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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  April 27, 2020 7:00am-8:59am PDT

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>> no one is counting. thank you for watching ♪ good morning to you, and welcome to "cbs this morning." it's monday, april 27th, 2020. i'm gayle king with anthony mason and tony dokoupil. opening questions. a new wave state ofs prepare to reopen businesses while dr. deborah birx warns social distancing could last through the summer. >> muddling the message. the president questions the value of daily white house briefings on the virus. amid controversy over whether he is spreading medical misinformation. why even some republicans are concerned. profiling the virus. what we're learning about dangerous new symptoms and whether it might be possible to get the disease twice. >> plus, andy cohen's fight.
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the host of "watch what happens live" tells us about his successful battle against the coronavirus. why he says the government is keeping him from helping others fight the disease. >> he's got lots to say. first, here's today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. >> all that progress we made by flattening that curve, we could lose that in a matter of days if we're not careful. >> despite growing numbers, several states prepare to start easing stay-at-home restrictions. >> we can't do this again. we can't afford to shut down, stop commerce again. that's why we're following those guidances, following the experts. doing what we can to social distance. >> we have hundreds of calls coming in asking if it was right to ingest clorox. >> president trump did not hold a press briefing, but the president's comments about injecting disinfectants are still proving controversial. >> doesn't that bother you that you have to spend any time
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discussing this? >> i think it bothers me this is still in the news cycle. >> the nba is opening team practice facilities for players in states loosening stay-at-home restrictions. >> all that -- >> family in michigan put up a sign in their yard making it mandatory to have a silly walk when passing by their home. >> and all that matters. >> dr. anthony fauci said if anyone had to play him on "snl," he hoped it would be brad pitt. will it happen? >> first, i'd like to thank all the older women in america who have sent me supportive, inspiring and sometimes graphic emails. >> on "cbs this morning." ♪ lean on me >> dozens of well-known canadian comes together for a national salute to front line workers fight cog vid 19 ♪ call me if you need a friend ♪ ♪ call me ♪ if you need a friend ♪ just call me
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>> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" is presented by toyota. welcome to "cbs this morning." "lean on me," tony. bill withers song has become an anthem. too bad he's not here to see it. that song fits so many, so well in this particular time we're going through. >> yeah, gayle. i can't think of a lyric more apt for the moment than we all need a friend. >> exactly right. every time i hear it, it gives me a little chill. from our home to yours, as you see, we hope you are staying in if you can, on this monday. we made it through the weekend. i hope it was safe for you. if you are one of those essential workers, we thank you, thank you, thank you. we begin today with efforts by a rising number of states to reopen this week despite the in california, tens of thousands of people crowded the beaches over the weekend. it was tough to see. even though a stay-at-home order
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is still in place in that state. in georgia, some businesses are now open to customers after a controversial decision by the state's governor there. >> there are signs that social distancing is helping flatten the curve, but the numbers from the virus continue to rise. we are now nearing a million reported cases nationwide. more than 965,000. and the reported death toll is now more than 54,000. mark strassmann is in atlanta where more businesses are expected to reopen today. mark, the question on everyone's mind, how is it going so far? >> good morning, tony. today is going to be interesting. this reopening, this next step in georgia's reopening will gauge public attitudes about all of this. movie theaters and restaurants like the waffle house behind me can now seat people inside. they have to maintain social distancing and it's hardly business as usual. >> the weekend was a little slow. >> reporter: jason griggers held
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what he called a soft opening at his atlanta area salon. he served a handful of clients. his first in six weeks. >> we're trying to staring our clients and not just load them in here so there's not so many people in here. we can practice good social distancing. >> reporter: georgia is not alone. elected officials are making similar decisions around the country. sometimes against the advice of public health officials. >> social distancing will be with us through the summer to really ensure that we protect one another as we move through these phases. >> reporter: with roughly 1 in 6 americans without a job, the prolonged quarantine has shredded state economies. some governors say it's time to move forward. >> we're always going to be data driven. >> reporter: oklahoma's republican governor announced some businesses like gyms and restaurants will be free to open on friday. >> the two guiding principles i told oklahomans we're going to use through this whole process was the health and safety of oklahomans number one and then
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mitigate the loss to our economy and get our workers back working as quickly as possible. >> reporter: that sentiment has bipartisan support. colorado's democratic governor jared polis announced his state's stay-at-home order would end today. >> we know what matters a lot more than the date the stay-at-home ends is what we do going forward. if it's not replaced with practices sustainable for the weeks and months that it's likely to remain with us. >> reporter: at least 12 states are easing restrictions on restaurants, salons and some retailers. none has met the cdc's guidelines for relaxing social distancing rules. a 14-day decline in hospitalizations. on sunday, new york governor andrew cuomo said some businesses in his state could reopen as soon as may 15th. he called on them to think outside the box. >> this is not a one-sided equation here.
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businesses, you develop a plan on how you would reopen given everything we now know. >> reporter: hundreds of businesses here that could reopen are staying shut. their owners think it's just too soon. and the number of mayors in georgia agree with that decision to stay closed. they are worried that reopening could lead to a second wave of infections. anthony? >> mark, thank you. president trump did not appear in public over the weekend to address the crisis. he did speak out on twitter. a senior adviser tells cbs news some of the president's aides and allies outside the white house have urged him to scale back the daily briefings on the coronavirus. as ben tracy reports, one of the president's top scientific advisers says testing still needs to be dramatically improved. >> we have to have a breakthrough innovation in testing. >> reporter: dr. deborah birx
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says a different type of coronavirus test similar to those needed to test for flu, is adequately needed to screen the u.s. population. the test would more likely and cheaply detect the body's response to the virus. >> allows you to screen large numbers of individuals quickly. >> reporter: birx also said the white house is working with states to increase testing capacity, despite the president saying states are responsible for their own testing and bragging about the overall u.s. response. >> we've tested far more than anybody else anywhere in the world. >> reporter: the president is now often contradicted by his own health experts and even some in his own party are criticizing his daily press briefings. >> some of the messaging has not been great. >> reporter: larry hogan, a republican, says his state's emergency management agency was flooded with calls after president trump said this on thursday. >> i see the disinfectant, it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. and is there a way we can do something like that by injection
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inside or almost a cleaning? >> i think it's critical that the president of the united states, when people are really scared and in the middle of this worldwide pandemic that in these press conferences that we really get the facts out there. >> reporter: after the blowback this weekend on twitter, the president questioned the purpose of having white house news conferences. adding, not worth the time and effort. but it's his own comments that have forced his team to spend time clarifying. and dr. birx expressed her frustration with the media coverage. >> sometimes i worry that we don't get the information to the american people that they need when we continue to bring up something that was from thursday night. >> reporter: cbs news learned the white house plans to focus more on the economy in its messaging and that public health information from dr. birx and dr. anthony fauci will take a back seat to that. there is a press briefing scheduled here at the white house for this afternoon, but it's unclear if the president
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will attend. tony? >> all right, ben tracy, at the white house, thank you. moving overseas. britain's prime minister is back at work three weeks after the coronavirus put him in intensive care. in his first public statement since returning to london, boris johnson urged the british people to be patient saying they are making progress. >> if this virus were a physical assailant, an unexpected and invisible mugger, which i can tell you from personal experience, it is, then this is the moment when we have begun together to wrestle it to the floor. >> britain has lost more than 20 this to people to the coronavirus. johnson had been criticized for not taking stronger steps sooner to prevent it from spreading. we're learning new information about how the coronavirus affects patients. our dr. david agus joins us from los angeles with more on that part of the story.
