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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  February 3, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm PST

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securities d frautrl.ia
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thsle tea o cehad abeenccedus of misleading veinstors. skmu in e thcooourtrm datoy dung his oscling argument sittinghg rit onalgside his legal teams wat norequir edto show up, so legal exrtpes say is proves how big of a case is s wafor e thbillnaioire. if the jury had decided to hold him li ablefor misleading shareholders , hecod ulhave been ord eredto pay binsllio of doarlls in damages. g goinli feright now,ct piur es outside the coursethou,
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pt on the ghrit side you see a tv camera and e ther waitin g tosee who's ingog to come out of the cotruroom and rewe a soal monito ringtetwitr which by the way we l alknow hew nsan d now controls and we are wanting to see atwh he s ha tosa y about this or if he wi ll keepmu msthe rdwo perhaps on thaddown there and gea chan tceo have contact thwi laleg experts, we will inbrg that to you, but once ag ain,elon musk found not lile in atth large risecuty fraud trial that tepontlliay could have cosemt th billions dofollars. today awere heinarg from woerats muthe shomro farms we re sevepen op lewereho st and llkied inlfha moon bay ridung thsse ma ooshting last week. theyke tald ouabt losing some of their wocorkers and the coitndions i faced ilwhe on the jo one of e this suesthat came up afr tethe goorvern talked about faabrm lor living conditio. ns some ofthese rmfa laborers e ar alrecoady mi ngback to rkwo.
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i>> felt really bad, really sad, days e wheri inthk it 's not true says one farmworker o whworked at one of the farms weresepeven op lewere shot and killed. are not showg intheir faces and thr eivoices are distd orte to hide r theiidentity. sowas meinthg really hard to see,y thederiscbe seeing a body after the shtioong happened d aneyth sathy ey knew sof me o the victims clinuding two o wh were deolr. stheyayth ere was a lang uage iebarrr,ut b they wereal wa ys ni tceo each other. wet felli kewe d loveeach her and eyth were goitod wh us they say since the shngooti e thworking and living ndcoitions for people workoning the fas rm have been top of ndmi. another wofarmrk ersaysth ey woarrk hd, sometimes adunloing boxes upto 30pounds for a
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loerng piod of . time they say for e thtime eyth had rking there and for the work they, dideyth felt e thpay s wa nogreat. this dr octois the founder of a norotfi, e shwill gbeoing to washoningt for presidbient den state of the n unioand she's hongo tbring ntatteion to >> this is a national nversation, not ju stabout lfha mn oobay, it's a nati onal convtiersaonbo aut e th diarieits, cothe ndioitns, d anthe gechan that needs to ppenfo r a farmworker communwhity o isthe ckba bone of acameri. >> rtrepoer: the on eswho idprove odfo fousr and are trying tkeo ma a vilingfo r themselves andtheimir >> anthk you r fothat perspective. e farmworkers intervd iewedid linot ve dire octlyn those fa rm s,but they did talkabout inrentg omros and hangvi to pay what they say is a lot of money. on e idsa they make a minim mu
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wage per hourof $15. s let'geyot u caught up on y'todas heotr top stor ies,two lepeop under ar restin connection to the shooting dehsat of a family of six udinclina g 10-monldth-o ilchd. the killgsin happen january 16 and now shf'erifs fiofcers have unannocethd at 25ea-yr-old noah beard and 35 anl geuriarte are custody, investigator say thbo sutsspec are owknn gang meer s. the ershifs f'deputies ha nveot disescusd a motive r fothe killingst buth eysay e th family was redictly targeted. > the fbi is looking for th is man, get a close , lookthey say helk waed in ato san anfrcio sc synae goguand fired a gun. the gun was filled thwi blanks and no one was hurt but it did scare a lot of people. investorigats e arnow on high al ert,th ishappened wednesday ght. the fbi says the night fobere the suspecalt so waived a gun in si debalboa theater inand atth ce ashe did not fire the gu what would normalbely a da
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y ofcomplete lecebration is af feedct by a wsne item, you are looking athe t new as officers ofthe oad klanpolice padertment, 18 new officers ho nod reat y'todas graduation recemony but isth mecos after the leave tofhe cepoli chief mas adhelines. are still wag itin tosee what's happening in that case, we've reached t outo e thma yos r'office to see if or wh enarmstrong ulcod return d an whhiat s fate llwi be and we e itwaing tor heackba and wh wene do we will bring that to yo u. the telast jobs report in e unit sedtates comes in is a major surprise, overall our economy added 517,000 bsjo a nd put atth into rspepeivcte, ecomonist said theyonly ex peedct 180,000 tobe added. e unemployed rate drpeopd to 4 3.peenrct, the lowest number in a half-century d ananalt ys sathy e stngreth of the labor etmark ghmit encourage e th deferal reserve to raise intereatst resag ain enwh ty he etme in march.
