tv Face the Nation CBS April 19, 2021 3:00am-3:29am PDT
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increasing frustration. breaking overnight: there has been another mass shooting. this time at a bar in kenosha, wisconsin. three are dead, two others wounded. this mrning, yet another american community is waking up and asking why. >> this has to end. it is a national embarrassment. it is a national embarrassment, what's going on. every single day, every single day there is a mass shooting in the united states. >> brennan: plus, there is new pain and protest after videos of police officers shooting and killing 13-year-old adam toledo in chicago, and20eaold dh minnesota that cycle l asheldru refuses to quit. cases and hospitalizations are on the rise again. paus, cty
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re people vaccinated, we almost certainly are going to be able to blunt an increase that is a sharp surge in the virus. >> brennan: we'll talk with dr. anthony fauci and former f.d.a. commissioner dr. scott gottlieb. and as we approach earth day, two special conversations as the world unites to fight climate change. we'll talk with french president emmanuel macron and the u.s. ambassador to the united states, linda thomas-greenfield, about that, plus the refugee crisis, and new conflicts with russia. it is all just ahead on ace tion." ♪ >> brennan: good morning. and welcome to "face the natin." we've got a lot to get to today, but we begin with the sobering news that over three million people
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have now died from covid-19 globally. here in the u.s., there is good news for adults who want to be vaccinated. starting tomorrow, 18 will now be eligible. strassmann. >> reporter: more mayhem in minnesota. [yelling] >> reporter: in our national reckoning about race. protests fueled by twin moments of anguish in the twin cities. less than 10 miles and just 10 months apart. first a cop's knee buried in george floyd's neck. in former officer derek chauvin's murder trial, a jury will start deliberating tomorrow. minnesota could face more unrest. >> these times are tense. police shooting lastseenis sunday in a minneapolis
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suburb. 20-year-old daunte wright killed when an officer mistook her gun for her taser. she has resigned. it brought out crowds of protestors from new york to sacramento, among their demands: sweeping policer dict looming, police agencies in cities like washington, d.c., boston, new york, and philadelphia, are now prepping for potential trouble this week. many other americans are unnerved by something else: the lingering covid threat. in many places, the virus is spiking again. also undermining confidence that we have turned a corner, safety questions about the johnson & johnson vaccine. the f.d.a. has suspended giving any more doses of the j & j, a precaution until scientists resolve an issue of post-vaccines blood clots. >> what we found is, um, really extremely rarecae? literally one a million. eight known clots in roughly eight million
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americans who received the single-shot j & j, but much more common over the past week: covid hospitalizations. 38 states reported hikes, along with a nationwide average around 76,000 new covid cases a day. >> we know there arehamered. >> reporter: states getting hammered, mission, rhode island and new jersey. >> while we've flattened the curve again and again, crofltd covid will not surrende. >> reporter: 205 million doses have been administered. in a country hungry for signs of progress, nearly half of all americans aged 18 and up have had at least one shot of the vaccine. >> bnnan: marlanta. we go to the president's chief medical advisory, dr. anthony fauci. good morning to you,
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doctor. >> doctor: good morning, margaret. >> brennan: at this point, 40 million americans have gotten at least one dose of the vaccine. when will the infection rate come down? >> doctor: i think it will come down soon ifeistinue e very fine rate of vaccination, where we're vaccinating between three and four million people a day. but the other wildcard in this is to be making sure until we get to that point we don't pull back on public health measures because we're having between 60,000 and 70,000 new infections per day. it would really, i think, not be prudent at all to declare victory prematurely and pull back. without a doubt, as we continue every single day to get more and more people vaccinated, that rate will go down if we don't give the virus the opportunity to essentially surge. and by giving the virus the opportunity, i meanng b
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public health measures. if we do those two things simultaneously, continue to vaccinate at the sam we will reach the point where we will be abl toget back to doing things the way we did before. but we're going to have to make sure that we get as many people vaccinated as we possibly can. >> brennan: right now about 5% of u.s. vaccine supply is sidelined because of this pause on the johnson & johnson vaccine. can you explain here -- what we have seen in public reporting is six women between the ages of 18 to 45, who developed clots in their brains within two weeks of receiving the vaccine. he bn anyfuhe cases? and wi thetricti lifted thik. >> dr: i dnow caseut wilw friday i uld be surprised if we
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certnly will be made by ay i doneaicipe the t to stretch it out a bit longer. and one way or the other, they'll make a decision about j & j. i don't know what that is going to be. but thinking about what the possibilities are, one of the possibilities would be to bring them back, but to do it with some form of restriction. or some form of warning. but i believe by friday we're going to know the answer to that. >> brennan: you told cbs this week that one of the things you think needs to be investigated is the role of hormones here. looking at the fact these women are child-bearing age, you wanted to look whether they were on birth control. does that indicate that the restrictions could be gender-based? becawe now have only seen six peohanism and what we've seen with
