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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  August 25, 2020 7:00am-8:56am PDT

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do not forget the news continues all day on cbsn bay area. cbs this morning is coming up next. have a great ♪ great good morning to you, our viewers in the tuesday, august. i'm gayle king with anthony mason and tony dokoupil. clashes in kenosha. new violence erupts in the wisconsin city where police shot a black man on sunday. the growing outrage and push for change. praising the president. speakers at the republican national convention say mr. trump will prevent the country from sliding into chaos. we'll ask the president's former u.n. ambassador nikki haley about the gop's message. bracing for laura. the major hurricane threat to the gulf coast and the riskf catastrophic storm surge. and race to a vaccine. an exclusive look inside a uk facility working to mass produce a coronavirus vaccine. and only on "cbs this morning," the fda commissioner will
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address new concerns about the pandemic fight in this counoat. first, here's today's "eye opener." it's your world in 90 seconds. >> the governor of wisconsin summoning the national guard after violent protests broke out. >> protesters set cars on fire and clashed with officers in riot gear after the shooting of jacob blake. >> shot in the back seven times. this was not an accident. this wasn't bad police work. this felt like a vendetta. >> the republican national committee nominated president trump for a second term. >> if you want to really drive them crazy you say 12 more years. >> this is now hurricane laura. and laura is doing exactly what it' a one-two punc se punore ockout. >> desuctive wildfires continue to burn through parts of california. >> thousands forced to evacuate.
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>> we're deploying every resource at our disposal. every resource. >> california's highest court overturned the death penalty for scott peterson convicted of murdering his wife in 2002. >> all that. >> off the coast of greece, a little girl right here was found adrift at sea on an inflatable unicorn. >> and all that matters. >> to see what continues to happen with the police brutality towards my kind. there's a systemic problem. >> players and coaches in the sports community are discussing the jacob blake situation. >> the things that continue to happen, you know, to our people, it's not right. it's not right. >> on "cbs this morning." >>blako hav this happen again after this summer of action, activity. >> every time this happens, we have to be outraged. and we have to stand up and speak the truth. and the truth is that, his life matters. we're praying for him and sending prayers to his family. we have to put more love in the
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world. the world needs more love right now. >> welcome to "cbs this morning." very well said, john, but -- it's true. the world needs more love but i keep wondering, too, how many times do we sit and report these stories day after day after day and then move on to the next story. this man was shot in the back six times. he's still alive and may we all hope and pray that he survives this. it's just extremely upsetting. very, very disturbing. it is day one of the republican convention, a very busy night for the republicans last night. and that continues today. but we're going to begin with what is happening in kenosha, wisconsin. it is so disturbing and so upsetting, and it keeps happening. this follows sunday's shooting of a black man by police shot seven times in the back. a second day of peaceful protests, which is what the black lives matter is really about. a peaceful protest gave way to clashes overnight. police used tear gas and multiple vehicles were burned. now it's not clear if those
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setting fires were involved in the initial demonstration. >> all this coming after 29-year-old jacob blake was shot multiple times in the back by police as he tried to get into his car. he remains hospitalized in stable condition. mola lenghi is in kenosha. a quick warning. we're about to show you some disturbing video. what are you seeing this morning? >> good morning, anthony. firefighters just left this scene. what was a furniture store that was set on fire overnight. you can see some flames the entire site still smoelderring. and firefighters are running around town dealing with several sites just like this one. the governor deployed 125 members of the national guard here yesterday to help. as those peaceful protests during the day turned destructive after the 8:00 p.m. curfew. protesters in kenosha defied a citywide curfew monday night and came face-to-face with police
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dressed in riot gear. demonstrators are calling for officers involved in jacob blake's shooting to be held accountable. setting this truck on fire behind me is how some protesters have responded to the authorities' use of stun grenades. of tear gas. sonic blasts. all in an effort to disperse protesters who have stayed out past curfew. >> shots fired. >> reporter: the clashes come in response to this video. police responding to a domestic disturbance call sunday evening. >> he took the complainant's keys and is refusing to give them back. >> reporter: the footage shows blake walking towards his car. least one officer with his gun drawn follows him. that officer then grabs his shirt before appearing to fire his weapon into blake's back, at least seven times. >> it seems to be when it's a black american, they shoot first and then try to justify it later. >> reporter: blake's lawyer,s h
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tryi to de-escalate the domestic disturbance. blake's three young sons were in the car at the time of the shooting. and police tased blake before opening fire. rayshaun white who asked he not show his face, recorded the incident on his cell phone. >> just keeps getting worse and worse. >> i heard them say drop the knife. i didn't see a knife in his hands. >> reporter: the kenosha union urged people to know the facts before passing judgment. as always, the video currently circulating does not capture all the intricacies of a highly dynamic incident. >> what's your response to that? >> what you see with your eyes is the tragedy that should have never hand by people who were supposed to be trained professionals to de-escalate the situation. and the video speaks for itself. >> reporter: the officers involved in the incident have been placed on leave. their identities have not yet been announced. tony? >>mola.
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black men and boys die at twice the rate, more than twice the rate of their white peers. that's why there's such outrage overnight. tropical storm laura is now a hurricane expected to reach category 3 on its way toward the central gulf coast. forecasters say it could bring catastrophic storm surge in galveston and port arthur, texas. they're evacuating at this hour. chief weathercaster lonnie quinn of wcbs tv is watching laura very closely. lonnie, good morning to you. how strong could this storm get? >> oh, tony, i think this can be real bad. we're talking about storm surge, you know, covering the first floor of people's homes. if you look at what's out there right now, yesterday we wtaing and o laura. laura is now a hurricane. winds at 75 miles per hour. today's the day. it's breaking free, the western
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edge of cuba. making landfall as a cat 3 we believe around the louisiana/texas border. winds around 115 miles per hour. the reason i'm particularly concerned about the western side of this cone. if you were with me yesterday at this hour, i showed you this yellow line where the european ensemble model has it going. it's been by far the best performer over the last decade or so. this morning they pushed it even further to the west and i'm willing to bet you houston, galveston, texas, the next model run that comes out from the national hurricane center, you'll be securely in the cone. you've got to start making your preparations now for what could be a major hurricane landfall some time late wednesday into early thursday. that's the very latest. gayle, back to you. >> we'll be waiting. we all know how to count when the numbers are going up with a hurricane. never good. day two of the republican national convention kicks off later today. it's the first day - t first day was about presenting a very different image of america from the one that the democrats portrayed last week. republicans praised president trump as the only solution to
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this country's problems. ben tracy is following the convention from the white house. good morning. >> gayle, good morning. yesterday after he was officially nominated, president trump said the only way he's going to lose the election is if it's rigged. then last night we heard what many republicans think will happen to the country if he doesn't win. the republican national convention began with the president's version of how he views his handling of the coronavirus. >> one leader took decisive action to save lives. president donald trump. >> but the president downplayed the threat of the virus for months. >> it will go away. just stay calm. >> reporter: in an appearance with essential workers last night, he made a similar claim. >> we just have to make shis china virus go away, and it's happening. >> reporter: but there's no evidence the virus is going away. on sunday alone, 38,000 new cases. >> celebrating america as the -- >> reporter: the convention promised an optimistic and uplifting message but it did not always sound that way.
