tv Face the Nation CBS March 22, 2020 8:30am-9:29am PDT
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captionipo >> brennan: i'm margaret brennan in washington, and this week on "face the nation," across the nation and around the world. the covid-19, or coronavirus, crisis across the nation and around the world goes from bad to much worse. with one in five americans under orders to stay home unless it's absolutely essential to go out, fear and uncertainty have becom the new normal. >> it's now at 148 foreign countries. you can believe that? >> o'donnell: states are struggling to line up resources and equipment to help patients and make sure they can handle the inevitable onslaught of new in some places tests are limited to health care workers and some who are seriously ill. in new york state, the situation
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is dire. >> we are literally scouring the globe looking for medical supplies. >> brennan: president trump is under pressure and under fire for continuing to send out confusing signals for the federal government's response. >> reporter: what do you say to americans who are watching you right now who are scared? >> i say that you're a terrible reporter, that's what i say. i think that's a very nasty question, and i think it's a very bad signal that you're putting out to the american people. the american people are looking for answers, and they're looking for hope. >> brennan: but is the president spreading false hope by promoting drugs that have not been proven to be effective in treating the coronavirus. >> may work, may not work. smart guy. i feel good about it. >> o'donnell: we'll have the income tax situation in the u.s. and around the world, as well as an update on what's likely to be the biggest economic bailout in history. dr. anthony fauci of the national institutes of health, former f.d.a. commissioner scott gottlieb, former director of the national economic council gar
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cohn will all join us. finally, john dickerson's perspective on leadership in times of crisis. all that and more is just ahead on "face the nation." >> brennan: good morning, and welcome to "face the nation." it has been another week of fear and frustration as the country and the world continue to try to cope with the coronavirus. internationally the number of cases reached a new milestone saturday and now stands at 300,000. there have been over 13,000 deaths. the rate at which it is spreading is truly alarming. the world health organization reported although it took three months to reach 100,000 cases worldwide, it took only 12 days to reach another 100,000. we begin with the situation here in the united states, where are there are now at least 26,000
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reported cases of coronav 340ple week ago. the u.s. borders to mexico and canada are closed to nonessential travel, and the state department is advising people to avoid going anywhere abroad. and now, a quarter of the country is under mandatory stay-at-home rders, allowed only to go out for essential services. one of the states with that mandatory order is california. cbs news correspondent jamie youkas reports from los angeles. >> reporter: california stayality home restrictions went into effect last week, but for new york, new jersey, and illinois, tomorrow will be first day when the close to 40 million people in those states are being governs in tse hhi andnsistent messages when it comes to staying home. >> those young people that are still out there on the beaches thinking this is a party, time
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to grow up. you know, time to wake up upon. time to recognize it's not just about the old folks. it's about your impact on their lives. don't be selfish. >> we need you to just stay at home. >> reporter: in los angeles, the department of public health advised providers only to administer a test if a positive result would change treatment. new york governor andrew cuomo says his state is following these rules. >> if you have been exposed to someone positive, if you are showing symptoms, if you meet that protocol, you get a test. >> reporter: but as more people get sick, placelike maryland, activated more than 2,000 national guard troops to help with transporting patients, conducting temperature screenings at state facilities, and working with local hospitals to is the up triage tents. here in california, the governor deployed the national guard to assist food banks facing food
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shortages. the governor also said he's working with apple c.e.o. tim cook and tech titan elon musk to produce more masks and ventilators for health care providers. margaret. >> brennan: we go to capitol hill where congress is working on what is likely to be the largest economic rescue package in u.s. history. chief congressional correspondent nancy cordes is there. inancy, how are the negotiations going. >> reporter: republicans tell us the no,s have all but wrapped on on this massive package. democrats say they still have some big sticking points but everyone understands here time is of the essence because every day businesses are laying more workers off. and one big piece of this package that has come together over the weekend is what some democrats are describing as unemployment insurance on steroids, where if you have lost your job result of this crisis, the government would pay to keep you at your previous salary for perhaps as long as four months. beyond that, they are still
