tv 60 Minutes CBS February 5, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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cbs celebrates black history month. >> the managingir dect herb of thnt iernational monarety fund released an eyene-oping report on theea hlth of eth glloba ec onyom this past we.ek and thaten s dn owwith us. >> the biggestur spreis is ttha the pictu wrehile it remains very concerning is lessir de thtan i was just twoon mths ago. sot iis not much better. it ists ju ls esbad.
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tshi former prosecutor says doldna trump's own fciinanal stematents prove he lied to nkbas by ila his rea estamp ee by bilf doars. says h bossoueer aft h ard witeseca ou ye tak exactam se conduct and meak it not about donald t arumpndot n about a fo rmersi predent of uthenid te atstes, would the case have been indicted? it woulde hav been indicinted a flat second. >>ev> erybody odgo? >> in l.a. we met the red hot chi ilpeppers at the roxy on the sunset strip wrehe theyol td us ju astshe ty conneitct wh audien tceshe cyonnect with each other. >>he t way jazzla pye prslay and the wayha tt basketball players pl.ay lepathically undsteranding wh to go, when toov me when to do that. >> we'reup sporting each other sa time. evyas h different wsay of doing that.
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we h'llavyou e saying... wh am i a...big deal?... because it'b's a g al,de wh gen youet big a deal. wayfr deaials bigso tha yotu miiiight get h a bigead. be cae wiusth aale sthisig, b u cayon get your drefaam so f halorf the price. shop wfaayir's big furnitsaleure n!ow ♪ wayfair, you'veot g just what i ne♪ed du, dewhat're you doing? m otprecting my car. th'sat too much work. weathertech is so much easier... laser-measedur floorliners here, pseatroteorct and cargoliner baheck tre.. nice! out here, wsideindo deflectors... and mud fls.ap.. and the stbumpep, to keep the erbump denfrt-ee. cool! it's thet besprottiecon for yoehur vicle new or-o prewned eagrt. but whdoere i-- order. sfx: bubblp ewrabubb lpopped sound.
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inretest rates again this ptas we aek, war rinagg in ukraine dan china opening up. we wdeonred autbo thelo gbal economy. so we asked kriinstala george yeahvirginia. g usintoai blut o countries drowning d inebt and iuesss quarterlyor repts that wldor lead aersndan bkers rely on and analyzhees t ecominoc hhealt of arly 020 couns.trie the last imf report in oobcter
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pain ated direic pturef o the gl obalomecony. mangnagi director georgieva was making doom and bloom predicstion of a dark feutur but the simf'ew n report on 2023 issuhied ts past week haser h optimistic sowhmeat. >> the biggest surispre is that etu picre while it remnsai veryon ccerning is less deir th iant wast justwmoo nths ago> ware e still going for a year of slowing growth. are still g toingo veha inretest rates relivately ghhi, causela inftionn' hast evatapored. so it is not much ttbeer. its i just less bad. t>>heor rept says,e' wre going to go down generally,he t rlwodn d then we're going toas ee ?up >>s thi is what were a expecting see.
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at ilanftion probably wldou nkshriro fm 8.8% in '22 tous jt ightly over 4% in 2024. >> so tell usbo aut the predic ftionor the. u.s onecomy. >> the enomy is also going to slow down this year, buatt least based t onhe data wee hav today, we think.s u. dwoul bee abl too g touhrgh the year naryrowl avoiding falling into recession. > dsoe ttha mean a soft landing? >> that means asi posbityli fora stof landing f torheni uted atstes what autbo owoyarpl e?ndem nt eaof yrs ito seeom sewhat erweakor lab maetrks, but let's be very clear. we are notca sred of someig b unemploy wmentave swiping rothugh theni uted st.ates >> so what isou yr adviceo t the
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s.u. fed? sh touldhecoy ntinue raising ras? >> our advice to theed f is to t ay theou crse untile cor atinflio sntartstr seaming wndo. >> now, thiss ixt erelyme imanporttha wt you're ngsayi, because the fed, leik all the otheinr fanalci inutstitio,ns renly ohe t imf res.port >> the fed haso t be very careful not to startin easg fiianancl conditions atpremury.el >> w ahatbout american pols?itic i'mpe saking ofhe t debt ceiling ifspeciclyal. shouould y fracto that in? are you assinumgt tha the united esstat could go into default, be cae uscongssre refuses to lift thet deb ceilg?in >> aau deflt of u.s.ou wldse cau siifgnicant damage tohe t glloba ecomony, but if youk loo at hi sty,or usually after a lot of back and h,fort a solution is
