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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  March 17, 2020 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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good morning to you and welcome to "cbs this morning." i'm gayle king with anthony mason and tony dokoupil. america stays home. federal and local governments take dramatic steps to stop the coronavirus from spreading. the president tells everyone not to gather in large groups and says this pandemic could last until the end of the summer. market mayhem. investors are on edge after spher fears of a recession and widespread layoffs. how to prepare for any shortfalls in your finances and what the government may do to help out. health care workers say they don't have enough tools to protect themselves and their patients. why they believe it's become a life or death issue. >> and living with coronavirus. three patients recovering from
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covid-19 describe what it's like to have the illness. >> it's tuesday, march 17th, 2020. we'll have the latest after today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> this is a virus. we can conquer this. but it will be strictly on the basis of our behaviors and what we do. >> americans prepare for coronavirus restrictions. >> president trump says people should prepare for the impact of this pandemic to stretch well into the summer. >> people are talking about july, august, something like that. so it could be right in that period of time where i say wash -- it washes through. >> markets took another big hit because of coronavirus. the dow dropped nearly 3,000 points. >> truly sickening day with a horrendous last hour. it's finally dawning on people that we're in a real crisis here. >> hang in there. support local. please. >> in addition to bars and restaurants being forced to
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close, gyms and fitness centers are temporarily shutting their doors, too. >> i'm against the fact i can't do leg day tomorrow. that's a sad thing. >> despite the coronavirus, florida beaches still open for business. >> this looks to be a busy day here at the beach. >> all that. >> the school orchestra whose performance at carnegie hall was canceled performed in times square instead. >> you don't stop. you make the most of it and take what life gives you and you keep going. >> and all that matters. >> hi. welcome to my bathroom. i'm your host stephen colbert. you're watching a very special social distancing edition of "the late show." or as i now call it, the lather show with scrubbin' colbath. mr. bubbles. >> on "cbs this morning." >> hi. my name is chris. is this on? >> chris martin of coldplay played a few songs and chatted with his fans on instagram. it's part of a twitter movement
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called #together at home. ♪ ♪ you're a sky full of stars >> this morning's "eye oper is presented by toyota. let's go places. >> i like that. together at home. it's st. patrick's day. that's why i'm wearing green because i'm so craving some kind of normalcy when nothing is normal these days. nothing. >> we're going to need a lot more of what chris martin is doing there in the next few weeks. >> it's going to be a very long playlist to get through this. >> i'm going to take the attitude of dave who mics us this morning. are you worried? he said, no, we're going to be okay. i think we need reminders of that. >> we're going to get through it and we're going to be okay. that's where we begin. welcome to "cbs this morning" because every day we're going to be bringing you everything you need to know about these unfolding, ever-changing coronavirus changes. how america is coping and what
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you can do to stay safe. we're very glad to be doing that. americans are hunkering down as the pandemic brings us our personalor t ea iime to t any ances. >> my administration is recommending that all americans, including the young and healthy work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than ten people. avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking at bars, restaurants and public food courts. >> very good advice. the president also said for the first time yesterday that this crisis could lead to a recession. on wall street yesterday, as you heard, the stocks plummeted right after the opening bell. the dow jones industrials lost nearly 3,000 points. that is close to 13%. >> the u.s. now has more than 4500 reported coronavirus cases but the actual total could be much higher.
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at least 90 people have died. our coverage of this new normal in america begins with mola lenghi in new york city. it's remarkably quiet in this typically crazy city. >> reporter: absolutely, anthony it is. new yorkers are waking up to new rules. and that new normal you guys are talking about. that's really defined by empty streets, deserted, desolate streets. this is columbus circle, one of the busier areas that sits adjacent to central park. bars, restaurants, coffee shops all closed. retail stores have adjusted their hours as you can see. and further illustrated by the transit systems here. columbus circle, one of the busier subway stations in the city. normally hundreds, if not thousands of people would be pouring out of here. now down to a trickle. meanwhile, in other parts of the country, leaders are taking more drastic measures to stop the spread of the virus. the streets of new orleans eerily quiet on the eve of st.
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patrick's day. the crowds were kept home after louisiana forced all bars to close over coronavirus fears. from san francisco to new york city, businesses were shuttered monday night and streets deserted under similar orders. >> no matter where you look, this is something. it's an invisible enemy. >> reporter: the president's guidance to limit gatherings to no more than ten people is part of a plan for all americans to help stop the spread. something emphasized by the white house coronavirus response coordinator on the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell. >> you get behind a pandemic, this virus is about two to three times more contagious than flu. that's why we want everybody to do everything that they can. >> reporter: new york, new jersey and connecticut announced a coordinated social life shutdown with theaters and gyms closed and restaurants and bars limited to takeout and delivery. in the san francisco bay area, officials called for several counties to shelter in place. >> what we are asking for everyone to do is to remain at
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home for all but the most essential outings for your safety and the safety of those around you. >> reporter: the mass shutdown is being felt by businesses big and small. chef eric repare says he is not able to pay his staff, but is committed to covering their health insurance through april. >> what are the discussions being had? >> i have been talking to some of my friends in the industry. and everybody is terrified by the situation. i wish i could do better for our employees. i just can't. >> reporter: while grocery stores have been inundated, some shops have set aside special times just for seniors, a group that's vulnerable to the virus. >> we've been standing in line for other markets. but by the time we get in, there's a lot of it gone. >> travelers are on high alert. this delta flight to seattle was
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grounded in new york monday night after a passenger said they might have been exposed to coronavirus. but the race for a vaccine took a drastic step monday when jennifer holler from seattle volunteered to become the first person to receive an experimental dose. >> everybody feels so helpless right now. and i was so excited to be given this opportunity to actually do something tangible to potentially help thousands, millions of people. >> reporter: potential vaccines still being studied but we're still about a year away from any sort of widespread use. >> can't come soon enough, mola. for more on the impact of social distance, cbs news chief medical correspondent dr. jon lapook joins us via skype from his home in new york city. he is self-quarantining there after possibly coming into contact with someone who tested positive for covid-19. more and more people in that situation these days. good morning, dr. lapook. >> good morning, tony. we're dealing with these dizzying changes in everyday
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life. the restrictions and advisories have gone from don't go to italy to don't go to your corner bar and don't gather in groups of more than ten all in the name of social distancing. how much of a benefit do we expect to get from social distancing? >> i think it can be a very big benefit and i'll tell you why. we talk about again this flattening of the curve. early on you get this big peak. with that big peak, big load on the health care system you can have shortages of health care professionals as you're seeing. does it work if we can blunt that, if we can blunt that curve and flatten it out and instead of one big spike, spread them out a little? it may last longer but you won't have that big load at that point. does it work? we're seeing in china, south korea, elsewhere, these efforts make a difference. we're seeing a slowing of new cases. so, yes, it matters. and especially people who are young. you heard president trump talked about the young and healthy. it's important for them also, even though they may be relatively spared from the
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severe effects of covid-19, they can spread it to others. we're hearing reports of young people out on the streets still doing the normal gathering. don't do that because you may bring it asymptatically or with minimal symptoms and affect your mother or grandmother. everybody has to be responsible here. >> that's why they said millennials are the key to spreading this. what about playdates for your kids. is that okay? >> you have to think of, of course, with kids, when you have kids are mingling. no way you'll say to them, stay six feet apart and cough into the crook of your arm. you have to assume you're mingling germs with kids and then think of, what are their contacts? if you are with a child. if your child is with a child who is in contact with them? is there somebody in that family that's at high risk? high risks se medic condition, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, of course, a weakened immune system. and then the question of, if they are with somebody who is
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elderly, i've been trying to hunt this down. what's elderly? gayle, elderly is somebody at least 10 to 15 years older than what i am at that point. but the cdc is kind of like, well, you know, 65 and above but there's very good data here to look at it in the current situation. if you look in italy, you see the mortality rate really spikes up from 70 to 79 and above. it's not like 69 and you're fine and 71 you're not fine. but that's a good idea. it gives you an idea of a data point of what might be a time where your risk really goes up. >> dr. jon lapook, thank you. the white house and congress are working on measures to limit the economic damage from the pandemic. weijia jiang is at the white house. what is being considered at this point? >> reporter: well, anthony, there are a lot of options on the table as president trump warns this outbreak is bad. for weeks, he had been urging americans to relax and stay calm. but yesterday his tone was
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markedly more somber. in addition to avoiding social gatherings with more than 10 people, he did not rule out taking more drastic actions like ordering regional quarantines. and on a call with the nation's governors, mr. trump told them to find critical supplies of respirators and masks on their own because federal help may be too slow. this week the senate is expected to pass a stimulus bill that already cleared the house to provide paid sick leave as well as free virus testing. and today on capitol hill, secretary treasury -- secretary of the treasury steve mnuchin is expected to talk about a third spending package, stimulus bill, that would be aimed at helping small businesses, as well as the hotel and airline industries. gayle? >> we were hearing yesterday that many lawmakers are floating the idea of monthly cash payments to help americans get through this crisis. andrew yang talked a lot about giving people money during his campaign. what can you tell us about that campaign? is he on to something?