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fine-tuning the one-time cash payments for american workers, about $1,twen00 for individuals who make up to $75,000 per year plus $500 for every child of those workers. then there's a very robust small-business piece, a $350 billion package of loans and grants, republicans estimating that money could keep those businesses afloat for about six to seven weeks. all of these initiatives, plus the loans to the airlines, plus a big surge of funding for hospital gear, will cost, we're told, between $1.5, and $2 trillion, and those numbers could go up. the four top congressional leaders will be sitting down this morning with the secretary of the treasury to hash this out one more time. mo too vote theate enna and we'll beking at. by mik
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correspondent elizabeth palmer e for a look at the latest around the world. >> reporter: margaret, i'm standing in the center of london. this is trafalgar square, and normally it would be mobbed, but as you can see, it's practically deserted. the infection is still spreading but for reasons nobody seems to understand it's italy that has, by far, the worst outbreak. doctors in northern italy are fighting around-the-clock battle to save lives, and they're losing. almost 800 patients died overnight from friday to saturday. and the bad news is there is no evidence the tide is turning. >> i never felt so stress in my life. >> reporter: as military trucks transported coffins to the local crematorium,
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epidemiologists warn that infection on this scale may engulf the whole of europe purpose spain, already hard hit with almost 400 new deaths overnight, is getting ready. health officials in madrid are setting up a vast temporary hospital in a conference center. here in britain, there was a last friday night hurrah at pubs before the government ordered them shut this weekend, along with restaurants. ♪ ♪ everywhere, along with the anxiety, is extraordinary compassion. when coronavirus meant that the body of bettyrian was driven to the cemetery in the west of ireland with neither funeral nor wake, most of the town turned out to say good-bye in a spontaneous guard of honor. the other major center of the outbreak is iran. it's got an infection rate and a death rate similar to spain's and climbing. and now governments in africa
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and india are bracinghe withli citizens forl crisis and. >> brennan: elizabeth palmer with that important look at the pandemic, thank you. dr. anthony fauci is th director of the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases at n.i.h., and that is where he joins us from this morning. dr. fauci, thank you for making time for us. >> good to be with you. >> brennan: you just heard that report from our liz palmer about italy. are we on the same trajectory as italy? >> not necessarily at all. i mean, obviously, things are unpredictable. you can't make any definitive statement, but if you look at the dynamics of the outbreak in italy, we don't know why they lity-- and manyo terribly, but of us believe-- that early on, they did not shut out as weliont originated in china and came to
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different parts of the world. one of the things that we did very early and very aggressively, the president, you know, put the travel restriction coming from china to the united states, and most recently, from europe to the united states. because europe is really the new china. again, i don't know why this is happening there to such an extent. but it is conceivable that once you get so many of these spreads out, they spread exponentially and you can never keep up with the tsunami. and i think, unfortunately, that's what our colleagues and dear friends in italy are facing. they are very competent. it isn't that they don't know what they're doing. i think they have a situation in which they have been so overwhelmed from the beginning, that they can't play catch-up. and in direct answer to your question, margaret, it is maybe-- and i hope and i i think it will be the case-- that we will not be that way because we have from the beginning been able to put a bit of a clamper. we're going to get hit.
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there's no doubt about it. we see it in new york. new york is terribly suffering. but the k o mitigation issues that are going on right now, the things that we're seeing in this country, this physical separation, at the same time as we're preventing an influx of cases coming in, i think that's going to go a long way to preventing us from becoming an italy. >> brennan: this was an animal virus that jumped to a human. >> correct. >> brennan: then it started spreading human to human. is the virus mutating? is it changing? >> well, this is an r.n.a. virus, margaret, and it always will mutate. the real question is, so people don't get confused, viruses can mutate with no substantial impact on its function. so i have no doubt it's mutating, as all r.n.a. viruses mutate. we have not seen, thus far, any type of change in the way it's acting.