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inbeg found. so i put my hope and trust that historyld wou be repeated s>>o your assioumptns ithat unthe thkainble won't ha?ppen >> to beor me open-minded, that theunthkainble can happen. enev more so, the warn i uke,rain and thiss i why it is very impor ftantor eryvebody coerncned to take this co nvsaertion very seriously. it would be very damaginorg f conmersf i u.s. defatsul. at would push intertes rates up, and if people don't like inatflion today, ty'here not ggoin toik let i at all what maa ppen torrmoow. >> kstrialinaeo grgvaie is the first imf director from an emergingke martin havg grown up he in sofia,ga bulria under
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communism. todayhe t olden lin menonumts haveee bn moreved to a remote engard museum, but sheef rused too see them with .me >> wheren we youro gwing ,up hi school,er we you a mmitted communist? >>bs aolutely not. soablutely not. myam fily was notty par memrbe a mi. ly >> repr:orte leif was rdha. at 15he s started wor ikingn sosfia' mnai food rkmaet, still ere today. >> my very first duty was caag te,o clean it and put it on display to be attractive. >>ep rorter: the familyad h ttle, buthe s remembers a happy childhood. >> iou wld beom cing home fmro hool. we lived onhe t first floor, and the windowsld wou be open, and i wodul heary m fathernd ay m mother sig.ngin
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g[ ng[ siinnog n-english ]. he>> s a hnder brother still remember the w.ords tough as itas w undermu comnism inthgs got even worsehe wn the so uvietni oncollapsed. n>>othing in the stores. noing. would getp u at0 4:0 in the rning ty o bumi flkor my daughter and in the mid-'90s ination bec sameoad b that ultetimaly 0%2,00 a arye. >> ,oh my d.go >> itip wed out people's sa >> she learned emiconocst a the karl marx initstute in sofia, tbu as the sovierit gp loosened sheas w free to commit to catapilism winning a scholarship stud any london, then m.i..t eoi jned the worldan bk as an econ romicisg into ceo, and in 19 hd eaof t ihemf. rfo her, the war inkr uaine is a
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chilling echo of the past as russncia oe aiagn menaces one of its neighbors. gegioreva had a psoernal reasono y.worr her broerth was living in kharkiv. i>> would be calling m,hi and i can hear that bombsre a infallg. i can hear it on the e.phon >> whas t waitik le? >> tlaransto ir:t iso s diicffult to explain. it is like desibcring to bosomedy who is blind whathe t lor red is. t>>he imf has lten ukrneai $2.7 billion and s sheays is filinazing a progroam ten sd more. >> ukrneai lost a third of its onomy, and ukraine will continoue t be rustggngli, because ofhi ts ovunproked invasion. when you did your rtrepo, how di ydouac fto irn the war? >> we etxpec that the war wouldo
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ntuein, but the most si gnicifant impact heof t w ar that was food and energy prices jumping ups i going to be felt less in 2023. europe has done an excleelnt joo e fre itselfm froen depdeync on rsiusan oil a gndas, and by dog inso, they reducedhe t emium onri pces that cesom from uncertainty. >> but thear w has sent food, elfu and fertingliziri pces way up on four conttsinen. the imf warns thiss i a disaster on top of a dteisasror f many veloping nations, as they borrowedxc eesvesily during covid and a growing nr umbeju st can't itpay >> we risk to get to a point whereou cntryer aft country af tecor untry falls thoff e cliff and then cesreat condition afor crisis.
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this is becoming aer vy pregssin e.issu 60% of loinw-come criountes are at orea nr that distress. 60 >> so weav he the u.s. dollar. exeltremy rostng right now. how imuchs that feeding into e problem of btde? >> veryfi difcult for emerging rkets and devopeling econs.omie their cncurreies igimane you haveh higev lel of dtebha tshi tsol dlar dominates,er intest rate goes up and your curre gncyoes down. >> and so their debt pntaymes are higher, but the bigstge creditor of theseev deloping na tison i'tsn the. u.sit 's china,ch whi has handde out $1 trillion in loansal to mo st 150 countries told bui adros, rtpos ando s on. >> chinave or the yea hrsas been reluctant to negiaotte on their loans,nd aor fgive anlos.
