tv 60 Minutes CBS July 30, 2023 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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>> history. >> a cemetery is supposed to be your final resting place. >> honorable place. >> final. >> in clearwater, florida, they're debating how to honor the dead, now entombed beneath a school, missouri avenue, and an office complex, an enduring legacy of segregation. >> tear down that building, as far as i'm concerned. what happens when the main water source for the southwest begins to run dry? the colorado river serves 40 million people their drinking water, powers their homes and irrigates 90% of the nation's winter farmed greens. to all those demands, add the stress of a 23-year drought and you have the makings of a crisis. >> these white bathtub rings, is this where the water used to be? >> absolutely. charles barkley is an nba
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hall of famer, who in retirement ended up revamping into a job that made him one of the most colorful sports analysts ever. yes, ever. why do people want to listen to you? >> i think they know i'm going to be honest, i'm going to be fair, i don't have a hidden agenda. not too many people on tv you can say that about. >> i'm lesley stahl. >> i'm bill whitaker. >> those stories tonight on "60 minutes." needles. essentntial for sewiwing bear-bebear, bubut maybe nonot for peopoe with rheumumatoid d arthr. because e there are e opt. like an "“unjectction™."”" xeljljanz. a pill, , not an injnject. xeljananz is for a adults with m moderate toto severe rheueumatoid artrthritis. it c can help rerelieve joininn and swelliling, stiffnfness, and helplps stop furtheher joint dadamage. some s saw improvevement within t two weeks..
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no one can say when human remains began surfacing in c clearwater, florida. there was the pipeline crew that churned up bones in a trench. later, remains of the dead were found at an elementary school, a swimming pool, and an office building. it seemed like a curse for what had been done in the name of progress and greed in the old segregated south. as we first reported last fall, the truth of what happened in the '40s and '50s was meant to stay buried. but in a neighborhood called clearwater heights, residents with long memories recognized a grave injustice. in the first half of the 20th century, clearwater heights was a black neighborhood thriving, proud, and anchored by faith.
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>> friendship missionary baptist church, bethany cme and new zion missionary baptist church were all located on the heights. >> and so is st. matthews baptist, where we heard stories of childhood in the heights, including those of diane stevens and eleanor breland. >> they had businesses, barbershops, there were hair dressers over there. there was a cab company. it only had one cab, but it was still a cab company. >> right there on greenwood, they had different places where even ray charles performed there. also, james brown performed up there. >> reporter: but even the famous could not stay in a white clearwater hotel or walk on the beach or swim in the bay. segregation bound their lives and exiled even their memory to segregated graveyards.
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how many of you believe you have ancestors in one of these cemeteries? about half of you. the segregated cemeteries of clearwater were sacred ground, until the ground became valuable. in the 1950s, headlines announced that the city of clearwater made a deal on moving a negro cemetery. hundreds of african american bodies were to be reburied to make way for a swimming pool. a department store was planned for the site of another black cemetery where, again, the bodies were to be moved. but o'neal larkin remembers many years later his first revelation that something was terribly wrong. >> it's not an imaginary thing that i seen. it's what i seen with my own eyes. >> reporter: larkin, 83 years
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old, watched a construction crew in 1984 dig a trench through the site of a relocated black cemetery. >> but i remember the parking lot where the engineers, traffic engineer was cutting the lines through. and they cut through two coffins. that was my first knowledge of seeing it because i walked out there and i seen it myself. >> in 2019, the tampa bay times reported many segregated cemeteries in florida had been essentially paved. it was then that the modern city of clearwater decided to exhume the truth. >> people deserve to be treated with respect. that's the most important thing. >> reporter: rebecca o'sullivan and erin mckendry are archaeologists for a company called cardno, hired by the city. >> these family members were loved. they were family members. they were fathers and mothers and they were interred with love.
