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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  August 31, 2022 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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hopes the day is filled with memories of his mother's newspp on yourl phone tv ml,nlo it's wednesday, august 31st, 2022. this is the "cbs morning news." breaking overnight, just -- justice department bombshell. new allegations made against former president trump and his lawyers about possible efforts to obstruct the investigation into classified material at mar-a-lago. water crisis. president biden declares an emergency in jackson, mississippi, as residents scramble to find bottled water. 25 years later. the life and legacy of princess diana lives on. how she's being remembered on the anniversary of her death. good morning, i'm matt
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pieper in for anne-marie green. we begin with breaking developments about classified material that was recovered from former president trump's home in florida. the justice department says trump's team likely concealed and removed documents to obstruct the investigation. the allegations were made in a court filing late last night in response to trump's request for a special master. federal officials also included a photo of documents found at mar-a-lago. one is marked secret, and at rkt semp advisers td thstpartmeh k arch for classified material. however, fbi agents still found more than 100 classified documents during their search of mar-a-lago earlier this month. some were found in office drawers despite claims from trump's lawyers that everything was kept in a storage room. the justice department argues that there's no need for a special master because all documents have been reviewed, saying it could impede the investigation.
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a hearing on the matter is scheduled for tomorrow. president biden has approved an emergency declaration request from mississippi to help deal with a water crisis in the capital of jackson. tens of thousands of people have been left without safe running water after heavy rains and flooding damaged a long-troubled water treatment plant. the governor called in the national guard to help get bottled water to those in need. bradley blackburn is in new york with the details. hi there, bradley. >> reporter: hey, matt. this is a very difficult situation for people in jackson. it's not just that the water could be unsafe, it's that nothing is coming out of the tap at all, and that means people are looking for water wherever they can find it. residents of jackson lined up for bottled water as taps ran dry in parts of mississippi's capital. flooding that overwhelmed the pearl river worsened longtime problems at one of the city's aging water treatment plants. jackson had already been under a boil water advisory for a month, but now water pressure is so
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low, residents are having a hard time showering and flushing. >> this is a very different situation from a boil water notice which is also a serious situation which residents of jackson have become tragically numb to. until it is fixed, it means we do not have reliable running water at scale. >> reporter: tuesday, mississippi governor tate reeves issued a state of emergency for jackson's water system. president biden also approved an emergency declaration freeing up federal assistance and disaster relief funds. >> how you doing? >> reporter: throughout the city, stores are sold out of bottled water, lines for just one case went on for miles. >> it affects lives especially someone like me. i have major health problems. >> reporter: former football great deion sanders, who now coaches at historically black university jackson state, says he's been working to move players off campus and into hotels. >> right now we're operating in crisis mode. i got to get these kids off
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campus. we don't have air continuing. you can't use toilets. we don't have water. therefore, we don't have ice. >> reporter: for now the university and other local schools have been forced to switch to virtual learning. jackson's mayor says the water system has been in crisis for years. he blames the breakdown on staffing shortages and on maintenance work that has been delayed for too long, matt. >> and back to virtual learning, wow. bradley blackburn here in new york. thank you. >> reporter: you bet. president biden sharpened his attack against the gop in the battleground state of pennsylvania. he also outlined his plan to combat gun violence as we get closer to the midterms. here's nancy cordes. god's sake, whose side are you on? >> reporter: in the battleground state of pennsylvania, president biden sought to flip an age-old political script slamming republicans as soft on crime. >> let me say this to my maga republican friends in congress -- don't tell me you support law
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enforcement if you won't condemn what happened on the 6th. [ applause ] don't tell me. >> reporter: he cited conservatives who have downplayed the january 6th insurrection and called to defund the fbi as it investigates former president donald trump. >> there's no place in this country, no place for endangering the lives of law enforcement. i'm opposed to defunding the police. i'm also opposed to defunding the fbi. >> reporter: president biden's more aggressive tone comes as his party's prospects improve. the latest cbs news battleground tracker shows democratic support from white women with college degrees has jumped nine points in one month. >> i'm determined to ban assault weapons in this country. [ cheers ] determined. i did it once before, and i'll do it again. >> reporter: president biden laid out his crime plan which
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includes $13 billion to hire and train 100,000 new police officers. republican senator ron johnson stumping for re-election in wisconsin hammed the idea. >> i'm sure he's going to spend more money that we don't have, exacerbate inflation. not accomplish whatever goal it's trying to accomplish. >> reporter: president biden will campaign in johnson's home state of wisconsin next monday, but only after he stops two more times in pennsylvania, a sign of just how crucial that state is to both parties when it comes to control of the senate. nancy cordes, cbs news, the white house. former soviet president mikhail gorbachev is being remembered as one of the most influential leaders of the 20th century. gorbachev died yesterday after a long illness according to a hospital in moscow. as the last leader of the former soviet union, he brought reforms to the country that led to the collapse of communism and the end of the cold war.
