tv CBS News Bay Area CBS January 16, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm PST
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do we stiledl ne tsehe pregnancsty tes? everneyo is making room (kids yellnd a giggle) yenoah, . for thdie meci cneabi'et's new essential. (kids yellnd a giggle) biownaxn -wi- th the mesa technology ctdoors use to t est r focovid-19. >> > th iiss cbs ne bwsay area with edre cowan. >> the road h asnever been this
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ba d.we've had rain t buner ve this >> i appriaecte and thank everybodt y ouhere. neighbors uerescd from floodws.ater remo than a dozen homes ewerevacuated. dsmulides hig ttinmehos and cars. lepeop in the east bay totold get to safety quickly. >>us> pl -- >> coour mmituny showed up to e lp us move our inventory lyreal qckui when awesk edfor help. a bookorste flooded in san how ignehbors banded together to help them say wh at th cldou. good aftern ioon, am an maiegg vick, infour re e cowan to day. dry s skieas we a ke alook a ry differpient cte urfrom wh atwe saw over the lastcouple of eks. the series of orstms ce rtnlaiy left a . mark pooles and flood dama. gemore onall of that micong up in a mo. ment ormeteolisogt darren
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ckpe. driey sks feeltos o odgo to be uetr. >> we need toak te a montme to joeny that. itls fee so good. this is the scene today. we hative me laps aedn hournd a a lf. we are not enretily do. goto fit rsalert doppler. e there arstill meso h ows erleftov er. there are becomifeng wer and fewer as e t day goes on. if we want to find them t, weo go all the way downo the sornuthe e ndof the ntsaa a clarvalley and santa cruz tamounin s.3:00, high-resioolutn tufurecast him aviza g goinaway in a hurry. torr, owyou will haveblue y the e wholway rothugh. a much nicer day tomorranow d a ch-needed brk.ea we still have a fld oowatch tiunl midnight ton ight. technically .m12 a. on tuesdbeay cae us of all the inra that we'vgoe tten. we are ilstl waiting r fothat go thugroh the tewar nsbasi and watch the streams d an creeksd anit just rebewa, esalpecilyin the ntsaa cruz unmotains. that is the one looncati atth ulwod be the mo s honorable atis th point. places ke the san nzloreo river. after tuy,esda tt hais wednesday ra in. rsfit alert forecast congmi up d annot a
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siifanict storm, but a ttlile morera. inthe la ostne. wait unl tiyou see the vesen-day caforest. back to you. new vide o ofa rockslid e on highway 1 on the peninsula, st north of the eltunn on the soutndhbou desi grade crews were t ouworking to give drivers a way around e thslide as safely as possible. no word onhow long this will take the yeevar. actiuaons in the rkeley hills following a mudslide in tothe mud slamming intoe thhome. it complylete took over the building thinere the bardckya. this is a lo ng cawildt nycaon road just ouidtse of tilden reongial pa rk and they said theds muli dehas ocblked roads int thaar. eaat this pot,in they don't expe ct to isansue yme orevtiacuaon orders. new chopper video of anheotr slide inthe elberkey hillons alg raalvado road. not fafrr om the clemaront hotel. noword on this point if there is strucl turadagema. we saw ate asont e vehicle stuck in the mu d. on the peninsula, a slide to ookut part of belmt,on
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about a mi lefrom middle sl cho . the adro is closed indefini. telyfifireghters came tothe rescue of e thosliving on harbor street ints pitburgh. covered foby uree ft of stdi ngwater from e th overinflowg eecrk. 12 lepeop we reev acuated from19 homes to it's crazy. i' venever seen itbe fore lihike ts. eiseng it like this , 'sit never been this bad. we've had rain but ner vethisba d. >> remo problems on bay area eeways thksan to l althe ra inwe've engott. on 101, the pothonole the pensniula is tcpahed up d anyou can e seit in one of the northbound lanes , arne the woodside exit. at let 20cars d hato be towed after hitting pothe the ol. metrius and father are dr ivg inon 101 this morning. her truck had a large olpothe, forcing thffem o the road. >>it was huge. it felt like
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e thwhole car jumped offth e ground. >> the e wholfrt onend std arte stohake. rattd lethe whole y. i tohad pull over. >> w nevideo from chopp5 er thftis aeronno over half moon highway 92. the sinkhole oped last . weekthey're st ilwol rking on reirpas t bu th e stwebound lanes are still closed between skinyle bould evarand creek road. the eastbound laopnes en edup this weekend.od go wsne for rimaon county. highway 37 is most ly open. eastbolaund nes e ar r.clea on the westbound side e thright lane is still closed. flngoodi utsh down the ghwayey stery dain nedava tweeatn hert onavenue and highway 101. caltrans says they don't know when the westbolaund ne will t bu atleast for w,no people ca n t gethrough atth to san frciansco now whe erthey have been waiting for e thbrea in rain to make up for lost
