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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  November 20, 2023 3:00am-3:31am PST

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♪ welcome back to "face the nation." we have more questions now for senator chris van hollen. senator, i want to pick up on something you've been raising concerns about for a while, going back to july, a letter where you were saying to the white house, you had concerns about the more than 3 billion in security assistance to israel because you thought taxpayer money should not shield settlers who are attacking and burning
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palestinian villages with immunity. last night, the president started very publicly saying he's going to start trying to crack down. what do you think of this plan to restrict visas? >> i was pleased to hear the president say what he said, and i fully support the president's plan to restrict visas from people who have a record of violence against innocent people, so i think that's an important first step. as you know, extreme settler violence against palestinians has been an issue for a very long time. we've seen a huge spike in extremist settler violence since the gaza war started as people have been focused on the war there. 500% increase. the palestinians have been killed by extremist settlers, their houses burned down, pushed out of villages. olive orchards chopped down in the middle of olive season, the number one income producing tile
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for these vst villages. this is a big problem. remember in the netanyahu coalition you have some very extreme members. one of them, you know, belongs to the successor party, to the kahanis party, a party on the u.s. terrorist watch list. it's important for the united states to weigh in and weigh in strongly and glad to see the president dodo what he did. >> they were in the government before october th. you made some statements being pro-israeli doesn't require being anti-palestinian and vice versa. why do you think that's a controversial statement. >> it shouldn't be, right, because you can be both pro israel as i am and pro palestinian and support palestinianen rights to democrat nation and a homeland of their own. the president's vision when he sees some light maybe at the end of the dark tunnel has been a two-state solution. israel living securely with a
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palestinian state as a neighbor, where palestinians have equal dignity and full rights. one of the problems with what's happening on the west bank right now is when you push the palestinians off of their lands, you make it even harder to have a two-state solution. you strengthen hamas, weaken the palestinian authority and make it harder. so i was disappointed to see prime minister netanyahu smack down president biden's call for a two-state solution. this is going to mean that president, president biden, has to do even more to put forward a clear vision of how we're going to emerge from this very dark tunnel into a bright future. >> i think we all hope for a brighter future. thank you very much for your time today. we're going to turn to jordan's ambassador to the united states, dina kawar. good to have you here. >> thank you very much, margaret. >> so before the war, there were more be than 2 million children in gaza, estimated 4600 have
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been killed in the past few weeks, and for those who do survive, many are disabled. i wonder what you think this does to the security of the region to have these next generations so impacted? >> margaret, the images we're seeing out of gaza are to the the same images that united states is saying on the mainstream media. we're watching our social media and everybody in the arab world is doing the same. the images are flabbergasting and very, very sad. when you see parenting looking for their remains of their dead kids in supermarket bags or seeing children looking for parents or any familiar face because they're left alone in this world, out of the 11,500 dead the majority are women and children for sure an this is asking ourselves like 17,000 to 18,000 children are going to be orphans. what do we do with that? some studies have shown that some of the hamas marks jorty of
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hamas fighters were orphans. our call here is for a cease-fire. the jordanian government is asking for a cease-fire and his majesty has spoken about the importance of going to a cease-fire not because we want to think differently from the rest of the world, but because we feel with the arab countries and islamic countries this is the only way forward to stop this war and sit around the table and go back to negotiations. the humanitarian situation in the west bank is beyond, and right now what is worrying us is the anwar reports out of gaza. anwar is on the ground and they lost 103 people out of them. you've lost 49 colleagues as journalists. we've lost 200 people from the medical health system. anwr is wore ready because out of 154 centers in gaza, they are
