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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  May 10, 2021 3:30am-4:01am PDT

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to learn more about the latest research, including clinical trials, visit pancreatic cancer this is the cbs overnight news. good evening, there's good news on america's covid recovery. new cases of the virus, hospitalizations and deaths are all down. nearly 35% of american adults have been fully vaccinated. at the same time, nothing gets americans on planes during a pandemic like the holidays and america's day weekend has proven no exception. we are at new york's laguardia airport and are led off, mola, not a lot of people behind you right now. >> reporter: well, that is
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right, but generally traffic seemed to be up this week. people we spoke with here today say, they felt safer about traveling. because the ones we spoke with were among the country's vaccinated. nationwide, new covid cases and hospitalizations are generally down. travel, at least this weekend is up. a mother's day travel rush today a passengers from l.a. to new york take flight. more than 1.7 million travelers nationwide, pass through airports friday, a pandemic era concerns traveling? >> i felt safe coming and traveling between states. >> reporter: america's confidence is growing as morocco individual restrictions are lifted and former fda commissioner, dr. scott gottlieb said the virus will not just disappear. >> we will have to contend with it again this winnerer and may have to reimplement mask
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ordinances in is settings where we have mask outbreaks. >> reporter: 13 states have less than 40% of the populations vaccinated with mississippi at the bottom. this comes as more states turn down doses with wisconsin asking for just 8% of the federal allocation. illinois, 9%. and kansas, just under 9%. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: to boost the numbers, saturday's global citizen's concert which encourages people to get vaccinated raised money to fight covid. >> we cannot let up now, the vaccines are safe, i promise you they are safe. >> reporter: with more americans vaccinated we could see changes to indoor mask mandates, today, dr. fauci said that the country may eventually take a more seasonal approach to masks. for example, wear them during flu season. >> mola, for us in new york. thank you. there's been a mass shoot engine
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co-colorado springs, 7 people are dead after a gunman opened fire in a burth irthday. the victims were adults and no children injured. parts of a chinese rokts that was launched last month crashed back to earth. it is believed to have splashed down in the indian ocean. congressional republicans face a reckon hg this week. they are set to vote on whether to oust liz cheney from their leadership -- from her leadership position rather. we are at the white house tonight. christina. this move is not just about leadership. it's got bigger implications. >> reporter: this is all about the mid terms.
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? we need a conference chair that is delivering the message. day in, day out. >> reporter: minority leader kevin mccarthy stood by his conference chair colleague, liz cheney when other house republicans wanted her kicked out of leadership for voting to impeach former president trump after the january 6th capitol riots. >> i don't think he should be playing a role in the future of the party or the country. >> reporter: now he is standing by someone else. >> do you support elise stefanik for that job? >> yes, i do. >> reporter: she represents a rural part of up state new york and has a less conservative voting record and a greater loyalty to the former president. in a press release. mr. trump called cheney a war mongering fool and endorsed stefanik as a quote, superior choice, not everyone in the gop agrees. >> they are going to get rid of liz cheney because they much would rather pretend that the conspiracy is either real or not confront it. >> it bothers me that you have to square fealty to the dear
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leader or you are kicked out of the party. >> reporter: cheney's fate will be decided monday when a secret ballot will be taken to decide whether or not she keeps her job in leadership. >> at the white house, thank you. it's been an incredibly tough dayer for some families in kabul, afghanistan, parents have been burying their children, many of them young girls killed in a bombing attack outside of a school. at least 68 people have died, and we are there. >> reporter: yesterday, they were in school with their friends, preparing for their lives ahead. innocent school girls who were murdered in an act of brutality for daring to pursue an education. she was 15 years old and never missed a kayay of school he sai of his niece, we buried her here today. the interior ministry
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spokesman told us that a car bomb exploded outside the entrance of the school just as the teenage girls were leaving class. followed by two more bombs planted in the area. the government blames the taliban, which is denied involvement, but that part of kabul has been the frequent site of bombings by isis in afghanistan, especially targeting skoos. the massacre, under lies the instability here as u.s. and international forces withdraw, and afghan security forces struggle to both contain militants on the battlefield and keep safe civilians in the cities. >> our front line is our mosques, our streets and schools, and they are our universities. any place that the taliban can attack, it's the front line for us now. >> parents burying the children today, didn't send them to the front line. they sent them to school. >> it's a tragic reality here in
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afghanistan that attacks like this are not uncommon. it comes at the end of an exceptionally violent week that has seen a surge in attacks from the moment the u.s. drawdown began. >> thank you. medina's spirit, the horse that won the kentucky derby has failed a drug test. the trainer, bob baffert made the disclosure, denying any wrongdoing. >> medina's spirit has never been treated with that drug. i got the biggest gut punch in racing for something that i did not do. and it's really, it's is disturbing. it's an injustice to the horse on. >> if medina's spirit fails a second estimate the, it could be disqualified. the colt is expected to run in the preakness on saturday. the cbs overnight news will be right back.