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business including a small bookstore in the mission that flooded during the first round of storms ckba on neyew ar's e. ttbey yuho sws us the progress theyha vemade. >> report: erthe storm and broken nadraigepi pes turn e tha sentme of this levanc ia street in the comic shop into a smlaall ke and lvsier sproetck estimatee s thfldioong caused thoundsas of dollars in gedamas, inor teinupti s now g inthe ac is the really ibhorrle, co stly part . but lucky,il our couny itreally showuped to help us withall of our innty orquickly after we asked for helpd rea >> reporter: the neowr put out the call for help on social dimea. >> ifyou' gveot inra otbos and muscles d ancan he lp usout, e edne lphe like right no w. abt 30 people owshed up over the next ho. urhelp ringup all the boxes thatar e around . th eymade , itlike , a refi line from t hebasement tohe t ck of e thstore, passing boxes to chea othe was
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incredlyib swt eeand heartwarmi. ng >> the d flooforced the store to pause online operas.tion >>cod ulnot ndfi hianytngo t se ondut mail os.rder we stpeprd omoting anytnghi and end upgoing for a co uple of weeks withbalyre any sales at it is stilprl et tyscary. don't knowhow we are ingog to pay all of our bills this month. >>reporter: ilwhe the acext finaiancl losses are not know ne yssa he is incrlyedib thankffoul r e thlong time customerd s anstrangers who t g em to th ispoint. i k thinpeople ju stknow that we are a small, indeenpendt eropation. we don't have e thresources of, likeba, rnes & no ble, or amazon, orha wtever. >> it wasn't just the rain. thbo mount diablo and mount hamiltongo t norn oveig. ht the observatory on mihalt onclosed tothe public today. thade ros , so icy. the owsn also acking upin the rasier. some oppele might be tryi tngo heado
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mefr om a longke weend. otrshe just wai tingfor better road coionditnson highway 50 n d 80i-. todaisy martin ther king jr. day. t abou10 00 ople rode the annual lecebration trai n upthe peninsula to san franis dco. there it wasck piing up paenssgers in san mateo this morning. toe thstofart the ctor martin luther king jr. march to rbyea bua engardens. rortmi tche gllrew up in miissssippi and her doctor can eak when he s waa child. he ha s enbe taking the celeiobratn train for the last 10 year s. >> ti rec nizesoonmee who stepped out and dema ffdierence. and i anstd on his sheroulds. and i want to keepe thdream e.aliv >>peleop l alacro ssthe untry paused today to cebrleate the life of dr. . kin at a breakfast hosted by the national at actineon twk,or
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pridt enbiden ghhilighted po liesci that he says a re helptoing kema dr. king 's eadrm a real ity. >> going to assggreivy el co mb ratacial discritiminaon in housing. uryo community get e federal hog usinit, it's not stju enough tosa y it will not ridiscmitena. it s hato be aningful, afatfirmivste eps toer ovco mepatterns of segregattoion give erevybody a fair shot who lives th ere. >>on sunday, the pridesent vid sitethche urch of ata lant where dr. ki ngwas past orand bemeca the first ttsiing pr esenidt to speak at the seicrve. the orstm is about to cu f ofhis community. so this man dedecid mpto irosevi. when you live in the s,wood you've got to be epprar. ed >> hemade is up line. ho w he and s hineighbors are usg init to get in and out and try to ayst stocked up anpld us, she's here today beuscae of blood nadotis.on a won mawho t goto say her biggest in queue er to the strangers o whsaved
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(sten)ve evtiery meom i ce to see caremore, they go above and beyond to take care of me. i fe ael lot better now. i'm ngtaki micedatior n fowhat i should havbee en ki tangea yrs a.go (vo) callhe t numonber your screen ltoearnor me abt oumedireca pl anins your neighbodorho that includear cemore. >> > wh iatf u yocouly d sa thank you to thepeople who sad veyour life? a n sa frano ciscwoman that chance
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after she lynear died giving rth to r hedaughteran. ry yamomato reports thbo mom and by are indog nefi now, thksan tostrangers o whd woulsoon become her friends. >>rtrepoer: when ilemy peters c rolls throheugh r feli, she caot he lpit smile. >> i loved it. beg ingehu and i ckg inup tons of acspe. >> a big nssee of joy. ciespeal lywhen she finds otphos of herself fr omsix yes >>i s waone of those annoying e op lewho re lallyov edbeing pregnant. >> rtrepoeron: august 2nd, 2016, she gave birth to a peect , t eighpound babygi rl nad cylu. >>e thlit ghshing in odownn her. she was sobig and cute. >> reporter: the joy quickly turned da. rk >> this is the stla photo of me omfr right beforele i bd to de ath. basically. >> reporter: complicas tionfr o the pregnanc ay -- torn ryarte l--eft emily in a fit ghfor
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heli. fe >> the on lything th ceyan lyreal dofor you in that situn atioisgi ve you a bld oo transfn usio after blood transfusio n. >> she needed 32 transfuonsis , equal to all the bloody blood n her body ni nes timeov. er th anksto thafe stf,sh e s wato >> just keptiv ging me more anmore and more. atth is what ved my life ultimat ely. >>reporter: meilanwhe inthe north bay, kathy was doing what shhae d been doing every eight wefoeks r the past 34 years. >> vei' donated atst lea 10 gallons, i want to say. >> what a treat, fivers yea ag o, when goshe t a phone call asking if she wa ntedto meet a n womawhe oslife she saved with henar doti. on i >> ju stwanted to see somebody and no i made a fference with somebody. it was niceto see that. >> thank you for my l ife.