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>>ou y'reol absutyel ghrit. china has pro aivctely skee st ruurctally ofhe tse debt obtiligaon s. chinebap" and beenna led to keeo unietrs indebted to them so that theyan c apply policital pressure and make them behdeoln to a.chin >> chiasna h to change its polici bes,ecseau low-income coieuntrsno cant this is when the stinra from yyo ur- -infrastutrucre comes - w-e are working to brilldi creto frsrom advdance ec onieoms new cdirets,ch ina, saudi ariaab, india, as well ash eri pvateec stor and putm the oundhe t tab wleith the better countrie awere going toe b in ngbaaloren
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india, in e ondf ferybrua. >> has china agreed to attend >> china's going to partitecipa at the level of minisrte of nance and the governor of people's bank of a.chin >> georgieva tveraled theld wore etingch ina's premiernd a her leaders to arrange this sthioric debt roundtable. a big win for theea hd of the im bauecse as theew n report potsin out, the world is fragmeg.ntin >> this oizrganatnio was foundef ter world warii. it wasn i operation thrghouhe t cold war. andn the through globalization. e we inhe t midst of deglobalizn?atioan ds it idestabilizin t>>his is really -- problematic r our future, because a agmented worsld i pooanrer d less se.ecur we did asmssesen htow much would
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be the loss? st trade. if we tradees ls wit ehach her. if we break into blocs. that wldou take away $1.5 iltrlion from theld wor year teafr .year >> do youon csider fighting deglobalizatasion yr ounumber e priority? i do consider making theas ce for an integrated economy our mariin poryit datoy, but let me beer vy fair to youeur globatalizion as we hav beuilt it over theas lt three decades wasn't perfect, and weer we slo to admit that there were winners, but there werels ao lorsse. unless we fix atth,nl uess we pay attonenti and we are nehosth o benefitsho w esdon't, and correct it, globatilizaon will
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have its i>>s it a plust tha you came from binehd thero in curtain?ho w does i htelp you? >> i learned theos ct ofad b pocilies, and how devtaasting theyre a to ordinar ypeoplend, a howou y can change a coursef o the emyhat i ults with negeralize d asmytheniara gvis who poare siti r foacetchyloline reptceor antibodies, it may flibul w the picturn gwith vyvga in a clinical iatrl, paiciptsan achieved improved daily abilities wiyvth vgartdd aed to their curreneat trtmen and vyt vgarhelp edclinical trial partintcipas ac hievree duced muscle weakness. arvyvgt mainy crease the rif sk oinfeioctn. ain clinical study, thmoe st common infectnsio
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were urinarary tct a nrespiratoracy trt inctfeions. ytellour ctdoor if you ha a hiorsty of infections or if hayou ve sptymoms of an iniofectn. vyvgart ca n causale lergicea rctions the most commoden si effects cl inude respirator tracint fection, he adache , d anurinartry act inctfeion. picture your life inot mion withyv vgart. a treneatmt designed using a fragntme of an antibody. k asyoureu nrologist if vyv cobeuld right for you.
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s i wabonrn o so the utdeh si of chicago. it has been a lod,ng roa nobut w i'm workring fo scab. i loheve to lppl peoe undendrsta the thworld rothugh eir lens d anin avestccordingly. yocan call us christmas evoue at fr'o'clock in tnihe morng. we're a gonnalwmaays ke s th at you have al l e thfinancial tools and supp sort toec uyour financial future. that a means l for ommy cmunity and for coevery mmy.unit
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o'nbrie aea yr ago. at one of mr. trump's real estean fincial res.cord agbrg's decision protempd veteran prosecutor mark rapoment tzo resnign i protest. pomezrant has a reputnatio for a ndngli complex financial imcres, and heol td us he doesn'tnd uerstandhy w hisea tm was spptoed from proceeding. toght, ylou'l hear what poramentzis dcovered in his instatigion and why he sllti th tinkshe d..a shouldro psecute the frorme psiredent on wha htea ys is a very sigcanifintas ce ofin fancial aufrd. >>ak te thexa ect sameon cduct and make it not about donald trpnd a not about a forrme president of thnie uted states, wodul the case haveee bn indicted? would heav bnee itendicd in a atfl second. >> you said in your resignation letter that agbrg's decision amounted to ara gve failure of justic >>yeah. d>>o you still bieelve that?
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>> slltiel bieve it. disagree w decisionse mad by eithrse boss? i me, anwhat makes this fferent? >> geniv all the eviedenc that we d,ha and that nobyod idsa, y,he the gusy' not guilty n>>obody said that. nobody everd sai that. >>ark pomerantz,ho w spent one yearxa emingni the former esident's annual fciinanal stematents and antccouing medocunt fsrom 1120 to 2020 said yoeverne on his team incoludde donaruld tmp lied about his assetso t appear wlteahier than he was to obtain loans to grow shi piemre. he used the money to buy the doral hotel in miami, refinance eth trumpnt iertinaonalot hel an d wetor in agchico, and to reno tvatehe old post of ficepr optyer in washingtd.on, c.