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he survived an attempted coup in 1991 but resigned months later. >> history will judge that gorbachev may be one of the most dramatic examples there is of what has been called a great man theory of history which is to say having the right person in the right job at the right time. >> russian president vladimir putin expressed his, quote, deepest condolences. mikhail gorbachev was 91 years old. the army is temporarily grounding its fleet of about 400 chinook cargo helicopters. it comes after fuel leaks caused engine fires. a spokesperson says the cause of the leaks has been identified, and they're working to fix the problem. the army says there were no injuries or deaths because of the fires, and it's grounding the fleet out of an abundance of caution. nasa says it will attempt to launch its new "artemis 1" moon rocket again on saturday. the initial test launch was scrubbed monday due to an engine
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cooling issue. nasa says it's changing its fueling procedures to deal with the problem. the rocket is supposed to send an uncrewed space capsule into orbit around the moon and back to earth during a six-week mission. coming up, an alarming drug trend. federal officials issue a warning about brightly colored fentanyl pills designed to lure children. and later, remembering lady di. we'll take you to london as people pay tribute to princess diana on the 25th anniversary of her death. this is the "cbs morning news." does your vitamin c last 24 hours? only nature's bounty does. with immune 24 hour plus... you get longer-lasting vitamin c... plus herbal and other immune superstars. get more with nature's bounty. ♪ ♪ this is the moment. for a treatment for moderate-to-severe eczema.
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the bright colors and shapes to get young people addicted. why classes will be dismissed early again in philadelphia today, and an arrest is made after the shooting of a dutch soldier in indiana. those are some of the headlines on the "morning newsstand." the "indianapolis star" reports police have arrested a 22-year-old man in connection with a deadly shooting of a dutch soldier. the 26-year-old soldier was shot saturday outside the hotel where he was staying in downtown indianapolis. two other soldiers were also shot and wounded. the mayor says they were victims of a drive-by shooting after a scuffle at a bar. the soldiers were in the u.s. for training exercises at an indiana military base. "the philadelphia enquirer" says 100 city schools will close early again today because of heat. officials say classes were dismissed three hours early yesterday due to a lack of adequate air continuing units. after school and sports activities are also canceled. >> some don't have air
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continuing, but most don't. it's hard to stay focused because it's so hot in there. >> when i found out they had to come back august 29th, i was like, we might run into the same situation we've had in previous years where it's going to be too hot, they're going to have to send the kids early, and that's exactly where we are. >> other schools in the district will remain open on a normal schedule. monday was the first day of classes. and "the verge" says the company that owns snapchat plans to lay off 20% of its employees according to people familiar with the matter. that is more than 1,000 workers at snap. the layoffs will begin today. the social media company's stock prices lost nearly 80% of its value since the beginning of the year. in may, snap said it would slow hiring and look for ways to cut costs. a snap spokesperson declined to comment to "the verge" about the layoffs. well, still to come here, we will take you to london as people remember princess diana on the anniversary of her death. first, a quick look at wall
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now you can pet me. ok that's enough you're literally so annoying. just kidding love you. great prices on everything pets want. chewy. here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ this morning people are remembering britain's princess diana who died 25 years ago today. mourners in london are paying their respects in front of kensington palace. there's a large memorial honoring diana's life and legacy. to this day, she remains a source of fascination to people around the world. ian lee is at kensington for us this morning. then. >> reporter: good morning, matt. yeah, people have been coming to this memorial throughout this morning. you know, we've been out here
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this week, and the one thing that's stood out to me is not only do you have people from around the united kingdom coming to pay their respects, but we've met tourists from around the world who are coming here to pay tribute to princess diana which really show her impact around the globe. >> good evening, britain lost a princess today -- >> reporter: the world stood still in the early morning hours of august 31st, 1997. princess diana died in a paris car crash after being chased by the paparazzi. shock quickly gave way to an outpouring of grief still felt today. >> i just couldn't believe it. it gives me goosebumps thinking about it. i couldn't believe that she'd died. >> reporter: diana was just 36, and more than a royal, she became a force for good using her famous name to support causes like aids awareness and the clearing of land mines. >> diana's unique qualities were very much a humanitarian mission, a tactile nature, a
