tv CBS Overnight News CBS August 20, 2021 3:42am-4:00am PDT
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la pndark paper reedveal tounding ndfiin.gsth ees wt is now in thest mid of thor wstro dught since at leaste dialev metis. >> this is one of the worst, if not the worst sortf o 22-year pe ri oodf lean years we've seen, going bahrck tou gh1020 years of ring records. >> reporter: a mega droughtn o stoierds, fueled bliy cma te ch.ange withho sckgin symptomsho swing throughout the west. the snopaw ck has mteeld two mohsnt early. and strearems a at a trklice. just as summer begins, californ'sia 154 reservo airsre on alyt 50% pacaci.ty like thie,s on jtus to the west of yosetemi. inact, right nowf ihi ts was llfu, i wldou be under 80 meet tewar. andte wesrn wildrefi season is already under way, weeks ahead of time.a snig that thi mngsay be piin wg uphe trehey left off last fall.
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2020's ctratasopchi castle fire to thrghou tens of thousands of ancient sequoia trs,ee incineratinga in dawhy at had be gwirong here for thousands of years. e def tvastateigos ls w as unrecoved by anotheror imptant tree study. >> thees oldt gianteq suoia is b out 3200 to 3500 yrsea old. an>> c you imagine how many nshuma heav come and geonin durg th attime?>> a hndow many droughtsnd a wildfires? reporter: ctyhris i tshe chief of soreurce management and science for sa kayequoia and ki cotyun natl ionapas.rk >> repr:orte so 10% of all seaquois in theor wld died in this fire? >> yeah, tamdz big ,oneshe t ones that tug atur ort hea spngris to make us feel a spitirual connection to ernity. hi>> ts is not aboutli cma tech an igen the furute or someewher else. thiss i climateng chae here in
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our backyard,nd a afftiecng some of the greesatt heritage that thisnt coury has. >> reporter: clay jornda is the persbteinndent of the pa.rk how do youag mane eth rkpa? we lost 10% of the sequoias. buthe tre's still 90% ween hav't lost.we kwenow need to intro duce mo freire onhe t landscape,ut b weee nd to doo s with r>>eporter: so you're fighting fire with fire? >> s,ye absoteluly. ep>> rorr:te but evenit wh controlled b turnso cut aw tayhe amount ofue fls around the trs,ee is it reallyny aat mch for themp aliinfyg drumbeat of climate change? john is looking for those anersws in the tree rings. >>s i it possible we could ergeet somime soon from ts hi oudrght? >> it is poibssle. we need aer sies of rlleay wet years. thatsaid, the odds are scktaed ainst ,us bauecse the warming spatmohe trehat we've se,en and th t oaxn our water suppl iys likely not g oingaway. it's likely only going to
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intensify. >> reporter: f youou tndhat mega oudrghts are a lot longer than 20 years. we o'venly been in thisug droht it possiblhie ts could last a lot longer? he>> t dugroht we're see thing iyears still sort of a mega baby drought, it'sot n that old. itou cld grow. we could be talking in ten years ab aout 30 or 40r -yeame ga drought. reporter: b rutight now, the concerns i keeping todasy' tender box cdiontions from arking dtaevasti ionn the forest theyar ce for. >> the tree rgsin show the american west isn i theor wst me dgarought in thste la 10 20 years. ♪ when yo nu haveaua, se♪ ♪ hea, rtburninstiogen, upset st..omach. ♪ ♪ diarr. heaaaa♪ pepto bismol coar ts youstachom withasand t soothing relief. and try new drug fptree peo herbal blends. pepto bismol coar ts youstachom marom de f10 n0%atural ginger anped ppermint.
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24oustair n resistance t o lockinour ywhitest smile. crest. #1 the tthpaooste brand in er amica. the nioatnwide surge in the adelt varntiant of theor coniras has a lot of comnipaes rethin dkingecioisns to bring rkwoers back to the offi.ce facebook launched a remote work app, designed to put you rectly into a meeting asn a atavar or aar ctoon charactfer o yourself.fa ceokbo founder mk arzuckerberg descridbe it as theet mta versen d scdiussed it with g ayle king. let's talkbo aut tame ros mt oppele, it's a term that they'otre n familiar thwi. and if ty heare famil wiarith , they't don reall kynow what it means it mirends mehe wn we first heabard ou tthe teinrnet, what is it, www, h dowoes it work?
