tv CBS This Morning CBS December 19, 2019 7:00am-9:00am PST
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next. have a terrific thursday. good morning to you our viewers in the west, and welcome to "cbs this morning." i'm gayle king with anthony mason and tony dokoupil. president trump impeached. the house makes history. >> december 18th, a great day for the constitution of the united states. >> formally charging the president with abuse of power and obstruction of congress. >> we did nothing wrong, nothing whatsoever. >> president trump becomes the first president to run for re-election following an impeachment. we look ahead to the senate trial talking with democratic leader chuck schumer and white house press secretary stephanie grisham. dangerous toys? cbs news finds some toys sold through amazon do not meet u.s. safety standards and could put your kids at risk. what to look for before you buy.
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and whirling with god. our series "world of worship" guess to turkey where some -- goes to ten-day forecast where some muslims use spinning as a form of prayer. it's thursday, december 19th, 2019. here's today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> we passed the two articles of impeachment. the president is impeached. >> history unfolds on capitol hill. >> nancy pelosi then threatening to publicly delay president trump's senate trial. >> the radical left in congress is consumed with hatred and envy and rage. you see what's going on. i'll tell you, these people are crazy. the affordable care act took a legal hit -- >> reporter: the fifth circuit court of appeals said the mandate is unconstitutional. >> reporter: a person was killed and another injured.
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>> reporter: sudden snow squalls causing problems for drivers. >> reporter: a near 30-car pileup in pennsylvania leaves at least one person dead. if you're driving, they come out of nowhere. the cdc says pet store puppies are linked to an infection resistant to multiple drugs. >> reporter: this out-of-control super yacht crashed into a bridge on st. martin. all that -- >> [ laughter ] >> yes, i have. >> a revival of "all in the family" and "good times" went on as planned. we might get interrupted during the broadcast. >> or impeached. and that you will matters -- >> this is a sad day in u.s. history. >> it's a sad day. >> it's going to be a somber day around here. >> it's with profound sadness that i stand here. >> the democrats walking around like a living adele album ♪ hello impeach ♪ >> after the votes the democrats started clapping, and there was excitement. nancy pelosi was quick to bring them back under control. >> the house has acted on a very sad day. >> sadly we are solemnly sad about this solemn, sad solemnness that is this sad,
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sad, solemn sad day. ♪ sad [ applause ] >> you know, comedians can have a big joke and a big laugh about it. i saw the vote when it came in, and it was sobering to see i have to say as a citizen of this country. very sobering to see that vote come in. >> only the third time it's happened. >> and that's why it is a very big deal. chances are no matter you where live in this country, when you woke up, the fronts page of your newspaper had the "i" word in it, impeached. >> this is history -- >> you're going to see this more and more. very, very, very tough day. welcome to "cbs this morning." that's where we begin. historic votes in the house of representatives mean the shadow of impeachment is now hanging over the trump presidency forever. this morning as we pointed out these are the headlines around the country -- lawmakers approved two articles of impeachment, abuse of power and obstruction of congress, on a pair of party-line votes last night. >> mr. trump becomes the third
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president in u.s. history after andrew johnson and bill clinton to face a trial now in the senate. the president was surrounded by thousands of his supporters in battle creek, michigan, when the results of the votes were announced. >> it doesn't really feel like we're being impeached. [ cheers ] the country is doing better than ever before. we did nothing wrong. >> at the heart of his impeachment is an allegation the president used the power of his office to pressure a foreign government to investigate a political opponent. republicans say the charges are phony, while democrats insist they had to hold the president to account. >> december 18th, a great day for the constitution of the united states. a sad one for america that the president's reckless activities necessitated us, our having to introduce articles of
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impeachment. >> this morning we'll discuss impeachment with senate democratic leader chuck schumer and the president's spokeswoman, stephanie grisham. first we go to nancy cordes who is on capitol hill for -- was on capitol hill for the historic debate. where do we go from here? >> reporter: what would typically happen, anthony, is this would all move over to the senate for a speedy trial. it appears that house democrats are delaying the naming of impeachment managers. house speaker pelosi says she's concerned about the senate trial won't be a fair one. >> the the yeas are 229, the nays are 198, present is one. article two is adopted. >> reporter: speaker pelosi presided over the historic votes and then put the brakes on the next step. >> this is a serious matter even though the majority leader in the united states senate says it's okay for the foreman of the jury to be in cahoots with the
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lawyers of the accused. >> reporter: democrats are worried that the republican-led senate, which will now determine the president's fate, will refuse to call witnesses in the trial to come. last night's votes broke as expected, almost totally along party lines with all but four house democrats voting for both articles of impeachment. >> today we take a stand against corruption and abuses of power. >> reporter: about 250 house members spoke during a full day of debate, questioning the other side's motives and its facts. >> democrats did not choose this impeachment. >> this majority say be damned with anything else, we're going to impeach and do whatever we want to do. why? because we won an election. i guarantee one day you'll be back in the minoriti, and it ain't going to be that fun. >> what they can't say is this president has upheld his oath of office. they can't say that. all they can say is "we don't
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like the process." >> he's president today, he'll be president tomorrow, and he will be president when this impeachment is over. >> reporter: speaker pelosi called it a solemn moment in the nation's history, even urging her members not to clap after the final votes. >> article one is adopted. [ clap ] >> in her final words of the day, she invoked the memory of the late democratic congressman elijah cummings. >> he also said some what presciently when we're dancing with the angels, the question will be what did you do to make sure we kept our democrat intact. we did all we could, elijah. we passed the two articles of impeachment. the president is impeached. >> reporter: senate leader mitch
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mcconnell says that he is going to speak on the senate floor about impeachment this morning and that he is going to to meet with his democratic counterpart, chuck schumer, by the end of the week. what is clear here this morning, tony, is that while one battle over the vote in the house has ended, the next battle has already begun. >> nancy, thank you so much. president trump is back in the white house after last night's rally in the battleground state of michigan. he waited for the house vote, then made the second-longest speech of his presidency. ben tracy is at the white house for us. ben, good morning. how is the president responding? >> reporter: good morning. that was quite a barn-burner of a speech last night. it's clear president trump did not want to be impeached. now that he is, his campaign is planning to use it to raise a lot of money and keep the base fired up. it is hoping to make history by getting an impeached president
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re-elected. ♪ in a split screen for the ages, president trump was cheered by an adoring crowd while he was condemned by the house of representatives. >> i think we have a vote coming in. >> reporter: the now-impeached president given the vote totals while on stage. >> we've got every single republican voted for us. whoa. whoa. crazy nancy pelosi's house democrats -- [ booing ] -- have branded themselves with an external mark of shame. it's a disgrace. >> reporter: the event was dubbed a merry christmas rally, but it was far from a silent night. [ chants ] to loud chants of "four more years," the president defiantly mocked the charges against him. >> this is the first impeachment where there's no crime. i say tell me what i did, please. we don't know. you violated the constitution. >> reporter: white house aides say the president was working during moment of the impeachment debate, but ms. twitter account said otherwise as mr. trump responded in realtime to what he called atrocious lies by the left.
