tv Face the Nation CBS August 30, 2020 8:30am-9:30am PDT
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echo in here? get my sourdough patty melt combo, back on my menu for $5.99. captioning captioning sponsored by cbs brennan in washington, and this week on "face the nation," with president trump painting a bleak portrait of america under a biden administration, americans are reeling from more racial injustice protests, devastating natural disasters, and continued spread of covid-19. with the dark dkxays of august coming to an end, the challenges facing america in the fall are staggering. [yelling] >> brennan: as the clock ticks down to election day, the competition between the candidates is now focused on just how bad things would be under the other guy's leadership. >> president trump: today's democratic party is filled with hate.
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look at joe biden's supporters on the street,s screaming and shouting at by-standers, with unhinged, manic rage. >> the problem we have right now is we're in donald trump's americ >> brennan: ken nova scotianovacan novkenosha,wiscone protests. >> the reality is tha person in america has never been treated as fully human. >> brennan: for the most part, it has been peaceful protestors seeking justice, but the president is calling for law and order. >> president trump: your vote will decide whether we protect law-abiding americans, or whether we give free range to violent anarchists, agitators and citizens. who threaten our >> brennan: we'll talk with acting homeland security secretary chad wolf. plus we'll here from florida former police
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chief and a biden supporter. kentucky attorney-general dael cameron supports the president. we'll also speak to attorney ben crump, he is representing the taylor and blake family. former f.d.a. commission and dr. scott gottlieb will give us an update on covid-19. finally, as the sports world fights racism in america with boycotts, an emotional public plea. >> it is amazing why we keep loving this country and this coury has not loved us back. >> brennan: we'll talk with cbs news special correspondent and host o "the nfl today," our own james brown. it is all just ahead on "face the nation." >> brennan: good morning, and welcome to "face the nation." it is another grim sunday morning here in
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washington. in the aftermath of protests at black lives matter plaza just down the street from us here at cbs, as well as in other cities across the country. this as the number of coronavirus cases worldwide passed the 25 million mark. almost a quarter of those cases are here in the u.s. the death toll is near 183,000. we begin this morning with cbs new correspondent mark strassmann in atlanta, george. >> reporter: chaos overnight in washington, d.c., one white house. police waivingteel batons cleared out a coup hundred black lives matter protestors, and they fired tear gas to get things moving. the clashes were among the worst seen here in the last couple months. [yelling] confrontation across the country in portland, oregon. a caravan of trump supporters drove downtown protestors. >> get back in your
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dude! >> reporter: suddenly gunfire. a man lay dead in the street, shot in the police say it represented a far right group they've battled before with protestors here who have gathered nightly for months. >> thank you to our cops. >> repter: and this i kenosha,is injustice and outrage. it is not have to feel it to find it, like these protestorring. protestors. they marched again this week because jacob bla may never walk again. his three children screamed as a white police officer shot him seven times in the back. blake's father addressed protestors. >> i'm tired of this!> i'm tired of this! no justice!
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>> no pea! >> and we're not going to stop. >> reporter: back in action this weekend, nba playoff games. after the kenosha shooting p boycotting, work stoppages spread across the wnba, major league soccer and before games resumed. >> changes need to be made. >> reporter: america's other ongoing crisis is covid, also still in search of needed change. nationally, new cases and deaths are generally falling, but the new health worry is in midwest and upper plain states, where new cases are rising. and the c.d.c. stumbled again this week. its revised gui guidance suggested limited testing for those who show no systems. 40% of those with covid-19 show no symptoms.