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how dyoo u see the meerta vse? >> so i think of the meta verse as the next genaterion of the ternet. so c youanin kd of thinkut abo it as instdeaf o being an internet ttha we look at, 'sit an iernentt tt whae ar ae part of,r o that we can be inside of. rep>>orte thir:nk films like dy p"realarye one," with the idea of a meta verse went by a different name. >> whatever people want to do, h eyo d it in the oasis. >> i always wanted to help bldui this kind of immersive system where you couldy pla games togeth ber,ut feel hike you were in it togeerth. ep>> rorr:te but y,toda'v youe got a big annouenncemt, umdrroll, pe.leaswe like a big annouenncemt on cbs. so what's your big aounnncemten
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today? s>>o today,e' wre announcing a new see rviccaedll work rooms. it'sic basal aly virtual reality servic feorla colbotirang thtogeer and doing work. this is going to be one part of this overall vision that we talked about and something wvee' been using internally o n bofaceok a for wlehi and we re lallyike. it gives you theor opptunity to sit around a table witheo pple and wk orand bstrainorm and white brdoa ideas, where peoepl can't be there thr voughirtual ou y can include everneyo, but it's this pretty amazing exenperice where, you know, you feel like y'roue really right there wiouth yrco llgueaes. 'm>> i ufop r a modensattrion, let's go. >>ep rorte wr:ork omros isse ud on faokcebo's virtualea rlity headsets. once in,side you canto cusmize oyourwn atavar. ma,rk i'm in. >>wee.lcom >> you'veot g freckles on your >> i have fres cklein real life, >> wow!
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doouik le my gls?asse >> yourva atar looks eagrt. >> this is my first virtual ality interview. nemi, fmyirst virtual reatyli teinrview, too. excited tdoo this with you. >> isn't itd goowean c dohi ts we you getngti zoomed out? we srttaed workingn o this ev benefore covid. this hasn beea long-term pr ojt,ec parlytial because we hausve jt beenim optiscti about vil rtuarey.alit >> mark, this is so cool. erevy gtuesre you make, i can see all your s,hand your expressions. oh m,y gosh. >> yeahhi, ts-- is one of the gsthin tthaak mes theig bgest dienfferce to me i -s- i don't know ifou y'v head this perience on e thvide o -- >> on zoom. >>as biclyalou y're lngookit a a grid of faces,nd a there'so n se
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nsofe acspe. so when youe'r in- - whenou y're really talkiong t ppleoe in person, youe hav this experience where y'roue on my t,righ i'm on your .left kweind ofav he aha sred sense of spandce a we rbeememrhe t pl ace we were in as part of how we are hav tingheco nvsaertion. dan there'sll a thisec thnology thatoe gs intoel divering this.o r exe,ampl spatial diauo. ou y'll probably notice when i talk to you, it's coming fmro your left. >> yes. >> that's an impntorta part of howwe, as peop,le processhe t sense ofpa sce thatha we ve and presence in the world is that it's not like in reale lif we have ari gd of faces and allhe t sodun is jtus coming at us from exactly stheame e.plac weve're ry optimistic atth, in five yearsro fm now, ppleoe are ingog to be leab to live where they want, and work from wh ererev they want. >>hey want. >> but are going to blee ab to e el present, as if they're tothgeer whe tnherey' doing that.>> dyoo u have a favorite feurate to use in here?