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>> trump is the bodyguard of western civilization. trump was elected to protect our families from the vengeful mob that seeks to destroy our way of life. >> they want to destroy this country and everything that we have fought for and hold dear. they want to steal your liberty, your freedom. they want to control what you see and think, and believe so that they can control how you live. >> reporter: that warning was echoed several times, including by the mccloskeys who were charged with unlawful use of a weapon after they drew their guns on peaceful protesters outside their home in st. louis earlier this summer. >> no matter where you live, your family will not be safe epprident's eldest son donald trump jr. vigorously defend his father. >> if democrats kaird for the forgotten men and women of our country, they would do exactly
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what president trump is doing. >> reporter: as did his former u.s. ambassador to the u.n., nikki haley. >> donald trump has always put america first, and he has earned four more years as president. >> reporter: republican senator tim scott played off the convention night theme, land of promise. >> our family went from cotton to congress in one lifetime. >> reporter: scott argued the gop offers the best hope of making the american dream a reality. >> make no mistake, joe biden and kamala harris want a cultural revolution, a fundamentally different america. if we let them, they will turn our country into a socialist utopia. >> reporter: tonight, first lady melania trump is set to deliver her speech from the newly renovated rose garden at the white house. the biden campaign released a statement calling the first night of the rnc dark and divisive fearmongering with no
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plan for combating coronavirus. athsny? >> ben, thank you. president trump's former u.n. ambassador nikki haley joins us from washington. good morning, ambassador. what did the republican party -- what does the republican party need to do this week, do you think, and did they start it last night? >> good morning. well, i think they absolutely started it last night. i mean, talking about how the country is a work in progress and we have to continue to build on that progress. you know, whether it is trying to overcome covid, whether it's trying to fight off china and iran, whether it's trying to continue to build our economy back up to where president trump had it before covid hit. all of those things. education choices and going further. those are all things we need to continue to do, and i think the republican party needs to continue to talk about policies and substance, and where we're going from here. >> as ben tracy reported, the republican party said going in that this was going to be an optimistic convention.
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but a lot people a very re going to be vengeful mobs storming the suburbs. that doesn't sound very optimistic. >> well, i think it's because they turn on the tv and that's what they see. they look at the protests, the riots, the rage and they see what's happening in portland. they see what's happening in wisconsin. they see those things. and i can tell you from south carolina, we had -- we know what it's like to have a dirty cop. we dealt with one. when one shot walter scott in the back multiple times when he was unarmed. but we came together. we talked about it. we passed the first body camera bill in the country. we didn't have the riots and the rage. and that's what this is ball. lawlessness will not make progress. lawlessness does nothing but create more lawlessness. and so that's where the republican party is trying to it is, look, there's a and we have to go towards that way as opposed to just going towards violence and rage.
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>> but we have yet another shooting, as you said, in wisconsin. you are seeing overnight reactions to that. if you are a black person in this country, shouldn't you be asking, why doesn't -- why does this keep happening? >> absolutely we should ask questions. but that's just it. we've got to find out exactly what happened in this domestic dispute. what the background is. but it never -- it's always a good thing to talk about what is happening, what the fears are, what the concerns are and how we're going to take us to the next level. i can tell you in south carolina, one of the things we found is you can't move a dirty cop from one area to another area because the dirty cop is going to do the same thing. you have to have the -- the reason we passed body cameras is you have to have accountability for good cops and bad cops. but the one thing you don't do is you don't demonize all police officers in the process. we've got a lot of good police officers. when we created that body camera bill, we did it with law enforcement. we did it with walter scott's
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family. we did it by talking about what we needed to do to improve, not by demonizing the good guys. you go by holding the bad guys accountable. that's what needs to be happening. >> ambassador, the president continues to downplay the coronavirus saying again yesterday the virus is going to go away. the death toll is now at 177,000. we had 38,000 new cases yesterday. do you consider the administration's response to the virus successful? >> well, listen, there's not an american in this country that shouldn't be furious at china for covering up, lying and allowing this to get to this point. having said that, these are unprecedented times. there is no president that could have predicted this was going to happen. but the key is, how do we make today better than yesterday? our testing is body. the fact that one of the things that will go down as one of the best things the president has done is loosening up the regulations so that pharmaceutical companies can actualitily help us get a
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vaccine. that's going to be huge. we'll have that by december. we'll hopefully have everybody treated and next spring it will be a new day. but we are now trying to push through that. are the lives that we've lost okay? no. but that's why we're also angry at china. that's why we want them held accountable. that's why we called out the world health organization. we have to keep doing those things so that should there, god forbid, ever be another virus that this does not happen again. >> nikki haley, thank you for being with us this morning. >> thanks so much. california's wildfire danger is still high this morning but better weather is helping firefighters. seven people have now died. fire damage has gone from 56,000 acres at this time last year to 1.4 million acres now. jonathan vigliotti is tracking efforts to control all of the damage. >> reporter: 14,000 firefighters are racing to keep some of the largest wildfires california has ever seen from getting any bigger. >> we are essentially living in
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a mega fire era. we have folks that have been working for cal fire for the last five years, and that's all they've understand is mega fires. >> the fires massive enough to see from space are now about the size of the grand canyon. they've been burning for more than a week. >> we didn't have time to do anything. just get out of there. >> ken and marci albers returned to vacaville to find a pile of ash and debris where their three-story home once stood. their neighbor died in the fires. n. by the time i saw thed th soutarkuchler baled>> thehoide en fi racing td h .e saved nearly a dozen homes in his neighborhood. >> feel proud of myself. i feel that -- i'm really happy that some people get to go home
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to their house. >> reporter: so far, there have been more than 600 fires across the state. and the governor says there could be more so-called sleeper fires like this one. undiscovered because of the steep terrain and the dense smoke. firefighters say it could take several more weeks to extinguish all of the flames. > jonathan, thank you. ahead -- bizarre new developments surrounding evangelical leader jerry falwell jr. why he now denies he's resigning from liberty university amid a sex
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we've got much more news ahead, including how a judge's ruling will affect students going back to school in one of the states hardest hit by the coronavirus. plus, fda commissioner dr. stephen hahn will talk with us about claims that political pressure is affecting the agency's covid response. an important conversation there, and it is only on "cbs this morning." stay with us.
