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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  April 5, 2021 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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championship game follows our newscast at 5:00. watch a special edition of our news at 8:30. >> cbs this morning is next. we'll be back with another live local news update in about a half hour. if you good morning to our in the west and welcome to "cbs this morning." i'm gayle king, anthony mason is back and tony dokoupil is here. we are ready. first on cbs news, hunter speaks about his addiction fight and controversy that surrounded his presidential campaign. what he said he will do differently and why he wants to make the mends. republicans threaten retaliation against big business for opposing their efforts to overall voting laws. how a fight over baseball's all-star game could have ripple effects across the country. we talk with atlanta's mayor. massive holiday travel
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generates fears of a new spike in coronavirus cases. why officials are concerned, despite new signs of vaccine success. and the nba men's basketball tournament is a fight to the finish. inside gonzaga's buzzer-beater and tonight's showdown with baylor for the national title. >> can't wait for tonight. but first here's today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds? . >> at this time we really are in a category 5 hurricane status with the regard to the rest of the world. we're just at the beginning of the surge. >> the number of new covid cases is starting to creep up across the country but there's little consensus from doctors about whether we're in the middle of a fourth wave now. >> i think there's enough immunity you will not see a true fourth wave of infection. >> the capitol hill police officer injured in friday's attack is now out of the hospital. one police officer killed after a man rammed his car into them. >> georgia's governor speaking out against major league
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baseball's decision to pull the all-star game out of the state. >> major league baseball caved to fears and lies from activists. crews working to prevent a massive breach at a wastewater facility. >> all of that and -- >> this lavish spectacle. created 22 ancient mummies in egypt to their final resting place. >> all that matters. >> that is it! >> stanford is this year's ncaa women's basketball champion. >> on "cbs this morning." >> the ncaa men's basketball final is set after a half-court miracle. >> suggs for the win! >> oh! >> done! done! >> i knew when he shot it, it was going on. >> you will never forget where you were when you saw it. >> oh, my god!
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>> how can you just drain that beauti beautiful shot? you couldn't have wrote a better story! bundle insurance. >> even, guys, if you don't like basketball, you sat there and -- i'll remember where i was, sitting in my bed screaming. i had no vested interest in either team. but it was such a great game. >> i had gone to bed but got a text. jalen suggs -- >> knows how to make a shot. >> congratulations to stanford, 54-53. >> another buzzer beater. basketball tonight's going to be -- think about this -- gonzaga is one game away from making history. >> undefeated season. >> something to watch. >> baylor is the comeback kid. we have to begin with the news and the growing showdown between republicans and big business over the gop's efforts to change voting laws in the wake of the 2020 election. major league baseball has announced, it is pulling this
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year's all-star game from georgia over one such law in the state. let's remind folks what it does. it shrinks the window for sending absentee ballots, severely limits the number of ballot drop boxes, and gives more control of local elections to state lawmakers who are majority republican. it also makes it a crime to give water or food to people waiting in line to vote. there are also less controversial elements like expanding early voting so that there are at least 17 days to cast a vote, and it can go up to 19 days if counties choose to offer two sundays of voting. the bill also requires that when lines are longer than ow leadin threaten retaliation. for more on all of this, we're joined by atlanta mayor keisha lance bottoms. mayor bottoms, good morning to you. a complicated morning for you i imagine because this is somewhat divided democrats.
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on the one hand you've got president biden supporting the move by major league baseball, but stacey abrams, prominent democrat in the state, says while she commends major league baseball, she's disappointed about the impact this move could have on families there in the atlanta area. where are you on this this morning? >> first of all, good morning, and thank you for having me. you know, this is a tough one. the metro atlanta economy is the tenth largest economy in the nation. so when you talk about boycotts in and around atlanta and the state as a whole, it's impacting small businesses. it impacts corporations that hire not just corporate officers but administrative assistants. people who clean up the building, work in the cafeteria. i respect the decision. i understand the decision, but i don't like the fact that we have been put in this position by our state legislature and our governor because the people of georgia will suffer. >> yeah.
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mayor bottoms, you've said that other dominos may fall as a result of this law in your state. have you heard from other companies who have signaled that they're not going do business in atlanta or in the state of georgia because of it? >> well, i do know that there are other large-scale events that are openly contemplating whether or not they will stay in our state. tourism is one of the largest industries in our state. delta airlines is one of the largest employers in our state. so this will have a devastating impact. and the irony of it is that we were opened up early under the name of giving back to some type of economic recovery, and with just one signature that's all been wiped out. and so it's not too late for the governor and the legislature -- legislators to go back, do something differently. they can go back in january, they can fix this very broken and ill-conceived law, or they can perhaps can even go into
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special session over the next few months and make tweaks that will allow us to continue to be the open and welcoming state that we claim to be. >> well, the governor, mayor, good to see you, the governor and republicans in your state legislature do not appear to be -- do not appear to be backing down. they say they are standing firm. are you worried that this will backfire against your state and your city? >> i'm absolutely concerneded that this will backfire. this is the first of likely many events that we will see pulled from our city, from our state. and also, again, we are home to almost 30 fortune 500 companies in the metropolitan atlanta area, an area that voted very heavily democrat back in november and in january. and so it is -- it's unfortunate. we've had loss contemplated in the past, threatened boycotts,
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but we've had governors in the past who vetoed those laws. this governor has doubled down. >> mayor, how would you like corporations and businesses to respond to this issue? >> well, what you've seen is a response from corporations and businesses -- >> it's hurting the city potentially, so what would -- what if anything would you like them to do? >> just what corporations have done. they have spoken out and said that they support access to open voting, and that this law is not a good law for our state as a whole. i think at this point that is all they can do. but there is -- actually, there is a little more. i know many corporations who have already said that they will not support candidates with financial support who supported this law. so it looks like it's going to be a very long and painful fight all the way around. but again, there's an opportunity to fix this. you have to know when to hold,
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you have to know when to fold. this is hurting our state, the economy of our state, and that's not good for anyone no matter what side of the aisle you are on. >> mayor keisha lance bottoms, thank you very much for being with us this morning. we appreciate it. in a new sign that americans are ready to move on from the pandemic, more people traveled by air over the weekend than at any point since the crisis began. it comes as the u.s. set a new record friday for vaccinations with more than four million in a single day. more than 106 million americans have received at least one dose. that's 40% of the adult population. health officials are concerned, though, that we're loosening restrictions too fast, potentially causing another spike. erroll barnett is at newark liberty national airport. what's the advice for travelers? >> reporter: well, anthony, the advice remains -- if you can refrain from air travel. judging on the traffic we're seeing here at this terminal this morning and the millions of people who traveled this
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weekend, many people just cannot refrain. they have to get out. many folks heading back now after seeing friends and family for the easter weekend. and this comes just as the cdc issues new guidance for people who are vaccinated. you don't have to self-quarantine or test before you fly, but the major caveat here is it's still advisable to -- advises against international travel and nonessential domestic trips. in san jose, california, kathy anderson reunited with her daughter for the first time in a year. >> i love you, too. >> reporter: anderson is one of the millions of americans who returned to the skies this weekend, shattering pandemic travel records. increased demand prompted delta airlines to temporarily open up middle seats, and american's domestic bookings are at 90% of pre-pandemic levels. >> it seems like all of a sudden it's a rush. >> reporter: larry pettis says he felt more comfortable flying because he'd been fully
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vaccinated. he's one of the 61 million americans, roughly one-fifth of u.s. adults, who fall in that category. >> we know for vaccinated people, it's reasonably safe to do this. among unvaccinated people, it is not yet. and i'm worried that it's going to lead to more infections and more hospitalizations. >> reporter: dr. jha says new variants are contributing to the spread of covid in several states. >> it is a rush between the variants that have become widespread and are spreading more more effective and quickly, and how many people we can protect through vaccines. >> reporter: the variant initially detected in the uk now accounts for about 26% of covid cases in the u.s. and this weekend officials announced a new variant initially identified in india was found in the bay area. >> it's made up of a couple of other variants that we've seen elsewhere. the data so far suggests that it may be more contagious like the
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uk variant is. >> reporter: now as scary as that sounds, jha says that the vaccines do appear effective against the variants. and more americans are getting the shots. all of that, not just encouraging news for everyone's health, but for the travel industry which has been battered by the pandemic. the hotel and leisure sector added 280,000 jobs during the pandemic. but gayle, the unemployment rate is still twice the national average at 13%. so positive signs, but a long way to go. >> yeah. very positive signs. i love a good airport hug. you're right, unemployment not so great. thank you. good to see you. florida's governor is declaring a state of emergency today because of a toxic wastewater pond near tampa bay is in danger of breaching. the piney point reservoir at an old phosphate plant is surrounded by radioactive material, though officials say that the water is not radioactive. florida officials have evacuated a nearby jail and more than 300 homes.
