tv Mosaic CBS February 7, 2021 5:30am-5:59am PST
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existence, current membership world e or incles rs incl4030 priests. the dominican order has an intimate relationship with the archdiocese of san francisco. in service, and leadership. neurologic original archbishop whose names today grace boulevard. we will learn about that dominican history year, the history of the dominicans in the west, and much much more. after this brief break please join us to meet the dominicans.
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hello and welcome to mosaic. let me introduce these priests to you right now. the largdhthor of saint dominic parish in san francisco. and next to him father james moore. and op after each name let's not forget that. and you are called the vicar for advancement in the western bothfrom the farm family. and from pacifica. out on the beautiful western
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coast. grown up in the bay area you join the dominicans in the western province. so, as i mentioned, the history of dominicans is intimalyche. tell abou >> so whenalnia th want action the pope sent to dominicans who had known each other from the eastern province, and they were working together, one was the bishop, bishop allen may need to start the diocese here. so, while he created the diocese there, in san francisco, alan maney. he said you want to go to the i would to go over the action is. and in california, you have the capital called venetia. the governments, that was the capital of california. it was the portal to the gold rush. this is in the 1850s.
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yes. exactly. also lots cumin, and the cartagena street is a better natural way than our bay here. so, all of the shipping and all of that, would go in there. there was tons of gold, then the armory, which exists today most of the munitions that were made for the first world war, and others were made there. so the dominicans looking so you have the government, you've got gold, you've got guns. let's bring god. so that's the year original 4g network. bringing god to a place where you had all of this interaction. >> then the seat of the archdiocese was san francisco. >> that's right it moved from monterey to san francisco in 1853. >> joseph alan maney, a spanish dominican that came in the states as a missionary for 10 or 12 years.
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what we are talking about his mission territory. here we are in this suddenly there's hundreds of thousands of new population in the san francisco bay area. speak of the dominicans were founded 800 years ago. and we continued our mission coming here. found out as an order preachers, to combat error, to combat heresy. and bring the faith to people that were either not preached well, or weren't preached at all. >> it's an interesting name order preachers to talk about. and on the website which we will show later. there is a nice big red button that says request a preacher and i almost pushed it but i didn't want to, i wasn't sure. i understand that my experience with dominicans two. the persuasive apologist for the faith. where the persuasive condensers about the importance of truth, in the end, god's presence.
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>> absolutely. one of the things that saint dominic did was when they found the order, he set up that we would have not only that we would be active preachers. but also come -- we would live in small monasteries. we would pray, and would also contemplate the beauty, contemplate truth, and fruits of contemplations. that's what we need in these times. >> from the beginning, there is one parish of dominicans in the archdiocese. saint dominic's church. and you as vicar for advancement for the western province, how big is the western province? >> it's basically all of the west coast of california. then it goes as far east as utah. it goes as far south as tucson, the red cross the border in new mexico. and alaska where we have a new
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house. in anchorage, we serve the cathedral parish down there, throughout the great state of alaska. >> what about the party for arch bishop was a dominican sister right? that's also here in numbers. >> the wonderful thing about the dominican order is it's not just the priest or the friars preaching. saint dominic knew that in order to radically change culture, or bring culture in a light, you needed a strong component of women. contemplative nuns. so even before, he formerly founds the order preachers pretty founds the nuns first. 800 years. i had the privilege of visiting the monastery being built, and you have contemplative nuns living there, actually from all over the world. what was actually for me personally attracted to the
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order as it wasn't simply a group of guys getting together to preach, it was together we behiusand is ill. groupsof act of sisters which come a little bit later. but, begin to teach very much known for education. >> they offer prayer, the active sisters offer education and healthcare. and helping families in need. there was a lot of disease, orphans and so in separate cisco in the early days. they answered this call. it's because they did. >> so the mayor who came along with archbishop alan maney, were our founders, and she was the founders of the don siers whstilexcan colleg in them. and there is still contemplative nuns and active dominican sisters today. >> yes, monastery of russia
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with the name of the monasteries. yes. an interesting fact about that. he has one of the most unique combinations in the entire dominican order in the world actually. >> and e mast of the order came to visit he noticed or mentioned to me when i mentioned my sister is a contemplative dominican nun in virginia that were the only other ancestor that were both biologically connect, but also connected spiritually through the order. >> let's take a brief break we will come back and talk some more about the dominicans finding out all with their mission and history are.
