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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  August 20, 2021 4:00am-4:30am PDT

4:00 am
unndfriely. for more news, download thebs c ne app. i'm tom hann,so cbs n fit'sriy,da august 20th, 2021. th iths e "cbs morniewng ns." a race astgain pressures imounting for the u.o s. tspd eeup evacuation ns i anafghisn.ta why thnte peag sonays it's not flngyi out as manypl peoe iast shou.ld ma keo nmistake, we are ght back whee re wwe, reand we'rine theig fht of our lives again. >>os hpita olsverwhelmed. icus are fliilng up, and beds e running ourot acsshe t south as the covumid smesur rge worsens. >>fi> ve-hour stan.doff a man parks nearhe t u.s. catopil anaid clmso thave a mb. wh hate vented abohiut wle live wh hate vented abohiut wle live reaming on ptniiong funded by cbs
4:01 am
>>od> go mniorng, and happy friday. i'm tom onhans ifon r anne-marie we begin wite h thcrisis in afisghantan. presidbient dewin ll address the nation todn ay otheve acuation prs ocesofme aricans and as llie ter e thtalin baseized control there. thdesperatioisn growing for af ghs anoutside the orairpt in bul where thasey psea d baby ovazer ror wire yesterday into thnde has aof u.s. soldier. thwhe ithouse says a 3bout,000 people wevere acteuad yesterday. 350 of twehem re.s u. citizens. the exact nu omberf eramicans l stilinfg ahanistan rem ains unr.clea bradley blacn kburisn inew yori thhe t latest. od morning tu.o yo ep>> rorter: heym., to mgoodorngni. the presiden et isxpteecd to spk isth afternoon. e whithoe usofficials saaty th he stielll bies vehe can get evy eramerican out of ghanistan byus augt st31, but ouas y s, aythey don't kjunow st how many acamerinsre a waiting o g oetut.
4:02 am
chaotic and erdangous si tuioatn continues nfto uolind ghafanistan. nely w aeek after thlie taban izseed control obuf kal,he t airport oue tsidthcie ty remains pa wckeditpeh oplery ting gtoet out. a devio sh oaredn cisoal miaed undecorsred the despioeratn ltfe anby my ghafans. hoit sws a baby inbeg passed overal a wl aton american so ldr ieguarding their aport. >>he t cumulative ernumb of lepeop medov outaf of ghanistan is sewomherer nea12,000. >> reporter: p theengotan says it e'svacuating fethwer an,0 200 people a d dayestepi roune-d-thclk ocflights out of bul. itnstsis the militars y ha aircraft avaleilab tevo acua te 5,000 ,0to 900eo pple daper y, but not lynear tt hamanyle cared ueevacesre a reaching th rpaiort. the pentagons sayefrtfos are undey r watope sed processing. with the. u.smilitary d tueo withawdr by august 3t,1s time is nning short. >> there b haseenon decision to chanhege t ddleaine. anwe are foc ousedn doing everngythi wcae n inside that
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deadlio ne tmo aves many people out as pblossie. >> reporter: there are no reports of the tibalan hasarsing amanerics ngtryi tgeo t to the rpaiort,ut b cbsew ns has arnethd ey he avblocked some afghanfrs om travelingd , an yesterday tathe lin badispersed presotts isen veral cities in so instances using f.orce wiestnses tell "res"uter sereval peoperle we llkied. e white hous pe isrosiming a ift and forc refulesnspoe if e taliban inerterfesit wh americans ngtryi tleo ave the cotry. tom, tofens tushoands of afanars e trying to e,leav too, bheut ty thaveo t gepast those checkps.oint >> lots ofst queio tnso be eranswed. anthk you. wi thhe t delta variant pidly spreadacing ro tsshe u.s., thu.ree s.en sators announceeyd th he avcovid despite being fuvally ccatined. setonars angus kinofg maine, ger wicker ossf miisppsii, and joichn hkeoonlper of colorado said they alstl teedos pitive. all three e arinua qrantine, and eyth're doing okay.
