tv CBS Weekend News CBS August 18, 2019 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT
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right now so thank you very much. >> that is it for 5:00 p.m. we will see you in 30 minutes. ning sponsored by cbs ♪ >> quijano: wedding terror. a suicide bomber in afghanistan kills dozens at a marriage celebration. ( crying ) also tonight: president trump pushes back on alarms that the once red hot economy could be going cold. >> i don't see a recession. the world is in a recession right now. >> reporter: pro-democracy protesters march peacefully in hong kong, as beijing likens their movement to "terrorism". >> they are angry and committed to making their voice heard by the government. >> quijano: police across the country intensify their hunt for copy cats following the latest mass shootings. plus, storms thunder across the plains. extreme winds topple more than a hundred train cars off the rails in kansas. and, grandma's great adventure. meet an 89-year-old and her
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grandson on an joy ride of a lifetime. >> just because i'm old doesn't mean i can't do anything. this is the "cbs weekend news." >> quijano: good evening, i'm elaine quijano. we start in afghanistan where a joyous celebration descended into horror after a suicide bomber targeted a wedding. it happened in kabul. at least 63 people, including children, were killed. nearly 200 others were hurt. ian lee reports. >> reporter: it's a sight that's become all too common in afghanistan. rows of fresh graves holding the victims of the country's latest attack.ù this time a suicide bomber targeted a wedding.ù killing at dozens of people and wounding scores more. >> i heard an explosion. it was very horrific. said this man. a lot of guests were killed.
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the attack took place in west of the city.ùmostly populated by shia muslims. isis has claimed responsibility. eyewitnesses say the bomber walked among the children dancing before detonating. the carnage was so great that some bodies couldn't be identified.ù. their shoes are al that remain. afghanistan's president ashraf ghani condemned the bombing saying. the targeting of our people in such events indicates the atrocity of a terrorist group who is determined to kill innocent people. even the taliban condemned the attack.ù but isis, after losing their so-called caliphate in iraq and syria, look to exploit the chaos in afghanistan in order to spread their reign of terror. the attack comes as american and taliban officials try to negotiate a deal that would see us troops withdraw from afghanistan.ù in exchange, the taliban would ensure that the country wouldn't be used as a terrorist base. elaine. >> quijano: ian, thank you.
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president trump returned to washington today after spending ten days at his new jersey golf club. before boarding air force one, the president made a point to push back on the risks of a recession facing the u.s. economy. paula reid is traveling with the president. >> reporter: president trump tried to reassure americans after a rollercoaster week on wall street. >> i don't see a rescission. the world is in a rescission now. >> reporter: president trump's top economic advisers hit the sunday show circuit, to try to calm fears of a recession after a tumultuous week on wall street. >> well, first of all, i don't see a recession at all. >> larry kudlow pointed to strong retail and low unemployed as signs that the us economy remained strong.ù >> we should not be afraid of optimism. i don't know what it is -- everybody wants to talk about pessimism, recession. >> speaking to face the nation moderator margaret brennan, trade adviser peter navarro also rejected any talk of a pending recession. >> what i'm seeing, looking at all the macro tea leaves, is a very strong trump economy and bullish stock market through 2020 and beyond.
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( bell ringing ) market flashed a signal that is normally interpreted as a sign a recession is on the horizon. democrats pin the blame on the president's trade war with china. presidential candidate pete buttigieg. >> but it's also a fool's errand to think you're going to be able to get china to change the fundamentals of their economic model by poking them in the eye with some tariffs. >> presidential candidate andrew yang insists the presidents approach is not working. >> we need to curb some of the abuses on the chinese side, but the trade war is leading the global economy in the wrong direction. >> reporter: president trump continued to defend his trade war with china insisting the u.s. is poised for growth after trade deals are done. but after months of investigation between the u.s. and china, there is no trade deal in sight. elaine. >> quijano: paula, thank you. hong kong's pro-democracy movement today took to the streets again today for a massive and peaceful march.
