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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  December 8, 2023 4:30am-5:00am PST

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wouldn't have been brought, quote, if hunter'sast name was anything other than biden. three people were injured at a christmas parade in bakersfield, california, when a pickup truck drove into the crowd. the driver is in custody. and here's hoping for a peachy new year. pantone announced that peach fuzz is the color of the year for 2024. the company says it, quote, captures our desire to nurture ourselves and others. for more, download the cbs news app on your cell phone or connected tv. i'm jarred hill, cbs news, new york. it's friday, december 8th, 2023. this is the "cbs morning news." indicted. hunter biden hit with nine new charges accusing him of failing to file and pay his taxes. the fiery response from his lawyer. mass detentions. video emerges from gaza apparently showing palestinians taken prisoner as the u.n.
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security council prepares to meet to consider calling for a cease-fire. and new video. the final moments of the gunman taken down on the unlv campus as we learn more details on a possible motive. good morning, and good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. we start with the new federal indictment against hunter biden. the charges accusing the president's son of evading taxes over a three-year span. naomi ruchim with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the indictment against hunter biden alleges that instead of paying taxes he spent that income on a litany of personal items ranging from a lamborghini rentl to luxury hotels and escort services. many of these purchase, the government says, were classified by hunter biden as business expenses. more legal troubles for hunter biden.
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a 56-page indictment from a california grand jury lays out nine new federal charges including failure to pay taxes, filing false tax documents, failure to file taxes, and tax evasion. the indictment indicates biden owed at least $1.4 million between 2016 and 2019. >> there also appears that there will be evidence that hunter biden engaged to use their words in extravagant lifestyle. there will be evidence that he spent a lot of money on clothes, education, on cars, on housing. >> reporter: in september, a delaware grand jury indicted him on federal firearm charges accusing him of making a false and fictitious statement about his drug use on a federal gun form, and to a firearms dealer. the third count alleges he did knowingly possess a firearm while on drugs. he pleaded not guilty to those charges. the younger biden has openly admitted his past struggle with addiction. >> one time i went for 13 days
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without sleeping, and smoking crack and drinking vodka exclusively. >> reporter: late thursday, biden's attorney issued a statement saying in part, "based on the facts and the law, if hunter's last name was anything other than biden, the charges in delaware and now california would not have been brought." if convicted, biden could face up to 17 years in prison. the white house declined to comment on thursday's indictment. it comes as congressional republicans pursue an impeachment inquiry into president biden claiming he was engaged in an influence-peddling scheme with his son. the house is expected to vote next week on formally authorizing the probe. anne-marie? >> naomi ruchim, thank you. well, the war between israel and hamas is now entering its third month, and more than 130 hostages are still being held by hamas. last night marked the start of hanukkah, usually a time of celebration. not this year.
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menorah lighting ceremonies still took place across the globe but with a greater emphasis on peace and healing. in gaza, the fighting is intensifying. the israeli army releasing this video they say shows hamas fighters setting up anti-tank missile launch sites from inside civilian buildings. president biden spoke with israel's prime minister netanyahu yesterday. the white house says that they are not close to another deal for a temporary cease-fire. cbs' charlie d'agata reports from tel aviv. >> reporter: the hunt for hamas leaders in and around the city of khan younis has brought the very worst of the war to southern gaza. [ siren ] in overwhelmed hospitals, exhausted medics treat patients, so many of them children, toddlers, on bloodied floors. a little girl screams over and over for her brother. the israel defense force has confirmed to cbs news tonight
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that video had emerged on line showed soldiers detaining men they claim are suspected of terrorist activities in an unspecified location in gaza. in tel aviv tonight, crowds gathered to mark the first night of hanukkah. normally this would be the start of a joyous occasion to spend time with loved ones and relatives. it's a more somber event tonight. remembrance of the lives lost two months ago and to remember those who remain missing like gil dickman whose 39-year-old cousin was taken by hamas. what does tonight mean for you? >> tonight we celebrate hanukkah. it's about lighting the first candle of hope in the darkness of misery that we're in. i think that being together in a moment like in is a little light of hope for us. >> reporter: and there may be
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hope that specialist israeli teams combing through captured territory may locate further hostages. >> we need the right intelligence. we can do it, the special forces are there. they are waiting. they are together with the troops. it's the only thing on their mind. it's a dynamic landscape. >> reporter: and there's only one thing on the mind of relatives in israel tonight -- bring them home. in president biden's phone call to prime minister netanyahu tonight, the white house said the president stressed the critical need to protect civilians and allow them to move safely from areas of hostilities. charlie d'agata, cbs news, tel aviv. a new york man is under arrest after shots were fired outside a synagogue in the capital of albany. officials say the man fired a shotgun twice yesterday and said free palestine as he was taken into custody. children were inside at a
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preschool when the shots were fired. no one was hurt, though. police say the shooting is being investigated as a hate crime. a house committee is opening an investigation into three prominent universities. it comes after the presidents of harvard, mit, and the university of pennsylvania made controversial comments tuesday during congressional hearings about anti-semitism on campus. they were asked if students calling for the genocide of jews should be disciplined. they each said it depended on the context. yesterday during a menorah-lighting ceremony in washington, second gentleman doug emhoff, who is jewish, weighed in. >> we've seen the presidents of some of our most elite universities literally unable to denounce calling for the genocide of jews as anti-semitic. that lack of moral clarity is simply unacceptable. >> the university of pennsylvania's board of trustees held an emergency meeting yesterday amid calls for the schools' president to resign.
