tv Face the Nation CBS February 5, 2023 8:30am-9:00am PST
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andt' isll apy s versuspy s stuff,an d, you ,know orve time eth spyer vsu sspy stuffds ten toce canl itself out. eon dayp, u one day down nlw. what doou y actualleey s from 0060,0 feet? 'swhat thean advta. ge >> back in the day i wtenp u in eth backt sea of a 2.u- up there it's notik le being in an airline or higher. you canua actlly see trvcuature of the earth. 'rtheyeot n looking strtaigh out bu out and all around them and sending thoseic ptures upo t a tellite. th rayeling it dnow to a ound station w aheren intellceigen anastly isch wating in realtime. a u-2 is aat greel intlincgee
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cotillecon platrmfo. it's got one prm.oble anybody with a missile ttha can get up to 60,000 feetan c shoot it down d,anco of ur,se that tu rned out to be the balls oon' problem as well. >> be which indicateshi ts could the obprlem. thes msage from the adnimistration toe dat has been it wasn'tll reay a threat. seff oteions. hemp mr.diats t tin lower the tension but you've seen that chinese statement. ere's edge. >> says we reserve the right for furrthe responses. let's see what they are. se andnother llbaoon? is the u.s. going toho sot it do wnig rht away? or i think more torreimportantly startio serus harasensmt of amican reconnaisesanc pnelas th fly aunrod periphery of ch ina? filg diploma tic
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complaints a boutit. i would nanot wt to be fglyin the ntex mission adroun the periypher of incha. the question, will the u.s. provide armed escorts for those renncoaissance planes and what happens if somene chise fighters ow up and you have a confrontn?atio >> david, aslwayer sobing to talk to you. k thanyo fuor yourre porting. wet wan too g now to dallas, xates, joined by republican nator tedz. cru good morning to you, senator. good morning, marg.aret >> so this balloon tverarsed 11t at,es but the pentagon ssay ey were ableo tig mitate some of its ctimpa. do you think there is a unp side to the factha tt this was caurpted this time? >> well, stlien, i wtan to start doginom sething i dono't d very ofn. whic ihs cominmendgoe j benid for actually hav tinghes gut to shoot th iswndo. thatas w theig rht thing to do. th is absolyutel what the pridten shouldav he done. unfortuny,atel heid dn't do that
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until a weekft aert i entered u.s. aicerspa. alwe ad full wkee for the eschineo ton cduct spying operationsr ove t uhenited atstes, over sensitive marility inaltilaons, einxposgot nt jus photogsraph but potalenti of inrcteepted comnimucations and re oabrdly, i think this entire edepiso telegraphed akweness to xi and the chinese gornntme. i ask one hotyphetical esqutionm age inhow this would heav ayed out if nobody had taken anytu picres of theal bloon jo nobo idyn monnata looked up noticed this giant balloon? if it 'twasn in the news.we kwno when the bid en adminitistraonne kw about the banlloo tyhe said nothing, did thing, didn'oot sht itdown. end of the day i think t ohenly re tasonhey shott i down is because iadt me itnt io the news dan felt forced to as aat mter ofol pitics rather thanio natnal
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curity. aad b messageor f thehi cnese govern tmento he. ar never hapdpene qteui like is. 2020 trump aindmistration sh utretedne chise csuonlate in hotousn after detngecti espiagone. doesre the ndeeo t be mor deep a ke falltou ont thaca sle now? >> ihi tnk there does. when t therump admtrinisatnio shut this ial tke pdi pompeo about rrdie out in the state of tes xaby the csehine govenernmt was horrifying. right now there is a ,text a litical isproner. a hgeosta in incha. be trehe ten years. isth past we iek irontduced a relusotion on the floor othf e tesena anglo with john cornyn te leeas him. gfwronul ilyn prison, ten years. tespenns hedim to death on chargestl liteo tno kw evidence
