tv The Late News CBS February 3, 2023 11:00pm-11:35pm PST
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2023 is the yef ar othe bbrait. e thye arof ho. pei am pihong r fo, safe acpee, and also go bodusin ess. >>ch inatn owmercnthas veha beenth rouga h lot but now it is e theve of the ggbiest lecebratn ioof the year. >> > from kpix, isth is the late . newscbs news bay . area hello. we have made it to idfray. chowinatn llwi be very sybu this weekend. hundreds of thousaofnds oppele coare mi nginto the city for th isye ar's lunar new arye pa ra. deit is expected to be bigger and bett erthan what we a ve seenbe. forebett y yuis live r fous tonight, y bettyu, i know busissne owners are looking rwfoard tothis. they had a rough lecoup of w feyearsh isis like a breath of frh es aifor emth, ghrit? >>t tha is ghrit. that is whath ey are telling . mee th counmmity is sangyi they are re
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adfoy r morepe sctators and the parade. as u yocan see this community is all esdrsed up for the lunar new year ekweend. tonight i spoke to a small busineowss ner sa yingthings are generay lltrendi ngin the right diren.ctio [ mu si c] >> rteeporr: on the streets of chinatown,rc mehas ntare seeing more tourtsis and lo. cals >>these veenlopes poare pl. ar >> reporte r: nancy sa idd re enlopes are the bellstseing item. >> after good atweher enth t he sibuness ckpiing up. this year we veha more invey,ntor me or prep aredfor nethe w arye. >> re poerrt: i okspe to nancy afr she was burglarized last summer, her shop nearby was also cerently vandalized . she said she has ense a noticeable difference in lipocer esceen in inchatn owin the last two ekwes. >> i see that they e drivby likeevery hour i see them. i
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e sewainlkg by, too.[music] >> reporter: in nearby union sq uare a decalodes-nglu nar new 'syear lecebration was r unde way on frayid night. the 2023 miss cu.s.hitonawn wowed with thr ttbuy and butte -- beauty taand le. nt >> they owshed their suppt,or security llwi be peescilyal tight on satur day. >> we will have more offirsce assigned to the pa tradehan in recent rymemo. we want erevyone elto cebtera the parade. >> reporter: back in chinatown ese virssito e argeinttg in th e irspit. >>e thcool things are like e t big drag fonloaties and e th whato dyou call them? dancing peleop withthe drum s. at, i like that. >>the year of the rabbyeit, ar of hope. i am hoping r fosafe, pe ace,and soal bgoodusesins. >> repor ter:so, betty, i know u person allyveha cod verea
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lot of the stggrules chinatown with burglaranies d slown -dowinin busess ngduri the paemndic. what ha veyou seen sofar this wndeeke? >> reporte r: i think they are definitely -- tharere e fidenitely moreop pele out d an about. iwi ll say ere were a lot of boarded up buneesss, still, that did not survive the pandemic. wiyou ll see that throutugho e th ne igorhbhood. intestreing to no coi ved rethe 2020 lunar new ye ardepara i was asngki pe opleif they were nccoerned abt ousomeg thinllcaed the conaruvis. it was the nnbegiinofg it all. it sh owhos w chmu has gechand. >> it s feellike ntceuries ago noamw, azg inu yowere t herefor at, y,bett thank you for thatpr, apecteia your cover age >>we artae king prtiecauons but we willt no. stopwe will not be indatimitebyd this person. a san frano ciscsynagogue is g gointo have extra security this enweekd afr tea man walked in ngduri a lecebrioatn, pulled
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a gun out and fired anblks. tot,nigh t hejunior rabbldi to us they are ingog to have e th police outside thr eiordo after isth happened on wednesday. >> he starts shooting in the air yweverhe. resaying, u yo knowlk, ta a cndraziness d an then wave d ane.leav e maybheth ought it is not a cr imife nobody gets physlyical huitrt. is okay to just arsce peleop and he would just get aw aywith it. enev ifhe gets cahtug nothing pphaens because d dinot alactulyki ll an. yone >> raisel's nati onal inteenlligce agencye , thjunior rabbi idsa he spoke in ruiassn d that the p groudit d no react in the video to the nfire becausthe ey did not alize he s waa threat at t.firs e thi fbhas been looking for this ma n,eyth put t ou ese photos of them th wiseek. >> let's go ahead and takea li look across the bay area. wesaw rain th ismorn ing, officially, ini thk, imadet through the rkwoweek. then, the rain is co mingback again