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>> this is a political suicide march for the democrat party. have you seen my polls the last four weeks? [ cheers ] >> reporter: the president is publicly shrugging off impeachment. sources here at the white house say that he cares a lot about what impeachment means for his legacy and that in particular he hates the idea that his name will forever be used in the same sentence as bill clinton's. gayle? >> thank you so much. senate minority leader, that's chuck schumer, joins us now from the capitol. he voted against president clinton's impeachment 21 years ago today. senator, thank you so much for joining us. let's look at the big picture for a second if we can. the democrats voted mostly along party lines. the senate is expected to do the same. we keep hearing and seeing that the public is tired of the process. how do you convey to a very weary public that this is based
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on principle and not partisanship? what's your strategy? >> impeachment is a very, very somber process. >> exactly. >> it's one of the few powers, a somber, a serious, and an important power to stop an overreaching president. this is no doubt this president has overreached. he's the most overreaching president we've had. the senate has always been lodged with the responsibility to be impartial jurors and judge this. in previous impeachments, that has happened. and so we want to make it that way again. i think the american people are behind us. for instance, i've asked leader mcconnell for four witnesses, witnesses who actually saw what happened and can speak directly to the charges brought against the president. there's a lot of good evidence the house has come up with, but this would be better -- >> but -- >> wait, 64% of the american people, of republicans and 72%
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of the american people say there ought to be witnesses. and so we are going to ask for those. that is fair. >> senator, can you get the votes -- >> we cannot -- yes. >> can you get the votes to make that happen? can you get the votes to make that happen? >> you know, in a process like this, justice and history weigh on shoulders in different ways. and our republican colleagues, leader mcconnell may be totally partisan. he may wish to make this impeachment into a sham, this trial -- into a sham, but there are many republican colleagues, many are wondering about this, thinking about this. and this kind of serious consequence weighs on shoulders in different ways. >> senator -- >> in the next few weeks as they go only and think about the seriousness, and there is no good answer as to why we shouldn't have witnesses -- mcconnell has rants -- ranted and raved but hasn't had a single direct answer why there shouldn't be witnesses. i think we will get witnesses. one more point here, what these witnesses will say.
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they could -- you know, they're all appointees of president trump. they could be exculpatory. and that -- so baseball it if they are. the truth should come out, and we are pushing to get the truth. not a sham trial where nothing new is learned. >> senator on, that point, mitch mcconnell has said openly he is not an impartial juror. this is a political process -- >> yes -- >> can you stands here today and say that you are impartial? that your mind is open? >> yes. and that's why we're asking for these witnesses. as i said, these witnesses could well issue statements that are exculpatory. >> mitch mcconnell -- >> we must get the truth. and leader mcconnell is hiding the truth. you know what the american people are asking in reference to gayle's question? what is the president hiding? what is leader mcconnell hiding? if they don't want these witnesses who are directly on the case to come before us. >> mitch mcconnell has accused you of not meeting with him and
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negotiating through the press. you've certainly been on tv a lot lately. when do you plan to meet with him, and what do you hope to get out of it? >> well, two weeks ago -- mitch mcconnell again has twisted the truth. two weeks ago i said, i'm ready to meet whenever you are. he hasn't asked. instead, he's done several things long before i went public. he went on "sean hannity," not a very private act, and said he is going to take orders from the president. he issued his own plan to his republican caucus and publicly. so of course we countered with the public plan. but people should judge what we're asking for on the merits. and the merits have no good argument against having witnesses and documents. name one. why don't you folks name me one. i haven't heard one from a single republican. you can't. >> senator, two democrats -- there were two democratic defections in the house vote to impeach. are you expecting any defections in the senate? >> look, our caucus is unified behind getting these documents. and our caucus is going to give
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this a serious look. most of our members have not come to conclusions the way leader mcconnell has. and so yes, i expect that my colleagues regard these charges as very serious. they're going to hear the evidence. hopefully we'll get that evidence with witnesses and documents. and everyone will render a decision. >> all right. senator schumer, thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you so much. >> if there isn't enough going on in politics, democratic presidential candidates will hold their sixth debate tonight in los angeles. ed o'keefe is there. ed, we expect to hear much about impeachment tonight? >> reporter: oh, very likely, anthony. you know, now campaign 2020 will be the first where a challenger is running against an incumbent impeached president. here in los angeles tonight, we're going to see fewer candidates on stage than we've seen in the past. just seven have qualified. this will be the first debate where there isn't a black or latino candidate on stage. that's because candidates like
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cory booker and julian castro failed to meet the polling and fund-raising thresholds. the candidates who are on stage tonight, as we said, are likely to get questions about the impeachment vote. but also about other issues more directly affecting the voters. that's in part because voting -- polling has shown that democrats overwhelmingly support impeaching the president but also want to hear about how it they would defeat him next november. meanwhile, we spoke with voters across the country ahead of the impeachment vote. as you might expect, the opinions were varied. take a listen. >> it's time that he's held accountable. he's not above the constitution. >> i see this whole thing as a distraction for the president to get things done on the world stage. >> i think he had it coming, but i don't think politically it was a smart move. >> completely 100% bogus. he will be vindicated. >> reporter: now the impeachment trial could take five of the presidential candidates who are also senators off the campaign trail for a few weeks as they sit as jurors in that trial. they're all vowing to attends. but that means other candidates who aren't in the senate like
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joe biden or pete buttigieg, might have iowa and new hampshire all to themselves for a few weeks. a potentially big advantage. tony? >> thank you so much. in other news, a federal appeals court has struck down a key provision of the affordable care act. a panel of judges from the fifth circuit in louisiana says requiring most americans to have insurance is, here's a word you've been hearing a lot, unconstitutional. they left it to a lower court in texas to decide if the rest of the law can stand. the case, which was originally brought by 18 republican attorneys general, lines up with president trump's campaign promise to get rid of the affordable care act entirely. democrats are vowing to take this to the supreme court, and that means a final ruling would likely come after the 2020 election. at least one person is dead, and dozens hurt after a massive pileup in central pennsylvania. the crash is being blamed on a snow squall which slammed the northeast yesterday. it force officials to -- forced officials to shut down a large stretch of interstate 80.
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here's what the system looked like as it rolled over new york city. a squall is a fast-moving storm that also includes high winds. the storm also brought near whiteout conditions to southern new england. bitter cold temperatures are expected to make for dangerous conditions in the days ahead. >> did you see it? i was in my office and somebody said, gayle, look out the windows. you went "whoa." i've never seen that before. >> everyone got a snow squall alert. the phones started erupting. >> we're lucky did t didn't last long. the plane is stolen on the tarmac of an international airport. why police were surprised whether they found pout who was inside the cockpit. good thursday morning,
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starting out with clouds. we will finish with clouds. not much in the way of rain. the high pressure slowly edges and over the west coast and it will be cloudy. towards the end of the day, things will clear up. we get a break north of the golden gate cloudy with a few sprinkles. temperatures in the mid-50s. as we look ahead, there is rain coming in. we expect heavy rain saturday night and sunday morning.
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>> reporter: that's right, we booked several toys from amazon, sent them out to an accredited lab for basic safety tests. coming up on "cbs this morning," the concerning results and what all you parents need to know as you get that last-minute holiday shopping done. iday shopping done. th the blitz in,be at jcpenney! for 5 days only shop nike and adidas. keurig and nutribullet. and up to 80% off jewelry. or take an extra 20% off with your jcpenney credit card jcpenney! and i like to question your i'm yoevery move.n law. like this left turn. it's the next one. you always drive this slow? how did you make someone i love? that must be why you're always so late. i do not speed. and that's saving me cash with drivewise. my son, he did say that you were the safe option.
