tv Face the Nation CBS May 22, 2023 3:00am-3:28am PDT
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♪ welcome back to "face the nation." we continue our conversation with miami's mayor, francis suarez. so, sir, when will you announce you're running for president? >> well, it -- it's got to be soon because the first debate is august 20th. i'm someone who needs to be better known by this country, and so i think the republican party has said that there's going to be a debate a month from august all the way through january 1th which is the iowa caucus so you have to take every opportunity to share your story, to share your vision and trying
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r them, so i think it would have to be soon in order to make the debate stage. there's a couple of criteria that you have to follow. one of them is you have to be at least 1% in the polls which shouldn't be a problem and secondly you have to have 40,000 unique individual contributions which takes a little bit of time so the clock is ticking. it's a with myf-ngle day we talk about it, my wife and i and we're getting much, much closer to making a final decision. >> that sounds like the only word you're not saying yes but you're leaning in pretty heavily. trump adviser kellyanne conway was quote as saying you would be among the best possible draft picks as a running mate for president trump. would you join a ticket with him? >> look, it's flattering to be in any discussion for the vice presidency or the presidency. you know, i was -- my parents came to this country at 12 and 7 from cuba, exiled from their
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country at birth and i never thought in a thousand years i'd be on "face the nation" with you about talking about the possibility for running for president. that demonstrates greatness of this country, that this country provides opportunities to everyone who cares about the american dream. that's how i've grown up. >> right. >> you know, grown up as a citizen -- >> you also said that the company needs someone who is aspirational and inspirational and not divisive but donald trump is not a unifier and would you stand with h is i rational and inoperational and people should vote for me because i'm something different which can appeal to a different segment, voters under 30 that biden won by 26 points and i won my city by 86% and was re-elected by 80% and hispanics. as a hispanic american i think it's important to be able to connect with a voting demographic that's growing and is trending republican. that's happened. >> let me ask you on that though.
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there was some reporting in your local papers about your job and side job that you hadn't disclosed. will you release your tax returns if you run for president? >> of course. and ie dclose all the jobs that i have. it really shouldn't matter how many jobs i have. what should matter how i do my primary job which is being the mayor of miami and nobody criticizes that. i'm the president all the mayors in the united states. >> yeah. >> our success story in miami is very incredible, you know. we've lowered taxes to the lowest level in history and grown 12, the second most in recorded history. we have the lowest per capita homicide rate since 1964, and this year we're 40% below that number. you know, and we -- we're number one in the nation in wage growth and number one in unemployment so i don't know why my local paper is obsessed with how many jobs i do. they should be focused on the i do a great job. >> mr. mayor, we look forward to talking to you about the job you might be seeking in the future. we'll be right back. brightest minds in medicine. en you neede
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we travel to williamsburg, virginia on friday to speak with robert gates, the former defense secretary and cia secretary who was chancellor at william & mary. we began on the question of america's leadership and how the dysfunction over the debt ceiling might undermine it. >> i think it's a real problem. it needs the narrative from children in particular that our system doesn't work, that it's broken. it's paralyzed. it can't get things done, that their model is more stable and actually more effective than ours, so sort of having these episodes of great crisis and then some solution at the last second really needs the notion that -- that the u.s. political system isn't working at l. >>t threat to thestes is right
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hinkt is t polarization i the country,w,e' recently is not just a measure of paralysis as indicated by the debt ceiling, but all of the meanness and a lack of civility among our politicians. the sense that somebody who disagrees with you is not just somebody you disagree with but is an enemy, is a bad person. this lack of civility is i think something new and really is pretty pervasive in the congress and it sets a pretty bad example for the rest of the country. >> we're now over two years into the biden administration and no cabinet member has traveled to china to date. there are some signs that there may be a bit of a thaw coming here, but the two presidents
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need to talk. what has to happen before they can get on the phone to each other? >> well, i was encouraged by the day long talks that the national security adviser had with his chinese counterpart a week or so ago in veepa? our ambassador nick burns is now being allowed to see some more senior officials than he's been able to see in the past, and this lack of communication is a rerobl of told war. t hotne the soviets and t even in '90s with the russians. we had agreements on how to deal wins dents like incidents at sea and how to make sure control. we don't have any kinds of those communications with the chinese today, so my highest priority, frankly, would be direct communications linked between our commanders in hawaii and the chinese commanders in eastern
