tv Face the Nation CBS December 26, 2022 3:00am-3:30am PST
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♪ we are back with our cbs news year-end roundtable. i'll start with you, jeff. drug issues, fentanyl, crime. this is a continued story since 2020. when do we see improvement in some of these issues? >> it's going to be a while. itsloun n matter where you wnt o t, i talked to families there who have lost loved ones. it's almost as if the american public doesn't get how deadly and potent fentanyl, the synthetic drug, they make it in a lab, they ship it. it's hard to catch coming across the border.
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and it's seeping into every neighborhood in this country no matter income, no matter where you live. >> and people don't even know often if they're taking it. >> they don't know they're taking it. >> they take they're taking some kind of generic drug or something off tiktok or adderall and you're seeing kids dying. it's now the leading cause of death in people 18 to 45. >> in car accidents. the statistics are incredible. i think if we weren't talkin about trump and all these other issues, the department of justice, law enforcement, they would like the focus on fentanyl. that's really all they want to talk about these days is fentanyl because it's having such a pervasively deadly effect. >> catherine, on that, but also gun violence. on just major city crime. when is there going to be an improvement? it's become such a potent political issue. >> i think it was very well said
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by jeff. the thing i feel like i keep coming back to at the end of this year is this question of radicalization and domestic violent extremism. you know, 20 years ago when 9/11 happened, there was this idea that you had to have this in-person kind of mentoring relationship to get someone to cross a threshold to violence. what we see now is that this generation that's grown up with the technology can cross that threshold in a virtual world. so, what we're seeing now with domestic violent extremism on both extremes is this same process that we saw with al qaeda and isis after 9/11, but now it's here at home and fueling these divisions and the violence. and i think about things i've heard from in the past from intelligence officials, it's so difficult to defeat the united states from the outside, but the enemy has to defeat us from within. and these divisions.
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>> david martin, what was the most under-covered story of 2022? >> over 2022, the chinese air force became more and more aggressive about buzzing u.s., british and australian patrol planes that were flying around the periphery of china. these jet fighters would pull up on the wing of the much slower patrol plane, within tens of feet, and cut in front, pop flares and dump chaf, which are these aluminum strips, which are supposed to confuse radar but can also get sucked into an aircraft engine. there is just very little margin for error there. and it goes almost completely unreported because the pentagon is sitting on all of the videotapes of they're intercepts. they don't want to release them. >> i have a feeling you're asking for this. >> nagging would be the right
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word. >> nagging for them. but that risky miscalculation is so high. one of my under-covered is also china. that is just how difficult it is going to be for the u.s. to reverse or even lessen t amf i technologically and financially with china. and it's going to become more and more of an issue as tension grows. the other thing i'd say is north korea. kim jong-un's growing nuclear capabilities. >> well, i think it's safe to say that the american policy of negotiating away kim jong-un's nuclear program has reached a dead end. >> yes. >> and we're back to deterrence, threatening him that if he ever uses a nuclear weapon, it will be the end of his regime. >> there hasn't been a year-end roundtable without david scaring us all. >> jan, what is most
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undercovered but should have been covered? >> i think as we emerge from the pandemic, we have really failed to deliver any kind of account of what went wrong with our covid policies, the lockdowns, the mandates, the school closures. what difference did any of those policies make? we know the cost. we know the cost of those policies, the learning loss, the mental health crisis, the destruction of our cities that are still trying to recover, the homelessness, the addiction. tremendous costs from those policies. but what we have not done is any kind of after-review look at what an impact they had. we got a lot wrong. and we need to look at what it was and acknowledge that it was wrong. and the reason is, people's trust in public health is crumbling. that is a problem because if we have another public health crisis, which we will, if the public doesn't believe in our public health policymakers, that is bad for america.
