tv Face the Nation CBS June 4, 2023 8:30am-9:30am PDT
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i'm jane pauley. "face the nation" is coming right now. please join us when our trumpet sounds again next "sunday morning." ♪ . i'm margaret brennan in washington. this week on "face the nation" -- debt crisis averted. now what else can a divided washington accomplish for americans and the economy? president biden signed the bipartisan deal to cut federal spnding and suspend the nation's debt ceiling, just hours before what could have been a catastrophic default. >> no one got everything they wanted but the american people got what they needed. >> we'll ask two deal makers, west virginia senator joe manchin and louisiana republican garrett graves about what's next for the country. bank of america's ceo brian moynihan on how brinkmanship impacts an ever-changing economy. then, the field of republicans running for
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president is growing with one high-profile competitor diving in. >> our great american comeback will start by sending joe biden back to his basement in delaware. >> and more expected to cruise into the race this week. >> come this wednesday i'm announcing in iowa. >> we'll check in with our expert cbs political panel on what voters can expect as the race intensifies. overseas russia steps up its attacks in and around kyiv. can ukraine's counteroffensive wit heels? we'll check in with ukrainian ambassador oksana markarova all just ahead on "face the nation." good morning. welcome to "face the nation." we have a lot to get to this morning, and we begin with republican congressman garrett
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graves, who led republican negotiators during the debate over raising the debt ceiling. he joins us from baton rouge, louisiana. good to talk to you. >> great to be with you. >> president biden said you all were respectful, honest and operated in good faith. do you see any sign on the heels of this that republican leaders can work with the white house on big issues like immigration reform and border security? is there momentum? >> look, the negotiations certainly were in good faith, but they also included a lot of candor. we had some tense moments throughout, but i would love to tell you we could build upon thus this. we certainly have a crisis in the energy case and immigration is a huge issue where we should work together. >> more democrats than republicans actually voted for the deal that you negotiated. and it leaves largely intact most of the president's economic agenda. how can you claim, as you told
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my cbs colleague the other day, the white house got schooled? >> because the white house laid down about seven red lines, including they wouldn't negotiate, wouldn't allow anything to be done with work requirements, anything to environmental laws, they wouldn't allow us to take any funds from irs agents and on and on, and yet every single red line that they laid down, we crossed right over in negotiations, resulting in the largest savings in any legislation in the history of the congress. this is a huge accomplishment, huge legislative wins and when you look at the president's statements all he can do is talk about anything that didn't happen versus anything tha dida agenda. >> trillion to trillion and a half over ten years in savings. you said there was an erosion of trust within your own party between you and some of those harder lined freedom caucus members who said it was a bad deal that you negotiated and this morning congressman ken buck of colorado said, speaker
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mccarthy has credibility issues, and while a motion to vacate won't happen right away he should be concerned about being removed from office. how big of a problem is this right wing of your party? >> look, there were erosion of trust issues because folks went out and began attempting to define a deal while still in negotiations. there wasn't even an agreement struck and their interpretation or definition of the agreement, as you can imagine, was flawed. in with regards to speaker mccarthy let's be clear, this speaker has been one of the best strategists we've had delivering immigration, transparency, bill of rights and other legislation looking back on previous congress not one has been done, much less about ten huge wins this year. >> 71 members of the house republican caucus voted against it.o cf1 o i know you had 67%. i mean you had the majority of
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your caucus, but 71, that's not nothing there. can you rule out a government shutdown in the fall? are these hardline members going to be emboldened on the back of this? >> margaret, let's talk about what their goals are. their goals are trying to change the trajectory of spending, transform washington, in a way that's more responsive long term thinking about the next generation and the fiscal crisis we're approaching. i don't think that should be a partisan issue. we should be on board with those objectives. in this case i think leverage was trying to be exercised that really threatened the economy in a large way. we've already seen under this administration the stock market has lost around $9 trillion in value hurting retirement accounts and families all across the country. we can't continue to see those types of challenges. i do think in the appropriations process, we are going to be working hard to continue the momentum that we've gained through this negotiation, saving trillions of dollars. >> can you rule out a government
