tv Face the Nation CBS May 15, 2023 3:00am-3:30am PDT
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>> we'll speak exclusively with former south carolina governor and trump u.n. ambassador, flflick -- nikki haley and get her thoughts on solving the border crisis. as inflation slows ever so slightly we'll talk with the biden administration's new top economic advisor, lael brainard. finally, we'll take a look at a disturbing trend. a rise in mortality rates. we'll be joined by representative underwood who's trying to find a way for congress to help.
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it's all ahead on "face the nation." good morning, and welcome to "face the nation." customs and border patrol says the first days of new border policies did not bring a spike in illegal crossings. but migration is still at historically high levels. border patrol is preparing for daily migrant arrivals to increase to between 12 to 14,000 per day. they face major operational challenges with many detention facilities over capacit. not surprisingly, the narratives pwe are hearing about the situation coming from the two political parties are at odds. we have three texas guests standing by for firsthand updates, a republican congressman, a democratic mayor and an independent mayor. we want to begin with former south carolina governor and presidential hopeful, nikki
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ha haley. good morning to you. >> good morning. happy mother's day. >> and happy mother's day to you as well. i want to start with the issue of the day, what's happening at the border. the biden administration has done a number of things. they have restricted asylum, barring migrants who appear at the port of entry without having first asked for refuge in a third country. if they try to enter without permission, they face a five-year ban. they have increased deportation flights and plan to open processing centers in latin america. do you support any of that? >> i'm just surprised it took them so long. you know, you look at the fact that it wasn't broken to start with, they broke it. 5 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border. i went with congressman gonzales 400 miles along that border. what i saw was unbelievable. you have ranchers that get up and get their coffee and go see if someone died crossing the fence. you pick up any little kids left over and take them to border patrol. when you talk to sheriffs,
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sheriffs say before 7:00 a.m. they have rounded up illegal 'em grants, turned them over to border patrol who documents them and releases them until their court date three or four years from now. you ask border patrol what they do and they say we're glorified baby-sitters. we need to let them do their job. we've got to enforce some things. we should do what i did when i was governor which is pass one of the toughest immigration laws in the country and do a mandatory e-verify program that says no businesses can hire anyone that's in this country illegally. >> just for context, there is a global migration crisis, as you know. but for decades, congress has failed to enact any kind of significant immigration reform, including during the trump administration when there was unified republican control. how different would it be? why would it be any different if you were in charge? >> well, first of all, i'll tell you this is a crisis created by republicans and democrats. this very much should have been dealt with a long time ago and it wasn't. what i would do is, first of
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all, do theto would nd scities. i woulo back to remain in mexico, because no one wants to remain in mexico. i would fire the 87,000 irs agents that are going after middle america and put 25,000 border patrol and i.c.e. agents on the ground. instead of catch and release, let's go to catch and deport. we have to be serious about the fact that we are a country of laws. the second we stop being a country of laws, we give up everything this country was founded on. >> but as you know, deportation is problematic could countries where the u.s. has strained relations. so even if you catch, you can't necessarily deport. for cuba and venezuela, would you keep those trump-era sanctions on those countries which are already economically distressed and some would say the sanctions make it even worse, sending migrants here? >> we always want to take care of people who have been persecuted, but we've got to take care of americans first.
