tv KPIX 5 News CBS August 21, 2021 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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> >>right no w,e thfirst frid ay nighint the city thwi e th tion 'sstriesctt prf ooof vaatccinioman ndate. whe u yocan get a shotor thd irdose toda y. hund redsof thousands of acreves ha rnbued ssacro the state of california. >> > siredence could onso face drug penalties. there smwas oke all ac ross the bay area styeery.da thasis w e thview from chopper 5. and aiqur-ality advisory inremas in place for today. les ndse it over to aaron peck for a quick ecchk. > >>nothing realchly and geon atth. thr-e aiquitaly is just as bad outht ere as it was when osthe imagese wertan kein the afooternn. there is widespreadpo or air qual ity.
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there is t a loof georan tsdo on he. re at ranges dothwn e peninsula, south bay is demora teand in omostth erlocations, isit not the bestr aito start the y.da i willveha your colempte foca cstoming up in stju a few minutes. e alivlook satan francisco after enemforcenoft a policy where cuerstoms veha to show prooeif thr llfuy vaccinated to get inside indoor otsps. get a lookat how sibuness ownersgu a es tsare halindng thosane chge s. wbuttheyon u take a oklo arndou this restau, rantyou wi nllotice it is a packed house. inrd oer to get inside, all of the oppele had to show proof vaof ccatinion before they could t sidown. a>>s peoplewa it, edsome t stou
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e way. >>weha ve seen gidital records d anphysical res cordand the ate id qr codes. erthe is multleip fos rmd anso far isne go pretty well. >>cu stomarers e required to sh pofro that theye arfuy ll vainedat to eat, k,drin party our exseerci inmost indoor establishments. e owner of bey ttlou seafd oo s waneourvs all custs omerthwi lehandd e thcypoli. >>eo pple were getting angry at thore do. >> rorepter: day one ead sesome of her etanxiy. >> i got that th eyare doing atth. >> sofar so odgo, no trouble. ev erneyo is willing and epared. th eyre a locked in and smiling. >> people have several tiopons.
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some/theacir vcitinaon card an heotrs have a dil gitaversion. >> you ldshou waalys carry it keli this. reporter: somepeleop are not thrilledou abt e thnew policy. >>y bettlou did not feel chmu pushback on friday night. >> everybody is super positive and prhas ovedid proof of va ccatinion. we have hanot d a singleis su e. >> repor iter:n n safrancisco, kp. ix5 >> gro cerystesor do not have to comply and it doesn't apply toil chdr enunder the age of 12. yo u n cawatch 24/7at whim. if you still need toshop,
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a ernumb of plesac are rioffeng s shottoy.da into tenoiderln,an d latino fa miesli are espelycial welcome. lingual staff will onbe hand tooffer infoatrmion. anifyo u livein marin coun ty d have a weakened immune system, head to the riman ceerin san raelfa. ird doses araie avlae blfor yone and caernc treatment or s hareceived a stem llce tranntspla or is feincted with hiv. fu prapoval of the ccvaine could come aseay rlas next we. ek we wilrtl pa ouabt the impa ct atth health offis cialare hoping for. > it could gi vemore of a footin g toimemplent a vaccine mandate. ose i spoke withtoghnit are ping that this is a key st ep ncin ireinasg vaccinations over
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all. for dan foley and his wife, thcce vaine has n give them theabitily to enspd time with their granddaughter. >> it as he lpedus. >> iomillnsof americans received a shot under the fda's emncergey e usauthorization. the medicarel dictor at the emgey ncdepartment oain kld an says thatfu llauthorizatio n i hu gestepto get mo repeople vaccinated >>it will gi veus a lot mo re opontos make surethat we can protthect e maximum amount ofur o poputilaon. >> reporter: inthe bay area whe erthe is a mandate, some firefirsghte we erwaiting for the cioffial stamp apof pralov frheom t a.fd more may enter getting ccvainated now thand e unn io esident thatpr reestsen firetefighrsro fm seven fferent coun tiesopsepos more