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>> well, senator tom cotton who is a close ally of president trump, as well as senator mitt romney, have both proposed some version of this. cotton wants to provide stipends to low and middle class families to buy food and pay bills and romney's proposal would send $1,000 to every american adult to help them meet short-term obligations and help boost the economy. something like this could have a huge price tag, but the fact that you have the moderate romney, the more conservative cotton and several democ pushing this idea means it could get some serious consideration. gayle? >> weijia, thank you. wall street hopes to rebound today after yesterday's historic losses. but traders are still thinking about the long-term impact of this outbreak. cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger joins us. good morning. what more, jill, can the government do at this point in the midst of what one firm called a profound, pervasive,
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persistent contraction that's going to go on indefinitely at this point? >> well, i think the most important part of this is to provide relief to the people who are really suffering. those could be the folks who are laid off, seeing a reduction in hours, those are the people who need paid sick leave. they need money to take care of their sick relatives. you're absolutely right. we're in unchartered territory here. we have never seen an economy just go full stop, slam on the brakes and now here we are. we just don't know where we're going next. and i think that's what really contributes to the uncertainty in the markets and is also confounding to economists. we don't have data yet that confirm how bad this is going to be. what we do know, there are going to be millions of americans impacted. millions of people who work in small businesses who g to nee . the business , and as you note, the industries themselves. >> there may be a necessary slowdown in economic life in order to protect public health,
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but for the people who are affected by the economic downturn, what's the best fix? we just heard that idea of maybe $1,000 a month to every american. mitt romney is behind that idea. seems to have support across the aisle. is that the right fix? >> i think there's got to be a couple of things here. we need a big, bold package. again, this economy just stopped. if you go back six weeks from where -- to today, it is as if things have turned around 180 degrees. what we need, we need a package that will deal with all different levels. remember, there are people who may say a payroll tax cut. that's only great if you are actually working. so we need to focus on the ones who are actually out of work. >> how do you stimulate an economy when you're telling people essentially, don't go outside? >> well, i don't think you are trying to -- i think we're in the exact phase of the -- with the economy as we are with this pandemic. meaning, we are done with containment. we're in mitigation.
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and mitigation with the economy means making sure people have what they need. you are not going to convince people to go out and spend, but we do have the ability to make this period much better for those who are impacted most. that's what the government's role is here. >> all right. jill, thank you very much. since midnight, foreign travelers coming from the uk and ireland have been banned from entering the united states. the two countries were added to the restricted list after experiencing a surge in coronavirus cases. elizabeth palmer is in london for us. good morning. how is the crisis unfolding in europe today? >> well, good morning. the 27 leaders of the european countries are all meeting today, not physically, by video link, to decide whether to close the entire exterior border of that zone to all foreign travelers. and that's just the latest in a whole series of measures here restricting movement.
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we are at war. french president emmanuel macron said, as he announced that as of noon today, french people should only go outdoors to buy necessities or to get to work. schools, restaurants and cafes have been closed. in britain, too, the prime minister announced new measures. >> it looks as though we're now approaching the fast growth part of the upward curve. and without drastic action, cases could double every five or six days. >> reporter: to slow it down, people here are being encouraged to avoid public spaces, though pubs, restaurants and even gyms are still open. spain, which saw an explosion of cases last week, is virtually shut down. and at european land borders, travel is set to be further restricted. in some places, shut down completely. italy, which has been especially hard hit, is still struggling to
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bring the infection rate under control. and italians are learning to cope with the new reality. >> every two dairxs we take a walk. >> reporter: chinese medical workers have arrived in italy to share their experiences with the italians. but the w.h.o. says beating this virus depends on one key thing. >> we have a simple message for all countries. test, test, test. >> reporter: now the message coming from every layer of government, all authorities, medical people, is that things here are going to get a lot worse before they get better. but there is a little ray of hope coming out of the place where this all kicked off. in wuhan, in china, today reporting one new case. anthony? >> elizabeth palmer in london, thanks. ahead, thousands of passengers are stranded at sea on cruise ships. what it's like on board as countries deny entry to prevent the spread of the coro
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good tuesday morning to you, tracking if you light showers pushing across parts of the peninsula. as we head to the day, a few more showers definitely possible, also looking at partly sunny skies" below average daytime highs. mid-50s for you in san francisco and oakland, upper 50s san jose and for concord, we are going to keep a chance to see a few more showers for tomorrow, dryer, milder weather thursday and friday.
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we have much more news ahead, including what some people say it's like to be hit hard by the coronavirus. >> plus, the virus has up ended the school year for tens of millions of families. how parents are getting very creative about teaching their kids at home. you're watching "cbs this morning." you're watching "cbs this morning". >> announcer: this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. yeah. ♪ yeah. with great deals, get ready to turn your dreams into reality. right now, save big with an incredible deal on the toyota of your dreams. offers end march 31st. to learn more about all our great deals, visit ready, set, go get your toyota today. toyota. let's go places.
