tv KPIX 5 News CBS February 6, 2021 6:00am-6:58am PST
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llcas of discmirination as california's banon indoor ch ur chseesrvic a rerejected. tela ghnit ru lingfrom the supreme cot.ur whatdo es itfor indoor wohip now? deg nyinacce. ss prest idenbin'des concern over e cutyri briefings and alre reasonhy w he believes donald trp shou ldnot ceacss siclasfi edinfoatrmion. >> what value is viging him an teinlligence brngiefi? what impa ctesdo he have at all? super bo wlfe ver. how tole cebre atand enjoy the gainme the bay area but keep d covisa. fe why rtexpes e arconcd ernethere ulcod be a new sp ike. goodor mning. its tusarday ferybrua 5. i am ily turner. les t'start with a ecchk of our wehe r. it isstaying nnsuy and much of isth wkeeend. 'sthat obprab lythe heliadne in e thfocarest that gets us thugroh today and tomorrow. th ere is going to bea little bit on e shorflow that returns o
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nd. ay more oatn th as we get to the work week. ally it's onlyg gointo me an a few remo clouds in the mog rninin the th at'sabt ouit. ere is a alsml chance for light raincoming backby later inhe week top of the mark hopkins hotel, t nooua cld out there. e scene from the top of the sales e forctower shows a clear rning. sail story in san . jose similar y storhe, ree thtri eyvall. erevybodisy in the 40s exce ptn la ndeyvalls. satisfy than a 3rosa4, cod ncor 39. it cd olenough with the 34 in nta , rosavibisilitydo is wn to a milein the rtnoh cayou n e sethat would be our e onarea where 'vwee got an e issuwith fog. bewa oref that. ifyoaru e on the road in so. noma there are your ytdaimhie ghs, ne 70 lainndnd a it will be 59 year e thcoast. we'll reverse e thosnumbers xtne time i see you. ilemy back ytoou. stla night, u.s. prsueme
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court iapartlly overturned califo'srnia b anon indo or chursech rvesic during the ndpaemic ngruli that the atste can limit religious gathinergs to 25% of building'spa caci ty but not ban them out ri ght. thcoe urt did ldupho carnlifoia's rules against religious icserves. gthough at new, the police union in vallejo soundithng e alarm about what it says is a staf fingcrisis with less than 10llfuy aitrned officers the cepoli fiofce arsssociation yssa e thcity has 93 ofcefirs, the lostwe number in s.year it says the po licechief and tyci leerads are focused too rrnaowly on new trainees raerth than finding ofcefirs withexripeence from other rijusdictions. a ttleer says the vpoa ntwas to provide best poibssle police rvices to e thci tyof vao,llej pteroct members of r ou commy,unit and ensure safety of offirsce, l alof e
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reseveina veli oklo to cal pitohi, llcongressional democrats are moving forward th the anpl to by pass republican support for president bis den'arnely $2 tr ilonli covid relilaef pn. as natalie brand reports, ushoe speaker nancy pelo sisays she wants the nafil bill passed within two s.week >> repo: rterpridesent biden si gnedal friday he is willing goto it e alonwithout reblican support to get his $1.9 tronilli cidov lireef pl an passed. i oiam gng to act. i am going to act fast. reporter: rerefencg inlatest jo bsre portthe espridt ensays thecomony is still ou and esgu counter proposal offered by tesena pureblicans esn't go far enough at abt ou a thofird theriof present'anastod anr othe$1.9 tio $900 billion tt hawe just en acd tefive and a half weeks
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o aghas gone out e thdo. or >> midd leclass folks edne help. you don't need to get any help mesoone ma $king30000,0 or 25 0. reporter: hiin s first letevision interview since sw orinn , the president tes ll rah o'donnell he is wig llin to comisprome onwho receives ,4$100ti smulus ch ecksand on plhis an for a $15 minim mu wage i>> am prepared as espridt en ofthe unit edstates on a separate niaegotti onon minimum wa twoo rk my wayup from wh it is. now >>ep rorter: the niadmisttiraon contueins the push to ramp up vaccinat. ions in new york legearndy yankees st adm iuhas turnedo int mass vaccination tesi that llwi rvbrsix rents lyon. >>br onx has been dirospportionatelyec afftebyd the empandic. we have to wgohere the need . >> reporter: toin pesur bo wl sund, ayfederal thheal officiale s arurging icamerans to avoid parties. t>>here will be oino ltengri on bourbon restet.
