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tv   The Late News  CBS  February 4, 2023 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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- yes, w. e dono wbring homet thagrmyam. no w 1at1:00, firerkwos. 'rwee trngyi to dorecate everhiytng beaufutilly r foe th rapade a ndshow o surpiri t. d anmore rain oisn the y,wa includinatg scted re thdeunrstorms. wh atit means for yoursunday >>and while u.s. officials waited so long stohoot down the mystery inchese spy balloon. the race w no rtoecerov th mnreants from thlae atnt ic ocn.ea goodni evengi', m brian hackney. >>and m i'aneadr nakano. san francisco officially rang in the year of rabbit ton ight with e thanalnu nalur new year
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parade. floats, food, all tangki over chatn owtoday r fothe largluest naner w ye pararade ouidtse of asia. >> da lin tsstar coverage omfr the beginning of the parade idoutse market st.tree >> reporter: thpae ra de testard around 5:15 with a lot of folks niling upand down along etmark stetre to watch e thpadera despite the rain. before thrae pade, erwe we able to check out the community stetre fair in inchatown. lolsan d tourists ta kingin the si aghtsnd dssoun of the mmunity etstre fair. dozens of vendors and booths lid neup along g rantavenue. >> pphay w neyear. >> repoerrt: e thone mmcoon ssacceor y,umbrellas. the rappin aeared to khaveept some people h ome. it w wasetan d rainy for a good chunk of the day. >> ppdisaoiinntg. >>epteorr: rathe in couldn't stop thiswoman from bringing hedahtuger toel cebrate lur w neyear. >>it's rlleay impoanrtt fo myugdahter to be poexsed to
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all thlte cuur esd annegoodss that e thbay has. >>reporterey: th've attended the chinese new ye pararade the retimes be. fore >> for , usbeing black, and thwi the anlati-bckssne, and weno kw erthe's the anti-asian hate as llwe. so it's importafont r r heto knhoow w foarlks e and fe elit ansee it, so we have tocome e wherevyoerne is at. >> reporter: san anfrcio sc po licestpeepd uptheir pr esceen in and around the festaliv in light of the recent mass shngootis. they want mtoake peleop feel sa. >> atstiscsti say u'yore probably sar fehere than any other day. >>po rert: ere onof the floats wi llbe from the mental assoatciion of chinese mmunities. it's the organization's first ye in the rapade. >> we tried to decorate erevything beautlyiful foe r th pa tradeo show spour ir. it no ttmaer how e thrlwod is right no dw,oesn't ttmaer. we have hope. as long as 'rwee together and lphe each other. >> reporter: many familiey s sa
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ra hior sneth, ey'll be e.ther >>even though the atweher is rainaning d we're wet and cold, we came out stju to abe rabbit, so we're se einga r: arf lot of stueats of bbrait s. ey d ha21 tsfloa, anond li and dragon dancers. >> as da mentioned, offs icer were visibl e atthe rapade in the wake of re centmass shootings. mayor d breeand chief bill t scotboth prom isedan eaincrsed espren acet this wed'ekens stfeivities asto ee arfes. >>i see them e driv bylike evhoery ur. i see them wngalki by. too >> wel 'lhave more ceoffirs assigned ttho e rapade than we ve in recent momery, d anwe want everyone tcoo me oud t an celebrate the pa. rade >> there have enbe no reports any enviolce or other disturbances during this year's parade. >> reporter: of course it's a big event for businesses in and around chinatown. they're hoping to draw imen so
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a extrcuomsters omfr the d.crow >> ttbey cyuontinues r ou cora geby ngtaki a look at the turnout. >> porerter: aurestras ntin chinatowe n arseeing constant lis neout thore do isth saturday. here at china live on broadway, they wcoelmed big crowds and ushere d inthe new yearn iadtritional faioshn. ncdaers meant to brg ingood lu ckand prosperin ty ithe new ar dazzle the d crowat china ve. the culinary complex was packed saturday with sivito rs and lo calskeli ma ikand her mifaly. >> werewe rjustemkiarng we've neveber en to chinatown at nigh t,and isth was a woerl fuopportunity to member what's so special about . it ju e thlitighng and, like, nd of the vi. stas repoerrt: mika said r afte yienjong the parade, they lit fi rerkwos and took photos in chinatown. celebrating the holiday has come a trioaditn for her family. >> i fworkor pete's, and
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evy ermeeting i'm in s hathe bbraitn ithe baouckgrnd. 'sit part of our culture. i feelkeli that's why u yo live in san francisco. >>reporter: china live said the finanal lur w neyear enweekd feels a bit like the sur pebowl for them. >>what dothey say,on d't let it rain on yo urpa? rade i think people came out in fu force to suppohert t commy.unit the parade is one of the best things atth safrn ancisco does evy yearso, , you know, so far so good. >>re poerrt: this ishe t first lunar new year celebratioinn san francisco for ramsey sullaniv, who moved ttohe city from scotland. >> it was really cool. rely lively. we just sat in a local r,ba got window seats. it was really cool. we just kind of wchated the pa radego by, went out for the ggbier floats. i loved the firare cck ers. allyoo cl. >>po rert: eramong the bay ea rreepsentatives d an ofcis alat the parade, the san frscancio mayor loonnd breed, supervisor aar on pesk, inand the oakland refi department >>it's just niceto see peop leback downwnto.
