tv CBS Overnight News CBS February 7, 2022 3:30am-3:59am PST
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this is the cbs "overnight news." good evening. thanks for joining us. tonight, there are increasing that vladamir putin plans a full-scale invasion of ukraine. and the biden administration now says that could happen at any time. right now, more than 110,000 russian troops are massed on the border. this weekend, u.s. troops from
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the 82nd airborne division arrived in poland to demonstrate america's commitment. if ukraine comes a battlefield, sources tell cbs news that civilian casualties could go as high as 100,000. >> reporter: in the cold night of winter, they prepare for the worst. but these paramilitary fighters are not ukrainian, they're from the nation of georgia, a country which also shares a long border and complex history with russia. and are in kyiv to train civilians to defend themselves. among them are volunteers from other nations. >> you're going to learn today about urban operations. >> reporter: including this american justin dean. >> i like to protect the people of kyiv and ukraine and train them in fighting off the russian invaders. >> reporter: the fear of a russian invasion has triggered a sense of national unity in ukraine not seen in years. in kyiv, a vibrant sea of blue and yellow, as thousands take to the streets waving the ukrainian flags in a show of patriotic spirit. most here know it will take much
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more than patriotism to defend against russia, with this woman saying, "we want ukraine to remain independent, always." the kremlin continues to insist it has no plans to invade. despite amassing roughly 110,000 battle ready troops along ukraine's borders. while at the same time, accusing the u.s. of trying to goad it into war. u.s. intelligence officials say president putin still hasn't decided whether to invade, but has nearly everything he needs to launch what could be the largest scale military operation europe has seen since world war ii. jericka? >> scary stuff. tonight, diplomatic efforts to defuse the crisis are being fervishly explored in europe and washington. that's where we find more on alarming new intelligence
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reports. christina, what are you hearing? >> reporter: good evening. cbs news has learned that moscow has amassed about 70% of the forces it would need to launch a full-scale invasion of ukraine. an invasion the white house says d >> at this point, we are in the window. >> reporter: national security adviser jake sullivan said today russia might not wait until after the olympics to make a move against ukraine. >> is there any particular thing vladamir putin is looking for, sir? >> reporter: the biden administration threatened massive financial and political consequences. >> if war breaks out, it will come at an enormous human cost to ukraine, but we believe placed on our preparations and response, it will come at a strategic cost to russia, as well. >> reporter: american forces landed in poland this weekend and 8200 more are on stand by. should russians invade, it could cause as many as 100,000 civil casualties and 5 million refugees. >> if we live in a world that you can take a country because
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you claim it, we have entered a very dangerous period in human history once again. >> reporter: and there's another fear, that unchecked russian aggression could encourage others, namely china, to do the same. >> our adversaries are watching. if putin can go into ukraine with no resistance, certainly xi will take taiwan. >> there is a presence in eastern europe, but the u.s. military is not sending troops directly into ukraine, correct? >> that's correct. the president has said u.s. forces are not going into ukraine to fight russia. what he is doing is sending forces to back up u.s. allies, including 2,000 troops to poland, 1,000 to romania, and more on stand by if putin makes a move. the u.s. wants to confront russia diplomatically. not militarily. the new german chancellor will be coming to the white house tomorrow, and you can bet ukraine will be on the top of the list. >> christina, thank you.
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after weathering the omicron crush, new cases are dropping fast. but deaths are still up. the virus has now claimed more than 902,000 lives in the united states. cbs' lilia luciano is in los angeles with more. good evening. >> reporter: california is narrowing that trend where deaths are still spiking. but fortunately infections are down. here in west hollywood, you can tell. people are enjoying a weekend off before the super bowl. sped up by omicron, daily deaths have jumped nearly 30% in the last two weeks. most in states with low vaccination rates. more than 120,000 americans are hospitalized with covid, but new infections are plummeting. cases have dropped more than 70% in maryland and new york. >> we're a good part of the way through this omicron wave. we're not close to the end right now, depending how you measure that. i think this is going to be a long struggle. >> reporter: health experts say
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the best defense is vaccines. now 42% of americans have that booster shot. and masking. but just nine states still requirg mask c hundreds of trucks and thousands of people continue blocking roads. >> we're standing up for counterprotestors demanding an end to disruptions. ottawa's mayor declared a state of emergency because of those protests. here in the u.s., many of those mask mandates will be lifted including here in california, on february 15. jericka? >> all right, lilia luciana, february 15, not far away. thank you. to minneapolis now where there was outrage this weekend. hundreds marched through the streets protesting the police
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no-knock shooting death of 22-year-old amir locke. body cam video shows the s.w.a.t. team announcing themselves, then shooting and killing locke, who was holding a gun when he was killed. he was licensed to carry the gun and had no criminal record. his name did not appear on the search warrant. his parents are demanding answers for why their son was "executed."> thnfl commissioner goodell responded today to a discrimination lawsuit by former dolphins head coach brian flores. in a statement, he said "we have made significant efforts to promote diversity. however, we must acknowledge that particularly with respect to head coaches, the results have been unacceptable. we will re-evaluate and examine all policies out of the nfl's 32 teams. there is one black head coach." flores' attorneys call the statement a public relations ploy. the cbs "overnight news" will be right back.
