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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  September 26, 2023 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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river less resistant to saltwater from the gulf of mexico, which is threatening the state's drinking water supply. and david mccallum, known from hit tv shows like "the man from u.n.c.l.e." and ncis has died. he was 90. for more, download the cbs news app on your cell phone o it's tuesday, september 26th, 2023. this is the "cbs morning news." biden visits strikers. the president is headed to michigan today to join the picket lines with striking autoworkers. how the white house pressure is impacting negotiations. menendez speaks. the new jersey senator indicted on federal bribery charges defends himself amid growing calls for his resignation. his explanation for the cash and gifts authorities say they found stashed in his home. and heartbreaking return.
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we are there as residents in maui's hardest-hit region are allowed to return to their properties. well, good morning and good to be with you. i'm anne marie green. today president biden is putting his pro-union stance on display by joining the picket line to show solidarity with striking auto workers. uaw members first walked off the job 12 days ago at a small group of plants to demand better wages, a four-day workweek, and other benefits. the president's trip comes a day before former president trump also plans to visit union members in michigan. jared hill has more from new york. jared, good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning, anne marie. this is not something we've seen before. a sitting president hitting the picket line with striking workers. but president biden has been pretty outspoken in his support for the united auto union workers. in a move the white house is calling "historic," president biden will travel to michigan today to stand with striking united auto workers union members.
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>> after taking a look at the significant increase in salaries for the executives and growth of an industry, they should benefit from it. i always support the uaw. >> reporter: his visit comes a day before former president trump also plans to rally current and former union members in michigan. the former president is skipping the second gop debate to be there. in a social media post, he claimed mr. biden's visit is only happening because of him. >> both parties need to pay more attention to -- do more to support us, and not just at election time. >> reporter: multiple top democrats and some republican lawmakers have also visited the picket lines since the autoworkers first walked off the job 12 days ago. >> we've got to share this wealth and share the success. >> reporter: negotiations between the union and big three automakers continue without a notable breakthrough. last friday, the uaw expanded its strikes against general motors and stellantis factories. workers are asking for a 36% raise over four years and other benefits and protections. >> they would like to see all of
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our younger employees and our retirees all be able to support themselves. >> reporter: ford was spared in last week's strike expansion with the union citing progress in their talks, but yesterday te company said it's pausing construction of a $3.5 billion electric vehicle battery plant in michigan until it is confident that it can run the factory competitively. all right. so the biden administration does not have a formal role in those negotiations, but something interesting here, anne marie, is that all of this is coming at a time when labor is getting a lot of support from the public. about 67% of americans are in favor of labor unions, according to a recent gallup poll. and all of this happening just before an election. >> yeah. all that has to be taken into account. jared, thank you. >> of course. we heard from senator robert menendez monday for the first time since he was indicted for an alleged corruption scheme last week. as nikole killion reports, he is standing strong amid calls for his resignation. >> reporter: new jersey senator bob menendez says he's bracing
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for his biggest fight yet and showed no signs of backing down. >> i firmly believe when all of the facts are presented, not only will i be exonerated, but i will be new jersey's senior senator. >> reporter: flanked by a handful of supporters, the democratic lawmaker took no questions. >> are you running for re-election? >> reporter: as he responded publicly to a three-count indictment filed last week against the senator, his wife, and three new jersey business associates. the senator is accused of using his political influence on the powerful foreign relations committee to take thousands of dollars in bribes, including mortgage payments to his wife, a luxury car, 13 bars of gold, and around $500,000 in cash with some of the money stuffed in congressional jackets bearing his name. >> for 30 years, i have withdrawn thousands of dollars in cash from my personal savings account, which i have kept for emergencies and because of the