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ahead, the star and coreatoy series schitt's creek talks bts unexpected success. 15 emmy nominations. plus whether the rose family might ever return once the
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this is a kpix 5 morning update. good morning come it is 7:26. i am michelle griego. the czu lightning complex fires have grown to over 70,000 acres in santa cruz and san mateo counties. containment is now at 17% and cal fire has a 330 structures that have been destroyed and 11 in san mateo county and 319 in santa cruz county. in marin county, the woodward fire is triggering evacuations overnight. folks who live on silverhills road, fox drive, and noren lane
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must evacuate and the fire is over 2700 acres and is 5% contained. we are proud to be partnering with the red cross in of virtual telethon for fire relief and you still have time to donate. you can call the number on your screen, 1-855-848-give , or go to to give. we are looking at the roadways. here is the golden gate bridge. it is a bit foggy, so limited visibility as you work ansp there are no major delays at marin county, at least on 101 southbound into the city. i am tracking that foggy start along the coast and right around the bay without onshore flow kicking in for us. still looking at unhealthy air qualit ge issued a temporary
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injunction ruling the state, quote, essentially ignored the requirement of school safety, close quote. florida governor ron desantis and the state said they plan to appeal the decision. manuel bojorquez is following all these developments. manny, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. the head of the largest teachers union in the state calls it a victory for teachers, students and employees. but the ruling comes as some students are already returning to classrooms in districts around the state.
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>> it is our government's fend sure pcool o for every child in the state of florida. >> reporter: that's fedrick ingram, president of the largest teachers association in the southeast. his union represents nearly 150,000 teachers and school employees in florida. >> they should be brought back in a manner that was comprehensive, that was strategic and that was guided by science and guided by health care professionals. >> reporter: the florida department of education had ordered most schools to reopen for in-person learning or risk losing state funding, despite positive cases surpassing 600,000. but the judge's order should slow the reopening down for now. the governor has appealed the decision. in new york city, mayor bill de blasio is taking action to make in-person classes safer. he says principals can apply by this friday to create outdoor classes in their school yards. >> we're going to focus on the 27 neighborhoods hardest hit by
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covid-19 and prioritize making sure they get options for outdoor space. >> repenold college es. over the weekend, students at auburn university packed tightly into a bar, many without masks. at the university of southern california, 43 positive cases have been linked to off-campus housing. now more than 100 students are quarantined. >> the truth is that fall in tuscaloosa is in serious jeopardy. >> reporter: in tuscaloosa, alabama, mayor walt maddox announced yesterday that all bars in town would close for 14 days to get a handle on the spike in covid cases on the university of alabama campus and the city. the university is reporting 531 cases. ccess?l these measuresua's e e thru. ve the failure to do nothing will cost more lives and
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livelihoods. >> reporter: also concerning health officials, a new report out of hong kong released monday suggests that people could get the coronavirus twice. dr. roldan says more needs to be known after the patient was reinfected four months after first catching it. >> does this give us a sense of how long we may have with antibodies? >> just one case is not enough. however, the impetus now would be to then see whether it is the same virus or it could just be that the virus goes into a dormant state and then resurfaces again. >> reporter: back to schools. as many students begin the process of remote learning, there have already been some issues. yesterday a global zoom outager classes for thousands of students. gayle. >> yeah, people were very upset aboutzoom.
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coming up next, uncertainty about the furlt o university am allegations of an inappropriate sexual relationship. you can always this morning's news. how? subscribe to the "cbs this morning" podcast. why? get today's top stories in less than 20 minutes, because -- it's a deal. we'll be right back. llar. ♪ ♪ five dollar footlong. ♪ piled high with veggies. the new barbecue rib, or any footlong, is just 5 dollars when you buy 2. only in the subway® app. is just 5 dollars when you buy 2. when your v-neck looks more like a u-neck... that's when you know, it's half-washed. downy helps prevent stretching by conditioning fibers, so clothes look newer, longer. downy and it's done. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. i wish i could shake your hand.
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liberty university says jerry falwell jr. offered to as president of the evangelical christian s school t changedd his mind. it comes amidd allegatations th falwell and h his wife had a
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sexualal r relationship involvi pool attendant they metet more than eight yeaears ago. falwell, a prominent evangelicil christian leader is the son o o liberty university's he reportedly denies having any role in the affair. jericka duncan is following the story. do we know why falwell took back his resignation? >> you know, it is still unclear, anthony, at this time as to what that was about. the university said that falwell agreed to resign and then it was later on yesterday that falwell was telling reporters that he did not have plans to leave permanently. questions about jerry falwell jr.'s leadership at liberty university in lynchburg, virginia, come after giancarlo granda claimed in an interview with reuters that he had a years-long sexual relationship involving falwell's wife and the evangelical leader. granda said he was 20 when he met the falwells while working as a pool attendant at a miami
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beach hotel in march of 2012. granda said their relationship continued until 2018 and involved him having sex with becki falwell while jerry fa falwell looked on. granda shared evidence to support his account, including this phone call. >> he was telling every time he has sex with people like to hurt my feelings or something. >> trying to make her jealous. >> but falwell's story is different. he issued a statement saying his wife had an inappropriate personal relationship with a man they had first met while on vacation and later went into business with. he w on to write he was not involved in the affair, but the man began threatening to publicly reveal the relations w agreed to pay him substantial monies. unite behind donald trump and mike pence. >> falwell, who spoke at the 2016 republican national convention, has been a fierce supporter of president trump.
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his wife, becki, is an advisory board member of women for trump and appeared in an interview with president trump's daughter-in-law, lara. >> we look forward to 2020, winning and making america great again and again and again. >> falwell was already on an indefinite leave of absence from the university after he posted this photo on social media with his pants unzipped. he said the photo was taken at a costume party. >> i'm sure there were a lot of christians, even those who maybe sent their children to liberty university, attended lib erp er university, support donald trump whe studies evangelical christianity. >> with evangelicalism, you can make racist comments, you can make -- you can lie, you could do a bunch of things that are unbiblical, but sexual sin has been sort of the primary -- the greatest sin.