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let you sleep, try nyquil severe with vicks vapocool. (acapella) whoa! (avo) and vaporize it. (acapella) ahhhh! (acapella) shhhh! (avo) nyquil severe with vicks vapocool. the vaporizing, nighttime, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. drill? cordless. noted. introducing the capital one walmart rewards card. i love it! that's a good one. earn unlimited 5% back on everything you buy at walmart online... perfect for all their hints. okay! the capital one walmart rewards card. unlimited 5% back at walmart online, and unlimited rewards everywhere else. ♪what's in your wallet? and unlimited rewards everywhere else. to compete for the chance of a new life. you should be on the world stage. yes. - yeah! i'm a magic cat. now it is time to make the choice.
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to see a centuries' old religious tradition that relies on spinning. how the islamic practice good morning at 7:26 i am kenny choi. after a two-year federal investigation about sexual harassment, uber has agreed to a settlement. the san francisco-based company will pay for point for million dollars. at least one person is being treated for injuries after a vehicle crashed in the east san jose foothills. this happened around 4:30 off clayton road. food delivery company, door dash, says it no longer up employees the drivers stealing a package in berkeley. let's get a check love traffic. let's take a look at a drive across the bay area bridges. it is a slow one. metering lights are the bay bridge toll plaza. sluggish conditions. an earlier crash at ash has
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been cleared. once you get across the upper deck, you will see brake lights due to a stalled vehicle, right around treasure island. that is blocking one lane. getting into the city, a crash there as well. west 87th street to get busy ride into san francisco. the golden gate bridge, they drive out of marin county doing okay. extra volume, but the drivetime is not bad. we are starting to see some fog there. we have visual proof looking south from the sales force camera. and eyes start to the thursday morning. less rain is on the way today than we had yesterday. the tendency will be towards clearing it up. looking high on top of the west coast, the high pressure nudges and over the west coast. it will be mostly cloudy but the cool side. if you struggles north of the golden gate would not be a surprise. temperatures in the mid-50s. we have rain coming in on sunday. that's yes for less. get gifts for everyone on your list and save
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department store prices. you shouldn't have to pretend you're fine. you shouldn't have to be the ambulance. you shouldn't have to be thinking about the cost. you should just be focused on her. covered california can help you find a health plan that fits your needs and budget. because we believe you shouldn't have to choose between the life you've built and the care you need. ...doesn't mean you got to spend a lot! because denny's brought back the super slam™. with eggs, hash browns, bacon, sausage and pancakes. all for just $6.99. the $6.99 super slam™ is back! see you at denny's! and you're not sure who'll be more excited... oh, yeah. ... or them? ahhhhhh! that's yes for less. be a rock star this season and save big
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on gifts they're gonna love. at ross. yes for less. it's 7:30. here's what's happening on "cbs this morning" -- president trump faces a senate trial after the house of representatives votes to impeach along party lines. >> this impeachment charade marches on following no rules. >> this is the first impeachment where there's no crime. i say tell me what i did. >> the president fights back telling supporters in michigan that democrats are really after them. just changed all of a sudden. >> a snow squall tears through the northeast leading to a deadly pileup on a pennsylvania highway. in our "world of worship" series, an ancient tradition that's still spinning today. >> you feel calm with repentance , the door is always open.
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and we look at the fun this year bringing you all that matters. welcome to "cbs this morning," i'm gayle king with anthony mason and tony dokoupil. scaring me -- i think they look like a fun group. i would watch them. welcome back to "cbs this morning." i am them, gayle king. anthony mason and tony dokoupil, we are them. as parents go on line to find last live minute holiday gifts for their kids, we found toys sold on amazon could be draws for your children -- dangerous for your children. online shopping is skyrocketing. it is expected to soar to nearly -- look at that number -- $144 billion with a "b" this season. we bought several toys on amazon and put them through basic safety tests at an accredited lab. the results -- concerning. errol barnett is here with more on the story. good morning to you. what do you think parents need to know? >> good morning. look, things are cheap on line for a reason. children's toys sold in the u.s. are subject to more than 100 tests and requirements to
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protect kids from things like choking hazards or misleading age recommendations. that's the good news. however, we found some items sold on line that don't meet those standards and certainly could put your kids at risk. aaron founder of crazy aaron's thinking puttynesses a business dedicated to fun dealing with apparent knockoffs sold on line is anything but. >> it's sort of like a game of whack-a- mole. you hit one down, and another comes back up. >> reporter: he says after he put his products up for sale on amazon back in 2010, similar products quickly followed. >> this is all of the different product that we found in the market that looked surprisingly like crazy aaron's thinking putty. >> reporter: why does this make you so angry? >> every single one of our unique products goes through a litany of safety testing. when someone's knocking off a product, they're not spending that money. it's very difficult for customers to know did this product actually pass these tests. >> reporter: his biggest concern -- cheaper versions of his
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magnetic putty which use magnets that are not in line with u.s. safety standards. >> the magnet needs to be of a certain size that it is extraordinarily unlikely that it could be swallowed. and also, limitations in regards to how strong the magnet can be. >> reporter: safety experts use this tube to check if pieces are small enough to create a choking hazard. while the magnets are too big to fit inside -- >> doesn't fit. >> reporter: this magnet from a product purchased on line -- fits right in. the other major concern is the magnet's strength. rebecca mund is with the toy association. a trade group representing u.s. businesses that design, produce, license, and deliver toys. >> the small magnets, if they're swallowed, they can really just cause a lot of problems in a child's digestive system. >> reporter: a 4-year-old boy reportedly had to have part of his intestines removed after swallowing small magnets from a different knockoff toy.
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>> our children should not be the testing grounds for the toys. >> reporter: we purchased four products from third-party sellers through amazon and had them tested at an accredited lab. according to that look, all four samples failed safety tests. this wooden jigsaw puzzle marketed for kids as young as 1 included small objects that could be a choking hazard. these trucks broke during testing, exposing sharp points. these flashing l.e.d. rings separated, exposing the battery component. and the magnetic putty once advertised as amazon's choice cobb taped a -- contained a hazardous magnet, stronger than what u.s. safety standards allow. in a statement, jams wroamazon safety is a top priority. we require all products to comply with applicable laws and regulations and have tools to prevent unsafe products in our stores. they go on to say that when a concern arises they move quickly
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to protect customers and work directly with sellers, brands, and government agencies. >> if a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. >> reporter: the toy association says parents shopping on line should look for reputable sellers they know. >> dig into the product listing a little bit deeper. look at the reviews and the product description for typos, grammatical errors. >> reporter: but online retailers must do more to keep kids safe. >> i think we're doing everything that we can do from our perspective. but as long as these products continue to just ship in and the whack-a-mole game of sellers keeps going on, these products will remain on the market. >> we tried contacting the four companies who sell the toys we tested but only one got back to us. that's the one who sold the toy trucks. it told us products meet safety standards and pass u.s. safety tests -- get this, from a lab in china.