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and now to the nation's latest mass shooting at unlv. we are learning new details about the gunman, a former college professor who applied and was rejected for a job at the university. and about the victims, all three were professors at the business school. cbs' omar villafranca with more. >> reporter: las vegas police releasing this video of the gunman being taken down by officers just outside the campus building where he killed three faculty members. they say he was carrying this legally purchased .9-millimeter handgun and 11 magazines. >> we do not know how many rounds he has fired. >> reporter: cbs news learned the suspect was a former college assistant business professor in north carolina at east carolina university for almost 20 years, resigning in 2017. he applied to work at unlv but did not get the job. investigators say he sent at least 22 envelopes containing an unknown white powder to faculty
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at unlv and in north carolina. [ sirens ] this horrific shooting leaves this campus in shock. >> hang on. follow their instructions. >> reporter: students hid in dark classrooms before being ushered out to safety by police. junior film student hannah werner's screen writing class stacked desks against the door when they heard gunfire. >> we don't know what happened. we decided to stay in the room. >> reporter: she showed alerts on students' phones. >> this is real, this is happening. >> reporter: she recorded this video when officers arrived a short time later and escorted students to safety. >> so they said like come out with single file line. >> reporter: your hands up at this point? >> hands at your side like that. >> reporter: you felt this was going to happen eventually. >> yeah. because i also work in the school district. while i'm in school, while i'm teaching, but it could happen at the movie theater, the mall. >> reporter: are you going to
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allow yourself to cry, to deal with this? >> yeah, eventually. >> reporter: eventually. >> yeah. >> reporter: as for the students, they were getting ready for finals next week. that has been put on hold as the university tries to figure out a way to move forward. omar villafranca, cbs news, las vegas. tens of millions of americans face the threat of severe weather this weekend. the huge storm is forecast for much of the central and eastern u.s. and it could bring severe thunderstorms and possible tornadoes from the gulf coast to the mid south saturday. up to three inches of rain is possible in many areas of the eastern u.s. through the weekend which could lead to flash flooding. sunday and monday, several inches of snow will be likely in parts of the interior northeast. and powerful winds could gust over 50 miles per hour. coming up, a frightening moment at a christmas parade in california after a pickup truck crashed into a crowd of people. and texas abortion ruling. a judge sides with a woman facing health risks. h risks.
