> kerr: he's so dialed in. it's like, he's in the zone. it's like a zen state. >> wertheim: for decades, there was no zen to the warriors. the only constant in their 82-game seasons: losing. they once went 12 straight years without reaching the playoffs. does that make it sweeter that you guys didn't start out as this champion-caliber team? >> thompson: trust me, i would have loved to win my rookie year, too. it wasn't fun winning 23 games. but, even last year, winning 58 games, people thought that was a down year for us, and we won 58 games. i mean, that would be an all- time high for so many teams. >> curry: no, you know, like, my ten years being here, i feel like i've played for three different teams. >> wertheim: what are the teams? >> curry: like, the team that sucked. to the team trying to figure it out, to the established team that we've got now, where we're very confident in who we are, what we all bring to the table. i like this one.
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>> wertheim: but after five long seasons and five short summers, this one has shown signs of wear and tear. >> this is golden state's worst home loss ever in the steve kerr era. >> iguodala: we've been playing, you know, 90, 100 games a season. and the grind of that not having off-season. i also know that teams play their best basketball versus us. >> wertheim: everyone's bringing their a-game when the warriors come to town. >> durant: it's supposed to be that way, especially when you set the standard in the whole league, you know? everybody wants to beat that, every night. >> photographer: all right, guys, i'm backing up. >> wertheim: keeping this team going is an expensive proposition. the combined salaries of curry, durant and thompson alone are expected to top $100 million next season. the warriors already pay tens of millions in tax to the league for exceeding the n.b.a. salary cap. >> team huddle: just us. >> wertheim: more talent also means more ego and expectation. and it's all complicated by free agency. there's been relentless speculation about durant in particular leaving golden state after this season.
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it's produced an unmistakable tension. >> durant: you all come here every day, ask me about free agency, ask my teammates, my coaches, you rile up the fans about it. yo, let us play basketball. >> wertheim: it's inevitable there's going to be some friction sometimes. how do you guys handle conflict? >> durant: you looking at me? >> wertheim: we were looking at him. you said peace is a big word for you, these days. what did you mean by that? >> curry: did you say that? >> durant: i don't remember. ( laughs ) i'm sure i thought about it. >> wertheim: it's fallen largely to kerr, who had never coached before the warriors, to foster the team's culture. he told us the bulk of his work is done outside of game time. >> kerr: you know, drawing up the plays is maybe 20% of it. >> wertheim: what's 80%? >> kerr: oh man, 80% is being a psychologist. >> wertheim: steve kerr's strategy for dealing with the drama? something he calls "the fun factor." he's put a premium on joy over this championship run. this is a coach who will cancel
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e pctice in favor of bonding time at the bowlinga. what's the fun factor this season? >> kerr: the fun factor is-- >> wertheim: it's like your campaign promise. >> kerr: it is. it is. >> wertheim: have you met it? >> kerr: yes. but it's harder than ever. you do something with the same group of people over and over again. maybe you get on each other's nerves a little more often. >> thompson: i'm done. >> wertheim: if anyone understands the burdens that come with winning, with eight n.b.a. titles to his name, it's kerr. he has a knack for looking after his backups, as well as the starters. you relate to those guys at the end of the bench, not just the stars making the all-star teams. >> kerr: i don't really relate to the stars at all. my favorite nights are when our starters play really well and our bench gets to play, like, a whole quarter, the whole fourth quarter. and during that fourth quarter, our starters are jumping for joy. >> wertheim: that's the ultimate for you. >> kerr: that's the ultimate. >> wertheim: and this top-to- bottom spirit seeps all the way into the team's laundry room. we made the rounds after a game
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one night with eric housen, director of team operations, who has been with the warriors since the 1980s. among his duties: keeping track of all those shoes. >> curry: he does everything for our team. >> wertheim: many championship teams give their employees rings. the warriors didn't just give housen a ring-- they surprised him with one at center court during the ceremony. >> eric housen: oh, man! my heart sank, and i was like, really, you know, me? >> wertheim: what did that mean to you? >> housen: the time and effort i put into it, that they recognize that. >> wertheim: you still get emotional talking about this, don't you? >> housen: it was just an incredible feeling. >> wertheim: next season, the warriors will pack it all up and move across the bay to downtown san francisco. the new arena is ten miles, but a world away, from oakland. team president rick welts gave us a tour of the model courtside suites, which come flush with a butler and private wine storage. what's the price point on this? >> rick welts: if you have to ask, you can't afford it.