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and with schools from kind garten to college reopening across the country, health expts expect anotr covid strike. the official death toll will top 200,000 people, just like those protestors, the virus shows no sign o margaret? >> brennan: mark, thank you. we want to go now to the acting homeland security secretary chad wolf. he joins us from fema headquarters here in washington. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> brennan: i want to ask you about what is going on in portland. overnight we saw a man killed during dualing demonstrations between a pro-trump caravan and black lives matter tivists. given the situation, which seems very tense, will the trump administration ask for everyone, including those pro-trump supporters, to pull back? >> we've been asking portland to do their job
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really for over three months now. what you see in portland, and the eirnt -- they foster an environment of this lawlessness and chaos. we've been asking t governor and others to send in the national guard to address the violence so you don't have dualing demonstrations, you don't have this violence that occurs night after night of portland.on the streets their job. them to do we need them to step up, and if they can't or they don't have the ability or the resources, ask the federal government, and we'll provide the resources, as we have done in wisconsin and others, so we can address any violence. >> brennan: i hear what you're saying, but the president has tweeted about portland 12 times in the last 48 hours, including retweeting a video of his supporters, people with trump flags flying, driving into portland, and he called them great patriots. doesn't that heighten tensions when you say you're trying to lower it? >> absolutely not. i think, again, what we
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se in portland -- t appears to beyou doing? >> it is local officials not doing their job in protecting ðe people and those communities. there are three months of allowing individuals to come in night after night and set fire to government buildings -- >> brennan: so are you saying that the local officials have failed to stop the trump supporters from driving into portland? because the president seems -- >> they have failed to protect their community specifically in portland. we've seen that. we have over 90 arrests, 74 different criminal citations that the f.b.i. is pursuing against individuals. we need portland to step up and bring this violence to a close and i think you'll see a lot of this go away. >> brennan: it sounds then like you're asking portland officials to crack down on the trump supporters, too. if that is not what you mean, please clarify. >> i'm asking portland
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officials -- so that's the mayor, the governor, and that's the local law enforcement to do their job to address any violent activity that is occurring in their streets. as soon as they do that, we'll see that as we have seen in wisconsin and other places, we'll see the violence go down to almost zero, and this will address the issue that portland has been dealing with for three months, that the citizens of portland have been dealing with for over three months. it is time to end thes lawlessness and the chaos. >> brennan: the president said on friday he has been discussing and invoking the i insurrection i'mn front of the president about any decisions hay may -- >> brennan: i'm not asking about the decisns -- >> i've been in a number of meetings where we have addressed and talked about
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the violence that go on in a number of cities around this country, including portland, and chicago, and leaskatlanta and other cities. he is asking officials to do their job, and if they can't, ask assistance from the federal government. the department will send tshem and provide assets and resources they don't have. >> brennan: that sounds like no, since that would be seeking consent of the governor and local officials. psaying, no, you don'tre support the act. if that is not the case, please -- >> again, margaret, again, i'm not going to get in front of the president. what i support is making sure we bring this violence in a number of these cities in the country to an end. >> brennan: i want to ask you about what is going on with election security. d.h.s. is the primary federal agency tasked with overseeing election security. will your agency continue
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to brief both housesngress on en security. >> absolutely. we have done that over 250 times in the last two months. we have briefings -- in-person briefings set up this week for the senate and the house. and we have another eight or nine scheduled between now and the election. again, i think what people need to the differentiate between what the department does and the intelligence community does, the department, through our infrastructure security agency, we're focused on cyber threats. and we're going to continued to work with our secretary of states around the country, and a lot of the information that the department deals with is of an unclassified nature. so we're happy to share the good work we're doing. >> brennan: as you know, the director of national intelligence informed
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congress he will not brief, in person, at least members of the house on election security as it relates to foreign interference. given that you say it is a concern to protect the integrity of elections, why are you limiting information flow to elected lawmakers? >> again, the d.n.i. 's statement that he put out, again, they deal with classified intelligence. the concern is the leak of that classified intelligence. they're going to continue to provide congress all of the information they need in a written, finished intelligence item. this is not about limiting access. it is about providing the information to congress. they're going to do that in a different format. >> brennan: but you feel comfortable shares classified information with members of congress? isthe information we almost exclusively unclassified, different from the compaigns that
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the intelligence communities and others are dealing with. >> brennan: secretary wolf, thank you very much for joining us today.j >> thank you. >> brennan: we turn to florida democratic congresswoman val demmings, who joins us from her orlando. good morning to you >> good morning to you. it is great to be with yo happene given the violence in portland, where black lives matter activists clashed with the pro-trump supporters. what is your message to the activists. do things need to de-escalate? >> let me say this, after listening to the interview you had with acting secretary wolf, margaret, this is exactly what happens when homeland security, the intelligence community, the military, and others, who were charged with protecting our homeland, are to the secretary just really sent
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a strong message that the president is not capable of fulfilling his duties, which his primary responsibility is the health, safety, and well-being of the american people. >> brennan: what about the activists themselves? >> wouldn't it be nice for the president of the united states to take to the microphone or the airwaves and send a message for peace and calm. talking to the protestors, talking to the demonstrators, but also talking to those who come in and loot and steal and do harm, those who side, his su, who have come in and taken the lives of people trying to send peaceful message. and this is a time, more now than ever, that we need to hear from the president of the united states. but the chaos and the disorder and the lawlessness that we are currently seeing, that's donald trump's america. >> brennan: i understand púe point you're trying to
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make here, but when it comes to the activists -- and i understand how well-intentioned the protests may be, but there have been a number incidents, including here in washington, d.c., where the other day senator rand paul was encircled by a mob shouting breonna taylor's name. he said he feared for his life. had some element of these protests gotten out of hand? >> what i am saying is that in america, we know that demonstrators have the right to demonstrate, guaranteed by the first amendment. however, we are a nation of laws.anyone on any side in any place who violates the law has to be held accountable. we don't condemn people who obey the law because of those who do not obey the law. we can do both and we have done both in this america. and that's what we need to do.