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but we're keeping a very close eye on it, because it is conceivable that it could mutate and change some of the ways that it performs. but we have not seen that yet, but we're not going to just not pay attention to it. we're going to follow it closely. >> brennan: that's very important to highlight there. one of the things that stood out this week in some of the briefings we heard from the white house was this mention, particularly from your colleague ambassador bi, that young people in europe seem to be affected in a way that was unexpected. and we heard from the c.d.c. this week-- 20% of the hospitalizations in this country were between the ages of 20 and 44. why? are young people getting affected this way when it wasn't expected? >> you're absolutely correct, and you just nailed a very important criticalyt. you know, it looks like there's a big difference between that demography, as we call it, from china and what we're seeing in europe. now, we have to look at the young people who are getting
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seriously ill from the european cohort, and make sure it v b the fact that they have underlying conditions because we know that underlying conditions all bets are off, no matter how young you are. fuf an underlying serious medical condition, you're going to potentially get into trouble. but if they don't have underlying conditions, that will be something we have to really examine as to why we're seeing it here, but we didn't see it in china. so we're going to look at that very closely. >> brennan: you mentioned in particular new york and what may be coming there. the president has tweeted this morning that ford, g.m., and tesla, have been given the go-ahead to make ventilators. there's been this back-and-forth over whether the president has ordered companies or not to produce needed medical equipment. what have these companies agree to do? en wil onals have what yesterday in the press conference that i'm
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sure you heard, what the president was saying is these companies are coming forth on their own, and i think that's an extraordinary spirit of the american spirit of not needing to be coaxed. they're stepping forward, they're making not only masks but p.p.e.s and now ventilators. so what we're going to be seeing-- and we're seeing it already. in the beginning, obviously, there was an issue with testing. testing now of large-- a large number of tests are available now out there, because the private companies ha involved. >> brennan: but the mayor of new york has said this week that he was going to run out of medical equipment in a matter of two weeks. >> that's true. >> brennan: so when will-- it is true he will run out? >> yes. >> brennan: will the federal government get him what he needs. >> true, true, to bh tm. la we we at the task force meeting yesterday, and it was very clear that the issue in new york was right on the front burner, and the situation is now that the resources that are being marshalled are going to be otat needmost.a, rly,s cali
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wasn ted obviously, new york is the most hard hit. so not only is new york trying to get resources themselves, but we're going to be pouring it in from the federal government. so it will be a combination of local and federal. but it's very, very clear that they are a very high priority. >> brennan: you are the leading infectious disease expert in the u.s. government. you said this week that you differed from the president in his assessment that a combination of two drugs, hydroxychloroquine and azirothymyin could have the outcome he described to the public possibly could. who is the president listening to? and do you see a concern here that those drugs could become, you know, basically over-prescribed and there could be a shortage who impact people who have persistent medical
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issues like lupus who need ar, there's an issue here of where we're coming from. the president has heard, as we all have heard what i call anecdotal reports that certain drugs work. so what he was trying to do in the express was to hope that if they might work, let's try and push their usage. i, on the other side, have said i'm not disagreeing with the fact anecdotally they might work but my job is to prove definitively from a scientific standpoint that they do work. so i was taking a purely medical stifng standpoint, and the president was trying to bring hope to the people. i think there's this issue of trying to separate the two of us. there isn't fundamentally a difference there. he's coming from it from a hope lay person's standpoint. >> brennan: okay. >> i'm coming from it from a scientific standpoint. >> brennan: and we wish you the best. thank you very much, doctor. >> good to be with you. >> brennan: we go now to the former director of the economic
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council under president trump gary cohn. he is back in the private sector and he joins us from long island. good morning to you. >> good morning, margaret. >> brennan: we have congress negotiating the largest economic bailout package, relief package in history. and the treasury secretary said this morning that if it doesn't work, they will go back and ask for more money in 10 to 12 weeks. this doesn't sound like there is a timeline o the horizon. can you give me a scale of what kind of economic pain is coming? >> margaret, as we've all been talking about, the economic pain is enormous. you think of all the workers that have been forced out of their jobs, and the economic activity that goes along with that. that is not going on and will not go on any time in the near future. so what congress is trying to do, and i applaud what they're trying to do both on the large business and the small business, is they're trying to do an