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an estimated 1.7 million people -- a quarter of the territory's population -- took part. ramy inocencio is there. >> defying a police ban and bad weather, hong kongers marched in peace.ùfueled by anger. overflowing victoria park, the city's historic site for people power protests.ù they spilled into the streets turning main roads into a sea of umbrellas. even with the rain - torrential at times - it's not stopping all of these protestors from rallying. they're angry and frustrated and committed to getting their voices heard by the government. what started out june 9th as a demand for the government to revoke a hated extradition bill has exploded into calls for greater democratic reform.ù the resignation of hong kong's chief executive carrie lam and a probe into police brutality. in the past week, they've been accused of excessive force, firing tear gas into a crowded subway station.ù
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and a protestor could lose her eye after police allegedly shot a bean bag at her face, which they deny. protestors have been accused of chaos, too, crippling the world's eighth busiest airport over two days with mass sit-ins and detaining two chinese citizens who they thought were spies. sunday's march was a chance to step back from the violence. is it better to use violence or peace? >> i believe peace is the best way. >> basically, we should say peace. >> i would prefer peace, but peaceful protests are not doing any good. >> reporter: but rising violence mas come with rising fear that china could deploy its military to quash these protests. ramy inocencio, cbs news, hong kong. >> quijano: the mayor of portland, oregon is praising law enforcement for
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keeping the peace this weekend. hundreds of right wing and anti-fascist protestors converged on the city in dueling demonstrations. but they were largely kept apart. more than a dozen people were arrested. now to the weather. severe storms thundered across the midwest today. heavy rain in chicago washed out hundreds of flights at o'hare. in wisconsin, this shelf cloud hovered over the landscape as far as the eyes could see. and, in kansas, extreme winds blew more than one hundred train cars off the rails. excavators were brought in to get the toppled cars upright and back on the tracks. law enforcement is on high alert for copycat mass shooters in the wake of recent tragedies in el paso, texas and dayton, ohio. just in the past 48 hours, two men in separate incidents were arrested on suspicion of plotting attacks. meg oliver has more on how the public can help look out for potential threats. >> reporter: police arrested
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20-year-old james reardon on saturday, a self-described white nationalist after uncovering this threatening social media post. authorities say the video shows him shooting a semi-automatic rifle and talk about killing jews in youngstown, ohio. >> that kicked off an intense investigation, a very rapidly evolving investigation. >> reporter: reardon took part in the deadly protests in shavrls, virginia, in 2017. he was interviewed for a documentary saying he wanted to see a homeland established only for whites. police seized semi-automatic weapons, dozens of rounds of ammunition and bullet proof amour. a day later more than a thousand miles away, another takedown in daytona beach, florida. slough vow looka deputies stormed wix in a park lot. the text messages read i would
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like to break a world record for longest confirmed kill ever. are copy cat crimes a competitive sport? >> yes, they are. >> reporter: investigation shows 85% of active shooters brag online about their potential plan. vbs news lawrkt analyst paul. >> fifty-four% of the individuals that read or were aware of the active shooter's plans said and did nothing. we need to get more involved preemptively as evidenced by this empirical data. we can make a big impact and we can do it soon. >> reporter: authorities said wix had a 22 caliber hunting rifle and 400 rounds of ammunition when arrested. >> this is how it's supposed to work. you see something, say smrks law enforcement does its job, he seize the weapons, it's under arrest. >> reporter: wix is being held
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without bond in florida. and, in ohio. reardon is being held on $250,000 bond with a court hearing scheduled for monday morning. elaine, the fbi has not said if they will pursue charges. >> quijano: meg oliver, thank you. iceland held a memorial today for the country's first glacier lost to climate change. this is what it looked like in 1986. and now, today, the ice melted away after being frozen for 700 years. a bronze plaque unveiled at the site today reads: a letter to the future. it warns that over the next 200 years, all of iceland's glaciers will meet the same fate. and a close call for two kayakers in alaska. they were exploring the spencer glacier near anchorage when an ice bridge began to collapse. the massive chunks of ice created a huge wave that washed over the surprised men. both say they're lucky to be alive. and a passing note... legendary cbs sportscaster jack whitaker has died. he called some of the great moments in sports at this network for 22 years, including the first super bowl. and the
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1974 triple crown victory by secretariat. whitaker was also a decorated world war two veteran. jack whitaker died at home in pennsylvania. heas 9yearold. next on the cbs weekend news: why one woman is suing a major grocery store chain after her father was shot and killed while shopping. plus, poisoned from a pond. a new warning for dog owners. and later, meet the grandmother and grandson on a epic joy ride to visit every national park.
