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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  March 17, 2023 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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after months of protest over this proposal. for more, download the cbs news app on your cell phone or connected tv. it's friday, march 17th, 2023. this is the "cbs morning news." severe weather in parts of north texas get hammered by hail, damaging winds and possible tornadoes. we'll show you the damage. we do know that this aggressive behavior was intentional on the part of pilots. >> declassified. the pentagon releases dramatic footage of a russian jet confronting a u.s. drone. what one senator is proposing to protect the unmanned craft. street clash, demonstrations take a violent turn in france after a controversial move by the country's president. good morning. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green.
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we begin with severe d thedn toth lle aghow lightnoks yesteashe nationaleain funnel cloudas stted above fort worth. the faa called a ground stop for a while at dallas-fort worth international airport and love field due to thunderstorms. more than 1,000 flights were canceled or delayed into and out of both airports. an auto dealership west of dallas sustained heavy damage and part of its roof was torn off. there were reports of power outages and dozens of car accidents. a wind advisory remains in effect for the area this morning. stock futures are mixed this morning after nearly a dozen of the largest banks in the u.s. announced a multibillion dollar lifeline to prevent another bank failure. it is an effort to stop first
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republic bank from becoming the third financial institution to collapse in just days. and it came the same day treasury secretary janet yellen tried to reassure americans their money is safe. so, jarred hill is in new york with more on all of this. jarred, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, anne-marie. as wall street is preparing for its final trading this week, those mixed futures show that it is not really clear how good of a job the secretary and the white house have done at reassuring the markets that the banking system is solid. regardless of whether the system is stable in reality. u.s. stocks soared thursday after 11 major u.s. banks injected $30 billion into california-based bank first republic. it is the third rescue of a regional bank in less than a week. federal regulators took over silicon valley bank and signature bank just days ago. for some first republic customers, this move comes too late. >> altogether i decided to close this account. >> reporter: while others like actress morgan fairchild say they're sticking with first
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republic. >> i love this bank. i haven't taken my money out. i don't intend to take my money out. >> reporter: treasury secretary janet yellen negotiated first republic rescue plan with jpmorgan chase ceo jamie dimon and other banking executives. testifying on capitol hill yesterday, yellen also pushed a message of confidence in the nation's banks. >> this week's actions demonstrate our resolute commitment to ensure that our financial system remains strong and that depositors' savings remain safe. >> reporter: some experts say i restore that confidence. >> is that a long-term solution? i don't think so. are there other companies that have exposure to the bigger systemic problem? very possibly. >> reporter: as of thursday, the federal reserve said it is already loaned around $12 billion to cash-strapped banks this week, all of it through its new emergency lending facility.
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anne-marie, something else interesting out of that hearing community banks across the country should not expect the same type of rescue as we saw with the banks this week. she said uninsured deposits would only be covered if it failing to do so would create what she called systemic risk and significant financial consequences to the economy, showing how important these institutions were to the global and national economy here. >> so true, jarred. jarred hill in new york, thank you. >> yeah. so we're getting a look at pentagon video showing the confrontation between russian fighter jets and a u.s. air force surveillance drone over the black sea. the biden administration released the video showing the russian warplanes making aggressive maneuvers near the drone before it crashed into the water. ed o'keefe has more. >> reporter: the footage shows russian jets making two passes from behind the drone, dousing it in a cloudy stream of fuel before one clips its propeller.