4:04 am
e thsenate is th re inecs,es but laerwmaks rewe on the floostr le dndaesy during a mhoaratn ting session. >>ac> ross the souheth tre a'sn alar sminghoagrte of hospita dsbe for covid pntaties, peescially in ruarral eas.ja nesht amlian reports from atntlaa. >> reporten r: ihoitspals across e thsout ih,t's t nounli tkehe pand'semic dkearst d aays, battled.fiel albany, orgegia, had thest wor per capitath dea re atin the naon early lt s hospitale s arovruern again. dr. enrique z lopeisor wking through sehis co sndurge. yodid u erev think last yearwh enou y were the ce onterf e th virus for ria peodf otime that you d woulev bere back at that ace? >> absolutelt.y no ke no mistake e, warrie ght ck where we rewe, anwed 're in fithe ghoft our lives ainga. >> rteeporr: intensive care its are now 0%at 9 cacapity across geo, rgiaanwhd ere there are beds often n eotnough doctors anrsd nues.
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arkansas ioss cle ctoapacity, n d ainlabama almos it nocu beds at all. donsf ocritical covid patients a wreaiti ingn emery some 20 0,00miissssippi students just lasekt we we erquarnianting for covid exposure. >> she wasre a gatid k -- >> repr:orte jtiusn waddell lost hi13s -year-old daerught. >> from eswedndashy e waals ive, shfee lt atl litsohroa by saty,urda s wheas gone. reporter: fdalori'swo t largest scolho districts are now makingas mks mdaantory. ammii-da jdeoini bngrowan rd i opposiheng t gerovnor's order. a new oxfonird uveitrsy study s findfuy llvaccinated pe eopl with breakthh rouginctfeions y carra misilar amount oe f th viasrus t uhenvaccinated who ge t e thdeltvaa riancot vid. >> ye ou'vbe tenhrouhegh t inwrger.>> rorepter: with delta sweeping theeg rion, dr. lopayez ss the sufferising umaniginable. >> trehey' suffocating, and they keep begging yorou f too omfr rootom room and to sethe at, you can'lpt he b ut
4:06 am
feelpl heles ps,owerless.>> rorepter: here at c thedc, threey a rorepting the hig hest rate of hoalspitizioatns for ople with cowhvid o e arunder agthe e 5of0 since the empandic started. thbut erise a bright sp- ot -on thur, sdaymo trehan a million vaccineres we vegin across the country. that ie s thmo istn seven week nejat shamlian, necbs ws, atlanta. >>this morning, a maacn cused of making mbbo threats neaer th u.s. citapol is in cusdyto. auorthitiesas y floyd ray robeserry orof nthar colina dre pia ckup outside the arlibry ofon cgress yesterday. thth49-year-old veli streamed e ho lurs'onstg andoff on facebook ranting about the war in afghanistannd a asking to spk ttohe president. >> trihe dveofr the truck told the redisponngff oicer on the sce enthat he had mba bo a nd what appearehed, t oicffer said, peaparedbe to aet donator in th e n'mas hand.
4:07 am
os>> rebryer surrendered. the truck lawas tetor wed from the e.scen no boms b wafod,un butsi posble boakmb-minmag terials were llcoected from tehhe vic.le a mo itives clunear. -nmucheed dehelp is slowly arriving in i haitnelyar a week aftepor a weulrf earthquake kiedll morane th 200,0 people. sterday the cu.s.oa gstuard airlifted ri20 ctillcay injured ticizens to a falicity in -aportu-inprce wrehe then y ca get ttbeer care. food also trickled iton more rul rapartofs hai.ti ndre odsf dilaspced oppele lined up to get their hands on ems lidevered by the. u.n rlwod fo podrogr tamo fe tedheir families anded lov >>it> brney spears is under investigation. why the pop star is facing me to -- facing new trouble. new york citliy poceff oicer s jumponhe t tracks to sa ave man teminus fobere acon onmi ng train. this is the m"cbsorngni new"s. man minuteefs bor aen oncomg in train. ths is ith"ce bs morning news."