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unnone dated with around 130 idps from the north to the south because they were asked -- >> [ inaudible ]. >> these displaced people were asked to leave the north to go to the south and now they're asked to leave the south. didn't anybody think that if hamas is in the north they would go to the south? didn't anybody think that this military strategy is going to work? so our worry is that this violence is going just to breed vence violence and putting pressure in the region. if you cannot talk to the moral compass of the world or humanitarian feelings, let's talk strategic thinking and that's where we're going. >> and i want to go there with you as well. we should say that estimated 4600 children, that's from the gaza health ministry, but no one has an accurate assessment, including the united states government, because they can't actually get in there and count bodies, but it is a tremendous amount of death. your government has had to airdrop in medical aid to some
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of the personnel you have on the ground there. i understand there was an attack against a field hospital. who carried it out? what happened? >> okay. we have the hospital, military hospital, south of gaza city, and now we're going to have a second one in the south of gaza. now the one that was struck was -- there's a mosque next to the hospital and the israeli military bombarded that mosque and people were running because they were injured, running to the hospital, and as our military people came out to help them, they got also hit. so we had seven injured and now they're okay. they've been taken care of. but we do not find it normal that all the hospitals are attacked. we do not find it normal that we're attacking civilians and collective punishment. this cannot go on, margaret. this cannot go on. it's not solving the problem. so now there's a third hospital in the west bank as well. also, concerning the west bank
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because we're talking about gaza, just one word about the fuel shortage in gaza. it is getting so complicated that we -- that we are worried about the health hazard in gaza. the w.h.o., the world health organization, is warning that if there is no fuel coming in, it's going to be a problem for the sewage system, for the water pumping desalination. dogs are eating bodies because -- not everybody is able to put people into burial morgues. we need to worry about this. we will have diseases that we didn't have before. we need to get more openings and our charity organization is working a lot on getting this aid. we're calling upon the world to help on the ground or buy items in the country whether in egypt or jordan, to help to send to --
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because -- >> jordan has had a peace treaty with israel for 30 years and you have trade, you have all sorts of contact with them. do you worry that the next generation of jordanians or the surrounding countries will not be able to maintain the peace that they have had for decades because of what's happening now? >> there's a lot of pressure -- >> destabilizing? >> i wouldn't say the word destabilizing but putting a lot of pressure on his majesty and the government. people are angry. they see the images every day. we're all angry. it's humiliating and hurtful and it's inhuman. we are just wondering how far is this going to go. we're calling calling for a cease-fire and back to negotiations. as snort sthe senator said the only way to be pro israeli is to ask for peace and this is common grounds for both of us. we need to go further on that. the settlers just as a word in the west bank, the settlers are
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going haywire, unhinged and are not caring about the law and nobody is able to stop them. every day there are aid attacks on palestinians and mistreating them, humiliating them, sending videos all over social media of them naked and in situations that are unacceptable. they are attacking the armenian quarters, christian worshipers in jerusalem. so we're wondering how much more do they need to do to be stopped? we were happy to see the op-ed of the president. we're very grateful that he mentions the issue of the settlements and that they need to think about the civilians. >> we'll see if there's more on that this coming week as the white house has promised. thank you. we'll be right back. ( ♪♪ ) weathertech gift cards have the power to wow everyone on your holiday list. offering a variety of american made products... weathertech! nice!
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krishnamoorthi. we like bipartisan conversations on this program, so welcome back. >> thank you. >> great to be here. >> i want to put it to you both then, can you work together to pass this $4 billion president biden is asking for for taiwan and asian allies before the end of the year? congressman gallagher, republicans are in control so i'll go to you first. >> i think we can, and i want to salute the ranking member for his leadership in setting the serious tone that our committee has been operating under. the rest of congress has been descending into what looks like a high school reality tv program, but we've been able to work together. that gives me a lot of optimism, particularly in light of the growing threat to taiwan. one thing that went almost unreported amidst biden and xi's summit is that xi tripled down on his threats to taiwan. he reportedly said to the president in their meeting that peace and stability in the region are less important than solving the taiwan question.
