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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  March 31, 2023 4:30am-4:59am PDT

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the indictment. for more, download the cbs news app on your cell phone or connected tv. i'm shanelle kaul, cbs news, new york. it's friday, march 31st, 2023. this is the "cbs morning news." historic indictment. donald trump becomes the first former u.s. president to face criminal charges. when he could surrender, and reaction from republicans and democrats. preparing for protests. the new york police department beefs up security. the order given to each officer following the grand jury decision. mar-a-lago rally. supporters gather outside trump's florida estate as governor ron desantis, a possible gop presidential contender, weighs in on the indictment. good morning, and good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. for first time in u.s. history a
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former president is facing criminal charges.the new york ce t because the indictment remains under seal. but it stems from alleged hush-money payments made to an adult movie star during the 2016 presidential campaign. trump's attorney told cbs news that trump's legal team expects him to surrender to authorities on tuesday. in a statement, trump called the indictment political persecution and election interference at the highest level in history. last night in florida, following word of the indictment, trump supporters gathered out his mar-a-lago estate. security is being tightened in new york. all nypd officers have been ordered to be in full uniform today and to be ready to deploy. jarred hill is outside the manhattan courthouse. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, anne-marie. this, again, historic decision to indict former president donald trump kicks off likely a
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lengthy legal battle over the next couple of however long as all this plays out. meanwhile, we are again waiting to see when the former president will appear likely here at the court, could be in the next couple of days. y ri aanulnhdistrior office overnight after a grand jury indicted former president donald trump. >> we're witnessing american history. this is the first time a former president has been charged with a crime. >> reporter: the indictment is under seal, though the manhattan d.a. and grand jury have been probing allegations that business records may have been falsified to hide an alleged hush-money payment to adult film star stormy daniels before the 2016 election. key witness and ex-trump fixer michael cohen claimed trump directed him to make that payment. trump has repeatedly denied it. >> they have nothing. >> reporter: trump, who has launched a 2024 presidential bid, slammed the indictment in a
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statement as political persecution and election interference. two sources familiar with the matter told cbs news the former president could be publicly arraigned in the court on tuesday, though the planning is fluid, and that could change. >> he will be processed. he will have a mug shot. he will get a booking number. he will give fingerprints. >> reporter: multiple republicans came to trump's defense last night. >> i think the unprecedented indictment of a former president of the united states on a campaign finance issue is an outrage. >> this is going to destroy america. we're going to fight back at the ballot box. we're not going to give in. >> reporter: top democrats have called for the legal process to play out peacefully and without interference, including representative nancy pelosi who released a statement saying in part, "no one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence. hopefully the former president will peacefully respect the system." now remember, as all of this plays out here in new york,
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there are two federal grand jury investigations centered around former president trump happening right now out of washington, d.c. there's also a looming decision out of georgia. meanwhile, this is not going to stop former president trump from running for re-election in 2024. in fact, over the past couple of hours, we have seen allies in the trump campaign itself using this as a fund-raising tool. in fact, there's a t-shirt now on the former president's website that, again, is hoping to raise money for his campaign. back to you. >> no surprise there. jarred hill outside of the manhattan courthouse. thank you so much. supporters of the former president rallied out his -- outside his mar-a-lago estate last night. christian benevides is in florida with that part of the story. >> reporter: i'm here in palm beach just across from former president donald trump's mar-a-lago estate. supporters of the former president started to gather here soon after news of the indictment broke. drivers honking their horns, others carrying flags and trump
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2024 signs, many expressing support in his re-election campaign. his supporters had been waiting for the news since the former president announced the indictment was coming on social media. >> what's happened today in manhattan is an outrage. an indictment against donald trump for -- for an event that occurred seven, eight years ago -- and an agreement between two adults. why? what for? what is the point? >> reporter: trump called the indictment an attack on our country. florida governor ron desantis issued a statement saying in part, "florida will not assist in an extradition request." reaction from the democrats, as well, with new york senator chuck schumer asking trump's critics and supporters to let the process proceed peacefully and according to the law. the indictment is the first time a former president of the united states will face criminal charges. christian benevides, cbs news, palm beach, florida.
