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tv   CBS Weekend News  CBS  October 19, 2019 5:30pm-5:59pm PDT

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>> very stable in the water, that low center of gravity.. thanks for watching. we'll see you back here at 6:00. >> the cbs weekend news is next. captioning sponsored by cbs >> yuccas:, mother nature's fury. tropical storm nestor slams into florida, the storm surge wreaking havoc across the papadopoulos handle. where this weather system is headed next. broken brexit. found of protesters swarm the streets of london, parliament holding today to hold back approval of a brexit deal. the promise prime minister boris johnson is now making to the u.k. sparking controversy: california's contentious plan to ward off wildfires. courageous coach: the brave man who disarmed then embraced a student with a gun. and a firefighter's unique works of art. >> in the country right now, you know, there's a lot of divide. that's the one thing that really unites us all.
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this is the "cbs weekend news. >> yuccas: good evening, i'm jamie yuccas. nestor is hammering florida with torrential rains and flash flooding. the storm roared ashore today with wins up to 60 miles per hour. at least two tornadoes were reported. many homes and businesses were damaged across the state. hilary lane stars us off tonight from smawrks, florida. >> tropical storm nestor in florida last night, with high winds and drenching rains. stormy conditions made travel dangerous. this stunning cell phone video captured fierce winds shoving a semitruck into this s.u.v. eyewitnesses say it was a tornado. the drivers were not injured. >> it just sounded like a big old train coming. >> reporter: a fast-moving tornado rocked this trailer park
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community in seminole, florida. fierce winds up to 70 miles an hour took down power lines and damaged several homes. >> we jumped in the truck and just as we did the carport came off and hit the pole behind my house. >> reporter: in low-lying st. marks heavy rains caused streets and businesses to flood. stanley west closed his business for the day to assess the damage and clean up. on this pole, he's markedly the water level for each storm that's come through the area. >> the water came in-- well, you can see the water mark. this is where it stopped, right about there in here. >> reporter: he knows it could have been much worse. >> reporter: now that the storm has passed, how are you feeling? >> great, relieved, very much relieved, a lot less cleanup than i thought i was going to have to do. and we just put it back together and go back to work. >> reporter: here in st. marks the water has receded over the past few hours. in the meantime, nestor has been downgraded from a tropical storm. it's expected to continue up the east coast. jamie.
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>> yuccas: still a mess. hilary thank you. nestor is on the move tonight as well headed inland up and the coast. heavy rainfall is possible over parts of the southeast that have been suffering under drought conditions since last month. abu hamza al-masriive crowds took the streets of london today. organizers say up to a million people jammed the central part of the city as parliament withheld approval of boris johnson's brexit deal. ian lee is in that crowd outside parliament tonight. >> when do we want it? >> now! >> reporter: today was billed add "super saturday" thousands of protesters converging on parliament as prime minister boris johnson tried to pass his brexit deal with the european union. >> that is why it is now so urgent for us to move on and build a new relationship with our friends in the e.u. on the base of a new deal. >> reporter: but do or die for the prime minister quickly turneturned into disappointmentd delay. >> order!
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>> the ayes to the right, 322. the nos to the left, 306. >> reporter: parliament approved an amendment that postponed the vote on the prime minister's deal, a setback for johnson but good news for brits who want to remain in the e.u. >> we don't a breakup of our union. we want to stay in europe. we want to stay aligned. it's good for us. and we need to stay and we demand another vote and that's why we're here. >> reporter: while the the vast majority of people aren't just against the prime minister's deal, they're against the u.k. leaving the e.u. we need to remember that's just a snapshot. there are many people across this country who want the u.k. to leave. >>iment a clean break. i want a fully independent sovereign united kingdom. >> reporter: the vote to leave the e.u. has been kicked down the road to the beginning of next week in wha alre ing described as "manic monday." another showdown is looming. by law tonight, the prime minister must request an deline, but boohnson h
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said it, which may m somethinup his jami>> yucs: something toatc thank you. a state of emergency has been declared in chile following violent protests over a fare increase for the city's subway system. the subway system's headquarters were set on fire in santiago last night. as you see there, many subway station were also damaged and shut down. next week, william taylor, the acting u.s. ambassador to ukraine, is expected on california for questioning in the impeachment inquiry. his testimony comes as a growing number of republicans in congress struggle to defend the president's actions over ukraine and syria. here's weijia jiang. >> reporter: acting white house chief of staff mick mulvaney is leading a weekend retreat at camp david with republican lawmakers just days after revealing president trump froze military aid to ukraine because he wanted the country to investigate debunked theories about the 2016 elections.