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david, let's start with the cdc reporting that there are new symptoms possible new symptoms to diagnose this coronavirus. what are they? >> the cdc had a list of fever, cough and shortness of breath as the symptoms. if you had those symptoms, you could be tested in most places in the united states. they've expanded those to include chills, shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throw the and loss of taste or smell. critically important because now it means more people can be tested as places that require symptoms for testing and also to educate people that if you have these, you have to consider having the coronavirus. >> since we keep getting new information, does it make it harder to fight this virus effectively? it's such a moving target, it seems. >> we started from scratch. we didn't know what this virus would do, how the human body would respond, how we should respond in fighting. and literally every day we're
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learning more. we're learning about what it can do to the body. new signs and symptoms that in some cases are dramatic that we didn't expect but we're getting better. and the treatment protocols are being spread across the country and how we care for the virus is improving on a daily basis. >> over the weekend, dr. deborah birx said we need a breakthrough antigen testing. what exactly does that 19amean? >> we have a pcr test. it looks for about 100 of the letters of the 30,000 letters in the code of the virus. and it takes awhile to amplify that and look at it. and that's why the test is complex to put across the country. an antigen test looks for a yes, no is it present? is it protein in the virus present in whatever you're swabbing. it's how we do a pregnancy test. it's how we do the -- admitting the flu test. with that test if we have it, that's specific for covid-19, we
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can dramatically scale testing. there's so many asymptomatic people and we have to test them if we want to open appropriately in every state and being able to quarantine off people who have the virus. so a new test is critical. she talked about being in the works. and i hope and pray that happens soon. >> yeah, everybody hopes that. you know, recently we keep hearing about possible blood clots that could lead to strokes in younger patients. what do you know about that? >> so, this virus is causing blood clots. we classically see blood clots in more elderly individuals. clots in the leg that can go to the lung. clots in the heart that can go to the brain. we're seeing it in 30, 40 and 50-year-olds and often people that are not that symptomatic with the virus. so this is new. this is something that obviously has us on alarm. it's very, very rare. so i don't want everybody thinking they have this, but if you do have any symptoms, what it means is go right away to the emergency room. the earlier we treat, the better
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the outcome. >> all right. information is power. the more we know, the better we can deal with all of this. thank you david. anthony? >> thanks, gayle. there are reasons for hope this morning in hard-hit new york where strict social distancing rules are still in place. yesterday's death toll here was the lowest this month and less than half what it was during the pandemic's peak. hospitalizations are down as well, along with the number of people put on ventilators. in another sign of progress, the last patient has been discharged from the naval hospital ship "comfort" which will soon depart after nearly a month docked in manhattan. we want to share a touching tribute that a connecticut man left for his family. 32-year-old jonathan koelho died due to cardiac arrest from the coronavirus. he wrote a note on his phone to his wife and two young children. our lead national correspondent
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david begnaud spoke to coelho's wife. >> good mog.morn jonathan spent days in the ho bef he alone. and before he was placed on a ventilator, he wrote a note to his wife which she read at the hospital after he died. he wrote in the note what he wanted her to tell their two children two are too young to remember their father. to his 2-year-old son braedyn he wrote, tell him he's my best bud and i am proud to be his father. to his 4-month-old daughter penelope he wrote, let her know she's a princess and she can have whatever she wants in life. and to his wife katie, he thanked her for giving him the best life he could have had. and then he said this. if you meet someone, don't hold back because if they love you and the kids like i, do then i love that for you. >> you think he knew?
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>> i think he did. i think he was scared. that was written the day before -- the few hours actually before he was intubated, and we were still texting and communicating during this time. you don't fight for 28 days and think that you're not going to come home. so i don't think he gave up, but i think he knew that if it was going to be that bad, that i wasn't going to talk -- be able to talk to him again, and he knew that i would need something. and my kids are so young, and they're not going to know their dad or remember their dad. so we're going to have to share with them what a great person he was. and i think he wanted them to hear from him how much he loved them and how much he cared about them. >> so beautiful that you -- i hope you -- i hope you have what he wrote to you etched in some kind of stone or artwork and hung somewhere because those are his final words written to you.
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>> yeah, and his -- actually his bean at our wedding found my husband's wedding vows he had emailed to him the day of our wedding, which i haven't seen or heard since the day we got married. and he sent them to me, and seeing the words he said the first day we became husband and wife and then the last words he said to me, it just echoed how much, like, the love has just increased and it was just so -- you could see from start to finish my husband worshipped us. and i am so thankful i have those words, but they're also very haunting as they're all i have left. >> you know, jonathan survived childhood cancer twice andieys several times they thought he was going to pull through. at one point, the doctors told her his lungs appeared to be cleared of the virus. but the virus had wrecked some of his vital organs.
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gayle? >> oh, boy, david. it's such a gift that she has those words, and from what i was reading about the story, he was such a fighter. it's so hard to hear it, too. and in her words, it is haunting. how is katie doing? how is she going to move forward? did she say? this is tough. >> you know, she -- $800,000 has been donated by strangers to help her. but i was haunted by the fact that when we finished the interview, she had to start getting the kids ready for bed because life moves on. now that she is a widow and a single mom. >> yeah, yeah. and jonathan fought to the very end. thank you very much, david. ahead -- a new warning from the world health organization to people who have recovered from the coronavirus and
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staying connected during the pandemic. his mission to stop what he calls a loneliness epidemic. plus, drones are a growing part of the fight to slow the spread of the coronavirus. but privacy advocate say the technology could be misused. you're watching "cbs this morning." hi, it's jan from toyota. many of you still need to be on the road right now. toyota is here to help. we're offering an incredible 0% on our most popular toyotas. that's 0% on camry... 0% on rav4... or 0% on tacoma. plus toyota will defer your payments for up to 90 days. you can even shop and buy online from the comfort of your home. we're here for you. contact your local toyota dealer to see how they can help.