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>> catherine, i want to go to you on that because i think you have a similar idea in terms of what's undercovered. >> i think there are two components with covid. covid origin, 6.5 million covid deaths. of that, 1 million in the country and 600 million infections and we still don't know if it was this zoonotic link so spilled over from nature or a link to the lab in wuhan. >> an accident there. >> correct, right. most important to me, and i speak as someone for full transparency who has a child who needs special education. he had ala, developmentally delayed. the policies for special education children with covid have been crushing. you look at the levels of literacy, math, you look at middle school, high school, and they solid back to elementary school. our family's fortunate to have that ability to use resources to get our son to a full-time special education school now,
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but so many of the children that he was in the public system with don't have those resources. i really believe children are resilient but i've come out of these two years questioning whether children have access to the tools their families also need to help bridge that gap. and i really question the course it set them on in the future. i did some research. when you look at rates of incarceration, they're incredibly high rates of adults who have learning disabilities or had special education needs. so, i think understanding what happened to those children and how we can do more to support them, to try to close that gap, is something that's been extremely underreported. i agree with jan. >> none of those things are on the to-do list in terms of congressional investigations. >> they are not. >> no. >> and if we don't learn from the mistakes of our policymakers, then we're going to repeat them. and that erodes public confidence in our public health system. >> the cdc is saying it's doing
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self-analysis, but people like dr. gottlieb would say they need congress telling them. >> and we need to be, as the media, asking those hard questions. >> jeff and then nancy, what do you think are the most underreported? >> people feel unsafe in their neighborhoods. the police executive research forum, a policing think tank led by a guy named chuck wexler, said police post-george floyd, the training is the same. you'll recall that post-george floyd a lot of people said, we have to train police better. what hasn't changed, according to this research, is that police training is still done on the cheap and quickly. you know, so these young aspiring police officers are coming onto the force, they're facing more challenges on the streets than ever before, and yet the training, according to this police executive research forum, is lacking. i think that's an important story, especially given what
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police officers are facing day to day on the streets and what the community needs right now amid these spikes in crime. >> nancy, your underreported? >> i think we've done an amazing job reporting on the war in ukraine itself but one is the tragic after-effects of the ongoing war, which is growing food insecurities, especially in africa where they are facing possibly the worst food crisis in recorded history. you know, part of it has to do with the war in ukraine and the reduction in grain and other crops coming from ukraine and russia, but it also has to do with the pandemic and the fact that a lot of aid dried up because countries had to redirect that aid, particularly european countries now dealing with energy crisis as a result of the war in ukraine. and then climate change, which has had an incredibly destabilizing effect, particularly in africa.
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they've missed four consecutive rainy seasons there. you have 500,000 kids who are facing the prospect of famine in somalia alone. this month the president committed another $2.5 billion to help with the problem in africa at the africa leaders summit here in washington, d.c., but they're looking for way more than that. a lot of help from around the world. it's just not year right now whether they're going to get it. >> well, that actually transitions into where i was going to go for predictions for 2023. so, i'll take a point of personal privilege because my prediction has to do with africa and the 54 countries on that continent. the white house is going to have to choose which ones it's going to get more involved with. some of them are run by people that have very difficult human rights records, but the white house is going to have to make some decisions here because of the green revolution, because of the reliance on special earth and ingredients for the electric vehicles and other alternative
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energies. in the democratic republic of the congo, they have 70% of the essential items like cobalt and lithium required for electric vehicle batteries. this is a supply chain controlled by china, coming out of countries like the drc. and the administration is going to have to make some difficult human rights decisions, who they want to do business with in the course of going green. i'm going to watch that. we'll take a break and talk to you about your predictions in 2023. stay with us. ♪
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transportation command, general jacquelyn van vovost will become next chief of the air force, making her the first women to ever sit on the joint chiefs of staff. you can grade that later. >> david, i usually take what you say to the bank. >> just do it on a curve. >> all right. jan? >> i don't think we'll have any retirements from the supreme court. that is not big news, right? no one thinks they're going to retire but i see the supreme court staying intact not only through the end of president biden's first term, but if he were to be re-elected, i do not think he gets another supreme court nomination. this court is this court. whether it will be the court that is the longest in history of nine justices to go without a change in membership, i don't know. that was 11 years. that was after justice breyer joined the court in 1994. but it will be this court for some time. so people can get used to some
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different rulings. >> catherine? >> i think many americans forget there's still has been no resolution to the 9/11 military prosecution at guantanamo bay and we're entering a second year of negotiations between military prosecutors and attorneys for the defendants. i think this could be the year where there are plea deals in the 9/11 case. for some or all of the men. so, let's just let that sink in. i think it's going to mean the death penalty is off the table and in return guarantees that the men will have certain medical care and that they will live out their sentences at the guantanamo bay prisons. that means that this goal of closing the prisons, which has been held by a couple of administrations, has run its course. it's not going to happen. >> jeff? >> bonnie willis, do you recognize that name? >> georgia. >> georgia.
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fulton county. the one sort of trump-related investigation that really flies under the radar. she's a tough prosecutor. she's been subpoenaing everybody connected to this case, powerful people in washington. but my theory is she doesn't care about the power in washington. she knows she has power in georgia. and i think my prediction is that she will bring the first charges related to president trump. remember, that was the call where he said, hey, brad, 11,780. it's evidence on tape. anybody else who said something like that would be in big trouble. >> nancy? >> i predict that some time in the first few months of 2023 president biden will announce his bid for re-election. to me, it's not much of a mystery. this is what he has wanted to do his entire adult life, for the last 50 years, is to be president of the united states.
