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tv   The Late News  CBS  November 30, 2023 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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. we want to say thank you to everyone for helping us. now at 11:00. when her family was kidnapped by hamas terrorists, a bay area woman did everything she could do to get them back and what she flew back there for. >> you just won't admit it. >> may have been one of the strangest debates given that one ever the people on stage is not running. what came out of the surprising square off between our governor and floridas >> it is meanspirited. silly vandalism. >> reporter: what happened to the christmas spirit. the person who shot santa claus. from kpix, this is the late
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news with sara donchey. on cbs news bay area. hi, i'm sara donchey. in the past two hours fighting started up again between israel and hamas the clearest sign that the war is back on in full force. that means there is no clear road ahead for the 140 people who were kidnapped in israel and still held hostage by hamas. here is a live look at the gaza skyline? you can not see much but earlier we saw smoke rising up from apartment blocks and buildings. hours ago, israel accused hamas of violating the terms of the ceasefire. right before the fighting started a bus load of prisoners was welcomed home and six israel hostages released were on their way back to israel. they released 100 hostages rvetion most of them israelis in return for 240
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palestinian prisoners. we saw 21-year-old french israeli mia shem. she appeared in one of the first hostage videos released. 55 days later, she ran into her family's arms. obviously an emotional moment there. and a sister-in-law was just released by hamas. you can see her in the pink pajamas there. she flew to israel and had an emotional family reunion. you have been following this family's story basically every single step of the way. i know you have been in constant contact with them. it sounds like they are happy but that their fight is pretty far from over? >> reporter: yes, they still have one more family member in gaza. that is their top priority. they are hoping these negotiations are continuing and they are calling on the government to continue the negotiations until all of the
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hostages are back. >> reporter: for 53 days, she has been waiting never this exact moment. >> hi, everyone. we finally have you back and we want to say thank you for everyone for helping us bring her back. >> hi, everybody, thank you for everything that you did. >> i was so excited. i was crying, i was laughing, i was jumping, i just did not know what to do with myself. >> reporter: her sister-in-law and her husband were among the 240 hostages taken by hamas on october 7th. since then yael put her own life on hold meeting with officials and appearing at bay area demonstrations all in an effort to get her loved ones out of gaza. >> there is no world in which this should be celebrated. >> reporter: we first met her days after the attack at civic center plaza. >> bring them home. >> reporter: for what would be her first of many rallies. >> i am the only member of my family that is able to speak
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now. they are all hardworking. >> reporter: then, on tuesday, it finally happened. rimon's name was on the list of hostages scheduled to be released and yael booked the first flight back to israel. >> we go to the hospital and we see her at the end of the corridor, we see her face. we are running towards her, giving her the biggest hug, longest hug, tightest hug anyone can give a person. >> reporter: along with her entire family waiting for her at the hospital was her beloved rescue. >> she took her dog and just held her and cuddled her and that dog has not left her side ever since. >> reporter: the last time they saw her was in a popganda video released. in which she is seen here on the left was not wearing her glasses. the family made sure to have a new pair waiting for her when she returned. >> reporter: she was able to
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hug her mother and two seconds later her sister handed her glasses and then she put on the glasses for the first time she said, i am able to see. i am able to see. >> reporter: as hostages freed by hamas begin their long road to recovery, accounts of their captivity are starting to come in. many were in rooms with no beds and almost no food. it is her mental health she is most worried about. >> more than 20 people grabbed her and her husband by force from their homes, they were struggling. and took them to some place unknown where they were kept in the dark and, and they did not know every day if they, what is going to happen to them. >> reporter: the moment is bittersweet. rimon's husband is still being held in gaza. but for now, they are thankful the
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family including rimon and her dog sent us this video from the hospital to share with the bay area. >> we are going to work harder to bring everyone home. we have not forgotten for everyone else. we will continue to fight for everyone. >> thank you >> thank you. >> we love you. >> love you. >> wow, i think one of the first questions that people have when they hear stories like this is, what, what more can we say about what happened to them? you mentioned a little bit about that but not a lot. it sounds like there is a reason for that, right? >> you expect for over 100 hostages released we would hear more stories about what happened to them in captivity. what were the conditions like, how were they treated. we heard a few stories from families that chosen to speak. no one is telling the families not to talk. no one is going to tell a hostage not to tell their story but both the government and the