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it's been this way a long time in evangelicalism and jerry falwell certainly crossed that line if this reuters story is true. >> cbs news has reached out to the falwells and giancarlo granda. we have not heard back yet, but the board of trustees at liberty university is expected to meet today on a conference call to discuss the matter. gayle. >> oh, boy. so many layers of wrong on that story, starting with the alleged affair, if it's true with the pool attendant who was 20 something at the time to mr. falwell allegedly looking on. they have a lot to discuss. i've seen a pool attendant, all they ever gave me was a towel. thank you very much. ahead, vladimir duthiers will l we're here f
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about the christmas spirit. >> where's your microphone, tony dokoupil. we can't hear you. >> oh, no! >> where's your microphone? it sounds like you're talking in a tin can. >> i was knocked off my chair by your interaction with the pool attendant in the last segment. i'm glad he only handed you a towel. >> and he gave me some cheese fritters too. go ahead. >> take it away, vlad. >> good to see you, tony. i can finally hear you and so can the rest of america here's what america is going to be talking about, because we're looking at some of the stories people will be talking about today. a movement is under way in minneapolis to save and preserve plywood art that wasn th a theo. you'lll peopl paintedecood that stores used to board up their windows after they were damaged in protest over floyd's defendant.
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kenda zellner is in talks about the african-american heritage museum andlee an exhibit for the public. she says the idea is to show how minneapolis became the center of a movement focused on race and police brutality, tony. >> i think it's a beautiful idea. i think it's a beautiful idea in part because the artwork on those boards is so gorgeous itself, but also because there are people out there for whom those boards don't represent a peaceful movement. and having a place where you can put them up and have a conversation about what it represents is also important for that community and for the country at large. so bravo to her. it's a great idea. all right, vlad, what do you have next? >> we've actually shown images before of pictures and images at the civil rights museum in memphis taken from the era that is considered art, the signs, the protest signs that people had back in the 1950s and '60s, so absolutely right. okay, moving on to this. generations of new orleans natives are remembering a man who brought joy to the holidays. we learned on saturday that fred
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parker, better known as seventh ward santa or chocolate santa, believe it or not, he had died. for nearly five decades parker dressed up like jolly ole st. nick and captured hearts across the city. in 2016 wwl-tv asked parker why playing santa meant so much to him. >> seeing the smiles on people's faces, it's the best part of it. very invigorating to just get their hugs and smiles from the children. >> people are flooding social media with pictures they took with parker and sharing their memories. you can see some of these here, gayle. my favorite is this little young lady here who took a picture when she was a kid and she's now a police officer with seventh ward santa. >> that's so nice. he will be missed. besees no cor and les is the od it is exactly 50 years since
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elton john put on a show that would ultimately launch his legendary career. ♪ and the future you're giving me holds nothing ♪ ♪ and how i'll be living 60 years on ♪ >> you can actually hear that voice. that is elton john singing at the troubadour nightclub in los angeles back in 19 sfenl70. he was introduced that night by neil diamond and performed in front of other music greats like quincy jones and don henley. he will release a lited elton john, anthony. there was a wonderful article about him in "the los angeles times." >> that performance is still legendary to this day. he wrote by the end of the
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evening there was no question about john's talent and potential. he's going to be one of rock music's biggest and most important stars. vlad, you have a girl who could give us all a little motivation? >> so the greatest mohammed ali had angelo dundee. montana has tori. >> you're strong, you've got this. you're strong. come on, go! you've got, this you're strong. you're strong. >> you got this, you've got this. that's little tori and her brother, montana, as he gets ready to rumble. look at montana throwing down on that punching bag, anthony. >> oh, it works. >> i could use her when the alarm gets off at 4:30 in the morning getting me here to the studio. that's awesome. >> if life goes according to plan, your sibling will know you longer than anybody, longer than your parents, longer
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ict oth ony other friend you meet. that's why the sibling bond is so important and so strong. that's great. ahead only on "cbs this morning," fda commissioner dr. stephen hahn responds to concerns that politics is playing a role in decision-making at his agency during the pandemic. that's coming up on "cbs this morning." stay with us, we'll be right back. when migraine strikes, dissolve it with nurtec: the only quick-dissolve treatment for migraine attacks that can get many people back to normal activities and last up to 48 hours- with just one dose. onederful. don't take if allergic to nurtec. the most common side effect was nausea. nurtec. one dose. onederful. pampers the #1 pediatrician recommended brand, helps keep baby skin dry & healthy
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it's what we did with coogan's. you felt safe and, if you were safe, you could be joyful. everybody has a coogan's. and almost half those small businesses, they could close if people don't do something. we have to keep our communities together. that's how we get through this. ♪ so to breathe better, i started once-daily anoro. ♪ copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way, with anoro." ♪ once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. do not use anoro if you have asthma. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma...
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this is a kpix 5 morning te. good morning, it is 7:56. i am michelle griego. the fires in the south and east bay are now covering more than 360,000 acres, burning across five different counties. the scu lightning complex fires are 15% contained and evacuation orders were downgraded in santa clara county. in a north bay, the lnu lightning complex fires has
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burned nearly 352,000 acres, five deaths are now blamed on that fire. some evacuation orders in sonoma county are now lifting and they are 25% contained. we are proud to be partnering with the red cross in a virtual telethon for fire relief and used a lifetime to donate. you can call the number on your screen, this is a kpix 5 morning update. . they have issued creek migh be up around northbound 680. there are two left lanes blocked right around main street. if you're going towards the bay bridge, it is sluggish in both directions on the lower and upper deck. we are still tracking that smoke with unhealthy air quality this mo tuesday, august
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2020. this mo tuesday, august welcome back to "cbs this morning." i'm gayle king with tony unrest in wisconsin. protests are followed by violence after the shooting of jacob blake by police. the latest on the escalating tension. fight for a vaccine. we've got an exclusive look at a uk facility pioneering ways to mass produce a coronavirus vaccine. plus f it, a commissioner dr. stephen hahn, only on "cbs this morning." and no place like schitt's e emmy ninated sw abo family discovering happiness. >> i love the name of that show. first here's today's eye opener at 8:00. a second day of peaceful protests gave way to clashes
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overnight following sunday's shooting a black man by police. >> setting his truck on fire behind me is how some protesters have responded to the authority's usef s grades, tear gas, protters who stayed out past curf curfew. marco and laura. marco is no more. all eyes on laura. laura is now a hurricane. more than 600 fires across the state and the governor says there could be more so-called sleeper fires like this one. >> a lot of people saw a very dark picture painted last night about the democrats there were going to be vengeful mobs storming the suburbs. that doesn't sound very optimistic. >> well, i think it's because they turn on the tv and that's what they see. they look at the protests, they look at the riots, they look at the rage, and they see what's happening. ladies and gentlemen, leaders and fighters for freedom and liberty and the american dream, the best is yet to come!