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this is a kpix 5 news morning update pick >> it is 7:26. anglian patriot start tom brady has just announced that he will be leaving the team. the san mateo native posted on social media accounts just moments ago saying he will be continuing his football career elsewhere after a 20 year run with the patriots. a shelter in place is now underway for six counties in
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the bay area to help stop the spread of coronavirus. restaurants and bars are closed all throughout san francisco and streets are looking more bare than usual. essential services will remain open such as grocery stores, pharmacies, banks and gas stations. stores in san francisco, more than two dozen homeless are being tested for coronavirus. they are working on a plan to house individuals who may need to be quarantined. they have secured two hotels near the oakland airport with nearly 400 rooms to has the homeless. let's see how the morning commute is looking with gianna. is looking really good in fact is not a lot of cars in the roadway so you really have no delays, especially at the bay bridge. you can see traffic is very light, not a lot of volume as you head into san francisco. there are a couple of trouble spots to look out for, we are really not causing any delays. recovery work still in place for fallen power cables due to an earlier accident right up a jekyll boulevard. they are also working on a crash north add at winton. looking at partly sunny to mostly cloudy skies this morning. it is a chilly start, temperatures are in the 30s and the 40s. i am tracking a few showers along the coast but mainly to ourselves near monterey. as we head to the afternoon, partly sunny, a few isolated showers are possible. most of us are in the 50s.
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you're looking at dublin, ireland where the mood is quite subdued this st. patrick's day due to the coronavirus. bars are closed and official celebrations have been cancelled. welcome back to "cbs this morning". i'm anthony mason with gayle king and tony dokoupil. here in america there are now more that 4,500 reported cases of the virus. 90 people have died. >> president trump says the virus may continue to disrupt your lives until july or august. he also suggests americans should avoid groups larger than ten people. >> speaking of diserupts today is another round of primaries but ohio will not be taking part because of fears of the coronavirus. dover dewine made the
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announcement hours before polls were set to open. not clear when the election will happen or if other voting methods will be available. arizona, illinois and florida will still be voting and officials vow disinfection will be a high priority. >> officials at johns hopkins said 70,000 people who contracted the coronavirus have recovered. this morning we're hearing their stories. tara narula is in new york city where five coronavirus patients have been treated. you would normally be here at the table but we're practicing social distancing. we want to hear from you. what have you heard from people that have been diagnosed? >> reporter: so we're hearing a variety of symptoms coming from the people diagnosed ranging from fever to dry cough and shortness of breath and everybody you're about to meet is also sharing their story of recovery. excuse me, but it feels like hell. i've had the flu before.
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it's not even comparable and the fever is so high that you hallucinate. >> reporter: amy prefer we use her initials. her bout with covid-19 lasted two weeks. >> i still have a fever. i'm only at 100.8. >> reporter: initially treated at a seattle hospital in early march they have not offered to test for covid-19 but the medical staff were concerned. >> i could see them through the window when they were preparing to come in and they were utterly panicked. they had no idea what they were doing. it was unnerving to be completely honest. >> reporter: from home, she dialed into a telehealth appointment and was told topo ts swabbed in her vehicle and confirmed for covid-19 in one 24 hours. >> it was like a weight off my shoulders, honestly.
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it was like i'm not crazy. >> you'll know it if you got it. >> reporter: across the country and still hospitalized in rome, georgia, clay bentley used a bas current state of health. >> i have felt like today i turned third base and headed home. >> reporter: he said symptoms developed a day after singing with his church choir two weeks ago. >> i was to the point i couldn't even get out of bed. i was setting to die. i could hardly move, can't breathe. >> reporter: back at the hospital he discovered several members of his church were there too. >> i have since found out there were other people in the choir that's in the hospital now. with coronavirus. >> reporter: now in recovery, he credits faith and family. >> this made my family very close. they can't wait for me to come home.
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but we're going to have a -- we will have a celebration very soon. >> reporter: that feeling of isolation is a shared experience of the coronavirus survivors who spoke with us. >> i had someone over this past saturday night to play a board game and i felt great. >> reporter: elizabeth schneider believes she and a number of her friend contracted coronavirus while at a party in seattle. she tested for covid-19 after her symptoms subsided. >> i had the most severe symptoms. i felt i had different strain of the flu. >> reporter: with a background in microbiology and her own experience she shared some advice. >> look at the long term here. things will improve. things will get better. they will get a little bit worse before at the they get better but things will improve. life will go on. >> reporter: what we know is that 98% of people who are diagnosed with coronavirus will
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survive. and some survivors like elizabeth schneider who you heard about is actually paying it forward. she's do night her blood to science so researchers can see if that blood can help provide a future treatment or a vaccine. >> that's nice to hear. i have to say as unsettling as it is to hear the details it's helpful because -- everything that happened is this it? is this it? the more details we hear the better. what treatments are available now? >> reporter: it's interesting. scientists are looking at a lot of different types of treatment. hiv medications, flu drugs, drugs that treat rheumatoid arthritis and an old drug that was used to treat malaria. but another drug is being studied in china and the united states in clinical trials. an out and viral that blocks the replication of the virus. >> what a broad range of symptoms these patients all have had. >> reporter: yes. important also some people are
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reporting gi or gastrointestinal symptoms. it can present in a variety of different ways. most often, fever. >> take your temperature. i've been doing that. my temperature is other day was 88.9. the cap was on the thing. note to self. take off the cap. that awfully low. take off cap. thanks, tara. good advice. ahead inside the nationwide experiment, an online learning as schools close and students stay home during the coronavirus pandemic. if you have to go, you can keep watching us live, download the cbs app and subscribe to cbs all access. subscribe to "cbs this morning" news on the go. under your favorite podcast platform. we'll be right back. where does your almondmilk come from?
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♪ school closures in 37 states affect more than 37 million kids from kindergarten to 12th graders. some families are struggling to adjust as the coronavirus crisis goes. meg oliver is at an empty elementary school in montclare, new jersey. how are students there getting an education? >> reporter: this is a time when students usually line up in front of buzz all dread middle school. millions of students across the country logon from home, some with laptops provide fwid
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district and parents juggle this new world of learning but it looks different in each family. >> we're taking this step to keep our school communities safe. >> reporter: public schools in los angeles closed this week. some 600,000 students forced to stay home. same happened on teevg in new york city. where there's a five week closure the country's largest public school district. serving more than a million students leaving officials scrambling to assure child care for emergency personnel and health care workers. another major concern is making sure students don't go hungry. more than 70% live in poverty so free breakfast and lunch is being offered at all new york public schools. >> it means i don't have to provide which is two meals i can provide another day. >> reporter: schools are moving to online classes to next week. the head of new york public schools say 300,000 kids don't
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have stronthe long the electro home. mary williams is racing to find child care for the rest of the week and beyond. >> thank god i was off. i was able to come and get them something to eat. >> reporter: in new jersey teaching started on monday for several districts. substitute teacher has four kids ranging from pre-school to 7th grade. >> how are you prepared to keep this up? >> the school says two weeks i'm assuming a month. i think the hope is this week we get into a rhythm. >> how overwhelmed your feeling? >> it's a lot. i think. and my kids can see it. i can feel it. >> i can feel it too as a
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parent, tony and gayle and anthony as you all know. new jersey's governor ordered all schools across the state be closed by tomorrow. here in montclare the school district employed 300 chrome book laptops to families in need. >> i know, meg. we saw you yesterday being at home, being home schooled. parents have to figure it out. i know that. we got to figure it out. vladimir duthiers is in his new york apartment looking at the stories he'll be talking about today. vlad doesn't have to worry about kids he has to worry about other things. what do you have today? >> reporter: good to see you all. look a lot of cruise ships that are stranded off many coasts around the world. ahead we'll tell you why one couple is panicking. they are trapped off
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vitamin c is for what ails you, but this is a morning for vitamin v. we've got a special dose coming fromen we appreciate it. good morning, vlad. >> good morning. so good to see all of you. i am here in my apartment, although my fiance said to make sure i mentioned it's miso wang, too. we are tracking a couple of stories that we think you'll be talking about, including this, couples that are stranded back all over the world. cruise ships that are stranded because of the coronavirus outbreak. let me share this with you. there are protests breaking out in chile, after people heard a cruise ship with infected passengers was headed there.