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when i get a migraine, i go to the darkest place i can find. but now that i've got nurtec odt i dodon't needed the darknkn. i can geget out therere and dodo my thing!g! nunurtec is ththe only quick-didissolve trereatment for migrgraine attacacks ththat can getet many peopoe back to nonormal activivitis and lalast up to 4 48 hours with j just one dodose. onederful.l. don't take if allergigic to nurtetec. the most c common side effffect was nanausea. geget back to o it with nunu. ask your d doctor abouout nurtec t today. feeling g stressed i in your s? nonot with newew olay retitinoy wash. which imprproves skin n 3x bet. frfrom dry andnd stressed,d, tot and smooooth. so, i can n feel my bebest iny skin. olay b body. fearless i in my skin.n. ♪ why do o you build d me up♪
3:39 am
♪ (bubuild me up)p) ♪ ♪ buttercrcup, baby ♪ ♪ just t to let me e down ♪ ♪ (let me d down) ♪ ♪ andnd mess me a around ♪ ♪ andnd then worsrst of all ♪ ♪ (worsrst of all) ) ♪ ♪ you nevever call, b baby ♪ ♪ when yoyou... ♪ ♪ sayay you will.l... ♪ carl. what have you done? think anyone will notice? yes. yeah. if you ride, you get it. yeah, they will. geico o motorcyclele. fiftfteen minutetes could sasu fifteen pepercent or m mor. up at 2:2:00am againin? totonight, tryry pure zzzszsl ninight. unlike othther sleep a aids, our extetended releaease melatn helplps you sleeeep longer.. and d longer. zzzquil pupure zzzzzs all nigight. fallll asleep. stay a asleep.
3:40 am
♪ ♪ this is the "cbs ever overnight news." thanks for staying with us. the latest numbers from the cdc show the u.s. may be turning the corner in in the battle againste coronavirus. hospitalizations and deaths continue to fall, and now, 45% of americans have received at least one dose of the vaccine and 1/3 of the nation has been fully vaccinated. however, the number of americans taking the shots have begun to drop you off. in the latest efforts to vaccinate the nation's children. michael george has the story.
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>> reporter: vaccination rates could get a boost as early as next week. the fda is expected to approve the pfizer vaccine for teens 12-15 years old and research is under way to determine if the vaccine is safe for even younger children. 16 month old nathaner already vaccinated, part of a stud they at texas children's hospital, where his mother is a pediatric surgeon. >> having understood the data and science and risks involved we felt the benefitser far out weigh the risks so that was why the decision was clearing for me. >> reporter: his shot was 1/10 of an adult dose. >> he was having a dance party with his brother by the end of the day, so it was fine my youngest son, 16 is now just recently fully vaccinated. >> reporter: the doctor r is th director of the centers for disease control. and i rest easy knowing my family will be safe and that is simply the best mother's day gift i could get this year.
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>> reporter: but not every child's mother maying eager to celebrate. less than a third of parents say they get their children vaccinated, according to a recent foundation, among vaccine eligible adults, powe44% have n been vaccinated but they are working patiently to change it. >> there's been hesitation, and miscommunication on the vaccination and we try to provide the actual education and so that our guests and consumers can make the right choice. >> reporter: the mission offers transportation too. and this week saw a huge turn out. joining sites that have given 100 million with results. >> the explanation, we have protectives from that kind of event. we still have a ways to go.