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( laughs ) >> wertheim: most fans can't afford it, at $2 million per suite each season. the warriors may have sold out every game at oracle, but many of the faithful won't be able to follow their team to san francisco. >> tyri kayshawn: the warriors mean so much to us. >> wertheim: tyri kayshawn lives in oakland and walks 45 minutes to every game at oracle... >> kayshawn: there it is. >> wertheim: ...home of the warriors for the last 47 years. what's the vibe in oakland about this move? how are people feeling about that? >> kayshawn: they're not feeling too good, man, because it's hard when the team you've been holding down for so long, even when it was bad, is-- is kind of leaving you. it's tough, you know? >> wertheim: the roof's on, the floor's on. the warriors still have the n.b.a.'s longest season ticket waiting list. we were at center court of the new arena the day after the concrete was poured. have we told your owners they paid three times as much for this building as they paid to buy the team ten years ago? >> welts: i'd prefer you didn't describe it to them exactly that way. >> wertheim: so of course, we
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couldn't resist. joe lacob, a venture capitalist, and peter guber, a hollywood producer, bought the team in 2010 for what was then the highest price ever for an n.b.a. franchise. the warriors are now worth at least seven times that. so, the good news is, you paid $450 million for a franchise now valued at $3 billion. the bad news is, you're going to spend over a billion on a new arena. >> peter guber: privately financed-- >> wertheim: you guys paid for that? >> joe lacob: everything. every dollar. there's not one dollar of public money, and it makes him very nervous, because he calls me all the time. i say, "don't worry, we're going to get through it." >> guber: i worry. every minute. >> lacob: he's the worrier. >> guber: he's a warrior. >> lacob: he's the worrier. >> guber: i'm a worrier. >> lacob: i'm the warrior, he's the worrier. >> wertheim: the golden state worrier. >> guber: golden state worriers. i like that. >> wertheim: but we noticed the laughter stops abruptly when you call this team the defending champions. you guys enter the playoffs and best you can do is defend. >> curry: i think that's a bad perspective. >> wertheim: bad perspective. how would you reframe it better? >> curry: you have to shift it.
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you've got to be like-- attack. you know, you got to go after. you can't just sit and, like, i'm protecting something. >> durant: we're not cocky to walk in here and say our trophy is ours. we got to defend you from it. you know, we're just going to go >> wertheim: in the coming days, this team may get its three-peat and cement its dynasty; or the joy ride may end. either way, let the owners do the golden state worrying. the coach is happy to savor the moment. >> kerr: it's our last year at oracle. it's our last year in oakland. and this city has been really special to us, and to the warriors, for the last four decades or so. >> wertheim: i know of a hell of a goodbye gift. >> kerr: yeah. so do i. so do i. so, that's... that's the goal. ( ticking ) >> cbs sports hq is presented by progressive insurance. at jack nicklaus' memorial
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with love, california. ( ticking ) >> kroft: when harper lee wrote "to kill a mockingbird" 59 years ago in the early years of the civil rights movement, it struck a nerve in the country that remains sore today. the book has sold 40 million copies, spawned a classic movie, and was recently voted america's most-loved novel. it's about a small-town lawyer named atticus finch who is called upon to defend an innocent black man accused of raping a young white woman in rural alabama during the 1930s, and it raises issues that are still very much in the news every week. this past december 13, the curtain went up on an ambitious theatrical adaptation involving some of the most talented people on broadway.