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another ship operated by celebrity cruises is stranded off the chilean coast. one woman tells us her and her husband are desperate because they are out of his heart medication, so that's really troubling. >> there's 40 ships and like 90,000 passengers out at sea, vlad, right? >> exactly right. and a lot of people are wondering perhaps why people are still getting on cruises. a lot of folks got on these cruises before some of these measures went into place and that's why they find themselves now stranded. >> just a week ago we had every sports season was rolling along and now we get more and more cancellations. you got another one for us? >> we do. kentucky derby, those of you that are fans, multiple reports are saying that the kentucky derby is going to shift dates. this hasn't happened in a very long time. this is an official announcement that we are expecting perhaps today. it is the first time in 75 years the race won't be held on the
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first saturday in may. the last time this happened, guys, was way back in 1945 when the government briefly banned horse racing during world war ii. >> we understand, vlad, but i had started hat shopping. i like the kentucky derby. okay, we all understand. it's good decisions. good decisions. >> there will be another day for that, gayle, and i'm sure you'll be splendid in the hat that you're going to wear. >> i'm working with it. >> i want to share with you guys a wonderful story. we really need one right now in these days. this is such a beautiful story. check this out. an act of kindness. staff at an ohio restaurant, they got a tip they'll never forget. that's because a loyal customer left them a $2,500 tip on a nearly $30 bill. the cash, of course, is a welcome relief for the employees. they won't be getting paychecks because the restaurants are closed because of coronavirus concerns. listen. >> humanity lives on. it's not going to pay every
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bill. is it going to help? sure. but it's going to keep in mind that people care. we're not all out there fighting for toilet paper and sanitizer. so that's where we're at, at least here. >> i can get behind that message, guys, humanity. >> humanity. can we just say vladimir duthiers, it's nicely done. >> thanks, vlad. coming up, a growing concern about the shortage of medical supplies. >> concerned about the shortage of medical supplies. or more emergency rooms. or more representation in our government. the census counts us all. and an accurate count helps inform where billions go every year. so, don't miss your chance to be counted. we're kind of depending on you here. complete the census, online, by phone, or by mail. shape your future. start here at shape your future. allergies with impossible to breathe.
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that's when you know, it's half-washed. downy helps prevent stretching by conditioning fibers, so clothes look newer, longer. downy and it's done.
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this is a kpix 5 news morning update. >> at morning on this tuesday. it is 7:56. i'm gianna franco's. we take a look at the roadways. very light travel this morning. school closures, left commute, people on the roadways. we are not seeing a lot of issues on the freeways right now. we do have a couple of accidents but they are not causing any delays. we will cover those here. there is still recovery work in place. another accident or something activity on broadway and seventh street you might see some closures through their. take a look at traffic along the peninsula. a couple of things going on. it looks like right at 380. lanes are blocked to do something in the roadway.
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as you work your way westbound from east bayshore road, that lane is blocked in the westbound i, just a heads up. we are getting troubled spot in the south bay, south 17 at bear creek road. we've got to lane blocked due to a broken down vehicle. some of you might see some sprinkles this morning. more on that, here's mary. here is hide off doppler hopes as high death doppler. -- high death -- high def. temperatures right now, 30s and 40s, definitely a chilly start as we head to the afternoon come all of us will be in the 50s. a quality across the region and again, chance to see a few isolated showers but otherwise, a mix of sun and clouds. mid-50s broken. and for san jose, the unsettled weather continues tomorrow, dryer, milder thursday and friday.
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♪ it's tuesday march 17th, 2020. st. patrick's. welcome back to "cbs this morning." i'm gayle king. how the lack of basic supplies is putting health care workers at risk. and the financial needs you need to make to avoid a financial crisis how to keep ou up while we're isolated at home. first here's today's "eye opener" at 8:00. americans are hunkering down this morning as a pandemic brings our personal and work lives to a complete standstill. >> bars, restaurants, coffee
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shops all closed. retail stores adjusted their hours as you can see, illustrated by that sign. >> for weeks he had been urging americans to relax, that yesterday his tone was markedly somber. traders thinking about the long-term impact. >> we have never seen an economy go full stop, slam on the brakes, and now here we are. we just don't know where we're going next. >> how much of a benefit do we expect to get from social distancing? >> i think it could be a big benefit. we're see south korea, elsewhere, these kind of efforts make a difference. >> new york mayor, bill de blasio went to work out at his local ymca. come on, mr. mayor, don't you know during an epidemic, it's fun to stay at your h-o-m-e because if you don't you'll be d-e-a-d, you can talk to yourself, you can water your
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plants, you can walk around without pants ♪ >> this morning's requesting eye opener" is presented by toyota. >> please not miss that message, tony. nobody wants to be d-e-a-d. so stephen's right, say h-o-m-e, save lives. >> socially distant but not emotionally. >> exactly. >> we start with the coronavirus, states, cities and towns across the country are enforcing historic restrictions to try to stop the spread of the coronavirus. businesses are closing, streets are emptying throughout america. the san francisco bay area is under a near total lockdown. president trump has announced a new recommendation against gathering in groups larger than ten. cbs news learned today he will also ask congress for a stimulus package to help the economy through the crisis. according to sources, it would be worth at least $850 billion. and the numbers are big,
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more than 30 million people who live in new york, new jersey, and connecticut, the tri-state area have no access to theaters, bars or restaurants, which will only, by the way, be open for takeout and delivery business. many business owners across the country are worried about staying afloat. >> my heart was with our employees first. my wife and i this is our income, everything. neither of us have another job. >> none of us are trying to make any money. just trying to stay in business at this point. >> many grocery stores are closing earl will toy clean and get shelves restocked and some set aside designated shopping times in time for the seniors only. it's a group especially vulnerable to the virus. i think this is a really great idea. i saw an older woman saying she was grateful for it, because when she goes to the store, she feels she gets knocked around and pushed aside by younger people. so i think this is a good thing. >> they don't want to be exposed and more than 50 million americans over the age of 65 in this country. some government leaders are sounding the alarm how the
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coronavirus crisis could eventually stretch hospitals to their breaking point. new york governor andrew cuomo warned yesterday the country does not have enough hospital beds to handle a pandemic. and now as carter evans shows us, health care worker, voicing their concerns about shortages of some crucial medical supplies. >> you have people on gurneys in hallways. that is what is going to happen now if we do nothing. >> reporter: as hospitals across the country brace for a surge in patients, some health care workers say medical equipment shortages are putting them own their patients at risk. >> give us the protections that we need to give the care that our patients need. >> reporter: bonnie castillo is the executive director of national nurses united. one of their main concerns? a shortage of n-95 masks that can filter out 95% of airborne particles. last week, the cdc posted new
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guidelines saying health care workers to use the looser fitting surgical masks as an acceptable alternative. >> nurses are being asked to actually re-use masks, including surgical masks, which provide no protection. >> reporter: the nonprofit organization direct relief which helps equip doctors and nurses manages this massive california warehouse stocked with essential supplies, including n-95 masks. >> there's a high risk we could run out. >> reporter: ceo thomas tighe says they've been contacted by at least 150 community health centers lacking supplies. after donating nearly 1 million masks to china earlier this year, they have less than half a million left in stock. >> we could run out of them today if we tried to respond to every order we have pending. >> reporter: the association of public health labs says some of the chemical ingredients used in coronavirus tests are in short supply. diagnostics testing giant qiagen, one of the companies that makes them says they've increased production to seven days a week to keep up with