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separate still images show what the drone's propeller looked like before and after. the damage forcing american operators to let it glide down into the black sea. the visual evidence appears to refute russia's claims that neither of its jets hit the drone. >> we felt it was important to provide this imagery. >> reporter: one u.s. official tells cbs news it was clear the russian pilot meant to drench the drone in gasoline, but cut it too close. norah o'donnell spoke with the top officer for "60 minutes" this sunday. >> how often do these types of dangerous maneuvers happen with the russian military? >> we're operating in close proximity to the russians fairly often. and the vast majority of those interactions are safe and they're professional, but what happened with that drone over the black sea was unsafe, and it was unprofessional, and it was in violation of international law. >> reporter: cbs news learned the russian pilots weren't going rogue, but following orders from military leaders to harass the drone. florida republican senator marco rubio suggested giving the unmanned drones wing men. >> i think our response should
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be to fly more of these in that area and to potentially have them escorted by u.s. fighter jets who are manned and have the capability to respond. >> reporter: white house officials said that would bring great risk to american pilots and potentially escalate the crisis. some of the drone wreckage found along the surface of the black sea was recovered by russian ships, but they since left the area because it is within missile range of ukrainian forces. ed o'keefe, cbs news, the white house. well, the family of a black man who died while in the custody of sheriff deputies in virginia is calling for justice. prosecutors say 28-year-old irvo otieno should not have died last week at a psychiatric hospital after being transferred from jail. his family says he was in mental health distress. they looked at surveillance video from the hospital, which public, and attorneys for the family say the video shows seven deputies brutally pushing down every part of his body while he
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was handcuffed and in leg irons. >> what i saw today was heart breaking, america. my son was tortured, to put it right. i saw the torture. >> seven deputies and three hospital employees have been charged with second degree murder. overseas now, french president emmanuel macron went around niorl to push through npopular emenag. boos rang out yesterday in the national assembly as france's prime minister used a special constitutional power to approve a bill without a vote. macron says raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 is needed to keep the pension system from falling into deficit. while protests broke out across france, opponents called for a government no confidence vote.
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poland says it is giving ukraine about a dozen fighter jets. the country's president said four of its jets will be sent in the coming days and the rest at a later date. poland is the first nato member to agree to ukraine's repeated requests for warplanes. the white house commended poland's move but said it will not change the u.s. decision to not send american f-16s to ukraine. coming up, under the sea. we're going to tell you why a man is trying to break the record for living under water. and later, a new era for taylor swift as she gets ready for opening night of her new tour. this is the "cbs morning news." ...thanks to dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks.
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(vo) and j.d. power awarded verizon #1 in customer satisfaction for small business wireless service. does your phone run on verizon? for bathroom odors that linger. try febreze small spaces. just press firmly and it continuously fights odors in the air and on soft surfaces for 45 days. ♪breathe happy febreze♪ ♪la la la la la♪ the family of a female the family of a female soldier who died at fort hood in texas is demanding answers. a spokesperson for ana basalduaruiz told cbs news they're mostly in the dark about the details of her death on monday. yesterday army investigators
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o si of foul play, as intins to state what h daughter had complained about being sexually harassed and another female soldier had ined harassment and was murdered at the base in 2020. a scientist is attempting to break a record for living under water and a top pick for the nfl draft will not be going to jail. those are some of the headlines on "the morning newsstand." "the atlanta journal constitution" says jalen carter avoided jail time in connection with a car crash that killed a teammate and recruiting staff member. he pleaded no contest yesterday to misdemeanor charges of reckless driving and racing. the january crash happened just hours after the team celebrated its national championship. carter was sentenced to 12 months of probation. a $1,000 fine and ordered to do 50 hours of community service. he is projected to be a top pick
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in next month's nfl draft. "the san francisco chronicle" says california governor gavin newsom announced plans to install 1200 tiny homes throughout the state to reduce homelessness by 15%. the homes will be placed in four cities this fall to house people who have been living in homeless encampments. the california national guard will help install the homes. local governments will operate them once they're in place. >> and we don't want people in them permanently. we want them to be utilized, we want to process them out and move them on to permanency and self-reliance, something we need to talk about as well. >> newsom says the state plans to spend about $30 million on the homes and if it is successful he wants to expand the program. "usa today" reports a florida man is trying to break the world record for living under water. the biomedical engineering professor entered the 100 foot habitat about 25 feet below the surface in key largo on march
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1st. he is attempting to live there for 100 days. the world record is 73 days. he is also studying the effects of long-term exposure to extreme pressure and whether it can increase life spans and prevent some age-related diseases. up next, brackets busted. two underdogs knock out powerhouse teams from the first round of march madness. moderate-to-severe eczema. it doesn't care if you have a date,... ...a day off,... ...or a double shift. make your move and get out in front of eczema... with steroid-free cibinqo. not an injection,... cibinqo is a once-daily pill for those who didn't respond to past treatments. and it's proven to help provide clearer skin
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cuh-congestion? better. cough? fever? better. mucinex all in one relieves 9 symptoms in 1 dose. it's not cold and flu season. it's always comeback season. hi, i'm angela. i've lost 58 pounds with golo and i've kept it off. i suffer from autoimmune hypothyroid and i always thought it would be so difficult to lose weight, but with golo, it simply wasn't. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ microsoft is rolling out artificial intelligence for office apps and the monthly price for youtube tv is going up. shanelle kaul has those stories and more in today's "moneywatch" report. >> u.s. stocks rallied on thursday as first republic
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secured bi from america's biggest banks. the dow gained 371 points. the nasdaq was up by 283. and the s&p 500 also up by 68. microsoft is adding ai tools to office apps like word, excel and outlook. the new feature is named co-pilot and it is a processing engine that would allow users to do things like summarize long emails, draft stories in word and animate slides in power point. co-pilot is only available to 20 enterprise customers right now. but the company is planning a broader rollout in the coming months. pfizer is recalling a popular migraine drug because its packaging wasn't child resistant. the u.s. consumer product safety commission says millions of blister cards of nurtec odt pose a risk to children. the medicine does not need to be returned but consumers should make sure the drugs are out of sight and reach of children.