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>>t wha the iesnvtigation rmdeteined was that the finalncia statesment that were submittoted bksan for those syear were overte stad in each a se by laliterly bliilonsf o doar s.>> bliilons? >> billions of doarlls. >> how was his business empire dependent o onr influenced by these false atstemtsen? >> the financialta stements that he prerepad were given to the nkbas and had to be given to the banks iner ord to get the loans th he t.go so he got hunsdred of milslion of dollars of bkan financing in connectionh witma onyf his preropties. ou>> snd lsike you'rein sayg thatis h empi'sreui blt on lies? >> his empire was built on lies. aim saying th. at>>
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reporter:an pomertzs say the inveiostigatnn fou donald trump dricamatally infte theisqu mare. mar-a-la 4go,0l wal etstre, 7 spngris in keft cwest chestor ce w rkyo andol gf urcose, in der to bolerst his net worth. >> what youet g out of itas w a net wortruh tmp could aounnnce the wldor was aet n worth he wantoed t announce. >> theal tots i $8,737,540,000. inow,'m not doing that -- i'm not goingt tha tora bg, because you know what? i don't htoave brag. i n'dot have to. le libeeve it or not. >> rorepter: donald ptrum bragged of his wealth announcing shi presiiadentl campaign. his finalanci statements aret ah e heart of a satepare but sir milafraud case pending
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agnsait donut and others. the expinla demontestras nadold trump falsely infladte hiset n worth by billions of ardolls. >> reporr:te donald trump has calledhe t attneory genesral' case a politiy-calldreniv witch-hunt anden died wrgdoing. partly, he says, bseecau he paif fhe t loans. >> that doesn'tn mea the banks eary oka withal fse financial statements. >>e h paid off the what's the crime? theaw l is crystalar cleha tt u don't have to pvero ttha a loan wasn't repdai or that a bankos lt it's still a crime to lie to a ba tnko get a loan. >> rteeporr: peromantz has itten a book "ppleoe vs. doldna tru"mp published by our a rent company, and he ceam out of retiremento t join then
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rial cyril vance's investigationnd a former attorney interviewed miaechl cohen. n>>othing but the truth so help u god. >> . do >> >> rtrepoer w:hoes ttified fobere congress in 2019 about donaldum trp's financial prtis.ce >> turo yo knowledge did the esidentr o his companyve er atinfless aets or reve?nues >> yes. and was that done with the presiden kt'snoedwlge or di reioctn? >> everything was doneit wh the knowle adgend at the dirtiecon ofr. m trump. >> andha wt he told us in a nu tsllhe was tha hte had been in th roomit wh trump and with len weisselberg, who was the ocf of theru tmp ornigazation, andhe t cveonrsation involved do tnaldrump sayi,ng my net worth needs to be x. and so you start with a net
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worth ta,rget revseer gienneering? >>eer vse einngeering so that you comek bacnd a say, okay, boss. wee'v done yrou financial stematent, and it shows $5 billion. >>he ynou guys go out and figure out howo t addp u my assets toch rea this false nu mb?er >> an d it wasie easr to bump up aicertn assetsn tha other assets. sen springs, mar-a-,lago the triplex,si redeesnc. each of which, by the y,wa he meclaid to have a value in -- th was more than anybody had ever bought orol sd a private re sincdee for inhe t history o eth united esstat ever. >>ever? >> correct. b>>ut'v youe ldto us, i mean, he admitted, cohen's aon cviedct
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perjurer t>>hat's righ t. >> so how faran c his testimo ny go? >>nd a that's why it was so importanort f us to go to the unaccoting dontcumes. howyo do uno kw he's telling the truth? uyo know it because you see it t hecudoment s. r>>eporr:te he's tkialng autbo nadold trp'umscc aountgin cumesnt usetod al cculatehe t luef o the forrme presenidt's real esta.te some of wchhi mark pomerantz edshar with us. he relea tsedhem after theyer we made public in letitia james' lauit. ateytorn pomerantz said he did not share grand jury miaaterl with us. >> he saidt wenonor f reyears. wh watas the pattern? >> tablesetic vieard from prer ttyo prtyoper to property. what they hadn icommon was that theyer we disht.ones >>or repte tr:heou accntgin spreadet she valued mar-a-lago at $739 mliilo in 2018. but attorneney gera jlames nccoluded itas w onlrty woh
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about $75 million opalstmo ten stile ptar because he had geniv away the residentieval delmeopnt rights for a tax deduioctn. in westchester, newyork, trump's financial docenumts value delevopment rhtigs for his seven spri pngsrortpey at $161 miiolln in 2014. but pom- pomtzeranwn o develop ger vdalue ituc mh less. donald trump purchedas his golf coseur in jur,pite orflid fa,or $5 mliilon in 1220,ev sen mthons latern o hisin fanalci detocums vaedlu it at $62 iomilln. then fedil a lsuawit cimlaing hixes tas rewe too high. >> he n ootnly values it at 12 times what he pdai for, in his financial stematent, bheut tn he es theax t assessor saying, you had to know this coutldn' be
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rth more than 5, becseau that'sha wt i paid for itn i an m's lenhgt antrsaioctn. >> so whatie ts donald trump directly to this? you know, cldoun't he sayy accountant is i sigdne it >>hereere myit ecpies of edevince onhi wch we codel ry inak ming ttha seca. >> reporter: one of those pceies pontmerazwe shod ust par of a deheutsc bkann loa swihong trump personally verified his atements are cuacrate. e>> h wraarnts tha tthe fiiananclta stements are teru dan correct in all rimateal, ecrespts, nafill oy,f course, on the guaranteess i his sharpee significant donald j. trump. >> repor iter:n 2015 and 2016 accounting medocunts, donald trpis ltedis h fifthnu avee co ndinomium at ,03000 square fe et. >> but it wasn't 30,0 s00quear feet. it was 11,000 sarque at a's huge discrey.panc a huge variation.