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demand. >> it's spreading much quicker than what we have seen before, so the surge of demand everywhere in the world, and's specifically in the u.s., is quite significant. >> reporter: and the american red cross says there's a severe blood shortage. 2,700 blood drives have been canceled, resulting in 86,000 fewer donations. health care workers say the protected measures taken over the next few weeks will be critical. >> nurses and doctors are already getting sick. >> yes, that's true, and more will, and as more get sick, and have exposure, we get sidelined and who is there to take care of the patients? >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," carter evans, los angeles. >> that's the question. dr. agus joins us from los angeles. good morning. i want to talk about how we get the supplies to the people who need them. we knew a pandemic was possible. lots of people warned of the possibility so why the shortage? >> you know, right now, large
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companies are making most of these supplies and there's demand from across the globe. when you don't put your orders in, other countries, other places are getting their orders filled and we're behind here. so with small numbers of suppliers, single suppliers in many cases, it's just not possible to fill the demand, and we're literally on the front lines without supplies. >> well the president says that the state should get their own supplies. the states are asking for federal help. seems like a big old catch 22. what do we do here? >> it's a major issue. you have consumers having their own demand. multiple countries having a demand. you have small hospitals, big hospitals having a demand. somebody needs to be in charge to make sure there's a hierarchy, it goes to the people who need it the most. health care professionals on the front line not having masks or protective gear is just inappropriate, and now we're seeing them dropping like flies. over and over, every day in the media you're seeing doctor, nurse, technician having issues. >> typically in this kind of situation, david, does the
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federal government take a leadership role in something like that? >> i think they have to. they certainly can, and they need to, and this is supplies for hospital personnel, this is supplies for the test kits to extract the rna from the virus. we have to say what are we going to need over the next several months and figure out a way to get it and prioritize who needs it most. >> looking into the future, people are wondering when will there be a vaccine? the first patient received the vaccine or a possible vaccine in a clinical trial, that's a big deal. are you hopeful? >> well 45 patients are going to get this. this is just saying what is the right dose? d next we have to say does the vaccine work, and can it prevent the virus? it's still 12 to 18 months away but it is a shot on goal. i hope and pray it works. it's not definite it will but i hope we have something to prevent us from this virus and something more to fight the ongoing struggle against the virus. >> man, we are all hoping and praying.
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thank you very much, david, holding onto something that looks promise. to join dr. david agus' community text him at 3102999322. 3 310-299-9322. david, you want to give your cell phone in case you want people to reach you directly? >> gayle, you're welcome to call any time. >> thank you, dr. david agus.
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>> hozier's making it a household name. how do you say his name? how is your name pronounced? >> how is the name pronounced? >> i've heard it so many different ways. >> yes, i hear it so many different ways i lose faith in it myself. it's hozier, three syllables, rimes with cozier. >> now you know, gayle. ahead how his mother's talents play a visible roll in his albums. ♪ take me to church f look one more mile look reply all look own your look... ...with fewer lines. there's only one botox® cosmetic. it's the only one... ...fda approved... temporarily make frown lines... ...crow's feet... ...and forehead lines... ...look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic, may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition.
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do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping, and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. so, give that just saw a puppy look. and whatever that look is. look like you... with fewer lines. see results at (howling wind) [ natural drums and [ music begins to build ]] [ drums beat faster ] unlimited coffee for $8.99 a month. panera, your cup is always full.
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( ♪ ) only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. tylenol®. and look up to 5 years younger in 12 weeks... with new no7 laboratories firming booster serum. it lifts and firms so well...80% of women said procedures can wait. new firming booster serum from no7. >> tech: don't wait for a chip like this to crack your whole with safelite's exclusive resin, you get a strong repair that you can trust. plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. >> customer: really?! >> singers: safelite repair, safelite replace.
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a jarring sight at the new york stock exchange where traders had their temperatures checked. coronavirus fears led to another terrible day for stocks monday amid growing fears the world may be headed into a new global recession. consumer spending makes up 68%
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of the u.s. economy and investors are worried the pandemic will force americans to tighten their belts. cbs news business ana jill schlessinger joins us again with some tips on how to hope with all this financial uncertainty. jill, good morning. we've heard business owners say i can't keep my employees during this, when i have to shut my restaurants down. business owners say we're not right to make any money. we're trying to say in business. a lot of people worried they'll have a job. how do prioritize what you'll do with your money at this point? >> we're in conservation mode. even if you're lucky to have money set aside for an emergency, what you need to do is go back to basics, and let's look at your monthly bills that you have. right, you're going to prioritize. the most important bills for to you pay are food and shelter. no matter what. we used to t utilities in
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th want to be clear that many states and many municipalities are right now banning utility shutdowns. so that's not your number one bill. again, food andshelter. then list everything else, and if you can make some partial d r, trer ymen, priorities. >> jill, the everything el, record credit card debt, car loans, mortgages, student debt. which of those do you prioritize or pay them at all at this point? >> well, i think that, again, once we're done with food and shelter, then some utilities, maybe insurance, maybe you've got some medical and pharmaceutical needs. then we are talking about some of the debt. now, here is some interesting news. the fdic sent a note out to all of the major banking institutions, suggesting, not mandating, but suggesting that they do something that's called forbearance, which means back off, guys. people are struggling, and that
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backing off period can mean waiving fees, making sure there's no late payments, extending the deadlines and what i think is important right now is to make sure that in those debts that again, that comes after the priorities a little bit can go a long way. don't forget, the president also said that all interests on federal student loans, so that's $1.6 trillion in outstanding loans all interest is suspended. i think there's going to be a lot of cleanup after, but i wouldn't be rushing to pay down those debts any time soon. >> you answered a lot of questions i was thinking. many americans are now working from home. is there anything that the internet providers can do to help on that end? >> i love this piece of it, because this is a new normal, right, and now we're hearing that many internet service providers are doing a lot of things. they're providing access to low income workers. they are making sure they ramp up their speeds. they are also doing something that i think is important, which
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is suspending data caps, waiving those late fees that often will occur. people cannot afford to have their shut delayed or slowed do. this is incredibly important. it's a great part of the story, because the providers did this on their own. they didn't need a lot of ka e cajoling. >> thank you very much. two young cellists are using the sound of music to help combat the coronavirus. how they gave their self-quarantined neighbor a very special performance. right on the porch, let the music play. you're watching "cbs this morning." >> bravo! snoors
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it's dinnertime in america, and the breadwinner arrives home from a long day at work. now the family can sit down at the table, where everyone knows to be mindful of their manners. dinnertime has changed. our quality hasn't. reynolds wrap: foil made in the usa since 1947.