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but it did not test for the defects we found in our test. an amazon spokesperson told us last night it is investigating all of the products in question. >> very interesting. worrying, as well. if you're a parent who thinks that they have purchased one of these counterfeit and potentially dangerous items, what do they do? >> good news is, you know, be alert about this. you want to check, you can check the return policy. you might be able to get your money back. alert the platform like amazon or other third-party seller. most importantly, you can report this stuff to the consumer product safety commission if this thing you think is dangerous. they can potentially investigate. there was a recent poll that found that a third of parents actually would consider buying the knockoff version, even if it's unavailable elsewhere, to make kids happy before the holidays. >> you can see why aaron's upset. his company and he do all the work, and others benefit from the work that he's put in. >> he said that. deep discounts for a reason. >> all right. thank you so much. ahead, a major security breach at an national airport. we're going to tell you how a teenager managed to take a plane
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on a joyride on the airport's tarmac. wow. and you can hear the top stories and what's happening in your world all in less than 20 minutes every single weekday morning. all you have to do is subscribe to "cbs this morning" news on the go on your favorite podcast platform. we'll be right back. failure loo? ♪the beat goes on it looks like emily cooking dinner for ten. ♪the beat goes on it looks like jonathan on a date with his wife. ♪la-di-la-di-di entresto is a heart failure medicine that helps your heart, so you can keep on doing what you love. entresto helped people stay alive and out of the hospital. heart failure can change the structure of your heart, so it may not work as well. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb.
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crashing. flow one was hurt. mola lenghi's here with how this happened. how did a teenage girl get past security? >> great question. you know, airport security says that the teen somehow climbed what was thought to be a secure perimeter fence. she was able to get into the plane, start one of its engines, and then
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airline employee died after stealing an empty horizon air turbo-prop plane from a seattle airport and crashing it on to a remote island nearby. >> crazy stuff. the teen was booked at a juvenile detention center nearby. and authorities say that there does it appear to be any connection -- there doesn't appear to be any connection to
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dennis rodman terrorism. >> you -- connection to domestic terrorism. >> you think about why she tried to do that. >> 17. hope she gets help. thank you so much. vlad duthiers is looking at the stories you'll be talking about. what have you got? >> tony, an 11-year-old boy came to spread holiday cheer for citizens at a care facility. ahead, the surprise twist that will leave you crying happy tears. >> my favorite kind of tears. how did you know? thank you. >> know you so well good thursday morning from our studios in san francisco. we turn to over scarce guys. until the end of the day. if you clouds hanging around the bay area. we clear out later in the day. san francisco is 56, oakland 57 and in san jose. the rain is gone but to the potential for showers christmas with the extended forecast another rainmaker coming in saturday night.
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leave no man behind. or child. or other child. or their new friend. or your giant nephews and their giant dad. or a horse. or a horse's brother, for that matter. the room for eight, 9,000 lb towing ford expedition. drill? cordless. noted. introducing the capital one walmart rewards card. i love it! that's a good one. earn unlimited 5% back on everything you buy at walmart online... perfect for all their hints. okay! the capital one walmart rewards card. unlimited 5% back at walmart online,
7:46 am
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dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin. and, had significantly less itch. that's a difference you can feel. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. if you take asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. so help heal your skin from within, and talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent. so josh, you going for our drive safe and save discount? ♪ yup, using the app. driving safe. heh. you wanna go? wanna go bro? hey, uh, do not mess with my discount. woooo! you could save up to 30%. let's go! nice to meet you, go get 'em tiger! woooo!
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sounds like you've got this? yeah. definitely. get a discount up to 30% with drive safe and save™ from state farm. it's laundry truths, with cat and nat. i have so many kids and so much laundry. i don't have time for pretreating. what even is this? it looks like cheese but it smells like barf. with tide pods, you don't need to worry. the pre-treaters are built in. so you just toss them in before the clothes. tide pods dissolve even when the water is freezing. nice! if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide. today's the day, reach way back in that closet, get your ugliest sweater and put it on. >> make sure it's warm. >> ugly sweater day. we have some right here. >> a lot of ugly sweaters. >> turn around. turn around --
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>> merry christmas has become halloween. >> make sure you're warm. here are a few stories we think you'll be talking about today. the coast guard has seized about 18,000 pounds of cocaine worth $312 million in a series of dramatic drug busts on the high seas. we have video of one of the standoffs in the pacific ocean. take a look. a san diego-based coast guard crew can be seen drawing their guns at drug smugglers last month. they pulled up to the low live profile vessel, and the suspects immediately surrendered. officials said they'd seized cocaine from seven vessels since october. >> wow. >> yeah. >> they're on the case as we can see. >> they're on the case. you should see the photos of the drugs that they've taken over last couple of months. lot of drugs. lot of cocaine. lot of cocaine. all right. an alarming study finds nearly half of americans will be obese within ten years. >> wow. >> compared with about 40% today. the study in the "new england journal of medicine" products 49% of american adults will be obese in 2030. that's ten years away.
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researchers predict almost a quarter will be severely obese. severely obese means that they will be more than 100 pounds overweight. this study was massive. it was collected from more than 6.2 million adults from 1993 to 2016. >> that's something we should all pay attention to. that is very, very serious. >> yeah. they said several states will have obesity prevalence close to 60%. >> amazing. do we need to change the standard of what overweight is? >> yeah. also, it's in women and -- >> the standard, 100 pounds overweight is not good. i don't care what standard you have. we cathedral to change our eat -- we need to change our eating habits. we can do that. we're learning about an incredible bureaucratic mixup that made the fictional home nation of "the black panther" a free trade partner of the united states. talking about wakanda. >> never. >> wakanda forever. the u.s. department of agriculture's website. it was listed among real countries. officials immediately removed
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the marvel superhero's homemade from the list. the comic book country was used doing a test of its system, and and employees forgot tory mo r- remove it. >> that's where they get the vibrainium. >> the most technologically advanced country in the world. wakanda. love this story. christmas came early for an 11-year-old boy in new jersey. it happened as he told senior citizens at a care center what he wanted for the holidays. watch. >> this christmas, to see my brother who's in the united states military. [ cheers ] >> he got his wish. his brother, private second class eric shaw surprised his younger brother. their mom says the surprise had been months in the making. guys, i cried at my producer's desk when i saw. this so beautiful. >> i like that he's such a big kid, and the fact that his brother lifted him up and he still wanted to be held that way. i love that. >> so great. >> he was shy about doing it and
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good thursday morning i'm deanna franco. as we check the roadways we are seeing a few slick surfaces. they are drying out and we may see stuff on the freeways this morning. as far as drive times, we are sluggish across the golden gate due to limited visibility and foggy spots. out of marin county you see a few brake lights past the richmond san rafael bridge. to the south bait we go. westbound 237, a slow ride coming away from a 80 eastbound and looks like chp is blocking lance for a crash. you have a slow and go in both
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directions as a result. if you are taking 237 w. found hopping on 101 a crash working you right in the mountain view area. checking your travel time, north one 185 682 8022 minute drive times. you are the red. one of the parkway we will try to help you in the weather department because things will be drying out. we have fog to contend with. you can see it in the live view of the sales force tower camera looking at the embarcadero. that is a dramatic shot. the numbers this morning are starting out on the relatively cool side. right now the upper 40s and the low 50s and there is patchy fog. the high pressure begins to notes and over the west coast. over the next few days we begin to dry out. we have rain coming in by the weekend. today we are in the mid-50s with mostly cloudy skies. friday looks good but increasing clouds on saturday. saturday night rain and sunday looks wet.