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maesndat >> we sut pporand encourage geg ttinvainccated. avwe he ovprided our mes mber widuth ecaonti on the topi c. athesa me time we have respect thfor eiabr ility to make their cidesion. ttbu the company is expected to asthk e fda to approve the third booster sh.ot thbin deadministratihion nt ed that t hosethat are invaccat ed sh couldondesir getting a irthd doeise ghmot nths after thr ei la st?ho >> ihed arthat rewe ppsuosed to get a booster. >> rteeporr:re gulators are looking ovther e tada for e th derna vaccind e anth atcould co imen sel veraekwes. > >>the pentagonid sa they plan to make invaccatnsio mandatory r foover1 million of active- ty topros. calt ransi shut down the 40 mile str etchof highway . 50
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clthe ose uris in efctfe from slide part exitto pull it nds to the townof myers. whighin dscould fan the flames tordwa the highway this weekend. so dmerivers wereug caht offguay rd bthe shwnutdo which isor fcing them to make long tours. t>>he amount of area thattheyr e oscling is pretty far d an wide. understand abthe unncdae of caution, bupet ople have got to getht eir things and get ou t. >>alantrs says thatndwi gus stcould reach up to 35 miles per hour. soofme cuac weezer cifang the harsh alreitthy at they will notha vea e placto re turn to. weet g a look omfr el dodora cotyun. not everyone chose to go. >>st we ay edaround the until sterday. >> repr:orte w hocome you chose
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t to acevua? te >> my wi fehas alzheimer's and w surroundinargs e restssful heon r. >> rorepter: they had an apinpotment forcinemg th to avlee. >> we we ntt ouof the meparate ar,nd then they ulwod not t leas back in. e if wlet you win, we will veha let everyone in. >> rteeporr:we shelters at capa, cityitha sn't been syea. >> ngtryi to make reservations for two hours no w. >> reerport: isit rtimpoant fo r u yoto t gecynthia back home >>yes, it is. >>or repte r:for meso oppele, a stark rey alitlies past the chp adblocks. >> iist gone and completely lele d. >> repr:orte e thfire destroyed hohis me by s hithfaer. >> mythfaer has passed.
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>> what are those roocadblks pr evtienng you fromin dog? >>they are keeping me from ingettg mypets. rorepter: bob issleeping ouidtse of his car ready to returne homwi thdale and cynthia sed curea omro for the wed.eken >> strowing ndars e expected wthiseendke mangki the dictreion of the fire unpredictable. and butte county the dixie fire has suppressed 00700,0 acres. mandatevory aconuatis e arin ef afectft erthe wind shteifd e flames stla night. it has destroyed remo than 0 60 hos meand 100 businesses. stckru and the stderuivcte etcach fe iris 45% conentaid. torched about 80 acres. a discovinery the ru bbleof that fire gois ing to warm your heart. wo rks erwere scouria ng rdbi
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fid elwhen they unfod the g do theyt fels wadead at t.firs the dog liedft its he adand started wagging its ilta. he was on a chain apwrped ou and trailer hitc h. raculously, he wasn't . hurt and a cosend talk was found huddled in a hole in the ground. thtwo dogs live tothgeer and they were reedunit thwi their family. >>a > santa cruzman is after a domestisic dpu. te itpe hapneond yarol street. officers ar rivetole arn that the dr iverhad attempte d to fl aeend removed fehis ma le enpassgefrr om e thscene. thpae ir report edlydangti had been arguing will drg.ivin thsuecspt drove the hivecle in tothe buil ddingeleribately.
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thmae won was taken to the hospital. ficers arrested the ecsuspt on chars geof domest icviolceen d andrivg inunder the influence. >>st> ill at n, a suspect dehis in a ilceing. how it all d.ende > how you can maintain water flow if you lin ve ithe north ba here a is life look tsouid e. we wbeill ghrit back.
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atntioten, california. new fedefural ndgin of $3 billion is avaableil to help moree peoplpa yfor health insanceur — teno matr at ywhour income. mu how chs yo iurs? julie and bob yiare pang $700 lveess, eryonth m. dee goret compheive nscoverage fo $r only1 monta h. annad the vaos arrre paying haless tn 00 a$1 month. ec chk toou see yr w, lneower price. the sooner you sign up the more ye.ou sav onlyt co averecalid forn ia. this way to ihealthnsanceur.