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>> is the loud lady gone? i'm scared. this is the first time in my life i've had to turn down the volume on c-span. >> very good, stephen kohl bert. welcome back to "cbs morning news." you could not ignore her enthusiasm or her passion but she was talking to an empty room. that's why it was fascinating. >> who are you yelling at, kimberly? listen, she delivered a very effective message to a lot of people. nicely done, stephen kohl bert. we'll begin in kenosha, wisconsin, where the governor deployed the national guard amid a second night of unrest, follows yet another incident in which a black man was shot by police. the violence erupted late at night in kenosha after peaceful protests demanding justice for jacob blake. that is his name. cars and buildings were set on fire by crowds defying a county-wide curfew. police responded with tear gas. we need to warn you again that
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the video that led to all of this is very upsetting. blake was shot in the back sunday during an altercation with police as he tried to get in his car with his sons, his little sons sitting in the back seat. his family says they are not aware of him being armed. he remains hospitalized -- listen to the number of those shots -- he remains hospitalized in stable condition. the police officers involved in this incident are on administrative leave. this morning, galveston, texas, is ordering everyone there to get out before hurricane laura hits the gulf coast. wcbs tv weather caster lonnie quinn has the intense new warnings about the storm. lonnie, what's happening? >> well, the latest we've got a urwinds, now ours. forecast to strengthen to a major category 3 as it makes landfall somewhere around the texas/louisiana border. we're talking a stormbe
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plan on one category large tha that. he t ike took in forecasted line from the european ensemble model which has been the best performing model we've had over the last 10, 12 years or so. everyone in galveston should be on alert. storm surge 7 to 11 feet but plan on one category more than that. rain a foot in about a day. winds 100 to 120 miles per hour. gusts 140 miles per hour or stronger. that's why they put the order to evacuate galveston. >> lonnie, thank you very much. talking about the republican national contention, republicans kicked off their convention with a series of tributes to president donald trump, some speakers also worked to win over minority voters despite the president's frequently controversial comments on race. senator tim scott from south carolina told his own story. >> our family went from cotton
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to congress in one life time, and that's why i believe the next american century can be better than the last. >> the convention is being held virtually, of course, due to the severity of the coronavirus pandemic. republican speakers paint a posi of the presidenaning of t convention coverage will continue tonight. you can watch our prime time coverage o the republican national convention, night two will be tonight at 10:00 eastern/9:00 central. fda commissioner dr. stephen hahn says politics did not play a role in the decision to give doctors the go ahead for a possible coronavirus treatment. the fda issued an emergency use authorization for a convalescent plasma treatment sunday. it uses convalescent plasma from coronavirus survivors that contains antibodies to treat patients battling covid-19. the therapy has shown potential, but research is still under way. >> this announcement came just
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one day after president trump tweeted this, "the deep state or whoever over at the fda is making it very difficult for drug companies to get people in order to test the vaccines and the therapeutics. obviously, they are hoping to delay the answer until after november 3rd, election day." dr. hahn joins us for an interview only on "cbs this morning." dr. hahn, it's good to see you again. thank you so much for joining us this morning. i'm thinking it's been -- >> good morning, gayle, really appreciate the opportunity. we'reeally you're .ppreci the opportunre head spinning 48 hou for you, starting with that tweet, where the president seemed to be taking your agency to task, cut to you standing next to the president announcing this breakthrough treatment in emergency authorization of plasma treatment that many people have been using at least 70,000 people have been using. so some people say the optics i pressure. what do you say about that? >> so first thing i'd like to say is that i personally
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couldn't have done a better job and should do have an a better job at that press conference explaining what the data show regarding convalescent plasma. i can assure the american people this decision was made based upon sound science and data. we have shown or the mayo clinic convalescent plasma program has shown there are promising efficacy data as well as safety associated with plasma. as you mentioned, over 70,000 americans were treated on this program. excuse me, and so these data totally support the emergency use authorization that we issued, and we've been working on this for three or four weeks, and we're really waiting for additional validation data, but as you pointed out, i think, in the initial portion of this program, we're going to continue to get data and as we've done with any other authorization, we will update that decision as new data come, but the professional independently made this decision, and i completely
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support them. i think it's a good one for american patients and providers. >> but i think the problem is, or the issue, dr. hahn, is that it was made the day before the republican convention, so people say the timing seems a little coinky-dink. you said there's nothing awry i what you're saying? >> the time something totally based on when we got the data. you probably know there were reports in the media we've had some back-and-forth with external stakeholders, folks at the nih and internally about what data we needed to see to justify an emergency use authorization, that combined with the fact the mayo clinic expanded access program was timed to end this week, we felt that having the additional data, which we received last week and early this weekend anding th to analyze it, plus main availability of plasma for patients and doctors, that led to the timing of this weekend, and those are the facts, gayle. >> all right.