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janet shamlian is in palmetto, florida, tracking efforts to keep the reservoir safe. >> reporter: millions of gallons of wastewater for days have been released into florida waterways, including tampa bay, to relieve stress on the retaining walls. in a desperate effort to avoid an environmental disaster. >> what we're looking at now is trying to prevent and respond to if need be a real catastrophic flood situation. >> reporter: officials say the pond at an old fertilizer plant holds 4 0 million gallons of polluted water. a mix of saltwaters, storm runoff, and acidic water containing phosphorous and nitrogen. ron desantis denied reports it's radioactive. >> the water meets water quality standard for marine waters with the exception primarily of the phosphorous and the nitrogen. >> reporter: the piney point
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phosphate plant closed 20 years ago. there's been growing concern about both the water and the deteriorating infrastructure holding it. a top state regulator called it one of the biggest environmental threats in florida history. in a 2003 story in the "st. petersburg times." the paper reporting state officials fear the waste will spill into tampa bay, killing millions of fish and destroying plant life for miles. even without flooding, the controlled flow is pumping potentially dangerous water into the bay. ann sherwood, who runs a local estuary program, is worried about the impact. >> for the past 20 years we've been trying to get attention to final for the facility. >> he says the nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations could fuel more algae blooms which can kill off fish and other wildlife. >> the people that work and live in tampa bay have done a lot and made a lot of investments to get the bay back into healthy
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condition as we see it today. it wasn't always like this. so when these events happens, it's almost an insult to the community. >> reporter: this is the point at which they are turning people around. authorities say beyond these barricades, it is not safe. now authorities say after this current situation is resolved, they will work to close the plant permanently. but the bigger issue, they say, is that there are dozens of plants like this, crumbling aging infrastructure, all over the state. tony? >> infrastructure, we're hearing a lot about it. thank you so much. in minneapolis, people gathered on easter sunday close to the spot where george floyd was killed near a year good mo
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you. >> george floyd's death has affected many people far from the city. we met a woman yesterday who drove from iowa to pay her respects. but the heart of the community is still grieving. an easter celebration gathered here, in a world outreach for christchurch parking lot, just feel from the memorial marking with george floyd died. pastor curtis farrar honored floyd during thinks easter service. >> it is going to take the power of god to get racism out of our human nature. >> julie jefferson reflected on floyd's death after the service. >> it's hard to understand how one human being can do that to another human being for us that go to this church, no matter what they change around here. you're going to always remember that moment. >> reporter: sammy birch lives not far from where floyd died back in may. >> prayer is one action but an
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action as well is protest. teach people right from wrong. >> reporter: what would justice look like? >> be treated as one. i'm no different than you. you're no different than me. >> reporter: as the derek chauvin trial hangs over minneapolis, many say the testimony is too painful to watch. >> i have two sons. they're grown and married now. i look at that as that could have been there. >> reporter: testimony like friday, from the most senior minneapolis police officer who was highly critical of the derek chauvin's show of force on floyd. >> putting a knee on a neck for that amount of time is just uncalled for. >> reporter: chauvin's attorneys dispute those claims and argue it was kbagsa combination of he and drugs that caused floyd to die. we will hear from the cheap of the minneapolis who fired chauvin days after the incident
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and apologized to floyd's family. >> jamie, thank you. ahead -- hunter biden says he didn't know his work with the ukrainian company would make him a political target. we talked with the pres
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we have much more ahead including what's next after one of the wildest endings in the history of march madness. plus, a new champion is crowned on the women's side. a lot of basketball news. you're watching "cbs this morning." dodoes scrubbibing grease e feee a workouout? scscrub less w with dawn u ua it''s superirior grease-e-cleag formula a gets to wowork faste, makingng easy workrk of tough hs dawn takeses care of t tough gr, wherevever it showows up. scrub b less, saveve more...wh dawnwn alright, guys, no insurance talk on beach day. -i'm down.n. -y-yes, pleasese. [ chuckles ] don't get me w wrong, i love my rv, but insuring i it is such a hassle.
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same with my boat. the insurance bills are through the roof. -[ sighs ] ] -be cocool. i wishsh i could g group my insururance stuffff. -[-[ coughs ] ] bundle. -thehe house, ththe car, theh. likeke a clusterer. an insuranance clusterer. -woosah. -[ chuckles ] -i doubt that exexists. -it's a bundle! it's a bundldle, and it savaves you mononey! hihi. i'm flo o from progrgre, and d i couldn't't help but ovoverhear.... supeper fun beacach day, eveve. i i brought inin ensure mamax p, with t thirty gramams of prot. ththose who trtried me felelte enenergy in jujust two weee! ( sisighs wearilily ) here, i'llll take thatat! ( excicited yell ) woo-hohoo! enensure max p protein. wiwith thirty y grams of p pr, one-grgram of sugagar, anand nutrientnts to support imimmune healtlth! ( abbobot sonic ) anand nutrientnts to support imimmune healtlth! (c(christine) ) what you'r're g is not j just hurtining you. if youou can't makake up your mind t to quit foror yoursel, do it for those who love you. (announcer) for free help, call 1-800-quit now.
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every daday matters.s. and i wawant more ofof them. ask yourur doctor ababout everyday v verzenio. stilill lots of f room. just m more to vieiew. still ththe big moveve. just m more movingng. still sisinging. justst more in t tune. ststill hard t to find a s s. justst easier toto park. ststill the gagangs all hehe. just l less “are we t there ”" the chchevy familyly of suv. makingng life's jojourney just b better. ♪♪ are you managing your diabetes..... makingng life's jojourney ...u.using fingegersticks? wiwith the newew freestylee libre 2 2 system, a continuous glucose monitor, yoyou can chececk your glulue withth a painlesess, one-sesecond scan.n. anand now withth optional l al, yoyou can choooose to be n notd if you g go too highgh or too . anand for thosose who qualal, ththe freestylyle libre 2 2 sm is now covovered by memedicar.
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asask your dococtor fofor a prescrcription. yoyou can dot wiwithout fingngerst. lelearn more a at freeeestyle librbre 2 dot u.. ♪♪ the union for the u.s. capitol police is asking for more security after the newest deadly attack outside the home of congress. a capitol hill police officer was hurt and another killed when a man rammed his car into them at a checkpoint friday. colleagues applauded the injured officer, ken shaver, as he was released from the hospital on saturday. a childhood family friend of officer billy evans, the 18-year veteran who died in the attack, was a father of two, his friend says it was a great loss. >> he was an amazing individual who got up every morning, who lived the dream job that he had
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wanted since college and was just an amazing human being. >> makes no sense. we'll hear more from him in our next hour and show you how lawmakers are trying to balance security needs at the capitol with what the needs for the public access to congress mean. > you're w good morning. it is 7:26. i am anne makovec. breaking news just in, supreme court handing google a big victory in its $8 billion copyright battle with oracle. in a 6-2 ruling justices said google did not commit copyright infingerment by using lines of code from the java platform to create the android operating system. kamala harris back in the bay area. she's expected to touchdown in oakland around 10:00 this
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morning. she'll tour the san leandro water treatment plant, talk about infrastructure, hold a listening session with businesses. elementary and middle schools in cupertino are reopening today. about half of the 15,000 students have chosen to attend classes in person for part of each week. as we look at the roadways, you know it's not bad this morning if you are headed towards the bay bridge. you see things are quiet at the toll plaza. you will have brake lights up incline and pockets slowing across upper deck. it's been a pretty easy monday morning commute. san mateo bridge is good, 14 minutes between 880 and 101, all clear on the golden gate. it's a cloudy start but we will see sunshine through the afternoon with near normal daytime highs. 63 oak land, 67 concord and looking at 66 for san jose. on futurecast, you see skies clearing as we go through our aftern n. it gets warm
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[ sfx: ding g ding ding g ] [ phphone buzzining ]
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[ [ sfx: bing g bing bing g] [ sfx:x: bing bloooop ding ding bloopop bing ] the day y can wait..... enter the e golden statate, with real l californiaia dai. mom needs help but, she doesn't want to move. we're mostly concerned about her safety. she's already had a couple of falls. wewe had this s joke, 'oh,, that's a s senior momement, ri? but itit wasn't. i'm drivining her to t the doc, phphysical theherapy... mamaking sure e that she's's g and d staying hyhydrated. home carare with ann entirere support t team. mom coululd stay in n her hou, as l long as shehe wants. thatat would bee the peperfect solulution. she cocould live i independen, and d do her ownwn thing. but wiwith supportrt, and d transportatation. i i can focus s more on my familily too and d be sece in knonowing that t she's happppily lookeded after.