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perfectly d timefor all of our wed yeah, ybmae e thtiming, not eal. it will not be a cole tewash out ov ere th wed.eken we will stthart e day oudrt y. e thproblem is, when ere will behalf a million, maybe mia lln iopeople out in n frscancio tusarday evening at is when the inra is goin tobe more kelily. so, let's take a look at our hourby ho ur rain collap seesthere is -- anchces. heading into saturday eveninowg shers are possible dungth e afternoon. i think we get rothugh the mo rng inwitht ourogue rispnks le and drizzle. e thshowers by the early rnafteoo mn,ore miss tha hi t. it changes by late rnafteoo n.the showers will be more numeusro and he avr ieas we head toin e th ening. it will t norain evywerhere all of the time. we arou yr rain gear if you e ar heading outot the chine esnew pyearare adand festival s inan cifransc o.let's oklo at the hour by hour refoca stfor saturday. wecontinue toce lebrate e thye arof the raitwe. willsee the cechan of sherows at aniny pot during the rnafteoo n.e thoswill be
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few and far twbeeen to begin with. the rain cobememos re widespread adheing into the la teft aernoon and evening hours. t emrapetures noa problem. lo cse 0 to 6in n saanfrcisco. the crainonnuties in the para. de e bulk of e thhestavie rain wi llmove t ouas the festivs itiearste arting to wind do. wnof course the timing alwaorys wki ngout like that. f and on ershows for the rest ofsaturday night and f ofd an on showers for sunday as w ell. i wirall tckal l of thatin the full forestca in just a few minutes. >>. okaymore rain. >> yes, wedo tuacal nlyeed it at this inpot. sh nouldot cause prleobms. >> it ntis iertiesng we need it afr teall atth we s awat the beinginng ofthe year. you are right, thk anyou,l. pau >> > kloaand will soonbe able to shutdown one of the biggest o messle enmpcaments, a federal judge will allow the enmecampnt to be cleared out r fo affordabhole we talked a man who will have to move out, again. >> reportethr: e city of kloaand and the e statha vebeen trng to take do wnisth encampme ntfor years, s,fire unfesa, unhealthy conditions ve been huge concerns heat t
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odwo street encenampmt. for maitny isthe plthey n call home. >> that white atarpnd black tarp that m ep>> rorr:te mike has been on the streets r fothe last nine years, he and his wife were property gemanarsbu t lost r he bs when her mental health esissu gaben to surface >> for them to kick usout like th atit was lyreal, the lastra stw for me. i u st stopcaped ri ngand pestopd inworkg.di d not want to do anything. >>ep rorter: now this is his me. >> it is a nice s pot.>> porerter: ghrit xtne to his ta vecored n vais a fenced in areafor his three dogs. the stmo cotamforble place he can fi ndeven though itmay no t be the safest. >>t iis a contnsta slp eewith one eye enop. every ni ght. >> reporter: now the qutieson is, whe erwill he go next? a deferal court order granted the city of oakland's request to eeswp the encamp mentfor 0 17 unit afford ablehoinusg precojt. e thtyci risks losing ste atfunding the ngloer the
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tievicon ocpress is put on . hold >> we are on the streets there is noe wherto go. th eyhave to shelter space toe takin the siredence. the shel terswill not keta lepeop li kehim who have rethe dogs. his wife's mental health issue soal make it ffdiicult for her tobe ar >> i don't do dr ugs,i n'dot selldrs,ug i don't eastl rsca, i am just tg ryinto makeit out ofhe re straight. >>reporter: they are ingog to st noticears stti ngon fe brryua 10. ththe siredents wi haveen sev-ds ayto find a w neplace to le.iv l stilahd eanitoght, the san francisco baetll has been aroundr fo90 years, e th company now has its first black principal dancer. how she is inspiring a w negeranetion. one of mytersache, tually, saidme to that i would never bemeco a professialon ballerina cabeuse my hair s watoo frizzy . [ music] >> thestee enage musis cian
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little montra that i say. repoerrt: opening night be fo rethe "newt "-- "nutcracker"e shis the signanifict are plum. >>before the rtcuain s openat the opera house, her preparation begi hnsere at her artment. fr o a moment she los oklike any other 20 somethliing vi ngin san cifransc o.only she makes her braseakft nextto her poin oeshs. >> it is a full timejob. a loof ass pectin the sense atth the job does not really fi nishonce you lee avthe ofcefi. >> rtrepoer: erevything from her make up. >> i normally do eye shadow, thbee vi withmy coe stumwhich loi ve. >>po rert: er to her cl. oset