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and, again, we need the president of the united states to show some leadership during this situation, but that may be asking for too much from president trump. >> brennan: well, you know that the president's slogan is law and order. he has been using it repeatedly in recent days. don't incidents, like the one we just saw, or what is happening in portlan, play into your opponent's argument? >> margaret, as you know, i served on the intelligence committee and the judiciary committee. i served as an impeachment manager. it is quite interesting to listen to president donald john trump talk about being the law and order president when no one has violated the law in 2020 more than he has. we're talking about a president who just had his kickoff for his re-election on the grounds of the white house, and we all know that that was a
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violation of law. clearly, again, those who obey the law should be able to peacefully demonstrate and exercise their first amendment right. those who do not, up to and including the president of the united states, regardless of the circumstances, should be and must be held accountable. >> brennan: the white house argues they got permission from the office of special council for that. i want to move on to ask you about what is happening in wisconsin. president trump is going to visit kenosha, wisconsin, tuesday. should senator kamala harris and vice president biden -- should they go to kenosha as well? >> i'm not sure what vice president biden's plans are, but what i can say is there is a lot going on the grounds in wisconsin right now. and every time a high-profile visit is made, there are a lot of resources that have to go
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into that visit. however, as the president of the united states, whether it is a natural disaster or civil unrest, i think should take the time and the resources to go and be on the ground. and, again, provide that peace and calm. and, again, margaret, as we talk about what is going on, civil unrest that is happening unfortunately in our nation, it is something we're certainly familiar with and have been familiar with for decades, but what i would say as we try to resolve this situation, i think as we have these discussions, it is important that we stop talking about the police and start talking to the police. and start talking with the police. >> brennan: quickly, since you were a former police chief, what happened to jacob blake, police were responding and knew there was a warrant out for his arrest. is there in any way any justification for what happened? >> i think what we have to do is all take a deep breath, if you want
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justice to be served. we've got to wait until a thorough and complete we do not want to play judge, jury, and executioner. whether we're talking about mr. blake or the police officer. we need to have all of the facts if we want to see justice served. >> brennan: congresswoman demmings, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> brennan: and we'll be right back with attorney-general. please stay with us. starting with this couch. yeah, i need a house with a different view. and this is the bank that will help you do it all. because at u.s. bank, our people are dedicated to turning your new inspiration into your next pursuit.