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the other thing that's raising a couple of eyebrows is that at that announcement, the president and yourself announced that it was reducing deaths by 35%. top scientists today are wondering where you got that data from. how does that square? >> yes, thanks for the opportunity, and we're putting out additional information to support the emergency use authorization. so the way this works is that we looked at the mayo clinic data and the mayo clinic identified a group of patients, certain patients that looked like this benefited the most, that the antibodies benefited them the most. we asked for additional validation data that came in, which supported that, meaning that comparing those patients who got high concentrations of antibody versus those that got low concentrations of antibodies, when you look at those data, the survival benefit between those two groups, so it's a relative benefit of 35%, and as i mentioned, i could have done a better job of explaining that at the press conference yesterday. >> wasl
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ls had taken place? there is some concern about that as well. >> so yes, there's ongoing clinical trials. unfortunately they're not accruing like we'd like them to, and of course, fda completely supports clinical trial performance, because at the end of the day, clinical trials particularly randomized clinical trials provide gold standard information, but just let me make this clear, gayle, the data that we need, which is a risk benefit assessment for an emergency use authorization were met by the data that we received and that we have, and the other advantage of this is that it allows patients to have access to it, while those trials are t gayle, is that there's a great demand for this. doctors are ordering this for patients around the country, and americans who recovered from covid-19, it would be absolutely great for them to consider donating plasma to meet that demand. >> also frightening, dr. hahn, we just heard on the news this morning that someone who had covid-19 that it's come back
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again. how concerned should we be about that? >> so gayle, you probably know, throughout this pandemic, we've been learning a lot about the disease. we still continue to believe that antibodies, that the immunity that one has is longlasting, but those data still aren't completely in, and we have to follow patients to figure out how long the immunity lasts and i think there's a lot of data coming in about that. so i think the jury is still out with respect to that from a science and medicine point of view. >> steve, there seems to be a lot of juries still out when it comes to this disease. is the relationship with you and the president okay? he seemed to take a couple of pot shots at you from time to time. do you think you have his support? >> i feel like i enjoy a very good relationship with the president. i spoke to him several times this weekend, and you know, he wants us to be focused on the urgency of the situation, and moving things forward, and i have great faith in the 17,000
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scientists, doctors and nurses that we're going to do that and move it forward for the american people. that's ouru so much for taking this morning. i know you got a lot on your plate. >> thank you, gayle. >> we'll talk to you another time i'm sure. >> thank you. ahead we'll take you inside a lab in england working to perfect a coronavirus vaccine, and then create billions of doses. but first, it's
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we have much more news
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ahead. the co-creator of reque" schitt creek is still surprised by his success. 15 emmy nominations? >> i know. it's not -- it's not processing, to be perfectly honest. people just keep saying it at me, like i'm supposed to sort of say yes, yeah, i know. it will never sinklells us why he decided to end the series and whether we might ever see the rose family again. you're watching "cbs this i'm hector. i'm a delivery operations manager in san diego, california. we were one of the first stations to pilot a fleet of electric vehicles. we're striving to deliver a package with zero emissions into the air. i feel really proud of the impact that has on the environment. we have two daughters and i want to do everything i can to protect the environment so hopefully they can have a great future.
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with scientists around the world racing to develop coronavirus vaccines, a new report says the trump administration is considering an emergency use authorization of a vaccine being developed right now at oxford university.
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dr. anthony fauci, though, says it is a bad idea to rush out a vaccine before it's fully tested. charlie d'agata got an exc look inss on method to produce up to 3 billion doses of the vaccine. charlie, good morning to you. it's a challenge to make 3 billion of anything, isn't it. >> reporter: good morning. well, scientists tell us nothing on this scale has even been attempted before. now, this lab is meeting that challenge head on, and remember this billion dollar bet is on a vaccine that has yet to reach the final phase of testing. if it fails, it all gets scrapped. there is no plan b. swirling around in these flasks may be the world's greatest hope in bringing an end to the pandemic, the very oxford vaccine itself. the paul corporation lab looks like a cross between an industrial kitchen and an operating room, where bioreactors shareceith monkey wrenches. >> so this is -- >> reporter: the masks and gowns
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are less about our protection than us contaminating the facility. when it's oxford university vaccine began to show promise earlier this year, drug giant astrazeneca approached clyde glover with a challenge. >> so the initial challenge was to make a process that could be used to make millions of doses in a single batch. >> millions? >> millions of doses in a single batch which could then be repeated. >> reporter: the eyes of the world have been fixed on the science behind the oxford vaccine and whether it works. but it wouldn't go anywhere without this, the hardware. glover told us the process of developing a system to scale up like thisye they cam t blueprint within eight weeks. >> in all of your years, you've never seen anything like this? >> no. there's no question that the speed with which we worked on this process is unprecedented. >> reporter: a small starter
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batch of the vaccine is multiplied in this bioreactor until it produces millions of infected cells. those cells are then broken down, the vaccine is isolated and the rest of the system is essentially just a series of filters that removes cell debris and suspect contaminants. >> this is a classic engineering problem. how do you take your mother's favorite cookie recipe and make it exactly the same way thousands and millions of times. >> reporter: this equipment gets shipped out to manufacturers throughout the world. there is no time to spare, and zero margin for error. the oxford vaccine is one of several leading candidates, including moderna and pfizer biontech. russia's vaccine has skipped large scale phase three testing offering inoculation to inwho chooses to have one. of course glover is gunning for the oxford vaccine and he's put more than his reputation on the line. he's taken part in the trial
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himself. >> what has been very gratifying abouthi to be so closely engaged as both an end user and involved with the manufacturing. >> you don't get more personally engaged than that. >> you don't get more personally engaged. >> reporter: this morning the director of the oxford vaccine said it's just possible they may have enough data to present to regulators later this year. as for astrazeneca, they have told us they have not held any discussions about fast tracking the vaccine with anybody. anthony. >> very interesting. fingers crossed for all of these vaccines in development. i hope one of them works for us. charlie d'agata in london, thank you very much. ahead, a famous new yorker defends new york. how jerry seinfeld responded to a man who said the city won't bounce back. them's fighting words, from the yore wching
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ahead, as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment, veteran political
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journalist susan paige will tell us about some of the this is a kpix 5 morning update. it is age:25. firefighters making progress this morning on the fires in the south and east bay. su complex fires cover more than 360,000 acres and is now 15% contained. evacuation orders were downgraded in santa clara county. we are getting a look at the investigators thanks to a firefighter's wallet.
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they say the man took the wallet from the firefighters car which was parked at the bonny doon fire station. we are proud to be partnering with the red cross in a virtual telethon for fire relief and you still have time to donate all day today. you can call the number on your screen, 1-855-848-give, or go to to give. the traffic center has lots of brake lights northbound 680 to walnut creek. at main street, that is where chp and fire crews are working on. there is an injury crash involving a big rig. their showdown until further notice. now taking look at traffic on the big rig, they are better and things are definitely easing up through their. we are looking at those hazy and smoky skies that will continue a "spare the air" alert and check out the current air quality with that unhealthy air. you can see it is highlighted you can see it is highlighted in orange and want restaurants to open? and schools?
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want the economy to get back on track? you're not alone. and you can help make it happen. stay 6 feet apart. wash your hands. wear a mask every time you leave your home. choose to join the fight against covid-19. do your part. slow the spread. and let me tell you something, rodeo...
