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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  May 4, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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this is cbs news bay eaar i thre ed cowan. >> the dist rict in mymind n'ist holdsting udtsen at the
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ctor. >> they have left the table d a th veha br okenoff di scsiusons. >> o twsides asclhing on day on e ofe thteachestrs ri, ke erwhe th singsta nd as stud ent and lifamiesar e you may know the mena cesar chavez , but what about the fipilino farmrkwoers who foug ht alongsthide emin the labo vemoment on this piaa heritage nth, a new push toget emth gnrecoiz. ed it isa great day for a wa rriors win at chase ntceer, why not? >> thksan for joining usthis ternoon, i'anm ne mac kove. oaklanacd tehe rshit e thpicket nelis today, inleadg schools sically emptony whatis noalrmly a busyend ofthe yea . rushthe feud continues erov paand class zesis. justin andrews s hathe la. teston the
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etpick nelis but on cethe dist rict didn't co meup thwi a proposal lastnit,gh teachers say they did not have a choice t to be on the picket nelis, one teacher rkwos at redwood hehtigs elementaryd anshe told meshe has been teaching r fo ov10er years pre-last ghnit anshe d other actehe rswere waitfoing r a predomis proposal om the diristct and teacrshe say the stdirict did not come through,at th iswhy we are seeing these signs d anarheing chanceou tsidofe remo th an80 scolhos. the district said they have rgbaaid nein go od fa itanh d will coinntue to in aneffort to reach an agreement,e thstdirict said they are cufosed on comptiensaonwh ich the ridistct sa ysis someg thinactehers wanted most. >>there e armany wayswe can ime prov our quality of educn atioinoa kland, the singlest mo critical to olis retaining thale quity teachers. e latest lasary ospropal would give actehers an unecpredend teraceon, e atth th
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ey deserve and one atth teachers haven'ent se in aryes,f not decades. >> porerter: the diristct oposed an offer of13% to 20% for y everteheacr depending o experienance, d a one-meti bonus. they ntwa lesmalr class zesis, counseloatrs every hool in better asclsrm oo coitnsio. students s need doesn't seem to be the diristct priority >>for me, the most usfrtratingh inhag s been that the strict in my mind ist n' inholdg udstents at the center , keli we rewe supposed to netigoate in ocr tobeand they didn't cometo the bltae until we said we would strike. we>> are ingog to be out here til we get some real pross,al and we are going to lo okat it and we e argoing to vo on it. and that is gog in to keta some time, d anhowever long that ketas, because the ki dsar e the most poimrtant g.thin >> rteeporr:th e oakland
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unifiestd diri ctsaid they vehar ietod come with ospropals but so far innothg has hit . keinep mind, oakld anteachers say they are getting idpa low, they are the lowest paid tersache roacss the y baarea, they are soal working thwiout a contract e sincberefo the pandemic >>the state suntperienntde ha feofred to erformly mediate the anoakld ristke and we spe okabout it earlier today with e thmar yo and e shsays while she esdo support teheacrs anmodenstrators geg ttina fa irpa ycheck, the udstents mu stremain the first prtyiori. >>i' m still veryhopeful that both sides llwi come ba ckto the table to really ma kean agret.emen weall know atth our kids edne nothing short of a great educat ion. we llwi continue to talk to e thci ty adminitistraon superintendent. she also spoke about the city's latest dgbuet proposal saying the current gap is the ggbiest issue cifangth e city, lpnk thgap vingy off any t ul
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city empls.oyee asfor e th new that the fireef chi is signing, the mar yohad nothing but positiveth ings to say t abouhim and the rkwo that he has done r fothe padertment over hites nu. reofou crse, atth is not the on lyemergency service ouwitht a adleer in oakland righnot w, they are stseill arinchg for a new rmpeanent policeie chf afr te armsontrg was fired shory tl af tetar king of. fice as for sideowshs in oakland, which veha been a real prleobm, the mayor explained at it's not an issue th atcan bend halebyd individual ofcefirs out on the street. especially when a lot of the people could be arm ed, stinead shsae id e thcity needs to keta a eswholalape proach to epke siowdeshs from enhapping in the fiplrst ac e. >> thbuis dg, etmy budget instves millions of lldoars in ensuring roenvinmtaenl des.sign wehao ve t teder the sideshows frompphaening, and it's on top of the instg op erioatn that i'm workg inon
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with thshe erf'ifs departme nt, but on top of atth, we have to implemene t thvienronmental sidegns, so it is not so iefrndly and no t so easy to allow for attraction ofad under have just predopos atth we havemillions ofdollars veinst edin ttohat. to nit,gh the warr iorsare pihong to bo unceback from a game one sslo to e thlakers and eyth are hoping nsfa at home will get loud and help fu el themtordwa a win to split that esseri. >> rtrepoer: you knowwhat, ase center, e thwarriors, everyone, eyth nd ee the nsfa engy for tot.nigh they t pu ina new floor to replace the frone om tuesdaniy gh t. gichanngth ings up, that is somethine g thwaiorrrs have been doing ev ersince that ghnit. the mega plan is in, and for the bsdu , it is attack mo r fomega two.