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>> repoerrt: the yomar of w ne orleans is ordering barscl os ed tyci wide arstting next friday thh rougmardi gras day on bruary . 16th n >> isathe me interview with norah o'eldonnl, espridt en biciden tes concerns erov doldru tmp's access to clsiedfi information >>should former pridesent trumilp stl receive intellceigen befriings? >> i inthk not. >> why t?no >> because of his raertic habevior related to the insurrec. tion >> you have called him an ex stone alshl threat, dangerous, releckss. >> i have. and i believe it. >>t' whas uryo wot rsfear if he continues to get e th intellig encebriefings? i'd rather not speculate out lo. ud i justin thk erthe is no need for him to have that inteenlligcebr iefing. at value is giving him an intellceigen briefing? wh atim pact does he veha other
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than the fa ctthat he ghmit sl aipnd say something? >> watch the full interview n a d nutimes in the mo nthsleading to dnesday's try.aged the collision claid methe life f -ya 26eaolr-d who moved to e bay area just ysda ago. why the sut specwas still on stthe res etdespe ithis lengthy rearst record. >>reporter: e th-y26ear-old depestrian kille d ina car crh,as a kenyan immigrant and dautrtmoh adgruate, his fewi, thr eiyounsog n had stju moved suecspt in the death jerry lions ofan s frano ciscwas drinivg a 20 f03ord explorer olen out of san jo. se lions s warearst edin december
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2020 by chp r fomieasdemnor dui,vi dring stolenar c, iving without a license. after his release in april from state prison ona angrd theft ch ar, gehe was arre stedat ast vesen otr hes,time six of thosine san temao, all mi sdeaemnor feofnses. e >> hhanos t been to urcot on any of emth. myfi ofce has chgeard ea chone th. em theyse're patera secas. they're in the sy. stem he has aparpeance dates becausen misdemearsno during the paemndic, nobody is getting booked ithnto e ilja. >>po rert: eruntil a few years ag ao,ny parolee who committed offense would be sent ckba to ate prison. der rrcuent crinimal justice rermg uidelines paesrole o wh commit misdnoemearsar e sent to county jail butth at's not pphaening because of the pa ndicem. >> isut's ppedos to be with the te on in
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oala. nd two ac atorsrepi tching in to find the suspect o whulassated an elrldey man inak o 'sland china town. th isvi deo of a 91r--yeaolmad n sh ovedto the ougrnd has the local asian uncommitony high t.aler kianm d woo e arteamg inwith the opmetrolanit ba nkto offer a 0,0 00reward for informn atioleinadg toa suecspt's arrest. mar yolibbscy haaf is exedpect stopeakt ouabout the string attacks agt ainsthe asian couny iton mond. ay>> there is a tendency not to report these inthgs cabeuse we thinatk th nothing will get done. t buwe need rtoept orthese things. nee dsto be known. if my dahtuger dndi't ce om withme toy,da i wod ulbe sc ar edto come to china town. > >>a live oklo w noat the raymond james stadm iuin taa mp baloy, fri. da footbafell veisr ri singwith me betwn eethe anbuccee rsand
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fschie inkickg f oftomorrow. inar pts of the bay area restaurants llwi have rglae tdouoor atseing eaars like ese in walnut creek for ople who want to tcwah the mega. many fans y sathey're gichanng plans up this year though mpcoaredo ta normal sur pebowl ndsuay. >> it's disaoippnting because we did wanto tgo to las vegas. usually go t. here but i re allywant to be fucarel. >> the excimetent is still thexere ce pti don't t geto t be my squesar where i normally go toe lika r supewlbo part y. >> it's basically a lihoday. isth year it's going tobe a lechalnge. >>ea hlth experts e arerconcned at after a few indrks people could t letheir argud down leing to another ikspe in vid cases. >> we ntwa to make resu that the pesur wlbo does t nobecome e thnext. >> outdoor tvs wi llbe allowed in ntcora costa itdespe the sspoibility of usenthiaicst nsfa yelling.
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tcwah right here pion kx5. coverage ss tartat1: 100. kick off is at 3:30. afr the game catch prieemre tofhe equalizer and th ena specl iaeditn ioof kpix5 ne wsat 8:00. 6:10. stilahl ead on kpix5 and streamg inon cbsn bay area, a bay area trainer who helped rry bonds cobeme the home run ngki has a w nemissn,io congachi cidov patients. >>ar> quteacrbk match upof all time. whiso rootg infor whom? wi itbe e thgoat orthe kid who comes t ouon top? >>a livelook idoutse be fore break. it will be a beautifuwel ekend. we'l oroweat bread. gatherin g,baking and derelivin the goodssne of nature... om o frneen geration to thet d fr anomee sd to slice. ♪ ahhh.h. a ahhhhh. h. a♪
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>>a > man who s haaitrned some of the bay area's most brceleat edathletes is hicoacng d covipaentits in e thfight of their life. dungri the giants y barrbonds power hitting restak, shies ld was at his desi. he's becoen acnghi covid-19 ctviims, four to six of th ema day,strengthening their imnemu sy, stemtrsfanerring erengy, g usinan ary raof eabrthg inand stretcnghi exercises. h>>ow was it u yowere absolutely inconvced you could lp these patients? >> i started heg lpinsome of my friends that had it. sorsfit i was just tainlkg to emth. wh en iwas talking to them, i said t'les y trthis d ansee if
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we can open up uryo chest. itst arted s>>hields has them ghfiti ng against what he calls acute re spatirory direstss ndsyrome bee causconarovirus can severely affthect e nglus. i >> didn't like sengei people i fe lthelpless. i wanted to do someg thinto helpot hers. ha>> wt he brgsin ishis ergy, his love and mpcoassion fopeleop. to m e,that's prics.eles my>> olwhe objective is to do whatever i can to lphe pe ople ime provtheir , lifegi vepeople ho. ght now we need hope. don't talkwe need onti>> shields tis get in front of a computer d an workth wi him. he s hacod-vi19 cls ientfrom around the trcouny. >> a eagrt story. s let'talk about atwh's g gointo kema datoy and this weekenndd ki ofunueiq. noou cldsat loatok the ewvi. this isur o camera on top of thmae rk pkhoins hotel.