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>>welce omback. now to the drought emncergey. san josecod ulbecome the largt escalifornia cityto find resis dentfousr ing too much water. e thplant would irreque cuomsters to slash their r wate use by 50% omfr 2019 lsleve. it calls for finding siredents $79 .3for y everunit of tewar they use e abovatth aunmot. josan sewa ter would nscoider that plan afthter e end of the month. aninth e meantime, r wate sangit ks are aiavlable. e thevent will haenpp in mari n, masono, d anmendocino cotiunes. chea hseouhold can pick up a low-flowow sheradhe, a five mitenu shower timer, and a self- closing ga hrdenos e.
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those kids are available toda at13 locations on a first- come first-se brvedas. is n a mais in cuodsty after a bizarre secu ritybrchea at john wayne orairpt d ansanta ana la night. aitll testard enwh the man rtrepoed lystole an ait rpor vehicle stand arted drg ivinit alonthg e tarmac. rpaiort workers had e th lockdown tnaermil. people wstere uconk their plane fourr hos. whtrile yi ngto evade aiorrpt seri, tythe suspect deend up inside the ceiling between two e rms.inal th feyound him and std arte neatgotiio. ns it toobok a tt leof water to co ax him out. e suspect cld imbewndo the erladd a ndpeacefully suenrrdered. heasco vered in grime and dust andlipoce swd armehim d au ff edhim. deesputi e artrying to gufire ou t w hohe chbreaedth e tarmac and climinbed to the inceilg.
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>>lws ayknow is thathe did tuevenal glyain access deinsi the term. inal we lost sight of him. thatas w three ason for e th lock.down >> thesp suect was adloed into a patrol car. his identihaty s t noenbe revealed. alofl the chaos created a nightmfoare r sspaenge. rs ok atht is line ofpeople waiting tot geba ckinto the teinrmal. ai r-alquity will bee th nuermb one issue thin e focarest this weekd.en rewe a waking up to some of the st wesidpread readings r foun hethaly for sensitive people. s let'ta kea look atthe map atth h asthe or angeand yellow dots on it. a-irquality ishe unalyth or mora.te in the h soutbay, we veha moderairte a-qliuaty.
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on the peninsula, and over into the stea bay eyvalls,it is unhealfothy r sensitive gr. oups in general, the awtakeayn oth isne o is to hang in there cabeuse air-qualisity ouabt to t better. if you look ate thforecast, it is ramodete. ther e isgo odreason for a forestca like that. the fostreca owshs a rostng er onshorowe fl icwhh is rostng er anth over the lafest w days th atwill help clear out the smoke at lower evelatnsio. if youtake a oklo at erwhe we e w,no there is a lot of color on e thscreen. e thlighter the blue, the be ttterheai r-quality. ase wgo througthh e day, e th one shorfl owwill clear the smoke out a little bit. as we go into saayturd night an d enth sundayyo, u see a much
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stronger oronshe surge maki ng tsaidhey siicgnifany tlbetter. awerego ing to veha a g bi primovement and quair-aly itat legoast ining to sunday and hopey fulltheae rly part of wthisee k. and n'doest cenessarily meanis o intog stay that wa y. is goodto know that we llwi get a ceni break at let asin the near term. > >>that is rimane layer and wthisilbel the ti meof arye whitere cobemes difft iculto te inthe inmorng. this mngorni itis a co mbatinion of thbo. there is a thhealy marine layer out e thertoday. inland vysalle ofthe east bay arsoe al indog it. you got someclearing hainppeng already. we've gottenli a tt lebit of lit inra out of this. berkeley hills has inpot 001 inches of rain. temperesatur o utthere right
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w arranging in the low 60s. you can see where the marine lar yeis rit ghnow. by theti methat we get into e late mog rninand early teafrnoon, let'st geevyoerne's daimhie ghs on here. we willbe noticeablyol co todar y foth istime of year. 80 desegre, nccoord. ntsaa , rosa73. mpteeratures wilayl st inthe low to mid s 60for mu chof the bay. there's a bit of a wa rmup noticeable forsan jose aswe rmwa back up into the low and miledd 80s. u will cenoti e thwarm up wh y oulook at e thinland vas.lley 80 today, 102 by the end of e th we. ek you cae n sethe temperatures wainrmg up into the mid-80s by the en d ofth iscoupmi ngweek. >> yount meiod nethe air quality istt beer than some