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>> brennan: we go to the republican attorney-general ofky, daniel c, who joins us from louisville. good morning to you. >> good morning, margaret, thanks for having me on. >> brennan: thanks for joining us. you were at the r.n.c. this week, giving a full-throated endorqsement of president trump. i want to ask you about something he did this morning when he liked a tw supporter who wrote: kyle ritthouse is a good example of why i decided to vote for
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trump." that's the 17-year-old who shot three people, killing kenosha when he took the law into his n hands. is that the kind of law and order for america that the president endorses and you>> well, let me just say that i condone violence in all of its forms. i want to make that clear from the very beginning. i also want to address, during my speech tuesday evening, i tried to make it very clear that as republicans, we recognize those who in earnest want to make sure there is peace, justice, and equality -- >> brennan: did you mean condemn, sir? >> i'm sorry, say again. >> brennan: when you said you condone violence, you mean you condemn it? >> yes, condemn. >> brennan: you spent a lot of time talking about race and in particular comments that joe biden
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has made about black americans that you found offensive, you said. did you also find it offensive when president trump tweeted last month a video of supporters of his yelling "white power"? >> what i was trying to articulate the other evening was that joe de he looks at the black vote -- he looks at it as a monolithic vote. there is great diversi;]ty in the black community, and joe biden doesn't seem to get that message nor understand it. what i was trying to say the other evening is that joe biden has taken for granted african-améericans in thisnt conservative or a black democratic or moderate, i think it is wise to look at your options during this campaign and makef who will better serve your interests. that is what i was trying to articulate. and i think president trump -- he fights every day for the american
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worker. i can certainly say that i've known him -- >> brennan: sir, very specific question of something he tweeted that your fellow republican, senator tim scott, on this program rejected, and before that has said in his view president trump does say things that are racially insensitive. to be clear, were you alsfendede president did ts? >> well, i -- look, i condemn any sort of violence or racist rhetoric. i certainly recognize that this is a country that is ever growing and evolving. the republican party stands with those who welcome peace, and equality. i think just like your viewers, we can certainly tell the difference between those that in earnest want to make sure there is peace, justice and equality in this country, as opposed to to hijack this moment. again, president trump can speak for himself, and voters get to make an assessment of him and vice vice-president pence.
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so i appreciate the way that president trump has reached out to me, brought me into the fold in terms of conversations about law and order. we cannot havepé chaos rain in the streets. >> brennan: i don't think anyone wants chaos raining in the streets. we'll have to take a commercial break and continue our conversation with you on the other side of it. so please stay with us. and all of you please stay with us. there is much more ahead. ♪ come on in, we're open.
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laso you can enjoy it even if you're sensitive. se. yet some say it isn't real milk. i guess those cows must actually be big dogs. sit! i said sit! >> leslie: we'll be right back with more from kentucky attorney-general daniel cameron, and we'll hear from ben crump, plus dr. scott gottlieb, and our own james brown. stay with us. ♪ h
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> >> brennan: welcome back to "face the nation." let's pick up where we left off with kentucky attorney-general daniel cameron. glad to have you back with us. i want to begin asking you about where the republican party i,0s right now in terms of this particular issue. according to our cbs news battleground tracker, eight in 10 republicans think there has been too much attention recently on the issue of discrimination, compared to 44% of voters overall and 12% of democrats. do you believe that discrimination is talked too much about in our country? >> well, look, again, i will point back to the remarks that i made on
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tuesday evening when i talked about the republican party wanting justice, peace, and equality. and we certainly recognize anybody who has an agenda that is consistent with those values. but like your viewers, we can certainly tell the difference between those who want those things in earnest, and those who are trying to hijack a moment. i think that poll probably indicates those within our party who recognize the legitimacy of those -- >> brennan: i'm asking you if you agree with those republicans who say we're talking about it too much? >> i think we need to make sure we have frank conversations about race and color and discrimination in this country. >> brennan: so, no? >> again, the republican party has been founded on the idea of making sure that those marginalized and vulnerable in this country have a fair shake. >> brennan: as attorney-general in kentucky, you will make the decision as to what happens to those police officers involved in the killing of breonna taylor.