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the attorney for stormy daniels issued a statement to social media after the indictment was handed down. he said the indictment of donald trump is no cause for joy. the hard work and conscientiousness of the grand jurors must be respected. now let truth and justice prevail. no one is above the law. ahead on "cbs mornings," more analysis of former president trump's indictment and the impact it may have on his bid for the white house. more than 60 million americans are under threat of dangerous storms this morning. forecasters are warning of powerful thunderstorms, damaging winds and the possibility of tornadoes in at least a dozen states from the midwest to the south. parts of mississippi and alabama are also at risk as people recover from deadly storms last week. an american reporter is under arrest in russia on espionage charges. the 31-year-old "wall street journal" reporter is the first u.s. journalist to face spying charges in russia since the end of the cold war. nicole d'antonio reports from
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the white house. >> reporter: "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich was taken out of a moscow courthouse after being charged as a spy and ordered to be held until at least the end of may. >> we are immensely concerned over russia's announcement that it has detained a u.s. citizen journalist. >> reporter: he was arrested hundreds of miles east of moscow. russia's security forces accuse him of acting on behalf of the american government to collect information about the russian military industrial complex. the "wall street journal" says it vehemently denies the allegations from the fsb and seeks the immediate release of our trusted and dedicated reporter evan gershkovich. this man says the reporter had recently interviewed him and they discussed the owner of the infamous wagner group of mercenaries fighting for russia in ukraine. he was asked about the detained american journalist and said he knew nothing about it but joked that people could search the
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torture chamber in his home.e ir free evan gershkovich and condemned russia for detaining another american citizen. >> these espionage charges are ridiculous. the targeting of american citizens by russian government is unacceptable. >> reporter: the administration says it is unsafe for americans to be in russia at this time and urged u.s. citizens to leave the country as soon as possible. nicole d'antonio, cbs news, the white house. the first funeral for the victims of monday's school shooting in national will be held today. it comes as police release 911 calls from inside the school as shots rang out. of course we want to warn you, the calls may be disturbing. >> approximately how many shots have you heard? >> a lot. a lot of shots. >> they're coming. they're coming. >> just try -- okay. try to stay quiet. i don't know what's going on there. >> okay. be quiet. >> three 9-year-old children and
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thhos shot ailby poli. yesterday thousands of angry en. trooug and a jury ruled that actor gwyneth paltrow was not responsible for a collision at a utah ski resort in 2016. terry sanderson sued the oscar winner for more than $300,000 claiming she skied into him causing serious injuries. the jury agreed with paltrow's claim that the now-76-year-old man skied into her. she countersued for $1 in damages and attorney fees. coming up, pope health update. how francis is doing and when he could be released from the hospital. and headed home? a killer whale in captivity for more than five decades may soon be free. this is the "cbs morning news." orning news."
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the vatican says pope francis is showing marked improvement after being hospitalized for bronchitis. the 86-year-old pontiff was taken to the hospital wednesday after having difficulty breathing. doctors said officials said he received iv antibiotics and could be released in the next few days. it's unclear if he'll be able to attend palm sunday mass or holi. > an orcmay bereed after 50 at detailouof thaelicters. those are soheadnes on the "morning newsstand." "the courier journal" reports nine soldiers were killed when two army black hawk helicopters crashed during a routine training mission. the medical evacuation choppers from the 101st airborne division at fort campbell went down wednesday night in southwestern kentucky. solders were using night-vision goggles when the aircraft crashed near a residential area.
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there were five people on one helicopter and four on the other. no one was hurt on the ground. >> unfortunately a lot of what we do is inherently dangerous, and so this is something that we're always going to constantly be working at. >> the cause of the crash is under investigation. and "the miami herald" says after more than 50 years in captivity the killer whale known as lolita may go free. animal rights groups have long complained about the 57-year-old orca's living conditions in a small tank at the miami seaquarium. an agreement wasnnnced yesterdato me to her home waters ithcific northwt. couldake up to twars and cost millions. the federal government still has to approve the move. still to come, a jurassic myth. why popular images of the t-rex's huge, scary teeth may be more fiction than fact.