4:08 am
elinaxg music) r [v oi] ceand exhale. goleog, play from begig.nnin [v oi] cewelcome. and l pixebu fdsrom $499 and $99. th misay look like rea gular vimoe night. t buif youa 're kidwi th diabetes, it's more. 's it the simple ac t of eoynjing time with frs,iend kn owing you undersndta your glucoseev lels. ♪ ♪ [ sneezing ] arure yo sneesez putting your friends in awkward positions? stick with zyrtec. zyrtec startswo rkinhag rd at hour one... ...a wndorks tcewi as hard when t youake aitgain the next day. zy rtecmu. ddle no more. from terhe vy first touch, pampers, thepe #1 diatcirian recommenbrded and, helps keep baby'ins sk dri aernd healthier. helps keep pampers sk dri aernd healthier.
4:09 am
i'm 53, mbut iny mind i'm st35ill . that's i why take oste bi-flex to keeovp me ming the way i was made to, itsh nouries s andtrengthens mynt jois for the long os-fteo bilelux, ps vitamin d for immune support. (v o) sensittoive c aatllergens? inhe t thousands weho'v di scovered a dreiffence jo os-fteo bilelux, ps vitamin d withro p plalin veclear. th e only cat fd ooto reeduc alles rgenanra avege of 47%. vesa tayod atpr yo for urest bback to schoolm il e, crt s yohau covered. ce ni sle, mibrad! nice! anksth!? t, cres the #1 tooe thpastbrd inan america. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
4:10 am
just two pills for daall y pa rinelief. aleve anit, d see wh'a's possible. this mor tninghe search continueins western nor th rolina to fi andbout 20 peop ilstl missing afr teflash floodr omro tpicaorl stm edfr that t swepthrough theae ar. at least teowo pplwee re found de. orauthits iesay more tha0 n 10 had to be red.scue e thraging watereps swt ayaw homes. the remnanf ts ofred are now makingir the w tayhrough new enangld. > there was ama drat sicubway re cscueaut ghon video, and a 38-day staf ndofinot ving rights inex ts over. those armee so othf e headlines on tmohe "rng innewsstand." "t atiusn american ssmtatean" re pos rtenough democ hratsave returnedth to e xates house to esbltaish a quorum. theaat mnshe t chamber cowan n continusue phi fngorward on a corontversial billov to erulha state votiawng ls. three moreoc demra stshowed up yeery,da but the vasjot marity of thee morth 5an0 democrats whfl ledast month to shwaington,, ha n ot
4:11 am
reedturn. demos crathabed en trying to evprent house reblpuicans from vimong forward othn e bi blly st ayg inaway.>> > e th"los angeleses tim" yssa singrier btn seypears is under a sdemeanor inigvestatn iofor aldllegey tthiing one of her ho useeekpers. thple emoy teeold authorities thatpe sars struck her this week duringn aarguntme at e thpop star's california e rkwoer was not ht.ur earsto' atrney denied the hoeeusekpes r'allegation. he told cbs news, quote, this is overbwnlo send terrible oitabld ddfoer, regaininceg a ll phone. speaasrs h been battngli in urcot to end these conrvoratship overseeing hifer le d an$60 min lliofounrte.>> > d anour new yorkti staon bswc says nypd oerffics d angood sarinsta rescued an unnscocious man frheom t swauby tracks mom bentsefe ora train arved. dram vaticideo showshe t -y60ear-old man dfaceowonn the tracedks wneaysd as the light of an oncg omintrn aigot brighter.
4:12 am
lice say the f manaiednt and ofelln ttohe tracks. ficer ludin z lopejuedmp down, fucarelly avoidiheng t ectleric d thirra, ilto help the man. seconds r latea odgo samaritan llfoowed suit. >> clearly one me inutaw.ay i just s sawomodeby who needed my hp,el and r ieacted. i sn e'tven thinking. itad me me feel li- ke -li ke ithiss atwh i came heredo to . and i felter vy fulfilled by at. >>nc iredible. two otofher firsce helpuped ll e ththree peoplek bacono tthe plat wformitonh ly seconds to spare. st ilahl ead, toys 'rus' stesag anoerth comk.ebac the ic tonicoyto sre announces a nertw panehirsp with a departmetont sreha cin.