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our viewers in the west. it's thursday, december 19th, 2019. welcome back to cbs "this morning." i'm gayle king. the house impeaches president trump and he democrats. we'll talk with his white house press secretary. >> whirling maintain a tradition that is centuries old in our series world of worship. >> i'm anthony mason. look back with us at this year's big stories and some of our favorite moments in studio 57 and around the world. >> but first, here's today's eye opener at 8:00. chances are, no matter where you live in this country, your front page of your newspaper had the i word in it. impeach. >> house democrats appear to be
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delaying the naming of impeachment managers. speaker pelosi says she's worried this will not be a fair trial. >> president trump did not want to be impeached. but his campaign is planning to use it to fire up the base. >> i say tell me what i did, please. well, we don't know. you've violated the constitution. >> 72% of the american people say there ought to be witnesses. >> with you gcan you get the voe that happen? >> mcconnell has ranted and raved but he hasn't had a single direct answer why there shouldn't be witnesses. >> campaign 2020 now is the first where the challenger will be taking on a president who's also been impeached. >> he's just fired off a tweet. can you believe that i will be impeached today by the radical left, do nothing democrats and i did nothing wrong? a terrible thing. read the transcripts. this should never happen to another president again. say a prayer. is if just me or does it seem like trump went through all the stages of grief in one tweet? it was like denial. i can't believe i'm getting impeached! anger. i did nothing wrong.
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depression. this is a terrible thing. acceptance. i guess we can only pray. >> this morning's eye opener is presented by toyota. let's go places. >> as we said earli i fodder for the late-night comedians but really is not a laughing matter when you look at what's happening here. this is history in our country. welcome back to cbs "this morning." that's where we begin. we are covering momentous news in washington. for the third time in american history, congress has voted to impeach the president of the united states. >> on this vote, the yeas are 229. the nays are 198. adopted. >> the house approved both articles of impeachment last night along party lines. platform trump now joins bill clinton and andrew johnson as the only presidents to be impeached. no president has ever been removed from office by the senate. >> majority leader mitch mcconnell plans to hold a trial next month for what he called
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just this morning quote the most rushed, least thorough, and most unfair impeachment inquiry in modern history. close quote. but house speaker nancy pelosi said last night she could delay sending the articles to the senate until she feels a trial would be fair. senate minority leader chuck schumer told us earlier he wants the senate to call witnesses who have not been allowed to testify. >> i don't know what these witnesses will say. they could, you know, they're all appointees of president trump. they could be exculpatory. and so be it if they are. but the truth should come out. and we are pushing to get the truth. >> the president was on stage at a rally in michigan while the house was voting. he praised republican congressmen for standing by him. >> we didn't lose one republican vote. the republican party has never been so affronted but they've never been so united as they are right now. >> stephanie grisham is the white house press secretary and
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communications director. she joins us from washington. stephanie, good morning. thanks for being here. >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> our ben tracy reported in the first half hour that sources in the white house told him that the president was concerned about what impeachment means for his legacy. is he concerned? >> well, he's talked about that before. he has said nobody wants impeachment on their resume. so i think that's not a surprise to anyone. however, this impeachment in particular is going to go down in history as one that was done on partisan, political lines. and it's concerning for future presidents, whether they'll be republicans or democrats because if this is the standard that we're going to have, presidents can be impeached by just having a policy dispute. and that's not good for the country. >> you seem to recognize the gravity of the moment in an angry letter. people called it scathing, irate, to speaker nancy pelosi. how can he move forward? given the way he apparently feels right now. >> well, he has been -- he continues to move forward. i mean, we're getting usmca passed.
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we've got ndaa going on that's going to include parental family leave, which is going to be huge. he's been building up the military. jobs are great. the economy is good. he continues to work while this is all going on. i wish that the democrats would follow his lead and do that. there's so much work to be done on behalf of this country. he's actually keeping the whole white house very, very focused. we have been very angry that this is happening to not only our boss but our president. but he continues to move forward and it's been really, really inspiring to see. >> you know, last night, he told a crowd in michigan that this impeachment was about them. that the democrats were out to get them. stephanie, when you look at that, that really is not the case. this impeachment process is solely focused on the president of the united states. why does he keep saying to the people who are listening to him that this is really about all of us together? that's really not the case here. doesn't that put out a false message? and false narrative about what this is really about. >> i think i would disagree with you on that one. the minute that the president took office, "the washington post" had a headline saying the
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calls for impeachment for this president have begun. democrats started calling for impeachment immediately. the president was simply saying that this is bad for the country. that since he was elected by the people of this country, democrats have been trying to get him out of office. that is not good for a country who voted him into office. and for the people who want him in -- in the white house working on his behalf. so it really is about the american people because they're trying to take a president down. ever since the 2016 election. and they're trying to stop him from winning in 2020. so that's -- that's kind of the message that he's trying to send there. >> so to hear people speak on his behalf, stephanie, chuck schumer as you may know was here earlier. he said he would like to hear testimony from mick mulvaney, from john bolton. why not allow the public to hear what people on the president's team have to say about this? >> well, we don't know what's going to happen yet and the president himself has said that he would love for witnesses to speak on his behalf. because he did nothing wrong. the strategy isn't set yet. he's got a great team that will defend him in the senate. >> but he has some say over
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that. that's a phone call for him to mitch mcconnell saying this is what i want to happen. >> he certainly does. it is true. yes. absolutely. but the rules haven't been set yet. and as you guys talked about earlier, nancy pelosi said she may not even be sending these articles to the senate. so we've got to see what's going to happen. the democrats continue to change the rules. they've been doing that throughout this entire process. so it will be difficult to get a real strategy set until we have the articles of impeachment in and mitch mcconnell has had a chance to really look at what the fair, just thing to do will be. >> do you think all the republicans will stay with the president? you think there are any possible defections, stephanie? >> no, i don't. this has been incredible to see the republicans unify behind this president. when you truly look at the -- the evidence and the transcript that the president, he, himself, released, the republicans know that he did absolutely nothing wrong. he had a very normal conversation with a foreign leader. and the republicans are just really rallying behind him. it's been a great thing to see. i think this is actually better
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for our party. and i think that's going to show in 2020. i think this is truly backfiring on the democrats. >> the republicans may be coming together. but the country certainly is not coming together. and the president is out there calling nancy pelosi crazy at a rally last night. there was that irate letter. can we see steps from the president going forward as we did with bill clinton? an effort to bring the country together to work on the issues that matter to everyday americans. >> i think that, again, i would take issue with the fact that you're calling an irate letter. he was laying out his -- his case because he wanted -- >> when will we see an attempt to move people back together? not just republicans on one side and democrats on the other. will the president give a speech along those lines? >> the president has been working towards unity. he has been begging for usmca to get passed. he's been working toward ndaa, which is for the military giving them a pay raise. and again, parental leave. the president's had all kinds of things waiting on nancy pelosi's desk that could unify this
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country and show that the two sides are working together. but they've chosen not to do that. i've got to remind you it's the democrats that for the months and months and months have done nothing. the president will do anything he can to work alongside the democrats, the republicans, to get things done on behalf of this country. it's america first for him. it always has been. >> did you cringe a little bit at his comments last night in michigan in john dingle's home state? when he seemed to imply, john is no longer with us that he may be looking up from hell. >> i didn't hear him say that. but i will say that we -- we -- we do thank her for her service and we are very, very sorry for the passing of her husband. we thank him for his service. the president did do, at her request, all that he could. he lowered the flag of the white house. did all he could to honor him. you've got to remember this president has been under attack now for two and a half years. tensions are high. the rally last night, there was a lot of -- a lot of passionate
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people. and i think that a lot of riffing was going on. but at the end of the day, the president did do all he could to honor her husband. and again, we're very, very sorry for the loss. >> stephanie grisham, we thank you for joining us. don't be a stranger. we'd like to have you back again. >> happy to do it.