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rertpoer: atth sobomedy stju haedppen to mibe ely pe. ters >> thank u yofor beinreg he so cai n say anthk you to you. >> reporter: a reunion of atitude and . hugsseravel long timedonors, udinclin g kathy,ti putnga face ttohe ir doonnati. a doonnati tt hasaved a feli. >> i think erevyby odcried. >> reporterd : diyou y?cr i >> did. dii d cry. >> it was so powerful, otionally, seto e these people hawho d saved my life an d d hano id eaeyth had saved my life and th isis me geinttg to meetmy ugdaht lerucy for the first . time >> one li fetecread, one life ved, all th ingstost rangers who ga vethe gift of olifene pint at a time. >>there's a lot of women who go througsih a tuioatn like mi neand don't have isth happy enngdi picture . they dot n' have the photo of the family beg inreunited ththem in gs tuinrng t ouokay. i'm very atgreful. >> s cbnews bay ar ea is
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ppor tingha alf dozen calol blood drives isth weesdnday anurthsday, the 18th . althe de weitbse, >>first eralt details in the santa cruz community of cao'rlits rewe a man set up th is zip line over a br. idge war tewashed out the only inremainacg cess bridge isto h neorighbho. odhe supet the zip ne just in time for the wave of next orstmshe. and his wife have ubeensi ng the p ziline and bask etto inbrg food and suppliesto ne ighbors. >> some propane company te amed tupo top them f ofbefore isth haenpped. just ho wpee gecan t a br we e argoing to us e loa t ofsmall ta nks,icwhh mes a lot of work. >> the area has been without power for most of arjanuy. the ci ty actually ownsthe gebrid that washed away. eyth say eytha nn otrepair it l untithe water le velsgo do. wn timefor a look oatur first alert
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recast. meorteologdaist rren peck with a look at the reservoirs. good news t. here >>on> e of themn iicpartul, ar a -gfeelood visual. isth sits ove galos tos . it 'sin the war ten basifoe r thsanta cla ar valleyis. th is vaeyll water. h ey sent out isth video today. you are lookating the war te flinovg er nglexiton reservoir as a spayillw. the latist meha tt happened was all the way back in 2 019. it looks realgoly odto be able to see th. you gotta go all e thway back to feuabrry of theaat yr. it's att lile bit moreof a reser.rvoi itwill fill a ttlile faster than some of it seite haenpping. >>fit rsalert doppler. you can thsee e showers ngmovi down ov erthe tewarshed there. a few lit owshers down erov part of e santa cruzmouns tainand the futurest co owshs us that stuff clearst oupr ettyfath th nextur ho and a half e thtwo
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urs. it's g gointo be uebl sk beautiful day. there will one more storm here on the big picture as we get toin wedny esdaafrnteoon. let's com in for a close lookat atth. wedadnesy teafrnoon at 1:00, u see that li neof ra? inwe bring that rwfoard into wednesday rches acssth e north, thugroh the evening coe.mmut it down to the ldgoen gate, around the 007: hour. clea rsthe soutayhb by ndarou 10:00 at nhtig. ndseco lfha of the y daon wedadnesy.y bthursday, it is do. wife take a lo okat atwh the aftermath will be , how much rain we get from that, a nageable to isis a qur arteof annc ih of . rainwe do not have a fit rsalert y da onweesdnday because it looks fairly t lighin terms of what we have had. that is not e th ki ndof rainthat will adle to e ned weflooding erconcnsit. wigell t breezy. you see it here and there. dnweesy da afrnn,oo it marcs heits way
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ross the bay.ev tenhe spdsee, while ghhi, 25 miles an hour, will still be enough to take s treedown. the grant will be ju st as satuterad. you not need wind r foa tree atth is really weakeny ed b veseral yeofars intense droughwet. 've seen that happen way too n.ofte atth will be a erconcn on wedadnesy enev wit thouthade visory. if we ta atth orstm, there it go es on dnweesday. we will let the pacific playout fromhe tre. for the next 10 ysda, thnoin g the m stortrack is going back to the noh.rt if welook at whe e thrain is going to fall, wherite accutemulas omfr now all the way thh rougjaarnuy 26li, cafoiarn find e thdolphin ki ndof a lifamiar . spotatth is the big nudot holeof nothing. phighreursse sets up over us. that is how otwe g inthto e drout ghbecae usit nt on for years at a meti. it woul d beniceto he avit set up for the next year and a half. wene ed the break d anwe are going to get it. daytime s high will bein thmie d-50s. on the