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it's what we've always done. because home is what unites us. . this is a kpix5 news morning update. good morning. it's 7:26. i am len keys in the news thousands are spec to undergo coronavirus testing in san francisco mission district. researchers are halfway through a 4-day testing blitz. they have some of the highest number of cases in the city. free testing is part of a study available until tuesday at three pop-up sites. vegetation fire near u.s. highway 101 and interstate highway 280 broke out around 5 this morning. no one was hurt and no buildings were burned. the fire is out and crews are now investigating how it started. and the have lay hoe planning commission here threw his cat during a public zoo meaning resigned. he was seen drinking beer,
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cursing and making derogatory phrases during the commission meeting. the city says it does not condone his behavior and was set to consider removing him from the commission this week. let's check on traffic now with gianna. >> let's look at the roadways right now. a couple things to look out for. 5 80 at central. eastbound side plus we have got roadwork if he text along 101 working at 280. the project is underway. break lights for the new configuration. it's an s curve on the new maryion of the nohbound mostlyny skies as we head rougta abavere for this time year. so, looking at 67 for a high in. 73 kland. 77 for n jose. an82for concorth e we
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welcome back to "cbs this morning." some folks in san francisco are trying to calm those affected by the coronavirus with the power of music. ♪ i left my heart ♪ >> doctors and staff at california pacific medical center sang tony bennett's signature song "i left my heart in san francisco." many others across that city by the bay joined in over the weekend after bennett himself organized the sing along on twitter. one group of performers gathered at a statue honoring the singer. someone even placed a mask over the statue's face just to be
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safe. gayle? >> anthony, tony bennett leading a singalong of his classic song, who doesn't want to play in that game? sign me up. >> yeah. no kidding. >> thank you, mr. bennett. that's right. the world health organization warns there's no evidence that people who have recovered from the coronavirus are protected from a second infection. south korea's cdc says that 268 patients have retested positive after it was thought they had recovered. so now that's raising some very troubling questions about whether this virus can be reactivated. senior medical correspondent, that's dr. tara narula, shows us why the answer could be critically important. it felt it like at times somebody was stabbing me with an ice pick -- >> reporter: colorado nurse practitioner lisa merck has been documenting her coronavirus journey since she first tested positive in march. >> there's a stigma -- >> reporter: as a health care worker, merck gets repeat tests.
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>> do you want to -- >> reporter: she knows when she can safely return to work. on day 21 of isolation, she got good news -- >> your test was negative. >> reporter: but just seven days later, she got a retest and was shocked at the results -- >> this is really scary to me. >> reporter: megyn kelly was once -- merckvid-19. >> it's confusing. frustrating. >> reporter: do you feel like you got infected twice with coronavirus? or do you feel like that test that came back negative was a false negative? >> i feel like the test that came back was a false negative. i mean, there's no way to tell. >> reporter: viral pcr tests based on nose and throat swabs like these are reliable about 60% to 90% of the time depending on the test. can people get covid-19 twice? >> i don't think we know the answer to that yet. >> reporter: dr. stanley perlman, professor at the university of iowa, has been studying coronaviruses like sars for nearly 40 anti whia
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ano tmo o them are protected against sars again. for mers, the amount of antibody seems to have declined fairly rapidly. if you have mild disease, you have severe disease it lasts much longer. >> reporter: just like with mers, dr. perlman believes more severe covid-19 symptoms may mean longerlasting immunities. >> this disease we think that you will be protected at least for some amount of time, especially if you had pneumonia. if you have only the upper airway infection you may get infected again. >> reporter: perlman says the good news is that covid-19 is not mutating quickly. >> so this means that making a vaccine is more feasible because the virus isn't changing. >> reporter: what do you make of the korean saying that coronavirus may, in fact, be reactivating in people they initially thought were cured? >> yeah. the question is whether there really is reactivation or low-level infection that was not
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detected for a period of time and now is detected. >> reporter: martin hirsch of massachusetts general hospital agrees. he says genetics and several other factors affect immune response. >> younger people, healthy people without any underlying conditions are the most likely to develop prolonged antibodies. >> reporter: with covid-19, the world health organization says we need more evidence about how effective the antibodies are and how long immunity will last. >> when we're talking about this idea of potentially getting infected for a second time, what time frame would sound reasonable to you for that to make sense? >> i think those people who test positive then negative and then days or a few weeks are almost certainly not reinfected. i think if you go beyond that, if you look at a few months, a few years, then you can start talking about reinfection.
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>> reporter: >> lisa's rate, tara. lisa's right when she says it is confusing. help us understand. how could it be that you can have the antibodies and not be immune to the coronavirus? >> reporter: it's definitely confusing. a lot of people equate the two terms. antibody is not synonymous with ti you've been infected before. immunities is this more complex idea. it's a continuum. and it depends on several things. it depends on the number of antibodies you produce, the type of antibodies you produce. so there are neutralizing antibodies, the ones we know that really work most effectively at neutralizing the virus. you want more of those. it also depends on other parts of the immune system. we have t cells that work with the cells that make the antibodies that help. then we have memory cells, as well, that produce antibody down the road when you see the virus again. >> we are all still learning so much. thank you, tar avery much. ahead, how the growing use of drones by authorities to help fight the coronavirus is now
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raising privacy concerns. and a reminder -- you can always get the morning's news by subscribing to the "cbs this morning" podcast. what do you get? today's top stories in less than 20 minutes. we say around here that's a deal. don't we all like a deal? don't we all like a deal? yeah, we wityour money almostes offered feels like it's frozen. with capital one, you can open a new savings account in about 5 minutes and earn five times the national average. this is banking reimagined. what's in your wallet? but what about afoods creamy chicken sautee? salad, sure, but wke? whatever's left in your fridge you can do more with best foods than you think. see the possibilities at more than ever, your home is your sanctuary. that's why lincoln offers you the ability to purchase a new vehicle remotely with participating dealers. an effortless transaction- all without leaving the comfort- and safety of your home.