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the reason whym i'anstdi ng herean d can be yomar of cia ty liken safrscancio has evytnghi to do thwi these k blacresistors that came fobere me who shoulders i know i anond . ep>> rorr:te san anfrcisco r mayoclkiicng off black orhisty ntmoh at city hall opg eninher spchee with a momeofnt silence for this man, che arliwaerlk. dheied last week at the age of9 . we areyo ur community ation anwed are prd ouof th atce lebrated black sthiory mobynth shining the spotlight on excell encein the bay area, pe wopleho are fighting for stjuice d anuaeqlity. we irontduceyo u to a riman untyea lder who saw a need to kema spe acfor vedirsity in sports. >> reporter: e chasbutler, a high school nijuor, a steal and a bucket for the branson wlbos. his brother james is the star fresanhm on the jv team. and the eight-ye-arold ais secondra gder on a fourth adgre
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team. who fit rsprovedid e th basklletba vueen and life ssleons to e thesedgift brothers? s hiname is ulpa auinst, 11 years ago, he had an id eafor a project thcoat ulged t what otherir man uncoty h youtsports programs could not, diversity. the fotiundaon is in marin city, a nonprofit program called play riman. au, stina dthir geranetion ma ri necityiv nate saw the needed >> istarted to get ntpares from e thsuourrnding communieits co mingto the city d saying i want my kid to partice ipatin your raprogm and i std arteasking tiquesons like y whand eyth said my kid goes to school whe erthe jomarity of e kids99, or 98 percent of the kids are all white. want my d kito be ad rounso me ople of locor.
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>>porerter: marin countys ha juster ov a qur artemillion oppele, accordin g tothe s.u. nsceus bureau, pe85 rct enare itwhe,hr tee enperct e arblack. e thlargest represtientaon of cor live in marin , citya ckpoet of 3000 ndsawiched between sausalito and llmi vaey. >> p90ercent of r oukids meco from low income ushoeholds so aiwe rsed the nemoy in orr deto make sure we could pay for the agleue fees and pay for their uniforms and trspanorta, tion you nameit, we make su wree take care of that. >> reerport: stauin brok ereda w necot urinside the 65-year- d rec center, thanks to the warriors. e 47-year-olstd auin, the city mes aneverything. >>y mearliest memofory the recreation ce nterwas probably ouabt 5. i think i was 5.
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>> doesn't lookpretty much the same as it did whenyou were a ki >> 100 percent the same, it has not changed at all. it 's still the old brn ow shacklbue ilding. ey put a litt lepaint erov it but outside of that, no. >> it thugroh this man and his sons to play riman. he and his wife anshnon utcommedhe tir sons every day nemari city rsfit from novato, and later fr omsan anselmo. can u yoimagine what your kippds oornituties will be without play mari n? >>. no >> neithecar n , wethreey a what we like to ca lland ce leatbre, wmaay ke rsin the
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world. play n,mari by the way veha alumthni atha ve owgrn to becoovme cet edleaders in high hool, colleg e,and beyo ndand paopul hesth at one day he llwi ada multi-court performance nter in n maricity. our uncommity cove rageof k blachistory moconth ntueins tot nighat 6:00 wewill cebrleate one of san ancisco's etballs visible ncers and how she's become a roleel mod founr yog baller inas all over the wod.rl l stilahd,ea stars fr omalle nr esof music wi llbe out wthiseendke. l finaprepatarions underway for music's bit ggesnight. wh atu yocan peexctt athe rd63 an gnualray mmawar sdshow. > >>the rsfit rounofd
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♪ eve sryearch you ma♪ke e ♪ve cliryck you take ♪ ♪'ll ibe watching yo♪ - arra[ntor]he i tnternet t doesn'ha to vebe so creepy, the duckduckgo app, lets you search and browse pria blocking most trackers all forf yourearc sh hiory stis ner evtrked,ac so canit't bshare e. and when y leaouve search, ducduckgo helps keep companies om wfratchg yoinu asou b yrows. in tjoens of millions of people making the easy stcwih byownl doading the app. today dckduckgo, privmpacy silified. ea(upbt simuc)
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a jury has said elon musk is not le iablinhi s risecuti es fraud trial. ining me noisw a rmfoer san francisco assistant . da erthe s waa g bithreolshd to meetand it looks like el on musk is going toin the wed eken wi a smile on his face. >>can you hear omekay? w>>e got u yonow. it looks keli a victfoory r m hifosur re and the important
