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tv   Mosaic  CBS  February 5, 2023 5:30am-6:00am PST

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e. stho: hello and ehon balf of e diarchoce esof san frcio,sc welcome to mosiac . you will be tcwahi ngthe owsh shortly teafr easter. we have steaer eggs d aneaster ndcay eaand ster baskets and ea sterboetnns and easter pa at easter, spring has sprung d anthe worl d isgreen and th asseon is bright. at e thheart is a de epand rkda dra thwi a glorioenus sding.
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first is the condnaemtion and ecution of jes suof naza reth and thisen h surerrection from the dead. e thesarnte ceral ch riiastn teachings d anhave been so since the beginning. at do we thinofk the resurrec? tion why do we bee lievin itand is itff diict ulomto ce to that belief. what is it like tveo li in th at belief? to discuss the resurrection is a laschor, ter acheran ieprst, father hnjo bacher. join us to dee lvremo deeply to the reecsurrti onof christ.
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>> host: heanllo d welcome to mosiac. with me here today is faerth jo hn boetr tche. now, faerth boheettcr s haa asfanttic reme . you veha more brabeviations r afte nyourame en mo psteople and i will ll you whatthey are. he is not lyon a blbyos cyst and a sclahor of the bi ble. he is also a physicist. i see a ba in physfrics om uc berkeley and a master of divinity from e thschool in san franci sco. and the thgyeolo from the
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ntpoifalic university rinome d anthen a docte oratfromth e sa it saysyou became n bega witha ba in physics d anworked in e th semi uccondtor indu stryin palo toal. i think that ishe wn you experienced a coernvsion to catholiciscam, n you tell us abt that? >> it sedtart at berkeley where i studied icphyss with a goal rdtowa apiepld physics and woinrkg in semi condrsucto d an that kind of g.thin i had sttiatiscsla csses thwi the interpreta tionof dandta a went on a hiiktchhtr. i d enbe raised cathicol and i drifted off in high hoscol. 6 years rlate i wentout hitchhg ikinouoft berkeley for recreation. and three people on
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at brief hitchhiking trip all talked to me about jesuris chst . i believe erthe is a god out there soermewhe. mae ybthe force li kea budd histcosmic force. thby out ghin inmy md, this is statcaistillsiy gnificant. nodybo and 6 years d anthen in 24 hos,ur three. i ghthout i better go back over this because thery e mabe somegthin in fthisorme . out of curios ity,i read the biblde an jo hnthe osaptle was talking t abouthe apypocalse but i did not cot nnecthat cept through jo hnd anthen i started inreadg e thgospel of john. itstarted off with a etpoic introduction. in the beginnin s wathe word and the word was with d goand gowad s the rdwo. i thought it was the steaern poetry i have been reading and
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i got abrbsoed in theorsty and it drew me into isth person of christ that i had vener entecounreind peonrs before and just was reading it for my inown spatirion. thatcaierrd through tiunl after gradonuati and cai me to the conviction thaist th is a person un iquein history. entered retilaon with jes su analso the church and you we ntac bk to cath lolicitgyur at that point? >> yeah, afr tethree or four months ofjust reg adinthe bible to her 34 metis a y daand praying and i decided to go back huto crch. i said which e because i wasn 't nearcessilaty tached tohe t caicthol church. he brout ghme backo t remember when i left the crsaedea hrt parish and i looked around and thghout i 'twasn peexricienng gohe reand i will be back wh eni do.