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>> inthe t firsof four, i thk wefound soifme le down the resttch that we can hopefullpiy catazeli on. >>ep rorter: the warriors were ivale and inkickg, late in the thfour arquter,af ter they ntwe intothe lineup with aydrmond green at ceernt. will we see re of it tonight? we are not juakst ting voken loeyon out of the li neup . >> he domitenad both ends of the floor, but it'st no just david s anlebron mejas that veha the lakers soaring. >> we fly as high as they alw l us to but the extra fu elthat allows us tont maiaia n certain titude is the taroti on plerans d r ouheotr guys. >> rertpoer: the other guys in game one, ruelssl and dennis, each inscorg 19 poi nts. t,bu
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ele liknow s,e'thers still a lowang y in a risees agnsstt eph cu rry. >> as long as ihes on our side , itis never over. >>or repte r: are the iowarrrs goin g toplay g bior are they going to aypl small? atth reintos be ense and we will find t.ou if e thball esgo up, is at 6:00p.m. i'>> m thinking g biall the way. we wi llcheck it out. we will chk ecback in with you at 5:on00 tig. ht > >>may is asian-amaneric d an cific islandheer rigeta ntmoh, and today we are highlightifing linopi american udstents at sasen jo state univsierty because theyare madending changes ato farmwo rkermomenunt on uscamp, the numome ntdoes not mention filipiwono rks,er even ghthou theyre we the t firsto lkwa out of the veneers and strike for be tterwas geand woinrkg co
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ndioitns. we are trinoduced to a fo rmerfarmworker who says itis meti for some >>re porter: un likemost of the ds he grew up with in san jose, 91-year-old,er robt vener looked arforwd to e thday wh enschool d woullet out in june. su>> mmtierme came, an d everybody wosauld y weha ve ersumm, d anthey e argoing to goou t and do fun things, but my brother and i dndi't like it beuscae that meant we had to g work in the dsfiel. four rtrobe and his brother and faerth were some ofthe thousaofnds filipino fawormrkers who hatervesd crops rothughout caliiaforn gibenning th19e 20s. >> we picked string be ans, sqsh, cucumb ters,omoeats , anbyd the way, that s wa6:00 thugroh 6:00 every day, except for su. nday >> rorepter: these farmworkers pleday a crucial lero in the eay rldays of the farkrmwoer montveme ghrit alongside cesar ezchav , althghou etheyndedur antian-asi teha d anviolence, the wofarmrkers veha been all
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burgt footn.te >> what the filipinos did in rkwoing the esharvt or even vihang families whose dski keli me went to college and cabeme a rtpa of the american inmastream, thatnd ki toof sry doesn't make headlines i gu ess. >> but, atth could be about to ange, thanksto a w ne geraonti of filipino amer ican students at san jose atste unsiivertyth, ey protested the la ofrecognitinion front of a numoment of rmfaworkers on campus. >>in credibly, thisere no rerefence to the finolipi farkrmwoercus rrently. r>>eporter: as a former rmfaworker, robert had even ronger words >> it is an insult. >> rtrepoerth: e monuntme was instalinled 0820 d anincludes large mosaicofs farmwos rker and ports raitof cesachr avez . in>> no way did studtsen wa nt to disrd egarthe contrionbutis of cesar chavez or thnye ma
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chicano farmworkbeers hi ndthis movement, webut wanted filipiamno eranic farmworkers be rogecnized. >>reporter: the enstudts are demandine g thuniversity build attribut e totheir leaders r te pinos anmexican amanerics cato getherto form the united farm workuners io n. >> i beevlie that anytime we tellthe rmfawoerrks story , it is incotemple thwiout adding the story of the lifipino fa rmrkwoers. >> reerport: udstents now have a meeting with the ivunersity r esenidt to discuss eaids to recognizlie fipi nofarmworkers. >>the studentsve ha oubrght a elcompli ngcase to us so we are willing tolk ta about it. >>re porter: but that the city ofsa n joseis aly readone ste ahead, last ye arthe city edopen e thpark in robtser own neighborhood , itinudcles a marker with words and phosot abt filipino forarmwke. rs >> if not for larry higley on
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there would t nobe a united farmworkers. r>>eporter: some of e thelder farmerworks keli ro berte ar stilrel he to bear witness d a still eaahd, it is a ory farmre stretch ofba y area adroway at is prone to flooding, now erthe is a tepontial fix t bu soal a die sputouabt who will befo oting the bill. showers havebeen fewer and fahertr between today, t buwe veha seen a w fethis ternoon, esalpecilyov er the golden gate, so we are not toinh e y drweather ttpaern ju st yet ,