4:13 am
your mis:sion stand moup to de trateo severe marheutortid ahritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinv rinvoq ae- oncdaily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... nvrioq h telpsame pain, st iffnweess, slling. d anfor some rinvoq cvean en si gnanifictly reduce ra fa at th'svo rinq relief. rwitha, your overac tive muimne s attacks yooiur jnts. riegnvoq rulates it to help tstophe attack. crinvoqaner low your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious infe ctions and blood cl sometimes fatal, ha veur occred... have certain cancers, incllyuding mp,homa teand ars hein t sto mach iorntess,tine d anchanges in labts resul. dyourocshtor ould moyonitor urwo bloodrk. te ll your doctor aboutan y infections..f.ani aryou e ayor m become pregna nt wh ile taking rinvoq. take o.n ra talk to heyour rumogatolist about rinvoqf. relie ri nvoq. ma ke it your mis ouif y can't afford yoedur micine, bv abie b maye able to help.
4:14 am
dor es youpl-in ugfade too fastr dor es youpl-in ugfade too fastr it has buitelt-in chlogyno digtoitally controlow m huchen sct reliseased la lgtoia la la la.olow m huchen sct reliseased brushing oreacnly he s 25% of youmor uth. erlistin®e cleans uavirtll10y 0%. neveser ttleor f 25%. uavirtll10y 0%. al gwayso r fo100. inbrg out the bo™ld chrobomeoks are seriousleay sy toet s up right out of the box. justig sn in with yo gurmail aamnd b! all your fesil are right there. now get afitter . uscae you're good g sw itch ttto seing tuphe easy way. all your fesil are right there. swito ch tchrobomeok he'sre a look at the foca istn some citieous arnd the country. ♪
4:15 am
♪ cheers ] >> trohe bady wacast of "the li kg"in began reheas rsalthis eyan sg hit songs tfromhe show ando alsdia d table read. the showse is t rtoeturn to the greaitt whe y waon september 14th. "then lioking" has obeenn brdw fayor nearly 24rs yea and continue bs toe e onof the most polapur stage musi icalsn e th world. on " themoy newatch," a major u.irs. alir neis extending a ban on aollcoh sesal in the ma cinab, and toys 's r' uis teaming itup wh moa faus department s.tore ele esprton is at thw e neyork stock exgechan wh itthat and mo re. elise, h fappyriy.da goorod >> repr:orte hpyap friy,da good morning ytoou, tom. well, stock refutus e arpointing to a stllighy welor open after the threjoe mar diinces mostly reunboded yesterday.
4:16 am
new weeklyle jobssla cims fell o reha tn expected tfro a esh paem-eicra low helpiueng fl the gains. alouthgh the dow droid dp 66 points, the aqnasd gneaid 15 points, ane d ths&50p 0 added 5o in, tsnarrowly hit itingts first posiveti trading ses sion in three days. amaneric aliirnes won't be serving all cohothugroh next year. nathe ti'son biggest airr line said passenginers cchoa won't blbe ae otorder booze ainga until arjanuy th18. amaneric h padlanned to re sume alcohol sale ss inepmbteer like ma oitf s competitorves ha nedo, but it scrd appepls anin late may dueun to ru ly paenrsge. the deadlis ne iti tedo the rafedel skma mandate forli pubc transportatihion wchas w cently extend deto that date. >>ly> on fs anare set to ban sexualxply elit e tesi where fans crpay earstooa the balln wi srtta october 1st. the move c aomesft terhe compana
4:17 am
d enbe seeking fun fdingrom outside stinveorans d is the re su oltf their requfrest om banking nepartrs. ly fans saidit nudy sistill ay if it's csionstent with the coy'mpans lipocy, but it's not clr eawhat that po ilicys. and get t setoe ba toys 'r' kid again. the iconic brands imaki ng anhecor meback. th te imit's teamingwi up th ma'so topen toy shon ps imore than 400ar deptmt enstores ac trossheou cntry startinxtg ne ye. it's not c hlearowig b the shopi lle bor which macs y'stor es will be thomeo the new toy partments, busut ctorsme can buy items tfromoy'rs ' us right now on macy'bss weitore at tom? >> i'm happy to see e th comeback. a tt nleostalgia on this idfray. ank you. >>up> next, quackthing e seca. a stmyerious largebe rubr ckdu show is upn maa ine harbor, but no oneno kws how it goert the. e. make fitness routine with pe urprotein.