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ths cbs "overnight news." welcome back to the "overnight news." i'm jericka duncan. the next frontier of space exploration is picking up speed and opening up a new world of possibilities. investment bank morgan stanley predicts space commerce will become a $1 trillion sector within the next two decades, includie satellite launches and space tourism. we take a look at the ground work being done here on earth so new generations can keep
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reaching for the stars. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: to see the future of space, look to the past. to the 1968 movie "2001, a space odyssey" when a pan-am commercial jet docks at a space station with a hilton hotel. >> your flight leaves in an hour and ten minutes. >> reporter: space travel is just another road trip. spe travel i lrs ofs de coloray ma a joel o use electricity to melt aluminum strips into these cylinders, a process tha >> you can see it start to melt. >> yeah at 1200 degrees fahrenheit. >> the forces of that coil allow us to manipulate the metal.
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>> reporter: tit's recycling amd the stars. just to be clear, when we watch a rocket launch, first stage, second stage, third stain, this is what the third stage is made of. >> it's made of aluminum. some are made of stainless steel. but you have essentially a big tin can up there. >> reporter: companies are already scrambling to use that aluminum as fuel. and a satellite would just make a pit stop. this is the ceo. someone described this process as like putting gas stations in space. is that kind of what it is? it'sven mesically refill your t? at you can do more, right? >> reporter: today, when satellites run out of fuel, they become just more space debris.
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debrispa miety wiped t an entir satellite collector. a step towards recycling debris that could be used for building what's needed for space in space. >> now you can use that to create parts of satellites, entire structures in space. you can use it as a propellent. anything that you can use in space from those elements already there is it creates an advantage. >> reporter: this doctor is director of the center for spacl of mines. is this going to drive yet another part of the sort of privatization of space in >> the moment you start using resources from space, that's going to open up not just the possibility of doing even more science, but it will open up new
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economic activities, in which companies are going to join in and create a whole new ecosphere. >> reporter: so where some see stars up there, a lot of companies see dollar signs. some are developing private space stations to launch in the years ahead, with rooms for plenty of experiments, building new machines, welcoming tourists, and a picnic table with a best view this side of the moon. >> smoke by day,space. the industrial revolution that changed human history. some are already planning factories in space. is that what's going to happen in space, another industrial space revolution? >> i think the revolution that is about to come in space is about the whole point of use of resources there to allow us to extend our presence beyond our
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planet. i'm not meaning just humans living on the moon and mars. >> reporter: because the moon is not just what buzz aldrin saw when he was the second man on the moon. the study of moonwalk shows the moon has what we need to live and construct moon bases, and build ships destined for mars and beyond. >> if you're going to have humans on the moon, you have oxygen. it's in the rocks. there. if you need to build anything, use the dust and the rocks that are there. >> reporter: gary peterson, >> reporter: gary peterson, bolder, co trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here,
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power through your day, medicine. new from vicks. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief. a new book coming out this week is highlighting some of the most influential events of the '90s, including the first cloning of a sheep, remember that? the shattering of baseball's home run record. the emergence of the internet. and so much more. author chuck closterman cess the goal was not just to look back but to remember whatatchistory realtime. here's cbs' anthony mason. >> ladies and gentlemen, welcome! >> reporter: friday nights are
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'90s nights at the new york club. >> the music is so much better back then. it doesn't even compare. >> reporter: and the crowds come to celebrate a decade most are too young to remember. >> there's nostalgia in the '90s. today we have more tech. >> '90s were a lot cooler. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: a decade when grunge was in. and ellen came out. when a president was impeached, and o.j. was arrested. ♪ ♪ when a sitcom about nothing became the biggest tv show of its time. and a film about a shipwreck became the biggest movie of the century. >> i'm the king of the world! >> reporter: when the video store reigned, and the internet
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arrived. >> you've got mail. >> it was a less volatile time. >> reporter: chuck closterman reckons with all of it in his new book "the 90s." you write it was a remarkably easy time to be alive. >> it was especially easy in the '90s. there was no wars going on, no cold war, no hot war. the economy was good. >> american economy has retained its momentum. >> reporter: america, as alan greenspan reported to congress, was in the longest economic expansion in its history. it was a time where even the federal reserve chairman could become aind ofockar.erpen again. >> reporter: but to klosterman, this rock star defined the decade. nirvana's kirk cobain. you call "never mind" an