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here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ there's more financial trouble for virgin orbit, and is twitter ceo elon musk playing an april fool's joke on verified users? shanelle kaul has those stories and more in today's cbs "money watch" report. >> reporter: stocks ended higher for a second straight day thursday ahead of a report due today on february's inflation data. the dow gained 141 points. the nasdaq was u by 87, and the s&p 500 gained 23 points. hursday to aatnsicls and broke campaign finance laws. federal prosecutors accused him of sending $40 million to
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chinese officials in hopes of unfreezing accounts held by his bankman-fried remains free on a $250 million bond in california where he's mandated to stay with his parents. virgin orbit, the rocket company owned by richard branson, has announced it will let 675 employees go, about 85% of its work force. this comes after most staff were told to cease operations earlier this month. founded in 2017, virgin orbit is aimed at developing an air base -- an air launch rocket. its first launch in january ended in failure. starting tomorrow, any twitter user can fork over $11 a month to be verified. that will add the famous blue checkmark to your account previously given to public figures meant to confirm they treang everyone ually.
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it'snclear if he is serious since tomorrow is april fools' day. that's your cbs "money watch" report. i'm shanelle kaul, cbs news, new york. scientists are now saying that those images of t-rex dinosaurs showing off their massive teeth may be all wrong. a new study published in "the journal science" found that the dinosaur's teeth were covered by scaly lips and were not visible at all. they say wear and tear patterns indicate the t-rex looked more like lizard. up next, baseball is back. all 30 major league teams took to the field yesterday to kick off the new season. we're going to look at some opening day memorable moments. need relief for tired, achy feet? or the energy to keep working? there's a dr. scholl's for that. dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles have patented gel waves that absorb shock to hard-working muscles and joints, for all-day energy.
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here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ major league baseball is back in full swing after a full day of action on opening day. one chicago cubs pitcher made history for the wrong reasons. >> pitch clock violation on marcus. >> there you go. first one of the year. >> marcus stroman became the
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first pitcher to break the pitch clock rule. he took too long to throw the ball. he said the new rule is tough and a big adjustment. yankees slugger aaron judge picked up right where he left off last season. he hit a home run inisirst at he hit a record 62 home runs last year. in our nation's capital, the u.s. ambassador to ukraine threw out the first pitch as the nationals hosted the braves. she was joined on the mound by her daughter. and the cmt awards will be handed out this weekend. organizers have been preparing the seating at moody center in austin. among the cmt performers, alanis morisette, gwen stefani, shania twain, chris robinson, and darius rucker. lainey wilson leads the list of nominees, and with more nods, rather, including video of the year. you can watch the cmts sunday night here on cbs. coming up on "cbs mornings," more on the cmt awards.
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co-host kelsea ballerini and kane brown talk with jan crawford. i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." " (mmm) (mmm) (hmm) (mmmhmm) ♪♪ milk chocolate beyond words. classic recipe by lindt. why do dermatologists worldwide recommend la roche-posay? effective skincare like la roche-posay double repair face moisturizer delivers double-action to help repair skin's barrier and provide 48-hour hydration for healthy-looking skin. la roche-posay. pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser-drilled holes. they release medicine fast... for fast pain relief. and now... ...get relief without a pill. with tylenol dissolve packs. relief without the water. dove 0% is different.
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beinum more paper being crumpled music: “i boom! by skee-lo sound of paper balls landing in bins office workers cheering music stops why do we shoot baskets with paper balls? for the same reason we play scratchers from the california lottery. because a little play can make your day. logo scratches on
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i just think it's a joke. >> they're out to get him, stop
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him from being president again. >> the great thing is it proves there is nobody above the law. >> reaction pouring in from both sides of the political isle. historic move by a grand jury to indict former president donald trump. >> what happens next for the former president? hear from a former federal prosecutor giving insight into the move sending shock waves across the country. it looks hae tionis saying in your full forecast. we are off to a good start on this friday. friday light. we'll see if it stays that way. a crash in oakland caused a massive power outage. nearly 6,000pge customers are in the dark. our photo journalist malcolm is live at the scene. you see the flashing lights still. the outage is impacting homes and businesses in several parts of east oakland. you can see that here in


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