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it gives you peho hein t city yoveu lo. >> anu d yoprob nablyotedic, it was a little t welar tein the day today. y raincoitndions off an d onac ross the entire bay area. weake lia veoo lk at san francisco thon e right side of the screen. onthe left si dethere's conditio nstonight. in orconcd, it s wat,we b ut 'twasn tot.o we let's see if remo rain is on the way with the firs ecchk of your fore. cast >> what's fsoun? ny >> that it s wawe t,but snwa't too wet in con. cord you know, thmie ting came rough at the worst moment for that para. de 'sit not like it was a ra inou t. but you needed the umbrlael for . it looking at t firsalert doppler, w e'vekind of gn otte past the worst of . it we d dia decent jodob tay. the retenths of ionnch in saa ntrosa, and concord got one of the bigger mbnuers. t abou aen tth of an inch in san jose. d from now until sunday, it
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llwi be like . this there's a chance of shows er roti ngthh.roug there will beplenty oftimes itot's n rniaing on you, but at any poindut ring the day morrow, thera e's anchce. ev enan caocsional thdeunrstorm. we'll look at this inmore de tail coming up in the complete refocast. r fow,no back to you. >> thanks, rrdaen. today, a s.u. ghfitejer t shot do wnthe mystuserio chesine balloon seen flying ofthe caronali coast. u.s. officlsia have been calling it a baspy lloon, but ina siinsts that it's just a licivian weheatr balloon that fld oateinto our air space by accident >>they suesccsfully took it down, d ani wa tnto colimpment u r aviators who did it. told them tooo sht owit dn. >> repoerrt: on wsdedneay? on wednesday. th eysaid wait ttohe safest place to do it. >> cnahi called it an reoveraconti and violation of ternnaatiol practices. anwhile, the navy is rkwoing
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onre cove ringwhat's le ftfor thballoon from theatntlaic oc ean. me anilwhe, baerck he in thbay area, a new report shows they y mahave enspt more on polanice d more on hi ring staff, but san sejo police w no keta longer to respond to cas lldespite hiring e thos people. on t ohether hand, lipoce amble the lag on stag ffin orshtageans d a spike in cas. meanilwhe, e thsan sejo pole ic ief and new yomar sathy eir top priori tyis to hiryee t remo offerics. the suman spteecd of shootilang bnkou rnds into the air at n a safrancisco nagogue is w noin jail. pocerr aested 50-year-old dm itrimission laaste lt night. vio deshs owhim entering the ntceer in the richmond strict, wavia ng n,gu and firing bloff an. ks nodyas w hurt. veinstigators bee liev'she the sa meman atth wad vea gun around at a nearby theater on tudaesy nigh t. an update now on california'spa reraontis task foe.rc thfie rst taskfoofrce its ki has compil ly50
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page porert on how to stbe implenemt its coremmdaentions. threport focuses on policy chgeans to combat a histy orof y sticem cirasm. this incl udesred nglini, hethar ce discnarimiti, on and the spdiroportionate cainrceration ofbl ack peop. le but eyth're not done. they'lvel ha morepublic meetings rothugutho california hein t cinomg weeks and mo nt. hs >> and itwill be usedby erevy state, every mucinipality. anhofupelly, if erthe's a nationalar repatnsio effort th's movingwa forrd. >> the task rcfoe has a lyju deliadne to presenprt oposs al to t hestate gileslat ure. more than 30 projects now ha $5 3.milln ioin infundg tolp he t outhe tendinerlo. it's paf rt othe 'scity telonderin commituny aconti plan. thojprect sefocus on nghuer, shelter,uc edatn,io and tysafe. > >>and l stilahead, it has be en weeks since a park was