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history of my family facing confiscation in cuba. >> reporter: menendez claimed over the weekend that his critics were rushing to judge a latino, something disputed by fellow democratic congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez. >> you know, as a latina, there are absolutely ways in which there is systemic bias, but i think what is here in this indictment is quite clear. >> reporter: new jersey governor phil murphy has called for menendez's immediate resignation and half of new jersey's congressional delegation believes he should step down. that includes congressman andy kim, who announced he will primary the three-term senator next year. >> i am very concerned that if senator menendez continues on, that he could put this seat in jeopardy. >> that was nikole killion reporting. police in the uk say they have opened a sex crimes investigation following accusations against actor and comedian russell brand. in reports from several british news organization, four women have accused brand of sexual
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assault. one of the women claims brand raped her in los angeles back in 2012. the 48-year-old has denied the allegations, saying his relationships have always been consensual. and the government is set to run out of money and shut down at midnight saturday unless congress comes up with a way to pass a spending bill to keep it operating. but continued fighting among house republicans makes at least a partial shutdown look likely to happen. skyler henry reports from capitol hill. >> reporter: house speaker kevin mccarthy sounded frustrated with some of his colleagues who were pushing towards a government shutdown. >> why would they want to stop paying the troops or the border agents or the coast guard? i don't understand how that makes you stronger. i don't understand what point you're trying to make. >> reporter: but hardline conservative house members say they won't vote for any spending bill, long-term or short-term, without massive spending cuts. >> you can't keep spending $7 trillion when you're only taking in $5 trillion. >> reporter: mccarthy says the house will move forward tuesday
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on 4 of the 12 spending bills needed to keep the government running. former president trump is campaigning in south carolina. he posted on social media that he thinks the public will blame president biden if there is a shutdown, so he's advising republicans, unless you get everything, shut it down. >> funding the government is one of the most basic fundamental responsibilities of congress. and if republicans in the house don't start doing their job, we should stop electing them. >> reporter: the white house says politics could harm millions of americans who will be impacted by a government shutdown. skyler henry, cbs news, capitol hill. ukraine's military claims to have killed a top russian ukraine special forces say the admiral along with 33 other officers was killed in a missile attack on crimea last friday. if confirmed, the death deals a major blow to the russian navy. meanwhile, ukraine reports russian attacks near odessa yesterday killed two people. the attacks come as ukrainian president, volodymyr zelenskyy,
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announced u.s.-made abrams tanks have arrived in ukraine. the faa is investigating a case of severe turbulence on a jetblue flight. it sent eight people, including a crew member, to the hospital yesterday. the flight was headed to ft. lauderdale from ecuador and hit the turbulence suddenly as it neared florida. a jetblue spokesperson said it's unclear how severe the injuries were. the plane has been taken out of service for inspection. and residents of maui's hardest-hit region are finally allowed to return to their homes more than a month after wildfires destroyed the area and killed at least 97 people. cbs' jonathan vigliotti was there with families struggling with the enormous loss. >> reporter: it's been nearly seven weeks since residents in lahaina's fire-ravaged disaster zone have been allowed to return home. >> pretty bad after so many years of living here. >> reporter: for many like naureen wells and her
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granddaughter, tawny, to be back was overwhelming. >> we need to see it in person. we need to go and stand on our property and see what's left and process that. >> reporter: at least a dozen people returned home today. many discovering scenes like this. but they were the lucky ones. we're told at least one person in the neighborhood was unable to escape the flames alive. chuck hogan's home survived. >> sorry. i get a little choked up about it sometimes. it's just so horrible. and the fact that i made it is, you know, just the way the wind was blowing, basically. >> reporter: hogan, a contractor by trade, estimates it will take at least a decade to rebuild the town. pablo pagdilao iii, the names added to the long row of crosses,'ve each one, a family member lost in the fire. pagdilao, partially paralyzed, died while trying to flee the flames with his wife, nelda. the flames blocked their exit