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>> andom perantz showeds u back in 19,94 dalond trsiump gn ed condomminiu papeorrwk acleknowdggin the apartment's tual sarque ul iyt says rhtig here, that the seiz of the apamertnt is 10 z 1096 feet with his sigtunare right rehe. >> yeah. for the artpament that hees liv in, and built. >> reporter: in a smetatent to "60 teminus, a" lawyer for foerre psident trump, joe tacopisana, ysom perantz is falsely accusgintrump to sell a book. pedersuad eth former district rnattoey to provide e theviedenc to a graynd jur seek an dictmegainnt ast donald trump.>t oo often there two are standa ofrds justice. e for the rich and plowerfu andon cnected and aernoth for everyone else. mlv ain bragg and i'm running fo
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r manhattanistricrn cnge th. at >> repr:orte i jnanuary of 2022, alvin bragg, who camigpaned on a prom tiseo hold powerful new rkers accobluntae, was sworn in as the new mantthaan district torney. >> i, ainlvna leord bragg jr. >> rteeporr: accor tdingo pomerantz, texhe nton mth opstped hism tea from skieeng an indictmentf omr. trump. >> what did het wan you to ?do slow do?wn d he ever say atth? >> he ddi not say to slow down. never , saidi n'dot want to be rushed. thsere'ot n ehnoug meti.i need more time to study the facts. just, ok.ay you need a desicion. u'yoll get a decionsi. an the decision was, no. yo nu'reotoi gng forward. >> rteeporr: pomerantznd a the fiofce's gen ceralouelns carey nndue ptlrompy siregn.ed bragg reportedly had conce rns about the sentrgth of the case. >> we decided not tori bng any h arsge at that time, soha tte w cocould ntuein ournv iesgatition hwhic is wha wte're doing.
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>> reporter: in decbeemr d.a. agg won aax t fraud case agnsait the trump gaornization. heid dn't charge the former idpresent. but pomanertz said theas ce he developed against dd onaltrpum sh souldtill be launched. >> i know you have not spoken to alvin brg,ag but if you were to easpk to m,hi what wouldou y tell him? >>s thias w a reoightus case. youul shodri bng it. it's poimrtant. dan if you made the wrong cidesion, make ate betr decision. ep>> rorr:te in a statement to "6mi0 nutes" disictrt attorney alvin bragg says he adgree with nior procusetors in the oeffic o believed theyee ndetod vestigate fuhertr. at, he wrote us, is what his office hasti connued to do with grt ilskl and profesalsionism.
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mom. cange we t pua ppy, mom? please? pgirls,ete s ara big expense. aww. [ audience cheers ] e maybtry chswiting your r cainsutorance pesrogrsiv. you could saveed hundrs. [ audience lr aughte] an thks, tv dad. 'l wel k thinabout it, okay? look what d.i foun -a puppy! -a ppy! oh, no, no. sh i wi tdv da was aln ways ich.arge g [ dobarks, audienchte lauger ] listen to yodaur tv d. drivers who aswitchnde sav with psirogresve saeave nrly $700 on av (cy)ecil what's nsup, eite erast(einei who aswitchnde sav n) my network g hasonkae put! (cil y)oh, tryou ied to savbue a ckno it?
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(einstein) i got iwhat pd aifor. not maso srt. (cilecy) nah, youre' sllti a genius. b,ut ther amaer wo sa. (e ineistn) oh?! (cy)ecil itswch to verizoorn! f aim lited time, get welcome mi5?!n) oh?! (cecilany) d 'i's guaranteored f 3ea yrs! get welcome(einstn) ein)h?!ilbrliant! (cilecy) well, u yowoulknd ow. get welco(einststn) ein)hi'm swchiting! (cy)ecil i think the b'ke's probably faster. (vo) now heis t bt estime to swittoch vizeron. for just a $25 guaran fteedor y 3ears. i think the b'ke's probably faster. the savingats th on the netwoourk y verizon. that 's it, i'm going a d onunn'k' run. i'll do a du'nki'un r. yeah. me t.oo i will als o go on a dunn'k' run. kei li dutons. ti me for a du'kin'un r. ada d $1 donut to any me dium or larger ce.offe chevy ersilvado ctfaory-lifted tr.ucks wh ere will they take you? wi tthhe capilabity of a-i 2nch li.ft ♪♪ the veatrsility tofhe availae blmulti-exfl tailgate. ♪♪ and thcoe nnecti oonf a 13".” diagonal touchrescen.