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the american red cross tein the front lines blood of this fight most of all. so abbott is getting new tests into their hands, delivering the critical results they need. and until this fight is over, we...will...never...quit. because they never quit. all over the world right now public health and safety groups are turning to drones to help slow the spread of the coronavirus. officials are using them to monitor public spaces and enforce social distancing rules. a study found that there are nearly 1,600 agencies in the u.s. who now have drones and we
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have more on how they're being used and also the privacy concerns. this is the anti-covid-19 volunteer drone task force -- >> reporter: onlookers were perplexed as cbs news captured this drone buzzing over a park at the height of the coronavirus pandemic. >> please maintain social distancing. >> reporter: it wasn't the work of new york police, but instead this frustrated drone enthusiast from queens. >> i couldn't believe my eyes. >> reporter: xavier arthur was so angry at people not following guidelines to stay home, he offered what he describes as a public service. >> like, okay, i'm just going to make sure that the message gets out loud and clear. maybe someone will listen. >> reporter: arthur's effort mate not have been official, but his plan mimics those of some public safety organizations nationwide. >> we're not telling people to get out. we're not enforcing as far as them having them go. it's making the announcement for public safety reasons. >> reporter: sergeant tim
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ehrenkaufer's police department in daytona beach, florida, is one of 43 agencies and 22 states to receive donations from dji, the drone manufacturer gave away 100 devices as part of its disaster relief program. ehrenkaufer has also tested but not deployed other drone-backed technologies like measuring body temperature. >> equipped with the forward-looking infrared camera which can detect heat. >> reporter: that technology was meant to be deployed in connecticut where the westport police department planned to pilot a drone that monitored heat signatures and tracked distances between people. it could even recognize if someone coughed. but it was pulled over residents' privacy concerns. and privacy advocates in the u.s. are warning of the potential for abuse. >> you can have the ability for facial recognition or the ability to do license plate reading. thermal imaging cameras, that can essentially see through walls. >> reporter: jeramie scott is
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senior counsel at the electronic privacy information center. >> some people might say, look, these extreme measures are just for use during this pandemic, why should we worry? >> then there should be no issue with stating that and providing certain protections. this information is oeing used in response to a public health issue and will not be used for other purposes. >> reporter: but ehrenkaufer points out his drones are limited to public spaces. >> you still have the faa and local laws that guide us. it doesn't matter if i'm using a drone, a telescoping antenna, or if i'm flying a kite with a camera, i don't have a right to look in your back yard without a search warrant. >> reporter: current faa guidelines require every single drone to beegd before ie flight. and that regulation and registration dictates where and when it can be operated. here's the thing -- as of right now, there is no federal guideline on data collection,
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only best practices. those best practices are volunta voluntary. >> yeah, another area in this pandemic where an appropriate balance has to be struck, but it can be hard to find. errol, thank you very much. ahead, vlad duthiers's looking at the stories you're these are real people, not actors, who've got their eczema under control. with less eczema, you can show more skin. so roll up those sleeves. and help heal your skin from within with dupixent.
7:45 am
dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin, and, had significantly less itch. that's a difference you can feel. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. if you take asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. so help heal your skin from within. and talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent. a breakthrough 10 years in the makingveclear, that reduces allergens in cat hair and dander. outstanding nutrition with the power to change lives. this is purina pro plan liveclear.
7:46 am
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problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. think your copd medicine is doing enough? maybe you should think again. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy and the power of 1, 2, 3. ♪ trelegy, 1,2,3 man: save at every single day is a gift in part because we got "what to watch." a pop of the good stuff. vlad, good morning. what do you have for us? >> good to see you all. good morning. happy monday. hope you're doing well. from our family to yours, we hope you guys at home are doing well. we're also working from home, just like you are. while we're doing that, we're checking the stories we think you'll be talking about including this -- chicago's mayor is angry about this video of a packed house party making the rounds on line. >> you can't even move in this
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[ bleep ]. >> dozens of young adults were packed shoulder to shoulder at this party on saturday night. only a handful were seen wearing masks. chicago, like practically every city around the world, has social distancing guidelines in place. mayor lightfoot tweeted it was reckless and utterly unacceptable. we will hold those responsible accountable. we've seen this youthful invincibility before. notably last month when spring breakers in miami told cbs news the pandemic would not stop them from partying. but medical officials remind us every day is about protecting others as much as protecting yourself, tony. >> yeah. yikes, yikes, yikes. we didn't see a lot of masks. even if everybody was wearing a mask, it nott be okay. we are all in this together. but that means don't get together. anyway, moving on. should be obvious. i hear you got something more on one of our favorite chefs. what do you know? >> he inspires us all, tony. we've all seen images of thousands of americans lining up at food banks around the country. jose andres and his charity
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world central kitchen gave out 25,000 meals to those in need. volunteers distributed food to people waiting in a long line of cars at camden yards in baltimore on saturday. andres said meals will be given out at the orioles ballpark every saturday, and at area schools on wednesdays and fridays. the world-renowned chef said it's an all-out effort to show the federal government that restaurants are essential and food should not be wasted, gayle. >> and he is the best person to send that message because he walks the walk and talks the talk. he gets things done. let's talk about some broadway stars getting together to perform on line. i always love these kind of stories. >> oh, yeah. some of the best actors on the great white way teamed up to virtually celebrate stephen sondheim's 90th birthday. the broadway titan turned the big 9-0 last month, but the celebration moved on line after of course broadway temporarily shut down. dozens of a-list stars took
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place remotely. here is my favorite moment. ♪ here's to the girls who play wife aren't they too much ♪ ♪ keeping house but clutching a coffee of life just to keep in touch ♪ >> goosebumps. and of course, that's audra mcdonald, meryl streep, and christine baranski singing sondheim's "ladies who lunch." also on hand, lin-manuel miranda, patti lupone, christien chenoweth, and josh groben, anthony. >> yeah, that's from sondheim's show "company." there was a revival, was supposed to open last month. that's where they were going to celebrate his 90th birthday. unfortunately, that didn't happen. but this is -- this is a great substitute. you got another special birthday bash. this one for a veteran in california? >> yes. this world war ii veteran got a birthday bash only fitting a man turning 105. this is lieutenant colonel sam sachs watching in amazement as a
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parade of cars filled with balloons and birthday wishes made their way past his senior living facility yesterday. he got 6,000 birthday cards, anthony, including one from the president of the united states. >> 6,000 birthday cards? whoa! that's the way to celebrate. >> i know. >> -inup, tosen tells us about fight against the coronavirus and the government rule that prevents him from donating blood plasma. stay with us. ♪ more than ever, your home is your sanctuary. that's why lincoln offers you the ability to purchase a new vehicle remotely with participating dealers. an effortless transaction- all without leaving the comfort- and safety of your home. that's the power of sanctuary. and for a little extra help, receive 0% apr financing and defer your first payment up to 120 days on the purchase of a new lincoln. the ups and downs of frequent mood swings