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pfizer is offering a free child resistant pouch to store the product. watching your favorite show on youtube streaming channel will cost you more. youtube tv is hiking its monthly subscription price by 12% from $65 to $73. it is the first price increase in three years and the company attributes that hike to the rising cost of content production. >>that's your meytc york. elle kaul, cbs n n e firsround mad he threw it away!t jt. >> furman hit a late three-pointer with two seconds left to defeat four-seed virginia. final score 68-67. it is the program's first ncaa
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tournament victory since 1974. and 15-seed princeton pulled off the other upset after beating two-seed arizona, 59-55. the tigers rallied in the second half for this improbable victory. this is their first tournament win in 25 years. well, emergency crews rescued a dog stranded near the famed hollywood sign in los angeles. the 45-pound husky was walking with its owner when it somehow fell down a hillside yesterday. rescuers were considering an airlift. but after an hour, the husky was able to return to the trail where firefighters were waiting. the dog did not appear to be injured. up next, pet peeve, a new study on cat and dog owners and their risk of sleep disorders. s are in there? should we go check it out? yeah. we get to stay here all weekend! when you stay at a vrbo... i call doing the door code! ...the host doesn't stay with you. it looks exactly like the picture.
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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ ♪ i'm so thankful for all of the girls you loved before ♪ ♪ but i love you more ♪ that's "all of the girls you loved before" by taylor swift. it is one of four previously unreleased songs as she dropped at midnight to celebrate the kickoff of her eras tour which starts tonight in glendale, arizona.
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so if you're not getting a good night's sleep, a new study suggests your pet may to be blame. research published in the journal "human animal interactions" found dog owners are at greater risk of having a sleep disorder or having trouble sleeping. and cat owners have a higher chance of leg jerks at night than noncat owners. interestingly the study didn't actually look at where the pets slept. so, it is not just about taking up space in the bed. and some newlyweds took their love to the end of the world. the couple who wants to remain anonymous shared their stunning wedding photos and video taken in chile's patagonia. the area is referred to as the end of the world, because chile is the southern-most country on earth and patagonia is the southern-most region in chile. and beautiful. coming up on "cbs mornings," singer, songwriter, hozier talks about his new music and performs one of his songs. i'm anne-marie green.
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this is the "cbs morning news." " this man needs updated covid protection. so does she. yup, these guys too. because covid is still out there, and so are you. and if your last vaccine was before september 2022, you're out there with fading protection. but an updated vaccine restores your protection. so you can keep doing you. get an updated covid vaccine and stay out there, safely. want more from your vitamins? get more with nature's bounty. from the first-ever triple action sleep supplement... to daily digestive support... to more wellness solutions every day. get more with nature's bounty. i used to pre-rinse dishes cause my old detergent didn't actually get 'em clean. but new cascade platinum plus has me doing dishes...
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differently. with double the dawn grease fighting power and double the scrubbing power. so you can load this, and get this. new cascade platinum plus. dare to dish differently.
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good morning. it is friday march 17. i am justin andrews. on cbs news bay area, banks
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banding together for a life line for a bay area based bank. i will detail what this means and the treasury secretary's testimony before lawmakers. nobody thinks you would be out of power like this for four days. >> my wine and liquor won't go bad but the food will. >> hear how a restaurant is lending a helping hand to others. a lucky forecast for our friday afternoon for st. patrick's day. but we have changes around the corner. rain is returning. i will time that out for you. governor newsom has a new plan to address homelessness. hundreds of tiny homes set to be built throughout the state. is your bracket busted? the madness has begun. hopefully it is friday light but there are weekend closures that can slow you down in the east bay. i will have details.
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a firefighter is hurt and


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