tv The Late News CBS June 16, 2023 1:37am-2:12am PDT
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the smoldering rubble. the fallout from an exploding storage facility hitting hard for self-pay families. >> from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hello, i am sara donchey. huge flames, explosions, it was about all firefighters could handle at this storage facility fire in san jose. watching it burn was especially painful for families who wondered what would be left of some of the most important things that they own. this was just a small par of what the fire sounded like. popping sounds that some people thought were gunshots. it did serious damage to the facility. while arson investigators say i is too early to know what cause the fire, they did arrest a person of interest. even though burned to the ground, what was inside the units mattered almos as much to one san jose family who lost something they will
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never get back. they say a whol person's life can fit into a storage unit, and wednesday night bill wilson watched his g up in smoke. >> i liberal close by and i can see the smoke and here the fireworks and explosions and stuff. >> but it would not be until th next day that he relied what ha been lost. >> we had 56 years of just decorations for the holidays. this is going to devastate my wife. >> not just things, but irreplaceable keepsakes from a part of his life that have been gone for years. >> we had keepsakes from our daughter that she made growing up and we lost her six years ago, and now we lost these priceless items. >> will watched thor the agcity burned to the ground. the popping of what
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seems to be fireworks exploding adding to the confusion, which day later turned to anger. >> it is unforgivable. i hope they can find these people. i hope they do whatever is appropriate, because they have ruined a lot of people's lives. >> the two stories have collapsed in on each other. wit the amount of stuff people have in their storage units that has collapsed as well. we do our best to protect people's belongings, but unfortunately there are a lot of storage unit that were severely affected by this and a lot of people will have lost a lot of belongings i this fire. >> you can't go into a building that is shooting back at you, s i understand. there was nothing they could do. >> will will do his best to sor through precious debris to see what can be saved. even in the dread of telling his wife, he knows there is a lot ahead of
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them, far beyond the now-crumbling walls. >> i have a brand-new great-grandson i will meet for the first time next week, so there you go! start all over again. 56 years and a new great-grandson. we are on our way. we will do it all over again. here's to another 56! wonder if she can send me for that long. >> nice to see him be able to laugh, but still a serious matter. we don't officially kno what caused the fire, but our cameras spotted what looked lik fireworks all over the ground. we checked, and no surprise, bu explosives are on the list of items that public storage will not allow you to store there. the athletics have been in the bay for 55 years. their fan are fiercely loyal. but now it looks like the team is about to get a one-way ticket to vegas. nevada governor joe lombardo signed a bill securing some $38 million in taxpayer money to build this, a ballpark on the strip. the team put out a
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statement about it, and to add it to injury they did not mention oakland at all. they said they are excited about the nevada sports scene, looking forward to becoming a valued community member. sheng thao insists the city went above and beyond to keep them in oakland. >> we had over 27,000 people show up on a tuesday night to really show and really debunk any accusation that we don't have a fan base here. if the owners and ligue 1 a team in vegas they should approve an expansion team but they should allow for the oakland a's to stay rooted in their hometown o more than half a century. >> while there may only be a tiny, tiny glimmer of hope left the past 24 hours have left the oakland a's fan base pretty deflated. as andrea nakano reports, the mlb commissioner himself says the city only has itself to blame. >> reporter: fony, it feels
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like the bottom of the ninth with two outs. they need hopes to keep their team alive but those hopes are quickly fading as the a's now have a deal to move their team to vegas. >> you hope something will fall apart but you take it day by da and today is not a good day. >> reporter: jorge lyons founde the fan group. the team has looked at fremont and howard terminal, but this move to las vegas feels imminent. >> today is like, it is kind of overwhelming with a lot of ange and rage. >> reporter: these emotions are mainly directed towards john fisher and the owner of major league baseball, rob manfred. >> i would say they handled thi
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poorly. >> reporter: bamford said that while his baseball's preference not to relocate teams, it was oakland that never stepped up t the plate. >> what is it that oakland was prepared to do? there was no oakland offer! they never got t the point where they had a plan to build a stadium at any site. >> reporter: oakland has disputed the claims and says it has now raised $430 million for the stadium project, which lead fans to believe that the a's never had any intention of bein rooted in oakland. >> i don't think they ever wanted to be here. it is such a diverse city and i think it scares the owners and the peopl that don't understand oakland. >> reporter: as the team announces its plans to move to nevada, the fans feel insulted that there was no mention of them and the rich history of franchise has had since the mov
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in 1968. >> i feel like we will find a way to fill that void somehow, because we never stopped fighting in oakland. >> reporter: there have been talks about an expansion team, but the fans here say they want the a's. parents of students in san jose say their schools have a big problem. guns. the distric needs to do everything it can a soon as it can to get them off campuses. parents packed the sa jose unified board meeting tonight. the focus was on how t keep the campus safe after multiple students were arreste for bringing guns to school jus over the past few months. most recently a student was arrested for bringing ghost gun to willow glen high in may. after that some parents claimed the school district waited too long to tell them about it. before that, on april 21st, a hoover