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shutdown? >> i'm not ruling out anything. it depends on how reasonable each side is. obviously, in negotiations it's difficult to predict, but i want to be clear republicans are going to demand continuing to build on the success we were able to achieve in debt ceiling negotiations, in changing the way that washington spend. >> well, i know you're one of speaker mccarthy's lieutenants here but when you hear a member go out on television on cnn and say he should be worried about his job, that he doesn't have the faith of the caucus, that's got to be concerning? that affects your tactics at a minimum. >> look i've known ken buck for years and certainly respect him. it is not a mainstream position, i will tell you right now. speaker mccarthy's position is absolutely safe. he is going to continue delivering wins for the country, changing the direction of washington and being more representative of the priorities of americans across the country. i have no doubt his position is safe and we're going to keep marching forward, continuing to
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build upon the historic wins hes been able to achieve this year. >> to get what you're calling these historic wins, though, democrats would say republicans took the economy hostage. it was a pretty big game of chicken here to threaten default. fitch ratings is saying even with this deal, they still could downgrade u.s. credit outlook here because of political standoffs around the debt limit and last-minute suspensions before the x date. it lowers confidence in america. why was it worth possible wly damaging the benchmark of the financial system and the credibility? >> it's a great question and one you need to pose to the white house considering the fact that they refused to negotiate for 100 days, despite indicating otherwise. they're the ones that brought us to the brink. if we had begun negotiations in february when the president and speaker had their --
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>> it was a point of leverage -- >> we wouldn't be in this situation. we would have finished negotiations in months. >> take the debt ceiling off the table entirely, you've suspended it two years, what about a vote to get rid of it? >> no. i don't think -- >> you need the leverage? >> i think that it's really important, jus l you had out i hpm out, but itheirt ou wd wod a cfdiendingthomnsible federal budget has calculated that every child or grandchild born in america today is going to end up paying about $4.5 million because of the irresponsible spending in washington. $4.5 million over their lifetime. that is absolutely inexcusable. we cannot continue on this trajectory. >> well, one of the things that fellow republicans are criticizing is the fact that you adopted the biden defense budget, and the 3.5% boost which
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doesn't keep up with inflation. how do you justify that doesn't hurt defense? >> sure. >> republicans like lindsey graham are saying. >> yeah. yeah. it's a great question. so let's keep in mind that we're increasing defense by about $20 billion to $886 billion. when you take every other function of government it equals about $704 billion. there's no question in my mind that we can improve efficiency of the department of defense, the large-scale acquisition programs, whether weapons systems, aircraft, and others. we're all familiar with the toilet seats and hammer stories utras prices. and while we nsure that departm. >> well, we'll have to have you back, garrett graves, we'll leave it there for today. we turn to west virginia democratic senator joe manchin. welcome back. we really came down to the wire here. >> good to be with you. >> when you were --
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>> it's a shame that we do that. >> when you were with us in march, i remember you saying, speaker mccarthy and joe biden, they just have to stop grandstanding and they needed to start negotiating. how much of a miscalculation was it by democrats to wait? >> i think it's harmful. it shows you that extreme left is pushing so hard not to even negotiate and not even talk about it, you know, just hold your ground, hold your ground. that's not who we are in america. the process of democracy -- >> they said that the republicans were hostage takers, right? >> how can you be a hostage taker if you're talking about shouldn't we recognize we have an unimaginable debt and how we got here so fast and so high at 31.a $5 trillion. trajectory out of sight if we don't do something. i want to get both sides, negotiating teams credit. congressman graves and his team on behalf of kevin mccarthy did a wonderful job and when you
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have basically steve row chet shetsty and louisa terrell working on behalf of the president, those are good people. it's a shame we didn't acknowledge it much quicker, three months ago at least, and not come down to brinkmanship when it kind of throws the uncertainty into the market to where here we are, the reserve currency of the world market, has to have stability where people believe that it's safe. >> yeah. >> you can't play these games. >> agreed. well, you also got an energy project tucked into this, the mountain valley pipeline, which cuts through your state and also cutting through virginia and senator tim kaine said this was a slimy way to handle it, that was his word, because it bypasses the courts and have the government seizing land from people in a hard hit part of his state. how do you respond to that? >> first of all, tim kaine is my dear friend and a good person. he and i were governors together and we understand both of our states very well. the southwest virginia area he's
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talking about is entirely my entire state is demographics along those lines. first of all, this has been under review for over eight years, eight years. for eight years basically a lot of this land has been purchased and people have been paid. fair market values.thotia a pai. next o a, it' gonough eit nepa eight. it's been in the court system nine times. then on top of that, margaret, these processes or these projects cannot move forward unless the ferk commission determines there is a need. now three times they have issued a need for this product as far as more gas on the market. jennifer granholm and this administration came out with a statement saying this is in the national interest. the people in the carolinas are paying ten times more than in west virginia for the gas we produce. that's ridiculous for them to have that heck of a stranglehold on it. and also helping the rest secure national markets as far as