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why has it taken you this long? it has been five months. when will you actually make a decision on whether to sentence them and charge? >> well, in the -- representative demmings, right before i came on, talked about wanting a thorough and fair investigation. i wholeheartedly agree with that. that's what we've been conducting here in the commonwealth. as part of my time in washington, d.c., i met with the department of justice and f.b.i. we've got a criticalelates to a ballistics report. there is no video footage in ms. taylor's passing. as part of the efforts earlier this week, we have received that ballistics report. that is a critical piece of this investigation. it is not the end as-all, be-all, but we do have the ballistics report and we will be meeting with the f.b.i. at the beginning of
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this upcoming week to have a painstakingly review of that information. that will help us in the analysis that needs to be undertaken before we can get to final steps. like representative demmings said, we need a fair investigation. >> brennan: i'm curious to what information you need specifically that you're hoping to learn from this ballistics. i want to read a letter written to one of the three officers terminated, it says: "brett displayed an extreme indifference to the value of human life when you wantonly began shooting at breonna taylor. some of the rounds went into the apartment next door." how is that not a criminal what is it that you need to hear, more than what
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the police chief said -- >> margaret, i don't want to get into the specifics. it is an ongoing investigation. i don't want to compromise it it in any way. be confident that we are looking under every stoñ unturd as relates to this investigation. a thorough and fair investigation is whats deserved by all those involved. look, at the attorney-general, officially this was not our case. we took this case because we have the resources internally to conduct a investigation. we've got career prosecutors and investigators with a wealth of knowledge and information that can undertake an independent investigation. we also have the strength of relationships with the f.b.i. to receive this ballistics report and iformation that can be critical to our analysis. >> brennan: and we look forward to hearing an update from you, now that you have that information. thank you very much, mr. attorney-general. >> thank you. >> brennan: we turn now
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to ben crump, the attorney representing the family of jacob blake, and he has represented the families of breonna taylor and george floyd, and he joins us from tallahassee, florida. if you could respond to the news we just heard from daniel cameron, the attorney-general, he said that they now have the ballistics report from the f.b.i., which suggests something is happening, forward movement with this case after five months. what do you expect? >> well, margaret, thank you for having me.that is welcos because since breonna taylor was executed in the sanctity of her own home by this warrant that was dangerously executed, we have been trying to get answers, our legal team. and as for her mother, who every day demanded from the police department why
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did they execute her daughter in her own apartment, and they've goagotten no it's just been delay tactics, delay delay tactics. we were told when they get the ballistics report, that's what they needed to wrap up his investigation and finally give them answers that they so desperately want and the community so desperately needs to true to heal. so at this point we are hoping that this conclusion will be sooner rather than later because justice delayed is justice denied. >> brennan: are you suggesting that the attorney-general was deliberately delaying pthis? is that what you are suggesting >> well, i know breonna taylor's family is distrustful (indescernable). you must remember, margaret, this three-page police report iro ear ron ir roo
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forced entry, even though she was mutilated, and this is the conspiracy that the family believes that was at the beginning to sweep her death under the rug. so you have to forgive them for not trustg any law enforcement officials right now. and while black people all over america are just trustful. because when it is fitting for them, they release information very quickly. but when it is something that holds the police accountable, we've got this long, involved, investigation. >> brennan: i want to askbout jacob blake, who's family you are working with, how is he doing? and how are the three children who were in his car when they watched their father being shot? >> margaret, thank you for asking about jacob. obviously, he suffered catastrophic injuries.
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a bullet pierced his spinal cord, a bullet went into intestines, where he lost most of his intestines. a bullet went into his colon, where he lost his colon. a bullet went into his kidney, and thank goodness they wer able to save it. he has a hole in his arm. he lost control of his bowel movements. he has no function of his lower organs. for the rest of his life, he is going to be a shell of himself. and his three little boys were in that car. ages 8 years old, 5 years old, and 3 years old, and they witnessed all of this. so you can only imagine the psychological issues these little babies are going to have. and his 8-year-old son was celebrating his birthday, so imagine what the rest of his birthdays are going to be each year.
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>> brennan: our thoughts are with his children. i want to ask you, the president has announced he plans to go to kenosha, wisconsin, on tuesday and he will meet with law enforcement. has the blake family been contacted? are they open to meeting with the president? have they been asked? >> the blake family has not been contacted at this time. the blake family isy respectful of all our elected officials. and as his mother says, she prays for all of our elected officials. so we will see from whether the president trump's administration or vice president's campaign, him and kamala harris, the senator, have already spoken forbout an hour to bla family. but they are just focused right now, margaret, on trying to march for their son because he will never be able to stand up for
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himself, unless a miracle happens. >> brennan: mr. crump, thank you very much for your time today. >> thank you. >> brennan: we will be right back with dr. scott gottlieb. stay with us. its massive capacity and ultra-low lag time is already available in parts of select cities around the country. which means businesses both large and small can innovate like never before. come on in, we're open. r♪ all we do is hand you the bag. simple. done. we adapt and we change. you know, you just figure it out.