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>> ♪ that's what it looks like when a legend is on the screen. that's yo-yo ma playing a piece
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by the great johann sebastian bach. mark shared this video on twitter as a tribute to health care workers on the front lines. he said their dedicated service gives them hope. this is his second video he shared of himself playing what he calls songs of comfort as the coronavirus spread. he's not the only one using music to brighten people's lives. did you tell joins us again from his new york apartment to play the guitar for us. vlad? >> don't get me started, gayle. don't get me started. >> that was an ad lib. >> good to see you once again. taran and calliope tien are 9 and 6 years old. just like yo-yo ma, they play the cello. after their mom rebecca checked in on a self-quarantined
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neighbor she made other plans. >> hello, hello. >> dressed in concert clothes and aide by mom, siblings taran and calliope tien are here to perform for their self-quarantined neighbor. >> two, three, four. ♪ >> 78-year-old helena schlam. >> i haven't been out of the house well except in the yard for the last five days. >> she lives alone and says she got a call from rebecca asking if she needed groceries. when she said she was fierngs rebecca thought of a different offer. >> i asked her if she would like fit the kids come to the porch. >> she knows i like music in a love her kids. >> so she joined them outside promising responsible incidents. >> we thought about how she was stuck in the house, so we thought it was a great idea and
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might make her happy. >> if you let her tell it, happy is an understatement. >> well, i was just thrilled. i sort of feel like a little kid. [ applause ] >> bravo. ♪ >> that was such a beautiful song, guys. "song of the wind." not only was helena moved by their playing but said it was reassuring that becky checked in on her in the first place. guys, that's an important reminder for all of us, small gestures can make a big impact and how important it is to look out for our neighbors and friends family. >> i love that story. just great. thanks, vlad. they the bars, restaurants and gyms are closing to stop the spread coronavirus. ahead dr. sue varma has tips how to keep our social lifgs going
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as staying in becomes the new nex this is a kpix 5 news morning update. >> at morning it is a: 25. i'm gianna franco. if you are commuting this morning you're not seeing a lot of problems on the roadways. it is been an easy ride out of the county, no delays to report through their. most of the bay bridge are pretty quiet. san mateo bridge not seeing any problems right now. as well as the bay bridge. the metering lights were never turned on this morning. rings are moving pretty nicely. everything is in the green, so if you are having to work today, looks like traffic is pretty light. 680 southbound connecting to one-to-one we have reports of a
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traffic collision. everything is over to the right shoulder, it is not causing a lot of delays. your drive times are pretty light with no delays on one-to- one, 85, 280 or 87. and heads up there is a traffic break westbound five idiot richland parkway. veering off or an accident. earlier this morning we have some light scattered showers. but you can see for the most part things have definitely quieted down. most of the action to the south over monterey. here it is a beautiful view with the treasure island camera with some sunshine. it is a chilly start in the 30s and 40s this morning and as we head to the afternoon a mix of sun and clouds and there is a chance to see a few more isolated showers for today. all of us will be in the 50s this afternoon since 56 in san francisco, 57 in oakland. today and tomorrow, otherwise partly sunny skies, dryer, milder weather thursday, friday. our next storm system for the
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[car engine failing to start] [clicking of ignition] uh-- wha-- woof! eeh-- woof! wuh-- [silence] [engine roars to life] [dog howls] ♪ dramatic opera music swells from radio ♪ [howling continues]
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♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning". it's a time to bring you some stories we call talk of the table. you know how it works. we each pick a story we like and share with each other and all of you. tony you're up first. >> i want to continue something that jill brought up. companies are giving people a break as the coronavirus pandemic spread. one of them verizon said it is waiving late fees and suspending service termination for customers affected by the crisis. at&t is matching that claim. they will not end wireless for home, phone or broadband services to customers who can't pay their bills because right now th of the coronavirus. also outside of telecom, ford is offering some customers that just bought a new car to delay their payments during the
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crisis. and i learned a wonderful new word, forbearance, which means back off. >> we need a lot of forbearance in the next few weeks. >> everybody understands everybody is going through a difficult time. >> i hope i want spread. three big companies. >> one less thing to worry about. there's a coronavirus update on actor tom hanks and his wife rita wilson. this is great news. they are out of the hospital after being diagnosed with the virus last week in australia. a representative says the couple will remain in self-quarantine in a rented home in australia. thanks might have caused a little bit of a controversy in isolation when he post this photo of a snack of vegamite on toast and some said he used a
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bit too much. it's an acquired taste. >> it's not nutella. >> rita wilson was at oprah's ww tour. she was saying she was heading to australia at the time because she was joining tom on a movie set and she had some tremendopin about going. you know how so many of us are being asked to stain. in chicago that means they could let the penguins out. at the shedd aquarium penguins were allowed on a rare field trip to check out the other side of their aquarium. that's andy and edward -- that might be wellington. >> wellington was fascinated with the fish. he was absolutely obsessed with the tropical fish which maybe he hadn't seen before.
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there he is. he's one of the oldest penguins in the country. he's 30 years old. video of these penguins has been viewed millions of times. it's nice somebody is getting a benefit of us being asked to stay home. >> i'm looking at fish but i don't feel wet. do you feel wet? >> why are we fascinated by penguins? >> i love how they walk. i love them. >> i like looking at them too. >> that made me extremely happy. >> they are dressed up in tuck do -- tuxedos with nowhere to go. we're examining what the new normal is for all of us. the cdc is recommending that people stay home as much as possible. you know the they say stay home save lives which makes socializing very difficult. psychiatrist dr. sue varma is
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here how to stay connected. great to see you. you can help us. i got on the elevator this morning. a guy was on, he scared me, had on a mask. we both stood there looking at each other. where your going? what are you doing? your healthy? a very awkward thing. he goes to one corner and i go to other. we can't stress enough elevators aren't that big. how important social distancing is. what do we do? >> you bring up such a good point. we're trying to having to navigate new etiquette. i found myself in an elevator should i look at this person in the eyes, do i look down. you know i want to say social distancing doesn't mean emotional distancing. i want to make a distinguish between two. let's not forget to be civil or human just because we have to keep your physical distance
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apart. what that means to me we need to let people know how we feel. we can still have pleasantries. we can acknowledge eye contact. showing respect, concern, genuine emotion. it's especially more important when we can't physically see them. >> that's so good you said about emotional distancing. tony dokoupil just said that on the set about five minutes ago. >> coming in here, we got social distancing here but not emotional distance. we hope people at home feel that too. >> we're relying so much on technology to stay connected. for most of the vulnerable people, old americans are not technologically savvy. what do you recommend? >> we should go back to the basics. our older adults are way more resilient. we're only talking about their immuno compromised physical abilities.