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on front street and nelda couldn't carry her husband over the sea wall to safety. >> unfortunately, the fire got really close, and my grandma did whatever she could, she did not give up, but my grandpa told her, go, just leave me. go find the family and go take care of yourself. >> that was jonathan vigliotti reporting. coming up, a new arrest in day care tragedy. the investigation grows following the death of a little boy in new york. and later, taking a mulligan. a suspect in a golf cart leads police on a wild chase through los angeles. this is the "cbs morning news." . this i is the "cbcbs morning g " wolf: : don't mindnd me. i'm just t the flu. (cououghing, sneneezin) i'm quitite harmlessss, realally. and d when peoplple ask, “but arenen't you lininked to dangererous flu cocomplication. ( cocoughing, snsneezing.) pneumomonia, heart t attack, and d hospitalizizations?” (coughing,g, gasping.).) ...i.i just say,y, “but i'm jujust the flulu.” (sniffs)s) (elevavator dings)s) it's him!! who? i i'm just ththe flu. fighght the flu u with
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hihigher-dosee flu vaccccines from m sanof. they'r're proven t to prove bebetter flu p protectionn than s standard-dodose flu ss in oldlder adults.s. they've eveven been shshown to b better prototect against flflu-relatedd cocomplicationons. don'n't get fluzuzone® high-dose e quadrivalelent.. ...if f you've hadad a severere allergic c reactn to i its componenents... ...includiding egg proroduct, oror after prerevious dosee of flu v vaccine. don't t get flublolok® ququadrivalentnt... ...if you'u've had a a severe allllergic reacacn to its comomponents. tell youour health care profefessional..... ...if you'u've had sevevere me weaknessss after a f flu sh. pepeople with h weakened immumune systemsms may y have a lolower vaccinine respon. demand momore from yoyour flu shoh. to getet a sanofi i vaccine, me surere to ask fofor it by na. scschedule youour sanofi f flu. avaiailable at t these prefed nationonal pharmacacies. [luxuxurious mususic] ♪♪♪ treat yoururself to ririch, ghirardelllli chocolatate and luscioious caramelel. ♪♪♪ expeperience ghihirardelli caramel sqsquares. in a a bag and a a bar. makes lilife a bite e bette. pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief.
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and now, get max strength topical pain relief precisely where you need it. with new tylenol precise. tide is s busting lalaundry's biggest mymyth... thatat cold wateter can't clc. cold waterer, on thosese stai? ♪♪ cocold water c can't clclean tough h stains? i'd d say that m myth is busu. turn t to cold, wiwith tide. only u unitedhealtlthcare medie adadvantage plplans come with h the ucard d — one simplele member cacard tt opopens doorss for whatat matters.. whatat if we neeeed to see a doctoror away fromom home? wewe got you - — withth medicare e advantage's largest nanational prorovidr nenetwork. only frorom unitedhehealthca. a a hailstorm and heavy rain interrupted a major league soccer game yesterday. this is the field in austin, texas, when thunderstorms hit the area. hail the size of baseballs in some areas damaged cars and
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homes across central texas and downed several power lines. so far, there are no reported injuries from the storm, though. louisiana is dealing with a saltwater emergency. and there's a new arrest in a day care tragedy. those are some of the headlines on the morning newsstand. "the new york times" reports a third person is now facing charges in the death of a 1-year-old boy exposed to fentanyl at a new york city day care. the man charged yesterday -- was rather charged with conspiracy to distribute narcotics that resulted in the boy's death. the owner and another person are also facing charges in the case. federal prosecutors say the bronx day care was used as a front to distribute large amounts of fentanyl. three other children were hospitalized. police say they're still searching for the owner's husband. the new orleans advocate reports that louisiana's governor has requested a federal emergency declaration over saltwater in the mississippi river. governor john bel edwards says the declaration will help secure federal funds to combat the saltwater coming up the river from the gulf of mexico. the saltwater intrusion is
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expected to affect drinking water in the new orleans area by mid-october, and could cause corrosion to water distribution systems, machinery and appliances. and "the oklahoman" reports thousands of gallons of crude oil spilled in oklahoma city after construction crews accidentally hit a pipeline. the mishap created a geyser of oil yesterday until the line's operator was able to shut it down. local officials say at least 4,200 gallons were spilled. cleanup could take days. fire officials say the leak is not a threat to people living nearby, though. investigators are trying to determine if the pipeline was properly marked. still to come, the return of free covid tests. the government is offering free at-home teststs again. we're e going to t tell you hoh get themem. to tellll you how w get them.. i neededed more frfrom my antidepepressant. vrayaylar helpeded give it a a.