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>> brennan: we go now to dr. scott gottlieb, who joins us from westport. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> brennan: we're around 40,000 infections a day, 900 or so deaths a day. how dangerous is it to take this level of virus into the fall with us? >> doctor: i think it is concerning. august should have been a slow month. we should have seen infection levels come down in july and august. we saw infections across the sunbelt actually increase. they are coming down now, so that is a good thing, and hospitalizations are coming down. it is a measure on what the state of the epidemic really is.hospitalizations are t 36,000, down from their
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peak, but as we head into september and october, kids return to school, and people are returning to work, we're likely to see infections go back up, and hospitalizations rise as well. the most concerning trend is as we see the cases fall in the sunbelt, they're picking up across the midwest and the west, and particularly in rural parts of the country. and that's a big concern because those parts of the country probably have less health care resources to keep up with the epidemic. they don't have the same kinds of hospitals and resources to deal with an epidemic like this. >> brennan: i want to ask you about an interview that was just posted in the financial times, withxj- the current f.d.a. commissioner, dr. hahn, or he appears to say, he is open to approving a vaccine before phase 3 trials are completed. that is the stage at whis testig is done. russia and china did this and were criticized.
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why would the f.d.a. commissioner say that he is considering doing that here in the u.s.? >> doctor: well, i saw the article. i don't know what is meant by saying "before the face phase 3trials are completed." they're going to start to read out data. and those events are people getting covid infectiorials progress, if we start to see lower rates of covid infection in the active group, the group that receives the vaccine, verses the placebo group, the trials could read out earlier if the vaesaffective. it is likely the trials aren't going to read out until october. in order to read out in november, they won't -- in order to read out in october, the vaccines will have to be very affective. i'm not sure what he means by approving it earlier than when the trials are completed. they're going to wait for these trials to read out before they can make a decision around the efficacy of these vaccines. it likely will be the case
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that the first authorization of the vaccines will be an emergency use, for populations that are at higher risk, people who work in health care, for example, or because of co-morbidities. so we're liky to see a step-up for people who are at higher risk of attracting an outcome. where people can go to c.v.s. and can a vaccine is probably the first quarter of 2021. >> brennan: for the f.d.a. commissioner -- it will be ultimatob to approve for americans to get the shots in the arm, for him to say something that suggests by passing protocols, isn't or the public agency that americans need to trust? >> doctor: well, look, i think that the agency should be speaking to the
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process, and the process is rigorous. the process is well-established. the agency has put out very clear guidelines of what the approveability of the vaccines is, and what the metric is they're going to use to approve these vaccines. they said the vaccines need to be 50% affective in reducing the incidents of covid disease or reducing infection. so there is a very clear objective criteria that has been put out. i think that's what the agency should be speaking to, the process, the fact it is well-articulated, there are clear guidelines put out. and it goes through multiple layers of review among professional scientists and career scientists, and ultimately the decisions are made by clear leadership of the clinical centers, of the biologic center. people should have confidence in that process, not speaking about the circumstances in which decisions might be made earlier or later. focusing on the process, and the process itself, if we le rely on that, it has
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integrity. >> brennan: are you saying that the f.d.a. commissioner couldn't do what he was saying he could possibly do in this article? >> i don't think the f.d.a. commissioner could step in and obviate a decision by the professional staff. >> brennan: gotcha. i want to ask you about schools. schools in a number of states have seen some level of outbreak. is it best practice to shut the school down or to just isolate those kids? >> doctor: it depends on the precautions that schools have been taking. if the schools have been doing a better job, children wearing masks, and if there is an infection in class, they know that class hasn't been exposed to other classes, just the children in tr pod, i think they could make a reasonable decision to have children in one particular class go and get tested and stay home until they clear and test negative, as opposed of
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closing down the entire school. this speaks to putting the precautions in place so they can isolate the infections, and a lot of schools are doing that. >> brennan: the c.d.c. changed its guidance on testing. why do you think they did it? because the american academy of pediatrics says they object. >> doctor: well, i think it is unfortunate because i think we should be testin5g asymptomatic people who might be at high risk of contracting infection. the new guidance spoke to the need to reportedly not test people who might have been exposed to the infection but haven't developed symptoms. we should be testing thobecausen spread the infection. they're less likely to spjread the infection, but they can still spread the infection. what i'm told by people on the inside, one oyat drove this decision, was businesses were requiring people to test negative before they could return to worthere are mod
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ways to address that and speak to that problem, as opposed to making this very broad-sweeping change, which could be misinterpreted by the general public. so i don't think this change of guidance is likely to be followed by many states. i think it is prudent we test people who might be at high risk of contracting the infection. >> brennan: dr. gottlieb, always good twto talk to you. we'll be right back.