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forced to close, so enwh wl il it open? l we'lha vethe telast. d anenth it's already meti to t stargetting ready for the base ballseason. weat're oracle park fasans preparr e foa fresh season and fresh ho pes. and we'rcoe unting down to e biggest night in music. grthe am myawards live torrmoow tistarng at 5:00 p.m. on kpix, followed by a repeat at 8:30 p.m. d anberefo e thshowgi, anna and sarah will highlight all our l locanominet es a 3:30om torrow
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ntside recoriveng omfr ve e time d resoceur tot doneispervorsas idhe contract of the company at provides permitting services to those rebudiilng. e extension is g gointo help speed up thuae uslly owsl procofess gtietng building apovpral. >> > 'sit been weeksis nce e th maivsse winter storms hit the baeay ar, t buthcle ean up forts e arstill unde rwayfor a lot of eaars like rehe in len prockark in san sejo. d there's still a lot more wo rko tdo fobere they can open it bk acup to visitors. >> d fevinehy elexplains. >> rtrepoer: ouurr to ofthe
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park had barely cobeme wh enwe countered meso of the most serious da. mage the main ro adtoin the park is sandwiedch ben tweea massive landslanide d a do twnedree atth may have unde rcutand eroded thetareining wall that supports the road. >> to this davey, en though e we'vhad meso sunnaty wehe r, awere l stilexripeencing ckro fas omfr the cliff s.side >> porert: erallen rock park ha s enbe shut down on an eremgency bas sithfor e stla montanh, d erevywhere u yo oklo, you can e sethe damage caedby o tomuch wind and water. >> you casen e the trail tting teean away from all the wafater ll s,anerd ov ti, meit getsde eperand deer. eventualitly will find a ro. cket and if it finds a good etpock, it willfeet away at the tr ai l. >> rertpoer: my llcoeague toedur pathe rk hlrougy a month ago when the raasin w ill ntrece anild so saturated. atthe timee , thcrk eethat
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aksnes through the rkpa was a ranggi river. this week, the k creewas significantly lower and lmer, content to medeanr rather than menace thebank s. buother thinemgs raid ne unchange. ssive boulders atth littered the trail in the eaierlr rert still remain. asth e hillsidents coin ue to slide and slow effor tsto ean up. >> so ghrit now, these r, ocks not so mmuchay bethe big eson as well, it's stiltil acvi ty falling. sowe 're moniritong what's enhapping above fallros ad and e lofaw lls road. >>reporter: this is t he ci ty'soldest and most vebelod rkpa. rangsaers y they ha ve crineasingly beercn foedo t turn people awaywho snuck pahest t cselod signs, eager to ercxeise or curiouous abt theae cln . up >> the last thing we want is a hiker to trespa sstoon r ou oper, tya rockom ces d answ ee psthem. wedon't knowy' there here, d anthat's y whwe motonir as
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mu as we c. an so the rae'in wre geinttg right now is t nogoing to cae atth kind ofgedama? >> th eygot about a tenth of an in tchhere today. that's manalegeab. somears eat gothree arquters ofan inch. they ilstl need to h watcthe hillsides. you still cat n'ivdre into big r. throat ad is closed for a seioctn. he re'shothw e rainedplay out y.toda you can e sethe ornigazed line h at came through this evening eebetwn 7:00nd a 9:00. no w 'rwee entering the xtne ph ase of this which is the isolated sho wersback rehe. ifwe put it into the futurecaste , thfocarest mo adelsreab le to depict w ho this will play out. they're coming back. so stju because we're in a brk eanow, and you'll even see r cleaskiet s outhe ernow, but there's alwaa ys poibssility fo r the showers rtootate through. otty, sporadic, occasional unthderstorm comthing roh ug with one of those.
