tv Face the Nation CBS February 6, 2023 2:30am-3:00am PST
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why not be realistic about what we do? there's balls, and there's strikes, and they ain't nothin' till we call 'em." now, watch this. the first umpire represents the traditional view of truth: objective, independent of the mind and of the knower, there to be discovered as it is. what did he say? "we call balls and strikes as they are." the second speaks for moderate relativism: truth as each person sees it. here people say, "well, i don't see that as true. you see it as true, but i see that as false." so everybody has their own truth. can i get a witness? and the third umpire bluntly expresses the radical relativists, the postmodern position: truth is not to be discovered. it's for each of us to create of ourselves. according to the relativists' position, all of us, we just get to create our own truth. there is no such thing as objective truth. what's true for you is not true for me. i get to have my truth, and you get to have your truth,
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as if there is no real truth. in the final analysis, truth corresponds to the first umpire's position, to what actually is, and that's why truth is found in god. god is the great i am. he is the truth. do you know, when the bible says, "in the beginning god," that's the answer to everything? because god is the ultimate reality. so, what is true? it's god is true. "in the beginning god was." he is the self-existent one. he's the creator of everything that exists. god is truth, and all truth is god's truth. in the bible, he is called, "the god of truth." the father, the first person of the trinity, is truth. psalm 31:5 says: "into your hand i commit my spirit; you have redeemed me, o lord god of truth." and you know jesus chris is the second person of the trinity. how should we be surprised to discover
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that jesus christ is truth as well? the bible says, "jesus christ is full of grace and truth." and because he is full of grace and truth, he can say, "i am the way, the truth, and the life." the bible teaches us that jesus christ is the communicator of truth, he's the witness to the truth, he's the origin of the truth, he's the preacher of the truth, he is truth embodied. truth is not some system or philosophy, truth is a person. if you want to know the truth of god, you must come to know jesus christ because he alone is truth. that's why the bible says, "jesus said, 'i am the way, the truth, and the life. and no one can come to the father except through me,'" why? you can't get to the father unless you come through truth. and not only is god the father truth, and god the son truth, don't be surprised, god the holy spirit is truth as well. we read, "when the helper comes, whom i shall send to you
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from the father, the spirit of truth who proceeds from the father, he will testify of me." so, let me just say this again, you guys. truth is not some nebulous idea, some flexible concept, some theoretical assumption. it is a solid, clearly defined unalterable entity. it is ultimate reality residing in the triune god of the universe, and it is not open for reevaluation or for a redefinition. the next time somebody talks to you about their truth, "well, this is my truth," don't get caught up in that discussion. there's only one truth, and it's the truth of god. when we get connected with god, we're in his truth. but if we're anything else, we're in error and falsehood. there is not many divisions or versions of truth. there's only one truth, and god himself is that truth. so, if that's the case, and we wanna overcome falsehood with truth, how do we do that?
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i wanna give you some thoughts about how we go about overcoming falsehood with truth. first of all, we overcome falsehood with truth by seeking the truth ourselves. to do battle with the enemy, the believer needs to know the truth about god, the truth about christ, and the truth that is in this book we call, "the bible." there's two things we can take out of this that we just do. first of all, we need to study the truth. you know what, folks? i've grown up in a culture of ministers who minimize the truth of the word of god. if you can get five or six sentences that come from the bible in some of their messages, you've had a lucky day. people don't take their bibles to church, because they say, "oh, you don't need all that bible stuff." well, if you don't need all that bible stuff, why are you a pastor? why are you a minister? if you don't need the bible, what purpose do you have?