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>>yeah. >> somethingou yhi tnk is very olco? >> ahye,he tre are a ceoupl of thgsin that i keli. you castn ju damynically change the layout of the room. here, we're in a room layout that's desiedgn for coertisaon. ian c switch us really quilyck nsoowre we' in a presentation setting.>> yes. >> sot' thas pyrett neat. >> and then,ou y kn, owcheck this out. i canas biclyal go and -- go stdan at the white d.boar an -- >>ow. >> it's like aibrnstorming, just liken i aor nmal mtieeng that you wou hldave beenin. i can say, lcweome. w>>elcome. >> to work r.ooms >> guys, tshi is so finrickg co. buthi ts is the thing i worry about. iis ms inbeg in the offwiice th people liike what you said, mark, pelean c work wherevheer ty want to. but does this mean thate' wll be spdi lngess time in the fice? i sois ms people. am i alone in th,at ppleoe in
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the room? >>on i d'thi tnk you're alone in that. i'moo lking forward to seemying coeallgues and frs,iend too. t- - >> but?>> youe 'rprobably a b mitore ovextreredtha tn most people, i would guess. rtceainly more extrove trtedhan .e i do just think that going forward,re the are goingbe to more peowhple o rkwo remotely. so tnkhi that there's an im poanrtt place for ofcefis, for people toe com toergeth. but i also think there's an imrtpoant place for people who y mawant toiv leit wh their, you ow, stay wiheth tiram fily or wh er tehey grewup ,ut bet g acssce to opportituniest tha may is htocarilly only wou hldave been inew n york o irn l.a. i just think that those opportunitieous shlde b laavaibltoe everyone. soll a these tools,he wther it's viocdeonferencing or entveually being able to cboollarate better in prosduct leik work rooms, what w beuilt here, i tnkhi is all just paroft this prssogreio onfin givgeo pple mo fedreom to livere whe ty he want t ♪ >>t' thas gayle king witrkh ma
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>> joe bisden' renect etixecuve rordeal cls for half of all veclhies to be sold in the.s u. toe b electric. ovseeras, the number of electric cars and ts ruckisso aring, from eth streets of beingji to the grasslandsaf of ian leple exai.ns >> repor wter:hen stalkingr you prey, it's best to stay as quiet as ibpossle. to sneak up for that pfeerct cture. f>> iou y come here silently, ul wilet gh muclo cser to imals. >> repor ster:ot i makes sense for safari gs too eceltric, to o awayit wh the rumebl of the gine and toxic f tumesha t alanims n casmell a mile aw.aya jntoi kenyan/swedish venture
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is doing j ustthat, helping comps anietoo g gr been,y swapping outie dsel engines for ectric. >>t feels like youe'r just fltioang through the grslasands. we like to say theey ar runngni onsunshine, because it's also thpoe wer. >> rteeporr: savingro aund ,0$15000 a year in gas bills ain'bat d, and switching gears to a greener adurvente gisetting a warm smsee that animalkes li i t, too. evenri toust asre flieeng the bu. >> we ryeall sha treheir core values in te ormsf trying to not disrupt theco esyemst here, and enjoy it, but also be respectful of it. >>epteorr: and tha wt'shat you wantn i a sa,fari to experience the call of the wild,ho witut e throar of an engine. ian lcbee, s wsne. >> that's theer "ovnit ghnews" o rhi ts friday. for some of yoheu, t news rer oths, check bkac later for bs thimos rng"in andol flow us inon le any time at cbs.snewcom.
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reporting frheom t tinaon's picatal, i'm bency tra. good morning. this i csbsew ns flash. m i'tom hanson in new york. the tasex sreupme crtou says schools ether can issuek mas ma ndesat. the rinulg is a major blow to governreor gg abbott's ban on masks in schools. tes isre curntly one of the cotruny's hot spot eth boy scouts ofme arica has beonen cdiontially approved to set up a $850 million encompsaonti fund for thousdsanf menua sexlly abused. and lniste up, enocomy flrsye. american airlines will not sell alcohol until jryanua 18th. it comftes aer theed feral mask ndmaate r fopublraic tns witas extended and unruly passengers
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ngmaki theri fenydl skies unfrndiely. fomor re news, doaownld thebs c wsne app. i'm t homanson, cbs n >>it f'sriday, augustht 20, 20. isth is the "cbsni morngew ns." a aracegastin time. prreessu is mountiorng f t heu. s.o tspeed up evaiocuatnsn i afanghistan. thwhy e ntpeagon says itot's n flying out anys ma ppleoe as it should. >>ma> ke no mistake e, ware right baheck wree wwere, and we're in the fight of r oulives n.agai >> hospitals overwheedlm. icus f areilling up, b andeds are runnouing t roacss the south as tovhe cidum smer surge woenrss. five-houanr stdo.ff a n maparknes ar the u.s. capitol and aiclms to have a bomb. what he ventboed authi wle live what he ventboed authi wle live streamin fg onacooebk. ptioning fund deby c bs ca
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