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u yoare not seeing evena scrap of e thslightt esmarine layer showing up in that view. it's so r cleau yocan even pick out one of the arsts inhe t dicestan. that's from the top of the mark hos.pkin that's fm rothe top ofthe sales fotorce we r. same orsty . here let's get a cl oserlook at the east bay. atth's 880. the whole stretc h isfr eeand clr. sa meto sry in the i trvaeyll. inrm tes of fog erthe is a minor issue in e thnoh rtbay. everyt ihing said about e ther nobeg ina rascp of clouds plapies to like 90% of the bay area exptce up here. a santsaro visibility is wndo toal a hf mile. 'sthat our usual bltroue otsp because it gets so much colder there. ifyou lo aokt the current nu mb, er'sit 34 in santa rosa. it 's 44 in oakland. the air cown lo enghft oen times, you cat n ge ecoldnoh ugthat you will deloa p little bit fog on the
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ad. 'sthat w hysanta rosa's got to de thwi that. asfar as the big picture, we'vt e goan fsofho refl. ow thatwh's y thingse arso eaclr in the bay. ok at e thstreneamlis going hooffsre, strong winds down north. wah w hoth ischgeans into telar this aften.rnoo it startots rntu back on shore a little bit and really sttsar toco me ba ckon orshe into sunday. th gat'soing to gechan inthgs in a subtle way. it llwi be cooler. may pull in a few ouclds by ndayrn moing into e thbay area. you want to bigger change, we have to look rtfuher. onur futect asyou can see the geru's wth indog th isbecause i want you to see atwh tries to get in monday t righthere. a weak emsyst tries to bring rain. hovethr e only thing we will noceti will be the clou. ds that's that btsule change i was owshing with the winds. ndmoay starts out oucldy but we don't get mu chrain if any out tt.ha
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that system mo ndayin totuesday falls ap art. let me show you when the next e ongets here. thisge tsinto thuraysd. byur thsd aynow wee 'vgot a stsyem that's tryi ngto g brin usai rn. that does not look terribly im prsiesve either. but there is a small anchce of rainurthsd ayand friday and perhaps by next weekd ena betttoo sp ecicif or excid teabouatt th. since it's the,er it's worth ta lkg inabout . it today sunny d anmid to upper 60s. 68or f the daytime high in san jose. 68n imilpitas. 68pleasant hill, dubl. in we'lgol to mid 60s for immedie ateast bay. mbers in north ba sp to mrosaing inhese ven-day caforest, 'lst a ekend. the isthe olco down and ineacrse in clouds we saw. by thuy rsdaand idfray, a small ance of inra on ther e.
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muche moron atth as we get erclos. emily, btoack y. ou moreon our super bowl coverage. su pebor wl lv's quabarterck match up isone of the most tiancipated in aryes thwi the legendary tom y bradfacing unyog super star patrick mahomes. there will be no shortage of opinion among fansover who llwi have the iedgen the big mega. r>>eporter: fool tbalnsfa in tampa are more thany readfor suaynd's super bowl. on e of the eagrt quarterback match ups, trpaick maho mes,one of the nfl's brigeshtt unyog super sts arverses tom brady, the go, atwidely conserided e th greatest of all . time >> tom adbry the goat. heck no. >>wh y do you inthk tom is the tter quaracterbk? >> ink thi he'sgot the most expecerien. he is at his 10th sur pebowl. mbers don't lie. >> tellme why u yothk in
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trpaick homames isbett? er >> heis youn g. he is f it. hes nidefitely not 43. ra>> bdy won six super bowl thwi patstrio and now is okloing r footanher with e th bu. cs winor selo, you have to lay it on the line. it's great to bee wahitcng. >>mahos meis , 25n wofirst per wlbo stla year with e th ch iefsand many are llcaing himh e byba atgo or the kid. >>the goalis to win as many per bos wlas sspoib leand to be playing the game every . year i will veha th atmind set every time i hitthe elfid as i am tryio ng tt geback in the game and i am trying to win it. >> almost codnul't write a betterri scpt for us ingog into this game. >> ts hiis the biggesgat me patrick mahomes will erev py la in for the rest of his career. onthe ly way to tccah tom brady. we'll find ou ss 10miviewer
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aythth > >>it's quesonti thweis ekd,en super wlbo lv, who yat? go chiefs? bu? cs i willve ha that lar.te if that n'ait enough, the sharks, as ♪ s ♪ it'thane brd new chickennc dae song uh ♪ ♪ get down heat it upke li ana sau ♪ ♪ spin ar ooundne time ifan you wna ♪ w nechicken dance ♪ spin ar ooundne time icnew chkendn sawich my juicy, stthicke ft illeyet. my cludwck sanicmbh coos. aonlyt jack in the box.