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china, but it's also important for the leaders to talk and to begin to figure out, you know, we are going to be in this contest for a long time, and let just face that reality. >> recently beijing reportedly appointed their state security czar to start cracking down on u.s. firms that do business in china. it's getting tough on that front. >> it's getting tough, and when xi jinping made very clear at the party congress a few months ago was that sit goi econ china. isn't iredible? maintaining and sustaining the power of the communist party of china and that's his highest priority and he's willing to sacrifice economic growth for that. >> japan's prime minister said so kind of military expansion r
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by china asp looming as almost inevitable. do you see the potential for a head-to-head clash here, or are we thinking of it incorrectly? >> there's always that potential. the chinese have been building ships like crazy. they now have more ships in the pacific than we do, and they are still building, so i think we have to take it very seriously, and i think -- and i think the disparity and the size of our navies, even though our ships may be bigger and better technologically, at a person point the numbers really matter. >>amsly s that n was wrong t , but at this pridency how do you his, o the thing that's most important right now which is ukraine i
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think the way that the administration used intelligence to alert the europe yaps and others to what the russians were about to do was very important, and i think the way that the administration was able to assemble the alliance, bring the alliance together in support of ukraine has been very impressive. my problem is that they have been i think slow in approving the various kinds of weapons systems going to the ukrainians, and so, you know, there's a debate for a long time. do we send tanks? well, timely we sent tanks. do we send things like the himars and other kinds of capabilities, and we finally did it but only after months and months of indecision. >> and now it's f-16s. >> they have been talking about f-16s for many, many months and now we hear, well, we're going to allow the training on the
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f-16s. well, that's a decision that could have been made six months ago. the truth is had they begun trainings six mont ago then those pilots would be able to get into the airplanes this spring. i understand the need to avoid a direct confrontation with the russians, but i think we learned pretty early on that as long as we weren't providing things that could attack russia proper that putin was not going to retaliate. >> a year ago when we spoke you told me the one glimmer of hope you saw was that xi jinping and vladimir putin had united democrats and republicans in washington. there was strong consensus. do you actually think that's holding? >> i do. i think that in fact there's kind of a competition on the hill to see who can be tougher on china, and it makes a more nuanced policy by the administration more difficult because anything that the administration does to try to
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put a floor on this relationship ch veryro cized on the hill as e bipartisan support for what the u.s. is doing for ukrainians, and i think it's also in terms of china. >> yet, there are some loud voices raising concerns about u.s. military readiness in terms of drawing down u.s. stockpiles to quickly provide u.s. arms to ukraine or to taiwan and the connection to this concept that that weakens the united states. donald trump said last week we're giving away so much equipment. we don't have ammunition for ourselves right now. we're giving away too much. >> the kinds of equipment we're giving ukrainians for this ground war against russia are not necessarily the kinds of weapons we would rely on if we ended up in a confrontation, for example, with china.
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i think there also is a realization that we have let our production capabilities wither since the end of the cold war and finally people are getting behind the notion that we'll have to make some long-term investments there. >> i think there is an interesting conversation though about america's role in the world, and we're seeing some of the republican candidates in particular take some pretty different positions on this. do you think where a candidate stands on this issue of russia and ukraine really should matter to people at home? like what does it say about the candidates? >> well, i think it should matter. i think it's very important where a candidate stands on issues related to core national security interests. >> because you believe ukraine is core to u.s. national security? >> absolutely. because -- we have these nato obligations. if vladimir putin wins in ukraine, there's no doubt in my mind that moldova is next, that
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belarus will be incorporated into the original russian empire which is what putin is trying to create and it creates great danger to the baltic states and to poland where we have alliances that would require american forces to confront the russians so i think that this is important. there are differences of view, and frankly there's differences of view on this issue in the democratic party as well. esti thathe s. assess cement that vladimir putin is, quote, very unlikely to use a tactical nuclear weapon but the bravado continues. do you still have a concern that this could et calscalate or are entering the slow, grinding wafer attrition? >> well, think the chances of putin using a tactical nuclear weapon is not zero but it's very, very low.