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energy, you have to be independent, you have to be secured. this is a great project that's going to help not only just west virginia, but the entire energy security system. >> okay. it's interesting because last month you said you were going to block all ofoe -- presidenbiden' epa nominees until he halts a radical climate agenda but he just green lighted a bunch of products including this one. you've been critical of the president in recent months. does this change your point of view? are you ready to endorse him? >> well, the bottom line is, i'm going to work whenever i think that basically we're moving in the right direction. what you've just seen is basically the extremes trying to run this operation. the united states government from the far left and far right. it was the middle that pulled everybody together. it was basically reacting to the people saying enough is enough. >> that wasn't a yes, when i asked you about endorse him, though? >> well, the bottom line is, i'm not involved in the political process right now, with all the things that we have to do. everyone thinks about politics
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first. i don't. it's not about the politics. it's not about my re-election or anyone else. we have an awful lot of work to do and we still have permitting to get done. we have a geopolitical unrest around the world. we have to support ukraine. we have to make sure that we get our financial house in order and get inflation down. >> okay. >> if you throw politics in you won't get any decisions on any of that. i don't think we would have got this bill done. >> to get all those permitting issues done, because you only got a fraction of them in this bill, you want things that will speed up energy infrastructure permitting for fossil fuels and clean energy. do you need a second term? >> absolutely. >> do you need areio y he to co working. we can get it done now. we're on the brink of getting it done right now. we could have got it done last year but politics entered and we couldn't. here we are. we got part of it done. we got some reforms done as far as permitting and now what we
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can do is basically make sure we're able to get the pipelines and the delivery system we need for clean fossil all over this country to be energy independent and also be able to invest in the technologies of the cleaner technologies with less carbon, but we need more transition. i'm for all energy snools you know why i asked it that way -- >> i can support this from wherever i'm at. >> wherever you're at. you know why. jim justice, your governor, republican, is coming for your job. he has declared, and i know you have said you're going to take your time until the end of the year to decide, but doesn't he have at least six month advantage here? don't you need to tell people what your plans are? >> here's the thing, margaret. you said about my job, my job is to do what i can to help the people of west virginia and support this great country of ours and defend the constitution. that's truly the primary cause of my job. it's not for me to get re-elected. if i run i'm going to win. i'm looking at everything i can to basically help my country to
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be stronger, to be more moderate, more centrist governed, than anything i've ever done. that's what my focus is because i know that's where good decisions. look what happened here. we got clear to the brink, but this is the first time i've ever seen from the house working with the democrats, hakeem jeffries and his team, working with kevin mccarthy and his team, to make something happen. i read about that when it used to be tip o'neill and president reagan. now i've seen it. i've seen also president biden and his team come back to the middle getting away from where the left pushed him. basically it's the middle that brought them together. >> well, that's -- joe manchin, always more to talk to you. >> that's where we are. >> more to talk about and i want you to come back to talk to us when you make a decision about whether you're running for re-election or that other option you said last time you're leaving open possibly. presidential run. >> everything is open. everything is on the table and not off the table. one thing i wanted to mention to you, we need a risk assessment,
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risk management team for the united states of america to get to this brinksmanship every time. we should be taking this on every day. what's the risk we're taking if we don't do that. >> i want to talk about that with one of our upcoming guests, ceo of bank of america. stay with us. abetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? that's the point. get real about your risks and do something about it. talk to your health care provider about ways to lower your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. learn more at
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. we've got some good news about america's job market this week, but there appear to be economic headwinds on the horizon. mark strassmann reports. >> the bill is passed. >> reporter: turmoil averted. while washington's treasured blueprint governing by crisis. >> the great news for americans right now is that we avoided the catastrophe of hitting the debt ceiling. the troubling news is that we came that close. >> reporter: like washington, the rest of us have bills to pay. good news first, spending consumers keiep creating more jobs. employers added 339,000 jobs in may, gains in health care, construction, leisure and