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ing to rememb iers it'sy ver hard to prove thsomeing. itesdon't cenessary ilmeanhe shoun'ldt be ablile or did nothwring on g,the fact is is thatpr oving someg thinis very difficult and it's mu chmore ffict ulthan people expect. so this isa y daof victory for el monusk without a doubt, but so we have to mbremeer that for the plaintiffs to carry eithr burden in court is very challenging. >> it looks li keelon musk's team kneatw th, they knew e th rethshold of ha vingto absoteluly prove that he d di somethg inwrong was mesothing at gavethem confidence, do you readth anying into the fact that hewas they are in court today neo xt this attorn eys? someop pele saidthat esprov he knewt thahe was wod,rrie b ut reyou ad the ctfa atth he was erthe as a signthat hehad co nfenidce? >>y munderstand ing,i was in that the trbuial t having spoken to peleop who were is thats hiteam did a very good b joand th geyave him
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confidence. th eyput on a very robust de fee nsshowing onreass ywh he ghmit veha be aencting in good faith d anreally beli evedatth hes wagoing to do e thinthgs he said he was going o,to d so my uerndstanding is th atthe plntfsif today showed up stng olyr during clg osin arguments, edshow up very st rolyng, but duringe thtrial, s hidefense team, my un detarsnding is gave him every onreas to elfe conft.iden >> thanu k yor fothis, he is a fired brananwhd ether yolou ve him or hate him, this is e th reality, oncaie agn,el on musk found not liable iisn th securityal tri, anthk you for injoing us, we are going to bring paul in who is talking about yourweenekd weather. there's a lot going on. that's a spectacular pe rsctpeive out rdtowa the y ba bridsoge, mein lgering drizzle d fog out there, ilstl damp ev
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en if it's a notctelivy ining but we are waiting on the next round of ra in htoead our way which will do late tomorrow. th sattorm system will yield lingering showers in tothe se co hndalf of the weekend, but the mostwidespreadin ra looks liket iwill fall sardtuay ineveng toin saturday right now we ilstl have a few sp sottyhorswe out there at the momentey, th are barely sho wing up on radar. loa t of th isis cle osto gr ou lndevel and the radar shoots under the btop,ut as we get rothugh isth evening and tot,nigh meso fog and a litt le izdrzle but geney ralla lot of clouved cor d anthat will be th e case to start thdae y saturday, well wi arstt to e se the inra chs anceincreasing in tothe rnafteoo n. at first the activis ty imore missn that hibut remo shower viactity into e thevg enin inudg inthe potel ntiar folo cay llbrief heavy downpours, no significaflnt oongdi threat thwi the stsyem, there's the wave of morewidespreraad in mo vi ngin by between 8: a00nd 10 :0sa0 turday eveng insweeping ac ro tsshe bay area, more teofn
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hoon swe rswill follow, not stju the stre of satuayrd night thbut rohougut the y dasunday d the possilibity of a couple mble s ofthunder at those shldbe few d anfar twbeeen. ac tityvi diminishesnd suay rnafteooann d we ldshou try out by aysund evening thwi the y dr trends contnginui toin the beginning of the new work week. homuch rain are we tkialng about? tiesmates anywherore fm ouarnd ara quter inch or so in the rainadshow spots udinclinsag n joutse b generally ndarou half in chto an inch of total rainllfa most of us expecting around half an inch of rain which is beneficial for monday route pectrspeivane d the hi gh eram sounthod ulnot be problematiayc, mbelo cser to rethe quarters of iannch to one inch of rain. it cod ulhave an impact on your weenekd plans. giants fan fest starts at 10:00 the morng inand at that point, a lot of ouclds but e th ch ancefor a few splerinks by the meti the evt enstarts winding down amount 003: there y mabe a shfew ows er inthe area
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itand 's more lilyke that we will have todeal with frainor the chinesw e neyear parade that goesfrom downwnto n sa frscancio toin chinatown and the hour by hour forecast as inthgs are seinttg up, creasing raiann chceans d by the time the depara starts that's when the shs owerllwi be re widespread. this is an dangs erouatweher, it stju not cenessarily coenntie and be prepared for wecot nditions. if u'yore going to the sier, ra be prareped for sn owas th ey will get heavy sn owtorrmoow niinght tosu nday. te mpaterures ghtonit opdrping intothse 40, wel wilwarm up before showeanr chceras mp-up torr owafternoon, stmo of us inhe t low to mid 60s, the noh rtmay a lilett cooler wi th his in the upper 50s which is cle tormnoalor f early february. we will see coerol tempurerates sunday withlingering showers and then we dry out for several days. monday through friday looking dry with near average or sl iglyht above ave eraghigh temperatures a ndmost inland spots rengachi into the low 60s for most nofext week and mid to upper 50s along e thascot. > the red carps et illroed out, see cards pledac in hearsals unayderw r fothe th65 annual amgrmy awards. is year show will be star- udded with special tributes.