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a.z., astrazeneca, in the european union and the u.k., has the same sort of thrombotic theme, namely a clot, and it's a very unusual situation to see that. and yet in those circumstances, where they've seen many more with that different vaccine, it has not only been restricted to women. and that's one of the points that we want to be careful about. you don't want to jump ahead of yourself and decide you know the total spectrum of this. which is one of the reasons why they paused and why, hopefully, by friday we'll know that. >> brennan: the johnson & johnson vaccine is an in activated cold virus injected into someone. the moderna and pfizer dikind of vaccine. when you were on this program in february, i asked you whether johnson & johnson was an inferior vaccine, and you said, no, no, it is not, you can't
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say that. do you still believe that? >> doctor: right. yeah. from a standpoint of efficacy, no doubt we're dealing with three highly efficacious vaccines. the issue of safety now is being examined. and, as we mentioned just a moment ago, we'll know a lot more about that by friday. but the w the one thing we should emphasize: when you're dealing with safety, people should not ex trextrapolate a pause with one vaccine to the other vaccines. for example, the same surveillance system that picked up the six women in the j & j was the same surveillance system that the c.d.c. and the f.d.a. uses with the moderna product and with the pfizer product. and thus far there have been no red flags of that, even though ten tens o people have been vaccinated with those
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vaccines. so one of the things you can take away from all of this is that when the surveillance system, the c.d.c. and the f.d.a., say that something is safe, you can be sure that it is safe. >> brennan: the c.d.c. director was on this program in february, and said at that time there were other vaccines being looked at, either to deal with different strains, as she put it, or booster vaccines. do we know yet which ones need it, and when should americans expect to have to go out and get a booster? >> doctor: you know, we're going to find that out soon, margaret, because you determine whether a booster is needed to the particular virus that you're dealing with, like the standard virus. if you get a level of immunity, which is measured generally by antibodies, when that level starts to fade down to a certain critical level, then it is a good indication you'll need a boost. or if you start to see ktgh inftions,
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riginal virus s wh a variant, even though a person is vaccinated, you might want to boost with a variant-specific boost, as opposed to just a boost to the regular. so we'll know some time, i believe, by the end of the summer, by the beginning of the fall -- likely by the end of the summer -- whether or not we're going to have to boost people with an additional shot. be it an additional shot against the original virus or perhaps -- perhaps -- a vaccination against something that is very specific, to whatever variant you're worried about. >> brennan: dr. fauci, thank you for your time this morning. >> doctor: good to be with you, marrying. thanmargaret.thank you for havi. >> brennan: we turn now to former f.d.a. commissioner dr. scott gottlieb. he also sits on the board of pfizer and joins us from westport, connecticut. good morning. >> doctor: good morning. >> brennan: dr. fauci
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said we would know no later than friday whether this pause on j & j would no want to answer this question, if you were still f.d.a. commissioner, would you have gone ahead with this pause? >> doctor: look, i think this is a decision for the f.d.a. to make. right now it is before the c.d.c. advisory commission, which creates some of the problems about how it is going to be decided about the use of this vaccine gets resumed. i think it was reasonable to pause this while the vaccine gets investigated. bu we need to find a pathway to bring this back to the market, with, perhaps, additional warnings and additional information on who is most indicated for this vaccine. given the fact that these risks seem to be related to the vaccine, based on wat we know right now. >> brennan: when you say "restrictions," you meanage s certain gendering? seituation i t where there is an age
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restriction. a lot of the people who had the side effects with the johnson & johnson and the astrazeneca vaccine, which also seems to be a similar mechanism, they were younger individuals. so they were at less risk from covid disease, and they seem to be at more risk, potentially, from these side effects. so you might see a situation where the vaccine gets reserved for use in older individuals, who are both potentially at lower risk of th the side effects and at higher risk for symptoms. so that these cases do emerge, you can get patients into treatment more immediately and hopefully head off a bad outcome. >> brennan: so startinghe avaible to all aduwhenou were lh us, we you said we were about to see more supply of vaccine than demand. does that equation change
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now that a 5% of the vaccine is off the market? or does any part of this j & j complication change your forecast? >> doctor: i don't think the equation changes that much. maybe you get pushed out a week, week and a half. i think there is still a lot of supply coming into the market. and we're going to have a siuation where the vaccines are going to be readily available. what does change, however, is that the j & j vaccine is a one-shot vaccine, and it was also able to be stored in easier environments. able to keep it at a room tonight in normal refrigeration. so to the extent we're having trouble reaching certain communities with vaccines, because of the complexity of delivering the current vaccines, the j & j vaccine was a beneficial alternative. so i think the challenge will be that we have to set up better logistics and try to reach communities that we know are hard to reach where the j & j was making it easier, and now we have to you the m.r.a..