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hospitality. but still not enough job seekers for restauranteur nick osbourne. >> we are in need of extra depth, and it has been hard to find that extra depth for sure. >> reporter: there were also layoffs in the tech sector and a sharp rise in black unemployment that pushed up the overall jobless rate. it's a snapshot of a complicated, wobbly economy, with stubbornly high inflation and the specter of a recession. pessimism is having a late spring to remember. in a recent gallup poll, 55% of people believe their financial situation is only fair or poor. half say it's worsening. fewer americans, less than two in three, have $400 squirrelled away for an emergency. >> and that's -- >> reporter: for house hunters that struggle hits home. loan applications down 30% from a year ago. why? rising interest rates now just under 7%, tightening credit and
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cities like orlando have a startling lack of inventory. one third the sellers this market needs. >> don't want to leave because they don't want to give up their interest rate. >> reporter: for the first time in more than a year the fed is expected to hold rates steady at its regular meeting later this morning this month at least for now, uncertain whether this economy is stabilizing. margaret? >> mark strassmann, thank you. for more now we are joined by the ceo of bank of america, brian moynihan. good to have you back here in person. >> it's great to be here, thank you for having us. >> our last two guests talked about the fact that we came to the edge. what do you think is the financial cost here since america's credit rating is still in question? >> well, we had the one in 11, the one in 13, it's not good for the united states to go through this. it's a political process. it's good they came to a resolution and it's good it's behind us and that has provided
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momentary momentum in the market and allows us to face real debt level issues ahead of us. >> some of the ceo of banks have talked about setting up war rooms and doing emergency planning. how much of an impact is there? >> well, it's -- because it's over, there was an impact. we were doing all that and we were prepared in case, you know, it didn't come out right. the good news it came out right and you heard talk about coming together in the center and voting it through. now we can move forward. there's still issues ahead of us and we can talk about those. >> do you think that they should get rid of the debt ceiling, as some ceos have called for? >> that's a political question. at the end of the day, we need to have a serious discussion about how much debt we can have in this country, how much we can afford and that discussion needs to go on. the debt ceiling triggers certain debates around it at certain times. it's part of the process of government and whether you're a republican or democrat, they have to get together and do it and keep the financial stability and strength of the united states paramount.
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at the end of the day if we're not strong the rest of the world will not be strong. >> let's talk about that strength because the federal reserve is predicting a mild recession on the horizon. what are you seeing there in terms of how the consumer is behaving and where we might be seeing any kind of slowdown? >> so last time i was here it was the end of last year and we predicted a recession this year. we moved it out. it's basically third quarter this year, into the first quarter. a mild recession. unemployment gets up in the high 4% range. still very low by historical norms. and that's our core prediction. as you think ahead, what's going on now, the impact of the fed's tightening has had its effect. consumer spending 22 over 21 by bank of america consumers, 4 trillion plus a year, was up 9%. year to date it's up about 5%, may 4% over last may. it's slowing down. that level is more consistent with the 2% growth economy and a 2% inflation economy not a 4%
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inflation level economy, 4 to 5%. so the fed is getting the consumer spending level in line and now we have the jobs report and other things which sends confusing and ambiguous messages. the activity the consumer is more in line with what the fed wanted because the rate increases and other aspects have had their effect. quantitative tightening had their effect. >> you gestured that the prediction of recession keeps getting pushed out, like economists keep getting surprised by the data out there. is the prediction going into this presidential year ahead of us that we will be in the midst of a recession? >> i think we're at the point where the fed having tightened as much as it has with the impact of the failures of two or three banks which are different than a lot of the banks that failed, the impacts of the treasury funding has to come forward, the impacts of the environment around us slowed the economy down. the question is inflation under control and right now, most people are thinking like in 1984
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when continental failed and volcker who was fighting inflation having paused maybe the fed should pause and let the effects of this take hold and see what happens, but at the end of the day that has a slight recession. >> we're going to finish this thought on the other side of the break. stay with us. enters the room. phil: excuse me? hillary: that wasn't me. narrator: said hillary, who's only taken 347 steps today. 348, 349... hillary: i cycled here. narrator: haha! on an e-bike... speaking of cycles, mary's period is due to start in three days. mary: it is? narrator: and her friend hasn't washed his hands since... monday! yeah, i'd put that back. and then there's bill, whose heart rate rises to 115, nervous i'll mention... bill: my diarrhea? narrator: his chronic night sweats. linda: you sweat more at night than you do at the gym. narrator: which is rich coming from linda, who's wearing yoga pants but never does yoga! linda: i stretch! bill: how do you know so much about us!? phil: i don't like it... narrator: it's your health data, you've been sharing it without realizing it. that's how i know about kevin's rash.