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it screams ilstabity. add modens, ugdrs, and a broweakdn wngaiti to pphaen. thou esandxpinla durabilityf oe swivel aingmongen gres nkfu, pu nk, rock, rap, an deunrgunrod l. bandful tyhe broke thh.roug 40 years on they persist. nonadte ton fightor another amgrmy andoc rking in relevance for farar fther thanny aone would heav pricedted. nolet ast,he ♪ >> theed r hothi cli prseppe waed . us ethta sge is no pcela for bounridaes. allnt iensity andmp irozavition andap hpy chaos,h muc a band for the eye as r fothe ear. ♪ >> we saw them in naslehvil and
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at theti ausn citliy mits stfeival. ♪ >> the last spto ofir theos mt successf yulear of touring rtwoh of $200 million growth. ♪ asem rarkaebl ftac as it is, a foun mdingemrbe was celebrating alemistone. a 60th on e. >> happy birthday. thank you so much. g>>o out, 80,000eo pple that ar e going to know every rdwo. >> yeah. >>an c youra wp your binra around t ahatft aerll these yes?ar >> i feel like the phenomenonf o our ban adnd the thi ing do.i do find kindf o inecaxplible yever teim weak me a new recdor gout o do aou tr and i lookut o to the audience far as i can see are, ac-fneacedee tnagers losing tirhe [ beple ] mdsin. ♪ >> that'sic mhael balzary kwnno unerivsally as flea whola pys ba issn the quartet. ♪
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that includes drummer chad smh,it age 61. guitarist john frusciante 52 and lead singer anthony kiedis, 60,o rn within a few weeks of fl.ea >>ry evebody good? >>ll right. >> in l.a. we met tmhe on the roxy on the nssuettr sip one of threi early hsaunt and jus ats h eyon cnect with audiences theyco nntec with each heotr. he>> t way jazz prslayela pynd a eth wayas bketballla pyers play, st like telepaalthicly unrsdetanding wheon t go and enwh to move andhe wn too d what. wee'r allup spoinrtg eacher oth at the same .time it e'sverybody hasfe difrent wa oysf doing that. yoknow? >> iee s the bass as lead instrument the whole meti. floeea dsn't see it ttha y.wa >> you see him as theea ld stinrument? oh, yeah. yeah. cheag son a bass solo. there toup sport it. ♪ >> to understdan their enduring ap spealtart by listening to thei frour decade long list of
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baerngs that cut a ridiculously dewi musalic slo ♪. >>ut bha tt's only paa rtial 's ao lsthe rrtoenti talalent. ♪ wildlyon csireded ranking angmo e thgreatest guitar plerays, frusciante. and chat smith one of today's great drmeumrs. flea'sam ne isynomonyus with virtuality. this might be a bdan supeowrper, ere'nos cle raringldeear. ♪ >> what do y couall uryoself? >> i don'tal cl myselfyt anhi,ng alrely. ial clel mysf aan bd meermb. >> arill ght. >> on a gdoo day, cimusian, songwriter. >> front man? >> three frontmen, the red hot chili peerpps, always have. have a fntro man inhe tck ba.
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mr. chad smith. ♪ >> i'm really struck by the physicality of wtha you're do ing. >> we valuemu so chhe tli abity to gok roc out agonste forwo t hours. nobody wants to lose that. ♪ >> so whatap hpens to you stonage? debescri it from your persctpeive. i>>t's s aacremed ti for me. ♪ so when i get onstage, like, no matter what i'm going to give everything i can. i want tort aiculatell a of the feinelgs ysphically. nti wa thoo nor great enai enrtneairs that came before, frank sinatra, jimi hendrix, jon coraltne. >> youee s youelrsf ons thi incontuum? >> i do and ihi tnk having that sivion isa, a bigar pt of why thile chi pppeers have managed tont maiai fnor so manyea yrs and for us, at t leasto
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ourselves,st we ilfel el rentleva andvi >> s btillased in gerreat los anleges, it's the cyit theyiv le inhe, t city of angels. ey're not just from the area, but of it. kieds is iaoc lalix fture on his morctoycle. fl,ea atak ler games and in his oretr deri. >>hi ts isou yr town. >> yeah. look, i'm an. l.a boy all my life and i know this town iensid out, every little cckra in every desiwalk. t>>heir story bsegin on the pament of hoywllood. no tlmpa-linedie movta sr hollywoo bduthe t seedy one from e th'70s.fl ea spentar ely yrsea in new york befor heeangdi wt eswith mohis thyondi kies a trspanlant from chigan living with this ther. neither cricatilly had brot.hers longef bore they were bandtemas edkiis and flea weer best mates fairfax ghhi. >>t whawas the fenridship born of? >> bot chame fmro broken homes, atypical mehos, non-convention's mehos andea rlly wteand to get in trouble.