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this is a "kpix 5" news morning update. >> good morning. i am gianna franco. on the roadways a couple of things to walk out for. work your way from the bay bridge to the upper deck we see a couple lanes blocked. they are trying to push toward here are you might see a few brake lights. things are moving okay through their and no delays in we keep a close eye on that. keeping a close eye along 101 at the allegheny construction project in full string. the northbound 1011 lane open on that side. southbound 101 they have not diverted traffic onto the new
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northbound 101 deck. it's temporary as they work on the southbound portion of the demolition. you see delays in both directions. the s-curve might be confusing. take it slow there. 280 is your best alternate and that's where traffic will converge onto as well. that your morning drive and let's check in with mary. >> good morning, jeana. we are starting off our day with a live look at our camera. temperatures running in the 40s and 50s. as we head through the afternoon looking at mostly sunny skies with the few clouds and our daytime highs 3-10 degrees above average this time of year. specifically where you look at san fraco teammates help each other find a way to win,
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. > it's monday, medical examiner . april 27th, 2020. welcome back to "cbs this morning." i'm gayle king with tony dokoupil and anthony mason. as more states release restrictions, the former surgeon general gives us his prescription for tackling the crisis. the new normal. our financial expert shows us what working and shopping might look like after the pandemic. plus andy cohen's battle. he tel w he's fighting for the right to help slow the spread as aav first, here's "t eye opener at 8:00. there are signs that socdis
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the curve, but we're now nearing a million reported cases nationwide. >> movie theaters and restaurants can now seat people inside. they have to maintain social distancing and it's hardly business as usual. "cbs this morning" learns the white house plans to focus more on the economy and health information will take a backseat to that. since we keep getting new information, does it make it harder to fight the virus effectively? >> we're learning about new signs and symptoms that in some cases are dramatic we didn't expect, but we're getting better. >> one man is becoming a familiar face for georgians looking for answers about coronavirus. you can find hem behind governor brian kemp signing information for millions of people. the flying fingers, this guy here is an artist. here he is interpreting a
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beyonce song at atlanta pride. ♪ slay it. >> like him a lot. he's got moves. he's got moves. welcome back to "cbs this morning." i like seeing him move. really nice. >> he is an artist. i agree. i agree. >> but anthony, before we get started, i heard about something called rate my room. there's somebody on twitter rating people's backgrounds. mr. mason, you got a nine out of ten. this person thinks your artwork is su beperb. >> what did you get? >> i don't know. i don't know. i just want to say congrats to you. >> i have to check it out. thank you. >> moving on, like many of you we're following the guidelines to stay home. anthony is in his library, and
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tony is in his basement. despite the rise in coronavirus and cases more states are of today at least 12 states have started relaxing restrictions to allow some businesses to open their doors in a limited way, they say. that includes georgia where the decision has faced widespread criticism including from president trump. anthony? >> california has not loosened the rules. but thousands still packed beaches in orange and ventura counties. locals say the large crowds resembled those seen on the fourth of july. california has the fifth most confirmed cases in the country. the danger is still very well. in just the past four weeks the death toll in the u.s. has jumped from about 2500 to about 55,000. that's an increase of about 14,000 since this time last week.
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>> doctor murthy fought ebola and zika, and now biden aal lea about wrote theook ohumanonnec lonely world". he believes togetherness can help solve many of our problems and dr. murthy joins us from miami. good morning. what a timely book, but speaking of timely, your expertise as a public health expert also timely. i want to begin there. you've been advising state and local governments on the question of when to reopen. what are you telling them? >> well, it's so nice to be with you this morning. i'm telling people whether they're elected officials or reporters or anyone who will listen, is that it is important for us to reopen as quickly as possible, but to do so safely. and that means at this point first and foremost, that we have to have much more expanded and
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available testing. we then have to follow it up with the contact tracing that can help essentially drop a net over new cases when we find them. and if we have them in place along with a surge capacity we need in hospitals, then cases dip down, then we can safely start to reopen with cautions. we'll still need to deep distance from each other and ensure we're wearing masks in public. we'll at least have a fighting chance at preventing a second surge. >> with those guidelines in mind, how do governors and mayors balance the known health effects of unemployment and loneliness with the known effects of the pandemic? >> this is an unprecedented situation we're in, and i appreciate there are tough choices to make here. we have to avoid the false choice between people's false and the economy. if we really want to get the economy back up and running, they want people to not lose any more than they've already lost, we have to make sure we're
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taking care of people's health and making it safe. if we reopen prematurely, what happens is we'll have another surge and everyone will have to retreat back to stay at home measures. it will hit the economy even harder later on. but as much as people talk about the economic impact which is serious and the direct health impact which is real, there's another impact that we haven't talked about as much. and that's the impact on our social lives. as i worry about it, it's the social recession that we may incur as a result of the prolonged physical social distancing and fear of the virus that may deepen our loneliness over time, and that has real consequences for our health as well. >> yeah. one way to mitigate that social recession as you call it is to ramp up testing. dr. anthony fauci of the coronavirus task force says we need to double testing and he thinks we'll be able to do it. how would we experience that testing as everyday americans?
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>> what it would look like is our ability to number one, get tests to whoever needs them. so particularly people who are at higher risk. health care workers. the eld ler aand nursing homes. frontline workers working in grocery stores. and other jobs where they're in constant contact with people. they need to be able to be tested whenever they require it. and second, we -- it would also look like doctors being able to get tests for anybody who has symptoms. that is still tough for many physicians now. and finally, it would look like rapid turn around of tests. right now there are still clinicians having to wait three or four or five days to get test results. we need to shorten that to the rapid point of care tests which delivers results within minutes. >> doctor murthy, you have a book out tomorrow called "togetherness at a moment when togetherness is one thing" public experts say we can't engage in it. loneliness is a problem. how do we combat it at a 340emo
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when we can't reach out and touch someone? >> this is a great conundrum. if you told me a year ago when i was writing this book inspired by conversations i had with people around the country when i was surgeon general that showed me loneliness is far more kmn and has more impacts on our health, i would have thought we'd never be in our current situation where we're asked to social distance from each other. but we can either allow the current physical distancing to deepen our loneliness which has increased risk for dementia, heart disease, and depression. or we can say we're going to use this moment to reset our lives. to recommit to making relationships a priority in our lives. and there are simple steps we can take to do that right now.