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th oat'snein the afternoon. t buby suetns its goeaway and we clear out fast. clskear ies tbyhe time the sun goes down tomor row. then that's it. wee 'rout of the rain game for awhile. prab lyfor about the xtne ekwe or so after that. if we lo ok atrainfall totals, we pick up about two h tentof annc ih of rain between now anthd en. weil stl have the 20 miles per ho wurinds at lothe wer elatnsio and stronger in the mo unintas. not stronong eugh for a wind advisory, and still bree zy tomorrbuow, t t noas b. ad th'leyl be coerld, henortrly brs eezetorrmoow. toowmorr will be a alre pretty y actually withthe pretty blue sky and e thcotton ball dsclou, t bubreezy and cool and a brshief ow eroncen i awle. the wsnowill keep falling in e high ertensrrai. thisisot n the week to travel up the snow is down to,0 4 00 . feet daime highs tomoowrr tinhe
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mi ud topp er50s, and th xtne chan ocef inra shows up by neeext wke. nd okloing at the seven-day forestca, we can see atth by turday. it the end of it before we ge t there, so nothing but hisunsnero fm now unl tithen. l we'lke epytdaime highs on a rmintrg end. lookat thursday d anfriday for san jo. se l we'lbe arne 70. d anthen looking at the mioccrlimates, the rtnoh bay valleydos that as llwe. suy d anwarm, then anothe anchce of rain neeext wke. nd charlie, overto u.yo apprecteia it. rrwaiors fans we ersmiling at the orscebrdoa nitoght, but e thoutlofook their onseas hi ng eson rian m. thtadeilofs steph curry's jury that fo rcedhim to le ave the mega. that and mormie congp unext. everyonema is ki rngoom hm. ác*ughs*
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se riouy?sl thfor e dimecine cabinets' new esiasentl. biownaxn -wi- th reliabovle cid9 -1results in just 15 no iw,t's official. xfinity s hathe fastest internet and thstese fat mobile ser.vice atth's right, xfinitst y ju in creased interneteds. s. again! and xfinity le gmobiiv yesou can't-catch-peedme ss. plus, save hundreds on internet for your first 2 years whenou y add me.obil the fastest inet, ternth e fastmobiest le service, and major savings? can'gue t arwi tthhe facts. get xfinitg spy gieeind ternet with unlimited data incl.uded it'jus's $ a50 month for ll y2 fuears en y whoudd a xfinity mobile. itswch tod!ay
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do we stiledl ne tsehe pregnancsty tes? everneyo is making room (kids yellnd a giggle) yenoah, . for thdie meci cneabi'et's new essential. (kids yellnd a giggle) biownaxn -wi- th the mesa technology ctdoors use to t est r focovid-19.
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>>lc> weome toin srtpos. thste weercon nference is surd rit ghnow in the nb a. the dienfferce between fourth place and tentplh ace rit gh w is just o twmegas! a good -gfourame stretch can ke you from the play in tonament to home court adnte agin the first round. sth epand the warriors had the dallas meravicks. klay thompson, nepetrioatn, ves it up forym draon d. goenta ste withthe early 12 point agleue. sendua qrter, eegrn dishing dimes. kongmia e he became the youngest waiorrrs pl tayero reh aca ousand points. third quarter, we had a prob lem. cly earlt nothe orsce. wr oightf the mackveris bangs
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knees with cur. ry the good news, x-ysra were nevegati. mri is toowmorr. curry would head to the erlock room with a limp. d not rerntu. irthd qutearr, back to green, 1 of his 9 siassts togo along i th 17 points 9 and unrebods. fini wsheday too oscle for co mft orlate, but e thwarriors wi n 119-115. here's steverr ke on y whhe 's coenuredag the inju tryo curry ishi notngto worry t.abou >> not the rsfit time, you . know he s playhard and, you kn, owhe 's all erov the floor. this has happ, enedyou know, many, nyma times toverhe ye ars. ngfiers crossed thats he' ok. college s,hoop goa nzaghas doteminad the west coast conference for over two cade s. this year, howe ver,the wcc
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runs thr oughramuga and the st. mary'ses gal. ugh t firslfha thfor e legas. this bucket pulls them within 8. second , halfthey meca to play. logan johnson tickles the twine. the zag's lead down to2. three scen high off the ndow, and finish. it'sempandonm iuat the pavilion final seconds, st. ma ry'sdone a bucket. beaul tifuspeed to sexon who nifishes, ties up t hegame, and we're going to overtime. manehay off the screen, three, and gales up f is , timethe vision, tchell finiessh. how about maha ney. 18 points. st. mary's 10 and 0 the c wc after r thei780 -7wi n.
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all right, over to th llhi top. oohah, tt guy looks like 'she having fun. f hoinstg santa clara at the hi tllop. second period, the dons whoverelmed by santa clara ernight. refis from distcean. usf loses inisth one toe th broncos 83-70 the l finasce.or more ss portto get n to o the other side. the wi andt lepebb beach got sobad datoy, they had to call the round early. hodow es that im wpacthawat s suedppos to be chaiompnship ndsuay?