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ars. is that usbecae itis fur rthe south leand ss smoke is reachithng at area? >> what is paimcting the bay is there is muso ch smoke ttsiing off of e thcoast is getting lled into the goldenga te and paimcting san frscancio remo thanan s sejo. usy uallitis the opposite. upo tthe delta is for meso of thrse woe r-aiquality is right now. san jose is a lilett too utsoh. >>stigraht ahead, d diyou fe telhat earthqkeua last night?at big aypls and a ysic galame atthe coliseum la nstight. at is in the giants when
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grass looks grt,ea zeus! hey could mayou yb e trim the hydrangea? too suhire tngke, vin. ou do y wmeant to do the dsboxwoo as well? no. finding the rirsght peon for the job t isn'always easy... ...butyo when u ahaven insuraesnce quti u yocan always cou nt on your locao l geicag th ey can give yo u pealrsonized advice and could he lp you hsaveundreds. y hemedusa! s let'boogie. fo r rtexpe help with l alyour insurance, needs ge kt tonow lyourocal geict o agentoday.
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when it tocomes forinlog, i'm o hard tplse.ea fo so, i flgo to oo& der cor wher de theyo't 'just know the differ ence tweeben products, they le foivr it. from amen haricardodwo to spanishcela porin to ita marlianble, i''m looking for iratinspio n from every pof tart heor wld. , wh soent icomes to dierinscovg erevy imaginable til e, wood, laminate or stone wit houtcomisimprongy mdesign, aislone e doesn't cut it. i need atiren en sreto. now, i' go've expl orfle oor & decor ersoin pn or online at
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t i gosebaball up top. he is a fat lloufrom last night's . game if this d trenntcoinues, by the cle ofbusiness tomorrow night thane gitsco uld lose e te adn ithe west. for 40,000 lastnit ghat the oakland 80s nabonza, he ran a lo ngway to take the t hiaway fromlm welar k. ths e a'goout t of their clean. i velo the way that he aypls. the pigotch t through and scoredco a up leof runners. th e angits got one back. cheut the deficit to one. in thett boomof the seventh, he drovee onfair doelwnfid d an th scored anot her. the very next pih,tc look at
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jose aezlvar doit away. a little pyslop on the giants last night. the a's won 4- 1.because the dodgers won last t,nigh the san francisco leak onthe west is now 5 >> he is a pretty goodaypler an d weare gladthat we have hi m. he is not gog into get three headers evy mega, but he finds a y toshow up almost every . time we like him. >> t henfl enspt thuraysd and idayra pcticing at e th chge arsnd now the going to aypl a game motorrow. aland l ofthese pracs,tice george welc omedit because he wares tid of gettinhig t by friendly filire keth is libaerck fred rnwaer. >> you jock for 10 yards and edfr comes up and ietrs tohi t
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asyou hard as he can. are they anngoyin? yes. vei lo everything about it. as lasong eyth are coisnstent, i okay withthat. >> so. ccer eahqkeuas, he played atthe laal gaxy and no densfee for lo pez. san jose okto the lead and the eauarthqkeon w the gamewi th th2-1 fi nal. they arebe unat enin the last matches for osthe of you scg orinatho me and you owkn whyou are. >> that's it for this morning. i will see you later in the day. coming up on kpix5, the ling that ulcod be a game changer for gang ecomony rkwoers across stthe ate . pr esenidt biden is cifang
