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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  April 1, 2021 4:00am-4:31am PDT

4:00 am reporting from the u.s. it's thursday, april 1st, 2021. this is the "cbs morning news." breaking overnight, four people killed including a child in another mass shooting. what we know about the investigation in southern california. vaccines ruined. up to 15 million johnson & johnson's shots are no good. the mistake that's now delayed future shipments of the dose. caught on video -- migrants drop two young siblings 14 feet drop two young siblings 14 feet over the border wall. captioning funded by cbs good morning. good to be with you.
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i'm anne-marie green. we begin with a deadly mass shooting in southern california. the nation's third mass shooting in just over two weeks. at least four people were killed including a child. a fifth person was wounded and is in critical condition. the shooting started yesterday evening at a two-story office building in the city of orange just southeast of los angeles. when police arrived, the gunman opened fire on them. officers then fired back. the suspect was wounded, but it's unclear if the wound was self-inflicted or caused by police gunfire. the motive is unknown. officers say there is no threat to the community. >> well, i can tell you orange is a very safe city. we don't have stuff that happens like this often. it's been many, many years before we've had an incident like this happen. >> one firearm was recovered at the scene. police say the shooting happened on both levels of the building which houses several businesses including an insurance office, financial consulting firm, and a phone repair store.
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and now to a setback in the race to vaccinate americans against covid. johnson & johnson is delaying shipments of its single-shot vaccine. a large batch, reportedly up to 15 million doses, failed quality standards and cannot be used. danya bacchus explains what happened. >> reporter: the mishap with johnson & johnson's single-dose covid vaccine reportedly happened several weeks ago at a baltimore manufacturing plant. "the new york times" says the vaccine's ingredients were mixed up at the plant run by one of j&j's manufacturing partners. the setback brings short-term planned shipments into question as the company accesses the situation. j&j said it's still aiming to deliver 100 million doses during the first half of this year. meanwhile, the u.s. is struggling to vaccinate americans amid what some health experts fear is a looming fourth wave of covid cases with numbers rising among young people. >> they have not been vaccinated yet. the second is they're now going out and about.
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>> reporter: new data from the cdc shows the highest number of cases per capita concentrated in michigan and the northeast. president biden's covid response team says vaccines and masks remain the best defense. >> we need a simple thing of every governor, mayor, and local leader, and that is to heed what the president is asking in return. simply to maintain or to reinstate mask mandates. >> reporter: at least 18 states have lifted capacity limits on most or all businesses, and 18 currently have no mask mandate. two more, alabama and utah, will discontinue theirs in the next two weeks. danya bacchus, cbs news. ahead on "cbs this morning," we will talk with dr. anthony fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert. he's going to break down the impact of the ruined johnson & johnson vaccines and his message for americans hesitant to get the shot. testimony will resume today in the trial of former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin.
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yesterday jurors saw footage of george floyd inside the grocery store and new body camera video before he died. skyler henry is in minneapolis. we're also learning more about a key witness? >> reporter: yeah, hey, anne-marie, good morning to you. the public had never seen either of these perspectives before yesterday. that body camera footage also revealed that that witness was with george floyd when police originally stopped the car that he was in. now we're learning through court records that he's refusing to testify and is invoking the fifth amendment. jurors in the derek chauvin trial watched video of george floyd being restrained by police shortly before his death. parts of the body camera recordings had not been seen publicly before, including one which chauvin reacts to what happened to floyd. >> trying to control this guy because he's a sizable guy. >> yeah, and i got to get -- >> he's probably on something. >> reporter: chauvin made the
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comment after being confronted by a witness who had urged floyd to comply with the officers. charles mcmillan wept as he relived the moment in court. another witness worked at the store where floyd had just paid with an allegedly counterfeit $20 bill. >> kind of took him a little long to get to what he was trying to say. so it would appear that he was high. >> reporter: in minneapolis, the chauvin trial looms large, especially at the neighborhood where floyd was arrested laugh memorial day. cedric steel operates a restaurant around the block from cub foods. he said the attention has commanded his attention since the start. >> george floyd is all of us. you know what i mean? and it's just not just minnesota, it's the whole world. it affected the whole world. so yes, sir, i definitely do want justice. >> reporter: today prosecutors are expected to question investigators about technical aspects of the case. and again, prosecutors in this
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case will call on experts they feel will speak to more the technical aspects of this case. we're expected to hear more of that eventually. we will hear from the minneapolis police chief. anne-marie? >> that should be very interesting testimony. skyler henry in minneapolis, thank you. so to the latest on the crisis at the u.s.-mexico border now. there is dramatic new video of smugglers dropping children over a border wall. we want to warn you, it's tough to watch. video captured by border patrol shows one smuggler perched on top of the wall. two small kids are dropped separately over the 14-foot barrier. the smugglers run away. the toddler and her 5-year-old sister who were from ecuador are now in the care of u.s. border patrol. florida republican congressman matt gaetz will remain on the house judiciary committee for now as federal authorities investigate whether he had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl.