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income replacement plan. keep as many people employed and on companies' payrolls as you can, and allow them to keep living, allow them to br groceries, allow them to buy the drugs and medicines they need to live their lifestyle, and simultaneously keep them on the books and records of. companies so when the economy turns around-- it will turn around-- people can go back immediately instead of going through the whole rehiring process. it would be a shame if we let people go, terminated them, put them on unemployment, and then tried to rehire them once we restartedlet economy. >> brennan: but despite that, there are expectations and estimates from banks, like bank of america, that this week alone, three million people could file for unemployment-- unemployment, and that goldman sachs, your old firm, says that number is 2.25 million. these are massive numbers. what about those people? how do you provide some kind ofs is doing, and there are two
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parts to it, there's the collins-rube no piece for the businesses under 500 employees and the larger piece for businesses over 500 employees. upon these are massive, and i mean massive stimulus packages that are designed to allow companies to borrow money, and the lons will be forgiven, to keep their employees on the payroll. the people that applied for unemployment last week and that were terminated last week, they were terminated prior to these-- this legislation existing. hopefully, once this legislation gets passed and hopefully it's today or tomorrow and sooner is better, these people can go back on the books and records of their companies and they can get their payroll-- they don't have to go on unemployment. what we're trying to do is keep everyone off unemployment, keep them on the books and records of their companies, so they can return back to a normalized economy when it exists. >> brennan: and we just don't know when that is yet. part of what it seems like is unaddressed at this point is what happens to all those people who count as self-employed
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contractors,eo necessarily saye uned, but y do't have another paycheck coming. what about them? >> margaret, i think that you just hit on a very important topic, and i've been talking about this. we have people that work in big companies, we have people that work in small companies and then we have this big piece of the economy that's either self-employed or contract workers. think of people that work at stadiums and arenas, think of people who work in catering businesses, think of uberdrivers and lyft drivers, they need help as well. we go back to the companies that hired part-time labor or hired labor as needed, and you go back and look at what you were paying them for last month and last two weeks and you go back and pay them that exact amount of money, and those companies can actually go te borow that money, and be relieved of that debt, and compensate their people as well. >> brennan: how long do you
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think the bailout that's being put together will buy us before youut >>y'ing to ha job cuts, allow businesses to keep all of their employees on the books and records and continue to pay them their salary. that would be the best-- that would be the best outcome. y woo don't know. if there's any ambiguity, companies are going to act rationally and they're going to cut employees because they're going to constrain their most scarce capital, which is dollars. they're going to horde dollars, which is the exact wrong thing we want them to do. so what congress is trying to do right now is the appropriate measure, and forcing money into businesses and allowing them to keep all their employees on the books. >> brennan: one of the key economic players in thi company, athe federal nl kahkary are seeing freezing up of new finances for corporations.
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that sounds like, when he was looking out there indit markets, there is a warning this could be a financial crise. >> so remember, the federal reserve bank in the united states is the lender of last resort, and so far, they have done an adequate job. they have done many of the things they need to do. what the fed needs to do now is they need to expand who can come to the fed and borrow money and what securities they will take as collateral. so by expanding the collateral window into municipal bonds, bonds issued by state and local governments, who are really feeling the crunch here-- those are the people paying out some of the medical bills and some of the unemployment insurance-- and allowing corporate bonds to be pledged at the window as good collateral, we would reopen the corporate borrowing and allow corporates to continue some sort econivity. >?r? or-- l "or."
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we're in a time where we have to go do these things. we have to allow that collateral to be pledged. and i think the fed will get there. they've been moving very fast on what they've been doing. they have to expand what they're doing. >> brennan: gary cohn thank you for joining us. important perspective. and we will be back with more "face the nation." tune in tonight to "60 minutes" for an interview with neil cashkari. iary,
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so you can trust us to be here for you... we remain committed to supporting our community. because the toyota family is stronger together. this is our pledge. we are here for you now, and in all the better days ahead. . >> brennan: stay with us. up next is former f.d.a. commission are dr. scott gottlieb. he will be with us in our next half hour. ouw,
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>> brennan: welcome back to "face the nation." we turn now to former f.d.a. commissioner, dr. scott gottlieb he joins us outside his home in connecticut. doctor, good to have you back with you. >> thanks. >> brennan: you have been talking to congress. you talk to the administration, and you have been clear you believe there was a failure to plan in january from march, and you're saying now in march we need to be looking ahead and planning for may. exactly what is it that all of us need to be planning for? >> well, right now, we're engaging in broad-based, population-based mitigation techniques, things like stay-at-home orders, closing schools. these are population-level techniques to try to break off chains of transmission.