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>> reporter: mckendry and o'sullivan pushed ground penetrating radar over a segregated cemetery where this office site stands today. this overlay shows part of their discovery. 328 likely graves, many under the parking lot, perhaps a few under the building, and more there on the right beneath south missouri avenue. 550 graves are in the cemetery's record. mckendry and o'sullivan found evidence of 11 having been moved in the 1950s. so there may be hundreds of bodies still at that site? >> it's possible. >> not far away, the archaeologists probed another former cemetery. >> where there is more it looks like the intact graves. >> here in the 1950s, rather than integrate the white community pool, the city said it
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would move hundreds of bodies to build a black swimming pool and a black school. but the bodies weren't removed. >> but the bodies were not removed. >> cardno found the proof last year. it excavated just deep enough to confirm what ground-penetrating radar had suggested. >> it is their resting place. >> a prayer was said over the site. then they planed the sand and sieved a century of time in search of gravemarkers or tributes. inevitably, relics included human remains. teeth at the office building site, and bones at the school, which had closed in 2008 because it was obsolete. are there grave sites underneath the school? >> all of the information and the data that we collected does indicate that there are additional burials likely below
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the footprint of that school building. >> i would be very surprised if they didn't find any bones. >> they had to. >> reporter: o'neal larkin watched the excavation and imagined the groundbreaking at the school construction site in 1961. >> to dig the foundation to put this school upon, they had to hit some form of remains. >> it's likely some families could not afford a tombstone, but the archaeologists found graves were marked. >> doesn't it look like one of those metal plaque things? >> this is a marker that would have been used initially after the burial if the stone was not ready to be placed. and in some cases, this is all that would have been used to mark the location of a burial. >> erin mckendry shows us cardno's catalog of evidence. >> it's a mercury dime. >> it is a mercury dime. >> this dime, new in '42 was among many tributes left with the dead. >> we also found this brass
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wedding ring at the same location and depth as the dime. >> 71. >> the tributes and disturbed human remains were carefully reburied exactly where they were found, pending a decision on what to do next. if you could speak to these people who were interred and then lost, what would you tell them? >> i hear you. i'm working. i want to recognize the contributions, the life you lived. i recognize and see your humanity. the cheapest land, the worst places. >> anthropologist antoinette jackson leads the african american burial ground project at the university of south florida. she is building a database of desecrated cemeteries. >> not just clearwater's. nationally. from new york all the way out toward texas and all the way down to south florida, where these cemeteries have been built
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over, erased, marginalized, underfunded and need support in order to make them whole and have this history known. >> this is not an isolated story, unfortunately. >> so far, jackson has listed about 107 effaced black cemeteries nationwide. >> underneath the current housing -- >> under housing, freeways, and the county owned parking lot of tropicana field, home to baseball's tampa bay rays. >> what we want to bring forward is the memory, the knowledge that these sites were there. these places, these cemeteries, these families were there, lived, died, worked, contributed to our country, to their communities, to our hometowns. >> is there evidence of white cemeteries being lost, abandoned, forgotten in the way that these are? >> there are abandoned cemeteries across the board. there are cemeteries that are not only african american
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cemeteries or black cemeteries that have been in some way desecrated. but the issue is more acute with black cemeteries because of issues like slavery, segregation, in which this particular community were legally and intentionally considered lesser than or marginalized by law. >> when a cemetery disappears, what is lost? >> history. >> history. >> history. >> respect. a great deal of respect. >> yes. >> because you can no longer visit. >> right. >> and bring closure to your own soul. >> a cemetery is supposed to be your final resting place. >> honorable place. >> final. >> in clearwater, they're debating how to honor those entombed beneath the school, south missouri avenue, and the property of the frankcrum company, which bought its headquarters for its staffing business decades after the cemetery was erased.
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>> i'm sure that when they purchased that property, they didn't know that there were bodies there. >> zebbie atkinson heads the -- is the former head of the clearwater naacp. what would you say to someone who might make the argument that disturbing missouri avenue, disturbing the frankcrum corporation, disturbing the schools, way too much effort at this point in time. >> i would say that that's not their call. they have no family buried there. >> atkinson is helping lead the conversation of what to do now among descendants, businesses, and the city. >> yeah, centered right there. >> some people want to have the bodies moved to a place where they can properly memorialize them. some of the descendant community wants to let the people stay where they are. those are the type of things that need to be worked out. >> how do you work them out? >> we have to sit and talk about it. there is no easy answer with that.