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spinning as a form of prayer and it's attracting fans in the west. >> what did beyonce, cold play, and this guy have in common? i'm holly williams in turkey. and i'll have the answer to that question coming up on cbs "this morning." ♪ for mother rose?! it's perfect. ♪ perfect. [door bell] another one for mother rose? ♪ ♪ seaonly abreva cany to help sget rid of it in... little as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. abreva starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. abreva acts on it. so you can too. (make-a-wish volunteer) ok, he's coming,y) c'mon c'! here we go... ♪ (little santa) somali...alika? (little santa) where's kiara?
8:13 am
(little santa) i got this for you. (vo) when you grant a child's wish, you change lives. (vo) you can choose make-a-wish to get two hundred and fifty dollars from subaru when you get a new subaru. (vo 2) get 0.9% during the subaru share the love event. you may be at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia - a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that can disrupt your life for weeks. in severe cases, pneumococcal pneumonia can put you in the hospital. it can hit quickly, without warning, making you miss out on what matters most. just one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia. it's not a yearly shot. prevnar 13® is approved for adults to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. don't get prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain,
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redness and swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, less appetite, vomiting, fever, chills, and rash. ask about prevention. ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13®. ♪needs somebody ♪everybody needs somebody to love♪ ♪someone to love ♪someone to love ♪i got a little message for you...♪ ♪when you have that somebody, hold on to them,♪ ♪give them all your love.... wherever they are♪ ♪i need you, you, you ♪i need you, you, you ♪i need you, you, you ♪i need you, you, you ♪
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it feels even better when you find it for less. and you find a deal on cookware that makes you say. you know when you're at ross yes! ...oh, yeah! bring on the holidays! that's yes for less. everything you need to prep, cook and serve up the season. it feels even better when you find it for less-at ross. yes for less. the cdc is warning some puppies bought at pet stores may be linked to an outbreak of drug-resistant insections in hume -- infections in humans. 30 infections have been reported from early january to november 10th. at least four people have been hospitalized. no one has died. we're happy to say that. the cdc says many people reported a link to the pet store chain petland. the company says it has taken steps to prevent human and puppy illnesses. doctors say pets should not lick people's faces -- good luck with that -- >> really.
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>> anybody that has a dog they love, they lick you all over the place. i stop at the mouth -- they lica all over the place. the cdc says new dogs should be taken to the vet for a checkup. there you have it. in our "world of worship" series, how spinning is at the heart of a centuries' old religious tradition. we take you to turkey to see the whirling dervishes connect to god. you're watching "cbs this morning." kerrygold has a taste so rich it can take you to ireland's lush, green pastures. where grass-fed cows produce rich, creamy milk
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for our series "world of worship" we sent correspondents around the globe to show how different people celebrate their faith and honor religious traditions. this morning we head to turkey where whirling is a form of prayer. men use spinning to connect with god. it's a school of islamic practice with many fans here in the united states. our holly williams in turkey takes us inside the world of whirling dervishes. >> reporter: good morning. if you had to guess america's most popular poet, you might
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name emily dickinson or walt whitman or maya angelou. you might be surprised to learn that one of the bestselling poets in the u.s. is a muslim who lived around 800 years ago. this month many of his followers are making a religious principle grimmage to his -- pilgrimage to his shrine in turkey. ♪ these men aren't dancing, they're meditating. faces turned toward heaven, communing with god. ♪ they're called whirling dervishes, and their form of worship is to spin and spin and then spin some more. >> they want to say to god, please send your mercy to us. >> reporter: memet is a third generation dervish, and he's been whirling since he was 14 years old. he says the goal is a kind of
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religious ecstasy. >> the music goes faster and faster, and you listen to that music, that rhythm, and you are spinning faster. and in that moment, you cannot control around you. you don't know where is right, where is left. you are nonexistence in this world. >> reporter: you're nonexistent in the world. >> yes. in is the aim. because i want to be with god. >> reporter: the whirling dervishes are muslims, followers of an ancient school of islamic practice famous for its spiritualism and its tolerance. most dervishes are men, but women and even non-muslims also whirl. >> if you come with repentence, the door is always open. >> reporter: once a year, thousands of the faithful make the pilgrimage here to turkey to
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celebrate the most famous whirler of all, rumi was his name. he lived here during the 13th century and wrote divine love poetry. nearly eight centuries later, his poems are still best sellers, including in the u.s. the pilgrims come from all over the world to visit rumi's shrine. ♪ and the dervishes go into overdrive, watched by an audience of believes and young imitators. >> i don't have to pretend to be anything that i'm not, and nobody's judging me for it. >> reporter: hafsa made the pilgrimage from her home in england. she told us it's very different from the type of islam that she practiced with her family when she was growing up. >> yeahme, here it's more about your heart and who you are, your humanity, your compassion. not that, you know, islam i was brought up was -- taught you all of those things, but not with --
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probably more with fear than with love. >> reporter: rumi's fans extend far beyond the islamic world. >> just being human is a guest house -- >> reporter: cold play put this rumi poem on its 2015 album. beyonce named one of her twins rumi. >> a joy, a depression, a meanness -- >> reporter: in the u.s., there are dervishes -- >> some momentary awareness comes -- >> reporter: from new york to kentucky. >> an unexpected visitor -- >> reporter: rumi and the whirling dervishes are an industry in connier, commodified not just for the pilgrims but for tour tiefts -- tourists to come here knowing virtually nothing. but the deserrvishes are happy
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spread their message. >> there's a famous quotation, "come, come, whoever you are. come, your religion is not important." to dervishes, the most important thing is your heart. ♪ >> reporter: one of my first questions for the whirling dervishes was whether or not they get dizzy. apparently they do not, but it takes a lot of training. for "cbs this morning," conyer,. >> start them young. >> that little kid. learn something now. i've seen whirling dervishes in turkey actually. i never knew it had a religious connection. i thought it was a beautiful performance. >> i did not know either. a spectacular sight. >> it is. >> thank you. as the new year approaches, we're taking a look at the key events and people that shaped 2019. that's ahead after your local news. ♪
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this is a kpix5 news morning update. good morning in i'm gianna franco. it is 8:25. as we check the roadways right now, still pretty busy. brake lights coming out of ma ren and fog hovering over the golden gate bridge. still seeing a lot of red on the censors which shows slow and go conditions continuing in the south bay. eastbound 237, the non-commute direction around great america parkway, lanes are blocked there, as well as the right shoulder. slow conditions west and eastbound 237 through mill pieties. if you're connecting to 101, still slow as you head near mounds view for an earlier
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crash. all freeways in the yellow so still seeing slower speeds but not as bad as earlier. brake lights through the peninsula and still busy at the bay bridge. >> we're getting off to a cloudy, foggy start in the bay and, yet ks , we have spotted a patch of blue. we'll get a little sun later in the day. even as the north bay stands a chance for sprinkles in the morning, upper 40s to low 5os. not bad. the rest of the day the tendency will be to increasing sunshine except that we won't get a lot of it. a cloudy start. dry flew saturday morning. then in the afternoon and evening, clouds and beginning to rain, but that is saturday night. >> today in the mid-50s. 58 fremont. extends forecast calls for rain saturday night, rain on sunday, christmas day looks like there could be a few showers. in the meantime, have a great thursday.