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even though we don't have the ability to see each other in person. and that's what i go through in this book. it was an -- i was inspired to do it really by folks who taught me that as a doctor, we see lots of illnesses like diabetes, but this is one we have not been paying enough attention to. >> doctor, i think that's right. i was going to mention, too, the tips in the book. one of them being take time every day, 15 minutes to connect with people most important in your life. and when you do that, focus. don't be cooking at the same time. just one on one connection. so important as a reminder right now. doctor murthy, thank you very much. and your book "togetherness" goes on sale tomorrow. you can hear more about the fight on loneliness on our podcast. it's available wherever you like to get your podcast. kim jong-un skipped another big event over the weekend. ahead, we'll talk to an expert on north korea about the rumors that the country's leader is [woman humming to "all you need is love" and instrumental music]
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♪ ♪ ♪ love is all you need. ahead, we'll talk to ahead, we'll talk about the way companies and workers might need to adapt once stay at home orders are lifted. plus andy cohen will join us to talk about his recovery from the coronavirus and the government rules preventing him from donating blood plasma. you're watching "cbs this morning." sma. you're watching "cbs this morning."
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(woman) is there a natural litter that actually works?! (vo) at tidy cats, ...your wish... is our latest litter-vention. new naturally strong, with odor-absorbing activated charcoal. 100% natural, 100% powerful. there's a tidy cats for that! hey allergy muddlers... achoo!
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so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. daughter: slurping don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. and then there's moving with move free ultra. it has triple action support for your joints cartilage and bones. and unlike big glucosamine chondroitin pills, it's all in one tiny pill. move free. find our coupon in sunday's paper.
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who've got their eczema under, with less eczema, you can show more skin. so roll up those sleeves. and help heal your skin from within with dupixent. dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin, and, had significantly less itch. that's a difference you can feel. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. if you take asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. so help heal your skin from within. and talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent.
8:16 am
the pandemic is dramatically changing our lives every day. there week in "the new normal," looks at how the changes will affect the way we work, the way we socialize, the way we learn, and the way we vote. this morning, the financial impact on businesses and workers, many companies are being forced to adapt. on "60 minutes" last night, norah o'donnell asked general motors ceo, mary barra, whether the disease is a threat to gm's long-term future. >> between the strength of our balance sheet with the steps we've taken in the past, we will get through this, and we will learn a lot of lessons that will apply. >> what's the long-term prognosis for general motors if you're not making cars? >> no one knows when things are going to get back to what i refer to as the new normal. i've heard others refer to it as
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the new abnormal. >> cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger joins us to discuss this. i like that, jill. the new abnormal. i think that's a good way to describe it. so what are you hearing from business leaders about the ways various industries are going to be impacted by this pandemic? >> there's basically three distinct phases. i'm calling it t3. triage, what we just have gone through, everyone throughout the old playbook. there was no playbook. how we were adapting. it was done on the fly. the net triage is really important because now many business owners are entering the second phase -- transition. so triage to transition. this is where many comesre ying despite wha governors say or mayors say or the president says, they're putting worker safety first, only critical people back in the building. and the third t, transformation. what will a workplace look like? will there have to be different
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kind of work spaces out there? how will we reconfigure how we work? can more people be home, working remotely? are we going to suspend business travel or at least alter it? are we going to change the way we do our conferences? more teleconferencing. so think of it that way. triage, transition, which is where we are right now, transformation. >> boy, jill. i think that applies to all of us, regardless of whether you're in business or not. so what business -- sticking with the business theme, what businesses will be impacted most do you think? and how will they get through? >> well, you just heard mary barra say something that was important from the automotive sector which is, look, we've been through terrible times. so you think about big businesses like the airlines, the automotive industries, they have been through terrible times, they will probably survive. maybe come out different. but we also know that hospitality could change. will air bnb be as popular on the other side of this?
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we don't know. we also understand now that there's going to be a big impact on the oil sector here in the united states. you know, crude oil's down by 70% in price this year. so all these industriesch looking like different types of themselves coming out. >> jill, retail was already struggling before the pandemic hit. how much dire a situation -- more dire a situation do you think they're going to be in as we all go back to work? >> i think that the pandemic really accelerates trends that were already in place. as you said, retail had a terrible year last year. 9,300 stores were closed. 23 retail bankruptcies. we are hearing that potentially this week we'll get two big chains filing for bankruptcy, neiman marcus and jcpenney. macy and the gap are reorganizing now.
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what we come out with on the other side, we know there will be aar on online sales, obviously, amazon and walmart and target, doing a bumper business. dollar general, as well. i think that's going to be interesting is how we open. the largest retailers are writing together to the governments of all -- governors of all of the states trying to say we need a uniform way to come back into business because we've got operations everywhere. it's very difficult for a retailer to have a patchwork set of rules and procedures coming in this transition process and in that transformation process. >> jill, the last time i left the house was march 31st. it was to go to cvs to pick up a prescription. if you would have told me that it would have made sense to me to stand six feet away, to lean through a plastic screen, to throw in a credit card and grab my stuff and get out, i would have thought that's impossible. here we are. so what can consumers expect? what changes can we expect as
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consumers moving forward? >> you know, someone said something really interesting to me who owns a store. and he said, you know, look, just because i open doesn't mean people will come. i think we don't know what the lasting impact of this virus will be on consumers. in some places you're seeing people going out and getting haircuts. in other places we don't know. what i do know is there will be an impact, it is evolving, we'll be on top of these trends, but most importantly to stay safe is probably best for the economy, as well. >> yes, stay safe, stay sane. thank you very much, jill. tomorrow, in our look at the new normal, what grocery stores and other businesses are now doing to monitor people's temperatures as they walk in the door. plus, how other technology could help as people venture out in public. ahead, tv's andy cohen tells us how he wants to help fight off the coronavirus, but government regulations won't let him do that.
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you're watching "cbs this morning." we thank you for that. we'll be right back. - why choose invisalign over other aligners? - only invisalign treatment uses smarttrack technology. it moves teeth more comfortably and predictably than ordinary aligners. so i can create custom treatment plans for every smile. when you and your home thave needed us most. working together to keep your home working. it's what we've always done. because home is what unites us.
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a michigan couple quarantined with the coronavirus had to wait nearly three weeks to meet their newborn twins, jennifer and andrew laubacl. they met their sons for the first time last thursday. mitchell and maksim were born eight weeks early. in the weeks leading up to their births, both jennifer and andre experienced symptoms of the virus. the nitrogght jennifer went int labor, her husband could not go with her to the hospital. she was forced to drive a half hour to the hospital by herself -- yikes -- leaving her husband behind. >> it was heartbreaking because i didn't know if i was like -- i was fearful for his life.w i wt see hin.ach mom you have because you don't know what the future will hold.
