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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  January 27, 2020 3:30am-4:00am PST

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you did good, man. i'm proud of you. - hey, you think they still got that alien nightmare game down there? man, the quarters we wasted on that thing, we could have all gone to dental school. - no, i was down there a couple of days ago. all the games are cleared out. it's all fixed up. there's a little cafe in there now. - [oz] yeah. - still the buses, though. - hey, toby, talk to me. - hey, oz. we found the shooter. - you found him? so it's over? - maybe not. he was dead. - but that's enough to get tommy off the hook, isn't it? the shooter was the only one that tommy saw. - all right, look, we don't know who else he told about tommy. you gotta keep him under wraps until we've figured out who ordered this hit. - ok. will do. - what, they got him? - somebody did. he's dead. you gotta stick around here a little while longer. - well, there's worse places to stick around. - tommy, the night of the shooting, are you sure there's nothing else you saw? - oz, how many times do i gotta tell you? i saw one dude shoot another dude, and this dude ran as fast as my legs could carry me.
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is there something you're not believing here? - i didn't say that. this is just moving outside of my area of expertise. i'm thinking maybe there's something we missed. - you know what? i'm starving. how about we get some chinese food? - how about there are dangerous men out there trying to kill you? - yeah, you don't need to remind me. - can i help you? - i sure hope you can. my brother was taken in for a heart attack the other day. - i'm sorry. - and he said that the medic who took him saved his life. he's, medium-tall, dark hair. - oh, osman bey, yeah. - well, my brother wanted me to give him this as a thank you. - sorry, we can't accept gifts, and oz is off today, so, i'm sorry, what was your brother's name again? - oh, yeah it's, tony. i really wanted to say thank you personally myself as well, so maybe i'll just come back another time, ok?
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thank you. - yeah. - ok, so, i've been looking deeper into the connection between jake and dom westing. and everything just keeps coming right back to xander barkin. - yeah, but barkin thought that he had paid westing to get out of town. those two weren't tight. - well, maybe westing found out what jake was doing and tried to get back into barkin's camp. - but if westing had just done a favor for barkin, why would he kill him? that makes no sense. - i don't know how to put this politely, but you know what doesn't make sense? we're investigating a double murder where our only lead is a witness that doesn't want to talk to us. - we bring him in, we're gonna lose him. he's not gonna make an official statement. - well, the guy's got a history as a drug addict. i'm not sure how much his testimony's even worth. - i read him. he's clean now. he saw the murder. he's a witness. - maybe there's something he's not telling us. - look, barking didn't know anything about jake's murder, but he did know about westing. maybe we can get him on westing's murder. if we get nothing, i'll do my best to bring tommy in. - ok. got a deal. (tense music)
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- you people keep coming back here, you're gonna have to decide whether to order cocktails or deliver warrants. - i thought you might like to know don westing was murdered this afternoon. - sucks for him. oh, roughriders are killing me! a girl guide can go through this defensive line. - you really don't care that he's dead? - look, i told you i knew him in passing. there's a lot of rounders like him out there, and a lot of 'em get themselves killed. it's not like i'm gonna go to his funeral or anything. who the hell is hooking me up with this? - and you had nothing to do with it? - i've been here minding my business all day. and if you two didn't keep coming around here with status reports, it wouldn't even be on my radar. - what about your friend grant? you were here all afternoon too? - i had some, business of my own. - now, if you're done, i'd appreciate you walking away. i've got nothing for you, my people have got nothing for you, and this football game is turning into my worst nightmare.
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- sucks for you. so, he was surprised we were coming after him for westing's murder. - is he surprised that he was dead? - couldn't tell. - what about his friend grant? - he was busy with a woman. i want you to find out what this idiot jake got himself killed over, and why they're coming after me for it. - i'm on it. - come on, you're an insult to the game! - boy, you are terrible with chopsticks, man. - how did the people who came up with rice come up with chopsticks to eat it? doesn't make any sense. - what, are you doing a bit? that's awful. - yeah, yeah, yeah, thanks. i'll be here all week. here, try a bit of this one. - huh? oh, yeah. - huh? - yeah. ok, don't eat all of that. so, when was the last time you talked to your parents? - they don't want to hear from me. - come on, i can't believe parents don't want to talk to their own son. - i can't believe it either. what a couple of jerks, right? (laughs) - that's screwed up. - so, how about you?