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what about the fact they've been through wars. many have been in wars. if we're talking about baby boomers they grew up having to hunker down in classrooms with threat of cold war and nuclear warfare. they are not immune in a sense that -- they are very resilient. i would say if older adults can make phone calls, you know, i remember at&t commercial reach out and touch someone when i was growing up. i feel there's so many ways to stay connected even letter writing. that's a lost art in my generation. we don't write physical notes and letters to each other and i wish more people did. a lot of older adults find comfort in he some movies they group. movies and music and big radio listeners. southeast things we don't even know how -- i don't have a radio at home, but the older adults are very good at being resourceful with very simple things and that's what we need to go back to, the basics. >> a lot of people will feel that creeping sense of loneliness. the president is talking 15 days
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to stop the spread. july or august even. if you do feel lonely what can you do to lighten your mood? >> so, you know, i would say if you can, first of all, if you have an older adult in your life, do me a favor if you have an old ipad, give them something, the biggest thing is connect them with technology. and i feel like the face-to-face evenhrough face time, basically says i'm here, i'm in your presence. i'm making eye contact. look when you get babies from an evolutionary point of view. newborns are drawn to human faces. there's something about the human face even if we're not able to touch that person to see their eyes and smile and say i love you, i care for you. if there's any way you can make sort of face time available to a person do that. otherwise definitely rely on the phone and look like there are people, on balconies in italy singing together. there's a feeling of unity and
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community coming together. new yorkers are shouting off their balconies. we need other people. >> i'll get on the roof and start screaming. >> you do that, anthony. >> dr. sue varma thank you. hozier said it took him one year to write the gordon sondland
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my money should work as hard as i do. that's why i use my freedom unlimited card to buy heavier weights online. got them! it's go time. (groaning) with freedom unlimited, you're always earning. i should've purchased lighter weights! stays at and earn a free night. because when your business is making the most of it, their borders in addition to the fda. so the states are very much
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involved. they have been from the beginning. but we're getting out as much we can and the testing procedures are going well and within a short period of time, all of the private labs will kick in. it's never been done before and it's going to be something very, i think it's going to be incredible if it's done prop rer erly and these are among the greatest company companies in the world, actually. so the state's going to be dealing through themselves and with local government and local physicians, local everybody. they're also deal iing with wit us. we have a tremendous testing capacity. today, we're also announcing a dramatic expansion of our medica medicare telehealth services. they can visit by phone or vitd conference at no additional cost including with commonly u lly ss like face time and skype. this has never been done either.
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in addition, states to cover telehealth services for their medical patients. by doing this, the patient is not seeing the doctor per se, but they're say iseeing doctor. during this time, we will not enforce applicable penalties so that doctors can greatly expand care for their patients using e telehealth so the penalties won't be enforced. we encourage everyone to maximize use of telehealth to limit exposure to the virus. it's been very successful method of communication but never used on a scale like we're going to use it and you'll be also able to wbetter maintain hospital capacity. earlier this morning, i spoke with with executives from america's fast food industry. wendy's mcdonald's, all of the big ones. burger king. and they were great.
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talking about yesterday's guidance to avoid eating or at bars, public food we discussed the important role the drive through and clifrry service can play in the weeks ahead so that's happening and they have been fantastic. they have been absolutely fantastic and they've been doing it already, but they're keep in it open. and smaller staffs, very capable people and very capable companies and they're doing it. pick ups. our guidance yesterday urges americans to take action for 15 days to help stem the outbreak so a 15-day period. now i would say it's a 14-day period. 15 days from yesterday and we're asking everyone to work at home if possible. postpone unnecessary travel and limit social gatherings to no more than ten people. by making shared sacrifices and temporary changes, we can
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protect the health of our people and we can protect our economy because i think our economy will come back very rapidly. so 15 days from yesterday. we'll see what happens after that. if we do this right, our country and the world frankly, but our country can be rolling again pretty quickly. pretty quickly. we have to fight that invisible enemy that i guess unknown bewe'but we're getting to know it a lot better. today, the senate has taken out coronavirus legislation that includes free testing for those who need it as well as paid sick leave and family medical leave for workers affected by the virus. we're also committed to gettinging small businesses the support they need. one of the things we talk ed about with the fast food operations, we spoke to the chairman and ceos of all of the company, but one of things we discussed is that. get iting small businesses suppt and flexibility they need for themselves and for themir workes
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and tha being worked on right now. at my direction, secretary mu mnuchin is meeting today with senators on additional stimulus packages. i can tell you he's meeting with them late until the night last night and for a big part of the day yesterday and tremendous things are happening. there's great spirit. tremendous spirit. and i can say that for republicans and democrats. i can say that with respect to governor cuomo. had a great talk this morning. we're both doing a really great job and we're coordinating and agree different states need different things. we agree on that 100%. but we had a good talk and we're right down the same track and it's going to be very successful. new york has a pretty big problem. i guess would be the number one hot spot. it's no fault of anybody's. just the way it is, but we're working very closely together. we're also getting fema very much involved. they've been involved but now we're getting them to a different level and we'll have
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everything ready. we're dealing with the army corp. of engineers should that be necessary. we have them working this some cases on stand by in other ca s cases, but my conversation with andrew cuomo was a very, very productive one and a very good one. i appreciate that. we're giving relief to affected industries and small businesses and we're insuring we emerge from this challenge with a prosperous and growing economy. because that's what's going to happen. it's going to pop. one day we'll be standing possibly up here sayinging well, we won. sure as you're sitting there, we're going to say that and we're going to win and i think we're going to win faster than people think i hope. late r today, i'll meet with leaders from tourism industry as well as industrial supply retailers and wholesalers to discuss their critical roles. i met with the department store people. the retailers, the big ones
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including walmart and others. it was a great meeting. they're stocking up their stores like they never have before. we're trying to get people to buy less. if that's possible. buy less. don't take everything. just buy what you need for a while. they're going to stay open all hour of the day and they've really been fantastic. we're taking aggressive action now as one nation and one family so america can rebound stronger. frankly stronger than ever before and rerecognize that while many american workers can work from home, many cannot. many of our health care providers, first responders and men and women in the food service and manufacturing are showing up and standing up to provide us with their the goods and services we need so we want people to stay home when they can, but in many cases when you talk b about food service, manufacturing certain items in particular, they are, they're going in. they're practicinging all the
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safety rules we talk b about. so with that, i'd like to introduce our great vice president, mike pence. he'll say a few words then i'll make some other introductions. thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. president and good morning. should be very clear to the american people that president trump has initiated not only a whole of government approach, but a whole of america approach. and the president's interaction even today and through the course of this day with leaders in industry around the country reflects that we're not only bringing the full weight of the federal government to bear, but the full weight of the american economy and i know i speak on e behalf of the president when i say how inspired we are at way the american people have stepped up and the way that american businesses, large and small, have stepped. it's truly been inspiring. our task force met this morning and we continue to focus on president trump's priorities of testing, prevention and supplies.