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welcome back to "cbs this morning." it is that time, to bring you some of the stories that are th intre u know story you want to share with each other and with all of you at home, and anthony mason, you're up first. >> i am kicking it off. today is august 25th and that's a notable day for a few reasons. we start with this one. josephine amenta, josi as she is known, turns 99 years old today. she's the aunt of joanna dimirco who we love and adore and miss. josi also celebrated her 60th anniversary with her husband, vito, who is only 96 1/2. they have two daughters, seven grandchildren, five great grandchildren. josi was born in the bronx, now
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lives in courtland, new york. worked as a seam stress. her family says she's a fantastic cook, loves her garden and a good glass of wine. cheers for josi. here's for a ctury coming up. >> and she likes younger men. you go, josi. >> one other note today, also born on this day, my big brother, alex mason. the best big brother you can ask for. do we have a picture of uncle al as we call him in my family? there he is. that's us at my nephew's wedding very recently. a lot of -- that's us 50 years ago. >> anthony, anthony, which one is you? >> i'm the guy on the right. i just had a growth spurt and look a little awkward. so 50 years later. you couldn't ask for a better big brother. he's had his first grandchild this year. my nephew, his younger son, just tgh tlebrate all these things this year, as you know. happy birthday, uncle al.
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>> happy birthday, uncle al. you guys had matching hairdos back in the day. i like it. >> matching collars too. i wasn't sure if you had the growth spurt or the collar had the growth spurt in the picture. >> it's a great picture. >> happy birthday to your brother and also to josi. and the cbs hair salon, i miss it. >> i didn't know we had a hair salon. why is it? >> you've got to go see joanna when she gets back. >> is it near the cafeteria? >> it's on the way. >> that's good to know. >> so i'm talking about something that is on the mind of anybody living in a city in america right now, which is it seems extra quiet. people who can leave the city which felt crowded with the virus have left the city in new york here. there is like a 14-year high in terms of empty apartments and people have been wondering are these cities going to bounce back. is new york city going to bounce back? well, jerry seinfeld, new york
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native, has written a defense of city living in "the new york times." he's talking about new york city but i think this goes for any city in america. he says it's not dead. it is not dead. >> he's right. >> to say that new york -- it's not dead. for the following very simple and i think fundamentally true reason. there is no way you can remotely pipe human energy and ambition and personality through zoom as much as we love it. as a result, once this crazy virus goes away, he says, our cities, new york city in particular, is going to bounce back. are you with me, gayle and anthony? >> yes. >> oh, yeah. >> very much so. >> if you ever watched the documentary about the history of new york, this city has been dead and buried so many times and it always comes back. it's like a weed you can't kill. a beautiful weed, don't get me wrong, i love my city. >> i think i'd take jerry seinfeld on for something else other than is new york coming back. new york ain't dead.
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a student at the university of south carolina has become a hero there. last week he used his trombone to silence a man who was accused of hate speech against black lives matter. i love this guy. the trombone guy, that's what they call him. 18-year-old trey hogan, a freshman, a music education major. every time the man spoke with his megaphone, hogan drowned him out and the students around him cheered. his trombone playing got him an offer of freepizza slicesfor his entire college career from a local pizza restaurant. guys, this went on for over an hour. he said people started handing him water because his throat started getting dry. he kept playing until the guy's megaphone ran out. you can't speak that way. i love trey hogan. i think he's sending a great message. thank you, trey. >> very effective. >> very effective. so we are marking the 100th
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anniversary this month of the ratification of the 19th amendment. while it gave all women the right to vote, most black women could not vote until the civil rights movement of the 1960s. on this historic centennial, we're exploring the long struggle for full equality. "usa today" is heighting women who have paved the way and the women of the ken trcentury prod. susan paige joins us today to discuss. hey, susan paige. >> hey, gayle, how are you doing? >> i'm good. you know why i'm good? we can both vote. you're white, i'm black, i'm glad we can finally go to the polls together if we choose and cast our vote. what do you think we can learn from history when we look at this moment? black women were beaten and arrested and jailed for the right to vote. >> you know, it was -- i think one thing we should remember, this was not easy. we saw suffragettes getting arrested and beaten, estranged from their families, imprisoned,
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force fed in prison. susan b. anthony tried for the nvd a w she cole th has b a long suggle and an especially long struck el for women of color. >> and some people say that that struggle still continues today. stacey abrams has that whole big campaign about fighting against voter suppression. still very scary times as we sit here in 2020 on the eve of a presidential election. >> absolutely right. voting rights still a big issue. what we see one thing happening this year, women as the driver of this election. you know, women have been -- reached new levels of activism. they have become candidates in record numbers. they're really the voting group that we see, the two presidential candidates focused on as they look toward november, gayle. >> we were talking about 2018. a record number of women won office across the country. what impact do you think that will have as we go to the polls
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impact to have women as candidates. this is the year we have kamala harris on the national ticket, just the third woman ever nominated for vice president. if that ticket wins, she'd be the first woman to become either president or vice president in our country. that would be definitely a breakthrough. these are changing times for women. we see kamala harris being treated in different ways than the previous three women who have been on national tickets. not a perfect system, but one that's changing. >> different ways how? >> well, you know, i remember i actually covered the 1984 campaign when geraldine ferraro became the first woman on a national ticket. i remember the endless debates about what she would wear and whether she and walter mondale would hug each other. that's the kind of debate -- it's not that we're not having any sexist debates today. that is a debate we have gotten past. >> susan, it's anthony mason. it's interesting that a number of prominent women have announced that if that -- if it
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becomes that conversation or in any way she is targeted in a derogatory way that they are going to come out in defense of her. so there's obviously a clear ef conversation here. >> you know, anthony, that's exactly right. and it changed just in the last four years. i think a lot of women were distressed by some of the treatment of hillary clinton when she became the first woman ever nominated for president. i think a determination that some of those attacks are going to be addressed in a much more direct way than they were four years ago. >> we were talking about the big piece that you have done in "usa today." there were some names we know, of course, like rosa parks. did you have one or two that stood out for you that we might not know that you think we should know about this person? >> i'll mention two things. we took nominations from the public, we got hundreds of them. the number one woman mentioned most often, pat summitt, the legendary coach of the
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university of tennessee lady volunteers. let me mention another woman who i did not know about until this project. felicita mendez, who was distressed in the 1940s by the segregated schools in california that her three children were being forced to attend. she and her husband pursued a landmark legal action that really laid the groundwork for brown versus board of education a couple of years later. >> susan page, thank you so much for being with us this morning. great stuff. awesome internet.