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they're scrutinizing whether he paid for her travel over state lines or provided anything of value in exchange for sex. potential violations of federal sex trafficking laws. house republican leader kevin mccarthy said gaetz would be removed from his committees if the charges were proven. >> haven't talked to mr. gaetz yet. he denies the story. i look forward to talking with mr. gaetz. i haven't heard anything from the doj or others, but i will deal with it if anything comes to be true. >> gaetz, an ally of president trump, denies the accusations and claims it's part of a multimillion dollar extortion scheme. it is opening day in major league baseball, and many teams are welcoming back fans for the first time in almost a year. the texas rangers are allowing full capacity, 40,000 people. but it's a decision not sitting well with president biden. >> that's a decision they made. i think it's a mistake. they should listen to dr. fauci and the scientists and the
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experts. but i think it's not responsible. >> mr. biden appeared last night on espn urging fans to follow health protocols. the rangers' first home game is monday. fans will have to wear masks except when eating or drinking. mr. biden also supported the idea of moving the all-star game out of georgia following the passage of a new voting law that critics say restricts voting access. so coming up, police wrap up their investigation into tiger woods' car crash. why they are not releasing the cause. and fuller flights. when delta airlines will stop blocking middle seats. this is the "cbs morning news." seats. this is the "cbs morning news." still lolots of roomom. just more e to view. ststill the bibig move. just more e moving. ststill singining. just morore in tune.e. still l hard to fifind a spo. just easasier to parark.
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still l the gangs s all here. just less s “are e we there ”" the chevy y family of f suv. making lifife's journeney just betteter. ♪♪ life... doesn't t stop for d diabete. be ready f for every m momen, with glucecerna. it's t the number r one doctr recommmmended branand that is scienentifically y designeo helplp manage yoyour blood s . live evevery moment.t. glucer. this is s hal. this is hahal's heart.t. it's b been brokenen. and d put back t together. this is s hal's rerelief, knowing g he's coverered by medicicare from blue c cross blue e shield. and d with covererage yoyou can trusust, backed by y over 80 yeyears of healthchcare expertrtise, we'll be there when it matters most. this is medicare from blue crossss blue shieield. this is the benefit of blue. i'm 53, but t in my mindnd
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i'm still l 35. that''s why y i take ostste bix to keep meme moving the waway i was mamade to, it nouourishes andnd strengths my joioints for ththe long te. osteo o bi-flex, p plus vitamid fofor immune s support. does s scrubbing g grease feelee a a workout? scrurub less witith dawn ulta osteo o bi-flex, p plus vitamid it's s superior g grease-cleaeg foformula getsts to work f fas, making easasy work of f tough ms dawnwn takes carare of toughgh , wherever i it shows upup. scrub lessss, save morore...wh dawn jailers say alexei navalny declared a hunger strike yesterday. he's protesting the failure of prison officials to provide him
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with proper medical care for severe pain in his back and leg. russian officials say that he is receiving all necessary treatment. a los angeles theme park is reopening today, and there's an update on the tiger woods crash investigation. those are some of the headlines on the "morning newsstand." the "associated press" reports detectives have determined the cause of the crash that seriously injured golfer tiger woods, but they won't reveal the details. the los angeles county sheriff cited privacy concerns. he said he needs permission from woods in order to release the information. in february, an suv woods was driving struck a median and rolled over outside los angeles. he underwent surgery for multiple leg injuries and is now recovering in florida. woods told deputies he did not know how the crash occurred. "the washington post" reports president biden unveiled a $2.3 trillion plan to overhaul the nation's infrastructure. mr. biden outlined the plan yesterday at a carpenters union training center in pittsburgh.
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the proposal would rebuild thousands of miles of highways, repair aging bridges, improve public transit, and fund new electric vehicle charging stations. it would be funded largely by higher corporate taxes. the president called it a once in a generation investment in america, but it faces stiff opposition from republican lawmakers. >> so why just american jobs and investment since world war ii? it will create millions of jobs. >> it's called infrastructure. but inside the trojan horse is going to be more borrowed money and massive tax increases on all productive parts of our economy. >> the plan would also expand public housing, replace lead water pipes, and update the nation's power grid. and cbs los angeles reports southern california's six flags magic mountain is set to reopen today. it would be the first theme park in los angeles in the area, rather, to open with rides after the pandemic shut down amusement parks for months.