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middle school student was arrested for carrying a loaded gun on campus there. here is what school board members said. >> we are part of your community. our kids work here. we work here. i was scared to death when this happened. for every child that says they want to be safe in school, i wish i could tell the child you can be safe in school, but we cannot guarantee that for our children we can all work on guaranteeing that for our children. >> parents want to know what will be done about this. part o the response from the board is they will spend more money on counselors and work with san jose police on how to communicate security threats. this boy is still two years too young for a drivers license but he is about to graduate fro college! and he is only getting started. el haalread
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offered him a job. it is a move straight out o knight rider. the auto company whose customers could soon be having full on conversations with their cars. we can be happy that this insect invasion is happening just across the state line from us! a lot happening outside tha does not involve any sort of critters. we have the juneteent celebration in san francisco o saturday. inland parts of the bay area still have warm weathe to enjoy. details coming up in the first alert forecast. straight ahead in sports, ringmaster at the circus? what' that all about? i will tell you
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a 14-year-old from the east bay is about to graduate, not from high school , which would be impressive enough, but college! he is getting his degree in computer science and engineering and he already has job lined up with spacex. shawn chitnis caught up with him just ahead of graduation day. >> reporter: at first you might think kyra and is just another
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14-year-old coming to class on campus until you realize you ma be coming from one of his graduate-level college classes at santa clara university. gifted is understatement for him, who started college at the age of 11 and completed his bachelor's degree in three years. >> it came to a head in third grade when i think it became painfully obvious to myself, my parents and my teachers that third grade wasn't for me. >> reporter: college is already pretty challenging for most students in their late teens or early 20s, but kyron is somebod who never wanted to stop learning, even with a head star over everyone else. after the third grade he spent two years at a community college studying mathematics and then switched t computer science at scu. >> i have never had a young
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student before. >> reporter: for the university it presented its own challenge. figuring out how to teach someone who needed a parent to drop him off to school. >> i can learn a lot about how to deal with who has dysomehis >> reporter: and now this whiz kid will be working on satellites in space before he could ever drive a car around campus, helping spacex and starlink make the internet available on some of the more remote parts of the planet. >> i think one of the reasons why this was interesting to me is because of the broader applications of the technology. >> reporter: once again, when looking for a job, his young ag did trip up some software hirin engineers. >> when i first met with recruiters they were very perplexed, but the recruiter that i met at spacex, he was super nice. he was very excited
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about my situation and my background. >> reporter: while he is alread reaching for the stars at age 1 he is already looking to reach new heights in the future. >> i think i want to found a startup and work on problems that i think can really help humanity. >> reporter: but until then he is still finding time to enjoy the simple things in teenage life, like playing video games and hanging out with friends, even if some are college-age students. >> still video games in there somewhere! kyron is set to get his diploma and he will be the youngest graduate in the histor of santa clara university. maybe someday he will help astronauts land on mars. nasa just released this image from the it is a composite of two panoramic images with color added to
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convey a transition from mornin to afternoon. nice. i love seeing the images they come bac with! >> we are really in the first generation that has seen the su rise and set from another planet! >> and it looks like utah! >> basically! it looks like about three years ago with orange sky day. let's hope we don't see tha again anytime soon! our air quality will be fine as we head into the weekend. let's look at the big picture pattern and really, we will just see typica june weather tomorrow and to start the weekend on saturday, before things change a little bit for the second half of the weekend. the storm system will move into the pacific northwest the energy and moisture associated with it will miss us well to the north, which is typical for this time of year, but it will be close enough to reduce the weight of the atmosphere on top of us, and that means cooler temperatures and stronger onshore breeze. th cool snap will continue into th
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juneteenth holiday on monday . so the 10-day transfer san jose shows a couple more days above normal readings before the bottom drops out. it will be pleasantly cool even once we d bottom out, then we bounce back to about five or so degrees below normal for the rest of next weekend into the following weekend. looking at the pollen count over the next several days, that will not change a whole lot. we are either on the high end of the yellow category or the low end of the orange category. very consistent. grass, all of and juniper polle are the three offenders in term of allergens. looking outside right now, little bit of fog in the difference, but it is not surrounding salesforce tower like last night. the temperatur tonight is down to 67 degrees. the least cool spots are exactl 60 degrees in concord and san jose. not much variation. that fog will try to spread across the bay. some reduced visibilit into the inland valleys, but watch how fast these numbers