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>> quijano: after the recent mass shooting at a walmart in el paso, there is new attention on the gun policies of retailers that allow their customers to be armed. now one woman is challenging supermarket giant kroger after her father was murdered in one of its kentucky stores she spoke to jericka duncan. you received a phone call. >> i did.
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who was on the other end. my son. >> reporter: what did he say? his grandfather was shot. >> kellie watson lost her father, 69-year-old maurice stallard, to gun violence last october. while shopping for school supplies with her then 12-year-old son, stallard was shot and killed inside this kroger grocery store in louisville, kentucky. >> to have been taken from us in the way that he was taken because of someone else's hate is -- it's unbelievable at times. >> police arrested gregory alan bush. he was indicted by a federal grand jury for hate crimes. watson, along with her mother, charlotte stallard, recently filed a lawsuit against kroger. it describes more than two dozen gun related incidents, in the last several years, resulting in eight deaths, inside and outside of kroger stores nationwide. >> you don't need a gun to buy groceries. >> reporter: ron johnson is the stallard family's attorney. >> you can't carry a gun into your school, you can't carry a
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gun into the courthouse. why? because we know it's dangerous if people bring guns into those places, and what we're simply saying is grocery stores need to do the same thing. >> right now, kroger does not have a policy prohibiting customers from bringing firearms into their stores. the company released a statement on its website stating that their longstanding policy on the issue is to follow state and local gun laws and to ask customers to be respectful of others while shopping. watson hopes her lawsuit will help make public spaces safer. >> we have to do something to try to prevent these things from happening again to others. >> jericka duncan cbs news, new york. >> quijano: up next, why freshwater lakes and ponds are proving deadly for pets this summer.
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>> quijano: dog owners across the country are being warned about a potentially deadly algae. it's already taken lives in a handful of states. here's anna werner. ( barking ) >> reporter: abby, izzy and harpo meant the world to their owners denise mintz and melissa martin. >> we did everything together. if we took one, we took three. >> but after taking their dogs to play at a wilmington, north carolina pond, the joy shattered in just minutes. >> and denise brought the two little dogs upstairs to get there bath next, and she started yelling for me that something was wrong with abby, one of the westies. >> the dogs started to have seizures, so they rushed them to the vet. less than five hours later, all three dogs were dead. >> they just needed to cross that rainbow bridge together, as the trio that they were. >> the animals were poisoned by something lurking in the water-- a microscopic bacteria called blue-green algae. it mostly infests waters when the weather is warm and releases
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toxins that can cause liver damage, respiratory paralysis, organ failure, among other deadly conditions. >> come on, fina. >> in recent weeks, several dogs have been poisoned across the south. this australian shepard named fina, died less than a hour after ingesting toxic algae in the guadalupe river outside austin. in marietta georiga, this border collie, arya suffered the same heart-breaking fate. >> know your pets, and you know when somethings not right. i just didn't think it was this not right. >> dogs and children are said to be the most likely to ingest the toxins while swimming. abby, izzy, and harpo's owners set up a fundraiser to purchase signs and put them in front of contaminated water. in an effort to prevent other families from experiencing the problem. anna werner, cbs news, new york. >> quijano: ahead, why monterey, california, is the mecca this weekend for the world's hottest wheels.
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>> quijano: there's some additional scenery on the pacific coast highway. these sports cars racing along the pch are part of an annual trip called theue it all ends up in monterey, california, which has been a mecca for motorheads this weekend. here's jamie yuccas. >> whether it's a classic. orb on the cutting edge like this 2020 corvette, you can probably find it zipping around california's monterey peninsula this weekend. >> mon ray car week is basically the super bowl. multi-million-dollar cars parked on the street are all over the place. >> all over the place, including the auction block. nearly $400 million worth of prime automotive hardware could change hands at six different auction houses. that includes this 1994 mccleaner f-1, considered the world's first super car. earlier this week, the 1965 ashton martin d made famous in the early james bond films went
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at another southe sothebies auc. >> the 1961 ferrari 250 gt california. >> oh, yeah clips. >> reporter:cuter byes has a 1962 ferrari 250gt california spider priced at 10.5 million while gooding and company is offering the 1958 model estimated to go for 11 million. jamie yuccas, cbs news, new york. >> quijano: next, joy ride. tun likely duo on mission to visit every national park.