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>> did he also noangz me in past the corruption related to the d.n.c. server? absolutely no, question about it. that's it. that's why we held up the money. >> reporter: despite delivering the news defiantly ... >> get over it. >> reporter: ...hours later mulvaney reversed his remarks in a statement saying they were misconstrued and insisting there was absolutely no quid pro quo. today, democratic congresswoman sheila jackson lee described an administration in disarray. >> the instance of mr. mulvaney is the continuation of the collapse of this administration, the kind of calamity and catastrophic actions that are going on. >> reporter: congressman francis rooney is the first g.o.p. lawmaker to publicly say he won't rule out impeaching the president and said mulvaney's comments will cause others to reconsider. >> i was shocked at those. >> reporter: republicans were much quicker to call out aving kurdh fighte even though y
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are close allies. the president has shown no regret. >> we're doing very, very well with turkey. there's a cease-fire, or a pause-- or whatever you want to call it. >> reporter: but turkey says the attack will resume if the kurds don't leave the area in three days. in a "washington post" op-ed, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell wrote, "withdrawing u.s. forces from syria is a grave strategic mistake. it will leave the american people and homeland less safe, embolden our enemies and weaken important alliances." republicans are also criticizing president trump for picking one of his own properties to host the g-7 summit next june. senator john kennedy said this is a controversy the g.o.p. does not need right now and that the president should choose a new location. naimi. mpgn trail today, rallying
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support and earning a key endorsement. ♪ ♪ ( cheers and applause ) >> yuccas: it was sanders' first rally since suffering a heart attack earlier this month. the really took place in alexandria ocasio-cortez's congressional district in new york city where she gave sanders her official endorsement. tonight, utility companies in california are again warning of mass power shutoffs. advisories and warnings are in effect in southern california, where there's concern santa ana winds could fuel a new round of wildfires. but as carter evans reports, those power shutoffs have sparked their own controversy. >> reporter: this is what california electric companies are trying to avoid: downed power lines are blamed for causing some of california's worst wildfires and driven pacific gas and electric to file morehan customersni residents
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say it created more problems than it solved. >> you couldn't find anything. call a number, number wouldn't-- couldn't get through. >> reporter: at an emergency meeting of california's public utilities commission friday, regulators chastisedly the company's c.e.o. >> what we saw play out by pg&e last week can't be repeated. >> reporter: but the utility says there could be 10 more years of shutoffs while it updates equipment to prevent future fires. >> let me assure you, we do not like to turn off the power, but we actually didn't have any catastrophic fires in northern and central california. and that was the sole intent. >> reporter: southern california edison says it, too, may now shut off power to thousands as the forecast calls for winds to pick up. when last week's deadly saddleridge fire broke out, and investigators are now trying to determine if a live wire may have been the cause. when the fire blew through here
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last week, it destroyed 19 structures. now red flag warnings are posted again throughout southern california, and this is the peak of fire season. jamie. >> yuccas: carter, thank you. the skyrocketing cost of college. ahead, how much of that money goes for entertainment over education. plus, cell phone privacy. is big brother also on the line? and later, recycling old glor. a firefighter's special take on the red, white, and blue.