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welcome back. impeachment capped a year that also brought acts of shocking gun violence and celebrations of patriotic anniversaries that brought americans together. this morning, we are looking back at all the pivotal people and moments thatsh helped shape 2019. >> no collusion, no obstruction. >> president trump and his supporters say democrats, they've gone too far with claims of wrongdoing after robert mueller found the president did not collude with russia. >> this is pretty much as good as a not guilty verdict. the russia investigation is over, the president's legal problems continue. >> i had a perfect phone call. a totally perfect phone call. >> president trump was accused of withholding military aid to ukraine in exchange for ukraine investigating the democrats. >> was there a quid pro quo?
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the the answer is yes. >> passed the two articles of impeachment. the president is impeached. >> i did say i think this is all going to blow up. here we are. >> reporter: democrats take control of the house. >> the entire freshman ktla was sent here because -- class was sent here because americans are sick of how washington works. >> are you forgetting what you said -- >> sharp divisions among the democratic presidential hopefuls. >> houston, we have a problem. >> candidates are trying to make their marka at this crucial time. >> the single most important thing to accomplish is defeat donald trump. [ cheers ] american troops are pulling back to make way for turkey's planned invasion of northern syria. >> it has been a tumultuous time. >> reporter: like a two-minute warning. we had to pack up and get moving because the situation on the ground was about to change dramatically and quickly. a daring raid in syria
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killed isis leader abu bakr al baghdadi. we're closing the border. we'll keep it closed for a long time. i'm not playing games. >> she says there's no way she can go back to her country. >> more than 4,000 of the 10,000 children in the agency's care are at risk of remaining in custody long term. >> reporter: reports came out that they were living in horrible conditions. >> you're saying there is not good enough. >> i've been saying it for a year. shots fired -- multiple shots fired. >> reporter: massacres in el paso, texas, and dayton, ohio, happened in startling proximity in a country too familiar with gun violence. >> we need love one another again. >> no children in any world should see things like that. they shouldn't. >> you have the hate crime category, you have the church category, you have the school category. bottom line is dead is a
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category. [ siren ] >> this is one of new zealand's darkest days. >> i never thought in my life i would live to see something like this. >> the prime minister vows to reform her country's gun laws in response to the worst mass shooting in the country's modern history. >> 55 lives were lost in our community. a question was asked why does anyone need military-style semiautomatic weapons or assault rifles. that's where we drew the line. hurricane dorian ravages the bahamas. >> everything's gone. everything. >> mommy! >> reporter: a humanitarian crisis in the making. >> this is your whole life right here. >> everything gone at one time. >> reporter: one side of the 405 was turned into a towering inferno. >> if you're still there, you're an idiot. get the hell out. boeing faces safety questions after the second deadly crash of one of its new 737 max 8 jets. >> we have 346 tombstones. >> this is not an accident.
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this is something that could have been prevented. >> i would walk before i was to get on a 737 max. what do we want? [ chants ] >> parliament came no closer to approving terms of its breakup with europe. >> it is a burning desire to get brexit done. china's central government is condemning protests in hong kong. >> reporter: what started off as a peaceful protest has devolved. [ gunfire ] at times it felt like a war zone. >> we are fighting for our freedom and survival. [ siren ] >> reporter: notre dame stands damaged but defiant after a fire raged for at least 12 hours. >> notre dame is not just a building. it's paris. i didn't do this stuff. this is not me. i'm fighting for my [ bleep ] life. y'all are killing me with this
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[ bleep ]. i can't -- [ beep ] robert? >> embattled singer r. kelly is indicted for the second time on federal sex crime charges. >> reporter: now he isn't facing years, he's facing decades. jeffrey epstein was charged with sex trafficking and conspiracy. the alleged sex ring may have involved dozens of underage girls. were you afraid of him? >> yeah. i mean, he's dead, but i still am. >> epstein may be gone, but the demand for justice is intensifying. >> reporter: you could not spend time around him and not know. >> reporter: lawyers want prince andrew to cooperate with investigators, keeping the prince in the spotlight even as he tries to step away from it. >> as far as i was aware, they were staff. >> he knows what happened. i know what happened, and there's only one of us telling the truth. an explosive hbo documentary, wade robson and james safe chuk said michael jackson abused them. >> critics say you'll never listen to michael jackson the same way again.
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>> how can we provide comfort for other survivors? michael happens to be the abuser in this child sexual abuse story. lori? lori, lori? >> prosecutors accuse dozens of people including two hollywood stars of paying millions to get their kids into top schools. >> these were parents who were cutting the line illegally and taking their kids along for the ride. the number of cases of severe lung illness possibly caused by vaping has surged. >> how do you sell it every day? >> we have a product that does not present a risk. >> the message to teens is clear, no device is safe to vape. a young lady at my house right now. she says her name is jayme closs. >> jayme closs escaped from captivity, and she is safe. >> such an overwhelming, happy ending to such a horrible beginning. chewy, we're home. ♪ ♪ here's to the ones that we got cheers to the wish you were here but you're not ♪
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♪ your dreams bring back all the memories of everything we've been through ♪ ♪ toast to the ones >> we carried this out, jack. ♪ ♪ >> you are blessed so you can bless others. god bless the united states of america! ♪ ♪ what will be will be ♪ ♪ ♪ >> come here. take a firm hold of the hypodermic needle. >> right.
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[ laughter ] ♪ >> you see this? a shoehorn. [ laughter ] ♪ ♪ >> last word -- >> no -- >> one, two, three -- one, two, three -- >> bye. >> no, don't do that. good-bye. >> oh yay -- >> fans of britain's royal family around the world are celebrating. yes, we are. the newest addition to the family. the duke and duchess of sussex have a seven pound, three ounce baby by.
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>> this little thing is to die for. i'm over the moon. 50 years ago the "apollo 11" mission blasted off. >> half a century later, historians agree it still stands as perhaps humanity's greatest achievement to date. >> 13, i remember that date very well. very well. >> i was 2. >> you were -- [ laughter ] >> anthony mason is in normandy. he's leading our d-day anniversary coverage. >> i'm always struck by the gravity and enormity of what happened here. it's almost incomprehensible. >> the first time i took omaha beach sand for 75 years. >> how does it feel? >> feels damp and wet. >> yes, it does. >> he was telling the truth. somebody tell us who edited that. that was really amazing. talking about it. it's -- when you look over the stuff that happened the past year, you go i can't believe that happened. who did it? >> kelly valez put it together. >> kelly valez.