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>> whether the failure in the last century to move the graves was deceit, incompetence, or indifference, we do not know. but today clearwater is spending $291,000 to learn the truth. the city told us it is searching for a compromise that will honor the dead. the frankcrum company told us it wants to be part of the community solution. ideas include monuments. but for a few, like o'neal larkin, there is only one route to justice. >> tear it down. >> tear the building down? >> tear it down. tear down that building, as far as i'm concerned. tear the school down. make it a shrine of memories that people can go and use it in a proper way of remembering, to treat them with more dignity than what this has been treated. >> we noticed dignity was treated gently in the white cemeteries of clearwater.
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in this one, we found a monument to a confederate soldier. his grave decorated today with a fresh banner of racism. but when this confederate sacred ground found itself blocking the road to progress, the small cemetery under those trees in the middle was granted a reverent circular detour. of those citizens buried in the black cemeteries of clearwater we have images of only these. the reverend arthur l. jackson, the reverend joseph hines, and mack dixon, senior, who was buried beside his wife florence, three children and two grandchildren. we do not know the faces of 500 more who remain forever bound by segregation and lost to the memory of time.
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the drought-stricken colorado river is in critical condition. almost two years ago the government declared the first-ever shortage on the river. today, the river remains unsustainably low. the colorado is the lifeblood of the region. it waters some of the country's fastest-growing cities, nourishes our most fertile fields. the river runs more than 1400 miles from headwaters in the rockies to its delta in north american mexico, where it ends in a trickle. seven states and 30 native american tribes lie in the
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colorado river basin. as we first reported in 2021, the river has been running dry due to the historically severe drought. the majestic, meandering colorado river, that cut through these red cliffs, carving the grand canyon, is a wonder of nature and human ingenuity. the glen canyon dam created lake powell and 300 miles down river, lake mead sits behind the hoover dam. these reservoirs are being sucked dry by 40 million different straws. that's the number of people in booming western states who depend on the colorado to quench their thirst, power than homes, water their lawns and splash in the sun. its waters irrigate farms that produce 90% of the country's winter greens. to all thee demands, add the stress of a 23-year drought as
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dry as any period in 1200 years, and you have a river in crisis. these white bathtub rings, is this where the water used to be? >> absolutely. >> brad udall, a climate scientist at colorado state university, went out on lake powell with us. so all of this would have been underwater? >> yeah. >> what does this tell you about what's happening on the colorado river? >> well, it's a signal of the long-term problem we have been seeing since the year 2000, which is climate change is reducing the flows of the colorado significantly. >> lake powell and lake mead, the two biggest reservoirs in the country, were nearly full in 2000. by 2021, they had fallen to about 30% capacity. >> the lake is 155 feet below feet below full. it's dropped something like 50 feet this year. >> and it's still dropping? >> yes. that's when power generation
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actually comes into question. >> it will drop so low it may not be able to -- >> it may not be able to generate power. >> hydroelectric power? >> yeah. >> brad udall has strong connections to the river. as secretary of the interior, his uncle stewart udall opened the glen canyon dam. his father, congressman mo udall, fought to channel river water to arizona. as a young man, brad was a colorado river guide. today, he analyzes the impact of climate change on water resources. is the west on a collision course with climate change? >> in some ways yes. but we have fully utilized this system. we have over allocated it. we now need to think about how to turn some of this back. because the only lever we control right now in the river is the demand lever. we have no control over the supply. we have to dial back demand. >> 70% of colorado river water goes to agriculture.
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when the federal government declared the water shortage, it triggered mandatory cutbacks. pinal county, arizona, got hit hard. >> pinal county alone, we're going to be losing 300,000 acre feet of surface water. that's water that would be delivered from lake powell, lake mead, as part of the colorado river. 300,000 acre feet is 98 billion gallons of water. >> wallin worts farms 500 acres in pinan county south of phoenix. his family has tilled soil here for four generations. it is some of the most productive land in the state. crops from pinal county are shipped all over the country. worts grows gourdes, cotton and and alfalfa. profitable but thirsty crops. his allotment of colorado river water is being cut by 70%.