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hopefully it will be able to be used in the populations given what we know about a safety profile. >> brennan: you said on this program back inted for modea afithni cedthat tee we developing? does this need to be a new kind of vaccine? or is it the same version of the same old shot, just a third dose? > doctor: both are being tested right now in large trials. we're going to have some data on that pretty soon. if you look at the danish landmark study, and they looked at people who were previously infected with covid, how long their immunity lasted, once you got out six, seven months, in people over 65, their immunity declined about 60%. we believe that vaccines provide more robust
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immunity, and you expect to see some de degradation with some of the vaccines, so i think we'll be boosting. whether you use 1351, which is in development by moderna and pfizer, or just a third dose of the existing vaccine, that needs to be worked out. but you need to be careful that we don't use one that is for the variant 1351, but you lose protection against everything else. and that is a possibility. we'll have a lot of data around the current vaccines and how they protect against the current variants. all we'll have about the 1351 variant is now it protects against 1351. >> brennan: 1351 being the variant also known as the south african variant. we just lost audio there, so i'm going to take a break. "face the nation" will be right back in one
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minu- oc r m. dr. gottlieb, ifou still hear me, what you were talking about with 1351, another question about a variant, p-1, that brazilian version spread in canada, actually, quite close to the u.s. border here. how concerned should americans be? >> doctor: well, look, i think we need to be concerned about p-1. i think we need to be concerned about the variant that is spreading in india as well, which has two mutations, and also the mutation that is found in the los angeles variant. these variants are concerning. right now the prevalence of them isn't high enough in the united states that i think they're going to take off this summer. so i don't think they're a near-term risk. i think they're a risk as we head into the fall and the winter that one of the new variants could become the predominant strain. but b-117 is the
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predominant strain and so it might be harder for those other variants to spread in the u.s. >> brennan: dr. scott gottlieb, thank you for your time. we'll be back in a minute with french president emmanuel macron. >> doctor: thanks a lot. om the ? try nature's bounty hair, skin and nails gummies. the number one brand to support beautiful hair, glowing skin, and healthy nails. and try advanced, now with two times more biotin. and try advanced, these days you have to keep everything moving and reinvent the wheel. with a hybrid, you can do both. that's why manufacturers are going hybrid with ibm. with watson on a hybrid cloud factories can use ai to automate the little things so they can focus on the next big thing.
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businesses that want to innovate at scale are going with a smarter hybrid cloud using the technology and expertise of ibm. covid hl ju reac100,000, itthird national lockdown. we spoke with french president emmanuel macron in paris, and asked when those restrictions will be lifted in france and when americans can travel there again. >> we will progressively lift the restrictions at the beginning of may. which means we will organize in the summertime with our friends. for french citizens and also for american citizens. we're working hard to propose resolutions, especially for those who
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are vaccinated. with a special pass, i would say. >> brennan: have you worked that out with the white house? >> yes. we started that. and now our ministers in charge are finalizing the technical conditions. in terms of methods, we're building the, tween the different european countries, with testing and vaccinations. and the idea, indeed, is all together to offer that to the american cities, when they decide to vaccinate, or with p.c.r. tests being negative. so the idea is, indeed, to always control the virus, to maximize the vaccinations, and to progressively lift the restrictions. >> brennan: mr. president, the european union has been slow, as you know, and it has hurt your country in rolling out these vaccines.
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given that you need these vaccines right now, are you going to buy russia's sputnik vaccine to make up for the shortfall. >> because of the fact weeuro, g up. and we'll be in the situation to meet our targets with what we have now. there are a few memberhi with sput nic. but we have a new simple principles. first, if there is no revolution of the vaccine, there is no way to use this vaccine on our soil. at this stage, the russian vaccine is not recognized by our authorities. so i don't think that the russian vaccine today is a solution to an acceleration. bcause it would take time to have the authorization of the european g.n.c., and it will take time to produce such a vaccine. >> brennan: when will vacce doses that you say
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rich countries like yours should give to poor countries. >> if wein becaus sth and latopng contamid. ll havuntry. i think this is not efficient to just be focused on the rich countries. so one year ago we launched an initiative to help them vaccinate to improve their health system, because this is as important as vaccination and treatment. now we have to accelerate. and this is where i do believe your country has a huge hold because you can provide financing. i want to thank the u.s. for the $4 billion committed to covid vaccines. but as for further doses, we will send all together.
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and i think between now and june, we have to send the maximum vaccines, which is a tiny part of what we get, to vaccinate the workers of the health care system in africa. it's very limitedserve the health system, and this is something we can do. after summer, we will accelerate these deliveries. we will accelerate (indiscernable). and on top of what we have to provide is financing for the world economy. >> brennan: we'll have more of our interview in our next half hour. stay with us. things differently r investments, we o and other money managers don't understand why. (money manager) because our way works great for us! (naj) but not for your clients. that's why we're a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. (money manager) so, what do you provide? cookie cutter portfolios?
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