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how much trouble cane w get in wiou gtoing to jail. >> us jtit ltle street urchin peytt tevhiing run adroun in the etstre, trying so hard. yeniarng so much to figure it out. lihoke, wan c we mteatr? my relathiionsp with anthony is a profoundhi tng for me. iem rembemor m telling ,me aemichl,ou y came homend a you said, mom, iet m somebodyha tt ' veer nve every been able to talk to -- like that rebefo. yoknu ow? like, someone i can ryeall talk to, and that iel ftrd hea by. >> flea and kiedis fout kshinip with two other ouastct llhiel slovak and jack insro a drummer. woinrkg on their musicianipsh, shows up in an aft-serchool spl.ecia >> i promiseot n to be the wo rd -- >> eventually joins kiesdi in aa nd. in beginningas wn'tn eve ngin he was rappingantsot a l of it
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ha to doit wh hipop-h and angrdmasrte flash,ik le i nerev sawys melf as a wildlyel modic onpers but at that moment i was like, oh. u can just tell a story and be in band. you don't have to necriessaly bl genre and be in a band. wthatas my tic tketo thk,in i nca do this. r>>eporter: theyal cled emthselves the roted h clihi pe ppser a nod toar ely 20th ce ntyur jazz bas.nd wi athin year had aec rord corantct. frheom t benngiing, they went ll thttrole. all gas, no br ake. >> we had a lot of musical influencroes fm hardor ce bopeb jazz to crazy prosigresveoc rk to hip-p,ho but wels ao had the three gestoos,ls ao had thear mx brhe,rs alsoad h richard pryor and red fo.xx u kn,ow cedomy andei bng ridicu.lous >> meldho tse together. >> meld emth. whadot es that leaouve y ?with >> aak me it or bakre itun bch ofoy bs willing to risk
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erevything to haveun f in the moment. at the same time,y' theve already tenak theor wk riseously. ♪>> how do you write and construct son?gs howoe dss thiwo?rk come in wit'vh, ie got s.idea >> flea and i used to do face-offste qui a bit. what's a -ofaceff? he's in a sdsecon, t goa vers ecnie a chusor. d days start it out gngoi like at, giveh eac oerth a dirty look. go inside the room. come in and -- eachuy gla pys shiseconti for the other guys. >>itrhe goom he, thi onkf it ate hom oro g home. what i leov about the face?-off it's an unexpected moment of hutymili. they put their ideasn o the lined, an wtehaver is the best for the song, no one recas. >> how do you hit tthaal bance eebetwnom cmitment to the craft
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an adlso the ridiculousness u're proud ?of >>us jt are all of those thgsin. st b eingourselves, diipnelid. we work hard. we're siy,ll fu nny. >> we're entertneairs. >> we'rent eerintaers. ik>> le lal eernttainers they maintain atit hting think akpes. practi sce,tay in shape cdha smith replaced jack irons. now theye hav tech sport and ph ysalic trrsanne,ot n grpioues. >> how is yourod bydi holng up? >> pyrettoo gd for and old >> i want toak me sure myuy gs know that he's back e,ther the gienne is nnruing. keli a well-tun,ed andiv ges emthfi condeenc they can -- like inpat. the cannesy the get tino pat on top oft. i ♪ >> john "48 frusciante plays
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rpetlluay and warms up four shour on days of d a trumpet plarye playing bass. shows us atis h malibomu he studio. nothing fancy. wainlkg, two difntfere fgeinrs. ♪ and then tmphuing and popping, this sod.un make the sound enth, popping. ♪ >>id i d this so much and so ag grsiesvelyt tha tshi callus on myhu tmb waspl sit open. i had tshi gash. opennd wou in my thumb and i gufired out how to fix it by pow areup ser gelu in there ♪ tell bmeaby ♪ >> the band also cfrononted the kind of phycasilha cllenges ttha cannot be so easily hacked. no lteast sobriety.