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those are the right things to do in places like san francisco, new york, where we see hot spots, epidemic spread. unfortunately, we're not engaging in those practices across the country. we need to start thinking about how we transition away from that. come april, come may, when the epidemec curve starts coming down, we can't just take our foot off the brake immediately.o we need to start including and introducing what we call case-based interventions, identify people who are either infected or who have been in close contact with people who have been infected and good towards a member individual person approach rather than a population-level approach. that plan needs to be under way right now. it's not a question of either/or. it's a question of substituting other techniques that are less intrusive from what we're doing now. >> brennan: you heard dr. fauci say there's no doubt we're going to get hit. there are some projections from new york hospitals that a peak
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could hit in the next 20 days. what is it that americans need to be prepared for? >> well, i think that the scenes out of new york are going to be shocking. i think that the hospitals in the next two weeks are going to be at the brink of being overwhelmed and we're going to start to see places like javitz convention center and other facilities used to start to house people. they're going to start getting thousands of admissions coming into that city. this is an infection that started two weeks ago. the time to hospitalizatio is nine-12 days. new orleans is at a very high risk and are now taking appropriate measures. this is a sticky virus. we're learning much more of the transmission probably happens from touching contaminated surfaces. any city that has a mass transit system is probably at risk, cities like chicago, san francisco, new york, boston. you've seen san francisco implement tough measures. illinois recently implemented tough measures. we need to continue that right now. >> brennan: is there an existing antiviral drug that is effective in at least containing this or preventing someone from
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getting seriously ill? >> no. there's drugs that look promising. there's drugs that areper trials. we really need to continue to conduct research to figure out what works. right now, there's no drug that looks like it's proven so overwhelming in early-stage clinical trials that we can say it's highly promising. there are drugs that suggest they may have activity against this virus. the other question is when you introduce the drug. sometimes when you introduce an antiviral drug late in the course of the disease, after people are in the critical care unit and very sick, it may not provide a benefit. sometimes you have to introduce an antiviral drug earlier. that's how we treat the flu, for example, with drugs like tamiflu. you introduce them earlier in the course of the illness and that's where they have their greatest benefit. >> brennan: so you agree with dr. fauci that there needs to be clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine which the president said he thinks is already effective? >> absolutely. and that may not be the drug that ends up holding to its promise. the study that looked at that
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drug and showed activity was a study that involved about 20 patients, and only six in the arm that showed the benefit. and the benefit that they showed was that they decreased the amount of virus in their-- in irhen as so it could very well be the drug is reducing viral shedding but having no impact on the clinical course of those patients. the data on that is very preliminary. what we need to do is what is called a master protocol, where we basically test a lot of drugs at once. we randomize patients to a different treatment so everyone gets a treatment if they need it and figure out what, woz the best. that's what we did with ebola and came up with very effective treatments against ebola. >> o'donnell: the trump administration announced the first trial through n.i.h. was a vaccine was started out in seattle. given the timeline for this, do resources need to be focused on a vaccine and some of the treatments that you were talking about? >> i think absolutely. we could have a drug, a potential prophylactic drug that
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could prevent people from getting an infection or treating an infection as early as this summer, especially when you look at some of the approach where's companies are developing antibodyies that directly target the virus. i think this is highly promising. we need to be putting a lot of resources into that. senator danes introduced i provision in capitol hill that may be included in the final package. it would basically scale up manufacturing right away for the promising treatments that make it into the government-sanctioned trials so if one ends up working we're ready to distribute it on a mass scale. you have literally millions of doses vrabel. what's going to happen is a lot of those drugs won't work and we'll end up throwing away the drug we manufactured but i think that's ia small price to pay for the benefit of having drug available, if in fact one proves that it's working. >> brennan: in other words, taxpayers helping to subsidize some of this research immediately. when do you see us being able to plan about going back to normal life? >> well, i think it's going to be a slow transition. i think that the epidemic right now that's under way is going to
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peak some time in april, prob and tail off into may and june, hopefully transmission will be broken off in july and august. we need to plan what we're going to do in the fall to prevent another epidemic and outbreak. life will not be normal until we get to a vaccine. we'll need to implement some measures but they will be case-based measures where we screen aggressively for the virus and quarantine and isolate individual people rather than quarantining mass populations of people. there is a light at the end of this tunnel. >> brennan: dr. gottlieb, thank you. and we want to go now to the president and c.e.o. of the american hospital social for the latest on how hospitals are battling the pandemic. richard pollack joins us from downtown washington this morning. good morning to you. >> good morning. and let me just say at the outset i just want to recognize the unbelievable work that's going on in our hospitals by the doctors, nurses, and other health care workers. their dedication and their efforts are ones that we should all very much appreciate.