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great party ycarl muyou st of blowyon ur budget. no t acextly. reve gate win muyou st of blowyon ur budget. name b srandnasck otonsf atme, and where did yogeu t this imported cheese? llheo? ergrocy tlouet bargain mt.arke wa sntome peanut brutte witht? tha hano tnk js,ust us. more bfoeef r ssle bacon.
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dot n'be jelly. ♪grocrey outletgl jine♪ israe a glass... toin savgs inuctroding my brneand w chicken. ! iscrpy, unchdiy breangmy on juicy, thickest fillet yet, toitpped wh ermysty sauce and ck piles on a briunoche b. my cluck sandwicosh comb. onjaly at ckth in e box. ♪ ♪ good nhl up top omfr last night and san sejo shksar, age old thing i li keto say, three periods of ho, ckeynot ouengh. i willgive it to them, they rned last night's victory on . guts pure guts. this one, sharyske ha vinga goatt. i this would end up in a shoot t ouas sharks hung in at aneiahm, one of their nemesis
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om southern focalirn. ia later, it is anaheim mighty ducks taking the lead. then it s watied at . four wh a reyou going to do? shoo, tsscores, kevin lankba. i velo my local bank t buwhen vin labank hi, tsthat 's someinthg. 5-it4. pcher trevor bower in a dodgs erunif orm,e onti mereds n d the reigning cy young winner, first major league base pballlar yeto make $40 llion in a single stsyem. meantime the ch iefsqutearrback paicmak homes is the it y,gu no doubt. d you know there was a time he had dreams of inplayg babasellik le his ddday on the e ft. look at bypa e tithe mound at tes xatech. w>> iald kethe fit rsguy, i
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evbelie, hit the second guy, gave a double and eyth sc aored i tagot ken t ouof the game. think its wainfinity era which ist n'probab ly agood one. at's not sothmeing i am very prou hd toavone my re. cord somelast night,lo cora hdoad to co meto their homade th em pay for inhandg emth eithr first lossth ree s weekago. stford won the match up 62- 54. cain nalow 16-2. odd ensce in brooklyn, raduntis msed the start of the nets raptoram ge because of ntcoactrt acing. th enn ithe third qutearr he was pulled omfr the gameteafr it was scdiovered e thpeonrs he wain coacntt with tested positive for covid-19. couldn't bieelve it. llfoowing his removal he twee"fted remee ." brynookl stlo 123-117.
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take it omfr one who lebattd th isco, vid n'doest ssme around. they don't carewho yoe,u ar where yo u'vebeen, how much moy neyou got. shwa your handnds, a stay safe. see you later. >>6:. 25 still eaahd on kpix5 and streamg inon cbsn bay area, one bay ar eatthiing pause button on vaccinat. ions what napa county says they need to do first and thwho at's gotoing aecfft. co uld isth be the swaner? a world rsfit study into mixing vacc. ines after the eabrk, ndfi out if it affes ctthe immune rnsespoe.
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i'rgm moan, thand ere's more toth me an hiv. moree, re atudvenre,... cmoreommu.nity wibut th mv y hitreatment,... there's not more minedices y in mpi i tao tor.and itched to... fer mewedicines with d prescription d ovato is f or se adomults ar who e artistng hiv-1 entreatmt or repcingla their currentv- hi1 gimeren. wi... thjust med 1 pinill,. dovato is as effecti veas ag 3-druregimen... to help you reach d stanay undetectable. research showseopl pe whtakeo v trhieatmt asen preribescd... an d get to and stay undetectable... cano ln onger transmithi v rougthh sex. don' t take dovato if you're allergicto a of nyits ingredients... or if you takeil dofetid hepatitin s b cabeme hcoarder to thireat wleakin tg dovato. do not stop wdovatoitut le-th si effan c occur,
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cling.udlergicct, lacticbu acid ilp, and liver msproble. if you have a rash and other sym ptoms of a n allergic rea..ctio. stop tdoaking va andto get medilpcal he rht aigway. tellour ydoctyoor if u have dneyki or liver problems, cl inuding hepatis b tior c,... iyou f are, may be, p orlato bn e pregnant. your doctomay r pres cribe a differt meendicine... than dov ato if you plato bn e pregnant or inaf pregncy is confied rm during theirst f tri.mester dova mayto harm yo unburorn use effective rth bicont rol... while tang dkiovato. most cn siommodeff eects are heacadhe, na,...usea dirharea, tre sloubleeping, redn ties as,nd anxiety. msouch goes... whointo i am. hiv mene dici oisne part of it. k dyouroctor aboutot dova d—i d.
