tv Mosaic CBS August 7, 2022 5:30am-6:00am PDT
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>> good morning. welcome to mosaic. on behalf of the arch diocese of san francisco. where human body and human life are concerned, our age, and i mean e last 30 to 40 years, has been a time of incredible progress. brs in the laboratory, pioneering techniques in surgical theater, great advances in pharmacology, interventions in clinical setting, the layman, nonscientit
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like me can scarcely keep up wih the news. you read we have sequenced the genome, have crisper technology. i am not sure i know what that means. yey i read something about uterine transplants. people like me content themselves with saying we have medical meeks. in fact these are not miracles. they're techniques, applications of new knowledge, and in many cases trials and experience. if you he a technique, you are going to have some cost. you are going to to have consequences. there will will be benefits as well. i want want to understand those thingsi have invited a guest that can tl us all about them. she's a medical professional. she's founder of a local institution that has become internationally known study for center of bioethics. thank you for joining joining us. come back in a
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radio, abc, cbs, npr. you are ml professional by training. now you resident the east bay. are you a local girl? did you grow up here? >> i have been here since high , so i consider myself a local girl. i married a third generation san franciscan. i am a nurse by training. i was pedic critical care nurse. my first job was uc san francisco. i did practice nursing for 20 years before founding the center in the east bay. >> 20 years ago, you founded cer for bioethics and culture. >> i don't believe it but it's n 20 years. time flies. >> definitely. what caused you to take that step? >> i loved medicine, science, ty
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and certainly working in pediatric critical care nursing at major hospitals, we were always on cutting edge of new technology, new treatment, new . but i was interested in the eths of all the advancements. not just because we can do something do something doesn't mean we sh. so i went and studied bioethics. studied bioethics. >> i noticed you had advanced d, masters. >> it was part of my work that d the center that i run. >> the center is educational not 501c3 in california. i mention it is internationally known. you internationally known. you have testified at the un, have spoken foreign countries. people are interested in the knowledge you have. >> obviously these issues aren't unique to the united states, because we have sick people alld the world, people interfacing with the medical profession. i get around.
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>> bioethics and culture. let me me say, this is a catholic showu are not catholic i understand. >> correct. >> lutheran? may i ask? >> yes. i am lutheran. i work closely with catholic friends on on areas where we agree. >> wonderful. tell us about the major work that the center does. does. >> we are heavily involved in aa of, we call it making life. you mentioned gene editing, cloning, editing, cloning, all the technology allows us to make life. you mentioned uterine wombs, womb transplants, artificial wombs. we are heavily heavily involved in that. we write, do media, produce documey films all to help educate people. one of our important elements is we want the public d in the conversations. we all have a voice and all have sometg
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at stake. >> so your audience, how do youh out? do you reach out to younge? do you have seminars? do you have broadcasts? you make movies. where are these? >> all our films are available n amazon. people that want go to the center's website can find our films and watch them on ama. we have a podcast venus rising e we talk about things related to women's reproductive health. i am interested as a woman in woms reproductive health and as a nurse. we reach out to young people. we are involved on socil media which is where a lot of young people spend time, twitter twitter and facebook. disseminag information, educating people. e have a weekly news letter that tries to mic the sciencey tech issues available to lay people who don't have degrees in sciene
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or medicine. >> i am interested in these thi. >> good. >> i don't have a personal stak, but i would like to know more. d on your website you have information sheets. fact sheetse things to know about x, y, z. >> yes. we have quite a few. our few. our film making, some films films have been on issues of egg egg donation. young women mostly mostly on university campuses seeing ads to donate eggs to help somebody. we have fact sheets about egg donations. it sort of breaks down risks, reals of making that decision. we want want people to be informed when they make decisions. we have onn surrogacy. i am involved in the global debates around commercia. we have three things you shouldw about surrogacy. >> these are available on your . >> they're just pdfs, free for . >> i mentioned in my opening tht
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these are techniques and technis always have benefits perhaps but but they have costs and consequ. you try to inform people about h sides? >> sure. we absolutely do. we are not antitechnology. i took a a car to come here and was answering e-mails on my smart phone. we also know that even with a car, there is risk. we want people to be informed. thee are risks to young women's healh that might make decision to selr donate eggs or to be a surrogatr someone. we want people to have all the information so they cane the correct decision. >> i don't have no idea the ex t of the egg donation industry. hw many are involved? >> we don't really track. that'e of the realities in the practicn the world. it's a mutty billion dollar industry, the whole area
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of fertility medicine. but this is new. we don't really have good figure, good data, good nu, tracking of how many are doing . >> okay. but yet it is known and and you say there are consequences, difficulties, risks for the person donating the egg. >> sure. these are healthy young young women taking medicine. usy you take medicine because you are sick. you weigh risk benefit. i am sick. i will take this medicine that i know has side effects. but i need it to get well. >> we will talk more about thise will take a brief break and come and come back for another sessin with jennifer lahl.