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>> brennan: and i think everyone in this country would agree with you on that poi what we need to know and what congress should be focused on getting to those medical workers. there are $110 billion promised in this emergency legislation. what does that get the doctors and the hospitals around the country? is it enough to meet the need? >> yeah, it's a start. and it's a very good start. the american medical association, the american nurses association and the hospital association said we need a minimum of $100 billion, and we're hopeful that package will deliver us the assistance that's needed, the tools and resources that are need so that we can continue to respond to this crisis. this is an unprecedented situation in which we're entering unchartered waters. the congressional leadership on the senate side in particular, senator mcconnell and senator schumer, are very attentive to this matter.
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we're hoping to see legislation that provides us with assistance whent esncreasing capacity, when it comes to paying for overtime, and very importantly, when it comes to helping us with cash flow to sustain our operations. we could see hospitals close in this situation as well because they just don't have the resources. >> brennan: the white house and the emergency academy of surgeons has publicly called on americans and hospitals to reschedule elective surgeries because they don't want to overwhelm hospitals and they want to save equipment for those worst-case scenarios. do you now support that? i know you weren't supportive of that call for a while. >> that's not quite right. we support guidelines that were put out by the federal government around the notion of elective surgery, and we have found if in most cases across the country that is the case. sometimes there's a little confusion between what's considered elective surgery.
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there are things that might be elective that are in life saving as-- there's no question we have stopped doing that in a lot of areas. >> brennan: what you're saying is too nebulous. do you think there need to be specific guidelines set out saying, "hospitals, stop these kind of elective surgeries-- plastic surgeries, for example, knee replacements." >> they're already out there. >> brennan: stat and districts is what you have said should be able to make those calls. do you want the federal government to provide more clarity on that? >> the federal government has already done that. the centers for medicare and medicaid services has put out guidelines. we support those guidelines. >> brennan: okay. so how do hospitals then determine who can get needed medical supplies, things like ventilators? is it there a process? is there a guideline in this, or is it luck of the draw? >> in f ti wto need more there is a supply. many people have them, but there's a gap, and we're going to need more. but the most immediate thing we
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need is personal protective equipment-- the masks, the gowns, the goggles, that type of equipment-- to protect our health care heroes that are on the front lines. that is what is most essential now. if we don't protect our health care workers, the system will completely collapse. that's what's necessary. and that's why, in fact, we need to see the defense production act employed in an aggressive manner. it's great that people are stepping up, but we need to be more aggressive in getting those supplies to the front lines. >> brennan: right. >> they may be flowing but we need more. >> brennan: right, and that is why i asked dr. fauci about that. thank you very much, mr. pollock. we will be right back. ewables.
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get care like no other if you looked at and that was all you knew, would you really understand it with just that point of view? we've got a different way to look at it, from right here on the ground. we don't just see united states we see united towns. we're grateful for what you bring, and all the sparks you've shown, in the thousands of towns that we get to call home. ♪ allergies with impossible to breathe. get relief behind the counter with claritin-d. claritin-d improves nasal airflow 2x more than the leading allergy spray at hour 1. claritin-d. get more airflow. .>> brennan: we now about to the charm and c.e.o. of fedex, frederick smith, whon memphis, tennessee, this morning. thank you for joining us. >> good morning. >> brennan: our latest
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reporting is that this bil blion rescue money for carriers. will your company be seeking any part of that federal aid? >> i don't think so at this point in time. it would only be available or needed by and the all-cargo industry if things really get bad, and then only in the form of loan guarantees. now the passenger carriers, which have a $50 billion package, that's a different story. they are in very dire straits with significant lack of demand. that's not the situation with us. in certain cases our business is actually increased because of this situation. in others, it's declined. d't have to shute'll need it. down long-term projects like facility construction and purchase of airplanes and trucks and things of that nature.