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>> yuccas: the price of college is a cost that's ivestme but for m americans, burden. an estimat 65% of jobs are expected to require training by. but that training has never been more expensive with the average
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cost of attending a public college up ten-fold since 1965. here's tony dokoupil. >> keeping up with studies requires a lot of concentration. >> reporter: there was a time when college was a pretty bare-bones experience. >> classroom buildings, fraternity houses, dormitories, and administration offices. >> reporter: but these days? wow! there it is! lifeguards and everything. students at louisiana state university can now enjoy a 500-foot lazy river that spells out l.s.u. hey, lifeguard. are you a student here, too? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: so you're paying for this. you're paying for the lazy river? >> i am. >> reporter: lavish perks are now common at major colleges, part of a national arms race in hi education, fewo f
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universitieses have cut their ambition. instead, they're competing to expand enrollment and recruit more out-of-state and international students who typically pay much more for the same education. and as a result... at state universities all over the country it can get harder and harder to actually find students who are from the state, including here at penn state. sorry to bother you. i have a quick question. raise your hand if you're from pennsylvania. one guy? where are you from? >> california. >> reporter: california. where are you guys from? >> china. >> reporter: china. >> long island. >> houston, texas. >> i'm from los angeles. >> i'm an international student. >> reporter: really? >> from rome. >> reporter: so what are colleges doing with all your extra money? some of it goes to teaching, of course, but most does not. atu.,hile studentsmef ththr age. so l is the t quad,ut would you say it's the focal point of
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school funding? >> absolutely not. i think if anything, it's kind of been neglected by school funding. >> reporter: lsu senior catherine mckinney took us on a tour of what she said are her school's questionable priorities. at the library, we saw some of the building literally falling apart. the tuition and fee have doubled in a decade. >> correct. >> reporter: and the library has water in the basement and rugs from another generation. >> right. >> o'donnell.>> reporter: you hy river. >> but we have a lazy river so maybe i should just go relax. >> reporter: louisiana state and penn state declined an interview, but the president of another major public university did agree to talk about why college has become so expensive. what makes this topic so difficult? >> because there are no good answers and no good solutions right now. >> reporter: renu khator is the president and chancellor of the university of houston, where tuition and fees are more than five times higher than they were just a couple of decades ago. she's also one of the highest
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paid university presidents in the country, a group whose salaries have grown, along with the cost of attendance. why couldn't you leave the classrooms a little bit old and keep the serviceaise little bit scaled back, and just keep tuition and fees and room and board down? >> well, i'm glad you aren't a university president because you want to come to a facility, up to the come to a place which feels cared for. how are you? >> i'm great! >> reporter: as long as university presidents continue to be as ambitious as you have been, students around the country and here are going to walk out with a degree and an experience, but a boat load of debt, a record amount. highway does that cycle break? doesn't it break by someone like you saying no more? we're not going to do it. >> tony, you're telling me don't be ambitious for the sake of your students? don't be ambitious about them graduating? don't be ambitious about them learning?
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why am i university president then? i am dead focused on the students' success. we look at holistically what the students need and what more we can do for them, because at the end of the day, we need more graduates, more college graduate. >> yuccas: important conversation there. that was tony dokoupil reporting. ahead, why hong kong protesters are out in force in the u.s.
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>> yuccas: hundreds of hong kong protesters descended on new york, supporters wearing "stand by hong kong" t-shirts filled the stands at a brooklyn nets game last night. the owner is a hong kong citizen who opposes the prodemocracy protest. tonight, we're getting a look at new surveillance video showing a
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high school coach's encounter with a student armed with a shotgun. the student brought the gun to parkrose high school in portland, oregon last spring. football coach keanon lowe saw the student and disarmed him. coach lowe then grabbed the young man and hugged him. lowe spoke to our cbs affiliate in portland, koin-tv, shortly after it happened. >> there i was to save him. i was there fair reason, and that, you know, this-- this is a life worth living. >> dubois: remarkable. students at parkrose high school say lowe was a true hero. be sure your caffeine is in the upright and locked position. quantas airlines' "project sunrise" took off last night, a test flight for what could become the longest nonstop trip, 20 hours, new york to sydney, australia. some 40 passengers staggered off after landing just a short time ago. if yon listening to? ahead a security firm that wants to get to the bottom of it.