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the park says that it will reopen to members and pass holders today and the general public on saturday. crowds will be limited, and all guests and employees will have to wear masks. there will be no indoor dining. still ahead, reading, writing, and retail. a vacant department store is converted into a high school for hundreds of students. ds of stud. yourur mission:: ststand up to o moderate to sevevere rheumatatoid arthrir. and d take. it. . on... with rinvovoq.
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rinvoq a o once-daily y pill cacan dramaticically imimprove sympmptoms... ririnvoq helpsps tame pain, stififfness, swewelling. anand for someme, rinvoq can evenen significacantly rereduce ra fafatigue. that's rininvoq reliefef. with ra,a, your overeractive immune sysystem attatacks your j joints. rinvnvoq regulatates it toto help stopop the attaca. rinvoq canan lower youour abiy toto fight infnfections, includining tubercululosis. serious s infectionsns and blood clotots, sometimimes fa, have o occurred asas have cern cancers, i including l lympho, and tears s in the stotomach oror intestines, anand changes s in lab reses. yourur doctor shshould momonitor yourur bloodwork. tetell your dodoctor aboutt any y infectionsns... and ifif you are o or may bece prpregnant whihile taking g r. tatake on ra.. talk to o your rheumumatologt about t rinvoq relelief. rinvoq.. makeke it your m mission. if you canan't affordd your m medicine, abbvie m may be ablele to he. every yeyear, we givive our fe lindt t chocolatee a veryry special s shape. anand when youou find ththe gold bununny,
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someththing very s special may happenen. makeke easter momoments magigl wiwith the golold bunny from l lindt. makeke easter momoments magigl ♪ beds get sick too protection. lysol l laundry sasanitizer kills 99.9.9% of illnessss-causing b bactera detergenents leave b behind. prproven to kikill covid-1-9 here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ apple won't give siri a female sounding voice by default anymore. users can pick from a range of voices when they set up the virtual assistant. apple said it's releasing two new voices. right now apple allows people to pick between a male and a female
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voice, as well as six different accents. the changes will -- are, rather, already available with the release of apple's latest software update. on the cbs "money watch" now, the last u.s. airline blocking middle seats will soon end that policy, and country star blake shelton is launching a new drink in time for summer. elise preston is in new york with those stories and more. good morning, elise. >> reporter: good morning, anne-marie. the labor department is out today with a report on new jobless claims. meantime, stock futures are indicating a mixed open after the major indices ended in mostly positive territory during the regular session. the dow slipped 85 points, the nasdaq rallied 201 points, and the s&p 500 added 14 points. delta airlines will stop blocking middle seats starting may 1st. the airline's announcement reverses a policy that had been in place since last april. delta's ceo says he expects 65% of people who flew the airline last year to have at least one dose of the new vaccines by may
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1st. this latest news means no u.s. airlines will limit capacity on flights to reduce this risk of spreading covid. if you have sabra hummus in your refrigerator, listen up. the company is voluntarily recalling 2,100 ten-ounce packages of its classic hummus due to a possible salmonella contamination. the packages contain a best before date on april 26th, 2021. no illnesses or consumer complaints have been reported. and country superstar blake shelton is out with his own summer drink. the singer is teaming up with smith works vodka to create a line of hard seltzer lemonades. four flavors will be released, classic lemon, ripe strawberry, crisp lime, and southern peach tee. -- tea.. right now the packs are sold in 17 states but will expand throughout the u.s. later in the year. anne-marie? >> sounds delicious. elise preston in new york. thank you.
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up next, extreme photography. a man trying to capture flowing lava gets himself out of a dangerous situation. dignity. this thing you can neither see nor measure... ...butut that demamands ththe return o of small momoms illness atattempts to o stea. ♪ dignity y demands a rapid d covid testst, ♪ because e we all neeeed an a answer to m move forwar. ♪ dignity dedemands yourur heat ststays connecected to your dodoctor, so you knonow it's beaeating asas it shouldld. ♪ it dememands a a better undnderstandingg of y your glucosose levels, so youou can enjoyoy movie ni. ♪ anand knowing g your babyy is gettingng the nutrirition hehe needs, no matter r how you chchoose toto feed him.m. digngnity is notot effortrtless nor e easy. at a abbott, we fight f for it everery da,
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develoloping life-e-changing technonologies. because dignity demands it. ♪ because digni♪y demands it. rich, , indulgent t chocolate ea lusciousus caramel f fillin. with lovove from sanan franci. ghirardelllli caramel l squa. makes s life a bitite bette.