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>> brennan: provide some certainty for your planning. but your c.e.o. of one of your divisions, fedex express, signed on to a letter yesterday that was released. he signed alongside some of those passenger carriers c.e.o.s, and it urged congress to swiftly pass this bill they're still negotiating or saying there will be mass furloughs. there will be mass layoffs. what size of layoffs are we talking about? what is your company expecting? >> well, fedex is not expecting any layoffs at all. quite the contrary. our people are working very heavily on both the business-to-business side, moving things for hospitals and diagnostic labs, picking up specimens and getting them into the various locations where they can be tested. the passenger carry, again, that's a completely difrentstor. they have very litdementheir se,
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d i thedo'tet thi0 million relief-- and i think that's mostly loan guarantees as well-- they will begin massive layoffs. they have no option. >> brennan: there are for you on the cargo side, you are still able to function, to deliver things around the world. but there are significant travel restrictions. what are you seeing in terms of supply lines staying open? >> well, we began to deal with this problem in our operations in china in january, and there we took extraordinary measures to protect our people and our pilots. just last week, for instance, we flew 246 flights in and out of china. so we've been dealing with this for a long time. china is now actually back mostly in production. about 90% of their big factories are open, their smaller businesses less so, but about 70%. so with the shutdown of the
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passenger operations across the pacific, we have significant backlogs coming into this country, and a significant amount of traffic going back to china. more recently, the same thing is true across the atlantic. our purple-tail airplane airplae carrying a lot of stuff both ways. passenger planes, which carry i lot of cargo in the underbellies, including some for us, they're all but gone from the market. >> brennan: but it sounds like you are saying trade can continue, though passenger travel is restricted. i want to ask you about the safety of your employees as well here. i mean, there are reports that we saw in the "new england journal of medicine" recently saying that this virus can survive on different surfaces for different periods of time. on card board it can survive about 24 hours. how do you protect delivery workers who are literal going to
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americans' front doors? >> we have massive efforts under way in all of our facilities to try to socially distance nokes and their work stations. we're providing gloves and all kinds of antiseptic swabs and things of that nature. for people that are receiving packages, the c.d.c. says not too much risk, but if you've got concerns, take a little alcohol and rub it across the package after it's left on your door, which is what we're doing. we suspended the requirement for signatures in certain cases. so i think the risk is low, and we're doing absolutely everything we can, cleaning our facilities, prolifically. the place i'm talking to you from, one floor up, we had an employee last week that tested positive for it. we cleaned the building. we have lots of people working from home. so you just have to work through the issue using every measure at
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your disposal. we're moving a prolific amount of hand sanitizer, for instance, in our freight company at the moment. >> brennan: i'm sure you are. fred smith, thank you for joining us and giving us your insight. this crise is having an enormous impact, asyou just heard, particularly in the airline industry. but that is the entire travel industry that is affected as well, and we're going to turn again this week to our cbs news transportation correspondent kris van cleave for more. he joins us from our newsroom. kris, we were just talking about the bailout that congress is putting forward. it has billions of dollars not just for airlines, but retailers, hotel companies. how much time does this buy them before we see layoffs? erpt rothe airlines say if they get the package they want they can avoid furloughs until at least the beginning of september. i can tell you, though, at least two regional airlines have already said they're shutting down because of the coronavirus and the drop in demand.
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marriott hotels has already started furloughing what it expects to be tens of thousands of workers, not only front-line workers, but also amongst their corporate staff as marriott has started to shutter some hot becausman thotelinthey're runnit 25% of what they should be typically. and the airlines are seeing passenger lodes of 20% to 30%. it's just not a viable business without help. >> brennan: there's been this debate over whether the u.s. government, the u.s. taxpayer should essentially just hand over money in a grant to these airlines, or whether it should be essentially a loan that could end up looking like something taking a stake, as they did during the auto bailouts. what is it that the industry is actually asking for? >> reporter: sure. so the airlines are asking for a ofmmediate grants it keep their payrolls operational through at least the end of august. they're also asking for a package of loans and some tax
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changes, some tax benefits that would help them weather this. an airline told me, listen, they're going to operate about 40% of the network they were operating just at the beginning of march. and they said we can't afford to be 40% of an airline with 100% of the payroll unless somebody steps up to fill in the gap. it's just not viable. what's in the senate bill appears to be a package of loans, and airlines are their labor unions are worried that that won't be sufficient to avoid large-scale furloughs in the airline industry. the hotels are already seeing that. so, clearly, there is a pressure to, from the airline standpoint, to get an influx of cash immediately. in exchange for, that they've said that they will not furlough workers until at least september, that they'll put limits on executive compensation, stock buy-backs, and dividends. and certainly, congress can add other terms to that. >> brennan: so functionally, what does that mean? is air travel essentially going to be shutting down?