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why'd you become a paramedic? - honestly? one word: humber river. - that's two words. like dumb ass. - you know what i mean, right? - i think i do. - we were, what, 10? we were idiots to go fishing in that river. i must have swallowed four gallons of water before you jumped in to save me. after that, i knew i wanted to jump in and save people too, so. - serious? - yeah. - well, my last good deed. - come on. - ozzy, man, i wish i could be more like, you know, your new buddy, toby, on the straight and narrow, always on the up-and-up, but it's easy for a guy like that, you know? he probably had all the advantages-- - hey, toby's had it tougher than anybody, ok? in a weird way. he just never let it decide who he's gonna be. (knocking at door) - [man] osman bey! metro police! open the door! (suspenseful music) metro police! - it's probably nothing, ok? toby probably sent them. let me just go talk to 'em.
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jeez. ok, i'm gonna call toby. come on. - here he comes. here he comes. - go, go, go. get back, get back, get back, go, go, go. tommy.
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when you humble yourself under the mighty hand of god, in due time he will exalt you. hi, i'm joel osteen. i'm excited about being with you every week. i hope you'll tune in. you'll be inspired, you'll be encouraged. i'm looking forward to seeing you right here. you are fully loaded and
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completely equipped for the race that's been designed for you. - you know, we would be able to help you a lot more if you would just come into our office. - no. no cops. i told that to oz. it's not part of the deal. - i don't know or care what it is you've done or what warrants are open for you right now, but there's a killer out there, and we're just trying to protect you. - you know everything i know. me going down to the cop shop isn't gonna change anything.
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- [michelle] dev, what's going on? - the guy said he was a cop. i thought maybe you forgot and you sent him to check on us, but then he pulled out a lock-pick and the biggest gun i've ever seen. - you get a good look at the guy? - yeah. he was a big guy, not like fat, but port, like, like husky. - what if i just, you know? - ok, alright. - just think of the guy, all right? - ok. just think about the guy. - got it, alright. - that's it? - as far as i know, he's not someone we've dealt with before. - ok. - hey, tommy. are you sure there was just one shooter? - yes. one shooter. i've said that a hundred times. and the guy who showed up here, i've never even seen that guy before. why are they still after me? you said that the guy i saw is dead, right? so i can't hurt them anymore. - well, someone obviously doesn't think that. this is unbelievable! - i'm gonna get killed, i don't even know why. - they've made oz. the safest thing for you to do is come down with us to the iib. - no. no! look, i'm no stranger to this, toby. if i end up in that cop station, i end up wearing this murder. - tommy, they're just trying to help you over here.
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- yeah, sure, oz, like people have been helping me all along. - excuse me? at a bar called the cha-cha lounge a few hours before he was killed. there was a bartender who was working at the time. he's bringing him in for questioning. - ok. that's good. hey, tommy. - all right? just take. - hey, uh, do you know the cha-cha lounge? - yeah, it's on parliament, right? - jake salisbury was drinking there a few hours before he was killed. - good, maybe you'll find something out. maybe i'll get my life back. - all right, they don't know you're here, ok? lay low. you're safe here. stay. give us a few more hours. we're gonna try to get you out of this, tommy. - anything's possible, right? - yeah. - thanks. thanks, michelle. - thank you for coming in. - i don't remember being given a choice. this isn't like any cop shop i've been in before. - well, we're not regular cops.
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- so, you were working at the cha-cha lounge yesterday. - recognize that guy? - yeah. he's not a regular, but i remember him. he was nervous. had a few vodkas straight up. - you talked to him? - nah, he was pretty tight with the guy he was hanging out with. - he met someone? - he knew him. they were thick as thieves. - that him right there? - that ain't him. guy was skinny, kind of skeezy. - ok, well, thank you for your time. he'll show you out. what'd you see? - not what i expected. toby said he'd be right back. oz, i've tried to be a good friend to you. i need you to know that. - ok, i know that tone.
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(phone rings) - it's toby. hey. oz, listen to me. tommy knows jake. they were at the bar drinking together. - what? - [toby] oz, he's been lying to you, to me, the whole time. - why? - i don't know. just keep him there 'til we get back, ok? - yeah, sure. what's going on, tommy? - all right, let me explain. me and jake, we scammed a little bit of money, ok, from a guy that jake worked for. and we got busted. jake talked to the guy. he said if we gave the money back, everything was gonna be fine, all right? so we set up a little payoff. i had to go get my half, so i was late getting there, and by the time i got there, jake. the whole thing was jake's idea. it wasn't my fault. - it wasn't your fault? what, a bunch of somebody else's money just ended up in your pocket by accident?