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care and consideration for others. >> reporter: princess diana lived here at kensington palace, a place where people still come to remember her 25 years later. >> when i see the pictures and something to see it makes me sad. >> reporter: in recent years hollywood has introduced a new generation to the people's princess. with the netflix hit series "the crown" to the latest movie depicting her life, one full of helping others. a quarter of a century after her death, diana's sons are still following in her footsteps. >> we can remember my mother's legacy by recommitting to those that we serve, whoever and wherever they may be. >> reporter: sharing their mother's spirit to keep her memory alive. prince harry also said that every day he hopes he makes his mother proud.
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he also said he wants to share her spirit with his children, that he wishes his children could have met her. prime minister is carrying on her legacy to help others. matt? >> ian lee at kensington palace. thank you. coming up next, u.s. open shocker. the women's defending champion exits in the first round. how a skin condition possibly doomed any chances of a title repeat. meet google pixel 6a. the smarter phone that can see in the dark with night sight. fix your photos with magic eraser. and photograph all skin tones accurately with real tone. google pixel 6a. switch it up and get the all new google pixel 6a on us. listen, i'm done settling. because this is my secret. switch it up i put it on once, no more touch ups! secret had ph balancing minerals; and it helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. so pull it in close. secret works. for people who are a little intense about hydration. neutrogena® hydro boost
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here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ there were a few surprises last night at the u.s. open. the women's defending champion, emma raducanu, lost in straight sets in the first round. she becomes the third woman to lose her opening match just one year after winning the title. she apparently dealt with blisters on her right hand. the same one that holds the racket. seven-time major champion serena -- venus williams also lost in straight sets last night. this was the second appearance in a row that she exited in the first round of the u.s. open. and on the men's side, rafael nadal was put to the test by the 198th seed. the 22-time grand slam champion lost the first set but won the next three. we are getting a whole new look at the phantom galaxy. nasa and the european space agency released a stunning
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composite image created with data from both the hubble telescope and the james webb space telescope. it shows the spiral of solar systems located some 32 million light years away from earth. the image provides a clear look at the nuclear star cluster at the center of the phantom galaxy. an alabama deputy got quite the surprise when he returned to his patrol car after serving some papers. take a look. >> are you kidding me? get out. there's nothing to eat in the there. >> get out. a pair of hungry goats decided to take over the patrol car last week. one climbed into the driver's side of the vehicle and munched on some paperwork. the deputy said he often leaves his car door open because he's had to run away from dogs before. coming up on "cbs mornings," actor jeremy allen white from the hit "the bear" takes christina ruffini to his hometown of brooklyn to talk pizza and playing a chef. i'm matt pieper. this is the "cbs morning news."
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>> good morning. it is wednesday, august 31st. right now on kpix 5 news, we have a
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major heat wave pushing into the the bay area. we will break that that down coming up in your ful. > >> because of the heat on the way, firefighters are on high a. high alert. the detailed dangers dangers and what we can do to prevent wildfires. > >> if you travel from solano to sacramento county, a closure may may affect your drive today and through the holiday weekend. > >> a judge just tossed a high-profile lawsuit. > >> a cleanup gens on bay area ss area shores where thousands of dead fish have washed up. why experts say the die off is not . not over. >> steph curry is making some noise on the gulf course. should should he stick to basketball? more in our morning mix. >
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>> we have a lot to get to come in today. we are going to start off with meteorologist,


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