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ofboth. wii ll show you more co mingup n d a bit. e thheadline is the air- quit y. this is a mo stwidesp readwee 'v ense since we starthted e smoke ason. itans gefrom all the way up to thertnoh down into the he aroft the ba y. at is the refoca stfor today. lli wi be backwith a colempte focarest in a few minus.te a major setback for companliies keub er and lyft th atel ry on gangwo dga jue ruled the pr op22 is counnstitutional rehe is that sty.or >>repoerrt: ulwod u yo exctpeing this to happen? >> no. >> rorepter: the aslysemb membs er iamong fiofcis alwho eeted in celeiobratn over today'rus ling the pr22op is un cotinstutional. it iuns enforceable usbecae it
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limits the wepor of a future legislature? the judge is the figh tingaiagnst prop 22 and minsllio ofdollars the ride share companieens spt to relyde ceive the voters. it isquite exciting. >> lkta 22 ckbaed by derisharg incompanies ly aftnd ub perass with ne arly59of% e thvotes. it alledow drivers to be independent racontcts oror freelancerths raer than emoyplees. th mntea that the ancompies were not obteligad to provide fu nebefits? >> theyve ha t nobeen given alhethreca. th geyet a small enstipd that esn't cover their stcos. most of the ride share workers iran medi-ca l ordimecare and
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rewe a bssuidizing the itprofs of these coiempans. >> induaividls atth work deserve beto mpcoensated and protected. reporter: ruthe li ngis a mar nafincial blow to the mpcoanies. >> it s meanthat they're ingog toave an eaincrsebud rden of sociecal sury,it disability yrpaoll taxes. >>t iwill add to their costs. >>be ur had thisto say. we wiapll pe aland we peexct to n.wi lyand ftsa id we evbelie the jue dgmade a seris ouerror requiring thure cotsto guard e thvoters rights. d they plan to appeal that ruling. angeles tycoun implemented nea w outdoor cefa mask requirt emenfoanr yone ndatteinoug tdoor eventsth wi crowds erlarg anth 10,000 people. even applifies you're
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vaccinated. >> reportweer: noticed that most fahans d their masks on un tlesshewey re eating or drinking. th fisamily showed upepprared r the new skma mandate in la uncoty at our tdooevtsen with 10,000 peop leor more, even if they are vaatccined for covid- 19. >> he is lktaing about the more thanil 1 mli conhildren unde e thage of 12 in la county who e not elig iblefor inoculn.atio some fano s whwe revaccinated d hamixed fegselin ouabt the nedew orr atth went into feefct on fri day. i>> think there is some ustration abthout e whole siation. >> reporter: this epidemiologiayst ss atth the lyhigh iecnftious delta anvarit s haforced maskruing les to
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ev. olve >> iist a l noveruvis and rewe arleni angbout it all the time. we are changing ougur idineles to meet the science as it olevve s. >> rteeporr:va ccination is the best weapoain agnspat ndemic anmad sking adds an actual layer of ecprotti. on somens fa e arstill vae ccin heta antnd when itme cos to the skma mandate eecrk back i don't think it is righ t. do not thk init is e.ther ifouar e vaccin, atedwh atis the t?poin >> when yodeur cionsis ef fect her people, you should understandt thathe esmandates and replace to helpeverybody el. se >>ep rorter: and hopefully prott ecfor remo varian ce micong dn owthe . pike>> if you're ingog to the phiata sdiumsk, mas llwi be with wired even outhgh the canopy is openon either in. f prooofva ccination is not
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required. o videshowing an-tilockdown protrseste cshlaing wi thpo li. ce the lownckdo s waput in ple ac ro mssany regions of stralia. ese owcrds reconggangti in liretaatn ioand you can see riotol pice eswrtling otpresters to the ougrnd. >>ck> ba in the ba y,taking a live look in san jose. startionng mday city erworks must show f prooof vaatccinion or taa ke weekly covid stte. an wyonehore fuses will be edforc tgoo on idunpa lveea. lodevepi ngthis morning as deatsperiogrn ows outside of the kabul rpaior t. idpresenbit den says the u.s. is foc usedon getting eramicans anald lies to fesaty. thousande s arstggruling to caespe t hetaliban.