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hehe could keeeep doing his vegegetable gardrden, and d get reallyly good, spspecialized d care. and i cocould just b be her r daughter a again. welcome back to "cbs this morning." in a new memoir, piresident biden's son hunter deals with head on with the decisions that put him front and center of the 2020 campaign. "beautiful things" is a revealing look at his long battle with addiction and how he's handled personal tragedies. it comes out tomorrow from gallery books, an imprint of simon & schuster, a division of viacomcbs. we spoke with him about whether his busines dealings ever crossed the line, including work for a ukrainian company that became a big issue in president trump's first impeachment. also, whether he regrets putting his father's political future at
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risk. >> the question of whether i would do it again, though, is no. >> you wouldn't do it again? in his new memoir, hunter biden defend his decision to serve on the board of ukrainian energy company burisma while his father oversaw u.s. policy in the region as vice president. you grew up in politics. >> yeah. >> did you not think you might be putting a big bull's-eye on yourself? >> i didn't fully comprehend the level to which this former administration and the people around it would go. the difference between the politics that you're talking about in terms of the last, you know, 40 years, is vea very different game. i don't want to ever again to hand a weapon to people that would use it in an illegitimate
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way that they used the weapon of me against my dad. >> reporter: near the end of the 2020 campaign other another weapon emerged -- >> this laptop is a disaster. how the hell did he ever let go of of this sucker? >> reporter: >> allies of president trump and supporters in the media promoted incriminating evidence allegedly found to a laptop belonging to biden. >> you've seen the pictures, folks. >> it was delivered to the fbi by the owner of a delaware computer store. youmake one reference to it in the book. is that laptop yours? >> it's -- you don't need a laptop. you got a book. you get the book, it's all in the book, and i don't know. i truly -- >> you don't know? >> the serious answer is that i truly do not know the answer to that. >> did you leave a laptop with a repair man in -- >> not that i remember, no, no. but whether or not somebody has my laptop, whether or not it was a -- i was hacked, whether or
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not there exists a laptop, i don't know. >> are you missing a laptop? >> not that i know of. you know, you read the book, and you'll realize that i wasn't keeping tabs on possessions very well for about four-year period of time. >> at the end of the last year, biden acknowledged an ongoing investigations by federal authorities for potential tax law violations. is your legal team working on any kind of a plea deal? >> oh, no. i am absolutely certain that what we're doing is being completely cooperative with whoever is asking from any authority what so ever. >> the implication is that your contacts benefited your father. you have given him any money from your business ventures? >> never. >> not a nickel? >> not i nickel. >> directly or indirectly? >> directly or indirectly. no, 100%, no, never. >> in 2018, near the height of his battle with addiction, biden misplaced a handgun, sparking a
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law enforcement investigation. new details emerged last month that the secret service may have become involved improperly. >> it's a concern that i would hurt myself or do something -- >> your brother's widow threw the gun away. she was trying to protect you? >> i think she -- yes, yeah. i think she was just concerned about me. >> why did you have a gun? >> well, i -- again, the period in my life that was difficult. i don't know. hallie's intent was to make certain that i didn't do anything to hurt myself. >> according to the reporting, at one point the secret service went looking for the record of sale. do you know anything about that? >> nothing. no. no. no idea. >> did somebody report the loss of the gun? >> yeah. they -- they had -- in the moment, you know, we knew that the gun was lost, that hallie
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had thrown it into a trash can. and i told her, you can't do that. when i realized that it was gone. and so she went back, and they -- the police came to help retrieve the gun which was retrieved. someone had gone through the trash and picked it up, they found it within hours i believe. that was the end of the story. >> do you know about the secret service being involved -- >> i have no idea. i don't know why they would be. i don't think that's true. to my knowledge. >> the secret service told cbs news it has no record of its agent being -- agents being involved in the incident, and joe biden was not under protection at that time. in our next hour, we talk to hunter biden about his decades' long struggle with alcohol and cocaine, plus why after the death of his brother, beau, he turned to crack and says he tried to disappear. >> there's a lot there. >> yeah. it's interesting that he says that he wouldn't do it again,
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getting on the board. but he doesn't think -- >> he's not apologizing for taking the job. he won't do that. he -- he realizes now that it got his father in some trouble. and he regrets that. but he's not apologizing, he says, "i was qualified, i had every rite to serve." >> you framed the question the right way. you grew up in politics, how could you not have known? >> right. i think knowing what he -- knowing what he knew about politics, he should have anticipated it. that's the argument. he claims he never thought it would be this bad. >> there's a lot he doesn't remember, too. >> yeah. when you've been through what he's been through -- >> that's not surprising. >> par for the course. yeah. we'll is more in our 8:00 hour. now we've got dana jacobson here live and in person to talk about some of the most exciting basketball in the history of march madness. >> yeah. try this -- april awesomeness. march has turned to april. we are talking buzzer beaters and near misses before gonzaga places baylor for the men's title tonight. more on that. we'll be right back. it's my 5:52 w woke-up-likike-s migraine m medicine. it's ubrbrelvy.
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and take. . it. on.... with r rinvoq. rinvoqoq a once-dadaily pill can dramamatically improve e symptoms..... rinvoq h helps tame e pain, stiffness,s, swelling.g. and for r some, rinvnvoq can n even signinificantly reduce r ra fatigue.e. that's's rinvoq rerelief. withth ra, your r overactive immunene system attacks yoyour joints.s. rinvoq regegulates itt to help p stop the a attack. rinvoqoq can lowerer your abiy to fightht infectionons, inclcluding tubeberculosis. seririous infectctions and blood d clots, somometimes fa, hahave occurrered as have e cn cancerers, includiding lympho, and tetears in thehe stomach or intesestines, and chananges in labab resul. yoyour doctor r should monitor yoyour bloodwowork. tell youour doctor a about any infectctions... anand if you a are or may y be pregnantnt while takaking rin. take on n ra. talklk to your r rheumatologt ababout rinvoqoq relief. rinvnvoq. make it yoyour missionon. if youou can't afffford yoyour medicinine, abbvbvie may be e able to he. when tradeders tell usus how o make thihinkorswim e even bett, we lisisten.
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like jacack. he wananted a strereamlined vevn he could a access ananywhere, no downloaoad necessarary. and kim. she wawanted to o execute a pre-e-set trade e strategy in secononds. soso we gave ' 'em thininkorswim weweb. bebecause platatforms ththis innovatative, arenen't just mamade for traders—they're mamade by the. ththinkorswim m trading. from td d ameritradede.
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modtrapped -- mcdonald trapped. that is it! stanford survives again! >> there it was. the moment of truth in last night's ncaa women's championship game. arizona missed their final shot. stanford wins 54-53. their first title since 1992. coach vanderveer winning her third title. just the fourth women's coach to do that. she already passed pat summit this year, the winningest coach for women basketball. >> i know you're an athlete, dana. you know this stuff. i hope that the arizona player doesn't beat herself up. it was such a good game yesterday. >> it was.
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best player had the ball in her hands. that's what you wanted in that situation. >> yes. yes. tonight -- tonight, tonight. i can't wait. i can't wait. history's on the line. >> yep. >> so what -- what should we expect? what should we be looking for? i just want to see a great game which we will. >> i was going to say i hope we get what we had saw on saturday. i know everybody couldn't turn away from their tvs. the juggernauts were supposed to play four months ago to the day, but it was canceled prior to tip-off because of covid-19. there is gonzaga and baylor. in a year of uncertainty, college basketball fans across the country get the match-up that they've waited for all season long. >> gonzaga has signed to do some -- for the win -- oh, yes! [ cheers ] >> oh, yes! unbelievable! >> reporter: with a near half-court shot in overtime -- >> oh, my goodness, one of the great games -- >> reporter: freshman hero jalen suggs sent gonzaga to the national championship.