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he feels good about what he's accomplished in his first two years ad i think it would take something very serious to cause him to change his mind about running again. >> i want to go to good news from 2022. i'll start. david, nato is not brain dead. the french president, emmanuel macron, once called it there. the lesson from 2022 is that it's not. that's mine. that was my good news. good news for the west. >> good news for us, bad news for putin. my good news is much more limited. retired army major john duffy, who received a long overdue medal of honor for leading -- being the only american adviser leading south vietnamese battalion against an entire north vietnamese division. he went in with 471 troops. he came out with 37. >> wow. >> he did four combat tours in
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vietnam. so, he's obviously a remarkable warrior. but he also turns out to be a remarkable poet. he wrote a poem about that battle, which is the single best account of combat i have ever read. so, i know we don't do poetry readings on "face the nation," but just let me give you a couple lines. >> okay. >> the battle raged back and forth, the dying, wounded, moaning softly. despair and hurt are common. is this glory? we're lucky to have people who can fight like that and write like that. >> well said, david. jan? >> you know, i -- it's hard to follow that. >> i know it is. >> but i'm going to follow it with a story of perseverance, inspiration, courage and believing in yourself. these are stories we see in the
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world of sports. i think sports plays a valuable role in bringing us together and emphasizing our common bonds. one of the best stories in 2022 was hansel emanuel, who is a young man who lost an arm in an accident when he was a child, had it amputated, but never gave up on his dream of being a basketball star. he moved to the u.s. from the dominican republic, led his florida high school to the state championship game, got a college scholarship to play basketball in college. earlier this month, scored his first points in a college basketball game with one of his signature, thunderous dunks with hi that if you believe in yourself, keep working, never give up, that you can do great things. >> that's also an incredible story, jan. thank you. your good news, catherine? >> well, to follow up on what
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david said, i've really had the honor of meeting a lot of service members this year who work in the shadows and do very high-risk work with no expectation of public acknowledgment, no expectation of medals or even promotion. and i think that they just embody what is so great about this country. we have a phrase in our house which is that these people really come from a different shelf of the library than the rest of us. t thank goodness for that. >> jeff? >> it's so hard on my beat to find a good news story sometimes, but, all right, so i went to ohio. i was taken to a cigar shop. it's mason, ohio, by the way, by this ri mine, happens to be african american. i went. waiting for my flight. we sat down outside, and these two guys -- we were dressed in suits. they were dressed in overalls. they walked by and said, hey, how you doing? i said, okay, wow.
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because i'm not used to in d.c. strangers just kind of -- it's like, whoa. i asked my friend, what was that? they were two farmers. he said, that's the way it is around here. doesn't matter who you are, where you're from, they'll stop and sit. they did stop and sit. we were talking about politics, the state of the country, how great this country is. then it turned because it started talking about covid and how he lost his wife. it was really incredible, the conversation that these strangers from different worlds had. i was asked this question, what kind of positive can you bring to the table? to me, that is america, where you have all these people with different point of views come together, not fighting, smoking cigars, chatting on a beautiful day, getting up, walking away and saying, hey, take care, nice talking to you. >> a human connection. >> uh-huh
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y goodews is related. 'st thses i think, that this was the year that life got back to normal, or close to it. you know, at this time last year, omicron was just emerging. in january 2022 there were a million cases of covid every day. now we're down to about 150,000 a day, which isn't great but it's better. and, you know, we're able to gather inside, we're able to travel much more easily. you know, it's not exactly life as we knew it before the pandemic, but it feels more normal for us. most importantly, for our kids. that's my good news. >> thank you all for joining us and sharing your insights. and thanks to all of you. we'll be right back with a lot more "face the nation." stay with us.
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capital. >> this lightning fast washington trip, his first foreign visit since russia's full-scale invasion. it was less perilous than the front lines but just as important. as that price tag now nears $100 billion, a number of lawmakers have voiced skepticism. zelenskyy shared his gratitude. >> i think every american family, which cherishes the warmth of its home and the same warmth to other people. >> there was no holiday cease-fire. ukrainians kept up their fierce resistance, celebrating in subway shelters, decorating makeshift christmas trees and finding invadnovative ways to lt them amid a blackout. lighting the tallest menorah
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shows light it wiat resilience see themselves of the civilians caught in a cross five fire of . whether that continues is up to us. that's it for us today. thank you all for watching. all of us here at "face the nation" want to wish you and your family a very happy holidays. until next week, i'm margaret brennan. hi, i'm darlene and i lost 40 pounds with golo in just eight months. golo has really taught me
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sometimes a cough isn't just a cough, so it's better to be prepared. binaxnow™ gives you reliable results in 15 minutes and detects multiple variants including omicron ba.5. binaxnow™ the #1 covid-19 self test in the us the #1 covid-19 self test (male) there are many voices in today's world. everyone is voicing their opinions about everything,
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connected tv. i'm courtney kealy, cbs news, new york. >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." good evening. jericka is off. i'm lilia luciano. it's been a white christmas for many americans with plenty of weather misery to go with it. it's a disaster in buffalo, new york. nationwide, the mammoth storm is blamed for at least 33 deaths and hundreds of thousands of power outages. it's also still causing nightmares for travelers on highways and airports. cbs's naomi ruchim is at newark liberty airport in new jersey. naomi, good evening. >> reporter: lilia, good evening. at airports across the country re
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