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we've got to start looking at the fact that every state is a border state. we've had enough fentanyl cross the border that would kill every single american. the number one cause of death for adults 18 to 49 is fentanyl. why don't we focus on that first. we can't take care of anybody else if we can't take care of ourselves. >> so you would keep the sanctions on those countries is what i hear? >> i think -- i think we need to stop the bleeding at the border and completely do immigration reform before we can think of taking anybody else into this country. >> how would you change america's asylum policies? many of those people coming to these ports of entries are doing it legally. they are asking for protection. >> well, i think there is legal immigration that we can focus on at the same time. i think that needs to be focused on. what does our country need? let's do it by merit, let's do it by talent, let's do it based on what the businesses need. but let's not do it just because people happen to cross the fence and get away. let's not do it because we have crowded facilities and we can't
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hold anymore. that's the wrong way to go about it. we have to make sure this is a national security issue. we have to vet them. we have to know exactly who's coming in here. iran has said that the easiest way to get into america is through the southern border. we shouldn't wait for another 9/11 to realize that republicans and democrats have to get in a room and figure out immigration reform and start working for the american people instead of the other way around. >> would you revive president trump's policy of separating migrant children from their parents as deterrence? >> it should never get to that point. no, we should not be separating families, but we shouldn't be taking families that we don't have any control over. that's the biggest issue. no one wants to be inhumane about this. i saw when i was at the united nations what happens to these people who are trafficked. i mean if a child loses a shoe, they just leave the child there. if a person gets sick, they leave them to die. so we shouldn't be waving the green flag in the first place. this started when biden took
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office and said america is open. we never should have had that happen. >> migration has been spiking for years now. let me ask you about another issue and that is abortion. it is legal in your state of south carolina up to 20 weeks post-conception which is a law that you signed back in 2016 when you were the governor. there are exceptions if the mother's life is in danger or the fetus cannot survive. do you want that to be the national standard? >> well, i don't want unelected justices to be deciding something this personal. i have long said i am pro life not because the republican party tells me to be but because my husband was adopted. but having said that, i think what happened when it went back to the states, now there could be consensus in each state. been pro life, i welcome that. there are some states that have erred on the side of abortion. i wish that wasn't the case, but it is. we need to make sure that people's voices are heard. i think we need to do this from a humanizing standpoint and not a demonizing standpoint, which
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is done in the past. >> so the law you passed in south carolina, you wouot wt asl standard? >> well, the law in south carolina was the furthest we could get it at the time. that was before roe was overturned. for a national standard i think we have to tell the american people the truth. in order to do a national standard, you'd have to have a majority of the house, 60 senate votes and a president. we haven't had 60 pro-life senators in 100 years, so the idea that a republican president could ban all abortions is not being honest with the american people any more than a democrat president could ban these pro-life laws in the state. so let's be honest with the american people and say let's find national consensus. let's agree on getting rid of late-term abortions. let's agree on the fact we need more adoptions. let's agree on the fact that we need accessible contraception. let's agree on the fact mothers shouldn't be jailed or get the death penalty for abortions. but i'll also ask you, let's go and if we're going to talk about
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weeks, ask kamila and biden, are they good for 35 weeks, 36 weeks, 37 weeks? up for now they were up for abortion up until the time of birth? is that what they think the national standard should be? >> what president biden said he would sign roe into law, which would be up to the point of fetal viability, which was roughly assumed to be about 24 weeks. the majority of abortions -- >> which is six months. which is six months, which is late-term abortion. >> the majority of abortions are performed under 13 weeks. two of your fellow south carolinians, including one that's going to run for president, tim scott, we think, has said he would seen into abortion protection up to the 20th week. so he is picking a week. some of your fellow republicans are. why do you feel like that's misdirection? >> i'm not going to lie to the american people. nothing is going to happen if we don't get 60 votes in the senate. we're not even close to that on the republican or democrat side.