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you see, the truth is so critical because we have nothing else. our whole life is based upon the truth of god. we need not to be ashamed that we study the truth. there's no premium on ignorance in the christian life. you can't go around and brag about how much you don't know about the bible. so, in order to overcome falsehood with truth, you have to study the truth. and the truth is written in the scripture. it's systemized truth. i urge you to answer for yourself this question that a friend of mine by the name of stu weber asks: "are you involved in a regular, rigorous regimen of bible study? if not, what in the world are you doing? your mind, your most critical weapon in battle, is braced by doctrine. your soul is strengthened by biblical knowledge." if god's people will make the knowledge of god and his word the pursuit of their lives, satan gets discouraged
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and defeated when he comes to divide and deceive and destroy. to seek the truth, you must diligently search the scriptures. that's why we put bible teaching on the radio, bible teaching on television, and on the internet, and in books, because the truth of god is what protects us. it's what gives us hope for the future. with all this stuff floatin' around, and fake news, and all the other stuff that's happenin', i know the truth. the truth is my blessed savior the lord jesus christ. he is the way, the truth, and the life. so, you study the truth. and not only do you study it, you have to submit to the truth. counterfeit truth is never more on display than in the way we often hear people speak of god in today's world. listen to this. you've heard it before. "my god wants me to be rich." "the god i believe in, he'd never send
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anybody to hell." "how dare your god claim to be the only one in heaven?" when somebody says to me, "my god would never do that," i tell 'em, "you're absolutely right 'cause your god doesn't exist," you know? "your god doesn't exist." you know why? we don't have a whole bunch of gods. you know, we create a little god that makes us comfortable in the way we live, but there aren't many gods, you guys. there's just the one god, the god of truth. and you don't get to choose your own god. you don't get to make your god to be who you want him to be. if you wanna live immoral lives, you can't just say, "well, my god's okay with that." no, he's not, 'cause you don't have a god. your god is somebody in your imagination. god is who he is. we don't get to change him. his purpose is to change us. we don't get to change him. we live in this crazy time, and unfortunately, in this time, there's this form of lying that is used by some people
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to justify not telling the truth. it's called, "spin." "spin" is "the recasting, reinterpretation, revision of the truth to make it more palatable." the point is not to be truthful. it's to reinterpret facts to take the edge off of the truth and make it more politically correct and less offensive for your own goals. but in god's sight, spin is lying. you don't get to say, "okay, well it was 90% of the truth, so it's the truth." it's either 100% true or it's a lie, you know? here's what the bible says about god in proverbs 6: "these six things the lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to him." now, listen to this. "a proud heart, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift to running to evil," here's another, "a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among the brethren."
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now, let me just say it out loud. the bible says, "god hates lying." proverbs 12:22 says: "lying lips are an abomination to the lord, but those who deal truthfully are his delight." our words, men and women, as christians, that are spoken or written, cannot be taken back. once you tell a lie, it's out there. it has its own life, and even if the effects can be stopped or reversed, the reputation of the liar is forever damaged. instead of lying, the overcomer has to learn how to speak the truth. how do we overcome falsehood with truth? we start with ourselves. we start speaking the truth. we stop coloring the truth. we stop making up things that make us look better when it's not the way it is. we just tell the truth. it's such a freeing thing to be people of truth,
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and god has called us to speak the truth. that's the first thing. number two, we not only have to speak the truth, but the bible says we have to speak it lovingly. you know, have you ever been around people that say, "well, i just tell people the way it is"? then they eviscerate you for three hours and it takes you a couple weeks to get over it. the bible does say we're to speak the truth boldly, but we're also to speak it with love. the bible says we're to speak the truth with grace. i heard about a 4th-grade teacher who was recovering from surgery, and got a get-well card from her class. it read: "dear mrs. fisher, your 4th-grade class wishes you a speedy recover by a vote of 15 to 14." i don't know if that story's true or not, but that's not truth in love, is it? jesus said, "by this everybody will know that you are my disciples, if you have love
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one for another." we need to speak the truth, absolutely, but we need to speak it with love, don't we? and jesus modeled that for us. jesus was full of grace and truth. so that's how we should be as well. so, we overcome falsehood by seeking the truth and by speaking the truth. and thirdly, we overcome falsehood by living the truth. the overcomer has to be clothed with truthfulnessteeds or her o. listen to the words of the apostle john. he said, "i have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." god wants us to walk in it. he doesn't want us just to study the truth. he doesn't want us just to speak the truth. he wants us to live in truth. be true to ourselves. be true to god. you know, every once in a while, you read stories of people who lived double lives. you know, somebody's got two wives, and they're scattered all over the country. they're living two lives. how in the world could you ever allow that to happen
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in your life? and how could you ever survive it? truth is the integrating center of who we are in god, and we're to live the truth. you know, the lord illustrated that for us in such a perfect way. listen to this. "when his enemies came to arrest him, he said to them, 'which of you convicts me of sin?'" nobody said a word. do you know why? because they didn't have anything they could say. they had nothing legitimate to convict him of because he was absolutely everything he claimed to be. jesus went to the cross. the centurion overseeing the execution said, "truly, this man was the son of god." how'd he figure that out? he simply watched jesus die as jesus had lived. he saw that jesus was who he claimed to be, exhibiting attributes that only the son of god could possess.