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in lasas veg, e thmost popufolar ods ibroccoli. ahat, th's the onooly fd. ye th ey have broc coli smthooies, and broccoanli pcakes, d anbroccoli ice cre,am and cobrocli hdootgs, and ouof crse,he ty have rawunseonased broccoli..... swithtems .-daddy, i don'ntt wa to go tlao s vegas with youan d moy mmtomorrow. ohar, e you sure? are suyou re y ou don't want t,o go it will be somu ch f!un
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>>od> go today f aly kite. i don't know about go lfat pebble beach 'sit been a factor thtie enre week, has the ndwi, and it's not gog into get any beertt throutugho e thweekend. go t so batod day, th heyad to call the round. stju take a lot ok athis ndwi. not easy to put on thpoe ncho vewas whipping in the background. as f orthe ac, tionthe ce leitbry shot ofhe t day came
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from garheet bale at y sp ass. seph ambrlettno kcks do wn e bird ieon e thpar 3 fifth. and this apchproa on number 3, molnatti stic ksit t righunr de e thhole. ts up a rdbiie putt for him who was ilbrliant today. he's yoeaur lder with round three to resume torrmoow. ksoeith mihetcll brand amttle tied for se. cond the tournament is now peexct ed to finonish ndmoay. ste evyoung aypled at spy gls astoy,da and after ngseei theae grte st-hleftand de arquterback teofe f, rnve glenn had a quonesti atth i think a lot of people had. >>rertpoer: i've always ntwaed to owkn, have you ev er tried htoitef lt-handed? u're a left y. >> i know!
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i've neleard, my dad had righty s,club so i std arte at way. 's nanot tul rato me, but my wife said ifyou keep sucking likeyo u e,ar you need to turn e ft sy,o maybe 'sthat comi. ng >> they soal tkeald about the san cifransco s hanoent be able to keep their quarteksrbac alheth y. kyle shanahas n hareivceed some crismtici r foit. steve yosaung ys what? >> i don't know how to say this more forcefully. like, u'yove got to stop. you have no idea atwh you're tainlkg about. there's rethe or four geniuses hein t n flthis genetiraon. he's one of emth. so knitock off. >> you hear d itomfr the lefty. knock itff o. ju ststop it. >> than, after the k,brea tsgian welcomed ifansntoro acle park today to get emth excited ahead of the new season just ead , ofyep,pr sing training.
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- lifes iunceairtn. evyderay pssreures can feel oveherwlmin it's okay to feel streedss, xianous, worried, or frutestrad. it 'sor nmal. wialth chope's fred e anserecu mental health resources, itas's ey gtoet the helpyo u d anyoured lov ones need wh yenou need it toshe mt. ll ca o wurarm line at3) (83 3-417673 or livate ch a t calhope.ordag toy.
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>> we're soal nine frsans, so i'm excited baseball is here. >>ll> we, wearsse le anth two weeks ayaw from pitchers and tccahers repog.rtin relyal, just two w? eeks >> yes, tit'she best pa rtof thsur pebowl. i means spngri training ar ound the corner. giants ho stedthaneir nu al fan fest, a ch fanceor nsfa to roam e thball rkpa. the raindi'tdn stop pe ople sfromhongwi up to tighe hhly antitecipad event. >>it was pea rft ec pooprtunity to fo rgetthat ppdisaoiinntg end heto t 49s'er season last week, and wi th the retirement of buerst sepoy in 20, 21noand w the departure of brann dobelt, th ere mareins lyon one re al connection tothe word series ams, and th at'stsshortop
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brdoann crawford. a lot of w nefaces, but ma ny fans are still hopeful for a successful onseas. >> i elfe keli they're just gog into bl towhrough it and go to the,t' whas itllcaed aiagn? >> the world risees. >> yeah,e thwod rlseries. easily! >> i think we can be we'll be surprised for sure, atno mtewhr at happs.en >>he t giants' opening day is foset r march 30th tg akinon e thyanks ee tonhe road. eir meho opener is aprih l 7tnsagait e th royals. ou>> y know, nodybo tht ough the nirsne would have as good a seas aons they d.ha >> yeah. >>ea h,eyth rewe spoupsed to be go. od >> brn andocrawford s waat chase ce ntertonit,gh his t firsmeti gngoi to a warriors me. >> well, w howell will the gi antsdo? >>i think better than st year.
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♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ male annerounc: n "itouch" d crlhaes stanley, reachiheng t wldor with ♪♪♪ thspe goelf ojesus christ througunh sod blbiical teaching. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ji m nsmafield: baile y isprabobly of ne othmoe st peulacef a qnduiet towns, you owkn, that i've ibeenn. wi th b aakery, fire , barna gas station, a and crchuh. evand erything isms all,nd a wh yenou s saymallif-- younk bli your eyeens wh y dourive throitugh , u'yore past it.


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