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a fo rmeruc davis studt en o w deunr arrest in connecti on with a seri esof bistabngs that lefttw o oppele adde and a man injure d,poli ceidsa th at e 21ea-yr-olsud spect y ma iginlyal be fr oomakland, himes na is rlcaosom dinquez and he was taken into stcuody layete stdaery after tips flooded in about a n main e th park mangtchi e thdescptriion thof e suspect in e ththd ir abbing. domiz nquewas wearing e same clotnghi described in e taatck and rrcaying alarge knife. while they say they believe he is respone siblr fo l l rethe stngabbis, they have not reedveal any infoiormatn about a timove. a teno for drerivs this weekend, the rampconnecting the bay bridge to trreeasu
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islanden ops isth sunday after e inclg osed for remo than 20 it's just past e th tunnonel the ghrit side, you llwi need to slow down to 15 mis pehor ur , the isexting ra mpon the le ftside remains op enuntil juneso erdrivs have ti meto stadju. highwa y 37is owknn to oofld dungri major orstms and the prm oblellwi only get worse as the a selsleve rise. the state has a plan to enprevt floo dingand speed oftraffic onalg the jomar artery betwn ee so lanoand marin cotiunes but it will not be chp.ea there are concerns the people who can least afford to will be footing thlle bi. >> hiwaghy 37 is an imrtpoant coid orbetween nort hbay counties and alstmo everyone reages that mesothg inhas to be done to prott ecit from sea vel . risethe pl anthey came up with has peop leon isth side of the ro adup in arms. the adroway tssi on lya few feet ove the tewar and has already become vuln erableto flooding .o
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the esstat long-term plan is torn tu the road into a four-lane ewcausay , essentiaa lly lolew-vel bridge that wi llspan the en tire21 lemis from vao llejto vanoto. it d woulinclude a bi keand pedestrianne la d ana ra illine for the smart mmcout ertrain. th atwill takebillions of llars and more than 20 years to comp. leteerthe is also a sh ortet-rm planinlvvoing one section of e thhighway. >>th at is rougy hla 10 mile retch , and that is where e th congesonti probm leis alrely e nt. ered >> the metritopolan transportationco mmission is commending atth this area be widened to fo urlanes, usg in the isexting shoulder to ease the trafc fibottleneck. but, to pay for it, they want to ert eceltronic toll gas teand gechar oppele to dre ivon it >>this d woultreat, if you will, the segment of ghhiway 37that weare talking about.
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asan additiontoal ll bridge in e bay . area e therare no other roads atth are trteead li kebr idges in the y baar. ea >> eyth are proposing some ndki ofdiscount r foloincome drivaners d one of the lanes d woulbe toa llre-fe la, nebut data s showouabt 40% of the trafonfic 37 is working-s clas individuals , mmcouting to service jobs in marin and somano counties. l loca acsttivi, e jofeller saysthere has beenlm aost unanimous opposition in to wnto the plan.> there's a certain am ountof c onicom injustice involved withs, thi eyth can't rdaffo housing in ma srin,o you are taxipeng op leto gotowo rk in essence. >>e thmayor agesre, he sa ys e plan is setting up a stggrule between e thcounties. > we don't want to ilbud housinr g fothem on isth side of the bay. let them ayst on that asidend workr fous and go home at the d enof the day, at is how it comeacs ro ss
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ov rehe. reportvaer: llo ejresintde, robert said low income people are realady choosing wahighy 37 a utroe to avoid the exnspee thide brge s. a lot of lepeop gothat way to oiavd paying e thtoll becausate th is the only way that you can go and meco back without pa. ying >>e thmtc said the road improvemen tsare simply not ibposslewi thout some kind of tolling , but what does that an for the fu? ture >> is th issetting a preceden t for high dollar roadix fes? >> certy,ainl it would set a precedofent some sort, but i think i'm reanluctt to read tocho mu tintoha t. >>is a going to esbltaish a precedent? i think it s ha realady actu ballyecseau w no thatis th idea has become feib lein the eyes of mtc and the state sllegiate,ur they e arcertainly g gointo poimse it ehelsewre. >>e thplan s habeen udstied diand scseusd for more than20