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>> yuccas: social media companies are facing increased scrutiny for spying on our conversations and targeting ads based on what we say. according to pew research, 81% of americans own a smartphone. cindy pom now on one company's experiment. >> reporter: yvette shapiro was recently on a family vacation in virginia. >> i said to my husband, "our phone's listening to us." >> reporter: they were discussing how comfortable their mattress was. yvette says soon after, ads for mattresses appeared on hir facebook feed. >> i find that a little invasive, a bit creepy, and certainly unwelcome. >> reporter: you can find plenty of similar online:
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>> to be clear. >> reporter: facebook c.e.o. mark zuckerberg shot down the suggestion when he testified before congress last year. >> yes or no: does facebook use audio obtained from mobile devices to enrich personal information about its users? >> no. >> reporter: to find out who's right, a security company here in london put our phones to the test. >> we don't believe that they are spying. >> reporter: london firm warnedda did a three-day experiment. they played pet food commercials for 30 minutes with a smartphone in the room. they left another cell phone in a silent room next door. >> we weren't able to discern any kind of noticeable difference. >> reporter: instead, the firm's c.e.o. believes our online a advertising algorithms seesha wee' intest ind thenet those adverts.
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>> reporter: but people like yvette are still not convinced. >> don't see why they wouldn't be doing this because it's such an obvious money maker. >> reporter: whether suspicion or fact, it's unlikely to keep most people off their smartphones. cindy pom, cbs news, london. >> yuccas: a firefighter's art work is flying high. ahead, turning strips of hose into stars and stripes.
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>> yuccas: we end tonight with a story about one man whose fashioning a new take on old glory. here's manuel bojorquez. >> reporter: for veteran florida firefighter daryl paul, the firehose is a tool of the trade, but in his hands, old, discarded hoses become something much more: works of art. >> that's one piece of equipment that's going to go into the fire every time. >> reporter: he first started turning strips of hose into stars and stripes in 2015. a simple firehouse decoration
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that caught on like, well, like wildfire. >> i got orders just blowing up. >> reporter: now they are displayed all across the count country, including the local burger joint where paul takes his family. he's made more than 100 flags, many commissioned, each unique. this one comem raits a firefighter's life using a hose he once used. >> you get these tears in the hoz. you get burn marks in the hose. >> reporter: character. >> yeah, i love the character. >> reporter: character, and a call to duty-- attributes he feels all of us can get behind. >> in the country right now, you know, there's a lot of divide. you know, you got the left, you got the right, but, really, that's the one tngtes us, tanneu news, panama city beach. >> yuccas: the ultimate art recycling project. so cool. that's the "cbs weekend news" for this saturday. later on cbs, "48 hours." i'm jamie yuccas in new york. from all of us at cbs news,
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thanks for joining us good night. this is kpix5 news. a remarkable bay area spot you don't often get to walk around in, but the neighbors get to take a little field trip and talk about the future of this facility. we'll explain. some say san francisco mayor is interfering with the upcoming election. we'll tell you why. and we will hear from a bay area man with a heart for adventure. the record he set at sea. that and your cabernet under threat. plus, a high school coach being hailed as a hero. we have new footage released of the moment he stopped one high school from becoming a
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statistic. thanks for joining us, i'm juliette goodrich. i'm brian hackney. we begin with a massive bay area quarry in the north bay. >> as wilson walker explains, neighbors said it wasn't what they bargained for. >> reporter: the san rafael rock quarry has been here more than 100 years but the conversation is turning into how and when this operation should wind down. >> taking you down to bottom of the pit, 300 feet below sea level. sound like fun? all right. >> reporter: this was guided tour day for quarry neighbors. an annual event that lets them descend into the quarry itself and gawk at it. it's hard not to. >> looks like you're on the moon. >> it's amazing to see how deep it is. >> reporter: today's tour came with more serious business. a neighborhood meeting about the future of that quarry. >> it is actually supposed to wind do


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