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the ccp's official statement afterwards said that we need to stop arming taiwan and support the reunification effort. all of this should remind us that no amount of relentless diplomacy will make a difference if we don't fix the fundamental problem, which is that the balance of hard power across the strait and throughout the indo-pacific region is eroding and with it the risk of war is increasing, which is why we need to act before it's too late. >> congressman krishnaoorthi you're confident before the end of 2023 this is going to pass? >> we have no choice. we have to pass this. the president is absolutely correct to ask for this funding, not only for taiwan, but for ukraine as well as israel, and other priorities. they're all inextricably linked. we have to make sure we send the right message to xi jinping. a recent survey showed that a majority of voters believe that a war is possible in the next ten years, and they're very concerned about it. three quarters of democrats and
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republicans want us to prevent war, and the best way to do that is make sure that we deter aggression by equipping taiwan with what it needs to prevent aggression, but also, to tone down the rhetoric and make sure that we have diplomacy with the highest levels of the ccp. >> tone down the rhetoric. in an election year no less. congressman gallagher, i read that you want to subpoena potentially the main sponsors of a dinner that xi jinping attended with some of the biggest ceos in the united states, ceos from blackstone, kkr, pfizer, boeing, fedex, apple, black rock. what do you seek to achieve there? don't you know the names of everyone who bought tickets? >> well, i never mentioned a subpoena, i don't know where that report is coming from. >> bloomberg. >> on the dinner, which i thought was disgusting. bloomberg got it wrong in this case. $40,000 to eat, coffee rubbed
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flank steak with xi jinping, and what's worse than that, the fact the they gave him a standing ovation, this a communist dictator, committing a cultural genocide in tibet, destroyed society in hong kong, risking provoking world war iii to give him a standing ovation, and worse than that, wasn't just the people you would expect like tim cook from apple or blackrock, it was american defense contractors, all the more reason why congress, i think, needs to step up to cut off the flow of u.s. capital to chinese military companies, to specify the appropriate level of derisking or diversification so we have a healthier economic relationship to modernize our military because corporate america and wall street have proven time and again they're willing to sell out american interests to make money in china. >> the two economies are so incredibly intertwined. i mean, the very fact that -- >> absolutely. >> rahm emanuel, president's
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ambassador to japan said the ceos have their rnd, intellectual property stolen from them and gave xi jinping a standing ovation. doesn't that just tell you that china's greatest leverage here is financial and the reality is that it's not going to be unwound? >> well, i have to be -- >> i think it has to be -- >> i'm not arguing for a total decoupling. go ahead, sorry. >> i was just saying i think that even without any u.s. government action i'm heartened a lot of companies in the private sector are derisking, are reducing their exposure in china. that particular dinner left a bad taste in my mouth. idon't think that people were paying $40,000 for the coffee crusted steaks. they were paying for access. i hope that they also brought up some of our concerns with regard to economic aggression that the ccp has routinely practicing against american entities. for our part on the select
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committee, i want to just say i'm very glad to be working with mike on ways to work with the biden administration to reduce our investments in entities in china fueling the pla's military modernization and human rights abuses. thankfully the federal thrift savings plan listened to us recently when they skdecided to remove investments in those entities. what we're doing on the committee is having a difference. >> congressman gallagher and krishnamoorthi, i want to ask you about what you thought was achieved at the summit? expectations were set very low, right. just answering the phone, military to military, and getting china to enforce some of its existing policies to cut down on the flow of fentanyl precursor chemicals. do you both think this was a success, just to simply have the two leaders face to face? >> well, i welcom the establishment of a crisis
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communication channel in so much as it reduces the risk of miscommunication leading to war. i'm skeptical of the fentanyl agreement only because we've seen this movie before, but certainly anything to reduce the devastating effects of -- that fentanyl is causing across america would be welcomed. my concern more broadly and while i think it's too early to characterize this one way or the other whenever we have summits like this we tend to pay cash up front but for the ccp the check is always in the mail. as i said before, the most important form of communication is the investments we make in our own hard powered posture in the indo-pacific and not moving hard enough. two administrations now that have failed to ill me meant a deterrence by denial posture in the pacific. >> was it a success? >> to me i think it was very promising. i think the agreement was the cooperation on fentanyl is a good first step. i also like the establishment of a military-to-military communications channels. quite frankly, i like the fact