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adadding vraylylar to an n antidepresessant. isis clinicalllly proven to help rerelieve ovoverall deprpression sysymptoms.... ...b.better thanan an antideprpressant alolone. anand in vrayr clinicical stu, momost sawo susubstantl impact o on wei. elderly y dementia p patiens haveve increaseded risksk of death h or str. reportrt unusual c changesn bebehavior or r suicidal t tho. antitidepressantnts can incre these inin childrenn and younung adults.. rereport feverer, stiff mumusc, or cononfusion, asas these mayay be lifefe-threatenining, or uncncontrolledd muscle m movements,, whwhich may bebe permanentn. high blolood sugar,, which cacan lead to o coma or deathth, weight g gain, and highgh cholestererol may ococcur. movement d dysfunctionon and reststlessness are e common sidide effe. stomacach and sleeeep issu, didizziness, i increased a app, and d fatigue arare also com. side e effects mayay not appr for seseveral weekeks. i didn't't have to c change my trereatment. i jujust gave itit a lift. ask about t vraylar anand ln how ababbvie couldld help y you save. it's because of tiktok that i had to go out and get a website. i'm at a point now where i'i've oututgrown my h h. growing g up, every y me i'd geget out of t the sh,
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i i would itchch. mymy first expxperience withth goat milklk soap, it kinda w was like a lilight bulb m moment. tiktktok is a fafantastic platatform for d diy. if you''d haveve told me thrhree years a ago that i wouould own my own bususiness and be expxpanding into a a separate e building, i would've told you you'd lost your mind. i'm amber, i've lost 128 pounds with golo, taking into a a separate e building, i have literally tried everything. i was on the verge of gettingg gastriric bypass s surgery, and i i saw the gogolo commerc, anand it was t the last ththg i i tried 'cauause it workrk. therere's someththing going g d ththe gordon h home. gogood thing g gertrude founund delsym.. nonow what's g going arounud is 12-2-hour coughgh rel. and d the giggleles. the famimily that tatakes dem togetherer, feels betttter togetheher. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country.
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take a look at this dramatic video of a small plane crashing into a soccer park called "the field of dreams." this happened yesterday in san pedro, california, just south of los angeles. both people onboard were critically injured when the plane nearly broke in half. the cause of the crash is still under investigation. costco shoppers now have another benefit included in their membership. shanelle kaul has that story and more in today's money watch report. >> stocks open the week higher as investors await new inflation data this week. the dow gained 43 points, the nasdaq was up 59, and the s&p 500 gained 17 points. two of the country's biggest poultry producers are facing a federal probe over possible child labor violations. the labor department is now investigating claims that
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migrant children as young as 13 have been working overnight cleaning shifts at both purdue farms and tyson foods. both companies deny claims of wrongdoing. costco members across the country can now enjoy an added benefit. health care. the bulk retailer is offering members online checkups for as low as $29. it's part of a new partnership with sesame, a direct-to-consumer health care marketplace. last month, amazon announced amazon clinic, a similar model offered to its members. and americans can now order free covid-19 tests from the government once again. this as the cdc reports case numbers have spiked recently, surpassing 20,000 for the first time since march. americans are eligible for four tests per household, and you can order through the postal service. that's your cbs money watch report for this tuesday morning. i'm shanelle kaul, cbs news, new york. well, up next, a wild ride. a suspect in a golf cart leads
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police in los angeles on a bizarre chase. a golf cart lead policece on a chahase. why choosese between a lolonger lifee or qualityty of life?? you deseserve both.. and withth kisqali,, a treatmtment for pepeople with m metastatic c breast can, you can n have both.h. kisqsqali is a p pill that,, when t taken withh anan aromatasese inhibitorr is thehe only treaeatment of itsts kind showown to both hehelp peoplee live l longer and d improve or prereserve qualality of li. because e you shouldlt have to o sacrifice ee for the e other. kisqali cacan caususe lung problblems, or an n abnormal h heartbeat,, whwhich can lelead to deatath.