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and asked aynton bnklien to raise he be beleased. ch iina,fhe ty want to demonstratey' there notad b actors and can aspire to being a great natn iotheyel rease him be cae usgreatow person d't hold litical >>ai rsed to si n sxi jinping. >> yeou'r onhe t repubcalin co mmteite and a dad. you know how hard toee kp kids off kttiok. dolownaded 200 mliilon ngtimis. uyo think it's onespiage. are weas pt theoi pnt of a ban? so eedmbdedou y can't get rid of ?it >> look, tkikto is incredibly you're rhtig with our kids, if yo huave teerenags, if youav he
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ki idsnun jiorh hig or high scolho, they're all using it. and the degree to which they ha ve infiledtrat our children is really stdiurngbi. lotsf o problems whit it. oblems in terms of the messaghees ty're pushing on young .kids dybo image messafoges r girls in paulrticar prosblem with eatgin disorders, pngushi o mneessage after heanotr. messages of -hselfarm, the algorithms push self-harm me ssesag on young girls. seestu disrbgin fesigur among teageners. on topf o that espionage skri. chinesove gerennmt has aesccs to lal inforonmati tiktok collects. i think it is a riseous,io serus atthre. tell you on the crcommee committee i a'velrdyea satn dow with each ofhe t republican mbers on the committee to ask them tirhe pitriories and there was cnsonseus on this side of the aislet thaoc fusing seriously on tiktok is a real ioprrity andot a l ofem docrats ve conedcern as well. >> as ban or forcee sal of it?
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>> well, i think all of the options aren o the tae,bl and i will tell you i encouragear mia cantwellhe, tem docrat chairw ioman tnkhi it makes seens early on for us toe hav a arheing on tikto aknd examine thesare hms direlyct. how it's hurting our ksid and unindermesat nional security. i said, both rubeplicans and democrates ar very concerned about the impact of tiktok. >>hodul america restrict u.s. mpaniesro fm investing in cheines indieustrsnd a key te chlonogy sectors? >> we,ll ink thi we sulhod be doin ag lot to deliurnk o supply chain from china. make it so we are not denepdent on a.chin we saw during the pmiandec one of theor maj chisene state-owned newspapers teahrtenedo t cut off life-saving phmaarceuticals, arhet medication,ha tt people depend upo anndak mes no sense o rs u to lveea the lives of amanerics tathe whim of the inese vegornntme. >> yeah.
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>> i'lll tel you, in the last co ngssre i intcerodudn a enamdment on the floor of the se na tteo block the united stesat governmentm fro pusirchangle ectric vehic olesr erbattie tshater we mufanactured usingve slaor lab in coennctration campns i a.chin >> t.righ >> china has over 1li milon uighurs inon cceranttion camps danad sly when we vedot on it, everyem doctra but one, butoe j man,nchi voted no. ri nghtow theid ben ad mistnirati,on it isne o of the latrges customers in the world fothe concentration campst tha are carrying on murder and torture r nightow in china. at doe msn'take any sense and 's not right. >> nar,to i want tosk a you autbo thsomein hgere at home. you intcerodud ail bl to limit termso t two siarx-ye termsn i offi fceor nasetors. why aren't youol hding youelrsf tot thata sndard? yosaid you'reni runng f aor third term? stlien i,'m aas psionate defendfer o term milits. i think congress would work mhuc better ifry eve senateror we li