4:18 am
hi gh protein. low gasur. ta stes great! gh hi prointe. low sugar. ooso gd. hi pghrotein low sugar. mmm,i rthd cayake. purero ptein bs arand shakes. foerr evy fiestns routine. [ heavy breathing ] u?lrgleies with nasal co ngesonti overwhelming yo purero ptein bs arand shakes. brtheae more freely wi h porfweul claritin-d. claritinmp-d iros venasal aiw rflotwo metis more anth the ldieang allgyer spray at honour e. [ denhep iale ] ar clitin. -dget more airflow. my pso ariaticrtishrit pai n? i haoud engh! nit'sot gngetti in aymy w. joint painli, swelng , tenderness... much better. my psoriasisre, clear... cosentyx® works on all of this. four yearsou and cnt at so wch. out i got h watcme. prealeoplthe wi active psoriatic arthritis look eland fe brette with cosen cosentksyx wor f ast for result cs thatant. las it trethats e multiple to sympms of psoicriat art,hritis
4:19 am
jlikeoi paintn d antenderness, ck pbaain, and helpstops rthefur joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. sbeforetaing,rt get checketud for beulosrcis. incanreased risk of infections—se some ris—ou d thane loabwered ily it to fight them may ocr. tell your doctor about annfec ition or symptoms, or if you've had cc a vainor pe lan to. ter ll youdoor ictf ur yo chn'sro disease to sympmsevel dop or worsen. serious icallerg rctioeans may occur. ju loostk. and feel be i gorealt relf ie with cosenty watch me! feel rearelil ef. ask your rheolumatogt is about cose califodirnia, d u knyoow our homee s sharpor?
4:20 am
ntyx. feel rearelil ef. t whbuen we try to sy cotaol in a heat wavewe our supply ieds push to the limit. u but yoha theve power to keupep us a runndning! “ i ?"d” yu wp,e all do! wileth fx altser. ey th noty ifus when to shift our en uergyse if our power supply is stretched. som fropre-olcoing our homes, to ungsi less erengy fro4-m 9pm, tothgeer, l't's flexur o power to save our power. sip gn ufoflr ex alerts today. >>he'sre a lk ooat t he reca istn soitme ciears ound cothe ♪ > the academ cy ofourynt music arawds igos ing restaming. e thshowil wl be streamed on amazon prime videoex nt ye ar making it thfie rst jomar awdsar
4:21 am
show to run exclusively on line. hitad bn eeairing right here on whcbs icdeh cided to run the country mutesic levision awards instd.ea the teda andoc latiofon r the adacemy trcouny simuc awdsar has not beenou annnc yedet. ma rv seltudios released a new trlefor r the upcoming supeerrho moe vi"eternals." >>hy w didt n'you ysgu help ght nyor a w, arall the teibrrle things throughout history?>> wwee re instructed not to inerterfe ainny hanum coctnflis. >>he t film directy ed bosr ca nner chloe zishao autbo a grp aofncient immorl taaliens hawho veec sretly lived aron eth fothr ousands of years. they must itreune btoattle the evevil dias.nt tait srsng aelina jolie and a it hthits eaters november 5th. and lepeop ithn e coastal maintye ci obef lfast have a fowl mysten ry othr eihands. last weekend 2 a5-foot-tall
4:22 am
ruer duck emonblazedit wh the rdwo "joy" sdey ed ha nobonody kwsho wut iert the. siredents and totsuris he avbeen floc tkingo the locaonti to take meso photos. >> it's rbeeneally cool.ev erneyo like that c oomesn e th boat, ctheyomthe is way into thhaorrb. everyone kind ofs gettooo lk dendpeing on the tide. stila l mysty erhopellfuy to be revealed amet so pntoi.>> t hhearbor masters saythe giandut ck it s noa navigational zard, so the nre'so shru to ged t rioft. i co mi ungp on "cbs this morning," grammy-winning award tiarst cloars saa ntanstops by the studio ahead of the "we love new cyorkit cy"oncert in ce ntl rapark this wed.eken i'm hatom ns.on this ie s th"c mbsorning news." ♪
4:23 am
frank is a fan of fast. he's at ta a fastal wker. thangaryks, . and unexfor peedct heartburn. fr anisk a fan of pepcid. itks i worn numites. nexi4 houm 2ur and prilosec otc tacan kene o to four ys da to fully .work pcidpe. strong relief for fans of st.fa ri (dvingpb ueat music) ghey,oogle. to four ys da to fully .work turn it up. [announcer] googleix pel 4a with nd5g a pix beluds. om fr $49an9 d $99. is th isn j'tust a walk ue p when you have aneg irrular heartbeat, it's .more it 's dniigty. frthe eedotom go where you want, knowinyog ur doctor catcn wah ov yerour heart. ♪ anything your ldwi childoe ds pampers crrsuise 360it f can too.