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could help you save. a frightening moment at a christmas parade in bakersfield, california, last night. authorities say a pickup truck crashed into a crowd before the start of the parade. three people were hurt. one critically. police say the driver was taken into custody on suspicion of driving under the influence. well, the son of north dakota senator kevin cramer was charged with manslaughter, and a texas woman was granted permission to have an abortion. those are some of the headlines on the "morning newsstand." "the texas tribune" reports a judge ruled a dallas woman can have an abortion despite the state's near-total ban. kate cox is 20 weeks pregnant with a fetus that has a deadly genetic abnormality. cox's doctor says carrying the fetus to term would risk her health and threaten her ability to have children in the future. the ruling ensures her doctor will not face penalties, but texas' attorney general, ken paxton, says anyone who provides
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cox with an abortion could still be prosecuted. "the bismarck tribune" says the son of north dakota senator kevin cramer was charged with manslaughter in a police chase crash that killed a sheriff's deputy. police say 42-year-old ian cramer was driven by his mother to a hospital wednesday over concerns about his mental health. they say he took over the vehicle which led to officers chasing him. investigators say ian cramer was traveling over 100 miles per hour when he slammed into a deputy's car killing him. and "the oregonian" says an off-duty alaska airlines pilot accused of attempting to cut the engines on a plane was released from jail pending his trial. joseph emerson pleaded not guilty yesterday to reduced charges of reckless endangerment. he earlier said he had taken psychedelic mushrooms and struggled with depression. still to come, before you scan a qr code, you're going to want to hear this -- the government's warning about cyber scammers that you should know
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here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ a huge shakeup in the golf world as one of the biggest stars on the pga tour de effected to liv golf. jon rahm, arguably the best golfer in the world, announced he's joining the saudi-backed league. the multiyear contract is reprtedly worth more than $300 million. amazon is joining the grocery delivery rat race, and a warning about those qr codes that we've all gotten so used to seeing. here's jarred hill with today's cbs "money watch." >> reporter: happy friday. wall street snapped its losing streak yesterday as investors watched to see how today's jobs report may impact the fed's
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movement on interest rates. the dow rose 62 points. nasdaq was up 193, and the s&p 500 jumped 36 points. federal regulators are warning that qr codes can be a gateway to identity theft. the ftc says sometimes thieves will cover up a real code with one of their own or send codes via text or email trying to trick you into handing over your personal information. so what do you do? make sure that the website url is legit. no misspelled words or switched letters. and don't scan any codes you weren't expecting. organized retail theft may not be as big of a problem as the industry's top trade group reported earlier this year. the national retail federation just pulled back its claim that organized retail crime accounts for nearly half of overall product loss. the nrf says it used incorrect data. now it's unclear how much money retailers are actually losing due to organized retail crime as flash mob robberies have gotten a lot of attention from the media and politicians. last thing.
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amazon is working on a new grocery subscription for prime members. for $9.99 on month on top of the cost of a prime account users will get unlimited grocery delivery from whole foods as well as amazon fresh. but that's if they spend $35 at least on groceries. this is rolling out first in denver, sacramento, and columbus, ohio. that's your cbs "money watch" report for this friday morning. i'm jarred hill, cbs news, new york. up next, airport joy ride. caught on video, a little boy takes a ride on a luggage conveyor belt. we'll show you how they rescued him.
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most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. talk to your doctor about nurtec today.
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here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ joy video captured a 3-year-old boy going for a joyride at the santiago international airport in chile. the toddler is seen sneaking behind an empty check-in desk and getting onto the conveyor belt in a restricted area. luckily airport workers saw him. they swooped in and brought the boy back to his parents. "dancing with the stars" judge derek hough revealed his wife is recovering from emergency surgery. hough told fans that his wife, hayley erbert, became
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disoriented after wednesday's performance on their dance tour and then went to the hospital. doctors found blood clots in her skull which required emergency surgery. hough said that she is in stable condition. and some lucky commuters got a surprise from none other than rod stewart. ♪ what a day this has been what a ♪ sounding good. the rocker teamed up with pianist jools holland at a london subway station to preview their new swing album. the duo came prepared with an 18-piece band. we'll be right back. 4 ♪♪ my name is gary... pastell... jozi. i have ms. i have ms. [all together]: ms is what we have. i take ocrevus. an infusion treatment that's two times a year. female vo: a prescription for adults with relapsing or primary progressive forms of multiple sclerosis, ocrevus is proven effective in reducing relapses in rms, and slowing disability progression in rms and ppms.
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male vo: don't take ocrevus if you have hep b and tell your doctor about vaccinations or if you've had colitis or hep b, as hep b could come back. a common side effect of ocrevus is infusion reactions. some may be serious. an increased risk of colitis and cancer may exist with ocrevus and it can increase the risk of infections, which can be serious. pml is rare but may happen with ocrevus. it can lead to disability or death. ms is what we have. - not who we are. - not who we are. not who we are.
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hi there, thank you for joining us. we made it. it's friday, december 8th. >> let's get started. >> difficult times, it's very important that we unite. >> a celebration of light in the shadow of war. hanukkah is under way in the bay area. i just wanted my kids' safety. so i take them of course without -- thinking twice. >> a family separated during what should be a time of joy. a palestinian christian here in the bay area, sharing her thoughts on this holiday season. there also appears that there will be evidence that hunter biden engaged to use their words, extravagant lifestyle. >> hunter biden is hit with


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