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if you miss an interview or an episode, you can find it on our "face the nation" youtube page. we'll be right back. hi, i'm jill and i've lost 56 pounds on golo. hi, i'm barry and i've lost 42 pounds. jill and i are a team. if she tells me to do something, i usually jump on board. golo was doable, it's realistic, and it's something we can do the rest of our lives.
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welcome back to "face the nation." we're back with the ceo of bank of america, brian moynihan. i want to pick up on something you indicated earlier when you said the fed had accomplished something. you said recently the fed won the war. is that war against inflation? >> well, the inflation is tipping over, but one of the toughest things for the federal reserve is the power of the u.s. consumer and they were employed, they were earning more money and spending. what you're seeing is that's tipping down. that's a key component to getting inflation under control because if unemployment is at %
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rate of inflation and that creates a hard job for the fed to slow that down because the u.s. economy is so consumer led. they have won that battle. they've won that battle, inflation is tipping over, but importantly see the u.s. consumer activity is slowing down which if you project that out ought to bring inflation down. >> with one of the impacts of the banking turmoil we went through, for lack of a better term, we're hearing about credit tightening up. what are you doing to tighten up lending standards? how much harder is it for consumers to come out and borrow money? >> you know, at bank of america, we have responsibility and growth for decades. we don't change lending standards that much given different lending cyclicals. consumer credit quality in our industry is strong. most of us are reporting numbers below 2019, a pmulti decade low. lending is tightened because of two fas,inning last year
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the feeling that a recession -- everybody was predicting a recession and going into a recession. people tend to tighten credit standards and things like that. the second thing the disruption cased the capacity of lending to come down, which as they pulled money out of the banking system on into the federal reserve as cash or overnight facility has come down, monetary tightening, least that less engine in the engine room to lend and causes banks to be more careful who they lend to and how much they lend and that's tightened standards dramatically. >> and more expensive to get a mortgage. >> rates went up. when the fed raises rates they're trying to slow down borrowing capacity and in the most -- you know housing and autos and things are most rate sensitive come down the quickest. and then things like mortgage loans, 90% of consumers are locked into mortgage loans below 5%. that slows down and so home buying and other things kind of bounce around until everybody gets used to rate cycle and
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moves back up. we were in a low rate cycle for 15 years. >> are you slowing down hiring? >> we are. last may we hired 3,000 people. this may 700 people. that's due to the attrition rate that has slowed so much and we need to trim head count and we'll be down to 3,000 this quarter. we're not making layoffs. we're trying to do it by attrition. what it was last year.o half of- when i talk to other companies i get the same input. depends on the input, trying to get welders in specific areas that's tough work, but in a general industry, employment conditions are leveled out. still strong employment but leveled out and allows the tightening cycle to pause or slow down and let the economy get back under itself. >> good to have you here in person. we'll be right back. inable ways of doing things. america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars in new technologies and creating plastic products that are more recyclable.