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midte to two terms andve ery house mbeemr to threete rms. trinoduced a conutstitiolna amend non ptut that into the ticonstuonti. >> you're st illrunning? >> if andhe wn itas psesil wl ppily ve sraid i'm going to unilaterallymp coly. >> are youun rning for idpresent? >> when s thewamp isdy rea to leave washinngto i will be more than happy topl comy by t sheame les that apply for everyone bu uilnt then i'm going to keep ghting for 30 milonli tanexs beecaus tt'has the job they've ked me to do. >> you hea mrde ask if you're running for prenesidt? i>>'mni runng for re-elec tion to t henasete. there's aso rean i'm inex tas today. m not in iowa. in tes.xa fightingor f 30il mlion texans. >> all ghrit. anthk you vy ermuch. setor uzcr,or f yourim te datoy. >>ur> tnow n to demraoctic senator cory boorke in newark, e w jersey. good morning. >> tnkhas for hinavg me on. go odmorning. >> srtta with the newsf othe mo.ment markne warrlo felw democrat, twte ndo way the communist
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party of chinaou wld allow a balloon lik tehis to fly over the cnehise heard.tlan i wonder if you persoynall are conceritned was allowo ed t enter u.s. aacirspe aatll? >> well, aiagn, mark warner is right. we should not havead h this kind ofnc iursion ionthe t united states and have a real problem with chi onan a numofber iues s there huriman gh tsviolations, i olioatns international business law to chaenllges on tover spying. mi'ra gtelfu thathe t milarity took decisive anctio whenhe ty did and howhe tyid d but we obslviouyav he issues here a>>nd the issues with espnaioge you iicndated g ionto a nbeumr due t niol surecon cs bnetiktok, r foliaapp,n o vice yourom hete sta of new jyerse also put rtresictions in place. t you sllti use it persalonly.
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do teshat mean ttha you think 's too leat to go ahead and ban isth?it 's already on 200 million amaneric videces. is it just so integrated that espionage iset somhi wngeav he ivto le with? >> .no absolutely not. two ways to approach isth. one,ro pct aive step bnganni it onov gernment devices is thsomeing that the united states federal government'sdo ing. stes, even locitalies are doing. her way to go about this going directlyo tthe now working w uith.s. in teigllence f tolkso tryo t make sure ttha the proper precauti aonsre taken so the chese can gnotet access and use itor f spngyi. so thiss i something we have to take seriously. >> i want to a yskou abouthe t meet ug had with fellow demos cratathe t white house urthsday ineg rard to police reform. at agreementsid d you all come up with, and is it anything you cageret publicans ton sigon to? >>weir o allin i want exprethmie ly ofyre a horr,
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being aten, andnt eveuayll die as a rtesul of his wounds. th sishould not happen in the edunit stetas of america. and so'm i grate tfulhat the esident has taken decisive tion in the last congreitss wh an executive but falls to ngress to find a bipaanrtis waory fwa trdo make sweure are doing what is necessary tose rai lice standards and prsiofesonisalm, to createor me transpar aencynd antccouabitily inme arinca cipoling. iel bieve we can find a way is going tbeo moreif dficultin a divided congress, but i libeeve that aen momt like this, a moral moment like isth, requires decivise acti.on >> llwe, we' bveeen through molom ments before, and negotiations have failed, as theyid d whenal tking to your reblpuican colueleag tim sco tt ba in 20.21 he says tshiou hse pgrroessive o lice reform bi,ll i assume he
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megeans or fgeloyd sacont w't g anyw bhereut an impsiasoned chspee wanting solutiohans tt will make a re grants, more de-caeslation traini angnd duty to ierntvene trai.ningis tshi a srttaing p fointor talks? >>bs aoleluty. i'eeve bnal tking to people on bothid sesf othe aisle, bhot sside of the capitol,ou hse of reesprentatives annd i the senate. there is a pathway fwaorrd and m gngoi to be tesirels and not stop until we doig snificant th tingso make amecarins safer, d toak me our picoling dastanrds higher. i'm not standing alonen o thet fac we have picole les,adea rgtes union ttha rreepsents matyjori of cepoli,ha tt we have enbe able toe com together on rtbipaisan idlsea. the'ers a patayhw forwardug thoh i'm sob iern a dividedgr cones s aboutli abityo t get itdo ne, tainlkg to tim scoowtt n autbo this? >> i don't think tim scott and i havepp stoed toalngki. to be clearim t and i a proven a