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for bioethics and culture in plt hill. we were talking about risks of modern brand new inters and techniques, one which you he studied is egg donation and anor is surrogacy. i think the theme i hear and what you are saying is there are risks to women involved and you have education to offer about these things. >> yes. one, i encourage anybodg to watch our films. they're great documentary films where we we talk with young women who have done this, sort of walk thh their experiences and what went wrong. >> these are readily available n your website. >> yes. >> we'll run a slide later thats your domain name and url and all all that. >> perfect. >> all the resources we are talg about, whether video or print or or other are on your website. >> yes. absolutely. if you think think of the young healthy egg donor who sees an ad perhaps in her school newspaper. my
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daughters went to uc berkeley. >> the student newspaper and alo in new york or a big city like that, on the subway. >> yeah. they'll see the ads, oh oh i can help somebody and that money would help a lot. >> it can help pay my college t. >> what happens, but not alwaysy take these powerful drugs, undeo a procedure to harvest the eggse are serious short and longterm consequences. similarly in surrogacy. most don't realize a surrogate pregnancy has above ad beyond natural risk. last month we had a surrogate mother in san san diego who died. it comes with risk. we tell the story of the women who saw the advertisements and thought this was a great way to help somebody. they were sympathetic
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to somebody who couldn't have cn who wanted to and also thought the financial incentive would be be beneficial. >> okay. let me ask this. what is the great interest in surrog? it seems to me, aren't there ade children that are already born wanting and needing homes? >> yes. the argument i hear often for people interested in advancing surrogacy will say this allows people to have a genetic child, biologically reld child. when you adopt, you are not biologically related to the. with the surrogate, she might bg your genetic child for you and your wife or husband. that's sort of the argument, which is k unfortunate because we have a lot of children that can benefit benefit from a home. >> we do see news stories about,
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even if you are not a professio. you learn about contract diffic, legal difficulties that haven't been solved. >> yes. there are economic disparities. you will see a newspaper cover with a celebrity celebrity having a baby through surrogacy but you don't see a similar one showing a celebrity being a surrogate for low income for low income or impoverished . that's how i am able to bring tr many voices to help educate peoe on all angles of the story. >> i know you have a large cohot of medical professionals, intel. we'll talk about that in detaila little bit later. let me ask you you this because this is of int. your film eggsploitation, prettd
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pun, is a pretty big hit. >> once somebody gets it, you dt know how many people they're watching it with. but it's translated into four or film languages, won in the california the california film festival, has won major film awards and been recognized. it is an important film that just keeps being watched and shown and purd from people around the world. >> it's probably an important tl for young women. the target audience for the egg donation harvesters i guess. >> i am on university campuses l the time screening the film andg women will say thank you for your work. i get these ads on my my facebook. i see them in campus newspapers. they're grateful for the information. >> wonderful. let me ask you,
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you have these educational tools tools for the layman, the common common person easily available. >> right. >> readily accessible, pretty n. i have looked a some. then you have an intellectual side to your institute. the paul ramsey. ramsey. >> institute. >> okay. you are the center for bioethics and culture and you also have paul ramsey institutes i understand it is an institute studying bioethics and named for for paul ramsey. tell me about l ramsey. >> i had a lot of his writings n graduate school. the late great paul ramsey of princeton. he hadden dowed position in the ets department. he really was on the the forefront of lifting at the shift from medical ethics to bi. we have this two year fellowshim where young men and women from around the world are applying
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for a coveted spot. we are only able to accept a few. one of our our first paul ramsey fellows wrote the very famous book "when "when breath becomes air." he was neurosurgeon at stanford whn diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. just to give you insight insight into the caliber of people. medical doctor gilbert e ander, amer professor of ethics. >> that's great. we'll take a final break and come back and tk more.