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why try and divide people further? why not talk about the fact we should be trying to save as many babies as possible and support as many mothers as possible. i think the media has tried to divide them by saying we have to decide certain weeks. in states, yes, at the federal level it's not realistic and not honest with the american people. >> i want to ask you as a conservative woman, do you think it undermines your party if the republican front-runner is someone who was just found liable, legally liable for sexually abusing a woman? >> i have always said that anyone that feels like they have been sexually assaulted in any way should come forward and have their voice heard. i also think anyone that's been accused should be able to defend themselves. i was not on the jury, i am not the judge. i think that both of them had their voices heard. there has been a verdict and there's been an appeal. >> president trump was offered the -- >> he gave a deposition but
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didn't go in to defend himself and it was a jury that came to this conclusion. are you drawing into question the legal findings? >> no. i said there's a verdict and i think there's been an appeal. and i think it stands where it stands. i think the american people need to make a decision based on that. >> all right. nikki haley, thank you for coming on today, making your case. we're going to go to republican congressman tony gonzales with more on what he is seeing at the border. good morning to you, congressman. >> good morning, margaret. >> i know you have shared with us some videos that you filmed friday inside a customs and border patrol facility in el paso. i want to show them to our audience now. i want you to tell us what we're seeing here. why do you think this is significant? >> yeah, first i want to thank nikki haley for coming to my district a month ago and spending the day with me and seeing it firsthand. this is what i'm hearing on the ground from mayors, border
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patrol agents, embedded media. everyone is saying it's not that bad. so on friday i visited el paso and went to the central processing center. you're seeing these videos. and this is what not that bad looks like. in the el paso sector, there's over 6,000 people that are in custody. in this particular facility, it's meant to house 1,000 people, it's housing over 3,000. in one of these rooms, it's meant -- the max capacity is 90 people, there was over 400 in here. that's a 450% capacity. in another room meant to house 120 people, there was over 700 people in there. we can't allow not that bad to be the normal. >> right. >> just this week there was a migrant child that died in hhs custody. it's only the second time in history. i'm not looking to point fingers, i'm trying to go we should not allow not that bad to be the normal. >> that was the second death that we know of during the biden administration of a child in custody. there were about six during the
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trump administration. and it is horrific, i agree with you in terms of children passing away like that. but to the point you're making about overcrowding, this is at the very heart of a legal dispute right now, as you know, in a florida court. a federal judge has blocked the biden administration from releasing migrants, even though the administration said they would monitor migrants if they had to release them. they're doing that because of the overcrowding. so what is the alternative if a court is saying -- a judge is saying this? >> yeah, this is where i disagree with the biden administration. the biden administration is getting it wrong because they are so focused on illegal immigration. they're trying ways to streamline it with the app and other areas. what needs to happen is we need to focus on legal immigration. this is what is happening. you've got mccarthy on one side, kevin mccarthy on one side that is demonizing those that come over illegally. you've got chuck schumer on the other side in the senate that makes it a morally good thing to
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help people that are coming over illegally. who gets hurt in this? people who have legal claims. you mentioned it earlier, legal, legitimate asylum claims and immigration reform gets further and further behind when we only focus on the illegal part. what we have to do is enforce the laws already on the books and congress has to create a route where people can come over legally. >> right. but to that point, if someone is asking -- is waiting on processing and they need to be held, they can't be deported, or they are waiting for an asylum claim, what is the alternative to releasing them? >> the alternative is bringing -- the president should surge immigration judges to the border and that person should get their case heard in days, not years. right now in el paso, if you apply on the one app, your court date is 2031. i mean that's eight years from now. the president can surge -- instead of surging 1,500 troops, surge immigration judges, this is america. get your day in court. if you do not qualify for asylum
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with nine out of ten people, don't you get sent back to your country. the other part is this, where is secretary blinken? his job is to build relationships with cuba, with r. >> are you saying lift the sanctions off cuba and venezuela? >> i think someone should go there and have a conversation. work with these places. those places aren't easy. there's a reason why people are fleeing venezuela, right? so instead of having them go down the asylum route where we know they're not going to qualify, where they're going to have to spend their entire lives living in the shadows, why don't we create a route people can come over legally. i think that's through work visas. >> yeah, but you need to get a law passed and work with democrats to do that. so i need to ask you, because you just said something about speaker mccarthy and demonizing some migrants.
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homeland security chair mark green said this morning he has a five-point plan to build a case potentially to impeach the homeland security secretary, alejandro mayorkas. he wouldn't say that if the speaker hadn't signed off on it. is that where republicans should be focusing their energy right now instead of brokering deals on new lawing, an impeachment? >> what you see is you see career politicians blame somebody else. it's always somebody else's fault and not them. if the light can be shined on someone else, the better. right now the light is on secretary mayorkas. this is all of our problems, starting with the president of the united states and starting in congress. you're exactly right. i have been working with my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to come up with a piece of legislation that can get passed in the 118th congress. not what i want, not what they want, what can we pass today to move the ball forward. i think this country needs leadership, not pointing fingers at one another.