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this is colorado river water? >> yep. kind of the lifeline of our irrigated ag here. >> straight from lake mead? >> correct. this is through hundreds of miles of canal system. it's made its way down here to central arizona. >> what percentage of your water is supplied by this canal? >> it's been close to 50% of the water that we have used to farm here. this next year, it's probably going to drop down to about 20% of the water that we use. >> that's one-seventh of what he was getting a decade ago. to use less water and make ends meet, worts sold more than 300 acres to a solar farm. he dipped into retirement funds to repair and restart old wells. he laser levelled his fields to make irrigation more efficient. >> but it's just not enough in the middle of this drought? >> no, it's not.
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>> so he told us, he will have to leave 150 acres uncultivated. >> what you see green is going to die eventually. i hope we have enough water to plant in the future. more than likely it will stay brown for quite some time. >> all the water users have to give up something to keep that water in the lake. >> amelia florez is chairwoman of the colorado river indian tribes, a reservation of four tribes a few hours west of phoenix, with the oldest and largest water rights in arizona. after being moved to reservations, southwest tribes got rights to about a quarter of the river's flow. government red tape and lack of infrastructure have prevented them from using their full allotment. flores told us until this drought, tribes were never included in water negotiations. why had you not had a seat at the table before this?
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>> because the tribes have always been overlooked in the policy making and in the law of the river. that day has come to an end. >> when western states first divvied up the colorado river in 1922 and later when the federal government built the hoover and glen canyon dams the future seemed boundless and manageable. through negotiation and court battles, states worked out agreements, the law of the river, to split the water equally between upper and lower basin states. the lower states used just about all their allotment. it has fed their tremendous growth. the upper states have never used their full share. now they are booming and say they need the water they have been promised. i can see bathtub rings around here, too. >> we are trying to keep every drop of water into this reservoir for next year's drinking water. >> zach manages the water system for washington county in southwest utah.
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st. george, the county seat, is one of the fastest growing metro areas in the u.s. its population grew 29% this past decade. the state of utah gets about a quarter of its water from the colorado. most of washington county has only one source, the virgin river, which fills this reservoir. >> right now, we are in the process of implementing strict conservation measures. if the cities don't adopt those standards then we'll be out of water very quickly. >> what's very quickly? >> within the next five to ten years. >> in the midst of the drought, utah is proposing to build a $1 billion to $2 billion pipeline, able to bring 27 billion gallons of water a year from dwindling lake powell. utah says it is entitled to the water by law. you are talking about siphoning off water from a lake that's already at a critically low
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level to help a city grow in the desert. >> every state on the colorado river was allotted so much water. a water budget. with their water budget, the state of utah decided they want to use a portion of its water here in st. george, utah. >> it was a budget set when water was plentiful. it isn't anymore. what is utah hoping for? >> utah wants the right to do what every other basin state has done. we want water for our future, for a hotter, drier scenario that's coming up. >> building a multibillion dollar pipeline to pump out more water from an already rapidly declining reservoir simply doesn't make sense in the 21st century. >> jb hamby is vice president of the board that runs california's imperial irrigation district. one of the richest agricultural regions in the country, with the single largest allocation of water on the entire river. >> there's a lot of urban growth
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and sprawl occurring in other parts of the colorado river basin that's really not necessarily sustainable. >> hamby says california's imperial valley farms have cut water usage almost 16% since 2003. but points out, as the population of st. george, utah, grows, so does its water use. >> we need to think and rethink about how we grow and if we grow and where we grow. >> st. george would say they're not asking for more. they're asking for what they need. >> i think what we all need to have is a reality check here and recognize that we live in an era of limits right now. that's not going away any time soon. in fact, it's only going to get worse. >> a big part of the problem is the law of the river itself. a hodgepodge of rules and regulations pieced together over the course of a century. for example, after all the litigation and negotiations, the law ends up allocating more water than actually flows down
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the colorado. and this. in times of shortage, channels that provide more than a third of arizona's water must run dry before california is required to cut back. wait a minute. arizona is being called on to cut its water intake before california has to give up even one drop. >> pretty amazing. it can't work in today's world. in some ways, it's a microcosm of the whole hog the river with the systems that have been put in place that just don't work. they can't work. that's why a rethink is needed. >> one example of rethinking, the colorado river indian tribes agreed to leave fields uncultivated, leaving 48 billion gallons, almost 3 feet of water, in lake mead. the state of arizona agreed to pay them for their losses. >> my people want to help during
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this drought. we want to save the river because for centuries, the river has always taken care of us. now we have to take care of the river. >> that's what negotiations are all about. right? it may be there are ways to conserve and figure out how to get the same goods and services for less water. let's let ag grow crops that use less water. let's figure out how to make cities use water as efficiently as possible. we need some optimism here, right? >> but as we saw at this meeting of pinal county farmers, optimism is in short supply. >> the farmer who is prepared, worked the land, farmed the land is getting the short end of the stick. >> farmers here and across the southwest feed the country. it takes more than two-thirds of the colorado river to produce the bounty. with lake levels dropping,
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arizona farmers like walen wort fear their fertile fields could become desert again. >> you will see drastic cuts, a drastic change of what next year has to bring. for my particular family farm, we're doing all we can to keep it going. i have a feeling it's a matter of time before none of this exists. >> this past january, walen wort lost his entire allotment, but his farm got a reprieve from the wet winter. states agreed to conservative nearly a trillion gallons of water by 2026, hoping the unprecedented cutback will stabilize the river.