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rtr ieinship. you did stop negotiates a ye aarnd a half ago. are you renewing osthe gotiations? >> again, tim and i have not stopped tag.lkingu ysha tt haveot gten rtoppounieits on liseglation gotten cnarimil jusceti reform nedo. may have stopped formal neatgotiio bnsut he and i are actualfrly ies.nd might ben i differearnt pti es and disagrnee o a hostf o stuff but rtyeali were a twock bla men with awful eiexpernces withaw l enforct,emen law enforctemen adleers say are unjust. >>ac ikn 2021, hardit whheetr to hold indivlidua ofcefirs accoulentab r,fo or the entire police department ac cotaunble,iv cilly for picole miscon.duct lindsey grah tamweet tsense, be if youun r a besusins and prucode a pduroct yeou'r responsiblore f your actions. me should be true for police
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department hise offering you the start he ref o sothmeing? >> i've had nvcoersations, meinetgs with lindsraey gha imn thisgr cones ass llwe.he is someb todyhat agreesh wit me. erthe is common sense youan c't have accabountilyit withoutse conquceens when things wrong. wehodulin defityelee agr that thingse' wreee sin tgooen oft now,ec bause of body camerasnd t hermi filnge hav top sto in our country. this is wrong. i'm happyha ttav i he republican collea aguesgr teehis is wrong d we're tryg into work so meinthg out. i'm going tono ctienu with it an dra gtelfu for thesi predent of thete unid atstes toem mbe rs ofheou hse of rreepsentatives like cgronessional black caucus. we're deterd minetoet g something done. y it be a big comehprensive ibilln this congress? might be .hard but we can find wtoays meak thin gsbetter. >>enorat booker, thaounk y for your time thimos rnin g. we'll be back in a numite.
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aystit wh us. >>nnncouer: cbs new s"face the naonti with margaret banrenn" sunday on cbs. (o th meroney manager ) dierffent how? yo u sell high iscommsi on investmeront pdus,ct right? (other moneyag manerts) )well, you muarst en mmcoissions onde tras. he(fisr veinstments) r neveatis fher. er(oth meyon manager) , okth yenou probably k sneain some hidded n anlareyed fees. is(fher investmes)nt no. we suctrture our fee s so dweo better wh cenlients do be.tter mthatig bhte why most o f ouclr ients corome fm heotr money mana.gers at fisinher vemestnts, we're rlcleay ffdierent. what if yoreu we a major transit emsyst with billions of passeerngs tangki millions of tr ips y everyear yoenu ar't autbo to let any cyttberaackslo sw you down. so youar ptner with ibm to bui a security arctehicture to keep dyourata,et nwork, an plapicatio pnsrotected. now u yocan tackle threats so thedoy n't bring you to ari gnding halt. and everyone's goingla pces, inclg udinyou. let's tecrea cybseercurity th at kpsee your businesons track. ibm. let's create >>
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> good news this week. nghiri surged last month,ut b there may be a dnow side. mark strassmann reports. >>epteorr: notce sin t nheixo er may 1969, has an american president watched unemployment indwdle so low. 3.4%. despite big techs lesatt oobldbath, pinkps sli galore at azon, google and microsoft eramican labor ovalerled add mo than a half million jobs la stmonth. gaining jobs, eagrt, but in te rmofs flination, intteres rates,ef dinitely love to see at improve over theex nt year r>>epor bter:uthe t szlizing job marketpl comicates the fed's mission. bludgeoningla inftion with hi igherntesert rates. inflation'ts a 6.5% compared to this timeas lt year dnowm fro theun je peakf o 9.1%. e fed raised its benchmark