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welcome . back it istusarday, february 6. ksthan r fojoining us. les t'start with a k checof our heweatr withmeorteologist da rr enpeck. >> sunny and warm today, a lot keli yesterday. yowiu ll not veha tointhk ouabt the atweher for the next couple d ays. there is a smchce of rain by the time gweet to the end of the sedaven-y refocast. we willlook at atth. the headlines today are y sunn and warm a. gain there is a little bit of a weak on shore owfl atth's going to come back aymond. that will inbrg the mari ne r layeba ckaymond inmorng, r a thew thtop
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thmae rk hoinpks hotel. w gorgeous is that? another view from sales force inlookg sout h, downthe bay. you can already see y earl morng inlight arstting to fill thsky in the distance. clos erlook wndo south shows sajo. se you see e thensce erov dotownwn, perfectleay clr, same in the trvai lley. asfar as the y wa itfeels, livermore is 47. you are not far from the cara 'spoint ofie vw. kloaand, there is a litt let bi fog at the airport but t nomuch seelwhere. for santsaa ro, erthe is. itis 32 in ntsaa rosa. it is freezing liratelly for sa nta rosa d anit is ggfoy. look ate thvilisibitydo, wn to .8 of a mile. i will be back with moreonhe t re ostf the forestca in a few minutes. > >>taking a live lo okat oakland, the new poceli chief is t seto be sworn in moaynd. he is dea pu tychief, oakld an native and 20 year veteran of
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the e.forc >> this department is log okin for a mentor, looking for a leerad. >> 'sthat atwh i plan to inbrg to theposition, a adleer that's gderound inkloaand to un detarsnd how poimrtant it is that young peop ilen the ci ty grow up in a place th eyfeel sa fein. >>while ingrowg up, deputy ief aronmstrg stlo his big brother ton guviolceen. >>en wh you lose pe,eopl it's mesothing that s livewith u yo forever. ricaamn-erican boys are going seto e me and think i can do th at. >>da> toy marks the e onyear an nirsveary when the rsfit knowrsn peon in santa clara di edfrom coronav. irus 57-year-oltrd paic iadow racontct edthe ruvis despite no t avtreling tsouide of the co at the time her atdeh was
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thoughe t sheddi of a heart attack. this was e threwes ekbefore atsetle announceatd wh was beevlied to be the rst atdehs viru s. ghmit ta r fo ig leget a ccvaine in napa. county offlsicia veha hit pause buttonon injecting first ses. eyth say vacce insupply is low and they need tocatch up on giving second s.dose front lieane hltarhce rkwoers and peleop 75 and older are beg ioprritized. >> > a pair of bay area stadiums beg intransfmeord into mass invaccatn iosites. saa clara teamed up with er49s to transform levi stadium to the laesrgt vaatccinion site in caliiaforn. healthic offia lsy sa that sh aouldll owthe county to deliver e twicasma ny doses. military srtuppo is exedpect to riarve atthe oaklanlod cossm eunext week to ahelpdmisinter ccvain bin deadministration asked ntagon to pre ovida total of ,01000 trpsoo to stf af100
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vainccation centertis naondewi. forer mo information on who is elib lefor a vacce inand where yon u caget one, check our online urresoce guide kp ixom.c/vaccine. >> > w,ne the world's fit rs study to find out if mixing cod vivaccines rkwos has been laedunch in uk. n ialee res portomfr london on the telast ndfiings. >> porert: erwith remo lepeop rolling up their slveees as more vacnecis roll out, ientists in. k want toknow if mixing the shots is a safe option. ina new trial alheth peexrts will inexame whr ethegiving diffenert vaccines r fofirst an d second do secould still boost imnimuty against d-covi 19. >> it makes it chmu easier to administer if you n'dot have to worry about always giving e th secoosnd de thsae me as the t firsdo. se reporter: volunteers will geinitial dose of the pfizer vaccine foowlled by boa oster otsh of arazecad
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rsa. e>>veryone is loinokg to what happennes xt if we have new rastins anifd immituny wanes and people. >> reporter: researchers aim toa ve the initial reltsus by summer. vaccines we eralso combined to successfully fight highly inctusio ebola outb. reak >> it's someg thinth atis done storically with vaccines for hepatitis, children's ccvain es with obviouy slpoli o,asmele s, mumps, rullbea. >> if successful doctors peho wean c mix and may out of the pandemic this year. a live look at sfo, if you are traveling be ready to mask up or pay up. anyone o whviolates the deferal