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now the bulldogs are on the precipice of perfection. no team has won a title without a loss on its record since indiana in 1976. gonzaga would be just the eighth school ever to accomplish the feat. >> another one -- yes. >> reporter: the match-up with baylor in the championship is the first time in more than 15 years that the country's top two-ranked teams will face off for the title. >> we're all connected, all united. >> reporter: for the bears, it's the culmination of an unimaginable journey. following the murder of one player by another in 2003, the . scott drew was later hired as head coach, tasked with rebuilding the program. >> every day you're grinding, and you don't look back. you keep pressing forward. >> reporter: now they have the chance to reach history of college basketball. he particular over the program
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that was completely scandalized by his predecessors. the program was dead, and for him to build up this program -- a massive achievement by one of the great coaches in the game right now. >> and i love this, a couple of other notes -- if gonzaga wins, it's going to be the first men's basketball championship for washington. if it's baylor, the lone champ, texas western 1966, an historic win. the first team ever to have five black players in a championship. that changed all of basketball and recruiting. good luck picking. >> i love the back story. they both have great back stories. the game on saturday, i kennept rewinding, slow motion, just to see jalen jump on the table again. how did he do that? >> he said he had watched lebron james and dwyane wade celebrate and wanted to do it. some knew it was going in --
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jalen was, yeah, i wasn't so sure. >> 19 years old. >> i got to talk to him during the tournament. >> hard to know who to root for. >> i know. >> are you making a pick, dana? >> i can't. i literally cannot pick between the two. i can't. i can't. >> thank you such. you can see it -- watch the final tonight on cbs. up next, vlad duthiers has the stories y my heartrt failure d diagnoss changed d my prioritities. i want timime for the peoplele i love. my heaeart doesn''t pump e enh blood so m my doctor g gave e
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farxiga. it helps m my heart do its j job better.r. farxigiga helps kekeep me living lifife and out t of the hosospital for heart t failure. do not takake if a allergic toto farxiga. sysymptoms of f a serious s alc reactionon include r rash, swswelling, didifficulty breaththing or swawallowing. stopop taking anand seek medical l help rightht away. tetell your dodoctor righthty ifif you have e red colorr in u urine or papain whilile you urininate, or a genitital area ininfectn sincnce a rare b but serious geninital infectction may bebe life-threreatening. do notot take farxrxiga if you havave severe k kidny problemsms or are onon dialys. otother seriouous side effffs include dedehydration,n, sudden kididney problelems, genital l yeast and d bacterl infectioions inin women andnd men, urininary tract t infection, anand low blooood sugar. ststop taking g farxiga anad cacall your dodoctor rightht y ifif you have e symptoms of ketoaoacidosis whicich is serioious and d may lead t to death. momore time wiwith her? sounds g good to me.e. ♪fafar-xi-ga♪ ifif you can''t afd yourur medicati, astrazenececa maye ablele to he. ♪ lilimu emu & d ♪ug
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excuse me e ma'am,,t afd did d you know t thatti, libeberty mutualal customizs yoyour car insnsurance so youou only pay y for whwhat you neeeed? thank you!u! hey, heyey, no, no,, limu, nono limu! onlyly pay for w what you ne. ♪ libererty. libertrty. liliberty. libiberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ itit's like a a flavor festival o on an almonond. zest fest.t. -zest t fest. blueue diamond a almonds, sur flavor allll on a supeperfoo.
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i'm jayson tatum. chcheck out mymy subway susb wiwith delicioious turkeyy and crcrispy baconon. i'm draymond green. with my subway sub with tender steak and melty y cheese. my sub w will help y you put popoints on ththe board, unlike somome other susubs. why would you say that, jayson? hey man, i'm just talkin' about subs here. ohoh c'mon. my sub is gonna throw down on your... my sub has more ringngs than your sub. my sub has bacon. choose betetter, be bebette. and d now buy onone sub, getee fifty percrcent off inin the . subwayay eat freshsh. but not t jayson's s sub. ananything youour wild chihils pampmpers cruisesers 360° f fn too subwayay eat freshsh. with a s stretchy wawaistbad and adadaptive 36060° fit so they y can move t the way they werere born too [musicic]: born toto be wild pampers s cruisers 3 360° ft psoriaiatic arthriritis, mamade my joinints stiff,, swolollen, painfnful. trememfya® is s approved t top rereduce jointnt symptoms s in s
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withth active pspsoriatic arart. some patatients evenen felt less fatigigued. seriouous allergicic reactios may ococcur. trtremfya® m may increasase your r risk of infnfections and lowewer your abibility toto fight thehem. tell your r doctor if f you he an infectition or sympmptoms oror if you hahad a vavaccine or p plan to. trememfya®. emerge t tremfyant™. janssen can help you explore cost support options. time for "what to watch" with vlad duthiers. i'd say how was your easter, but we spent it together ice skating. >> we did. we'll show the folks how we did. >> we're going through the video to make sure we don't embarrass ourselves too much. that will be tomorrow. >> really hard for me. >> i want to see the outtakes. >> exactly. here are stories we think you'll be talking about today -- a historic moment for new york city's great white way. the first performance inside a broadway theater since the start of the pandemic took place on saturday.
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more than a year after broadway shut down. it was a onetime event at the st. james theater. the small audience was made up mostly of frontline workers affiliated with the actors fund and broadway cares equity fights aids. tony award winner savion fwlofr opened with a special taf dance followed by -- special tap dance followed by a monologue by nathan lane. >> he looks around my one-bedroom apartment. a studio with an alcove. >> paul rudnick wrote it. i asked lane how it felt to perform for a live audience after all this time. >> i think everyone was getting the fact that, wow, we haven't done this in so long, and it feels so good to do it again. you know, it's been greatly missed. you don't realize how much you miss something until it's gone. >> the performances were part of new york pop-ups, a program featuring hundreds of popup
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socially distanced performances across new york state. >> baby steps, but i'm glad to see them. >> 150 people about in the theater. and this monologue was imagining -- nathan lane plays a theater addict to imagines meeting hugh jackman, audra mcdonald, and patti lupone in his apartment and imagines what he would say. >> when they come back, the demand will be off the charts. >> they'll have to pave a new street -- >> you're right. peach are itching to get back to the shows. all right. 22 mummies, you heard that right, 22 mummies, the royal treatment. that's what they got when they were taken to a new home in egypt. the remains of 18 pharaohs and four queens were driven through cairo in the pharaoh's parade to the national museum of civilization. the capsules were climate controlled. security was tight. 20 of the mummies will will go on display in the museum. the other two will go into storage. look at that video. there is like --
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>> crazy. >> yeah. >> it does look like something from a brendan frazier movie from my youth. >> "the mummy." >> and "the mummy returns." >> mummies are held in high regard. i always wanted to go to egypt. >> part of an attempt to reinvigorate tourism in egypt. one on display was ramses ii. he was the pharaoh that ultimately when -- >> can you imagine if the pharaohs knew one day they would be given -- >> two are being put into storage. i think it's funny. >> thanks. ahead, hunter biden talks about the addictition that nene ruineded everythining for him.m. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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prototect him wiwith all youour. simpararica trio.. i i brought inin ensure mamax p, with t thirty gramams of prot. ththose who trtried me felelte enenergy in jujust two weee! ( sisighs wearilily ) here, i'llll take thatat! ( excicited yell ) woo-hohoo! enensure max p protein. wiwith thirty y grams of p pr, one-grgram of sugagar, anand nutrientnts to support imimmune healtlth! ( abbobot sonic ) ♪ ♪ i'llll be right t back. with mododerate to severe e crohn's didiseas, i i was there,e, just not t as where i neneeded to bebe. isis she alrigight? i i hope so. so i i talked toto my doctor about t humira. i i learned huhumira is f for people e who still le sysymptoms of f crohn's didise after tryiying otheher medicatitions. the mamajority of f people on humiraa sasaw significicant symptotom f in as littttle as 4 weweeks. and mamany achieveved remissin thatat can last.t. humirara can lowerer your abily to fight i infections.s. seriouous and somemetimes fatal ininfections,, includining tubercululosis, and cancncers, including g lymphoma,, haveve happened,d, as have b b, liver, and nenervous syststem proble, seserious allelergic reactcti, anand new or w worsening heart fafailure.
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tetell your dodoctor if you've e been to arareas where cecertain fungngal infefections arere common and if y you've had d tb, hepatititis b, are pronone to infecections, or havave flu-likeke symptoms or s sores. don'n't start huhumira if you havave an infecection. be t there for y you, and tht. asask your gasastroenterololot about humimira. wiwith humira,a, remissssion is posossible. lately, itit's been hahard to t think aboutut the futur. bubut thinkingng about thehe f, is human n nature. at edward d jones, ourur 19,00000 financialal advisors create perersonalizedd investstment stratategies to help yoyou get backck to your r future. edward jonones.
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good morning. it is four minutes before 8:00. i am anne makovec. a $2,500 reward is available for any information leading to the gunman in a deadly house party shooting in santa rosa. it happened yesterday morning. there is no word yet on a motive. starting today, path on the golden gate's eastern sidewalk will be narrower. that is because of ongoing construction of the suicide deterrent net. the net is being set up 20 feet below the sidewalk and 20 feat out from the bridge. also today, vehicle entry
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fees are in effect once again at more than a dozen parks in santa clara county. the reinstatement of $6 covers 16 parks including lexington reservoir. i am gianna franco. we take a look at the roadways and it is busy across upper deck. there is a broken down vehicle. adding to a slow and go ride across near treasure island, off the skyway into san francisco, give yourself a few extra minutes. it's adding to a back up at the bay bridge toll plaza. you are seeing things slow west bound almost to the 880 over crossing, not quite just yet. 34 minutes is your travel time 205 to 680. we are starting off with clouds. through the afternoon, we are going to catch sunshine. temperatures are in the 40s and 50s. as we go through our afternoon, near
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majestic mountains... scenic coastal h highways.... fertile e farmlands.s... there'e's lots t to love about calilifornia. so put o off those c chores and ususe less enenergy frfrom 4 to 9 9 pm when l less clean n energy is availabable. becacause that''s power r down .