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we have state and regional challenges. >> reporter: business abouts, some on the verge of going out of business are back. as the country saw new daily cases fall to a seven month low this week. >> people come and say, thank god you are open, i say, no, thank god you are here. >> reporter: san francisco moved to the yellow tier, with the highest vaccination rate. 74% of san francisco eligible residents have been vaccinated. moving closer to the race for herd immunity. and on friday, pfizer asked the fda to have full approval of the vaccine. if the fda agrees it could make it easier formployees to be vaccinated. >> the people who live along the u.s. u.s./mexico border are caught in between the middle.
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we paid a visit to a native american tribe who is nearly 3 million acre reservation straddles the border. >> reporter: an hour away from tucson, arizona and another two traveling through the unpaved roads of the desert toward the border. we arrived at the first building structure for miles. we are about four miles away from mx on co, vitinis fran seen, she has lived here all of her life and frequently receives migrants, traffickers, and border patrol all coming through her property. she said that every few days she finds people on her property. on the way in to the united states, and from mexico. >> the other day, someone came in, and they walked that way. >> reporter: how long have they been in the desert? >> the lady that came, she said that she was out there for three days. >> reporter: she gives them food and water and whatever she can offer. >> can you afford it? >> not so. >> reporter: she knows her
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generosity has to be limited, she said she is questioned by agents roaming and sur israeling the area. even on her own property. >> i just always feel like i'm the target and yet, i'm always out here. >> reporter: this year alone, they are detaining migrants in the reservation. the heat of the desert can be fatal. last year was the deadliest on record in the region. it's not just migrants, agents are also chasing drugs. and you can, you can definitely smell it. >> yeah. >> reporter: she showed us the bag of marijuana. we were there when a border patrol agent arrived to pick it up. >> she could be prosecuted for having an illegal substance on her property. she could be criminalized on that. >> reporter: has it happened. >> it has happened and we are
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questioned when we are not the cause. >> reporter: he said that the communities exist among a tug of war with the people trafficking drugs, money, people and weapons and the agencies that work to stop them. you think he is following someone? while on the reservation. we saw border patrol helicopters hovering above. even with their constant presence, they spend their this time dealing with border enforcement issues. it's 60 miles of the u.s./mexico border. but their nations is on both sides. there's no such division. and what we are seeing here is a barrier that is more environmental than a wall which they successfully stopped from building. and the building of the wall, along the arizona border, east and west of the reservation. funnels trafficking right through the nation. a wall has never been the
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answer. how does policy impact the nation from your point of view? >> i have said, america needs to kick its drug habit and number two, there has to be true i a -- true immigration reform to allow those that come here to contribute to the economy of america. and of course, they probably want to go home, and so you have that opportunity. >> it's a sentimeant that resonates with fran seen. >> i'm not about to let anybody drive me ♪ for decades, most bladder leak pads were similar. until l always disiscreet chand ththat. by i inventing a a revolutioiy papad, that's incredibibly th. becaususe it protetects differe. with two r rapiddry lalayers tht overlap,p, where you u need it momost. for strorong protectction, th's alalways discrcreet.
3:48 am
it's titime to quesestion yor protecection. it''s time f for always s disc. gillette p proglid . five b blades and d a pivotig flexexba l designgned to get t virtu lly every y hair on ththe first sts so y you're readady for the ey wiwith a freshsh face for r ah start.t. for a a limited titime get a h cacartridge frf ee. depression. multiple symptoms hold you back. it's hard to get out of your driveway, and yoyour own wayay.