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the critically acclaimed series "schitt's creek" has gone from canadian cult comedy to one of the most emmy-nominated shows of 2020. the series earned 15 nominations for its final season, which aired this spring on pop tv, a viacom/cbs property. they include outstanding comedy and the four main acting categories. co-creator and show owner daniel levy is up for writing, directing and best supporting actor. he spoke with us about the show's unlikely rise and why just as it was hitting its peak, he decided to walk away. >> 15 emmy nominations? >> i know. it's -- i don't -- it's not -- it's not processing, to be perfectly honest. people just keep saying it at me
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like i'm supposed to sort of say yes, yeah, i know. it will never sink in. i think i'm having a heart attack is what's happening. >> you are like 34. >> i'm basically 29. >> after six seasons, the rose family has become iconic. >> what does fold in the cheese mean? >> you fold it in. >> but "schitt's creek" wasn't an easy sell at first. >> it's a small show. it's not something that is particularly flashy. and i think people didn't quite know what to do with it. >> alexis, you'd like this product. it's all about aging and dry skin. >> oh, my god, ew david. >> in the series, the once wealthy roses have lost everything and end up living in a motel in "schitt's creek." >> they thought they had it all, but it wasn't until they came to this town that they realized that they in fact had nothing at all. and really needed to learn the true joy of what actually love can be. >> dan levy had two comedic
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legends by his side. his dad, eugene levy, and catherine o'hara. the show was picked up by the cbc in canada, and pop tv in the u.s. but it wasn't until netflix started streaming episodes in 2017 that it really took off. ♪ you're simply the best ♪ better than all the rest >> levy created a world where love and acceptance are the norm. >> david is my boyfriend and i've never been happier in my life. >> as a gay person getting to tell stories about my community, those moments were really special to me. i think back to even 10, 15 years ago. i would never have, a, even had that opportunity let alone be able to get into a room to even pitch a story where that exists. >> in a documentary about the show's final season, the cast
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received thank you letters from mslgbtq rely believe that shows like "schitt's creek" will serve as a catalyst to help change the world into a kinder, safer, more loving place for all lgbtq people to live. >> when the cameras stopped rolling and i stopped sobbing, i did sit down and i read all of those letters and it was pretty remarkable. i think you realize too, television when used for good can affect such an incredible, positive change. >> before levy was walking red carpets, he was working them. he spent eight years at mtv, co-hosted the great canadian baking show, and was even a corrndt during the vancouver olympics. >> so how does that set you up to dream a television show? >> it doesn't. what you realize early on as a show runner and particularly when you're working with a really small budget, you need to make sure everyone is feeling valued.
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>> he learned that from his dad, who this month received a lifetime achievement award from the newport beach film festival. >> he has become this absolute living legend. eugene, i was telling everyone how you've become this living legend. >> the clip was the sweetest thing. i couldn't think of a more deserving guy. he is just -- he has led with such grace. so for me it was a master class alongside him over these past six years. >> together they found the heart in a seemingly silly show. through intricately crafted and charming characters. >> do you remember the last time you and i chaired an event? the teenage rosecea ball. >> everybodyn this cast is an extraordinary comedian. >> david, do you take -- with aet ofas sort o eyebrows that sort of do the work for me. but, you know, it is a testament to the quality of the acting and
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the actors, because it's very comedy and drama. >> hey -- >> the hair, makeup and costume teams behind those outlandish looks are all up for emmys too. >> the idea that our show gets 15 emmy nominations an north pole of us can actually go to the emmys is definitely a story line that i would have written for moira. >> what is your favorite season? >> awards. >> at any point have you said to yourself maybe i shouldn't have stopped this? >> no, never. it's always felt right. listen, if an idea pops into my head down the line for a little special or a movie or whatever that might be, great, i would love to work with these people for the rest of my life. >> that gives us hope, the fans. >> well, we shall see. hanging am i ever. i love tsh >> ihim. i know you've watched the show from the very beginning.
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>> yeah. >> but after looking at those clips, anthony, i now want to see it. >> it's an impeccably crafted show. it works on the surface because it's so much fun but there's so much detail. >> tony, were you saying something? >> it's an incredibly charming show, gayle. you've got to go home and watch it tonight. >> i do. >> the power of streaming to take something that had been out there and had fans and go from one group of fans to a much broader one. and now that may include gayle king. >> and the scene -- the letters that they got from parents. >> very powerful. it's a gem of a show. >> really. >> stay with us, we'll b right back on "cbs this morning." so you're a small business,
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we spent the whole commercial break talking about "schitt's i now want to know al.
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dan in audio watches it. first i thought the title was fun but there's so m h m
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this is a kpix 5 morning update. good morning, the czu complex fire has grown to nearly 79,000 acres in santa cruz and san mateo counties. containment is now 17% and cal fire says 330 structures have been destroyed and 11 in san mateo county and 319 in santa cruz county. in cameron county, though woodward fire triggered evacuations overnight. folks who live on silverhills road, fox drive, and noren lane
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are being told to evacuate. the fire is over 2700 acres and is 5% contained. we are proud to be partnering with the red cross in a virtual telethon for fire relief and used to let time to donate. you can call the number on your screen, 1-855-848-give , or head to to give. if you are just getting ready to go outside, muni service has been suspended. buses will be provided instead. check the schedule before you go outside. the bay bridge has no troubles. things are looking pretty good and if you are taking the golden gate bridge, it is a little foggy plus dealing with hazy skies out there. we are tracking those foggy conditions around the bay and a skies. there is unhealthy air quality today, which is so you're a small business,
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geico. wayne: ta-da! tiffany: whoo! jonathan: more deals?! wayne: tiffany, what's behind curtain number one? jonathan: it's a new mercedes benz! wayne: beep beep. - give it to me, tiffany! jonathan: it's a trip to fiji! - i am amazing! wayne: who wants some cash? - i need that! wayne: you've got the big deal! jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal." now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! hey, america, welcome to "let's make a deal." thanks for coming out. i'm wayne brady and we are goint whwants to make a deal? thanks for coming out. who wants to make a deal? one person, one person. one person, let's see, let's see. let's go with... (cheers and applause) wendy. come on, wendy. everybody else, have a seat. come on over here, wendy. stand right there. wendy, welcome to the show. - thank you.


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