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visited the early nominating state. notably absent the gop frontrunner, former president donald trump who was off the trail this weekend. joining us now to discuss, are three of our sharpest political reporters, cbs news political correspondent caitlin huey-burns, ed o'keefe, senior white house and political correspondent and robert costa our chief elections and campaign correspondent. welcome to you all. i want to start with you on donald trump because we learned from the department of justice that they will not be bringing charges against mike pence for his classified documents that he was mishandling. what do we know about the case against mr. trump? >> sources with knowledge of the investigation believe that a charging decision in the documents case on the federal level being led by the special counsel is imminent and it could be coming in the next few weeks. in fact, the grand jury might have some activity this week. we hear from sources close to this investigation. we also hear that the trump lawyers might be meeting at some
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point with the justice department to talk through where things stand. >> when will we know? when you say the next few weeks and imminent, there is a republican debate in august. are we going to know the answer to this before they all take the stage? >> the investigations over former president trump loom over this race. we hear a charging decision could be made in june on the y the special unsel continues, but that could end up going into 2024 when some of these primaries are unfolding next year. right before the debate, the thing to pay attention to, a charging decision and a possible indictment in georgia where trump is being investigated for pressuring election officials. that could come in early august, just weeks before that first debate in milwaukee in late august. >> this is going to be an incredible primary season with that. i want to turn to you, caitlin,
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because when they take this debate stage, in order to even walk on alongside mr. trump or whomever else, there are some parameters that are being sent. we know there are at least ten republicans who may be on the stage. to get up there they have to agree to endorse whoever the nominee is. >> they're being asked to sign this loyalty pledge, what's interesting about this field is that when you ask the candidates will you commit to supporting donald trump if he's the nominee they won't say. i've interviewed mike pence and tim scott and they have not been able to answer that question. on the other hand, trump hasn't been able to answer that question either. he hasn't said whether he will support the eventual nomination if it's not him or if he will participate in the debates altogether. that still remains kind of a wild card here. he could be advantage skipping first debate. he's ahead in the polls and the frontrunner at least at this point, but at the same time if he does skip the debate that does give his rivals the opportunity to make their case as the alternative without
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having to stand there and weather the attacks. >> that assumes there are attacks. listening to some of these speeches in iowa. he was the candidate who loomed large but his name was not spoken. >> that's right. >> and chris christie, who may be jumping in, one of the few who does take aim directly at the former president, but he said he's not going to be a hired assassin. that's what he told politico. >> there's a ceiling that he's hitting right now about 35, 40%. everyone else in this race knows that. they're focused on that 60% or so that's still out there to be had. everything is donald trump's to lose. i think anyone showing up to an event hosted by someone else is curious. the idea of all the legal matters he's facing, the personal issues he's dragge with him through the years, is on the minds of these voters, especially in iowa where we were this week. a lot saying if he's the guy, i'll pull the plug and be there for him, but all this stuff or this baggage, you know, i've kind of done with itin somedy e
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names we hear, ron desantis, tim scott, nikki haley the three that came from voters' voices frequently when talking about somebody else. all of them understand they've got to lay out what they're about, what they would do santis noticeably several re, times over the past week was asked about trump or made inferences to him in his remarks, making it clear that he thinks the party has to move on and called his attacks juvenile, that's why he lost voters in 2020 and won't be able to drag them back. if that's not the argument some republican isn't going to make, what will work to convince those republicans otherwise. >> the question robert is always, does a possible, you know, movement in this case, does an indictment for hypothetical purposes, matter here? or is that even what we're talking about at this point? >> to build on what caitlin and ed laid out, there's a real wait and see mentality with so many
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of these campaigns. they don't want to attack trump on the investigations. they want to see all of that run its course. but they are starting to not necessarily attack trump, but take out the scalpel on policy and you can expect pence when he gets into the race this week according to people close to him, to start saying trump is not conservative enough to be the republican nominee. you're also seeing that same type of attack from govern desantis coming at trump from the right linking him with dr. anthony fauci, the response of the pandemic was too favorable to corporations, too federal in its nature, so this is a different kind of position for trump to be in. not to be facing questions about his conduct or his character, but about his conservatism. >> it's fascinating. caitlin, you have been looking closely at the issue of abortion as this galvanizing political force. president biden had said that he would set a national standard of access up to the point of viability which is roughly 24 weeks under roe versus wade but
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the republican candidates each has a different answer here and they don't seem to have a unified position on how to handle something that is so politically loaded. >> exactly. republicans right now are caught between a primary electorate that is cheering the overturning of roe versus wade and a general broader electorate that has rejected that decision. we saw that at the ballot box in 2022 in places like wisconsin and pennsylvania, saw it earlier theater in wisconsin. when you talk to republicans, operatives and those on the anti-abortion side, they want the candidates to be engaging in this issue because they feel like they ceded ground last time around and you do have groups like susan b. anthony pushing candidates to take a stance on federal abortion restrictions. and that has kind of tied these candidates up in knots. i think what changed this week, however, is how the candidates were talking about it in iowa. obviously, iowa is where the evangelical base is.