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♪ ♪ ♪ small l decisions s make a world d of differerence. ikeaea. ♪ it is april 5th, 2021. welcome back to ""cbs this morning"." our in-depth conversation with hunter biden continues. how he says his family helped him overcome addiction struggles that could have killed him. and we're learning new details about the latest capitol hill attack which killed a police officer. what the violence means for an agency still reeling from the january 6th riot. and first on ""cbs this morning"" we'll tell how is performing at this year's acm awards. it's a knockout powerhouse lineup. first here's today's "eye opener at 8:00." growing showdown between
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republicans and big business over the gop's efforts to change voting laws. i don't like the fact that we have been put in this position by our state legislature and our governor, because the people of georgia will suffer. the advice remains, if you can, refrain from air travel. judging on the traffic we see at this air terminal and the millions of people who traveled this weekend, many people cannot. george floyd's death affected people far beyond the city. we even met a woman here yesterday who drove from iowa to pay her respects. >> make one reference to it in the book. is that laptop yours? >> you don't need a laptop. you have a book. it's all in the book. first pitch swinging. deep left field. way back. storybook home run! >> the future looks bright for the detroit tigers. >> rookie badu hit a homer in his first at-bat on the first pitch. as he trotted the bases, he
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pointed to mom and dad sitting in the stands. >> he did it just like you scripted it. >> just like you scripted it. i don't know what's better, the way that he hit the ball or mom and dad in the stands like, yeah, that's our boy. >> the bat flip and the arm in the air. >> all of it. >> he was ready. he was ready for his moment and it was a big one. welcome back to ""cbs this morning"." more of our interview with president biden's son hunter. in his new memoir he addresses his lifelong battle with addiction and his family's efforts to save him from himself. "beautiful things" comes out tomorrow published by gallery books, an imprint of simon & schuster, which is a division of viacomcbs. we spoke with biden about the role he says anxiety and trauma played in pushing him to alcohol and crack. >> most people have gone through what i've gone through are either dead or in jail. >> hunter biden's battle with addiction began with a feeling of loneliness he says he's felt
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since he was a child. >> it's the feeling of never fitting in. it's that hole and you don't know what it is exactly. >> where do you think that feeling came from? >> i am more convinced now that trauma is at the center of it. >> which trauma? the loss of your mother? >> yeah. absolutely. and i don't know why i have such a hard time ever admitting that. >> hunter's mother, neilia biden, and his 1-year-old sister, naomi, were killed in a car crash in 1972. he and his older brother, beau, just 2 and 3 at the time, were critically injured but survived. their father was sworn in to his first term as a senator by their hospital bedside. >> i think there's a lot of research now that points to the idea almost all who suffer from addiction have a serious trauma in their lives.
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>> beau and i, biden writes, never really grieved the loss of our mother or our baby sister. you didn't talk about it with your dad? >> we talked about my mom all the time with my dad. but the actual accident, no. the darkness that i know my dad suffered afterwards was not something that we necessarily lked about until much later. >> do you wish you had now? >> no. and this is where i am -- it's hard. this is why i don't want to admit that we probably should have. i think they were trying to protect us. >> the book chronicles biden's lifelong struggles with alcohol and cocaine. at one point he managed to stay clean for more than seven years. but when his brother beau died of brain cancer in 2015, hunter began a four-year descent that the darkest period of his
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addiction, what he calls a blur of complete and utter debauchery. >> drinking a quart of vodka a day by yourself in a room is absolutely, completely debilitating. >> that was just the beginning. smoking crack around the clock, drinking lethal amounts of alcohol. >> we want biden. we want the son, hunter. where is hunter? >> by 2019 he'd become a target of the trump campaign. >> 10% held by hunter for the big guy. i wonder who the big guy was. >> it didn't change my behavior in any way. i still needed to get high. i still needed to hide. i still needed to fill that hole. >> as his father was planning a presidential run, biden, who had left behind three daughters and a failed marriage, was living out of roadside motels chasing his next fix. then the family planned a dramatic intervention, disguised as an invitation to a family
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dinner. why did you agree to go? >> my mom said she missed me. dad really needs you. >> you weren't in any condition to go? >> no. i walk in and there are my three girls, my niece and nephew, my mom and dad, and two counselors from a rehab center i'd been to before. and i looked and i said, not a chance. no way. >> you exploded? >> exploded. literally began to run up the driveway. >> and your father chased you. >> yeah. and he grabbed me in a hug, grabbed me, a bear hug, and he said -- just cried and said, i don't know what to do. i don't know what to do. >> what did you think when you heard that? >> i thought i need to figure out a way to tell him that i'm
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going to do something so that i can go take another hit. it's the only thing i could think. i don't know of a force more powerful than my family's love except addiction. i said i was going to go get help. booked the next flight to los angeles and decided that i was going to completely disappear forever. >> but before he disappeared, biden agreed to an interview with "the new yorker." >> part of the thing that saved me, though, i started to tell my story. >> a lot of people saw that "new yorker" article and thought, why are you doing this to your dad right now? >> yeah. i looked at it as i was going to take away their ammunition. the one thing that i thought that they would try to use against him was my drug addiction. this idea that i was a crack addict. >> yeah. you wanted to put it out there before they could use it against you, against your father? >> exactly.
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and no one in the campaign knew i was because i knew they'd say no. >> what happened next biden calls a miracle. on a blind date he met melissa cohen, an aspiring filmmaker from south africa. they had an instant connection. >> and i told her an hour later, i'm a crack addict. >> and she didn't run away? >> she said, well, that ends now. >> did you think it was your last chance? >> yes. i knew it was my last chance. >> just seven days later, they were married. last year their son beau was born. with melissa's help, hunter biden began to repair the damage, one of the deepest wounds to his family, the affair he had with his brother's widow, hallie, just after beau's death. a lot of people look at that and think, what were you thinking? >> yeah. >> what were you thinking? >> both of us had gone through
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the most incredibly painful loss, and it was out of love, and i thought maybe that love would bring my brother back. >> mm-hmm. >> and it didn't work. >> in the middle of that did you think about how your own kids would look at this? >> yeah, and it was hard. that's all i can say. it was really hard. >> in the nearly two years he says he's been sober, hunter biden has tried to make amends. >> the hardest amend for me to make was to my brother. >> because you couldn't make that in person? >> i had made a promise to him that i would be okay. >> you felt like you let him down? >> yeah. >> so how do you make peace with that?
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>> live every day in honor of that. being a purpose and of service to other people that i know is what i need to do. >> you know, as you read this book, there are moments when you get, honestly, infuriated because he keeps making bad decisions, and before this interview, i called a friend of mine who had been through addiction and recovery. and i said, please explain this to me because i don't understand. and he made the point that hunter makes when he was confronted by his father in that driveway. he said the thing you need to understand there is nothing more powerful than addiction, not even your family's love. he said for you to understand what he went through, you have to understand that. and that was the point of empathy i found for him. as you see, he's made a lot of very dubious judgments over time, and you struggle to come to terms with that. >> his father was certainly there for him all the time.
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his mom, dr. jill biden, his mom, too, seemed to never have given up on him. >> he's never doubted his parents' love. his father intervened before the incident he describes there at one point in washington and literally saved him then, too. >> if it's possible to pull the politics out of it, i'm left with tremendous sympathy by a family ripped and wounded by this. no matter how good a parent you are or how bad a parent you are this can happen to your family. and we're seeing it play out in very public detail. >> absolutely true. >> some people were questioning the timing of the book. i think right in the middle -- at the beginning of the biden administration -- >> yeah. i wondered about that. >> is this cathartic for him in some way? >> that's what my friend told me. the thing you need to understand when you say this all aloud, he alluded to it about "the new yorker" article, being honest with himself was very cathartic. and he said that's what this book means to him. it's part of the catharsis.
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>> if it helps him get better, i'm sure joe biden is all about it as a father. >> he has family support. ahead, capitol police say they need help. a new deadly attack leaves officers to rethink their service while congress reconsiders how to protect its
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ahead and first on "cbs this morning" actress deborah ayorinde will join to us discuss the upcoming amazon original horror series "them." why she calls her role the most
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fulfilling but also the most taxing of her career so far. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ irresistibibly smooth h chocol. to put thehe world on n paus. lindndor. madede to melt y you. by thehe lindt masaster chocolo. i'm davivid colladoo i i chose the e spark cashsh d from capitital one. cause e i earn unlnlimited 2% cash b back on eveverything i .