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sen-veday fostreca, thoeat ds nocht ange. onwe d't ha aveny fit eralt days here looking t ouacross the nextseven ysda. the israin on st a few ershows. it clears out and stayies qut and y sunn and rainfree r foa lelitt while to come. backto u.yo okloing good. the s 49erone heanotr ne xt playoff poopnents thimeti to moowrr. o whtheyil wl face at meho on ndsuay. based on saayturd'sga me and itdo esot n looklike it wl ilbe too g bi fo r eithr rookie arquterback. he reis vern glenn. >>th is isthe swvolkag enred d angold rtrepo. >> the 49ers will be playg in xtne sunday at the 3:30. they just do n otknow who they will game twwbcooys and thbue ccanrsee. how is this for a debut? 33ya2 rds. four total touchdowns. no tveurnors.
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started keli x sigames. >> i love that he isgetting the ntatteiothn at he deserves. hes a goodye plar. ybanody who watches bafootllca n see atth. i am t nosaying heis the next n aaroroerdgs or pak tric memahos,bu t he does everngythi we needhi m to do and more. de>> fitenily not irlerevant anymorlee. br onjames even tweeabted out him during turday's game. lebron's ouabt? atth is sw ee t.yeah. that aiswemeso. that is so cool. >>wi th the d reand gold port, i am vern glenn. dogs stol enfrom an animal screue. how a community red late to find the gsdo and rkwo to epke it from enhappinagg ain. remember cayou n watch us anyt ime,anheywre, on our stamreing service.s cbne wsbay . area tccah all of our veli newscastst la news anwed ather updates rothughout the day. find us
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the community rallied toge ther to find those dogson. idfray, e rescue recveeid an ymanonous donatif on o $500. ,000 >> talkouabt the irspit of detroit, right?zi amang . i just want to thank everyby od o . itdoes take a village to comeog tether. >> most tofhe donation wi blle going to crineasing securatity the shel ter. >> comip,ng u it's t nojust people whoare over itit wh all of this rainer. whe e thbig cat's mood was caught on ca me. ra co mingup onths e cb ineveng news, alcoholic liver sease is ngrisi among g youn mewon anu d yollwi hear from a fore ssteacher of
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unexpectosed e sacramento ea lost hedundrs of trees in e threcetont srm urban billing compy anis turning fallenee trs toin treasures. true wood builders recod vere morean th 100 trees . the owner says heis troransfmi ngthem to lumber for construction, artworndk, a rglae pieces of itfurnur e. >> we saaglved this off of 40 llve or ridung saturday's orstm. we cut esthe into slabs d we will tu trnhese into taetblops and >> uaeql. the owner sa ys he is t to put the s treeto good us e.othee,rwis ty hewould end upn ndlafills. finally,eo vid omfr the oaklano d zocaurpting the mood that a lot ofus havebeen eling. this issilverado,e th untain lion, wangtchi the ra insu nday from the vecored note in his enclosure fobere ve ntinurg out into . itthose are remains oscled to the pu. blic anim alstaff are on site erevy day assu ual, makiurng se osthe animals get thproper ca. reevening news is next. lol canews continues
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reaming on cbs news bay arinea. the metianme, havea great restf oyour afrnteoon and try enjoy ptcaioning sponsedor by scb o'dllonne: nitoght,he t white sehou finacg calls for re transpcyaren aerft we learn t aherereo nvisitor logs for president b'siden psoernal residee,nc where classdifie docenumts were found. the pridesent ignoringue qstiont oday amid thero gwing ctronovsyer. >> mrer. psintde! >> doo'nnel cl:bs' riadana di sazpeaktos a former top c.i.a. cioffialo t ask if presidentd s anvi pceresidents can take classified documents ho with them. roa cdsollapse inal ciforasnia thees wt coast getsla smmed by inra for a trdhitr saightee wk. is there aenn d in sight? closcae orm. p aarbod aflig when it worasbortf andameithin 0 fofeet cliolding withno ather plane. tigonht, r ouinteiervw with a
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