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inflection point. >> when that comes out, that's when the 'nibl'90s really begin. ♪ ♪ it kind of swept through all aspects of culture. and if you want to understand a young person, you first have to understand why kirk cobain looks and acts the way he does. >> reporter: in the '90s, we were still living with land lines, but began dialing up a new connection to the internet. i remember at the end of the '90s, the degree to which it was going to take over our life. we're like okay, sure, when? and suddenly it >> it was part . >> reporter: it's possible to imagine a distant future, he writes, in which the only achievement people associate with the '90s is the foundational rise of the internet. ♪ ♪ in the fall of 1994, a new
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sitcom premiered that would come to dominate television. >> repeat after me. [ speaking foreign language ] >> reporter: the show, about six friends who lived in new york's west village, would go on for ten seasons. "friends" was a '90s show that didn't feel like the '90s. >> no, it was sort of built to transcend the period. it was young people living in the '90s dealing with what seemed like caricature gen x problems. >> reporter: tv in the '90s also took us to war. what had been desert shield becomes desert storm. with the launch of the tomahawk cruise missiles. >> reporter: for the first time, an invasion of kuwait wasal-te. >>o swearo tell uth elp yd?
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r:t anin momen of thewr w captured videotape. including the beating of black motorist rodney king by white police officers. when they were acquitted, it sparked six days of riots in los angeles. when football and film star o.j. simpson fled arrest for murder, and later faced trial, tens of millions tuned in. >> it was oddly like a tv show about a crime. >> they watched it like a reality program. and the fact that it was about murder became very, very secondary. >> what does that say about nus the '90s, do you think? >> i guess you can say maybe it was the first time that people were dealing with sort of a history of race in a way that was being discussed so openly
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and so nationalbo entitled action find the defendant not guilty of the crime of murder. >> while some people may want to go back to that period where it was easier to live, i think a lot of historians are going to see this period as quietly troubling. i often use reality bites as an example, but there's a scene where even the character says -- >> i'm not under any orders to make the world a better place. what is good are you? >> that is seen as a funny thing. the modern day version of that character looks at that and thinks, how can it be that this period seemed to glamorize apathy? >> it was cool not to care. >> whatever word you want to use. it wasn't a problem. >> reporter: but at '90s night, a nostalgia for the decade still packs the house here.
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an actress that appeared on "seinfeld" is getting her big break. >> reporter: a simple question, over 7 million a platform unfamiliar to annie korzen until recently. >> i've always been, for the most part, an unemployed actor, and underpublished writer. i am now having more success in those two things than i've had in my whole life. >> reporter: she attributes much of thatce ter decad
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r b fridkenz morrison. you'reshe' blosmed oa shared lre bng h fid audience. >> i'm a fan of good taste. to 15 tiktok videos in a day. >> i never know what she's going to do until i hit record. >> i like to change people's minds about what it is to be old. i'm still active. i'm still learning new things and i'm not the only one. it's time for some gray power. >> 80 is the new 37. >> reporter: gray power indeed. >> that's the "overnight news" for this monday. make it a good one. from the cbs broad cast center in new york city, i'm jericka duncan.
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this is a cbs news flash. jury selection begins in the trial of the men convicted of murdering ahmed arbery. they face hate crime charges, accused of killing arbery for his rice. the chinese tennis star says she never accused anyone of sexual assault. it comes after a social media post ofs last y apptonehine e po pnnisssocia tourments marand crossing guards being hailed a hero after saving a middle school student from being hit by a car. the officer, who pushed the student out of the way, was hit
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herself and suffered minor injuries. for more news, download the cbs news on your cell phone. i'm elise preston, cbs news, new york. it's monday, february 7th, 2022. this is the "cbs morning news." >> we believe that there's a very distinct possibility that vladimir putin will order an attack on ukraine. >> fears of war. russia continues its military bu ouks why the standoff moves into a pivotal phase this week. demanding justice. protests spread in minneapolis after the s.w.a.t. shooting death of amir locke. how it's already forced the city to make changes. heroic crossing guard. an officer risks her life to protect a student from being hit by a car. well, good morning, and good to be with you.
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