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>> is speaker mccarthy leading on migration and border reform? >> i think -- we passed this hr-2. bill this week. everyone will say we did our part, it's the senate democrats that aren't doing their part. but in a district like mine, 60% of el paso county, we're not looking for symbolic bills that have no chance of becoming law. we only get help when a bill becomes a law and the stress is alleviated at all levels. what i'm seeing is overcrowding is becoming normal. it's normal to release people. it's normal to have these folks live in the shadows, all of it is wrong. >> i have to ask you about one other thing. you had in the past if there were unchristian anti-immigrant bills brought to the floor by republican leaders that you would block a vote to lift the debt ceiling. you used that as leverage to get some things taken out of this border bill that just passed. have you committed to leadership that you will vote yes on any debt ceiling bill that the
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speaker is able to get through in terms of his negotiations? >> i have not. yeah, no, that's what leadership, whether it's democrat or republican always wants you. they want you to give your vote away to them. my vote is for the people of the 23rd district. one of the things that i've fought so hard in hr-2 was to make sure that these anti-immigrant bills, like hr-29 die on the vine. this was a bill that banned legal claims. and many in congress. there is a new generation of both republicans and democrats that are fighting for legal immigration and we are absolutely against illegal immigration. i think you're going to see our voice get louder and louder as we go on. >> all right, we will be tracking that work. thank you very much, congressman. "face the nation" is back in a minute.
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need? >> you know, we are. and it's really important to talk about that because secretary mayorkas, fema, they really have stepped up to help us make sure that we do the job of the federal government. we all know they're not coming into el paso, they're coming into the united states. so we've been working with them to make sure. we know the immigration process is broken. there's no ifs or buts about it. our city and the southern border couldn't do it without federal aid. >> are you seeing any kind of health impact in your community? >> any what, i'm sorry? >> health impact. there have been reports about health facilities being overburdened. >> you know, one of the things that's -- when the judge passed that law that says they had to have a court date prior to being released into the community, we're prepared. we are prepared. we have two schools that were not being used. we've opened it up to be ready to help the asylum seekers and
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help them go. once they get number then they're prepared to go to their destination, whether to meet with family, friends or a job that they have arranged. we're prepared and have gotten the help. we do see that the border patrol is full. this morning i got a number and they're at 5700. but we are prepared and ready to move forward. secretary mayorkas and the boyden administration has been a big help to our community because we couldn't do it on our own. >> yeah. well, there have been some complaints from nonprofit organizations that one of the problems with the federal funding through fema is that the government will only reimburse for documented migrants, not undocumented ones. that puts some strain on those local aid groups. what's the impact? >> and that's correct. so we had the red cross come in to help the ngos to provide food, provide help and continue to work with them.
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so one of the things that if you go into a federally aided shelter, that is what ends up happening. but we've had the red cross. the red cross is in el paso and they're prepared to continue help them because we need the manpower. there's no ifs and buts about that. >> the red cross? >> yeah, the red cross. >> when you hear -- i think that's just a statement that americans hear about the red cross going in to crises overseas, they don't think about it in a u.s. city. but that help is what you need. are you seeing a concern with the undocumented population in your city? >> you know, those are the ones that are not able to move through and continue to move through and those are the ones that are continuing to work through the immigration process. one of the things you saw on monday, we had about 3,000 out at sacred heart church. the federal government, the
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border patrol went in there and helped them all fill out the documents, get moving forward. the ones that couldn't figure that out, they were returned hopefully into their country. but one of the things you see is we did something that hadn't been done and that's help them register and help them do that so they can move forward. >> mr. mayor, good luck to you. we'll be back with a lot more "face the nation" including laredo mayor, victor trevino. stay with us. it's down with ry. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction.
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>> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." we begin tonight with president biden's new border strategy. the revised rules are under political attack from both the right and left. lawsuits have been filed as a result, but so far the administration's latest moves appear to have deterred the record migrant rush many had feared following the expiration of title 42. government data obtained by cbs news shows 4,200 people on saturday crossed the southern border, 6,300 on friday. that's compared to these numbers before title 42 expired thursday
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