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>> you sure don't. the couple and both babies are doing okay. so anthony, the circle of life continues. good morning i am gianna franco. it is a 25 am. we had a slight backup over toward harrison. 8:25 am. as you get the roadways than 101 project allegheny underway. delays in both directions because of the closures. detours are in place. they are rerouting traffic from 101 to the northbound on
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southbound 101 the traffic being routed onto the new northbound 101 back. this is so they can demo the southbound side of one-on-one there. you see some activity and an s- curve through there. slower speeds down to 35 miles an hour. again this project will be wrapped up by may 3rd. so for now and let's check your forecast now. here is mary. we are looking at mild monday for sure across the bay area and we will heat up for you tuesday. here is a live look with our treasure island camera and our temperatures in the 40s and 50s and as we head to our day daytime highs above average running three to 10 degrees above average for this time of year. specificallysa reaching 67 degrees, 70 samford san jose and 82 for we're all doing our part by staying at home.
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that could mean an increase in energy bills. you can save by setting your heat to 68 or lower... unplugging and turning off devices when not in use... or just letting the sun light your home. stay well and keep it golden.
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welcome back to "cbs this morning." it is that time to bring you some of the stories that are "talk of the table" this morning. since we're coming to you from home, we're going to share a story that each of us are talking about in our homes, and we'd like to talk now with each other and with all of you at home. anthony is going first. >> i am. i'm starting off about the metropolitan opera, the metropolitan opera house in new york city has been closed since last month because of the pandemic, of course. on saturday the famous opera company live streamed an at-home gala. take a look at this. ♪
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>> absolutely beautiful. some of the biggest names in the opera performed from their homes around the world. it was also i think the biggest zoom call i've ever seen. you know, i walk by -- the metropolitan opera is at lincoln center, which i love walking by. i used to walk home past it when we were in the office still. i went by there yesterday morning early on my way to picking up cinnamon buns, actually. there is the picture i took. it looks very forlorn. they have a little sign that says "we'll be back after a short intermission." i posted it on instagram. it kind of made me hopeful and sad at the same time which is often the feeling i get walking around the city right now. gayle? >> i know. i'm going to stick with the hopeful part. i had never seen that before, anthony. that was beautiful. mine is about "saturday night live." these guys stay hopeful. they also had a new at-home episode on saturday. a hollywood superstar. this is big, opened the show. portraying a very familiar doctor. guess who it is. take a look. >> good evening, i'm dr. anthony
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fauci. first, i'd like to thank all the older women in america who have sent me supportive, inspiring, and sometimes graphic emails. to the real dr. fauci, thank you for your calm and your clarity in this unnerving time. thank you to the medical workers, first responders, and their families for being on the front line. >> fred was so good. that, of course, is brad pitt. dr. anthony fauci recently joked he wanted brad pitt to play him on "snl." loren mike elechaels came up wi something clever. this was the second quarantine show. i love the line from dr. fauci saying to the women who have sent me -- the older women who sometimes sent me sometimes graphic emails. you can only picture what that could mean. i think that's hilarious even though it's a joke -- >> you know, i have a feeling my mother is among the emailers. i haven't inquired. i'm going to leave it at that.
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>> yes. all right. as we know, as we know, sports are on hold. they're on a hiatus, postponed. we're all looking for something to watch. sportscasters are also looking for things to watch. there's one in particular, a scottish sportscaster who's b p followup. i found it recently, and i enjoyed it so much. i want to play it for all of you. take a look. >> how fitting that it should come down to these two, olive and her familiar black, five times the champion, mabel the rising star. winner last year. you can see how excited they are, but also feel the tension. now they go -- olive away first. but a problem with mabel's ball. that might cost -- having to play catchup. settling into -- you see the contrast in styles. mabel heavy tail use -- >> now andrew kotter works for the bbc, and he usually does golf and rowing. i think sailing also.
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none of those things are going on now. you've done two installments of the dog olympics. please, we all love them. bring us more. where is the doubleheader match-up we all need right now? please. anthony? >> keep it coming. >> yeah. i can't get enough of those, tony. they're really -- they're fabulous. and considering we can't -- there are no games to watch, it's the best thing we got. all right. now turning to other news. north korean leader kim jong-un skipped another holiday over the weekend, adding to rumors he's sick or even dead. the 36-year-old was last seen in public april 11th. south korea says there are no signs anything is wrong. jong pak is a top expert and worked for the cia and the national intelligence council. she's at the brookings institution, a think tank. her book is "becoming kim jong-un: a former cia officer's insights into north korea's
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enigmatic young dictator." good morning. thanks for being with us. let me start off, there have been rumors before about kim jong-un. so how seriously do you think we should take these? >> tnk you, anthony. i would say that, yes, kim has disappeared in the past for a week or two weeks. and in 2014 he disappeared for six weeks. but i think what was interesting about this current disappearance or absence is that he missed one of the most important holidays, and that was april 15th, his grandfather's birthday. and given that he rests his legacy and legitimacy on his grandfather, that was certainly a red flag. and we've seen some recent reporting about his absence and so i think that is something to be looking for in the future. >> he's young, he's only 36. but you describe him as an old 36. what do we know about his health
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exactly? >> well, we know that he's -- we know that he's 36. he is obese, and you can see from regime, just from the regime media itself that he has gained weight over the years. very much so. and the summits of the past two years with president trump and other regional leaders had the unintended effect of tomb showing how out of shape he is. we can hear him wheedsing, we can see him sweating, we can see him straining. and without the soft regime filters of state media, we can see that directly for how exact is. and of course, he also has a history of heart disease and diabetes. his grandfather died of a heart attack at the age of 82. his father had a stroke and died three years later. and so we have this string of
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kims who have had these types of problems. but at this point, we don't know if he had heart problems or heart surgery or anything of that sort. >> one way the u.s. tries to figure out what's going on in north korea is by satellite imagery. a satellite image surfaced over the weekend of a train spotted at a coastal resort in north korea. what would that tell us exactly? >> as with all of the fragmentary information that we've been seeing, the train doesn't tell us whether he's there or whether he's sick or what kind of condition he's in. but as that report suggested, the fact that his train is there lends more weight to the fact that he is -- that he is on the coast. this is one of his favored villas, that's where he can rest and relax. and so you know, that is one other piece of information that he might be in that region. >> you write in your book that
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kim is rational, not suicidal. if there does end up being a transition here, is that likely to shake things up in north korea? >> you know, kim's health and any leader's health for that matter is something that the intelligence community and the u.s. government looks at very closely. and especially in a society like north korea where there's such a personal list of dictator in the singular person. i think given the fact that he holds the reins in terms of the nuclear weapons, the military and the security aapparatuses, this is why it's important and the world is looki ing closely where kim might be. he's rational. he's not out to set a nuclear weapon against the united states. and if i were -- if i were him, given the fact that he also went through a compressed grooming