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years but now that there a st trk.eysan be 2025d anbe completed 2by027. >> cothe st for the orsht term fix istiesmated at$430 iomilln . it still needs fil na apovpral from the licafornia trspanortation cosimmisonth, at d coulco mesometime inthe xtne month. >>les t'get a check on the forecast bee causit looks like wear e l stilnot safefrom osthe showers, justwhen u yo thinu k yocan put away the elumbrla. >> we stare ill stuck in the sweater weatr hepattern. this iskind of what we expect for safrciansco for the month of ma y,eventually the n suwill meco out. >>but we t don'normally veha . rain >> this wisei, rd and we are e ttg inmore , let's oklo at the totals so far. ithn e santa cruz mountains, 2 1/4 esinch ,
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that is by far e th mostin the bay . areastju over one inch in dotownwn san cifransc o,now the 15 wthettest year on record for downtown n safrscancio, datingl althe way back tothe gold rush , back to1850. we still have some p-poup showers out there right w,no just some leftovhoer swe rsas the sy stem is tidrifng further and further to the stea. there is another e that is going to drop wndo fr omth e north and keta place. here's a lo okat e thcurrent showacer tityvi, it is most nsintee ghrit now, malyin right along ghhiwa10y 1, ndarou the lden gate, thatis just ifdrting around. showers are mu chmore wilyde scattered coedmpar towhat we have seen inthe past upcole of days, so keep the brumella handy just in case. s let'take a look atth tufurecast, it will iequt wndo for the rest oftonight, we willstt aroff tomoowrr morning dry with a fair amntou of oucldo veovr erhead, and the next
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chanofce showers adalrey mongin to the rtnohbay by tela tomorrow rnafteoon and at chance ofshowers is going moveac ro ssthe re stof the ba y eaar late motorrow evening into toowmorr night. once again, itis g gointo be the same patterthn wi local iebrf hedoavy wnurpos, not to cause flooding atthres,bu t enough toe an inconvnceniee for any s. fv midday, therste ill a chan ceof a pop up shower in the afternooitn. 's going to be ndsuay night toin monday, enth e forecast does dry out for three days, estuday, wedny,esda and thayursd. the good news is, the rain has been washing some pollen out of the atspmohere. e e argoing tobe in the w lo cagotery on rdsatuay, maybe stl il in the medi umcategory on aymond. nice to e sesome blue skies on the horizon, mperatures stare ill cool, upr pe50s and low 60s, we will drdoop wn to e thupper s 40 eay idfray morning, not much of a rmwa-up in ste oron idfrayi
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th. ermid-50s along e th ascot, pretty muchevery ybod else in the w loto d mi60s, ese lainndem tperatures are a good 10 grdeees below wh atis normal for eay rlmay . we e ar nogot ing to see any significant gechan tiunl we get thstl ilry break xtne week. y we sea be dad mp g thuray berefo we cenoti much a ffdierence. but, lainnd pas ofthe y baeaar should stlerugg ckba up to around 70 grdeees by the latter half of nextk. wee the wa rmotsps ong e thascot, at aslet he will get back up to 60 but you have to wait a week for th atto happen. >>stl ilahead, hitting e th stets
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>> > datoy, san jose 'smayor was podiunng e thmepaventit wh police, he and the lipoce ptcaain went on foatot prol lkwaing the samebeat that otofher firsce walk five days a ekwe, four new cops were added to last ye ar'sdgbuet, the mayor alsome t with lol ca bunesiss owners asemphizg inhis mmitment to kimang the city . safe >> if you don't feelsafe, it is hard to ntwa to enspd time or money to build the ushoing thweat need, that is why i ha dema improvinfeg saty one of our prriioties.
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may 4 is also known as st rswa day,nd a erthe was a p ecl iacelebration in san leandro y,toda th e g youn pati entsand their mifali es weretr ead tewith arst wars stumes, d anactiesviti, the vo lueentrs dressed in full coumste keli storm ootrpers anmandalorian's and soal hung out with the kids. how fun.
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may the fothur be thwi you, that is what th seyay. cbs eveninwsg ne isnextn o ♪ ♪ n>>orah: tonighhet, t former leerad of the proud banoys d three other members of the far right emextris gtroups are found gutyil of seditious conirspacy. nvcoicted for their role in the plot toro stmhe t capital and ovtherrow the 2020 ectleion. herere a tonhtig's hdleaines. ♪ >> vryicto s imokenhe t capital, boys >> norah: theen m who will ce decades irin pso anfter nearly four month trial with nsdoze of witnesses. w this case could iacmpt the donald trumpnv iestigation. ♪ ♪ poce arrtes aus speedct serial killer wanterd fo the fatal stab'sbing of terigopl peoe in a coe llegnehbigorhood. ♪


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