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lastst year i reredeemed $2120 inin cash backck which i usused for r new equipmpment, to expxpand producuction. whwhat's in yoyour wallet?? (tonya) because i smoked, to expxpand producuction. i have heart failure. at night, i i have to plplug myf in to o keep mymy heart pumump working.. mymy tip is, try nonot to be a a restless s r becaususe if you''re not p plud in, you dodon't haveve very longno lilive. [announcncer] you cacan qui. for r free help,p, call 1-800-quit now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ comfmfort in thehe extreme.. ♪ the lincololn family of luxuxury suvs.. ♪ the upups and downwns of freqt mood swiwings can n take you t to deep, depressisive lows.
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or, , give you unusually y high energrgy, even when n depressed.d. ovoverwhelmed d by bipolara? ask abouout vraylar.r. some mededicines onlnly treat the e lows or hihighs. vraylalar effectivively treats d depression,n, acacute manicc and mixexed episodeses ofof bipolar i i in adults. fullll-spectrum m relief for alall bipolar r i sympto, wiwith just onone pill, oncece a day. elderly y patients withth dementia-a-related psychosis s have an inincreasd risk of f death or s stroke. callll your doctctor about unususual changeges in behavar oror suicidal l thoughts.. anantidepressasants can increase t these in chchildrn and yoyoung adultsts. repoport fever, , stiff muscs, or confufusion, which mamay mean a lifefe-threatenining reacti, oror uncontrolollable musclele movementsts, whwhich may bebe pepermanent. siside effectsts may not a apr for seseveral weekeks. high cholelesterol and weightht gain, highgh blood sugugar, which hn lead t to coma or r death, may occur.r. momovement dysysfunction,, sleepinessss, and stomomach iss are e common sidide effects. when bipipolar i oveverwhelm, vrvraylar helplps smooth t ths and dodowns.
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are you managing your diabetes..... when bipipolar i oveverwhelm, ...u.using fingegersticks? wiwith the newew freestylee libre 2 2 system, a a continuousus glucose monit, yoyou can check your glulucoe withth a painlesess, one-sesecond scan.n. anand now withth optional l al, yoyou can choooose to be n notd if you g go too highgh or too . anand for thosose who qualal, ththe freestylyle libre 2 2 sm is now covovered by memedicar. asask your dococtor fofor a prescrcription. yoyou can dot wiwithout fingngerst. lelearn more a at freeeestyle librbre 2 dot u.. ♪♪
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washington, d.c., is on edge this morning after that friday attack on the u.s. capitol. a capitol police officer was killed, and another injured after a man rammed his car into them at a security barricade. the attack raises new questions about balancing security on capitol hill with the need to keep the area open to visitors. our jeff pegues is outside the capitol this morning with an answer to the question that is
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ever changing -- what does it look like these days? good morning to you. what do you see? >> reporter: well, tony, it's back to business as usual here. the capitol is secure this morning, and you can see that behind me. after friday's attack, the capitol police union wants congress to step up security as fast as it can, and the question is will it happen? after friday's attack there is another situaton here where capitol police officers are reeling. >> it is very surreal. >> reporter: jason laforest is a childhood friend of capitol police officer william evans known as billy, who was killed friday when a blue sedan plowed into him and another officer near the capitol. evans, a 41-year-old father of two, had worked as a capitol police officer for 18 years. >> he loved to meet the people that came to the u.s. capitol and to serve the lawmakers, many of whom he knew quite well. >> reporter: the other officer injured, ken shaver, was
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released from the hospital saturday. police shot and killed the attacker, 25-year-old noah green, after he emerged from the vehicle with a knife. retired lieutenant general russell honore who was leading a security review of the capitol following the january 6th insurrection said the building has become a greater target. >> whether it's personally motivated or dominated by some idealogy, at the end of the day, 24/7, 365, the capitol police have to be ready to protect the capitol. >> reporter: lawmakers are grappling with how to deal with capitol security while keeping the building accessible to the public. security measures put in place after january 6th have been scaled back. the number of national guard troops has been reduced in the outer most layer of fencing removed. senator roy blunt says the rest of the fencing should come down. >> i think it would be a mistake for fencing to be a permanent part of the capitol. the idea that what happens next
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at the capitol will be what happened last is almost certain not to be the case. >> reporter: in a statement obtained by "the washington post," green's family said that he suffered from depression and potential mental illness. the investigation continues into the attack. meanwhile, the capitol police force is back on the beat, though their numbers are down. there's even talk among some of the younger police officers of transferring out to other agencies. tony? >> you hate to hear that. jeff, thank you very much. ahead, actress deborah ayorinde will join us to discuss the upcoming series "them" from amazon studios and why she says that horror as a genre is an effective way to portray racism. both horrors. we'll be right back.
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it's okay that you don't want to be first: you aren't.. second covid vaccine. it's okay y to have ququestio: everyoyone deserveves answer. i'm waryry that therere isn't enough i informationon. it's okay y to be excicited, or worrieded, or both.h.
8:23 am
it's alrigight for it t to te whatevever it takekes for yoyou to be reready. hi mom, reready for yoyour sh? yes, i i've been w waiting for this d day. wewe just got t what? vavaccinated.. we just t got vaccininated! let's s get you ththere. lelet's get toto immunity.. are you mamanaging yoyour diabetes..... ...u.using fingegersticks? wiwith the newew freestylee libre 2 2 system, a a continuousus glucose monit, yoyou can chececk your glulue withth a painlesess, one-sesecond scan.n. anand now withth optional l al, yoyou can choooose to be n notd if you g go too highgh or too . anand for thosose who qualal, ththe freestylyle libre 2 2 sm is now covovered by memedicar. asask your dococtor fofor a prescrcription. yoyou can dot wiwithout fingngerst. lelearn more a at freeeestyle librbre 2 dot u.. ♪♪ first on "cbs this morning," we're announcing the performers for the 56th academy of country music awards.
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♪ >> that is mickey guyton. listen to her voice. she is one of more than 25 artists set to take the stage. guyton, nominated for new female artist, will co-host the acms, that's a first, with keith urban who's also expected to perform. they'll be joined by an incredible lineup. listen to this powerhouse of names -- dirks bentley, anthony, brothers osborne, you talked to them, kane brown, love him. luke bryant, love him. kenny chesney, eric church, elle king, ashley mcbryde, but something with her, too, miranda lambert, little big down, mari maren morris -- pick a name. chris stapleton, kelsea ballerini, cece winans, good, too. chris young. the performance will take place across the famous venues that you know, the grand ol' opry house, the historic ryman auditorium, and of course the bluebird convention yay. i can't get over the list,
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though. it's a list -- dan and shay -- brian hurt morris' husband. >> that's right. >> you can watch it -- sunday, ap l 18th, good morning. it's 8:25. senator padilla will visit the fema vaccination site. he wants the federal government to keep running the site for several more weeks. fema plans to pull out sunday. tomorrow san francisco school board is expected to reverse earlier vote to rename dozens of schools. the board wants to avoid litigation after a civil lawsuit claimed the original decision violated the brown act. a long time seafood restaurant is reopening in san francisco's financial district. it's been shut down since july last year due to the pandemic.
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now it's opening at 50% capacity. as we look at the roadways now, a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza, we've got a lot of brake lights. things got busier. we had a broken down vehicle near fremont at the end of the upper deck. that's cleared out of lanes. metering lights are on and it is slow away from the 880 over pass or just beyond that. other than that things are easing up for your monday ride, better across the altamont. san mateo bridge, so far so good between 880 towards 101 and no troubles on the golden gate. little slow south 880 on the nimitz in hayward. good morning. we are starting with morning clouds. we will catch that sunshine through the afternoon. 63 oakland, 66 san jose. concord you will see a high of 67. on futurecast showing you skies that will be clearing as we go
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through our day. tomorrow, temperatures are just a as we continue to return to classrooms... parents like me want to make sure we're doing it safely. especially in the underserved communities hardest hit by covid. trust me, no one wants to get back to classroom learning more than teachers like me. using common sense safety measures like masks, physical distancing, and proper ventilation. safety is why we're prioritizing vaccinations for educators. because together, we all have a responsibility to do our part. and together, we will get through this, safely. i'm m greg, i'm m 68 years o . bei do motivivational spspeakig a responsibility to do our part. in addddition to t the subsbstitute teaeaching. i honeststly feel ththat thatat's my calllling-- toto give backck to youngeger p. i i think mostst adults will statart realizizing that thehey don't rerecall this as q quickly as s they used do or thehey don't reremember this asas vividly a as they oncnce . i'veve been takiking prevagen for r about threree years no. peoplele say to meme periodica, "man, yoyou've got a a memory like an n elephant."." itit's really,y, really hehelpe tremendodously.