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yeah, everything's taken care of. -hey, jamie. -oh, what am i up p to? just visititing a a special sesecret cliene. i cacan't say whwho it is, but t let's justst say she b bd her dreaeam house and her r dream carr for round-d-the-clock protectn with progressive. oh. she has another house in malibu. shshe's been a an astronaut, an architetect, a ceo.o. we'r're in frontnt of her hou, dude. i'd love to tell you who her boyfriend is, but i don'n't think i i "" i'd lolove to tellll you, but i i don't thinink i -- "bararbie" in ththeaters.
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atmsms in fresnono? fres-yes.. encicinitas? yes,s, indeed-usus. anaheieim? big time.. morere guacamolele? i'm on a a roll-ay.. how ababout you? i'i'm just visisiting. u.s. bank.k. rankeded #1 in cucustomer satatisfaction n h retail bananking in c california a by j.d. po. in his hall of fame nba career, charles barkley accumulated 12,546 rebounds. but he pulled the ultimate rebound when he finished playing, equaling, maybe even eclipsing, his considerable skills on a basketball court, with his singular talent in a tv studio. for the last 23 years, barkley has been delivering witty, blunt, provocative opinions on every imaginable topic, often imparted with a smile, always imparted with i-don't-give-a-damn-if-you-agree -with-me candor. imagine mark twain with a
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low-post game. as we first reported in march, despite his lack of a tongue editor, maybe because of it, barkley, now 60, seems cancel-proof, granted license to go right up to that midcourt line of acceptability, even to stomp over it sometimes. it's made him more relevant than ever. it's made him, dare we say it, an american treasure. >> why do you suppose people wanna listen to you? >> i think they know that i'm gonna be honest, i'm gonna be fair, i don't have a hidden agenda. not many people on tv that you can say that about. >> what's up, everybody! >> what's up, chuck? >> you don't have a chance to win every year, that's one of the biggest lies ever told. >> sixty nights a year, charles barkley is the go-to guy on tnt's "inside the nba." >> i like this! >> people are like, "you think
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our team sucks." i'm like, "uh, yeah, i only think that cuz they suck." >> a pathbreaking, emmy-dominating show that makes for riveting, unscripted tv. >> you big dummy. [ laughter ] >> you have fun up there? >> it's just basketball! [ laughter ] we're not solvin' inflation, we didn't just get back from afghanistan. >> but you're not a used car salesman either. i mean, if a game's no good, you'll admit it, you'll say it. >> oh yeah, because the fan, the fans ain't stupid. they just saw it. if i tell them that was a good game, they're gonna be like, "what the hell is charles talkin' about?" >> you said sometimes you've even fallen asleep on the set. >> oh, i fall asleep, like, just sittin' there watchin', like, yo, man, this is just bad basketball. >> i'm going to raise some hell around here. >> this is what america has come to expect from charles barkley. >> we have to talk about the lakers. the lakers are awful. >> for chuck, it's just, i'm gonna let it fly. and if you don't like it, tough. >> 5, 4, 3. >> ernie johnson is the longtime host of inside the nba. >> charles is down there. >> how many times do you say, where's this goin'?