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vicar for advancement western province. michael hurley. i wanted to get to this point, which is the dominicans are a mission order preaching persuading the gospel. i grew up in the east bay, at the missionary era of the irish priests and nuns that came over and christianized us. it seems to me and also in my opinion we are living in a post- christian society now. are we in a new mission territory? this is what you are addressing work apps. there ar of thingsthat lture the culture proposes four ways of happiness. >> we see happiness in possessions and what we can get. estate san francisco is outrageous for all other reasons. >> children aren't on here. >> you got this good sense of pleasure, or sense of power. in silicon valley and we are
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living in times which technologically, economic is looming. yet there is this deep spiritual life or absence. the culture doesn't have a real response for the response to how is that saint augustine sophie restless? preaching the truth, contemplating, like we've been giving the gift of the gospel truth. and wanted to share it with others to fill god's love, absence that we are also showing four. >> is almost 11 years. young on spirituals but not religious. here 10 years later, we are finding the generation of the millennial's, generation z or something, they are saying more
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neither spiritual or religious. there's this great inks, that there is nothing there. philosophically there is this huge hole, saying that maybe god exists. but he definitely has no relevance on that day to day life. and it's a real problem to know this is the territory we are going into. >> do you think there's ever been an era like this before, were things didn't matter, in the culture. and i think you are a student of history that happens in cycles for sure. in terms of losing it. and they tend to diminish when they are cut off from their spiritual roots. so saint dominic in fact, he thinks his age in our age have connections in this, saying that they have spiritual tendencies, or they want to be good people, or recognize virtue, we reject the
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institutional church. they see the church as a 14 and barrier to god. as dominicans we see that god love, the gospel is incarnational. gocr not just spiritual relationship, works through chu he sets up disciples, followers, that very much continuing that apostolic command to go and preach the. the last thing they said was go preach, and we take that very serious. if that's your last will and testament we take back to heart and we are the only religious group that is named not for who found us, the only order was the name for what we do. op, we preach order preachers. it got your latin say that 10 times fast. it seems to me the culture
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living today, hasn't weekend families, weakened community, most networked culture and yet everyone is alone with his own preferences, and with his ipad, i'm not dissing technology. i am single word we find community where do we find -- >> you can't have a real relationship with an instagram account. >> michael and i have been friends for too long. >> with young people you don't run schools for the most part, you preachers and brothers do, to college chaplaincy and things like that. >> we set up centers next to secular universities. for instance for two years, i was down in tucson. so it's a state ol ruthe newman ce, and we have a number ofese throughout the west coast. we have one that unlv,
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university of utah, university of washington. so, we have a lot of things working especially with college age students. of been blessed to be worked with working with younger people. >> my wife is a college teacher, she's dealing with 18 and 19-year-old minds. i have no idea. you know. how are the kids doing? >> at saint dominic's one of our wonderful very strong young adult presence. >> our mailing list is hundreds of her weakened, so the consistency of young adults were catholic, to know that you are not alone. i think most folks were catholic in the city feel like they are cut off not just from others. but, from others who really believe. so that ministry is really gathering together, and allowing people who are young to give permission to each other. i can leave my faith boldly,
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politically and religiously so many ways of dividing us, discovering to gather. they pray together, they innocence gather to have fun together. they play together if you will. but then also to be formed together, we have lots of talks. this particular past things that they've done is host this one, this play that we had. so they seek to bring the parish together as well. >> there has to be social life. >> this comes to what you are talking about. feeling disconnected right? you can't have a relationship with an instagram account, so people are lonely, they might notice they are catholic, sometimes they are more robust catholic. but they know there's a group of people at saint dominic's d all of a sudden they are formed together. >> let's take a brief break,