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maskreirquement for ma ss tranwisit ll be find. first ofe willto 1500 r forepeated viioolatns. pphaening today, the rsfit weekend ofst etre closures in san francio'scs mission diri mcteant to enagcoure foot traffic antdd ouoor bunesiss activity. levancia st reetis oscled to vehicle trfiafc ridung daytime hos urbetween the 16thand st21 atar ea just west of mission st re ethas a lot of restaus rant and cafes. e threstet sh aredsp aces prraogm wi llcont inueeach weekend on valeianc through the end ofne ju. to san sejo where a police academy keli no other just gruaadted and took the thoa. 42 new officers end uredthe longest ruinnng academy in the department's history. kpix5 spoke to them about how the pand emickepthe tm fr om
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gruangti monagths o. >> reporter: san jo sestreets ll w nobe trolled e th38 s breaking 12 mo nthsin the emacady. the offi cersstteard training la stfebruary, just one h mont berefo the cklo dn.ow >> at fit rsit s waa dippointment. then youre alize for the job reyou ally haveo tbe apadtable. >> reporr:te for three ntmohs, acthe ady emwas on pae usand go newere drea msof patrolling reets by the end of la st year. of fir cezachary will iamssa ys he sawit as an opportunity. >>it s wathree months f ofthat oowe tk advantage of. we were able to sty udmo. re >> you have endured challenges to uryo training never imagined. >>po rert: erthe class went rough the academy ridung civirel unldwifire s,a ch iangen espridency. it be enuttoed as most rsdivee to d ate. >> some ouof y he avas far as south afcari and ghantaisn. yoaru e oranphs, nfl
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>> iist so impoanrtt that we reflect the uncommits iewe rve. ri>> btty angarrison. reporter: the ascls included n tewomen including officer isaryewointense kiof beeliftayiciawillmsay ss h gisetti ngused to his new >> ielt fes differentweird. now th iat am yisang i am a poceli officer. class 38, racongtutilaons. >> reporter: new ceoffirs will o touhrgh 16 more ekwes of field trngaini rebefo they're ontheir own. in the past decade e th number of officers hadrs opped by16% according to the rcmeury . newsth e mbnuer emery genccalls hanes arly doubled. in a few hours, san ciscfrano's biggt esdog park wireopll en. thainie trng area just got a
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great y partcayrl yomuu st oblf own your bud not exactly. you have great wine bn of mean e wherdid you geist th imported cheese? hello? grocery outlaret bga minarket. want speome an bututter thwi that? no thanks, jusust . mo breeef for lesson bac. don't elbe jly ♪gry ocreouettl jingle♪ raisgle a as..s. to savings!
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sk i sorerts in sierra gearing up for a busy ekweend. they say itcondio nsare eagrt wileth carki ses watch a mid ekwe refresh much snow. with super bowl su ndaytomorrow they expect more lepeop than usual. ho wer veresorts cannofot fer indoor inseatg ors tvto watch h e game. ifyou plan to tail gate, chp s haa warnin g. open contr ainela wsstl ilapy pl even if you e arparked. >> we e arencouraging fos lkto make their cthar eir lodge. we have seen impivresse tailgatietng s s.up >> say you veha a ttbole of tequila enop a ndthwiin of the passengersat, th isan >> proatls llwi be on the oklo
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our t foimirpaed driv ers. there nisot going to be a lo t ofnew snow but eyth've engott somuch, you will not be avoi dingrocks if you gothere. les t'put it that y.wa early lit ghowshs close to 30 n away. it's not comuping until 7:09. l we'lenjoy the early light. it just oklos greavet, en better ftorom p of the sales force tower looking over the y babridge. noceti how clear it is outhere fomost of the bay. th'sat the way we are waking up certainly in the south ba y. thatth's e y wait oklos over san jose. ase wlo okover the tri valley now that e thsun has vegin more lit ghin the sky, youe sehow betiaufully clear it is. it's not so beautiy fullclear everywhere. athe t airport akat ola, nd mae erthe is a ttbit fog but that's real llyimited. it 'san sta rosa where the er bwille an suise with fog. it was 32 last timei ecchke d.