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>> hello. welcome back. jennifer, you mentioned paul kyleanthony. that was a book i read. he was a neurosurgeon at . a young married man who got stae 4 cancer suddenly. during his last few months of life, he got treatments which were unsuccessful. he wrote a wonderful best selling book. eve read it. how is he associated? >> paul was one of our first pal
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ramsey institute fellows. instie runs a two year fellowship where where young men and women from many disciplines, law students, medical students, phd students will apply. paul was in the first group when we launched paul ramsey institute. it was dg his two year time with us that e was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and writing "when breath becomes air." >> a wonderful book, truly movi. you have top notch academics, ml professionals, so on who apply for a limited number of spots in in the institute. they're there for a year, two years. >> two years. >> is there a physical location? a physical location? >> we have meetings in the san o bay area because our fellows are are either students in m.d.
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programs, phd programs, law pro. so they come for a long weekende have scheduled readings. they wrestle and think with our scho. over two years we bring them toe bay area. >> the training is in bioethicsh some haven't encountered. a doctor who knows how to do everg to the human body may not know s bioethics yet. >> with a law student, doesn't understand the legality. gene editing, we have to weigh in if we can do this or not do this. e are phd students going on to hopefully teach in university. l be teaching students. it's part of their formation. they love it it because it is multi discipliy and cross discipline so law students are benefiting from hearing from medical students who are benefiting from phd students. it's live discussion,
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serious thinking. >> they'll take it back to thein and distribute it as well. >> exactly. and we are creating a network. we have a strong alumni program. every year we have the paul ramsey dinner and all the alumni are invited to come to the event. we are creating sort of a network of like-minded individuals in different areas of professional work. >> i looked on your website. you website. you are having your annual dinner. you give the pauy award and that's april 4. >> april 4 in diablo, californi. >> okay. >> every year we recognize one n for their exemplary work. this r the award is going to a professor at george mason unive. all our fellows will be there, l ramsey institute scholars will e there. it's a great way for
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people to learn about the work and the paul ramsey institute and just to get it meet some col young men and women that will change the world. >> wonderful. so it's a dinner and the public is invited. >> yes. >> they can find your website ad register and get a table, a tic. >> yes. >> april 4, diablo valley county club. we would like to run a slide briefly. we have a slide., centers for bioethics and cultu. i have some colleagues or count. what is that? >> national catholic bioethic wh is in philadelphia. >> i thought washington but maye they moved. that's another center like yours on the other coast, catholic in the description, catholic in teachig but doing the same work. that's
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wonderful. i want to encourage people to support your work, to go to the dinner if that makes sense. i would like you to tell us, how do i put it, how much ie to learn? should we go to the website every day and see another movie. >> i don't know about that. but i think getting on the e-mail list is good because we send one one news letter a week. it's written for lay people. so if anybody thinks well i am not a doctor or scientist, so i can'td this. it is targeted to the lay. it lets people know what's goin, activities coming up. we have a great study guide too that's a free pdf that goes with our film. if people wanted to show a a film, organize a discussion in in their parish. >> that's what i was thinking. f you are a parish director of res education, events manager, if you want to set up, can you send
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send a speaker? >> we have a form online. someby can say i am having an event, we we want somebody to come and give a talk. >> wonderful. they can show your your film. >> and they can make an appointt to visit us in our office if they want to see us in pleasant hill. >> do you have a connection witl catholic school districts? are they customers? >> i have spoken at several of e catholic schools in the bay are, high schools and beyond. i have spoken at the catholic bishops conference in dallas at the invitation of the national cathc bioethics center once. >> right. you are well acquainted with the archbishop. >> i am. he is a wonderful man. >> thank you for joining us. i want to encourage people to go o your website, get on your mailig list, perhaps attend this wonderful dinner and hear the talk. >> wonderful. >> thanks very much for joinings
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>> from the cbs studios, this s kpix 5 this. >> right now, bu es in downtown oakland are struggling to make ends after covid. now, things are made more difficult by violence. > >> monkeypox cases continue to climb and they are trying to get get the vaccine. what could the new federal declaration the worry love? > >> music and food go along with road closures. outside lanes is back in services go. good morning everybody. thank you for for watching. we are getting off off to a great start. it is sunday, august 7. let's check in
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