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>> we'll start a show and charles will look at me and say, i gotta get somethin' off my chest. [ laughter ] it could be something that involves world peace, or the brooklyn nets or it could be somethin'-- he could be upset that his plumber showed up late. [ laughter ] and he just has to get it off his chest. >> we gotta be serious on this show sometimes. >> but if barkley brings levity, he also brings gravity. >> memphis grizzlies star, ja morant, was suspended in march after this instagram live video showed him flashing a gun at a strip club. barkley used it to make a broader point. >> guns, especially in the black community, the way we killing each other is just really unfortunate and sad. and we got to -- it's always been a problem, but it seem like it's gotten worse in the last few years, black on black crime and the way we've been killing each other. >> barkley may be at his most visible in the studio in atlanta. >> but for a fuller sense of the man, head two hours west to his
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hometown of leeds, alabama. >> i'm tellin' y'all, i did not name the street after myself. >> you didn't lobby for charles barkley avenue? >> i did not lobby for charles barkley avenue. >> we interviewed barkley in the home he still keeps in town. it's a few hundred yards from where he grew up. >> you were angry that your dad left the family when you were one years old. >> i was very angry. and i was even angrier cause he kept sayin' he was gonna send us money, and he didn't do it. 'cause like, you know, my mom and grandma were workin' their behinds off. and the thing that was really bad about it, i was standin' by the mailbox, like, once every three or four months. >> waitin' for the checks. >> yes, but they never came. >> his indomitable grandma, johnnie mae, who helped raise him, still inspires stories when charles and his buddies get together in leeds. >> shoot, granny was the real deal. [ laughs ] >> actually, charles is the
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spittin' image of granny, really. >> yeah, he got that mouth. and she had one too. >> so we were really poor. we didn't know it at the time. so to make ends meet, she sold alcohol. [ laughter ] >> where? [ laughter ] >> in, in, in the house. >> called the shot house. >> out of your house? >> yeah. so people would come over friday and saturday and play cards. everybody starts drinkin'. once somebody lose their money, there's gonna be a fight. [ laughter ] so my grandmother, this little old lady, she's walkin' around with a six-shooter. and she's keepin' the peace. i didn't even know any better, jon. i thought this was normal stuff. >> woah. >> yeah. think it's time for a new floor. >> barkley also took us to his old junior high gym. it stands, barely, as a symbol of how far he's come. >> 14, 15-year-old charles barkley walking in here. who's that kid? >> he's a 5'9”, 5'10”, big boned, not fat, big boned, chubby, whatever word you wanna use.
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i'm a 5'10” backup point guard. >> you remember specific plays and shots from playin' here? tie game. we got you on the wing. >> no. well, first of all, if it was tie game, i'm not gonna be in the game. let's get that out -- let's get that out the way. >> a six-inch growth spurt helped turn barkley into a high school basketball star, but his formative teenage experience came at the school football stadium. >> wow. >> this is where he stood alone, at a distance, watching his classmates graduate. >> i flunked spanish, so i didn't graduate. i was at home all by myself, devastated. and i drove around the backside here, and i stood here for two hours and watched the graduation. and i cried the whole time. even now, it's kinda hittin' me in a, in the heart a little bit. man, what a traumatic night that was. >> you remember the name of the teacher? >> ms. gomez. i'll never forget that.
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and ms. gomez, when i go back and think, was one of the sweetest, kindest people i'd ever met in my life. but in that moment, i was so mad 'cause, you know, i wanted to throw my hat in the air too. >> he graduated, thanks to summer school. >> at auburn, he was a star, yes, for his skills, but also for his heroic appetite. he embraced his nickname, the round mound of rebound. >> charles barkley! wow! >> drafted in 1984, he became a charismatic nba star, for the philadelphia seventy-sixers. >> here's barkley. >> he's the shortest man ever to lead the nba in rebounding, proof that, for all barkley's yuks, he played with fury. >> i was playing to stick it to my dad ms. gomez, and some of the kids who had made fun of me, instead of just wantin' to be great at basketball. >> what's firing up this furnace
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is the anger you have for your spanish teacher that flunked you. >> yes. >> and your dad. >> yes, 100 percent. >> what caused you to flush out this anger and get motivated for a different reason? >> the spittin' incident in new jersey. >> in 1991, he spat at a heckler and inadvertently hit a young girl. he calls it the low point of his career. >> i got suspended, rightfully so. i was sitting in my hotel room, and i was like, you are the biggest loser in the world. i remember saying, this is it tonight. >> meaning what? >> i am only gonna play basketball 'cause i'm great at it, and i love to play. i'm getting' all the dirt off my shoulders. ms. gomez, bye! dad, bye! that was really the turning point for me. >> by sir charles! >> barkley was the nba's mvp in 1993 for the phoenix suns.