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process after his father's stroke, that i would have been thinking about a succession process from the very beginning. so given that his -- he's rational, i think we shouldn't anticipate some big conflict to break out. but i think the fact that he has all the reins of power, we have to be very watchful for where he might be and if there's a prolonged leadership struggle or vacuum in north korea. >> jong pak, thank you very much. her book "becoming kim jong-un" goes on sale tomorrow. tv host andy cohen is speaking out against an fda rule that blocks him from donating blood plasma because of his sexuality. ahead, we'll talk to the coronavirus survivor about
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tv host andy cohen is a coronavirus survivor. now he's in a new fight over a policy preventing him from helping other patients just because he's gay. fda guidelines prevent men from donating blood plasma if they've had sex with another man in the past three months. plasma from survivors may contain antibodies which could help fight the virus. cohen, as you know, is host of "watch what happens live" with andy cohen, that's how you say it. he joins us from his home in new
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york city. good morning to you it andy cohen. good to see you. >> hi, my friend. how are you? >> a lot of chatter over the -- hi. i'm really glad to see you're back up and running. therwas a lotf weeken about thi. many peore yet stiers say, well, waits a second, there could be a health risk here. what was your response to the government's thanks but no thanks to you? >> well, you know, i was disappointed. i've known in the past about the fact that gay men cannot donate blood. but i think we're in an unusual situation right now. we're in a war against a disease that we don't know a lot about, and there's an urgent need for the antibody that is in people like me, who have survived coronavirus. so i just felt like blood
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donations are down over 150,000 -- there are 150,000 people less donating blood right now. there is an urgent need and a special urgent need for the blood that i have. i was disappointed. i want to help. i think that the rules should be looked at, again, by the fda. there have been great strides in testing for hiv since these rules were enacted. you can get an hiv test in 20 minutes. they i know screen the blood again, a second time after you donate it to make sure there's not hiv in the blood. so i just think this needs another examination. we're in an unusual moment in time right now. there is a war going on, and we're all about asked to adapt. i not the fda should -- i think the fda should, too. >> no, and that's an important point you make. that the blood is tested. and you get the results back within 20 minutes. listen, this original ban was enacted, my understanding, in
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1983 to prevent potential hiv transmissi transmission. now we're sitting here in 2020. and so it sounds like you're saying we need to re-evaluate these -- seems archaic at this point for a lot of people. >> it does. you know, we're all being asked to adapt in so many ways to new things in life. and we're doing it for the greater good as a community. i think there is something that the fda should take a look at and say how can we move forward. this is an fda thing, by the way. it's not a red cross thing, it's not the hospital that i applied to give my blood to. it all comes to the fda. >> well, the fda has told us in a statement, quote, they're working on a pilot study with 2,000 men to determine whether an individual risk assessment questionnaire would be as effective as a current policy. does that make sense to you? >> listen, if they're working on something that makes me happy.
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i don't know how long that's going to take. i just want to give my blood, you know what i mean? i want to help. and so that's -- that's what i'm looking to do. and that's why i'm talking about this, by the way. blood donations are down -- if you're someone who's watching and you survived coronavirus, go give blood. it is needed and appreciated. >> and that's why you're speaking up. andy, i just want to say you look good. do you feel as good as you look? because i'm wondering what the experience was like for you. you scared a lot of people, and there's so many different experiences about this. >> there are. i had a great friend who had coronavirus, and he was about four days ahead of me in terms of the virus working its way through his system. so i was talking to him every day and finding out where he was. i had a less severe case than he did, but i feel good.
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i feel strong. and now i'm just trying to help and pitch in and do what i can just as a citizen. >> well, i know i would think part of the hardest part would be being separated from your favorite son, benjamin. who, by the way, was voted cutest baby of all time in "people" magazine. did you see that? how did you navigate that? you two were in the same house -- >> cutest baby alive, gayle. cutest baby alive! >> i heard. i heard. how did you navigate with him in the same house? how did you work that out? >> it stunk, man. he was down the hall. i was in my room basically shut out from civilization for 13 days. and you know, it was a killer. i could hear him, i was watching him on the nanny cam. thank god i have an incredible caretaker for him who really did yeoman's work. but it was not -- it was not great, man. gayle, is that the room that i
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would stay in if i crashed at your house? >> no. you would stay in the guest room. i actually have a guest room with a separate bathroom. you would be well taken care of, andy. before we go, how are you finding happiness during these times, andy cohen? how is it working? how are you doing that? >> i am finding happiness actually by -- by leaning in to hosting "watch what happens live" from home every night. we're having a great time, and it's making me happy that my staff is employed and engaged, and we're getting to take people's minds off of the serious issues of the day. and like lean into in fun and cocktails at the end of the night every night on bravo. >> andy cohen, don't ever change. we're glad you're back. glad you're healthy. always good to see you, thank you very much. we'll be right back.
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anthony, following up on
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your nine out of ten how to rate my room, they said nice artwork, good substitute for the these are real people, not actors,
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and talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent. >>good 8:55 am. crews working hard on the ellen meny project. hoping to have everything done by may 30th and not before. the latest is the opened up the lanes on the south on 101 to get on the new portion 101 deck and this is temporary while they were to temporary the southbound 101 lanes and continue with the project. you see a new configuration. if you take 101, ghboth direct no gthere as rojeng to bed may
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3rd and caltrans crews are there so make sure you slow for the cone zone and chp on there to make sure everyone abides by the speed rules there. we have brake lights and south 101 a bit busy through mill rate and burling gate. that's traffic. here is mary. okay, gianna, you can see our sunshine and blue skies. we watch our temperature rise. a mild day across the area. daytime highs 3-10 degrees. looking at 67 in san francisco for a high and 77 for san jose and 82 for concord. for tomorrow we heat up likely tomorrow the warmest day of the week and the warmest day so far this year with
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wayne: ha ha, i got you! - what's up, wayne? - i'm going for door number two. jonathan: it's a trip to ireland. gold rush! cat: it's going good. wayne: or is it? jonathan: it's a new motorcycle! tiffany: aw, yeah. - the box. jonathan: $20,000. wayne: who wants some cash? jonaan: it t for et's make a deal." now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady. wayne: hey, america, welcome to "let's make a deal." wayne brady here, thanks for tuning in. who wants to make a deal with me? i love grapes, come on over here, grapes. everybody else, have a seat. let's get into this, yes, come on over here, stand over here so america can see you. what is your name? - mayte. wayne: mayte, nice to meet you. what do you do? - nice to meet you, too. - oh, my god, i'm a florist. oh, my mom watches you all the time. we watch the show together, both of us, hi, mom! wayne: hey mom! (cheers and applause)


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