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the play opened to rave reviews, and in the ensuing six months, it has not played to an empty seat, making it the highest- grossing american drama in broadway history. it's also garnered nine tony nominations, including best director and best lead actor. but when we first aired this story in november, none of this was a sure thing. the play was still in previews, there was a lot of excitement and anticipation in new york, and even a bit of anxiety in the people who had accepted the challenge of doing it. the table was set. the play was in previews, awaiting the culmination of a process that began months ago. >> hi there! ( general chatter ) >> kroft: when the cast and crew arrived for the first day of rehearsals, some of them knew each other from workshops and read-throughs that began a year ago, but it was the first time they had been together in the same room.
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mega-producer scott rudin, tony award-winning director bartlett sher, leading man jeff daniels, and a supporting cast of some of the best actors on broadway, all in the same lifeboat. >> jeff daniels: tom robinson? >> gbenga akinnagbe: yes, sir? >> daniels: i'm atticus finch. >> kroft: there was a lot to do as they began working on version 22 of aaron sorkin's "to kill a mockingbird." sorkin, probably the most famous, bankable script writer in america, has an oscar and emmys, with credits like the "social network," "moneyball," "the west wing" and "the newsroom." his career began on broadway 30 years ago with "a few good men," and he was approved by harper lee before her death three years ago, to do the broadway adaptation. >> aaron sorkin: i remember what i was thinking, which was simultaneously, "this is going to be incredibly exciting. i-- i get to do a play again. i get to be involved with this material." and, "i'm never going to make it out of this alive."
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>> kroft: really? >> sorkin: yeah. yeah, you know, the book is revered, and what could i possibly do but screw it up? >> kroft: have you screwed it up? >> sorkin: i don't think i have, i-- ( laughs ) i think i did get out of it alive. >> kroft: it's impossible to turn a book into a movie or a play without altering the material, and making changes to a masterpiece is always risky business. >> sorkin: there is no event in the play that doesn't occur in the book. i-- i-- i haven't added new things, but those events are simply-- we're taking another look at them. it's going to be a new look at familiar material.oing tbe an eg night in the theatre. >> kroft: the man responsible for lifting sorkin's words off the page and onto the stage is bart sher, m ttest director on broadway right now. sher creates the machine that operates the play, and is the
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company's conductor, choreographer, and coach. >> bartlett sher: i'm interpreting, i'm drawing conclusions, i'm building a world, which is going to make this language live. >> kroft: what's the biggest challenge of this production? >> sher: the challenge is expectations. the challenge is, swimming into the national memory between people who have a deep memory of the book, people who love the film, and people who are going to come into a theater and see it now-- how to connect all of those different perspectives? >> the defendant is not guilty! but somebody in this courtroom is. >> kroft: the strongest "mockingbird" memories swimming around in the national consciousness is that of atticus finch, one of the most indelible characters in american literature and seared into our minds with the academy award- winning performance of gregory peck in the 1962 film. >> gregory peck: in our courts, all men are created equal.