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and the thief who hung on the cross next to jesus, remember what he said? "this man has done nothing wrong." why would he say that? because he saw the truth exhibited in christ, even under the stress of horrendous circumstances. men and women, what's killing the impact of the church today is men and women who are in the church who aren't living the faith. they live two lives. they have their church life, their religious life, and then they have the life that they live in the world, and the world sees that. the world's not stupid. the world sees the inaccuracy and the lack of integrity in our lives. why would they want that? they got that without jesus. they don't need jesus for that. so, if we're gonna change this whole issue of falsehood taking center stage instead of truth, we have to seek the truth. we have to speak the truth. but most of all, we have to live the truth. we have to be who we are all the way through to the core. and god is allowing that to happen.
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and a lot of churches that i know about now are starting to have some kind of revivals that are bringing that about through prayer and sometimes through fasting. we're getting back to who we should be. and when the church of god is who it should be, there's nothing that can stand against it. you know, i wonder what would happen if we had that spirit of truth about our churches, what difference that would make. and i just wanna urge you guys, let's be a part of that something, that good something, that true something. let's shun the falsehood that's runnin' around trying to destroy us, and let's get back to the truth. you say, "well, where do i find that truth?" the word of god is truth. and you know what the bible says? "the truth will set you free." it'll set you free, amen? it'll set you free from lookin' over your shoulder to see who's following you or what you said the last time. the bible says, "you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." let's be overcomers. let's overcome falsehood with the truth. let's tell people the truth about jesus christ.
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let's turn up the volume, amen. [cheering and applauding] male announcer: dr. jeremiah will return with one more inspirational word to close today's "overcomer" program right after this. announcer: a new day has dawned. hope is on the horizon. discover eight ways to live a life of unstoppable strength, unmovable faith, and unbelievable power in dr. david jeremiah's book, "overcomer." in a world where we often feel so powerless, applying these straightforward spiritual truths will awaken the power of god in you so you can conquer life's everyday challenges and become an overcomer. you will discover how to overcome falsehood with truth, anxiety with peace, fear with faith, and more. request "overcomer" today when you give a gift of any amount in support of this program. and if you give a generous gift to the ministry of $75 or more,
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you'll receive the comprehensive "overcomer" study set which contains the "overcomer" book, dr. jeremiah's complete teaching series on dvd, including his interview hosted by sheila walsh, a correlating study guide, and the warrior's prayer bookmark. plus, with any order of the "overcomer" book or set, you will receive the super eight overcomer cards, stunning cards highlighting the god-given powers of an overcomer. stop living in defeat. god created you to be an overcomer. order dr. jeremiah's book, "overcomer" or the complete study set today. announcer: and now with one last word for today's program, here is dr. jeremiah. dr. jeremiah: god created you to be an overcomer. he has given you supernatural tools to use here on earth that can both protect you from the enemy and strengthen you to conquer the greatest obstacles in your life. you no longer need to be
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defeated and discouraged, disillusioned, or distraught by life's challenges. being an overcomer means putting on the whole armor of god provided to us by faith in jesus christ. if you want to know more about the power you can have through faith in christ, i have two free resources from turning point i would like to send to you. one is a booklet called "your greatest turning point," and the other is our monthly devotional magazine called "turning points." we will gladly send them both to you free of charge if you will contact us here at turning point today. announcer: next time on "turning point." dr. jeremiah: learn the power of shutting off because all that is it's dragging all the negative stuff of the world right in to your house and then right into your mind. you've got to get away from that, you've got to get away from always stuffing your mind with the ugliness of the world in which you live, and you have to be proactive about getting the right stuff in your mind.