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and in category, i'm pleased to report that while testing is available in all 50 states as the president just indicated, through the swift action of the fda at the encouragement of governors around the country, now state health authorities can authorize labs in their state and expand existing testing capabilities. but also in connection with the fda's action, which we'll hear more about in a moment, we now have continued to expand the public and partnership that the president forged with vast commercial laboratories around the country, increasing access to the high volume of high throughput coronavirus testing that is, that is greatly expanding access even as we speak. also, our task force received a report this morning on the progress that the u.s. public health service and fema are making working closely with state governments and also partners in the private sector like cvs, target, walgreens and walmart to expand remote testing
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sites around the country and we'll have a full report later this week as those come onlin. it's important to understand that testing is happening but experts wanted me to tell the american people, you don't need the result of testing to know what you should do. and president trump's 15-day coronavirus guidelines our advice for every american in every community. they're the result of the best guidance of cdc and our health experts and as the president said, we continue to urge every american over the next 15 days to put into practice the principles in the president's coronavirus guidelines. by every american practicing these principles, we believe that we can slow the spread of the coronavirus. in fact, our experts have told our task force that if every american acts on the president's
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coronavirus guidelines, we could see a substantial reduction in the spread of the coronavirus. but as the president said, it will take all of us to do it. so if you feel sick, stay home. if someone in your house tests positive, keep the entire household home. especially if you're a person with an underlying health condition, we urge you u to stay home and practice social distancing from people. no social gatheringings of more than ten people. yo use drive through as the president discussed today and every american practicing common sense agood hygiene. the risk remains low, but we're asking every american to partner with us in this effort to slow the spread of the virus and especially to be mindful of seniors or others with serious underlying health conditions for whom the threat of the coronavirus can be very significant and very real.
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as i said, the president has continued to push our task force to bring a whole of government, a whole of america approach and we continue to be inspired the way our u nation's governors and pizzas are responding. we spoke yesterday with the leaders of every broadcaster who will soon be unveiling a public service campaign using cdc guidelines and specifically as we work on the issue of supplies, meet yesterday with the department of officials about supplies. we'll be meetinging today to talk about the supply chain for hospitals. we would urge construction companies to donate their inventory of n95 masks to your local hospital and for go additional orders of those industrial masks. because of what the asked to be included and legislation movinging through the congress today, those masks they use on construction sites are perfectly acceptable for health care workers to be protected from a
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respiratory disease. but we're asking construction companies that our president knows very well from his background, we're asking them to donate their n95 masks to their local hospitals and fo go makinging additional orders. at the president's direction, we will continue to do whatever it takes. we'll continue to marshall the west of the american people. the best of all the people behind me. the people behind them. our state and local officials and we will get through this get through this together. thank you, mr. president. sfwl mr. preside. >> i want to thank chad wolf and homeland security, the job they did at the airports was really incredible. they screened thousands and thousands of people. goot backed up a little bit but they got them out but everybody was screened carefully. they didn't want to rush it. i think it was 13 airports and it was, it was an incredible thing.
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then they had a big surge, also, from the u.k. and ireland and that went very smoothly, but they did a fantastic job. they worked long hours and did a fantastic job. i'd like to introduce steve m h mnuchin then he'll leave because he's going to the hill. he's been working very hard with the senate and house on a very, very big, bold package. going to be big. going to be bold and the level again of enthusiasm to get something done, i don't think i've ever seen anything quite like it. so steve mnuchin, please. >> thank you, mr. president. i'd like to announce some very significant actions that the president has approved today earlier today, i sent a letter to fed chairman powell approving his request to use 13-3 what that will do, is the fed will be setting up a special purpose vehicle which the treasury will invest $10 billion in from one
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of our funds. that will enable the fed to guarantee the purchase of a1 going forward. it's critical to american workers. to american business. and it's critical to american savers who have a lot of that money in money market fund us. so we heard loud and clear there were liquidity issues. this is very significant. b and will create, i don't think we'll need to use it all, but we have the ability to have the fed purchase up to $1 trillion of commercial paper as needed. that has already created significant stability in the market today. the second thing i would say is you know we previously talked about deferring irs payments. i have announced we would defer 200 billion. the president suggested we
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increase that to 300 billion, which we will be doing. we encourage those americans who can file their taxes to continue to file their taxes on april 15th because for many amers, you will get tax refunds and we don't want you to lose out u on those. we want you get them many do this electronically which is easy for them and for the irs. if you owe a payment to the irs, you can defer up to a million dollars as an individual and the reason why we're doing a million dollars is that covers lots of pass throughs in small businesses and $10 million to corporations interest fee and penalty free for 9 days. all you have to do is file your taxes. you'll automatically not get charged interest in penalties. now of course any american hads thing right to extend their t
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taxes. but the president has asked us to go up to $300 billion. that's also an enormous amount of liquidity in the system. the third thing is the president and i worked on a very significant economic stimulus plan. thank you for being available last night and throughout this morning and i will be presenting that to the republicans in the senate this morning. and also discussing that with the house. we look forward to having bipartisan support. we're now working with the senate to pass this legislation r very quickly. and these will be payments to small businesses. we've talk ed about loan guarantees to critical industries such as airlines and hotels. and we have also talk eed about stimulus package to the american worker. you can think of this as something like business interruption payments for the american workers. thank you. >> do you have any questions for the secretary of the treasury? >> when you say a stimulus package for american workers, do you mean direct payments to
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americans or are you talking about a payroll tax holiday? >> although the president likes the idea of the tax holiday, i'll tell you what we've heard from many people and the president said we can consider this, the payroll tax holiday would get people over the next six to eight months. we're looking at sending checks to americans immediately and what we have heard from hard working americans, many companies have shut down. americans need cash now and the president cant wants to get cash now. i mean now in the next two weeks. >> how much? >> i will be preview iing that with the republicans. there's some numbers out there. they may be a little bigger. >> please. please, wait. >> what help are you going to give to airlines specifically? >> i've had discussions with all the airline ceos this week. the airline ceos have had conversations with the senate and the house. as the president said, i was up with a subset of the republican senators last night.
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i've discussed that with them. i think as you know, this is worse than 9/11. for the airline industry, this is, they are almost ground to a halt. the president wants to make sure that although we don't want people to travel unless it's critical, we want to maintain for critical travel, the right i will tell you we're very >> i will tell you, we are very focused, there's a lot of workers. this is strategically important. >> i think it is clear, we don't need to send checks. but, that is one of the ideas we like. we are going to preview that today and we will be talking about details afterwards.>> i
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think we are going to do something that gets money to them as quickly as possible. that being inaccurately of doing it because obviously some people should be getting checks for $1000. we have a pretty good idea by the end of the day what we are going to do. >> how is the mechanics of this work? how with this idea of sending people a check work? would that be sort of an advance? >> again, we want to make sure americans get money in their pockets quickly, we want to make sure small business owners have access to funds, we want to make sure that hotels, airlines, we have an entire package, we will be laying out those details later today.>> i had to say this, there are four different ways you can do it.
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we have four or five ways we can do it. for ways in particular i think there's a fifth possibility but there are some very good ways of getting the money out and getting it it does come over a period of many months. senate is in session right now. had conversations with house. the president is instructed me this is no fault of american workers.


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