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>> daniels: tom robinson? >> akinnagbe: yes, sir. >> daniels: i'm atticus finch. >> kroft: only one actor was ever considered for the broadway role. both aaron sorkin and producer scott rudin wanted jeff daniels. did you have jeff daniels in mind when you were writing this? >> sorkin: there was never a conversation about any other actor. in fact, in that first phone call, scott said, "we'll do it with jeff, right?" >> kroft: why were you thinking of him? >> sorkin: well, he's one of the best actors that i know. >> daniels: this trial wouldn't happen on a sidewalk, or a lunch counter, or a park bench. it would happen in an american court of law, and you should have faith in that institution. kin: a i knew that he wasn't going to care about expectations, whether it's from people who've read the book, thinking, "that's not the atticus i saw in my head," or who would say, "that's not gregory peck." he was already right away in a place that it took me about a year to get to, which is--
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"listen, you're-- you're going to have to get harper lee out of your head. you're going to have to get the book out of your head. you're going to have to get all the people who are going to say, 'you've ruined my childhood' out of your head." you took this on, you said you'd write a play, do it. >> kroft: sorkin and scott rudin had both worked with jeff daniels on hbo's "the newsroom" and the movie "steve jobs," and consider him to be a master of sorkin's dialogue. >> daniels: we got a good judge, we got the facts, we got the law, and if all that fails, we got an appeal. >> kroft: besides being a bonafide star, he is an accomplished versatile broadway actor... >> daniels: in the future, judge, when you come to my house... >> kroft: ...who at age 64 seems to be at the peak of a 40-year career. >> daniels: i wish i could've told that 21-year-old kid back in 1976, "it's going to happen for you, but you're going to be your 60s. laughs and you should probably read harper lee's 'to kill a mockingbird.' i'm not going to tell you when,
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but someday." >> kroft: is this the highest profile role you've ever had? >> daniels: by far. well, excluding "dumb and dumber." ( laughs ) >> kroft: got to get that in. >> daniels: it's part of the-- it's part of the mosaic. >> kroft: to prepare for the role, daniels re-read the novel, the biographies of harper lee... >> daniels: tom, the very last thing i want in the world is to be your lawyer right now. negro man, white teenage girl, i wouldn't be going in with a winning hand. >> kroft: ...and histories about the jim crow south, all to make sure he knew as much or more about the subject than the critics. >> daniels: so, all these people who love this book, all these people who loved gregory peck, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete. i'm originating the role, as far as i'm concerned. there is no movie. there's a book that we're basing it on, and part of our job is to say, "welcome. put the book down. put the movie away. we're going to do the same thing. you're going to recognize it.
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but we're going to take you on a ride. we're going to take you over here. you think we're supposed to go over here. well, we're going over here. we want to confuse you early. okay? you with us now? good. keep up." unpleasant things are going to be said to me, and i'm afraid they're likely to be said to you, too. >> kroft: and that's exactly what they've done. the structure has changed out of practical necessity. the children's roles of scout, jem and dill are all played by adults looking back, because the parts were simply too big and too difficult for child actors. >> daniels: tom, did you rape mayella ewell? >> akinnagbe: i did not, sir. >> daniels: did you harm her in any way? >> akinnagbe: i did not, sir. >> kroft: in the book, the trial of tom robinson doesn't begin until chapter 16. in the play, it's introduced in the first few minutes, as scenes shift back and forth in time and location. but the biggest change in sorkin's play is that it was written for today's audience. >> sorkin: we weren't going to pretend that 58 years hadn't gone by since the publication of
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the novel. because the schubert theatre isn't a museum. this shouldn't be an homage, this shouldn't be nostalgic. and in this story about racial tension, jim crow, injustice in the south, the only two african american characters have nothing to say on the matter. we understand now in 2018 that using african american characters as atmosphere in a story is-- is offensive. also, in this story, it's a wasted opportunity. >> kroft: the play allows tom robinson, played by gbenga akinnagbe, to do more than just beg for his life. >> akinnagbe: i heard about a lot of people who didn't do it. i was guilty as soon as i was accused. >> kroft: and the part of calpurnia, atticus' long-time cook, maid, and surrogate mother to his children, has been expandedmeer of the family. >> latanya richardson jackson: i never thought that-- my whole life almost in this house, that i would have to remember to be
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grateful. >> sorkin: calpurnia now has agency. that she has an opinion-- >> kroft: a voice. >> sorkin: yeah, she has a voice. and... and uses it. it's important now that she use it. >> kroft: the role is played by latanya richardson jackson. >> jackson: he doesn't think so, but i am totally the servant in charge of atticus. trying to infuse his thinking. trying to make sure that he's okay. >> kroft: that's the impression you get from the book, to a certain extent. you just don't hear the conversation. >> jackson: exactly, exactly. you can hear the conversation now. >> kroft: do you think people are really going to notice all of these differences? >> jackson: i think the average theatergoer will notice that it has been opened up, to... because, you know, the thing about this book though, it's timely. it's still now. >> kroft: yeah. >> jackson: it's still occurring. i mean, tom's death is still happening.