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>>rean: we're all familiar with the public personalities of our sports heros as we know them on the field, on the court, but the personal feelings of many athletes, blhite, came to aftermath of the jacob blake shooting. we go now to cbs news special correspondent and host of "nfl tod," james brown. great to have you here. >> good morning. good to be here, margaret. >> brennan: i mean, seeing the entire sports world came to a halt this week, and as the "new york times" put it, "no longer was sports offering gentrified protes, slogans on basketball jersey, calm, collapsed in the face of the growing
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power of players to make more than a statement, they took action, and it shattered the bubble of normalcy." w using their mega phones? >> the power that they've always had, but have been on the opposite ends i terms of people pushing back, specifically owners and the pç/owers that be. it is to talk about the do conversations i've had with players and executives. the players feel they're at a cross-roads. this is a significant point in history. they don't get the impression that anything significant is being done as they point a figure at leadership in general around the country, that they're not changes. therefore the athletes feel that the platform they have is one they should handle responsibly. and, number two, they have a moral obligation to represent the marginalized and to advocate strongly for that until they see
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serious change made. to me, very uniquely, it is across the spectrum, the nba, the m.l.b -- as well as hockey -- talk about a cultural change. about 30% of the hockey players are american-born, but the rest, they're foreign, but they're on born showing solidarity. >> brennan: so is the change that we heard announced from the nba, put up voting booths in stadiund arenas, the announcement that they'll have some sorttion, is that the kind of change that the players wanted, or will we see these protests continue? >> the former what you're saying. and you may still see the latter because they want to see significant change. look, it has often been articulated work through the system.that's what the athls are doing. and they're not just advocating things.
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these players are doing things. when you look at the likes of lebron james. when you look at the likes of patrick mahone and others, they are putting their resources and their actions where their articulation has been, and that's significant. i michael thomas in the nfl mentioning to me before he comes from the houston district, and many of the people theresaying,r being a voice for us because we're not being listened to, and you are. and he has been on capitol hill for two years now, working as an intern to learn how to work through the system, but he represents a number of athletes w are doing that, margaret. >> brennan: james, from the players you talked to, do they feel like they're being forced into taking a stand here? us a passion project among some. charles barclay this week said, it is exhausting bewhen you're a tom brady, but
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nobody asks him about what is going on in white america. is this an unfair burn, or is this something the players feel is a passion project? >> it is reality in terms of what charles barclay said. this isn't a black problem only because the only way path forward is, and the only solution is for it to be inclusive. can-americans have been trying to articulate, advocate, scream about what the issues are, but it has fallen on deaf ears. this is a titanic ship, back to the civil rights movement when the world saw those girls in their sunday finest being beaten up. this is a human problem, so, yes, it and many of the athletes feel the passion because they come from those communities and have been doing the work for years. a number of years ago, i worked with the nba/nfl's
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players' association, athletes who were working to strengthen the fabric of their communities. they've been doing work, but everybody else needs to get on board and follow that. it is for the right reasons. >> brennan: a tectonic shift, thank you, j.b. >> yes, ma'am. >> brennan: next sunday j.b. will be hosting a five-hour special about the courage of black athletes in the face of injustice. it is called "portraits in black," and it will be broadcast here on cbs at 1:00 p.m. eastern. we'll be right back. @/ want restaurants to open?
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(bright music) - lcome to today's program, i'm dr. wendy walsh, and a nationallyy is sex recogniz trial lawyer and advocate for survivors of rape, jeff's firm, herman la one of ts xu most prominent personal injury law firms, specializing in threpresentation of victims of sexual abuse in civil cases. jeff, thanks so much for being here. - thanks for having me, dr. walsh. - based on your experience, who are the typicalperpetrators?
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