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and he said, do you reme mberth at? and i said yesca beuse i veha a gveryood memory. >>it ewdr you back into prciactingca tholicism and ading your bie bland a tivocaon. >> th watas some years downstream. at the research lab , i was aat research lab in pa lo alto a mong60 empesloye in the rearsech department. there rewe two bible sts udieweekly and apparently a young n ma before me hacod beme a caicthol priest and three ofmy ndfries fromhe tre actually mebeca full- timechristian missriionaes. so, it was a tho bed for ristian incallg and stminiry. >> and these gentmelen are l al out of the semicondr ucto industry? >> yeah, and research. host: to you found your way to religion and priesthood and yours s seemto be scholarly d an
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pastoral. >> t.righ >> host: llte us atwh you do. >> currently my mailing dradess is carnlifoiaan d i'm rkwoinatg teaching at the semiryna. i teach a course on the gosspel and hnjo d anof coumarse ttw,he mark and luke. >> host: it is a catholic chaplaincy at a univtyersi at sonoma state university? >> right. ho>> st: so you are acquainted wi ththe enancit xtte and with tos day'yog unpeople and you ha eothlogical, litlater rry and iescntific knowledge d anwe have you rehe today to talk t abouthe resurronecti. was three surrection a key part ofyo ur renewed interest in cathisolicm attithe me? >> it becahame tt. i wod ulsay fore that s wathe passion of christ. e thsuffering in the
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evofent his dying. the way he e nt through that, erthe was a mar joimpact that meca when i waads reing the gosp elohof jn. came to the way of the oscrs and john said ta kinghis own croshes went from th ere. i w sathis ewvi of stchri just pltyen with the crown ofthorns d ancangrryi the cross. i looked on his face and sa isth serene d antotally decisive face and an prexessi on that dihe dn 'tcaret whawas pphaening aroundm. hi he wn'ast worried or upset or afraid , oranything and he s wa justte dermedin to t geto the pl ace. i tht oughatth e moment this is goatd work and this is vidine. nobocady n live like that and loves and mo vefull foarrwd tordhi s owden ath. i thout gh this is god and itmadet tha ki ondf impact.
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>> that is poulwerf and atth is tjustheic pture of the pan ssio thand e atdeh and the suinfferg. somethin g weall will ex peenrice is our death and he fad ceit keli a n maand like goasd, you were saying. after this brief break, please jo in us and we llwi talkab out the resurronecti of jesus of renazath.
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>> stho: odgo morning and lcweome back. we a retalkwiing th father hnjo boheettcr about the surrection of jesus richst . atteachingce ntl rato the catholicit fah. i llwi k checwith faerth ettcher on isth but it s ha beennc sie e thbeginning of the wrg itinof the catholic dorictnes and i believe st. paul hinis early ttleer, i'm not sure whh icone asit w. the tter to the corintshian which
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sa idif jesus ch ristd dinot se from the dead, t arthey is in inva and it is a lie and it's not . true so we ne ed tolibeeve tinhis histaloric ctfa that jesus rose om dethe ad. what can you tell us about that? >> theisre a number of angl es fothr e question. one is the physical idevence foe thpassion itself that shs owhe did die and the rrresueconti. we have the empty tomb and we believe e thbody is inheaven and it was nrise spirllituay and tactilely. on rth, cwean't point watord a bo in e thsee nsof bones and wh raiemns. ain see,ns for caicthols,ha tt is eviedenc. thwi the insats, weusually veha a ecpie of th eir body >> re. lics >> we arree lics. we don't ha ve
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relics for jesus or the virgin mary d anwell, if it rewe all prodtiucon or fantasy were invention, there would be recsli. moerre siolyus, if u yolook at th roshud ofturin, foexr ample , which is enbe an teinnse areas of udsty scientifalicly fo r the last few decades. the res sultare intriguing, if no nvcoincing. for a ernumb of peleop on the amte, itwas engh to convert to the thcaolic faith. the erare so manypowerful signats th point in very much the same directionn d in some it is stlyrong th heotr wathy wi ocradiarn bo dating which saidit was from 1350et somhing. there is