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here is a scene from "hunters" season 2. >> you bring hitler to justice and it's done, jonah. you can finally be free. ♪ music playing ♪ >> come on, my friend, you look as if you have seen a ghost. ♪ music playing ♪ >> jonah is a very different character at the beginning of this season. he's -- i mean, he's dealing with the trauma of past events that have changed him. he's burdened with the responsibility of it. and he's also leading a double life. >> it was wild. we had two years in between like finishing season 1 and starting season 2 and we had all just like -- all of our lives looked completely different. we were going through, you know, still are, a global pandemic. >> so in the -- those two years, you know, the hunters went off on a mission to europe that seemed to have gone disastrously.
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>> why are you here? >> i think that hitler is still alive. >> hitler is dead, jonah. >> says who, the russians? they found his body and just mply burned it? you really believe that? he's living down in south america. >> i am in. but where are your friends? >> a big part of this show is that element of getting the team back together, which is why -- have been done in action films and thing like that, it's fun playing that element of this story. >> if we are going to find him, we need new members. it looks like we found one. ♪ music playing ♪ >> i have been searching for hitler for 20 years. ♪ music playing ♪ >> if we want to get that monster's mustache on a pike. >> i got to see al bring his "a" game. it was amazing. he did say to me, i think we just broke the sound barrier. i'm not sure what that means but i think it's a good thing and that will be on the bucket list for sure. ♪ music playing ♪ >> hey! ♪ music playing ♪
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>> one more run. and everything that we have done will have been worth it. >> i love these actors. i love them as people. my teammates, my friends, my family now. >> yeah, it is, it's a very warm gentle set. em what we have t keu kn, bunk 14, >> it's such a great group of actors, that like honestly it was just like, yay i get to see my friends again, you know. >> it's a wonderful role, it's an incredible cast and it's an incredible story and i feel blessed and honored that i have gotten to work with it for along as i have. >> getting to play with these characters and their dynamics and relationships it's just a joy. we had a really good time all of us. ♪ music playing ♪ >> we hunt him down and kill him. ♪ music playing ♪ >> if not us --
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♪ music playing ♪ >> i think that's the joy of the show is we watch these hunters bicker, we watch them fight, we watch them not necessarily have the same needs, but they also fall in love with each other. >> this is an action, entertainment, adventure kind of show and those things are so well-executed by david well and the creative team, that we just gotta go in there and have fun with it. ♪ music playing ♪ >> then who? ♪ music playing ♪ ♪ music playing ♪ stay tuned, there is more coming up on "made in holl
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>> thanks for watches "made in hollywood." >> and for more behind the screen content watch "made in hollywood" powered by moviefone. ♪ made in hollywood ♪ ♪ ♪ made in hollywood ♪ ♪ ♪ made in hollywood ♪ ♪ when you humble yourself under the mighty hand of god, in due time he will exalt you. hi, i'm joel osteen. i'm excited about being with you every week. i hope you'll tune in. you'll be inspired, you'll be encouraged. i'm looking forward to seeing you right here. you are fully loaded and completely equipped for the race that's been designed for you.
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. i'm margaret brennan in washington. and this week on "face the nation" -- the high stakes diplomatic drama over the chinese spy balloon is intensifying, as we learn more about what chinese may have discovered from their soaring surveillance. in the end, it took a missile fired from an f-22 fighter jet flying over the south carolina coast to shoot down the gigantic surveillance balloon that had floated across the u.s. 60,000 feet above the ground. >> boom! >> recovery efforts are under way to determine just what the chinese had attached to that balloon. the saturday shoot down marked the end of an intense week for the biden administration. >> you were saying the recommendation from your -- was from your national security
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