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it can c cause serioious skinin reactionsns, liver r problems a and low white e blood cellll counts that m may resultt in sevevere infectctions. avoid grgrapefruit duriring treatmement. tell youour doctor righght away if you h have new oror woworsening sysymptoms, includuding breaththing proble, cough, c chest pain,n, a chchange in yoyour hearartbeat, dizizziness, yellowining of the s skin or eyes,s, dark urinine, tiredness,s, loss of a appe, abdodomen pain,, blbleeding, brbruising, fevever, chills,s, or other s symptoms of an ininfection, a a severe orr worsenening rash,, are oror plan to become p pregnant, or b breastfeediding. liveve longer anand live wel. ask about t kisqali, and d long live e you.
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here's a l here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. well, a driver of a stolen golf cart led the lapd on a slow chase. police say the driver with a dog on their lap the whole time
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refused to stop on the streets of california on sunday. the driver was finally stopped after a 10-mile chase. authorities say the suspect was wanted in connection with an assault with a deadly weapon. the pittsburgh steelers had another close call after their narrow win over the las vegas raiders. the airplane carrying the steelers home from the game in vegas was forced to make an emergency landing in kansas city yesterday. reports say an oil pressure failure in one of the plane's engines caused the alarm. no one was injured. and this morning, we are remembering the actor david mccallum. he died yesterday of natural causes. the two-time emmy-nominated actor gained fame for his role as a russian spy in the 1960s tv series, "the man from uncle." most recently, he played medical examiner ducky on "ncis." david mccallum was 90 years old. and some terrifying moments for thrill seekers in canada.
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people on a carnival ride were stuck upside down for nearly 30 minutes on saturday. videos on social media show riders shouting "get us down!". they were able to eventually bring the ride back to the ground and let everyone out. two riders reported chest pains, thao, and were check out before being released. the carnival is investigating what went wrong. coming up on cbs mornings, jeff probst, the host of the hit reality tv show "survivor" joins us. he hit rereality tv shshow "survivivors us.. eliquis. eliqiquis reduduces strokeke risk and has leless major b bleed. dodon't ststop taking g eliqs without tatalking to y your dr as thihis may incrcrease yourur risk of s stroke. eleliquis can n cause seririoud in r rare cases s fatal bleeee. dodon't take e eliquis if f yoe an artificicial heart t vale oror abnormal l bleeding.. while takiking, you mamay bruise morore easily..... or takake longer for r bleeding t to stop. get hehelp right a away for r unexpecteded bleed, or unusualal bruising.g. it may i increase your bleededing risk if you t take certaiain medic. tell your r doctor ababout all plplanned medidil
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or dental l procedureses. the e number onene cardiolologist-prescscribed blblood thinnener. ask yourur doctor ababout eli. dry y skin is sesensitive sks, too. and d it's naturural. treat itit that way.y. aveenono® dailyly momoisture witith prebiotitict is proven n to moistururize dry skinin all day..
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wewe made it! ! bmo has ararr. hello? you sasaid it. hehello to morore ways to savave money, grow your r wealth, growow your busisiness. just w what we neeeeded, ananother big g bank.
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not so f fast. how manyny banks do o youw that reweward you fofor saving evevery month?? he's got a a good poi. did i i mention bmbmo has more f fee-free atatms than the t two largestst usus banks comombined? uh, b-m-o?o? just "bebee-mo", actctually. quick ququestion, wiwill all this stuffff fit in yoyour car? ( ( ♪♪ ) should i g get rid of f the? ♪ bmo ♪
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hi there, thank you for joining us this morning. it's tuesday, september 26th. >> let's get started. >> why would they want to stop paying the troops or stop paying border agents? >> congress makes a last ditch effort to avoid a government shutdown. i've been here for 20 years. and it's never been like this. >> oakland businesses say enough is enough. and now they're hoping to finally get the attention of city leaders today with a strike. our concern is why we weren't notified. >> people living in martinez sharing their worries after that big hazmat release from the local refinery ten months ago. i waited until i could -- handle the pain no more. and then i was like i got to do this. >> and talk about strength. a bay area fitness buff sets a world record even after a tough diagnosis. on the ground, a base hit! and the giants take the lead. >> don't


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