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conflicting enevidcebu t the scnticif approach is to oklo at all of the evceiden and inuded in any vi tableheyor. sanot y werenot ingog to y pa atten ntioto that and come up thwi a theory atth ignores e th data. e scientist has to have all re lentva data and so far it's noa t coirnfmed theory. there is not hingto explain l althe datavi conncgliny and tome th atis the state of science and itis a befuautil inthg, i think. the entry again people become passteiona ouabt whether they are for itor against it and they workit t.ou >> host: and their are philosophicaesl qutis,on or at t leashistorical an ilphosophical. one is that it was a myth veinnted later. t,bu th teaching was clear fr om the beginning ofhr cistianity? >> yes, when you oklo at rleay sos urcelike lu keand the acts
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of e thapos tlesand debiscring first the gospel and into e th acts, it is descngribi e th ev tentshat unfold in naming hi sticoral events and teitieors and its ia pretty bo nafi de orhistic nalarrative. fo r the times, people take it se rislouy as much as josephus. obviy ouslwi ththe spen bd,ut yo u take it seriousld y annot as anovel. this genre of the other spgoels likee thgospel of thomas and pethter at came in the d-mi second century was there was a nrgee arndou and it multedipli u t weare tainlkg ouabt a diert engenre with ancient tes.xt d it is the hiorstical point of kelu's focus and then firs riconthians was early stuff. h>>ost: ulpa's iseptle was itten at50 or 60 and the er
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were witnseess l stilarndou. and the objection thatit was an itinvenon d ana nscopicyra g amonthe early follerows to at? s wait to padersue the wo rld? >>then t nolingo switch to is it cred ible athat ougrp of people that were amg onthe stmo innsteive ouabt the commant dmen not to arbe fawilse tnses, wod ulthey have all cideded to bear fae lswitness tothgeer and be hypocrit licaliars. it is possiblet bui dot n'think it is credleib. theyve ha a ristct code of hietcs which idsa don't tell lies or evenhealruth tes. you lay down yourlife r fotrthe uth th. e martyrs could have ealysi engott out with being iequt in the face of coryntra stenatemtsu t eyth felt thnee ed to be y sathe truth and be edkill f or . it there is that ndki of apologetic fornoce t to accept that.
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>>i think that is an accurate recounting of the earlhiy story no one recanted jesus' rrresueconti and people died espousing it. i don't know if e viewers are aware but after three surrection e theris a pretty healthy stpo- resurrectinaon rrivate in the riptures. e thacts of the apostlesd aneven the gospels abt ouwhat jesus did. they coreunted his works ou peaparances at the time and they recounted r theiown weakness and do ubt. literarily, it isre impsseiv to me. ptscriurlyal, is that ring true ? >> tharere e earlury chch ap oletogics that these people we resut bjecto self-crismtici. and some people like peter who let everodyby know he fleaid in s hih.fait >> host: and the forfiwises asr
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a social statust tha did t no : we llwi ta keanother brf iebreak and th wenhen we return we will spe akaiagn with thfaer john etbotcr.he
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>> hoselt: hlo and welcome ck. we areintalkg thwi fathern joh boettcher about the resutirreconf ojesus of zanareth. sta hioralic discussionh wit many angles. it s habeen e th chiaristn ctdorine to budenk or sirest it, but dwhato we t gefrom it? wh at is impoanrtt about it? y whdoes it havece a ntl ra place in our liregis oulife? >> cabeuse it is a ngtaib le alreity, first they see jesus risen and they inthk it is a ost and eyth paget ni.cked and they get y readto eat and ts a piece ofh fiswithey hon . ghost t don'do th atso we must obekay anitd is thsomeintag ngible. he ate it and that detrmonsates the mahun and bodily preesenc. i libeeve
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th is important. r bo dyis a focus and the way wehave paiossns, th eywere afraid. you look inthe resurrec tionacuncots and you e sethe emotthion er e. you see arfe and y joand amazement ngcomi t ouin a way th atmost of the gospel it is no t there. the eris not that ki ndof ioemotnainl tensity. >> hostif: god bemeca man d an took on human form, then he suffers a mahun death but he ovmeercos itin isth way. i fi nd it unimagleinab a ndi can't imagine whathis risen body was. asit settles inth urchch cudoments? >> he disappears all of the ensudd t buit is a talengib byod . does rothw us off beecaus it wodn 'tfit the no mrmalytorh wheratev. the rules for how heca n do