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>> is desperate acevuaonti of eithr passports geto t through cuserity, presidbient deman de th pmirose. et>> l mebe clear. any amer icanwhwao nts to meco ho, mewe will t geu yohome. butt he says that theye ar committed to heg lpinafanghs ev acteuad. >> i cannot omprise what the final outcome will be. >>rertpoer: making arpreped remas rkfor a ndseco time th is week, presidbient deden fended hihalindng of the iscris erngupti aerft the talibaton ok over. he>> t onipion thwas enin fact that would not ocr cuuntil later in thare ye. it wasmy cidesi. on e >> whave amers icanand our allies aller ov the trcouny in great erdang rit ghnow. th ats ithe ernumb one priority.
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over the long-teritm, is all thatpo weanrthy at is in the has ndof the worst ofthe worst. >>re porter: memberofs coress were iebrf about evacuation etsffor d anreports of chaos on the ougrnd. lloystd auinto ld lawmakers e th batalin s habeaten some americans in kabul incallg it acunceptable. >>e wmade it clear to the liban that any taatck on our forces osrr diuponti of our operatiot ns athe aiorrpt llwi beet m with ifswt and efforcul response. >> reporteres: pridt enbiden sa -ys- isis fiafliesat among thousands thatwe re free ngduri the ovtakeer. new devio this rnmoing of ghafan evacueesac rehi ngdullesc wsomeergre eeted by jari us
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revelatis. the statpae dertntme is trying to speed up the process for imanmigrt savis. 7000 applioncatis veha been apov tedhis we. ek jackie spare erlett traveling anecti-ralral lly on the peulninsa styeerday. thgrp ouheld up signs in temao and redwood city. a paofir ralliells wi ocr musiltaneously. onrae lly happens in san fr ansccio. a similar ergathinasg planned in ntsaa clara at stevens creek and hewincst erboulevards. e thrallies will run 2from:00 until 4:00th isafternoon. you're plan ningto vote on 14the thbr, ing your own ball. ot thatth is e one that evneeryo is gtietng in the mail. ing it to your siasgn ed
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this inmorng a carell genemoral to rsis recag llin over00 73,0 volt electraric cs. th ceyouldca tch fire after being chargeund til the batteries can epbe rlad,ce gm commends set tingthcae rs to chgear e th90%. covers thbo electrical vehicles from 2017 to 20 22. maestiteded live rytimehas ve been pd usheba ckuntil later theais yr d anin some cas,se nextr. yea a ipsh ortaisge responsie bl
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for de. lays hurricgrane ace is lashing mecoor f a ndseco time this week. me isolated s areacod ulsee tupo 18 chines of rain. grace made ndlafallrl eay datoy a category 3 m storafter hittine g thyutcca twdao ys earlier. the storinm brgsth e risk of flash flooding and mudslis de through e thweekend. oppele are inbeg urged to move tohe higr ground. > residents loof ngis land an d utsohern w neend glanare acg infor tropical storm he nrwhy ich is expeedct to bemeco a hurricane telar toy.da trarees e at risk of falling ovecer bau seof evprious rain. and on cape cod, rivaes or warning of caelnclations to teour islands. thgoe vernor of masshuacsetts s haactivated thtie naonal ard and issuhied s own warning to vacaertions?
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>> we n'dot want lepeop to be k stucin traffic when e thstorm is in full force on sunday. we put tothgeer evuaaction pls. >>gt lonimree sidents reme mber the damage from hurricane bob over 30 aryes ago. t's turn it ov erto aaron ckor f a look at r ou foca. st r-aiqualit y isour main issue. lot of locas tionare waking upit wh unhealthy r fosensitive groups, and it willbe meso of h e stmo widespreadad rein gs for thatwe have seen thisni morngoo lking over the sobauth y,th is is a time-l apse watching t hemari nelayer work waits y down over e thsouth bay. th iss ijust fobereun srise. thisth is e rtpa of the bay ea that will e sesunshine soeron than most loticaons. were starting toe sethe clouds melt back erthe.