3:49 am
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align contains a quality probiotic to naturally help soothe digestive upsets 24/7. try align, the pros in digestive health. . the crew came under fire on a busy highway, in broad daylight, it turns out crimes like this one are becoming common occurrences in south africa. debra reports. >> every time security officers gets behind the wheel, is taking his life in to his hands. it was a passenger for days. it's a baptism of fire. >> there's nothing that can really --
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>> gun shots rip ready off, a and -- >> instincts and nerves of feel on the dash cam video, he is seen using his vehicle as a weapon to fenend off a barrage shshots as he c calmly weavees through traffic. thee c camera is mounted on the outside of the armored truck. he was looking at what he is up against. he has r received multiple deat threats. cash and transit -- he executed with military precision. he runs a training company for securities, they are dealing with 5-6 hits a weeeek across south africa, and attackers are seldom caught. >> i want to call it policing
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with restricted resources and so, that ends up being a terrible mixture for us. and a very good mixture for criminals. >> reporter: it's a high stake of business as this toxic mixture of law enforcement, in hard cash and valuable goods. the oppositioni idid not get th upper hand. they are growing increasingly brazen, is and since lockdown issues are eased the number of incidents have gone down. >> a mother and daughter from oklahoma spept mother's day, preparing for the climb of their lives. to the top of mount everest, and as we report, the pair has
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conquered an even greater event. >> it just might be the ultimate girl's trip. valerie and jess are hoping to be the first american mother/daughter team to reach the world's highest peak. 17,600 -- if we are not enjoying, a moment along the way. we have missed the point almost. >> already experienced climbers, the trek started weeks ago when they left oklahoma. >> look how sun burned we are. >> a bit of sun. it's a brutal undertaking for valerie who is 61 and has asthma, and for jess, diagnosed with ovarian cancer, she has been through multiple surgeries and months of chemotherapy. she is now cancer free.
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>> we felt that it was having fun and living life. >> they have weathered storms. 60 mile an hour plus winds, and white out conditions. 43 hours. >> when we say we lived every day, we really do. because we have been in a place where we didn't have maybe -- so, every day. >> yeah. >> yes. >> so, the adventure of a lifetime, but time together. >> i'm a lucky mom. >> the great kids will be kids, which just goes to say kids will be curious. they get into everything...everything! if there's a loaded firearm in the house, they could get their hands on that too. keeping firearms locked, unloaded and stored separately from ammunition in a place inaccessible to kids can help keep your loved ones safe from family fire. safe gun storage saves lives.
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joe buck and john smoltz welcoming you back to the city center convenience mart. heather's moment has arrived, and you just hope all that training pays off. heather lays down her purchase but randy rings it up as slowly as he can. uh-oh. yup, she's looking at the cigarettes. there's nothing good back there. heather's arm is in motion. but she just grabs the gum off the counter. that's a slick move. even randy tips his cap to heather. stand up to cancer and rally wants you to reduce your risk for cancer. go to
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one lucky mother was able to stroll the red carpet thanks to a loving son. we found this heartwarming story, you guessed it on the road. >> at her sould-out new york premier. rebecca was pulled in all directions. everyone wanting a picture with this most unlikely star of the silver screen. >> it was really bizarre. because i'm like, this is just my mom, we showed up out of an uber. >> rebecca's son. >> she went from hotel housekeeper to household name over the last four or five years. >> as we first reported back in
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2017, the journey began right after she left this voicemail for her son. >> i just got fired. just want you to know that. call me back. >> reporter: let go. at 75. >> end of message. >> i was in shock. i never expected it to happen to me. >> my biggest worry was if she loses her job, whats else does she have? >> reporter: rebecca tried finding other work, went to career centers and scoured job li listings and nothing. >> nobody is going to hire somebody 75 years of age. >> reporter: which is why her son, who is a free-lance journalist, took a different path. >> she worked her hands to the bone, she deserved to feel joy. and that's what i wanted to give her. >> reporter: so on that note, mother and son hit the road. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: he took her bucket list and together they started to tick off items.
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milk a cow in vermont, done. >> i love it -- snoo take a hip hop lesson. learn to use instagram. >> just press the heart. >> reporter: work in progress. he has chronicled the whole adventure in a new documentary called duty free. the film, now showing across the country is his gift to her. and although, rebecca could not be more grateful. she said it was hardly necessary. she said that no one needs to roll out a red carpet for their mom on mother's day. they just need to follow the sidewalk to her door. >> the most important thing you can give your mom is time. you want to spend time.>> repor advice. steve hartman, cbs news. on the road. and that is the overnight news for this monday. for some of you the news continues, for others check back with us later for cbs this morning.
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and follow us online any time, at cbs reporting from the broadcast center in it's monday, may 10th, 2021. this is the "cbs morning news." pipeline cyberattack. a major energy pipeline is shut down for another day. who's behind it, and why it could mean higher gas prices. loyal to liz? the number-three house republican may be on her way out. the secret ballot vote this week that could shake up gop leadership. kentucky derby bombshell. the winning horse fails a drug test. what it means, and the what it means, and the punishment for the trainer. captioning funded by cbs good morning. good to be wit


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