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this whole idea of justice and what's right is, is still a theme that universally is being discussed. >> kroft: that relevance resonates throughout the play, as atticus finch is caught in the middle between small-town friends and blatant racism. >> dakin matthews: if you're worried about what the townsfolk would say, it would be perfectly natural, it would be ugly as hell. >> people in the town would say... >> kroft: in the book, he had all the answers. in the play, he grapples with the questions. >> daniels: he isn't the shining white knight on the horse, the statue in the square that is atticus. he's just a small-town lawyer, who gets paid in vegetables sometimes. that's all he is. i handle land-- land disputes, service agreements, foreclosures. and i can write a will. my first two criminal clients were the last two people hanged in maycomb county. >> kroft: was that you doing atticus, when you just went through those lines? >> daniels: a little bit. the accent was lighter. he's the atticus from the book. but he goes through the change, which every leading protagonist
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needs to do. and, and that's what-- that's what happens in the play. you see him become atticus, stand on that porch and go, "you know, we're going to fix what's going on here." >> kroft: the differences are subtle, and there is no problem hearing the voice of harper lee. >> daniels: you know, jem, before you judge someone, it's a good idea to get inside their skin for a while and crawl around. >> kroft: but everyone has their own expectations-- including the executor of her estate, tonja carter, who made a federal case of it last year by suing the production, alleging that the changes had violated the spirit of the novel. the case was settled out of court, preventing what had promised to be a premature premiere in a court room. >> sorkin: it's all behind us, and tonja carter will be there on opening n >> sorkin: yeah. >> kroft: she's read the new version? >> sorkin: i believe she has. we-- we haven't heard from her in a while, except a request for
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30 tickets for opening night. >> kroft: there were lots of people requesting tickets. the producers say advance sales were running far ahead of any broadway production this year, and it was sure to create controversy and conversation. >> daniels: always remember, it was a sin to kill a mockingbird. >> kroft: the play was still being tweaked, but word of mouth was positive, and there were no signs of anyone bailing lifeboats. >> sorkin: here is my hope, okay? for those who haven't-- who haven't read the book in 20 years, and for those who read the book last week, here is my hope... can't he that you walk into the theater with, but my hope and my belief is that, 30 seconds after the curtain goes up, you will have forgotten those expectations, and you will be caught up in this new thing that you're seeing. ( ticking ) >> more behind the scenes of "to
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kill a mockingbird." >> do you think this play is timely right now? >> oh, sure. >> go to sponsored by pfizer. it's tough to quit smoking cold turkey. so chantix can help you quit "slow turkey." along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. with chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, you'll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or life-threatening allergic and skin reactions. decrease alcohol use. use caution driving or operating machinery. tell your doctor if you've had mental health problems. the most common side effect is nausea.
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captioning funded by cbs and ord. we go further, so you can. captioned by media access group at wgbh on "god friended me"... - you know falken's real name? - what was it? - henry chase. - one of these students must have written the article about henry chase. her name's pria amar. she hasn't seen henry since college. - lucky for you, i've kept the article i wrote. - after reading the articles, i started inputting all the coordinates of all the friend suggestions associated with them. - a fibonacci spiral. - our next friend suggestion is gonna complete the spiral and pinpoint the location. - for what? - falken. - ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back to the "millennial prophet" my old friend and og podcast guest, rabbi zoe schwartz. - thank you, miles. it's good to be back. we certainly have a lot to chat about. - well, i can tell that you are dying to talk about the god account, so let's talk. - miles, i'm not here to judge. i've known you since college.
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