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it olis cd enghou that we veha beeven delinopg fog. u yocan see a gray bullseye. en though visilibity for santa roaysa ss eight mi les, laste timwehe ccked it s lfha thelat tlsus atth the fog is getting sloshed arndou. itgh mit have cleared montmearily over that particularso cenr atthe airport up erthe for sonoma stju outside of santa rosa. but it can just as lyeasi ce om back. the take away is it isy.fogg imdayte ghhis, upper 60s inland. ere is a little bit of an fsofhore breeze. that's why thin gsstayed so clr.ea it sdnhoul'tbe that noceleab. th tingshat willstand t ou , mosthi ghclouds will meco back a t biov erthe next few days. you willar bely notice thatit will we get to mo. nday a chan ceof rain here absoteluly falls t aparbefore its gethere. ally all we are intalkg about is an eaincrse in high cldsou as wt e geinto the rleay part theweek. th e wean gea stemattries ing
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, t oklo siesve. the eris ay th phaerps a better chance foinr ra aswe get to ne xt ekend. at's saturday. ekwe from to day. it's a litt letoo far out in lo ngrange mode lsto say we've goa great inramar kecoming xtne weekend. bu t 'sit mesothing to keep an eye on as a sspoibility. sardtuay, plenty hisunsnean d pr ettywarm, close to ten eedegrs abe ovaverage for this ti ofyear fostr mo spot s. 69 becampll, 68 milpasit. nus mberinar f east bay soal in we'll see temperat uresfor immedieaate st bay and h nort bay co meinto e thmid 60s as we. ll look athe t w lo 70s. clover dale, 71. st. lehena goes to 70. there is thatsmall ch anceof raacin bk here by the meti we get to thursday and idfray.
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that's abt ouit. you don't see a lot else on there. stju a little bit of a incoolg trend thatgets us to the y earl and middle of isth nextweek. wel 'lkeep an eye on th atsmall chance of frayid. it'sbr feua. ry this onis e of our big ntmohs. it'snot ceni to e sea lisod week like this so th at'ssunny d anwarm but it's ceni to ma ke plans. it will be nice for the ouootdr seating. three staurants need to make up for the business. t buit's not grt eafor the rain tols. e >> warstt putting people at our tdoobltaes and 'vwee got perfect atweher for th. at >> thanks. an 88-year-old mfoan und himself trapped in sierra snow and manage d torvsuive. spcer was t oufor his whwaucstr women fohiund m. >> it could have killed me. >> there was no second outhght.
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itwas dive in and ndfi out how he was indog. >> we chase arbes, rescue raccoo. ns this e wasascoy mpared to a lot of that. >> the won mefrom lake e taho wildlife carespotted his furry blk accap and eacrted a path inh e owsn unl tiit was safe to slide him out. eramic aanssociation of retired person working to be sure niseors don't feel isolatn ed oth isvalentine's y.da mich ellegrgoie spoke to the ex ecivute director ofwish of a tilifemefr om e thrpaa and asd m hiall about the cupid . crew >> every valentine's day we take a departure from wish angrting and acreh out to is oledat older adults to try and spread some lo ved anshare messages of suppfoort r isat oedlder adults. thisr yeait's our 8th year. we have beenfortuntoate partner withgirl scouts of the
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usa and d cupicrew 2 021. >> how does cupid crew help ea leloniness amongst niors? >> it's a t greatiqueson. loneli nessand isolioatn is a gehu obprlem for our stolde generas.tion even before the pandemic, millions of diinvialdus across h e uncotry are viling alone and riexpeenngci effects of isolation. thbee st way to mbcoatef fects is to connect them with the community ndarou emth, with lod veones and vontluee. rs thatha's wt cu atyl picayear il deliver s.rose this yearca beuse of the pandemic we e ararshing love fr omafar by crtieang cards and nting heart felt ssmeages to the diinviduals. >> > r foalmost a ye ara hbneigorodho has ba nned toergeth to help feed those
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mo vstulneblrae to covid-. 19 are intrucoded to the main orzeganir behind the community projt ecand isth week eafewawin reporter: 84-yearld-o sar ah getsa special develiry. >>i have lidecis oumeals i n'dot have to worry abou t. >> reerport: th anksto he lpbe rkeyel. y >> mdiernn has arrived. >> reporter: the npnorofit sureses niorci tize ns eltengri at home don'got nghury. >> it's alrely moving. porerter: milechel and several ignehborlas unch edlphe beelrkey quickly at the start tofhe pandemic th visolunteer praises elmichle e'sxperience in arsttingec th coanmpies. m>>ade it sspoible in ten days dtoo what no one elseas h been able to do. repteorr: peop leaged 60 d an deolr vulnerable to cavoronir us
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can order two restaurabynts phone or onliorne f free delivery. it keeps older ad ultsd feand restaurants enop. >> to ldher she hadn't had a warm meal fotwr o mont. hs >> rorepter: lphe beelrkey h as lidevere25d ,000 meals to more than 001,0 residents mainly in berk, eleyalbany, kensoningt. the program works thwi 20 reaustrants and 400 volueentrs o whbring fo odand a crucial nncoection. >>ery ceni to meet you. >> esthe are pe oplewho have been olisated for many mo, nths some for almost a year. >> reerport: this customer is grateful. >> i am very happy to be voinlvedwi th oppeleho w have so much brignehtss going on in eir lives. >>th ese will ck ooin five numites. ep>> rorr:te help beelrkey rtpanerewid th e thchef over the hoyslida to provide rehunddsf oalmes for free. mi chleel isndfu raisg into ofr femore food freeof charge. >>he's got a huge heart.