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that xi jinping was pandering and going to send a few pandas to the united states and increase commercial flights both ways. what i would have liked to have seen a little more is talk about the human rights abuses and the crackdown on uyghurs, tibetans and dissidents in china. i'm hopeful we can see more action on that particular score. but look, margaret, the expectations for the summit were super low. as long as the chinese spy balloon isn't flying over the u.s. now following the latest meeting, i think it's probably going to be viewed as having met expectations and exceeded them probably. >> the comments from xi on the pandas was squishy too. it wasn't a hard commitment everyone is getting their pandas back here. but congressman, on the one thing that you have, as i understand it, subpoenaed was in regard to an illegal bio lab in california, your committee took this on, what did you discover and what's your message to the
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administration? >> well, local officials discovered this illegal bio lab where there were transgenic mice, all sorts of equipment, vials containing ebola, hiv, dangerous pathogens and when they called the cdc and fbi they refused to investigate. the cdc hung up on them. the owner of the biolab jesse shu was a fugitive, here illegally, fleeing a $330 million ip judgment against him and receiving all sorts of unexplained wire transfers to the total of $2 million from china. he was a chinese national. bottom line is, we just don't have appropriate trip wires in place. you can buy some of these stuff illegally online. we need a robust defense in depth for biolabs like this. we can't allow this to happen and support local officials, not hang up on them when they call the federal government. >> understood. more to talk about with you both. thank you for your time today. we have to leave it there. we'll be back in a moment.
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congress has not been the friendliest place of late but even by today's diminished standards we were struck by the lapse in decorum on capitol hill
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last week. >> since election day, on november 7th, more than half dozen members of congress have announced plans to retire, resign or seek another job. this past week stunning lack of civility on the capitol hill may offer a glimpse as to why. a u.s. senator, oklahoma republican mark mullen, challenged a testifying witness, a teamster's boss, to a fight. >> you stand your butt up. >> you stand your butt up. >> stop it. >> americans have enough contempt for congress. senator sanders said. let's not make it worse. the former speaker of the house denied intentionally hitting one of the members who voted to oust him. >> i did not elbow him, i would not elbow him. >> it was a clean shot to the kidneys. >> this breakdown in discourse sparked comparison to the 1850s when pro-slavery democratic house member preston brooks beat anti-slavery republican charles sumner unconscious. the nation on the cusp of civil war.
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it isn't clear what we're on the cusp of now. former president and leading republican candidate donald trump. >> we will root out the communist, marxist, fascist and radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country. >> on stage at rallies, on tv, and on social media. inflammatory language is common. rival chris christie derided it as tv tough guy talk. >> when ron desantis thinks it sounds tough, by saying he's going to slit the throats of bureaucrats, or shoot immigrants stone cold dead at the border, this is fundamentally unserious. >> the fbi warned again this week of a heightened threat environment in the u.s. these protesters claimed to be in favor of middle east peace, but they injured six capitol hill police officers outside democratic committee headquarters. violence the new republican
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speaker of the house mike johnson condemned as he defended the officers. it isn't clear how the safety of those very same officers will be impacted by friday's release of the explicit security footage of the january 6th assault on the capitol. a year out from a heated presidential race, let's all bring some civility back to our politics, the serious issues facing our country require it. we'll be right back. veterinary boutique hospital. he owner ata i was 5...6 years of age and i knew i was going to be a vet. once alexandra called me to let me know that bank of america had approved my loan... it was important to me. we not only just provide the financing piece, we do everything that we can to surround them with the right people. all you need is a perfect, amazing team that will guide you through the right steps to be successful. and that's what bank of america was for me.
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that's it for us today. thank you all for watching. until next week, for "face the nation," i'm margaret brennan. ♪
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this is the "cbs overnight news." >> good evening, jericka is off. i'm maurice dubois. mrs. carter was 96 years old. noth


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