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s let'ta kea lookat the air- quality. e location nlis oy reading mo detera and ju stabout everywhere elsewi llbe or angeh icish unhealty for sensitive gr. oups this helpasing r faenough in and so u'yore not impoinrtg as muchke smo atth the rest of the immediate ba. y is all of the oksme pulled off of h e ascot got pull edinto our stngro oronshe flow and ndfoled ribaght ckin to the bay. that is why n safrancisco is in this. atth onsreho flow is a scioenar where evthen e city has to deal withs. thi th e refocast for toisday only moderate. d anlet me show u yowhy. if we loatok the refutuca ston e thhigh resoonluti smoke recast, the oronshe owfl will intey nsifand that llwi clear oulot wer levels of the atmosphere. that will mobe repr onounced toghnit and torrmoow. that
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s looksomu ch better. suayil wl be a gehu imemprovenovt er e wherwe are t righno w. even bythis afternoon, th ings will hstave ard teto improve. that is a live look right ilwe wl t gea lecoup of other vis onhere. plenty of dsclou t outhere. south bay will clear but it will stay ka. ycee 60 in san jose right no w. oaklan3.d, 6 ncord, 62. you can see the marie anle is ll spread. it n everrelyal let's go of the immediaty.e ba we will incontueto see the cl ou cdsoming into the go lden gate. evoderyby seel will get suhinsne. mi d-s 70for the south ba y. 72, santa cla. ra low fo80s r e thinlandll vaeys
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heof t stea bay. this is t eighor 9 grdeees beavlow in theimdimeate bay, we don't t geout ofth e 60s l alday. w 70s for the valleys of marin and nosoma we llwi see temperaturesth in e w lo80ass weet into meinndoco d ankela tycoun. we see a warmg intrend as we get toe thmiledd and d enof this coming week. its really the in the llvaeys of tashe et y bawhere we noticed thatwa rmup geinttg us back up to0 10by the d enof this w eek. low 90s for thrte noh a valleys. it is not showg inup l untithe enofd the six ngcomi week. >> tsmhe okane d the seca has be sk icand e thsun is rebaly able to peatnetre atth. aryoe u telling me th atwill get pushed out of here? >>s. ye by rrtomoow it ldshou look of
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lot better. eaa brkft asclub stteard 10 yearo s aghabes come the highligh t ofthe week for dozens of the area tamiliry veterans. >> reporr:te josc turday morning fistmp buing s higuests. they are military veterans succum b tofree backrest in windsor. the weekly meal started 10 years heit inveda mirylita moms group to bareckst, eabrkfast and itstju kept ingog. we kept itgog inthrough fis reand ooflds. >> repo: rterrahonc fryson breakfast stesak. theyk coothmee als d anhepa ys r foth emthrough profits of his cateringin buses s.
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betwee n 15an50d veterans show up chea week. the oldest is a 90-yeldar-o t he air force staff rgseeant calls the p grouthe highlight of his week. >> erthe ought to be more and remo peleop like him with his attitude and charm. >>epteorr: the groud p dinot me etfor a year during e th pandemic. but josc for pickup and delivery. >> i didn't really know what it meant to so meof these veterans. until we stop for the year. >> not g beinleab to come was teibrrle. ep>> rorter: it was like a family reunion in may. >> a t loof those ysgu suffer from depression from time to tindme a u yoalways owkn that you can come here and get a lift. >>or repte r:they have forged
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deepon cnections. th misorni ngtheyca tch up with josc leaves for college. >> he is this aminazg guy who lyreal, alrely appreciawhtes at we havdoe ne problyab more than we do. >> repr:orte cabeuse of e thos saayturd bakrefast s,the arawd goes osto jc. >>josc religion or pocsliti d ankeep sitocial. he does not solicit are negeralltay ke donations. if yknou ow of an unsung hero that you'dli ke tonominate, go to ourwe bse itand llfi out the detail s onthe online rmfo. ilwe wl be right ba. ck