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it's aabll oufit nding lusotions. heonansttly needs to k twea things to tmakehis nghappen. >> rertpoer: he is mbhuled rvseing with cari ngvolunt. eers >> we meet peleop self selected r fonegoodss. they're people who want to make a difference. reporter: for deliriveng oudiscnt medeals to lnvuerleab seniduors ri nge thpaicndem, th week's awd argoes to ... > >>if you would like to nominate somee onfor a bay eaar jeerffson arawd, find the online
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of t hesenator. the snn owmas haa atco ane d th famouste mitns and is in a urposte similar to the nator's. it lksoo very real. >> > looking live ae t thraymd on james stayrued cmbin florida whe erhistory will be . made sarah thomas will be the first felema official to work the nfl's bit ggesmega. ma rkstramassnn rorepts om fr tampa. >> rorteepr: wefit rst mesarah asthom at a job autidion nearly eit ghs yearag o. >> 29 aiagn. >> repo: rterthe former coegteia line judge wa nted nfthe l tohire her d anmake hiorsty. >> thenfl at this point is the nofe male le. ague >> iats th whheat ty call ? it no. i know a lot of females are maybe inspired that there isa ge nderbarrier that's been broken. >>or repte r:e shgot the job, another barrier broken for the
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ssissippi mo otherf rethe. w,no a super bo. wl >> do theytinoce the difference? when i walk up and have mascara on and ybmae lip gloss, they notthice e difference. >> reporter: enwh you ha vesome 0-30pound guy in uryo face yelling about some llca you , madewh atis that like? >> i s waan hlatete my selfone i me. i joke t abouit. i ulcodn s'ttand the offialcis. >> rtrepoer: seven women coh ac for varis ounftel ams, two assistant cos achefotar mpa bay aat time. toing >> reporter:e thleague's first lefema ceo for e ththen kloaand idraers. >> gwtroh s haceairtnly been trenemdousce sin i arstted my career. ch repoerrt: more mewon y ma ase nfl drea. ms yearld t-ohomas' advice i >>would simply look atou y and say "do it." >> reporter: thomas did, a first in the l,nf the newly
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lefema lgueae. ma rkstrassmann, cbs news, licafornia top alheth officincal eougirang everyone to watch the super bowl at home. e says in her opinion it's noa t good eaid to attend a wah rtpay at a bar or reaustrant even ifit does have ouoor t seup. >> when peleop have had a few inks, are projecting eithr voices, trngyi to eat those icchken wings, atth is a recipeo r respading covid. th iswhy we reallyre coenmmd that s folkstay home and ceatlebre with members of their own housd.ehol >> dr. harris also suggests texting or teleconferencing with friends to erbant ckba and rtfoh ouabt what's going on during e thgame. watch on kpix5. cove sragetas rtat 11:00. kick off is at 3:30. ter the ga, methe prem iereof the equalizer. th aen special ioeditn of the
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heart at. tack she died three weeks before vas relateded aths occu rred in seattle which were evbelied toe the first in the u.s. u.s. supreme court last ght partially overturned licafornia's ban on indo or church rvseic. es it idsa religiouths gaergsin shld be ald loweat % 25 catypaci. high court upldhe a ban on siinang d chanting though. > >>vallo'ejs po liceunion wainabg out what itsa ysa shortage of officers. says it must hire more people with riexpeen ceand fer aitrnees o whcannot join riawght ay. prest idenbin dedoesn't beeve lddona trump sh souldee intellceigen befriings. bimr. desan ys he is erconcned about fothe rm erpridesent's erratibec havi orand thatmr. trp umwith sa meinicg whh divulges cl asfisied information. rerastaunts arou nde thbay eaar offinerg exedpand outdoor seinatg for oppele to gr athe and watch tomorrow's super
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bo. wl but cathe lirnfoia surgeon geranel says it is safer to h watce thgame at home with yjustouowr n household. > >>a tibeauful start to the dafr omthe camera on top of e sales forctoe we r. looktoing the east, u yocan see the pef ak omount diablo in e distance. you can also see e thhaze erov the east. bay there is a ttlile bit fog shg owinup at the rpaiort at oa kld anbut 'sthat it. ceexpt for santa rosa. a santro, sait's foggy for you. we ha ave small chance of rain by the d enof the ekwe. >> thanks so mu chfor hiwatcng kpix5 news. l we'lbe ckba toowmorr mniorng 6at:0 0.
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naatrror: datoy on "lucky ,dog" isth eigeeht-wk-d olpuppy was ndwaering the sts reetofos l angeles una til good samaranit drophiped m f ofat the shelter. eric: erlest! narrators : hibodluness energy ulcod make him t pheerfect match for aniv acte n mastilurl moni ngthe loss of his firsg.t do buist the timin man:ti i sllav he a hard timace ceinptg the fact tshhat e's t rehe anymore. eri'ic: m icer wiese, and thisisy mwife, rashi, w ande've di decad teour lives toin savgth e lonely, unedwant ds ogthat
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