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week, brad ryan and his grandmother joy admire the spectacular view of the valley far below. >> oh, they're so pretty. i love butter flies. >> reporter: it's one over29 national parks the two have visited over the past four years from the red wood forest of california to the gulf stream waters of florida. >> don't get too close you will be algrate lunch. >> reporter: their goal is to visit all 61 national parks. >> we're in the bad lands. >> reporter: the extraordinary journey began after joy, then 85, told brad she regretted she had never seen an ocean or a mountain. >> i never climbed one but he fixed that. >> reporter: so you climbed a mountain once. you don't have a burning desire to climb another mountain. >> no, i think that will be sufficient. oh, yeah, ie they didn't stop there. two years later, they set out on a 28-day camping trip. >> we stayed in a tent every night. >> we had our routine down. the moment we pulled into the camp site, she's assembling the tent stakes. >> reporter: brad says he's
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always known his grandmother had an ad adventurous spirit but she continually surprises him. >> to see your grandmother not just walk across the great sand dunes national park but then roll down one -- >> oh, okay! i just thought it would be fun. just because i'm old doesn't mean i can't do anything. >> reporter: brad created an instagram account to share photos of the trip. instantly their journey went viral worldwide and grandma joy's name got lost in translation. >> some countries have misconstrued her first name and have been calling her grandma pleasure, which is uncomfortable. >> reporter: how do you feel that? >> i think it's funny. >> reporter: you think it's funny? >> i think it's mortifying. >> reporter: grandma pleasure. ( laughter ) >> oh, heck, live it up. next devil's tower. >> reporter: and mt. rushmore. it was beautiful to see that. >> reporter: life has not always been so beautiful for joy. she was widowed 25 years ago and had to work a low-wage job until
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she was nearly 80. two of her three sons died in middle age. >> a lot of people move through their tragedy with a darkness about them, and she has never shown that. >> someone asked me, why do you smile all the time? i said would you rather with an old grump? >> reporter: brad and joy have received messages from people all over the world inspired by their journey. those who tell them -- >> i'm not going to waste another day and i'm going to make sure i do this with my grandmother some time. >> reporter: that can apply to a mother, father, grandfather. >> anybody you love. >> reporter: there's a lot of love here. >> yep, i wouldn't trade him for nothing. >> me neither, grandma, thank you. i love you. >> i love you, too, brad. >> reporter: love, the fuel that powers this epic journey. chip reid, cbs news, shenandoah national park. >> quijano: an amazing journey. that's the "cbs weekend news" for this sunday. "60 minutes" is coming up. i'm elaine quijano reporting in new york for all of us at
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now it's 6, adding fuel to the fire, protesters say this violent attack outside a san francisco condo is proof that the city needs a better approach to its homeless problem. some residents say a plan to add taller buildings and potentially high density housing to downtown pleasanton is anything but pleasant. we will explain the controversy coming up. >> students at one bay area school nearly went back to this, the rush to clean up the classrooms and the search for the vandals who trashed them. good evening.>> we begin with a new push to expand downtown
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pleasanton vertically. >> the city council will take up a proposal this week to raise height restrictions near main street and that's where we find kpix 5's katie nielsen. >> reporter: this area of main street is historic, it's about 125 years old, something that would make frank capra or norman rockwell proud but a new proposal being considered by the city council could modernize the area and as you can imagine, there are strong feelings on both sides of the issue. the picturesque shops and restaurants along main street pay homage to the city's name which literally means pleasant town. >> we came here because of the charm of the downtown. >> reporter: the plate over new development in the area has been anything but pleasant. >> we've gotten some letters from residents that are very angry that the city council
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