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families are telling hostage and their families to be careful because hamas is listening to everything. since many of them still have relatives still in hostages, if it is husbands or wives or children or mostly men at this point they know anything they say can antagonize hamas. many of them at this point are choosing to stay silent >> not compromising a future deal and speaking of hopes for a future deal we mentioned fighting is happening again. have you talked to the family since that happened and what have they said? >> i just spoke to yael. she is extremely disappointed that a deal could not be reached. the families are, of course, very worried and calling for an immediate ceasefire. a full ceasefire until all of the hostages are back. >> thank you very much. it is the presidential debate that at first no one saw coming given one of the two people participating is not
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actually running for president. >> i thought this guy was running for president of the united states. >> you are, too. you just will not admit it. >> you will not admit it. >> all right, gentleman. >> hold on. >> we can not -- i am going to move on to the next question. >> florida governor and gop presidential candidate squared off with california governor newsom in an unorthodoxed debate. he was doing it to push biden's successes but a good chunk of the debate sounded like this >> gentleman, gentleman, gentleman. >> hang on real quick. >> honestly, hold on. i want to ask you both if, slow down, i want everyone to be heard. i really want it to breathe. i want this debate to organically develop. to do that it i need your cooperation. i am not a hall monitor. >> right after the debate we
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actually got an email from newsom's campaign asking people to donate $25 to joe biden's campaign. tonight desantis took shots at san francisco where people were gathered at manny's to watch the debate. we asked them what they made of the whole thing. >> reporter: dozens of people packed into the back room of manny's to watch the debate. it was a rowdy crowd. it is california, it is also san francisco, it was by far a left-leaning crowd. a lot of people in the audience told us they wanted to come out here and watch this debate so they can get a better idea of who governor ron desantis is. >> i figured this was like a better way to watch something like this. like, compared to sitting on our couch and watching this, more engaged, more energy. >> i think we have been talking a lot we are engaged in liberal politics and don't know much of what is on the other side of the fence be side trump. getting more educated on who
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might be the opponent in november next year. >> reporter: it was interesting because desantis and newsom are not running campaigns against each other right now. many people believe they could be among the front-runners for their parties in 2028. many described tonight's debate more as an entertaining show than a serious debate but they also said that this debate could have a long-term impact on both of the men's political futures. >> i don't think you need a campaign to get two big egos to get together to try to make hay and points off of one another because yeah, they may be head-to-head in the future at some point. >> despite what he says, everyone seems to be asking the question, will he or won't he. we asked will he? willie brown that is the former mayor and newsom's political mentor. our sacramento steve large sat down with him earlier for coffee earlier this month. >> do you think newsom wants to be president of the united states? >> there is no way in the world
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anybody who ever met him would answer that question any differently, he would like already to be president. [ laughter ] >> one thing is for sure tonight, former san jose mayor is running for congress. he just filed the paperwork. likely to try to fill south bay congress woman's vacant seat. last week she announced she is retiring in 2025. since leaving office licardo has a job with the san francisco public affairs company. the stuff on this table is terrifying. it all came out of a single mobile home in the south bay. it is an el nino year. where is all of the rain. turns out we may not see much of it at all. we saw isolated showers across the bay area this afternoon. more miss than hit. clouds and sunshine and a similar pattern tomorrow. we will see as we hold for the first weekend of december
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coming up in the first alert forecast. [ band playing] a very special night in san francisco for a very brave child who had the fight of her life. and who in their right mind would want to shoot santa claus? that is what is a homeowner is trying to figure out unless santa somehow put a hole in himself [narrator] covered california is a free service
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. the passenger that brought b.a.r.t service to a grinding halt during yesterday's evening rush is in custody tonight. the
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police say the suspect, jerry howard, is a san francisco resident and got into the tube by removing the door release on a moving train. still unclear as to why. two san jose men are under arrest after investigators say they pulled a huge stockpile of amo, guns and drugs out of a mobile home. fentanyl and more than 2,000 ecstasy pills >> we can all remember the crazy storms last winter that brought flooding and rain and windstorms. now it is an el nino year. scientists say it does not mean we are in for an extraordinary winter. warmer conditions in the tropical pacific that can lead to rain and storms for california. not always, if el nino causes winter storms, southern and central california are likely to feel more of an impact than the bay area. the man to sort that all out for us is paul heggen, that is not my forte. i know he