4:24 am
with a stretwachy istbdan and adaptive 3 f60it. so tcahey n mo tvehe way they re we borton . pa mpercrs uisers 360 fit
4:25 am
herere a o turop stories is morning -es- pridt enbiden wi areddss the natiodan toy on the evaconuati oamf ericans and esalli fm roafghanistan. thwhe ite house saboys aut,0 300 peleop were evacuayeted stdaeryu t e thexact number of ericans stil al infgnihastan inremas unclear. and n a maacsecud ofin makg bomb teahrts near the u.s. tocapil is in cuy.stod authorities flsay oyrad y ro serrbey drove a piup tckruck onth to e wasidelk outside the library of congrs esyesty.erda afr tean h' looursng standof f,
4:26 am
heurndreered. bomb s wafounind hisru tck, but possibomb-le bmangki mariteals were colctleed. >>fo> r many ameri, cansdrkiinng coffs ee ipa ortf the mornin utroine. but the popubelar vegera is ingettg remo expensive. michgeael or egexplains why. >>or repte sr:weetwater's eecoff and tea is awi grongat nional chain that'sag manedo tsurvive ring the panc.demi >> we haven seema, nymany more deaths come ceout rtnlaiy since the paeast yr. >> repor cter:eois la bee says thcoe mpany now faances otr he chale leng--he t high cost of ffeeea bns. drghout and frostsam dagedps cro in bra tzil,hear lgest coffee exporter. thosore shtas gealong with shippingwd sloow ansre making beans moreen the inteiornatnacol ffee niorgazaonti says the ovl eral benchmark price is up 43% sincea stea yr. w noconsumers aryie pangor me fr omhe t corner cafeo tthe gry ocerste.or eeswtwatisers ao lscharging more. >>e wknow americaovns le their
4:27 am
ffcoee. hovew ha ctousmers reacted to thpre ice increases? >> ousur ctorsme have been very unrsndtaing, and we have tually only n takeabt oua 5% icpre increase. >>ep rorter: the nropd gupay ssn aravege americans are spngendi autbo ten cents more r a cup of cfeofe now compared to lsuast mmer. rglaer cpaomnies have beblen ae tohs witta tndhe growing esexpen for beans. but 'sit harr defor small brian joceowlyn nsou mntain oephnix ffcoee icon lora adond bu aysround 3,000 dspoun of beans evernty moh.>> aavn erage right isnow wree' ngpayi rghouly 30% more. we'rlke taing around00 $2,0 a net proferit p month tha'rt wee losing. >>ep rorter: jocel dynoesn 't want to charge his customers more, but snhe i'tur se how long he can susta tinhese losses, es pealcily if bean c osts coinntue to climb. miaechl gegeor, cbs news, w ne york. micong up on "cbs this morning," we'll take you to thee acs heof southern focalirn ia
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wherone dresre a capturing dratamic encounters between arshks and human > >>plus, oscar-inwinng toacr seann penalg onwith his da ugerht dylan penn utells about thneeir w vimoe "fg la y." and mygram-wniinng artist ca rl sosanta snatops by the st udio ahead of the "we love new york city" concert in ntceral pa trkhis weekend. ithats e th"cbs morning wsne" for this fy.rida thanu k yosouc mh for watching. i'm tonsm haon. ahave gatre weekend. ♪
4:29 am
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