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- jake said the whole thing was gonna be safe! - tommy, life is about choices! why do you keep making stupid ones? - alright, i gotta go. - tommy, wait. - no, they're gonna be coming for me now, oz. i gotta go. - tommy, i can't let you leave! - oz! i'm sorry, i gotta go. one way or the other, i'm going. i'm sorry. i know you don't believe me. i'm trying to make this right. (tense music) - you figure he's going for the money? - he'd better be. barkin's starting to ask questions. i need this cleaned up tonight.
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air wick barkin's starting to ask questions. take in fragrance inspired by nature with air wick essential mist. voted best innovation in air care it transforms natural essential oils into mist. experience the latest in air care by air wick. there's gold bond cracked skin relief. precisely fills cracks. 94% saw noticeable improvement. gold bond cracked skin relief. - i'm sorry that i dragged you into this. i should never have trusted the guy.
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- look, i read him. he seemed to be telling the truth. - yeah. - bear with me for a moment, 'cause i seem to have lost the plot here. dom westing killed jake. but why? - tommy said that they had stolen money from a guy that jake was working for. - that would be xander barkin. - yeah, but when toby read barkin, he didn't have a thought that he'd done anything to either jake or westing. - well, that was the last thing he said before he pulled a knife on me in toby's apartment. i don't even know the guy anymore, so - all right, maybe there's someone else involved in this that we haven't spoken to yet. - did he say anything that could tell us where he was going? - no, nothing. i mean, i knew he was keeping his share of the money. maybe he went somewhere to go get it. - well, where does a guy like that go to disappear? - well, wherever he's heading, he's gonna have a bunch of killers on his tail. i'm gonna put out an alert. - ok. thank you. you know, right until he left, he said he was still trying to do the right thing. can you believe that? - maybe he was. humans are complicated. let's go. - no, humans are idiots when they believe humans that are lying to them. - look, you were a good friend to him. when they believe humans heyed to them. - all right.
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i'll see you later. - yeah. it's gonna be ok. - [oz] yeah. (suspenseful music) - [toby] hey, it's toby. leave a message for me. - hey, toby, it's me. michelle was asking if i knew where tommy might be going, and, this could be a complete long shot, but we were talking about the bus station where we used to hang out when we were kids. i think he might be trying to get out of town, so i'm going down there to find him. i'll call you again if i do.
3:49 am
- [announcer] attention all passengers. this is a final call for toronto to thunder bay. stopping at sudbury, espinola, blind river and sault ste. marie. will now be boarding from platform three. - is this your idea of doing the right thing, tommy? - i gotta go. they'll never let me live. - look, if you had trusted me, we could have got this thing sorted. you could have given the money back, we could have put these guys away. - put these guys away? that's your world, not mine. - tommy, come on. - oz, i don't know why you're bother with me right now! you're right! you're absolutely right! i'm a total screw-up! i always have been, i always will be! - just because you've made some bad decisions before doesn't mean you have to keep making 'em. - what's your problem? i mean, isn't this what you want? i'm out of your hair now. i'm out of your life. i will never ask you for anything ever again. i never said i wanted. look, just come with me to the cops, ok? they can help you. - it's too late. i got a bus to catch.