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hillelva slok ddie of a hernoi dooverse in 1988.hi s venchtualep rlacement int o hard drugs, heroin. whleo ft the band twice before rerntuing. ♪ >> as for antnyho kiedis, he told uswo he rks at stangvi offi s varusio ctaddiio.ns heclic, sex,ru dgs and roc'nk ' roll, heit hha tt trife lctaarge andcu disssed in his 2004 me. moir >> cultural rmnos. look batack aicnts and behave omfr the '70s and '80s in partic.ular women pinarcutilar that wouldnly't f today. how do youro pcess that? >> wow. ah- - i feel lik ie was who i wasn whe ias w that person. i wouldn't blame it on an era or a culturalan ldscape or a differceen in the way soctyie vis people. 'sit like, if d iidet somhi ng
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stupidhe tn itou wld bepi stud to aday,nd vice rsvea. hofulli'y ve mademo aunts along the way. ♪>> thnerei may lie another secret to the band's just as ba googood era be damned. the red hot chilipe peprs evolved withtou concessions. t jtus playing tirhe inrustments but stilltt aacking eye'v surv,ivedim teet somimes inte spi of thseemlves. no coda in earshot, no en d in sight. ♪ ♪ waiting on♪ >> not justro tttgin outside hit from20 , 30 years ago. a vibrant cregatin enterprise?>> ahye. itak tes diligence it takesac sricefi. we w work,e itwre. we never opst. th iiss our puosrpe. like, we're hulemb. we'r eudstents.we care. we want to grow. we want to n.lear
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>> notry evert aist feels that. e>>veryoo gd ondoe es. wha the red c hothi lipepps?er 60 " mutines" overtiomme.c. sponsored by pfizer. you thaknowt weunlcome guest everyone wiswoulhes d just leave ady?lrea th covat'sid9.-1 at's why i got thw daupted booster, designed tlp po heroctte against cerent omicron antsvari. lice] t it?
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(wanom) oh, wehill ts mise... (m an) 'sit sti ellarly. do youan a maybe agrab cfeofe? (vo)wi tthhe w fellsar agoctiveh -car— yornu ea 2ca% sh bonack wtha you want. li ke coffee. ping-pong. moa vie. karaoke. an d... 2% cashk baconha wt you ne.ed (m an )no n, o nojust my shoe. (v o)li ke maybe shoites who lutaces. (man) ju st my shoe fksol. (v (vo) e lithwes llfargo activeas ch rd mca.e shoites who lutaces. that's real life ready.
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nutes" is sponsored by -- united health care. get medicare with more. now, an update on a story from ocbetor. whatap hpened at grizzlyla fts vestigatedhy w a wildfire ped out aal cifniora hamlet.we found evidence of miansmagement by the u..s feir serve,ic which had done little to mitigatehe t fire risk. it cpoomunded the pblroem with its decisions once the fire prapoached. candace tyler lost her filamy ranc h. >> the forest servi tcehey did all they could. your msap say, we're going to burn. ur models show we'reaw gk to burn but you're not wedorri abou?t it oh y,ou't don heav the urresoces? at's aok je. >>s thimohntem mbers of keefe delegation will meet with the fost service toea hr an plexanation. m bill whiterak. wel bek bac nextee wk thwi another edition of "60 minutes."
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e in one oamur fily... 'tsiil my stiger sned up for unedlt heahcare medidvcare aan.tage ♪wow, uhh-hu♪ w noshe's got a whamole te toelp her get stthe mo out of her wo ♪w,hu uh-h♪ with coverage 'sthat better than ever for ...prescridrption ugds an more. va adntag n'itt wa 'tirnl i tu 65! edaarp micadare vantage plans, onm ly frounheitedalthcare. dvtake aan ntageow at (f isher investntmes) it's etoasy tnkhi that all ne moy namagers care edarete prtyuc mh the same,ns, onm ly frounheitedalthcare. (f isher investntmes) but at fishever instntmes all ne we're rlcleay ffdierent. (oerth money manag er) ffdierent how? you sell hcoigh mmsiison inventstme pdurocts, right? is (fheinr vestments) pe no. shfier avoids them. (o mtheron meyanager) weyoll, u stmu earn commisssion tonrades. (f isher invests)ment ne ver at fisher. (o ther money meranag) ok, then youba problsny eak in hsomeidn deand layered .fees (fishever instntmes) no. weuc strtuurre o fs eeso (owe do erbettmeranag) ok, then youba problsny eak in when cli dentso ttbeer. at th mhtig be why most of r ouclients fcomerom other y monemagenars. at fheisr investmentwes, 'rcle earldiy fferent.
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s,ye indeed-us. anaheim? bi g gmoreuacalemo? i'm on a roll-.ay hoabw out you? m i'justis viting. u.s. bank. raednk #1 in st cuomerat sisfaction with retailan bking cinalifornia by j.d. power. ♪ >> g>ood evening, everybody,nd a welcomo e tthe 65th auannl ammy awar.ds my nam te isrer vonoah, and for their fst time inee thr aryes, we areom cing to you liv ferom los angeles. the cbestityth in e rlwod if you ignore a fewer oth nit,gh you are ifon r a special treat as some of the most phenanomel arttsis on earth are goin bg toe rfpeorming in this build ringig bhtehinde. m and the recdiorng academy is gog into be giving away the biggestpr suris ien all of c,musi the grammy award. leso, t'ges t straight iitnto . to kick tshing off on muse's ggbiest night a mygram-wniinng
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