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and nato's retaliation, they wouldn't retaliate with a tactical nuclear weapon but it would engage russia much more directly if there was use of a tactical nuclear weapon. he also hats partner without limits, xi jinping publicly twice telling him not to use tactical nuclear weapons, so there's just -- there's no -- there's no money in it for putin. i think the risk of a significantets calculation on the part of the russians is pretty limited at this point. >> but not necessarily at a point where we're tipping towards negotiation? >> i personally think that negotiations are pretty far in the future. i think this fight will continue and particular, i mean, either way, if the counteroffensive is really successful or if it's not, the fighting will continue until one side or the other is exhausted and -- and putin's bet is that he can outlast the
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ukrainians and outlast the europeans and outlast us, and -- and xi jinping is watching this very carefully so this is another reason i think for us to stay the course in supporting the ukrainians. >> i want to ask you a little bit about something that you said last year when i was asking you about the state of the country. you said it would concern you if president trump ran for office again. he is currently the front-runner for the republican nomination. what's your level of concern now? >> well, i'm concerned because among other things because he -- he has been very clear that he wants to dramatically change if not dismantle some major institutions in the american government. my attitude for a long time has en many of the institutions in
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our government need dramatic reform, but those institutions are critical to the preservation of our democracy, preservation of our economic well-being and frankly our freedom. >> what does this next two-year period look like for us? >> well, the interesting thing to me is -- is the polls that suggest that sigma majorities of the american people across the board would rather have two very different candidates for president than the is choice they are likely to be given. >> is there any glimmer of hope there that you see on the horizon or new talent? >> i think there are several caucuses in the house in particular that are looking for ways to have more pragmatic problem solving in congress, to have more bipartisanship. are i think it's got to start. we captain start solving some of these big problems unt h
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some restoration and civility where people actually respect each other. >> well, thank you for the civil conversation today, mr. secretary. >> thank you. >> always cull n our website face all and on our youtube channel. we'll be back in a moment. - life is uncertain. everyday pressures can feel overwhelming it's okay to feel stressed, anxious, worried, or frustrated. it's normal. with calhope's free and secure mental health resources, it's easy to get the help you and your loved ones need when you need it the most. call our warm line at (833) 317-4673
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you can confidently manage your business. new business? no problem. yeah. success starts with intuit quickbooks. more than 130 medications are in shortage in the united states, including key cancer treatments according to the food and drug administration. joining us now to discuss it is former fda commissioner dr. scott gottlieb who is also a board member atcer societyarped this week it'ntho what's causing it? >> look, it's bad. this is a long-standing problem. there's about 300 drugs in shortage right now, active shortages, and so that's a high level. it's the highest it's been since 2014, but this has been a long-standing challenge. i dealt with it at fda going back to around 2003. that's how old this problem is,
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and the issue is that this mostly affects sterile injectable drugs. it doesn't mean that small molecule pill-form drugs aren't in shortage but the majority of them are around the stashl injectable drugs. the rim burst president for these drugs under government programs has been driven down very low, something above the marmg fall cost of manufacturing the drugs. that's fine when it comes to a pill form drug where there's not athroat can go wrong, but when it comes to an injectable drug you need to leave a margin in so peopleth a high quality. th gsere'shorta khehi hsokt the, sm facilities areed ts.s. how do you ramp up domestic production? >> yeah. look, we've paid a high price for the low costs we've enjoyed. if you want to get manufacturing back in the united states and you want companies to have a healthy margin so they can
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invest, you need to pay them to do that so as long as we drive down the reimbursement for the generic drugs they won't have the money to reinvest in doing that. the white house is talking about more regulation. the generic manufacturers are calling for direct subsidies. i think we really need to create a market for high quality manufacturing so you can allow generic manufacturers to make certain claims about the reliability and the quality of the manufacturing and then for generic manufacturers that can make those claims, maybe through some third-party, you paym for that. you pay them for the fact that they have reliable manufacturing that might be domestic, that might be more modern so it's going to be more modern unless prone to shortages. >> well, the federal government is capping the cost of certain drugs because of high costs to consumers. is that going to add to thi uresunder inflation reducon act will exas fwhat problem becae it will prevent the generic manufacturers from taking p increasf th enter a market for the first time or
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spend a lot of money upgrading a facility to be complaint with state of the art regulations they won't be able to take a prips crease to recoup the costs so it will come out of their own pocket. 50% of generic drugs in a generic portfolio lose money so a generic manufacturer loses money on half of the drugs that they market. that's not a sustainable business model. i think the administration should carve out the old sterile injectable drugs entirely. they didn't do that in this legislation and it will exacerbate the possible. >> can they do that? can the fda do in a? who can do that? >> it's going to take congress. they did create provisions in the ira to carve out some of the drugs but the way they decided it so it will take an act of congress right now to modify the ira to do that. i think people are recognizing there's structural features in this market that make this a recurring problem. this is not a new problem. it's gotten worse over time. it will take congress stepping in to do something tohange the
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>> and that brings us back to a problem we talk about weekly in terms of getting things passed right now. i want to about covid because i'd be remiss if i didn't the acknowledge the end of the federal health emergency on may 11th. what do you think the practical impact will be on people at home? >> well, i think the end of the public health emergency, the practical impacts won't be that much for the a consumers. there were ts like lee an impact on eligibility. some people will lose their medicaid coverage and others not get automatically get re-enrolled and they won't know how to re-enroll in the program so there will be an increase in the uninsured has they get kicked off the medicaid ross. right now cases are at low levels and will probably pick up going into the fall and hospitalizations, 9,000 hospitalizations last week. that's an historical low through the pandemic. excess deaths are back to the historical baseline so things
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673 or live chat at today. york. ♪ this is the "cbs overnight news." >> thank you for joining us. jericka is off. i'm major garrett. president biden held a bilateral meeting with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy at the g7 summit in japan as russia claims victory in the longest-running battle in the war. today zelenskyy denies that bakhmut is entirely in russian hands. >> i think no.
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