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and then, months after retiring in 2000, he embarked on a broadcasting career. >> number one, there's no dominant team. >> full disclosure, you may have seen him on this network working march madness. >> what do you make of the college game today? >> it's a travesty and a disgrace. i'm so mad now how we can mess up somethin' that's so beautiful. >> how'd we mess it up? >> we can't pay all these players. >> translation: barkley hates the new, wild west of college sports where players go to the schools that can bid the highest. >> in the next three to five years we're gonna have 25 schools that's gonna dominate the sports 'cause they can afford players, and these schools who can't afford or won't pay players are gonna be irrelevant. >> almost a quarter century since barkley last played. >> and now, for my opinion.
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>> his opinions, free of varnish, still matter. >> is kevin durant a great, great player? >> if you aint driving the bus, don't walk around talking about you a champion. >> his takes don't always go over well. kevin durant, a perennial all-star, once said of barkley, "i don't know why they still ask for this idiot's opinion." >> kevin durant. >> he's very sensitive. great player. he's part of that generation who think he can't be criticized. he's never looked in the mirror and said, "man, was that a fair criticism?" >> we're in agreement today's players are a little more sensitive to criticism than your generation. > that would be a understatement. >> today's players take offense, but so have players from your generation. it's been, been a while since you and michael jordan spoke. >> michael disagreed with somethin' i said, and he broke off the friendship. >> born three days apart, barkley and jordan were once the best of friends. but as jordan struggled as owner of the charlotte hornets, barkley minced no words. >> and what i said. i think that he don't have enough people around him that are gonna tell him no.
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and he got really offended, and we haven't spoken. but, jon, i really, i'm gonna do my job, because i have zero credibility if i criticize other people in the same boat and not criticize my best friend. >> even if you have nothing to apologize for, you think of just pickin' up the phone and tryin' to repair this thing with michael? >> i got a ego too, jon. [ laughter ] you can't be great at something, like, that doesn't give you the right to be a jerk. >> you think you'll resolve this eventually? >> he got my number. >> if you really want to get barkley going on disappointment, ask him about his daughter christiana's basketball skills. >> your daughter's not a basketball player. >> that was, that was brutal. she was six feet tall from, from birth. i'm gonna have the best female basketball player in the world.
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i can't wait till she's old enough. i'm gonna teach her everything. and then we start playin' and i'm sittin' in the stands, and i'm sayin' to myself, oh, man. she is not aggressive at all. so i ask her one day, i says, you don't like basketball, do you? she says, oh, dad, i hate basketball. and i said, oh, okay. [ laughter ] and it took me a little while to get over that. >> you're being serious now? >> yeah. but she's a great person and a straight a student. so i have to brag about that. >> i guarantee that makes you feel every bit as good as her hittin' a game-winning jumper. >> not quite, but it is close enough. >> hi, dad. >> christiana, now 34, recently had a son, henry. the new grandpa says he's never felt joy like this. when we arrived, he broke out this video. [ laughter ] >> it is by far and away the greatest thing that's ever happened to me in my life.
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>> lives up to the hype? >> it lives up to the hype. i want to spend time with him, because i'm not morbid, i'm not upset. i'm on the back nine. i hope i'm on hole ten or 11, but you never know. i could be on 17 and 18. so i wanna spend as much time with him as possible. and then when he gets older, i want him to google me. >> google me, kid. >> yeah, hey, yeah. >> do you know who i am? >> i hope he does some research on me. i'll be long gone, but i would like him to know that i accomplished some things in my life. >> i got to live my dream. >> charles barkley on gratitude. >> if you think i'm better or i work harder, you're just stupup. >> at 60 minuteses overtime.c.c.
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