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whev iert is he is doing. >> host: 'sit a diy splaof d'gos power but 'sit displayed mostdely. heme cos d anhe goes and he kns owhis llfoows erand he talk s tothem. nothing spectar cularerdcoed in the spgoels. >> even during his life, he didn't appary entlhe alanyone or work miraclftes aer the rrresueconti. >> host: and you played christ and the passion play in kela county. 'sit an insttereing angle to emdybo the rspeon. y>>eah, it was an amazing ex peenrice and i had justcome ba ckfrom a pilgrimage in israel. i had enbe there for weeks livianng d wag lkinand slngeepi where jesusls ept and ithen wentto e thpassion playin geanrmy. a betiauful outdoor dratamic
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prtioducon. then i asked to be n the role ofchrist which is every may thire thd sunday. e therare people honorseback and flocks ofoa gts and it is big. inatth play, stju th aatmazing side view of richstit wh the fferings and carrying cra oss . i stinsiedn oa full-sized d fully lisod urfo by 12 crosics whh igwehed po110 unds. i dndi't veha to fake that it was alrely heavy. withthat experi aencend the suffgserin of the gre acof the resuecrrtion and se eingthe shockwave of l al go throh uge thauendice. this wa s a realim pacton the joy thatwas erthe. itar sttemed inthki angbout why
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. why did jesus coacme bk? it fowas r thulat fl convincing hunma relation shipof a body emedbrac. there was a certn aipoint in the pl aywhere i go to my mom, ma and you know, this is my son dan you know, it was a be aufutil moment anryd ve ioemotnaanl d affirmativ e. if you look at dithe scleips, be foreth atthreey a scared d an hidiinng the upper room. r afte they encounter jesus risen, they e arready to gont io the world with nsintee zeal h whic th dn'idt have befo. re the bodily enpresce of cthris inconvced of emth beyond a shadow of ubdot. th were with m hifor ysda and
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w nothey e arready to roll. >>stho: you are a chaplain at a state unsiiverty, are th ey intere stedin this or is th surerrection a moreif dficult donectri tn hayou d woulexctpe? >> it's syea to libeeve he sufferedd aneddi and that is etty much an historical point butht e rin separtye, ah. e theris a grearut mor ar ound young peleop mtoedatite and to be inthe espren ceof atwh we ll the blessed crsaamt enor the host icwhh we nscoectera durithng e mass webelieve it is the myst ical body ofhr cist. it esdon't looi ket i, but atth is real lyhim and it is ckta teil. that sense of a physical and real presence at also s haa spitirual power to get, that is inigtruing for h e unyog adul tsof today. it provesid a lot of gusto.
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>> host: i hear about this with our yoh utminister who arranges e adoration icserves. iits deep for people to get away om the gidital world and be al one with god. we haveone nuteft le and i would keli to thank u yofor being withs. u wh isone or twothings that thewe viershs ould take away fr omthis usdiscsi? on >>i would say it's an intruiigng mystery woand rth the atntteion we gi veit. there is tada out therthe wi the sh roudof turin and the emy pttomb and thade we clm aithat jesus is withus w and there are physical nifestationshe of algsin and gsthin atth jesus edus to do. and also e thpassion of that event. such joy in such stngreth and such ability to co mmerisate because we veha tshi joulyf sustenance. let uryo
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sspaions loose and t gecurious angod r foit. >>st ho: thank you and thank you for joining us onthis ecspial easterme thed presenontati ouabt the reecsurrti onof jesus christ.
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firerkwos go off in san ancisco as tithe cy rings in the new year. ap>> hpy lunar yenew ar . >> we try to do everything aubetiful. the police have identified the man they arrested for firing blank rounds near worshipers at a san fransc


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