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understands all of it and thank goodness you are here. >> we will try to break it down. it is complicated. the typical pattern with el nino is one for the northern, it is in the southern california part. it replaces the jet streams and the storm track that carries the storms across the entire world. so y is it complicated? because there are other factors at play. to understand those we have to look at the entire planet. let's bring in our virtual reality globe and i have the anomalies on it. how warm is the ocean water compared to normal. you see the bright stripe from the west coast of south america all of the way to the pacific. that is the fingerprint of el nino, it is a strong el nino event already likely to strengthen in december. the complicated part is that it is not the only factor we are tracking in terms of the warm ocean temperatures,
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there is a big blob of warm ocean water for this time of the year in the north pacific. on the other side of the planet there is a whole big area in the atlantic ocean that is much, much warmer than normal. instead of the one roadblock of the warm el nino waters rearranging the storm track, we have an lot. the latest outlook for december came out today pointing to a wetter than normal pat upper for the pacific northwest. not the pay area, not for southern california. three month outlook for december, january, february shows more of the el nino fingerprint with wetter than normal conditions anticipated for most of california including bay area and southern california where that impact tends to be more emphasized. i was looking at the long-range forecast model data, does not give us a day-by-day but adds
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it up by season. it indicates we are in for what could be a dry december and maybe we catch up to near average, slightly above average precipitation once january and february roll around. we will keep you updated heading through winter. the fact it is not just el nino but all of the other factors at play. in the short tomorrow, not much of a rain chance. passing clouds, radar freckles showing up on future cast. the north bay has the best chance, 20%, i have seen a couple showers tomorrow afternoon with a similar pattern repeating itself on saturday. the showers will be few and far between. i would not rearrange outdoor plans, throw in an umbrella in the backseat just in case. waiting on the rain to potentially pop up tomorrow. the temperatures are cooling off. now, 46 in santa rosa and 48 in livermore. later on tonight, a mix of cloud cover and clear skies. the temperatures will drop down to a mix in upper 30 s inland.
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chilly start inland. then, the temperatures will warm up, take a look at where we end up and let's put the map on the floor as well to get a sense of where we are talking about. lower 60s in the santa clara valley. does not sound that warm. december 1st. average high temperatures across the bay area. does not matter if you are along the coast or inland. average highs are 60 degrees, most spots, the exception, half-moon following just short of 60 degrees. chillier, beginning the day tomorrow, playing catch up, struggle up to 60 degrees near petaluma and santa rosa. let's take a look at the forecast heading through the seven-day time frame, not a huge change to our temperatures, just a little bit of a warm up heading through the first half of next week. inland, middle 60s, bayside temperatures are not going to be a lot. different. by the time we get to tuesday and wednesday that is a good
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6-8 degrees above normal. the changes occur during the last day of the forecast, more cloud cover and an outside chance of a couple of showers. let's bring in the whole seven-day forecast for the coast. the outside chance of showers wednesday into thursday. something we will watch heading through the first week of december. it will be just a little bit on the warm side for the last month of the year, sara? >> so glad you are here to explain the science of it all. >> i hope it made sense. >> it does. we got it. thank you. a christmas caper, a man is looking for the person who may or may not have shot his inflatable santa. it is possible that santa have done it himself. here is the holiday whodunit. >> reporter: santa is known for using a sleigh but could this have been an attempt to slay santa? instead of singing about him? [music] >> reporter: did someone try to zing him? donald nelson heard a
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noise outside his lexington, kentucky home the other night. >> like a small bang or whatever. >> reporter: nelson checked his surveillance video that showed a car going by, a popping sound and then santa deflating. was it a drive-by shooting similar to when frosty the snowman . >> uh-oh. >> was attacked by a masked man that jumped out of a pick up truck and slashed frosty back in 2016 in st. louis? >> it is meanspirited. silly vandalism. >> reporter: but, to try to take out santa seems even worse. >> santa! >> reporter: no wonder santa's owner was mad. >> discharging a firearm at someone's home. >> reporter: but there is a plot twist. lexington police tell cnn all possibilities are being looked into. even possibly over inflation. meaning santa may have popped himself. whatever happened left
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santa with an 18 inch hole that neighbors offered to sew up. next thing you know, santa will be arming himself for $93 you can get a 6 foot santa dressed in camo with a sack of presents in one hand and a gun in the other. looking ready to hunt reindeer rather than drive them. to each his own i guess. speaking of this. it has been compared from everything from a '90s video game creature to a space ship. love it or hate it. the truck is rolling out years after it was supposed to be. >> i am not over santa yet, what is the world coming to. the 9ers getting closer. i wonder how brock purdy feels about returning to the scene of the crime. not santa about where his elbow was injured. >> putting the
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i know the importance of taking care of myself. how are you doing between practices? i feel pretty good. surrounding myself with a great team. de'aaron we're going to take a quick look at your knee with ultrasound. everything is looking great. but not just for me.
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for them. it's great to see you again man. thanks jb. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente.