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prprevagen. healthieier brain. b better li. this guy here is busy woworking on our state's recovery. you see he lives in n californa and by vacationing in californinia he's susupporting o our bubusinesses a and communinit. whicich means every y fruity skekewer is likike another r sweet nal inin the rebuiuilding of our e economy. hahammer away y craftsman.. calling alall californrnians. keep youour vavacation herere and help o our state get backck to work.. and pleaease travavel responsnsibly. [ sfx:x: ding dingng ding ] and help o our state get [sfx: : bing bing g bing ] [sfx: bloooop bloop blbloop ] [ sfx: bining bloop diding dingng bloop bining ] ththe day can n wait. enenter the gogolden state, wiwith real cacalifornia d d.
8:29 am
come e experience e the grand openening of flooror and decoror's newt locacation in plpleasant h l! our expansnsive store e is fulllly equippeded with safe e distancingng guid, so you c can browsee our wide aisles and be amazed with our even wider selectionon. or easasily order r online, anand pick up p all the producucts you neeeed for yourur flooringg projoject curbsiside! so come didiscover thehe perft floor r at the pererfect prie in whatevever way is perfecect for you.u. floooor and decocor, now opn inin pleasant t hill for r safe in-ststore shoppg anand curbsidede pickup. also o open in mililpitas, burlingagame and sanan leand.
8:30 am
welcome back to "cbs this morning." it is time to bring you some of the stories that are "talk of the table" this morning. and gayle king, you're up first. >> normally i have a happy story, but not today. we're very worried about this. a prayer vigil is planned tonight for earl simmons, known as dmx. his lawyer says he's been hospitalized outside new york city after he had a heart attack at his home in westchester county on friday. the attorney says he's not sure at this time what caused the heart attack. dmx is 50 years old. his family says the rapper remains in hay coma and is on a ventilator. his lawyer says i'd be lying if i said i wasn't very, very worried. he's had a difficult life. he, too, has struggle with drug addiction. a lot of issues in his life.
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no one can deny the effect that he had on the music industry and the culture. we're hoping this has a g to new york, so i've got a solution for them. there's a company that has launched a new line of candles based on the street-inspired scents of new york city. >> oh, gosh -- >> anthony, wait. it's not what you think. >> afternoon in central park -- >> afternoon in central park. these are positive scents. that incorporates hints of grass -- >> could have gone many ways -- >> hints of grass and bergamot. i don't know how to say it. hot roasted nut cart, burnt sugar, a familiar scent around the holidays. soft serve from the corner truck featuring vanilla and sugar. and this is my favorite, bodega coffee, like a corner store here in new york. a blend of espresso and cream flavor. the culture's founder was born
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here -- company's founder was born here. you're laughing because there are other smells in new york. >> because they didn't include corner dumpster on a 90-degree summer day. that one -- >> if anyone's curious about the other smells, there's a 10-year-old article in "new york" magazine called "the smelliest block in new york" which pinpoints it and goes into great detail. >> everyone knows i love my city. there are smells beside those. speaking of things getting going again -- entertainment venues in new york were allowed to open on friday for the first time since the pandemic. the gotham comedy club opened its doors with a surprise headliner -- jerry seinfeld. he actually asked to be the first on stage for the club's reopening friday. here's what he had to say after the show -- >> i love this club, and i love performing in new york. so i try -- i didn't want to get emotional, but i'm really excited to be helping to bring it back. >> i love that he was wearing a mets cap.
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opening day, folks. no, jerry seinfeld's lived in new york for 44 years. he wrote an op-ed in the middle of the pandemic when people were saying new york was dead and over. this is his way of saying, we ain't dead, we're back. and i love that he did it. >> people want to see jerry seinfeld. i not that's a good thing. we are very excited about our next guest. she is actress deborah ayorinde. she stars as lucky emery in the upcoming -- her name is lucky -- in the upcoming amazon original horror series called "them." she's appeared in films like, you might have seen her in "girls trip" or "how about harriet," and the netflix series "luke cage." "them" is about a black family that moves from the jim crow south to an all-white los angeles neighborhood in the 1950s. the home becomes a threat from violence. here's a look. >> she's looking right at you. can't you see her?
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♪ >> ooh. >> don't go into the basement. >> "them" will be available on friday on amazon prime video. deborah ayorinde joins us now first on "cbs this morning." welcome to you, deborah. i was so excited to talk to you because i've seen the first three episodes. i'm going to talk about that in a second. my son and daughter texased me about an hour ago and said there was an earthquake in los angeles. did you by chance feel anything?
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>> yes, i did. and i thought i was crazy at first. and then i found out i wasn't. so yes, i felt it. i felt it. >> yeah. registered a four, but it -- sounds very small, but they said it was -- you could really feel it, that it was a little frightening. did it scare you, too? >> yes it did. you never get used to earthquakes. everything was shaking around me. yes. it was definitely -- >> okay. i'm glad you're okay. glad everybody's okay. but boy, oh, boy, let's talk about your series. this is the thing, deborah, imagine me watching this -- i didn't know anything about it. so when i saw the title "them," i thought it was going to be about aliens and creatures. and when i started watching it, i had to make a shift very quickly as to what was happening on the screen because this is the thing -- it's so beautifully done but also so heartbreaking to watch. it -- it still is still sitting with me. and i watched it on saturday, and i'm still rattled by it. i want to know what it was like to play this character. did it get into your bones?
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>> yes. it did. you know, playing lucky was honestly a blessing because she allowed me to uncover a lot of buried emotions and feelings that i had, that didn't even realize i had, from just experiencing a lot of, you know, the racism, the sexism, the microaggression, the macroaggression, over time you just kind of bury it, and you just show up. and you show up and you show up. and you know, lucky required that i uncover all of that and use that to -- to speak life to her story. and so it was just -- it was a difficult blessing. >> yeah. hey, that's a good way to put it. i'm thinking at the end of the day, what a great character to play. she's a loving wife, a mother, you know, she's -- she has good friends, but she also is dealing with these neighbors who clearly don't want you there. so she has some -- so many moments where she's like, oh,
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not today, i'm not taking this today. so what a great character for you to play, as well. >> exactly. and you know, it just shows -- i think you mentioned a beautiful thing about the fact that the black love, you know, the love between lucky and henry and the love they have for their children is a huge part, as well. and it just -- i mean, just to play a character that is so layered, resonates with who i am as a black woman, it was such a blessing. >> let's talk about horror, too, being an effective use to talk about racism. i never thought about this, your home is supposed to be your sanctuary, your safe place. but also becomes a very menacing place, too. >> right. i think so two things -- one, i mean, racism is horrifying oftentimes. >> yes. >> and i think we speak to that.
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but also i think having our home be also ground zero for a lot of the evil that happened, it speaks to how the experiences can kind of sneak in on the inside and affect the family unit. you have to think a lot of these people that were going through this at this level at that time were experiencing all these things and still had to parent and still had to, you know, be a good spouse or just live. and so having horror be the way we explored this story, it just makes it -- it makes sense. it makes sense. it makes sense. >> i've read, too, that you experienced as yourself as a lttle girl being the other. i love the title, by the way, "them." them could also apply from the black family's point of view talking about the white neighbors who were really horrible to them. and then from the white neighbors looking at the black family who they said, you know,
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we really don't want you here. but i read as a little girl that you also experienced being the other, too. i would imagine that that would trigger things, as well. >> it definitely did. >> how were you the other, deborah? >> you know, being nigerian and coming -- my family and i moved from london to the bay area when i was very young. and i remember when i first went to the school i was put in, i had a thick british accent still. i was nigerian, i'm dark skinned, i didn't look like any of the kids, i didn't sound like any of the kids. i was already really shy. so i just -- it was terrifying for me. i would eat lunch in the bathroom every day, i would fake stomach aches so my mom would take me home from school early. move me to a school near to the house so i'd feel more comfortable. it was a really hard experience. i didn't feel -- i felt like a
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fish out of water. and so just the experience of being them, you don't have to look very far in the world to see that people are really fighting to not be seen as other, you know. and the things that they will do just to not be seen as them, it's crazy. and so i've since learned to embrace what makes me unique and makes me different. but at the time as a kid, all you want to do is fit in. all you want to do -- as a means to not be bullied, you want to fit in. it was really, really hard. >> deborah, it's tony dokoupil. while we talk things that are difficult, there's one scene that's not available in the four episodes. you describe as literally the hardest thing i've had to do to date. the hardest thing? what can you tell us about it? >> so, yes, it comes in the middle of the season, and it -- it required every single bit of me and then some because i wanted to make sure that i
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played it as authentically as possible, because i wanted anyone who had experienced even a fraction of what lucky experiences in that scene to feel seen, to feel heard, to be believed. but it stays with me still to this day, it stays with me. and i just -- i just really, really hope that someone who sees it, they're set free in some type of way. >> whoa. deborah, now i -- i really am intrigued. listen, of the three episodes i've seen, i've seen some things that just -- i don't know, just sort of took me out, i have to say. see something that's even worse than what i've seen so far. that's a great tease. and you should know, over 2.5 million people, tony was telling me, have already looked at the trailer. there's interest. it's hard to watch, but i think people should watch it. it's very, very well done. thank you, deborah. you're great in it. thank you, thank you so much. >>
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this u unplugged d device is protectcting ouour beautifuful coastlinis and d more. put ofoff chores and ususe less enenergy frfrom 4 to 9 9 pm to help p keep our state gogolden. for years there have been calls for more diversity in the technology industry, but a recent study found there's been very little progress. black professionals make up just 5% of the tech work force and 3% of executive positions. researchers also found that from 2014 to 2020, black representation increased by only 1% point. the founder of several tech startups including one valued at more than $1 billion is tackling the industry's issues head on.