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>> reporter: well, we just today saw that emirates, one of the largest global carriers, is going to suspend all passenger travel later this month. u.s. air travel domestically, the president has said he wants to keep it going domestically, least for absolutely essential travel. but the airlines, without any support, say they'll be out of money in the coming months. already we've seen a dramatic decline. some numbers for you: a year ago t.s.a. screened 2.5 minimum travelers in a day. on thursday they screened fewer than 600,000. at the beginning of the month, they were screening about 2.5, 2.3 million. you can see the drop-off- decline in travel. that's very challenging, margaret. but the plan is to keep the planes flying for now. >> brennan: no doubt. kris van cleave, thank you. won't.
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according to the howell family: auntie jenn's friend and her son can live with them as long as they want. according to the census: it doesn't matter if you're related or not, because this count helps inform funding on how billions get spent every year. and where there are more people, there are more needs.
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>> reporter: as america struggles through quarantine, we are all improvising-- officials at the podium and parents at the kitchen table-- as we shift to a social distance archipelago, each island six feet apart. this marching coronavirus is new, but america has faced similar times. the great depression, world wars, after 9/11. each crisis has produced a leader. the names were different, but there is a pattern. >> the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. >> reporter: franklin roosevelt targeted fear in his inaugural address, because while his programs would take time to kick in, the fight against fear could start right away, and success in that fight would make future ones easier. we could use a little of that. every television seems tuned to the panic station. 75% of us say we're worried, according to one poll. but roosevelt didn't dismiss fear. he gave americans a ladder over it, reminding them of all that
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previous generations had overcome and survived. after f.d.r.'s speech, one listener said, "any man who can talk like that in times like these is worthy of every ounce of support a true american has." a leader help tell us who we are. that how leahird, hungry toar, f it's not just blowing a trumpet, but sounding a call that people hear and respond to. it's the difference between a locker room speech and locker room talk. "the best leaders trust the public and make them allies," says amanda ripley, who has studied disasters of all sorts. and how to respond to them. "the public performs extremely well when they are treated like grownups and told the truth." this is why dr. anthony faucci has become a hero. people crave facts. leaders know people don't panic when they are informed. instead, they are spurred to help.
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president eisenhower said, "leadership consists of nothing but staking responsibility, including everything that goes wrong and giving your subordinates credit for ythin g well." showing grace in that duty also puts them in worthy company with all the nurses, doctors, and other americans who show us every day that while the vaccine will come from the laboratory, the will to fight is already inside us. >> brennan: and wouldn't. customers can do what they need to do whenever they need to do it online. because it gives customers the ability to not come into a store. they can simply tap and swipe. something that they can use wherever they are. we care about keeping you safe. (announcer) at verizon, we are here, and we are ready. we are open 24/7 online, so you can keep managing everything
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.>> brennan: we thank you for watching "face the nation" today. we've worked hard, mostly from home, like many of you, but we are here with minimal staff. we'll be back next week to continue giving you the best information that we can. today, we end with a view of isolation around the world and remind you we are all in this together. i'm margaret brennan. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh adjusted.
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>> jim: dozier gets close enough for the short flip. he would like to have that one. dorsey looks at the referee, his team at a disadvantage here. chalmers, gets it up from a last second, collins, tipped out by rush. >> billy: over the back on that play. >> jim: gets the pass and the dump. a tough break for memphis right there because dorsey is back. but you can't weigh on referees calls. >> billy: by the time you're turning around and looking the team is going to take their advantage. >> jim: 5 minutes to go in a thrilling first half. memphis had an e
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