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governor kim reynolds signed a six-week abortion ban there. you heard governor desantis talking about that playing up his six-week abortion ban he signed into flaw into florida. we got a more concrete answer from donald trump who has tried to kind of avoid this altogether reminding voters he was responsible for overturning -- >> but the republican line on this had been it's up to the states. i thought it was interesting when nikki haley was on the program recently she said candidates are not being honest when they claim it's possible to get a national law on abortion. >> and there is some truth to that, right. the idea of having 60 senators pass anything is unlikely. but it is trying to thread that needle between the primary electorate that you need to support you in a place like iowa and general electorate, especially women, also notable that they play this issue differently in nevada. >> the man running for
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re-election, president joe biden it was a big week for him with his bipartisan deal. in the speech from the oval office it went quickly from very bipartisan to a bit of a campaign speech. >> yeah. let's raise taxes on the wealthy and let's remind ourselves of what republicans are pushing for in the deal that didn't get through. the goal through the end of this year is to keep him being president. looking presidential. he's got meetings with the danish and british prime ministers. he's going to have events on the economy, speak with the kansas city chiefs, all of that checks the box of i'm commander in chief and in charge, look at the big deal i got. he will be raising a lot of money between now an the end of the year. not a lot of campaigning. not because of his age or because of his vigor. it's consistent with what president obama did in 2011 into 2012. if he can raise that money now he will be more than happy to spend it next year and sit back and watch republicans squabble over how many weeks of a ban there should be for abortion, who is conservative enough, knowing they should be able to
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go into those elections next year in the six or seven battleground states and hope they can make the compelling argument. they worry if it's not trump there's a generational argument to be head. you saw ron desantis alongside his wife and kids and they have to get the vice president out there more to talk about, you know, issues of concern especially to the base. >> all right. this is going to be a very interesting campaign season. thanks to all of you. >> it's just starting. >> it's just starting. but get ready for a busy summer. there's no slow summers anymore news wise. thanks to all of you for joining us. quick programming note, tune in next sunday for an interview with north dakota republican governor doug burgum expected to launch a presidential bid in the coming days. we'll be right back.
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here at grocery outlet we want to help you find name brand bargains for your family. to do that, you need to be able to buy more groceries for less money. the problem is prices keep going up, which means less bang for your buck. at grocery outlet, we believe you should be able to buy the name brand products you love at prices you can afford. wow. shop us first and get the name brand products your family love, for less. ♪ grocery outlet bargain market♪ we turn now to the war in ukraine. ambassador oksana markarova joins us for an update. good morning to you. it's good to have you back with us. >> good morning. always good to be back. >> i want to ask you about what's happening now because defense secretary lloyd austin said u.s. trained ukrainian brigades have arrived in ukraine and they've been rehearsing,
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training and maintaining for weeks. he mentioned the weather has improved. he's describing the conditions for that counter offensive to potentially begin very soon. what are you expecting in the coming days and weeks? >> well, you know, for us, counteroffensive never stopped to be honest. since february 24 that's all we were focusing on how to liberate our land. with additional brigades, equipment, everything we're working on now, we're hoping that our commanders, as soon as they will see the opening, will start this. whether it's going to be one or several counter offensives. the faster we can liberate all the territory and all our people, of course the better. so i will not, of course, as you heard our president and our commanders, we will not announce anything, but you will see it when the results are there, but we are expecting to liberate more soon. >> and your president said we
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are ready. russia, though, throughout the course of the week, has been launching missile attacks, including on the capital of kyiv. they appear to be testing your air defenses. and i know president zelenskyy has said ukraine needs for patriot missiles. are you getting help, getting that kind of air defense right now? >> well -- >> is the u.s. doing enough? >> we're very grateful we're receiving, so it's patriots, all other capabilities, but clearly we need more. what russians have been doing, again, for 466 days now, but also this week, you know, we have seen how daily several times a day, there are deadly attacks by rockets but also drones all the time. so it's the terror, it's the destruction that it brings, but also it's the, you know, expending our capabilities that we have now. we definitely need more. >> the biden administration released another $300 million in military aid.