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western dominican province. this is the province for which father james is the vicar for advancement, if you take a look at this, you see every kind of resource for finding out about the dominicans, what they do, little picture here of some gentlemen that would very much like our guest today. wonderful website. and the slide number two then, is from the church in san francisco that is the parish of which father michael is the pastor. and it looks like the guys from abby road are crossing it. there are some dominicans down there. this is the most beautiful catholic website you will ever see. by the way the most beautiful church in san francisco i ke lt . y cathho et' ae lives around here has a kind of impression. they were not, sing saint dominic's is doing really well. get the newsletter from the dominicans, with 20 new
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vocations issue. they seem to be doing something right. speak of theirs to success, pershing in place of the conventional wisdom says maybe we shouldn't hurt san francisco is a pretty secular city. we got this fantastic church. same thing is important, something is in seattle. tempting los angeles. then again, at our university center at the universities, our ministries are flourishing. and it's also reflected in the fact that men are showing up. we are growing. which is incredible. it think these days we talked about the priest shortage, and all the bad news in the olofnew especially our vocation numbers being up. and a lot joining. and doubling up in this way. >> i've had that impression. but it's a long course of discernment. >> yeah, and they are sticking
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it out. >> our retention rate is much higher than it has been and i think since we've joined the order come certainly and even before that like 1889. i think our rates are the highest now than th thabe tod, sting. >> i have this impression, part of your care is in, or your procedures to live in community sorts on a pair priest often zoomed. but you have a community of men, you have a support system. i think that's attractive. >> both michael and i are from very strong families. is for me one of the big reasons i wanted to join in order that high community was because i wanted a family. certainly has worked well with us. michael and i have been buddies for a while. >> very much so. >> father michael so you are running a big city parish, and it seems to be, i am saying there's no children here, younger generation can't afford to live here. you are saying anyway we have a thriving youth population.
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>> part of it comes from the pillars of the dominican order. and there are 4 others, we pray together, so there are right now, counting our novices. there are eight novices per there are almost 20 men living together doing various ministries. been living at the primary and san francisco. that's open to the public. you can come and pray early in the morning for our morning prayers. in the evening, so people when they see this group gathered in prayer, they say prayer is happening. how do i be part of that? something is happening here i want to connect. we studied together, so there's a sense in which there is one person who will preach on the weekend. all of the preachers gathered together, in fact we talk about the gospel, we reflect on the gospel. we did this very ancient practice to dig into it. then one of us preaches the gospel, but it is as if the whole community has stopped reflecting, and now we are
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pretty together. we lived together so we prepare meals together, we'd together. doubts and one of the most attractive aspects to our parishes not simply that there are sacraments going on. but that the quality of the sacraments, the availability of the sacraments, and if you will the joy of the sacraments radiates from that living dominican community that is there in san francisco. so a pleasure to be there and have a parish that's connected there. >> yes, it's beautiful and beautiful music, the best in san francisco. in your communications which is an important part of your modern preaching. it's wonderful it seems to me. so we have about a minute and a half left. so take some time each you, d w with, anthen ol viewers well. >> need to be bold about our faith, but also people should see that we are different. there we are happy because we have the gospel. >> and jesus as that my joy,
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might be in you, and that your joy might be complete, but full. we are joyful and saint dominic one of his nicknames was the joyful fryer. that joy is contagious, and infectious. a light like that fire spreads without being diminished. so we make the boldest witness we can when we are simply joyful as catholics. >> if the catholic wants to have a great humble leading mass, or intellectual experience. he will seek out the dominican church. preaching will be good, something good happening in the parish easement with the brilliant offer. and there will be good art, good music all of that kind of stuff. kireallygreat impression. by the way saint dominic is famous for the rosary. >> we wear the rosary. we have it every day.
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