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- guess what? you already missed it. - i'll take that. - hey, he's got nothing to do with this! - well, he does now. get in the car. - if we get in that car, we're as good as dead. - [grant] i told you to get in the car. - no. you're just gonna kill us anyways, right? - get in the car! - oz, go! go! (gunfire pops) - tommy! - iib! drop your weapon! (sirens wailing) - [man] hold it right there. - [oz] oh, jeez. here, put some pressure on it. - hey, how is he? - i think it's through and through. he's gonna be ok, sure. - i'll call it in. - yeah, ok. - come on. - why did you do that? - because he was gonna kill both of us. you didn't deserve that. gee, ozzy, i'm sorry. - just take it easy, all right? help's on the way. - you're saying that barkin's right-hand man found out that jake was cheating him,
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so he decided to take out jake and keep the money for himself? - right, exactly. and starr was gonna let barkin think that the money was just lost, as meanwhile he brought don westing back to take out jake. - right. but when starr found out we were on to westing, he had him taken out as well. - see, when i asked starr about that afternoon, i got the wrong read because he didn't kill westing. he ordered rand to do it. - yeah, the other guy from the bus station. - right. - well, if we're looking for a new definition of no honor among thieves, i think we might have just found it. (upbeat music) - hey, buddy. - hey. come on in. so, am i still, welcome here? - well, to be honest, you were never really welcome; you were just kind of tolerated. - listen, i'm sorry if i got you in any trouble with that stuffed shirt, klein. - are you kidding me, man? the bad guys were taken down, the headlines were secured. he's a happy guy. how's tommy? - oh, tommy's good. you know, he's probably scamming the nurses out of extra jell-o as we speak. - how are you two?
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you guys good? - i appreciate him saving my life and all, but as far as us hanging out, i think that's probably not good for either of us. - come on, you two must have got something out of it. - you know, a real friend is someone who's there for you to help you as much as you're there to help them; a friend who knows that sometimes you don't have time to go to the grocery store because, oh, maybe you were holed up on the run from killers; a friend who would never let you go hungry. know what i mean? - yeah, i'm not sharing my food with you. - is that all our friendship means to you? - pulling that card? - i'm very disappointed. it smells so good. - those puppy-dog eyes. pull up a chair. come on, just don't touch the broccoli. - hey, i don't want to eat the broccoli. i got my eye on these peas. giddy-up. - i wouldn't touch the peas either. - they're like these-- - oh, god, they are not cooked. - [toby] exactly. (dramatic music)
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a little boy at a football game saw people playing in a way that changed his life, and it happened when the teams were off the field. here is steve hartman "on the road." >> reporter: he is only in third grade, but 9-year-old henry boyer of howell, michigan already knows what he wants to be. last fall he attended his first university of michigan football game, and he was wowed. they were that good? >> my mind was blown with how good they played. >> reporter: but it wasn't the football that he fell for. ♪ it was the marching band. and from that moment to this, henry has been rocking out to ! >> reporter: and watching old halftime shows on youtube. he even wrote a letter to the band saying how he'd love to sign up some day. in response, they sent him a
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bunch of swag and a card, inviting him to audition when he is old enough. >> i just really liked the card. >> reporter: what were you feeling in that moment? >> surprised and heart-warmed. >> reporter: his mother got it on video. >> what did they say? >> they said they can only accept me in a few years. >> into the marching band. >> you excited? >> yes, i'm really excited. >> that was nice of them. >> uh-huh. >> reporter: jeff and kim boyer. >> such a simple act, to reach back out to him, it's changed his world. >> yeah, he is on fire for music now. >> reporter: henry asked if he could double up on piano lessons, and started taking drums too. >> like the card said, practice hard, and i will practice hard. >> reporter: so you can get there some day? >> yes. i just have a really good feeling that i'm going to be in the marching band. r: ifoe hen band in the fall of 2029. but we thought, and the school agreed, that's an awfully long time to wait for to come
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true. so we set up little surprise, right behind this door. >> no way! >> henry, this is your michigan >> oh! >> we're so excited to have you here with us, henry. >> i can't believe i'm here. >> reporter: the michigan marching band wrote out a single note, and just look at symphony that followed, a masterpiece of kindness andnspiration that struck a major chord in this young man's life. so now hopefully no matter where his music takes him, henry will always follow the lead of this marching band, and play it forward. >> nice job! >> reporter: steve hartman, on the road. >> you guys have the best music ever. >> reporter: in ann arbor, michigan.
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>> i can't wait to join. >> oh, yeah. it will come soon. >> and that's the "overnight >> it's monday, january 27th, 2020. this is the "cbs morning news". >> i still don't believe it. everybody is at a loss for words. >> shocking death of lakers legends kobe bryant who died in a helicopter crash that also killed his daughter and seven others. the outpouring of grief. the audio recordings of the final moments before the chopper went down. >> the grammy show goes on. performers paid tribute to bryant. the show stopping numbers and billie eilish wins big. a bomb shell allegation involving president trump as his defense resumes today in the senate impeachment trial. e resumes today in the captioning funded by cbs


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