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some of that included drones, are these surveillance or attack drones that u.s. is giving? >> it's a range of the drones, and we need all of them. we need the surveillance, we need the attack drones, we need drones so there will be different capabilities in the packages. >> there is an upcoming nato meeting in july that the president, president biden, is expected to attend and ukraine's possible entry into the military alliance is a topic there. do you know what the u.s. is going to promise? >> well, we all look forward to the summit. ukraine has nato aspirations, transatlantic aspirations in our hearts, in our constitution, and the majority of people support it, since 2008 when the first declaration was made to be a members of nato it's time to startcussing specific steps in that regard. as president zelenskyy said, we are realists and understand the
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limitations that the ongoing war could, but after this moment, after the horrible violation of international law, russia attacked us not provoked when we were not part of nato, after historic decisions on finland a sweden, it's time for everyone to realize it's good versus evil and we need to be members of nato as much as nato needs ukraine also in order -- because we have a lot to add to nato. we look forward to this forum to discuss this. >> your president said he knows this wouldn't happen until after the war is concluded. in other words, the u.s. wouldn't be drawn in directly to this conflict now as a nato member. but promised a futuretr what are the security guarantees you are looking for? >> well, you know, president zelenskyy put out his formula which clearly outlines how the war should end and how to build,
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restore the security, so there is a lot of elements. military security, justice, building in ukraine, ensuring that we can altogether deter russia from making it again. it's all been discussed with partners but with the group, discussed at the g-7 and others. it's a work in progress. but i think, you know, the real security guarantee, not for ukraine, but for transatlantic community and our part of the world and globally for everyone who believes in u.n. status is for us to become a member of the alliance is that a peaceful alliance, of people with like-minded values. >> $45 billion in u.s. support has been pledged but the funding ends in september and there will have to be a request for more. are you concerned about all the political pressures that may make that more difficult? particularly going into a presidential election year?
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>> well, any democracy and ukraine and the u.s. are both democracies, have good democratic elections and processes and yes, it's an additional factor. but i believe american people support us and we're very grateful for american people for the support we have received and always remember it. and i know that the majority of politicians on both sides of the aisle, you know, equally, we have this bipartisan support and i really hope that ukraine will continue uniting people in ukraine even through this electoral process. >> ambassador, we'll be watching closely in the coming days and weeks. thinking of ukraine. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> turning now to rising tensions between the u.s. and china. a chinese warship came within 150 yards of hitting an american missile destroyer in the taiwan strait. u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin said it was extremely dangerous. china's defense minister called
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the presence of that american destroyer a provocation to china and defended sailing the warship across its path. it's just the latest flare up in the relationship between the two powers, and it came 34 years since the crackdown in tiananmen square when beijing brutally quashed protests by unleashing tanks and troops on demonstrators. the death toll is still unknown, but estimates range from several hundred to several thousand. seven days after the massacre, lesley stahl briefed americans on the fallout ahead of a conversation with the u.s. ambassador to china at the time. >> the white house now says the chinese government has murdered many of its own people. leaders and the other hardliners are consolidating their control over the country searching out unpro-democracy leaders. western businesses pack up and begin pulling out of china.
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official chinese television is denying there was ever any blood bath, any brutality in tiananmen square, showing pictures of the arrests of what authorities there are calling thugs and hooligans. ambassador lily, in the morning papers today, there are a lot of stories suggesting that the u.s.-china relationship is tearing apart, disintegrating rapidly. a lot of anti-americanism in their official press. what's your assessment of where we stand? president bush keeps saying he wants to preserve the relationship. how is that possible at this point? >> i think we've gone through many ups and downs with china and i think right now, we're going through a down. i don't think we should sort of give up on it. i think that would be a terrible mistake. >> those ups and downs continue today. china's defense minister refuses to speak to secretary austin, but two top u.s. officials are arriving in beijing today in an
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attempt to thaw relations. the visit comes after cia director bill burns' secret trip to china last month becoming the most senior biden administration official to visit beijing since our relationship with china sharply dae ter rated following the february shoot down of chinese balloons over american territory. we'll be right back.
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