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th ismo rning, masswaive ves and dangs erourip currenarts e inrockg e thcoast of southern california. we get a look at the s tidethat are higher than usual. r>>eporr:te hu gewaves coinntue tbeo do wnon e th southern calniifora ascot. edincrib vleiews at sunset with waves inchasg oppele on the sand ane d thocean inprovg s it por wewith gehu swells. rts of west wardbeh acroad crumpled r afteda ysof high de and high surf. the ougrnd nebeath the aspht al gingut o and drop pingin toth e eaocn lobew. >> ange laknows about the hu ge s waveafr teone snuck up and swept her lobenggsin away. the othejor mar erconcn is
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rip wrong, ngstro p ri currs.ent' >> i got edpull under and when i wetont get up, i was taken back by anheotr wave. >> reporter : ifatth hpeapns, tr y tofloat out wi ththe current. yo u n casee on this idgue that e thrip current llwi ease asa pulls away from the beach and enth you can swim aw. ay it's always a good idea to ay in tune withe thocean and what is enhappinwig th the rf. >>po rert: ercruiser trietod shore up the da mageroad using a sse ivboulders. >> as beaul tifuas it looks, this it s nosomething tobe trleifd with. >> reportemor: stpe ople are chngoosi twao tch instead of be their when the tewar is this wild. >> dangerous coionditnsfo r a lot of acbehes this ekweend. thing of aubetywi th a lot of danger wngashi u p. >> you can ecappria tenature a
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little bitmo reand u yorealize that you need to respect nature o. >>fi ofcis alsay the powerful su srfhould stick ndarou throthugh e ekweend. >> > a pair ofkids in a denv er suburb are selling homemade le modena to raise money for regefues from afghanistan. fithe veea-yr-old cousint seup the nalemodest and. all of the pros ceedwill go to e thinternationascl reue committeice whh isan or gazanition that helps rese ettlemiangrts ndarou the wo rld. >> we llwi donate e thproceeds. >>ar we e giving it to the regefues. t>>hat is a tough situn.atio >> thanktos the molena destand
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it isti mefor a look at thoris mni'sng p tostor ies. the vaccprine oopof licy is w no inefctfe. customers mustsh owproooff r theivainccation to gain access to orindo venues. the difixie re has edburn over 700 0,00reacs. mandoraty evuaactionars e in effect witlyh on 35% containment. > a man and santa cruz cotyun in custody teafr driving his
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car intoa building r aftean argumenth withis rlgifriend. he s habeen gechard with saasult, kidnapping, dostmeic olceen and drivindeg unr the inueflnce. sasen jo ulcod be the rglaest californ iacity to find resintdes for using too much war. a man is in custody after reportedlyal steinang d drinivg anir aportve hicle along the ta rm aacnd thenhingdi in the ilceing of two termalins. rehunddsf oairplane pagessenrs we fceord to de al with delays > >>we are lkwaing up to dsclou anhad ze and oksme on the grndou. rehe is what the air-alquity sensors oklo lirike ght now. a looft unalhethy for seitnsive groups. th iats where you want to go easys thimoinrng. witill get better . thore ange dots owsh you this
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is some of the most widespread reading we have . seen thfoe recast for the stre of toy dashows us that moradete is the takeaway. there will begradual primovemt enin the air-alquity junot stto day but relyal by torrmoow. syourev enday forecast shs owa warm up, esalpecilyfo r inland location s aswe go thh rouge thi dd leand late rtpa of this next upngcomi week. > >>thank you for watching kpix5 news. e wsne continues
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ydoesouvir tamin c lawest tntfoy-ur hours? only nature's bo doeuntys. immune twenty-four hour plus has ngloer lasting vitam. ushe, rbal and othemuner im serupstars. onlym na frotu'sre bounty. ♪ ushe, rbal and othemuner im serupstars. ♪ my namcae's leb. what's?s your i' ushe, rbal and othemuner im serupstars. 'm grace! didus you jt ve mo here? ♪ ye ah! cool!
7:00 am
rrnaatorto: day luon "ckdoy g", after o twmonths in thshe elter, isxt eremely largeph sheer dmix is out omef ti. gg iies more dog tmahan nype ople want, bheut t bvilens of san diegveo ha bn eelonging fore a nt gleiant just liimke h. won:e' wre hoping to a get rglae dog that hnoas eugenh ergy top keeupit wh our two yo ungchdrilen. rrorat: the questis,on i i sreggie the right fit for a falymi wittwh o yog unboys? eric: ayok. rmlyal, i wouldn'tec rommend a larger dogoi gng into a family with smallhier cldren.
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