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[ band playing] >> when you hear that it feels like christmas in the air. it was a special night at the ritz carlton in san francisco where a make a wish child hit the switch and lit the hotel tree. 2, 1 light the tree. >> happy holidays. >> 10-year-old is a tough girl. she fought two kinds of cancer. last year her wish was granted to meet chloe kim. carolers and santa claus were there. an event mceed by our very own betty yu. lots to talk about when it comes to sports and the warriors. not the kind of headlines you want to see. when you think about injuries you assume it is what happens on the hardwood? >> yes, it seems like a baseball pitcher thing. i will explain. things gone from bad to worse. then they lost andrew wig ins how? he missed the game because he smashed his finger
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in a car door earlier today. brutal. golden state needed young guys to step up. oh, did they. jonathan, scoring 17. moody had 13. just three of the seven warriors in double figures. doves made 10 threes. they led by as much as 18. but, l.a. cut the deficit down to 7 early in the 4th and then klay thompson took over. finally, doves fans wanted this. thompson scored 10 points in the span of 90 seconds to build the lead back to 13. klay scored 22. he now has 20 or more in four of the last five games. and, of course. steph curry closing the door on the clippers, a couple of drives, in the final minutes, he scored the 11 of his 26 in the final quarter. the warriors bounce back from tuesday's heartbreaker in sacramento with a 120-114 win. brock purdy will
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continue on philadelphia. 10 minutes after he tore a ligament. he is healthy but he was asked if he plans to take a moment to appreciate how far he has come? >> am i going to get in there and get sentiment ally have come a long way? it is not like that. we have a goal in mind and i am trying to be the best version of myself every week. am i going to go in the game saying i want revenge and all of this stuff? it is not like that. i am going to try to do my job and be the best brock that i can be for this team. >> a win will suffice. seahawks, dallas. prescott to ferguson for the go ahead score. dallas scores the last 14 points, winning 41-35. that means seattle falls to 6-6, 9ers get the lead in the west. the hawks are at levi stadium next sunday. college football, san jose state accepted an invitation to
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the hawaii bowl where they will fast carolina on december 23rd. the coach made the announcement by coming in the team meeting shirtless holding a surf board. they assumed we are going to hawaii. talk about the travel assignment of a lifetime, sara. i wonder if they need a sports reporter to cover san jose state in hawaii? >> as long as you pack your? >> sunscreen. >> yeah. sara reminds me every day that i am burst to a crisp. >> i never seen a man so frequently burnt. coyotes are legendary around san francisco. this one was not afraid to be out in the day. here he is near mission bay. this stop traffic or slowed it down for awhile until the police and the chp gave him a special escort to a more coyote friendly part of town. tesla cybertruck finally reached its first customers about two years behind
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schedule. during that time they apparently had plenty of time to raise the price. it now starts at over $60,000. that is a huge mark up from the sub-$40k. the first customers got to drive off of the line in austin, texas. they can go 250 miles before stopping to recharge. >> a bunch of people in iowa hit the lottery this week despite picking the wrong powerball numbers. the state lottery says staffers mixed up some of the winning numbers from the draw when they entered them into the computer system. by the time they realize a lot of people cashed in, but the lucky losers will not be millionaires, the lotto says the prices range from $400. not bad. usually when you hear a deal is too good to be true it is because it was not true. this one was. although it was still too good. the promotion
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. have you guys ever heard of a deal and thought that sounds too good to be true? >> all of the time. i can not think of one off of the top of my head but sure. >> one restaurant came up with a deal that was true and too good. it costed them millions of dollars. red lobster's $20 all you can eat shrimp promotion that would kill paul because he is allergic. too many people decided they wanted to test their luck by eating as many as they could in one sitting. the company says the deal led to $11 million, $11 million in losses during the third quarter of this year. they made it permanent on their menu in june but raising their
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$25. red lobster saw a traffic increase of 2% and 4% compared to the previous year. that is a lot of shrimp. >> i would give them a run for their money. >> we know it would end. >> but chicken wings. >> unlimited? >> i could put away 75. >> they are so small. >> yes. that is >> stephen: barbra streisand, thank you so much for having me into your home for this interview. >> barbra: oh, it's my pleasure. >> stephen: this may sound crazy. >> barbra: mm-hmm. >> stephen: but i feel like i've known you for a lifetime. >> barbra: well, that's impossible because we just met. >> stephen: hold on. i'm having a flashback. what's happening? ♪ mem'ries light the corners ♪ ♪ of my mind ♪ ♪ misty water-colored mem'ries


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