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improve through the first few hours of daylight tomorrow. we will see obstructed visibility already by the time we hit late morning and even along the coast you will see the sunshine peeking through the gloom as we head towards midday and into th afternoon. temperatures tonight drop into the 50s across the board. most of us will drop a few more degrees. high temperatures tomorrow bounce back to within a few degrees on either side of what is normal for this time of year, mid-60s on the coast, upper 60s in san francisco with low 70s for oakland and east bay. upper 70s down the peninsula. the one spo that will still be below averag is inland in the north bay. just the way the valleys are oriented, the southwesterly winds have a better chance of infiltrating the north bay valleys as opposed to the east bay and santa clara, so these other locations reach into the low to mid 80s which other wher they are supposed to be. if you are heading out today's game they are starting a series against the be in the mid 60s but we will steadily cool off as we head
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through the evening. this is th first weekend of the alameda county fare. temperatures will be warm and pleasant and and pleasantly cool on sunday and it will be breezy for father's day as well with highs only in the low 70s. temperatures aroun the bay will not experience the huge drop we will have inland from saturday to sunday. a two to four degree increase for san francisco? we can handle that. we do bounce back closer to normal for wednesday and thursday. the big drop will be the warmest spots tomorrow , where we dropped from 82 in san jose on saturday to 70 by monda , then rebounding into the mid-70s for the majority of nex week, close to 80 degrees by tuesday, wednesday and thursday inland in the east bay, while o the coast the june gloom occasionally gives way to a little bit of sunshine with temperatures hovering in the upper 50s and low 60s. straight ahead in sports, something i have always wanted to do! ringmaster at a circus! this is the sole circus
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good evening from richmond, everybody! from the big top it was the sole circus, and why am i dressed like that? i have the chance to be the ringmaster for tonight's performance, a show going until father's day. there was so much excitement, so much energy, and i was so glad to be a part of it tonight! >> welcome to the soul circus! somebody say spicy! when i say big top, you say circus! big re time, bitop!itone more time
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vern glenn! baseball. a's with a chanc to take the series against the rays who came to town with the best record in baseball. eighth inning, game tied at three. luk raley hit a go-ahead home run t give tampa the lead. a's had their chances but could not convert. rays win 4-3 and split the four-game series in oakland golf. the pros had no problem in the city of angels today, especially rickie fowler here was one of his 10 birdies on the day. he caught it at eight under 62 and set a u.s. open record for the lowest single round. and schlafly tied his record just hours later. so
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the 86th annual stern grov festival kicks off in san francisco this weekend. snarky puppy will kickoff the free concert series on sunday and th flaming lips will wrap things u on sunday, august 20th. tickets are free. they have to be reserved ahead of time. if you can't make it this weekend we will carry the show live on our sister station and streaming on cbs news bay area through the
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app. it all starts sunday at 2:00 p.m. does buying event tickets ever make you feel like you are seeing double, double the price like when you check out? live nation and other big ticketing firms just promised to show you all the hidden fees up front. hidden fees can add more than 20% of the price of tickets for concerts and sporting events. a lot of us have experienced that most of the ticket price goes t the act you are seeing that all of the fees go to the venue and the ticketing company. starting this fall buyers will see all the fees up front. this one is for my producer do you remember this? >> michael, i can serve you better if i am familiar with your strategy. >> good thinking, kid. our game plan is simple but complex. >> mercedes drivers will soon b able to channel their favorite
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(male) there are many voices in today's world. everyone is voicing their opinions about everything, and jesus is no exception to that. what if there was a clear voice telling you exactly who jesus is? (male announcer) join dr. david jeremiah as he teaches who jesus is and what that means for your life. tune in to dr. jeremiah's new series, "christ above all", on the next "turning point", right here on this station.
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we haven't talked about thi in advance, but have you seen what has been going on in nevada? >> the video we teased earlier. >> a biblical plague! >> nasty. >> people are posting video of it. millions of migrating mormo crickets -- >> mormon? >> yeah. they have been swarmin the city of elko for two weeks. it is disgusting. a woman said it sounds like it is raining bu it is actually bugs falling on the roof. just awful. apparentl experts say these swarms happen often, just usually not in populated areas. there is nothing that elko people can do but wait. >> you see they are moving at the whole road is crawling and
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it makes your skin crawl. it is just so gross. >> the state actually had to bring out heavy equipment to plow and sanded the roads. they put up slick roadsigns. they get crunched! could you imagine walking barefoot? >> no. you lived out east for a little bit. did you ever have a cicada thing, like when they hatch every 7-13 years. >> i had a run-in with fire ants! i have the scars to prove - [narrator] the following is a paid commercial program for walkfit platinum. sponsored by walkfit platinum, llc. - [narrator] coming up, as part of our comfort spectacular, you can cradle your feet in comfort anytime you want with our all-new memory foam slippers, a $30 value for free.
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