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>>th is one feelsd. goo >> reerport: itis all about ttgeing into character. principal erdanc for the san anfrcisco llbaet she knows her imctpa reaches far yobendhe t stage. i got a lot of ssmeag es fr people like sangyi i am helping them or thati am inirsping to them. it makes me, like, viobouy slreally, real, l ally happy. i velo thati can help people. at the mesa time, somes,time oiobvusly itcan be a ttlile bit of a esprsure in the sense that, i wa tnto do good, i want to be agoode rolmodel for others. this one can not stay here but these ones are coming with me. >>ep rorter: she was bo rnin eden. he r thfaer is icjamaan and her thmoer is white. both of th emare ncdaers. it was clear early on th sathe had a gift. it has not always been easy. >>enwh i s wayounr geone of my
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actehers, aclytual, said to me that i would never beco mea prsiofeson alballerina because hmyair was too frizzy. that is why i am pphay thati can be so mee onthat can inspire ot hers o n otbelieve those ennonsse li tkehat. [ laug ]hter >> reporter: resahearl dictreor can relate. i was told that i would never be pra in. ce >> repr:orte he came to the san frano ciscllbaet from columbia 43 years ago as a principal dancer. he broke the mold himself by g,bein at the time, one of very few ma ledancs erof co lor. >> in ncdae for me and nowadays u yot don'relyal see o loasr the e onthing atth makes you, rather talent. i am scinated she tsge the oprtituny and e shhas co me th isfa r. i have a lot of ret specfor her work. >> reporter: and that is extlacy what she wanttos be n knowfo e thcouns tles young das ncero whsee
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themselves wh enshe s takethe st ag e. >> uli wod keli to bea lero o del by just doing what i love y reaching my own goals and by h at, i feel keli, i can be an examplane d for people to be spired by th, athopefully. we have enbe talking about how it will rbeaining here in the arbay ea this week end.that anmes itllwi be a good ski weinek the sier. rathe snow b said atth they got snow shereas rlier today. yo u cae n sethat video th ere. it looks pretty. mo re on the way. u yokn, owi gues s, thque estion is if u yoplanned out is it otokay drive t ou the?er we are not looking at what we easaw rlr iein january. no. this is a ifsignict an ow maker for the high siraer. toda y itwas they had a few t showers, whol ffdierent story g gointhrough e enweekd. starting thugroh the forecast, heading up to was rdtahoe or anreywhe in
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the motaunins, the owsn will fl y,es pecially saty urdanit gh toin sunday. ifyou wa to head up atth direction doit tomorrow. as early inhe ta y as possible. e thowsn will start ngflyi bytela afternoon. will pickup inintensit tusarday evening and ovghernit. ntcoinue on su. nday ifu yogo there, do not come back unl timonday after e th ro adcr ews had a chcean to scrape off a otfo to 2-fe1/2 etf fresh snowllfa. eagrt news for the ski resorts, the ictrk is, it will happen overthe enweekd. keeppeople up there an d loalw them to baget ck t ou ofwn to. let's ta alkbout our sideth of e orstm system . more rainwe, d hath1/10 of an inch to erov an inch of rain. it cthame roh ugthis morning. e bulk of it was inthe tequarr tohalf an in. ch a w owshers beginning to dot th e darar by y earlaften.rnoo mo arectivity showuping by late afternoon. i t will stilnol t be raining evywerhere. more spwidere ad rainve delo psas weea hd into the evening.ev en then, psga, thoris fect asmodel is optimistic. dra y break will go th the parade in san frscancio motorrow evg.enin
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finger's i uld not uncot on it. be fee.stiv not a dangerous rain event witill justbe wet. have thsomein g,you know, that is approprifoate r the lunar ne arye but soal waterproof. tewar-resistant. the band of ra inngmovi through late torr oweneving will be with 20-30-mierle-p-hr ouwind gusts as we. ll afte r it leesth, e off and on pattern at takes oholdn and off ugthroho utthe ghnit. enth, things will dry out as we head far rthein tosund ayafooternn. adding up the ra. inmost ofus, quarter tincho half an chin of ra. under achiinevg, especially in the rain shadows, me getting half an inchin e north bay and ghhier elevatioinns the moinuntas. the rahain cnc esare gog into opdr to, sibacay,ll h0,eading thh rougmo stof next week. then, timefor e thnext ekweend, why doesit hn appeon e thweekend. otanher descent anchce of rain. in the 40-50% chance rofain r forit ghnow. at eyis bond
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>> laloc news wteebsi is rertg inaab disleved teran is callouing t ngcoressman george ntsaos, claiming the lawrmake scammed him ooutf ,0$300 for s hidying dog's lifsae-ving surger ntsaos closed th geofunafdme ter ritaised $3,000 on cisoal media and dieasappred.>> bud, dythere's something i edne to tell you. remembow wer he rewe always sayingcoul we d foafrd your suerthy anks to g auy named dogeoran stos? n't believe it.hi s 'sname not even george. it's, le,ik anthony devolder,
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