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rate byno ather qeruart pntoi last wednesday. its eighth hike in 11 ms.onth expect rateso t go up again in the months ahead. >> we willd nee substantially re evidence to be confident that infonlati i osn a susedtain doward path. reporter: thosees latt economic develntopmes do lite tl tom cal millions of amers.ican ahead of tuesday'sta ste of then ion dradess, our new cbs news poll shows ripples of xn i ten ameri bcanselveie the onomy's contidion is bad. peimm isin place over the last .year amongll a amicera's challen ges are a pollt tha says our top priotyri, lowering inioflatn. the of four people worry aboutit most. >> i think youev ner fully stop lding your brehat when you see espricoi gng up. reporter:ve or the next yea r ourol pl shows rghouly six in ten americans expect the economy to be in recessi oonr slowing. ma evyderayri amecans are sweatinghi ts economy. instability generates
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cuinseri. ty >> fallen apart. weee nd to rebuild it .up i tdon'no kw what the exact answer is. >> reportet'r: is vexin bgecseau of all the esguswkorinvo. rts,or all of us. fo "face the nn,atio"'m ik mar strassmannn i atlanta. >> >nd a we'll be right back thwi a lot remo"face e thnaonti."ay st wusith . athatncient roman e no . he's making real-time momoney ves with merrill. so no mattt er whathe 'smarket d, oinghe's ready. th and a''s... yohow u collect coins. your monerey nev s wtopsorking u for yowierth mrill, a banker of amicmpa coany. amere hbecause they lu revotiizedon immunotherapy . i our monerey nev s wtopsorking u for yowierth mrill, i herame because awthey s h canowcer tadaptso fferdient oxygen alevelsndtarv sed it. i am here e becausth swieytched off enegfr ge tatimuon and stopped owthe grth of tumor. cells there's placa e that's mang ki one advancceed canr scovdiey after anotr her fo75ears y. eri am he... i am here.... beca duse ofanrba-faer. e what wdoe herchanges evlives erywhere.
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i eram he. r if youmotedera to severe s crohn'dieseas or uatlcerive colitis sy are ngstoppi y ou in your tr.acks.. ch oosela stera® ® tfromhe s..tart. and move toward relief after the first dose... with injection s y evertwo months. arstela® may inc ryourisk of infections, some seriousca, and nc fo bere treatment, teget sted for tb. telldo your ctf or iyou have i annfonecti, flu-like sympt sores, newn skigrow have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. presra, a re, potentially brfatal aindn coition, bemay pos some serious allergic reactions and lung infiolammatn can occur. feelpp unstoab as dk yourochotor w lasting remiss cat n starwiteth slara®.
8:56 am
n janssecalpn he you explore cost suppoiort optns. k thinheos's pting about all thncat aient roman coinage? no . he's making imreal-te money moves erwith mri so no mattt er whathe 'smarket d, oinghe's ready. th and a''s... how you cot lleccoins. ur yo money never sortops wki for you wirith merll, a bank of americana compy. bure se to t une in for special coverage of pderesintbi den'sta ste uft un aionddssre tuesday starting an 8:00 p..m on smitreangnd a 9:00 othcbe s brasoadct network.
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medium lhaatte, lff,-caf no foam. quitpee the rsizonaled order. i know what .i like ing to askou y, . doesour firm o frsrpeonalized indexti invesng? hmm? ri doesour firm o frsrpeonalized indexti invesng? gins ssand lo to be more eftax ficit?en not a wizaitrd eher. looks likewa sch b personaliznded iexincag n. schwaaab! learmon re about personadlize indexing at hwscab tod >> > we'll beig rht back with garyoh cened l the natiolna econicom cncouil uernd pr esenidt --
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t>>he race for02 the 23 pbr rlwodit tle heats up as the ason appacrohes the midway point. >>qu kaiean c do the n worongt a the moment!93 points! nan crew the alvidrez in bactok back weeks. fferten year, same leme. >> the best bulls on the planet continue to cast big momennts o the dirt. >> oh! almost defies the laws of tunare. >>le whi four cowboys have emerged ashe t elyar front-ruernns. >> our world
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