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>> reporter: i'm alrelyxc eited ouabt this sunday showca, beuse so me tofhe biggest names in muc e arexpected to perform and ucprodersa y you can expect ts of memorable memont s. e thcotdunown is on for simuc's biggniest gh t,after a year th no diauence, e th65th an nual grammy awdsar show returns to los angeles with trorev know heas t ht.os >> you are se teinghe eagrtest perfmeyors, u are eiseng grbround eakers, pe wopleho hahave cnged sithe muc e genr and turned it on its head. >> repoerrt: all eyes e aron beyonci, leadg inthe nominations with nine and is okintog make grmyam hisryto, e shneeds four to be e threcord r st mol overalgrammy viorcties. >> e becausthey give outa lot of as wardat the premier ceremony before the show, it's pveryossible she could break
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the record before the show even starts. >> reporter: big names are tangki to the stag le,izzo, ndray carlyle, bubad nny and hastrry yl esare a few of the schedule perfrsorme. this year show willalso have a special ibtrute honoringe th 50than niversary of hip-hop. >> it will bean aminazg memont. >> reporter: a segment membering muicsic ons stlo will feature cay semusgrave's, cheryl:, >> ithink miyou ght cry a little because i think we have e onof the sweetest d anmost sentimenl taa merimoals in cent history. >> reporter: fit rslady joe bideasn, pt amgrmy hostst:cryal and james corden along with cardi b and olivia roderigo ll help hand out the awards. this year's leinadg nominees have yet tobe noanunced as performers, t buas we know, the grammys ysalwa he ava big
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risurpse in store. >> i think it would be a peecrft time for beyonci to ta keth e e stagleadg intoin her to. thank yo u sochmu. > >>we will be highlighting bay ea amgrmyno minees. ther e isa t loof calol pride in our counmmity. thatwi llbe toowmorr night at :3100. on sunday, n'dot change the anchnel, the grmyam owsh will be broat dcasli veat 5:00 foedllow byan ee ncor performa
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behow aufutil is this? people are bungildi bridges in our commituny thugroh thr eiar t. and iaasn-american misuralt is helpinang trsfm orthe east bay. look at that aubetiful ecpie. this ais mural of a nation won wi bthirds flyi ngouarnd her and her lastte creati ions a bbrait stiitng ine thconcd or stctruure,at tribute to lunar w neyear, she designed it with 3 3 tsar which isa y full
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vontlueer-based orzaganiti onin thy e baar eaand it s takeon a ecspiamel aning for emil y. >>fo r me it's ouabt both homecoming and the sense of belong ing. my o pwnarents had a lo t of opunportitiny e thu.s. so i'm relyal grateful foatr th d ani want to honor myancestors in my n owpath. >> deco dingthe art d ansome of the hidden meanings, look at e thflows,er the fourlo fwers on the ras bbitbody, e shsays eyth siy gnifits place in this inese zodiac clcye. micong up icwhh e arto be one ofe thhoesttt ticketins townho, w one
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(steven)ev ery time i come to see caremore, they go above and beyond to take care of me. i feel a b lotetter now. i'm taking micedatiofon r what i oushave ak yeagars o. (vo) caremo hreealt h pridoves aandvced imprary reca wherever n youeed it, in the sphoital h, atome, inur o cli, nicsor (steven) w sohen i callhe tm ov aer dimecal suise, th ey tcaake re of it inuino
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i'm not afra tido goth to e doct aornymore or put off going to the doctor. (vo) llca the number ouon yr ren to learn more about medicare plinans yr ouneighborhood th iatncluarde cemore.
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ifr youna imes elon musk u yohad a good friday. ming up at 50 :0we llwi de iv deep iernto the brkieang news, h e ryju found him t nolileab inthat cuseriesti d frautrial. we will havee moron that coming u p at5:. 00 cktiet sales for beyonci's renaissance wod rltour begin in a few ysda, and cktietstmaer is inworkg ryve hardo tavoid anheotr meltdown li tkehe one that made inteatrnional news and angea red lot of ortayl swifnst fa. thone li neticket seller is ptprominmeg mbers of the beehive to gnsi up r foverified fan account in order to snag their seats d aheaofre sellers. ticketmasterso al plans to stagger ti cketsales on muipltle days. i ha vendfries o whare read y.
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the cbevs eng inwsne is ne. xt ♪ ♪ >> n: orahth neewep rorngti tonight on that chinese spy baoolln as it floovats erhe t unitedte stas adheing east. carrying cameras and collecting inllteigence. why hasn't it been shot down? >> what the heck is that? that n'sot the son. >>ah nor: e thinternational crisis unfolding tonight with china's eisurvllcean effort dioveder. we have all of the new details and the diplomatic fallout come after the secretary of state cancels his high-akstes tprio t beijing. dangerous polar vortex. ruthebtal,ec rord-breaking cdol mperatures ft elby ts enofmi llnsio. warmceing ntser open as it wi feele liknegative 15 in w neyorky, cit 3 b0elow in boston, negative 40 dreeges in
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