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here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪
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i'm looking for jean osborne -- june osborne. >> you're better off without her. >> everyone that helps her ends up on the wall. >> he has eluded your soldiers for 19 days. find her. >> hulu released a preview of the upcoming fourth seasason of "the handmaid's tale." the show takes place in a totaltarian society in what used to be the united states. filming shut down last march due to the pandemic and started back up in september. the show returns april 28th. a former macy's department store in vermont is getting new life as a high school. the school opened in the old macy's about a month ago with some of the store's remnants still in place. the existing high school was closed last august when toxic pcb chemicals were found in the building and the soil during renovations. that left students stuck at home, learning remotely for much of the school year. >> it wasn't usually a place i would hang out. i'd come here for shopping with
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my family to buy a coat from ll bean. but yeah, never really spent this much time in the mall. >> partial walls were added to the old macy's for classrooms. a photographer in iceland was trying to get a hot shot of an erupting volcano, but things got a little too hot. video from this week shows the photographer taking pictures as lava flowed from the volcano. when the lava got too close for comfort, he grabbed his camera and quickly got out of the way. thousands of people have flocked to the site since the volcano erupted last week. and an employee at a goodwill store in oklahoma made a valuable discovery inside some donated items. andrea lessing was sorting through donations last month when she felt something strange between two sweaters. when she opened them up she found $42,000 in cash. goodwill tracked down the owner and returned the money. the owner also had some goodwill, giving lessing $1,000 to say thanks.
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coming up on "cbs this morning," the first tv interview with deputy secretary of defense kathleen hicks, the first woman to serve in that role, on how she plans to open doors at the pentagon. i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." . this is the "cbs morning news." it's's very commmmon to have bothth sensitivivity and gumum . dedentists andnd hygienistss will want t to recommemend sense sensititivity and d gum. you u get the sesensitivity y r as w well as impmproved gum m h all l in one. does your vitamin c last twenty-four hours?? ononly nature'e's bounty d d. new immumune twenty-y-four hours has lolonger lastiting vitamin. plus, herbrbal and d other immumune supers. ononly from nanature's bououn. we do it every night. plus,like clockwork. and d other immumune supers. do it! run your dishwasher with cascade platinum. and save water. did you know c certifi d didishwashers.s... ...u.use less ththan four gags per cyclcle, whwhile a runnnning sink u s that, everery two minunutes. so, do i it with casascade.
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ththe surprisising way to sae water.
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our top stories this morning -- a mass shooting in orange, california, has left at least four people dead including a child. one person was wounded. police say a gunman opened fire at an office complex in the city of orange located outside of los angeles. the suspected shooter was hospitalized in critical condition. the motive is unknown. and future shipments of
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johnson & johnson's single-shot covid vaccine have reportedly been delayed. "the new york times" says up to 15 million doses were ruined at a plant in baltimore after workers mixed up the vaccine's ingredients. the company says it will still aim to deliver 100 million doses during the first half of 2021. more than 54 million americans are fully vaccinated against covid-19. as with other vaccines, there can be side effects. natalie brand has more on what you can expect if you're getting the shot. >> reporter: gabe willis is fully vaccinated but experienced some side effects after receiving his first shot last month. >> a lot of fatigue, and my lymph nodes under my arm were really swollen. >> reporter: the cdc is tracking side effects from the covid shot, even launching a new app so people can check in after receiving the vaccine. common symptoms can include pain, redness, and swewelling a the injection site, some skin rashes have also been reported. doctors say don't panic.
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>> anything from a headache to a feeling of muscle aches or fatigue, and just feeling maybe even chills and fever. signs that your immune system is responding to the vaccine. >> reporter: dr. lisa maragawkus from johns hopkins school of public health says data suggests women are reporting more side effects as are people who have had covid already. >> that's probably because their immune system already knows how to respond to the virus. >> reporter: as we age, the immune system is less able to mount a more robust response to the vaccine which may explain why younger adults are also reporting your side effects. when would someone need to worry? >> if the symptoms go on to day three after vaccination or more, then that's the time to reach out to your doctor. >> reporter: willis, who serves as dean of students at southeastern louisiana university, is sharing his experience to assure others. >> the long-term benefit of getting back to what we know and love outweighs it all. >> reporter: he hopes life can get back to normal as more
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people are protected. natalie brand, cbs news, washington. coming up on "cbs this morning" now, more on the production problems involving the johnson & johnson covid vaccine. we'll speak with dr. anthony fauci. plus, delta ceo ed bastion tells us why he's condemning georgia's new voting law and why he calls it unacceptable. the first tv interview with deputy secretary of defense kathleen hicks, the first woman to serve in that role, on how she plans to open doors at the pentagon. that's the "cbs morning news" for this thursday. thanks for watching. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. ♪
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