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as carter evans reports, he is focusing on offering free courses on college campuses. if the tech talent pipeline isn't working, we decided that we were going to rebuild that pipeline. >> reporter: michael ellison knows firsthand how difficult it is to break into the tech industry. he grew up with a single mom in rural maine and was homeless at times. but he excelled at math and was encouraged to study computer science in college. >> i was sitting in a classroom spending 30 hours to complete an assignment that kids standing next to me were taking, say, two to four hours. i just felt like i wasn't smart enough to major in cs. >> reporter: he dropped out of the program after his freshman year. >> if you're an underrepresented minority, if you're coming from a low-income background, the system's not designed for you. >> reporter: he says one of the main problems is that underrepresented minorities have more likely to attend computer science programs with outdated classes in limited resources. >> what if you're a computer science student and you're
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attending a school where your professors can't pass the technical interviews? you don't have enough people to teach the basic stuff let alone the cutting edge tech nothings. >> reporter: he got his career and worked with startups that focused on tech education. one built a training program for facebook, google, and netflix called code path and ready rallized it could fill the gaps at colleges. now students at 60 schools can take part in app development and cybersecurity. >> i wanted to be able to learn mobile development for ios because i feel like that's a great skill to have. today is a panel, and we have some people in the industry talking to us. >> we just finished up with lab. we discussed the assignment for this week. and it looks like we're going to build a clone of instagram. i think it's looking pretty good. >> reporter: code path also helps prepare students for their first tech job interview.
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more than half of those in the program are minority or first-generation college students, including 20-year-old fawziyah alebiosu who studies computer science in maryland. >> i was hooked. i really was because i learned about android development, something my school doesn't have courses about. and i got to talk to people who are already in the industry like android engineers. it's been so helpful to know what companies are looking for, especially when you don't know any computer scientists ain you life. >> if we're not intentional about inclusion we're unintentionally excluding. >> reporter: stanford teach cynthia lee created a course called race and gender in silicon valley. she says programs like code path can help address the main factors that have hurt minority job candidates trying to break into the industry. >> the most important would be the hiring interview process, as well as the places where recruiters look. >> reporter: how likely are code path graduates to get jobs?
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>> if you are, say, a black computer science today is code path, 43 times more likely to be able to get a job at one of the most competitive tech companies. >> reporter: he says landing a job is just the first step. >> we unapologetically are not just trying to get people in somewhere, we're trying to get them can you lead a technology company, can you be someone who's founding tech startups? if you want to talk about racial equity, you have to talk about systemic change. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," carter evans, san francisco. >> 43 times more likely to get a job. that's an effective program. >> yes. that typing you hear is people trying to figure out how can i sign up for code path. i always thought learning code would be fascinating. >> a lot of smart people that that. >> i loved her. jumping out of her skin. you're watching "cbs this morning." we'll be right back. stay with us.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
8:51 am
some clilimate expererts say, time is s running ouout to pret disasterer unless wewe seseriously chchange our h ha. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ small l decisions s make a world d of differerence. ikeaea.
8:52 am
ladies... check it out. so strong. so... not ripped. what're wewe talkin ababout.. thatat's the hefefty ultra a strong bagag hefty! h hefty! heftfty! (w(whispers) g gimme. (c(confused) g give me thehe ? get hehefty ultra a strong at a lowow price why choose invisalign over other aligners? only invisalign treatment uses smarttrack technology. it moves teeth more comfortably and predictably than ordinary aligners. so i can create custom treatment plans for every smile. (♪ ♪) ♪ reynolds w wrap makes s this we cocooking and d cleanup ththg so e easy. it spepeeds up thihis... soso i can getet to them.. easysy prep, cooook and clean with r reynolds wrwrap. ♪ there you go.
8:53 am
that's lucas oil stadium in indianapolis. the big game tonight between baylor and gonzaga will be right here on cbs. and tony, anthony's back, all is right with the world. >> another big game tonight, mets opening day. just saying -- >> but anthony mason is back at the we love our new home. there's so much space. we have a guestroom now. but we have aunts. yoyou're sloucuching againin,. expired.d. expired. . expire. ththanks, auntnt bonnie. itit's a lot o of house. i hope y you can keeeep it cle. at leaeast geico m makes bubundling ourur home and car ininsurance eaeasy. whwhich helps s us saveve a lot of f money. oh, teteddy. didid you get t my friend d re? oh. i'll h have to cheheck. auaunt joni's s here! for bundling made easy, go to o hello?!
8:54 am
come experience the grand opening of flooror and decoror's newt locacation in plpleasant h l! for bundling made easy, go to o our expansnsive store e is fulllly equippeded with safe e distancingng guid, so you c can browsee our wide aisles and be amazed with our even wider selectionon. or easasily order r online, anand pick up p all the producucts you neeeed for yourur flooringg projoject curbsiside! so come didiscover thehe perft floor r at the pererfect prie in whatevever way is perfecect for you.u. floooor and decocor, now opn inin pleasant t hill for r safe in-ststore shoppg anand curbsidede pickup. also o open in mililpitas, burlingagame and sanan leand.
8:55 am
good morning. it's 8:55. i am len kiese. vice president kamala harris -- elementary and middle schools in cupertino reopening for in person learning. about half of the 15,000 students have chosen to attend classes in person for part of each week. heads up for contra costa bart riders. part of the pleasant hill station garage will close this
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morning as crews begin construction. they'll be working on upgrading lighting and retrofitting the building. speaking of bart, we are dealing with a 10 minute bart delay in the pleasanton dublin direction. other than that, things are fairly quiet. a live look at the bay bridge, metering lights are on. across upper deck, you will have a few lights into san francisco. a broken down vehicle reported near the toll plaza on the west bound side. a little slow once you approach the pay gates but once you pass that it is a clear ride towards 101 along the peninsula. so far, so good on the golden gate bridge. looking a little cloudy though this morning. it's a great start with clouds and on shore flow kicking in. through the afternoon, we should catch clearing and sunshine with near normal daytime highs. about 60 in san francisco, 63 oakland, 66 in san jose, and concord topping out at 67. you see on futurecast the skies clearing as we go through our
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day today. temperatures tomorrow are bay area homeownersrs, leararn how you u can elimiminate montnthly mortrtgage paymements and improvove your c cashflow. lookok, this isn't my first rorodeo and lelet me tetell you something,g, i i wouldn't be here ifif i thouought reversrse mortgagages tookok advantagage of any y american senior, or worse, , that it t was someme way to take your r home. it's just t a loan desisigned for older homemeowners, and, it's s helped over a a million americans.s. a a reverse mortgage loan isnsn't some k kind of t trick toto take yoyour home. it's's a loan, like any other. big differencece is how y you pay itit back. bay area h homeowners,s,
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9:00 am
wayne: hey! over 50 years of deals, baby! jay: monty hall! monty: thank you very much! jay: a brand new car! monty: the big deal of the day. - whoo! monty: back-to-back cars! wayne: go get your car! you've got the big deal! tiffany: (singing off-key) jonathan: money. - (screaming) - this is the happiest place on earth! - on "let's make a deal"! whoo! (theme playing) jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal"! now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: hey, america, welcome to "let's make a deal." wayne brady here, thank you for tuning in. three people, let's make a deal. let's go with you, yes, ma'am. corina, you are right there. you, sh... is it shareea?


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