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thank you so much. katy, kathleen, and camille. bravo. that is very hard to do. well done. >> i can't believe how much happened. >> all one year. >> i always enjoy looking at those. puts everything in perspective. and makes you realize how fortunate we are. >> yes. >> really that we are still here. >> so much. many of the stories on "cbs this morning," as you see, are tough to cover. we also like to have a little fun. fun is a good thing, too. we'll look back at some of our favorite moments from hanging out with lizzo -- that is fun with a capital freaking "f." exploring the
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♪ there's lizzo, doing my hair toss, check my nails, how you feeling? every day we work hard to bring you the critical news to start your day. we think a sense of humor is good, too. we like to have fun around here. don't we like to have a little fun? yes, we do. >> with a capital freaking "f." >> these are some of our favorite moments from 2019 that happened right here in studio 57 and around the world. >> i'm anthony mason with tony dokoupil and kale -- gayle king. we're learning -- your name? >> yes. >> want to get your name right. gayle king. >> yes, thank you. welcome back to "cbs this morning." >> i'm anthony mason with gayle king -- >> anthony -- sorry. >> let's get back to -- >> all right. how excited are you? >> come on. this is as excited as i get at 8:00 in the morning.
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>> we have the best music. >> we have the best news. >> don't brag about it, right? >> cbs in the house. [ applause ] [ chants ] >> go, jan. go, jan! >> somebody looks like she just got a a fresh haircut -- >> it was anthony. it was haircut day yesterday. >> sharp, gentlemen. sharp. ♪ [ applause ] >> welcome to a special edition of "cbs this morning." >> you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. >> yes. >> yeah. ♪ >> wow. i'm at the same level as that helicopter right there. >> i was getting wobbly here -- >> you need depends doing that, tony dokoupil. >> you are the first audience to see "hamilton" in puerto rico. how does it feel? >> good. >> i bet gayle king would look better in this. ♪ go! >> let's zoom in. that's our own tony dokoupil. tony, you were in the 28 standouts of modern day
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sophistication. ♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning." that was patty running around our studio. >> patty -- that's patty -- >> wondering -- ♪ i can't see. thank you -- >> wow. >> ah. [ laughter ] >> don't you dare use that -- >> it's bad. it's rolling. i did. >> yeehaw. >> setting them up perfectly for equal pay. >> maybe more than equal -- >> right. >> i like that, tony. they said tiger woods was finished, but champions can move their way back -- [ cheers ] ♪ baby shark doo ♪ >> the washington nationals are the world champions! >> go ahead, ed. do a little dance. >> home run, all right -- ♪ >> my grand blma is the driver.
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>> how do we get the press credentials? they're hard -- ♪ >> do you feel disrespected? >> i'm not wearing anything. ♪ i do my hair toss check my nails baby how you feeling ♪ >> what are three words that would best describe you? >> standing near lizzo. ♪ >> makes life interesting. >> this is for all the people who sent me a social media message saying, boy, put something on your head. >> put the lid back on that o.j., time for vitamin d. >> oh! >> i like that. >> vitamin d. ♪ good morning. okay. [ cheers ] >> had is my jack and the beanstalk moment for real. ♪
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>> he's so -- it's so hard, gayle. >> you get up at 3:24. >> 3:24. >> shall we return tomorrow? >> they're letting it us come back, last i heard. >> i'm going to go with that, last you heard, we get to come back tomorrow. >> yes. >> that never gets old. you know, you see the three of us chickens sitting here. it takes a huge group -- patty, would you like to run again? show her, klaus. show how good patty is on her feet. it does take a village to put this broadcast together every single day. special shout out -- i think we have to mention again, caitlyn, camille, edited by kelly, those are hard to do. >> yeah. >> they can put it in perspective that way. >> do a good job making anthony look mad -- it was stricken from the record. >> this is the thing that i forget. the camera is rolling -- >> all the time. >> all the time. even when we're not on air. but the best way to get guaranteed that you're shown is
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you better not put this on tv. better not put this on tv. >> i think that kind of giving consent. >> very nice. >> why 3:24? i never understood why you have 3:24 -- >> because i time it with something i want to see on the news. then i hit three chooses. i don't jump out of bed, but it goes off at 3:24. i'm still tucking -- >> go to -- >> got to go. i hit three snoozes. okay, we're going to go. >> we're looking forward on the podcast to exploring what climate change will look like in the next decade. christina figaris architect of the paris climate agreement will join us. stay with us. you know when you're at ross and you realize it's time your sister stopped borrowing your sweaters? yeah! that's yes for less. stop stealing mine... never. holiday gifts everyone's sure to love at 20 to 60 percent off department store prices. at ross. yes for less.
8:52 am
and you realize you are the the hostess with the mostest. you know when you're at ross yes! yeah! that's yes for less. entertain in style all season long. it feels even better when you find it for less-at ross. yes for less. ♪ ♪ it's the most wonderful time of year ♪ yeah, it is. a record-setting display gives new meaning to the phrase "merry
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this is a kpix5 news morning update. it is 8:55. i'm gianna franco. as we check the roadways still busy out there. if you're led the out the door, give yourself a few minutes especially if you're traveling 880 southbound. we're seeing brake lights. northbound 880 slow through oakland. eastshore freeway, 80 westbound. looks like we have stop and go conditions out of berkeley and sluggish toward the toll plaza. westbound 580, we have reports of a crash on the shoulder but some spectators slowing as you approach the scene. here is the bay bridge and starting to see lights into the city. travel times right now 35 minutes out of hercules, down to the maze if you're taking 8 0, 36 minutes on 580 through
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the altmonte pass. that is improving and look at this. highway 4 in the green which means you're at the limit for the most part, 35 minutes from antioch over to 80. brian. if you're at the limit on all this lane we have more rain coming in saturday evening. for today we'll slowly clear it out. you're seeing breaks it clouds right now over san jose. the number es 53 degrees. livermore it is 52. we're starting out in the 50s. a chance of a few sprinkles north of the golden gate bridge. it will be on the cool side, but not bad. saturday night and sunday looks like things will turn wet. for today san francisco 36. oakland 57. san jose 60 degrees. extended forecast stat night and sunday look wet. friday looks okay. christmas, it looks like a chance of showers, but in the meantime not bad. have a great thursday.
9:00 am
wayne: can i get a witness? - i am feeling real good! wayne: let's take a ride on the cash train. jonathan: it's a new audi! wayne: how's that? cat, that was pretty funky. tiffany: for sure. jonathan: zonkaroo! - move on up! wayne: let's do it. you did it! make it rain with cash! - oh, my god! jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal." now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: hey, everybody, welcome to "let's make a deal." i'm wayne brady. thank you so much for being here. who wants to make a deal? (cheers and applause) lisa, come on, lisa. hello, miss lisa, come on up here, lisa. nice to meet you. - nice to meet you. do you mind if i have a hug? wayne: yes, ma'am, nice to meet you. (cheers and applause)
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