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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  December 12, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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this is cbs news bay area with elizabeth cook. climate headlines can be daunting . global warming, natural disasters, pollution on land and by sea. our kids are taking notice. it is really, really paralyzing to have such an unsure future. it is something that affects so much of my mental space. >> today, we look at how climate changes fueling anxiety for many of our young people and how we can help them get through it. good afternoon, i am
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elizabeth cook. a lot of our youth are worried about the future of our planet , and in turn, their own futures as well. today, a bay area psychologist will talk about the increase in anxiety over climate change and what to do about it. first, let's get you caught up on news headlines. police have arrested a man accused of stabbing two people in berkeley. those attacks prompted police to issue a lockdown on the area of oak ridge road. 23-year-old byron decles was arrested in oakland this morning. he is charged with attempted murder. his arraignment is scheduled for thursday. in downtown san francisco, dozens of protesters demanded a complete cease-fire in gaza. today, the united nations overwhelmingly voted to call for an immediate cease-fire. the final vote was 153 nations in favor, the u.s. was amid the 10 that voted against it. general assembly votes are not binding , but could put even
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more political pressure on israel and the u.s. the city of richmond will host an emergency meeting tonight over the state of the city's air quality. neighbors say, they meld chemicals near the wastewater plant near the sheffield refinery. earlier this month, we saw several arabs at that refinery. san francisco unified could cut more than 900 vacant positions . that would almost be a 10th of its staff. the reductions were revealed in a draft presentation, which the superintendent is expected to present to the board tonight. let's get to our first alert weather now. a warm-up and a big shift in conditions underway. >> all throughout the bay area today, we woke up to really dense fog. into the santa clara valley, we are clearing up this afternoon, sitting in the 60s for daytime highs. we will continue to warm up to low 70s by this weekend with sunny skies expected in time for
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saturday's forecast. by sunday, there is a big change around the corner. we will get to that in a second. over in san francisco, 50s for us today. near 60s north of the golden gate bridge in areas like santa rosa, of course novato too. as we head into the next couple of days, we have a lot of changes in the forecast. the forecast starting around lunchtime and we will start to see conditions in east bay tonight. high clouds along the coast will settle in. we are dry for now, but boy, do we have big changes around the corner for us. the rain will return to the forecast once we head to our sunday setup. like i mentioned earlier, sunny skies, lower 70s saturday, once we head into sunday, rain returns and temperatures cool down. we talk a lot about climate change and what we could all do to help our planet. now, a group of california kids is taking legal action to try to protect the earth and
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themselves. they want the epa to take responsibility for damaging air pollution. many of the kids in the lawsuit are from right here in the bay area. they say, the epa knows that companies and cars are big polluters and they are doing enough to address that. we spoke with one of the young plaintiffs who says that worrying about the earth's future is taking a toll on her mental health. >> it is really, really paralyzing to have such an unsure future and something that takes up so much of my mental space, that it is really hard to think about anything else. >> the group hopes to take their case to trial. their lawyers won a similar case in montana last year. emma says, they are fighting so future generations don't have to live with climate anxiety. a recent report from the american psychological association backs up the plaintiff's claim and says, climate change can have lifelong impacts on the mental health of young people. research shows that extreme weather events can cause ptsd and long-term effects of climate change can increase the risk of anxiety, depression, and other mental health impacts. joining me today is cheryl best from the childline institute. thanks for joining us this afternoon. how
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prevalent is this type of anxiety over climate change? are you seeing this in your practice? >> yes, we are seeing increases across all psychology practices for anxiety related to climate change and global events. >> what do you attribute to that? the influx of information? so many kids are on social media, being in you dated by all of this, what are you attributing to the anxiety? is it the actual state of the world? >> i think it is a mix. we are seeing evidence of more frequent, intense weather events me we are seeing the events in front of us, which makes it feel more immediate, makes more people feel the immediate impacts of these things . there is so much access to information and news around the world today that there is a lot of information to try to filter out and process that is coming for us. >> what you tell parents, and other kids in general, how they can compartmentalize the
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information they are getting and how they can try to prevent having anxiety over it, instead, take action , or handle the information in a more productive way? >> so, with anxiety , it is important to think about the nature of anxiety tends to be centered around a lack of control and worries about the future. we certainly want to balance what we are thinking about on these big scales with what we are paying attention to right now, being able to have things in your life that you are able to enjoy right now, and things that feel fulfilling for you and allow you to take a rest from the influx of information. finding hobbies, connecting with friends, things happening right now . and when we are trying to help our kids through this anxiety , it is important to make sure that we are acknowledging their fears and anxieties as valid . these are real fears , these are real anxieties . it makes sense that kids are feeling this way, giving everything we are learning about the state of our world , and what can we do
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about it? how can we help our kids feel a little bit more in control in a situation that feels very out-of-control? whether that is starting recycling in their household , getting involved with clean up the beach activities, or anything that makes them feel like they can do a little and have a little bit of an impact, and it is also in that same regard , it is important for us to model balance, so he can be very easy to want to go all in on these things and have an idea of perfection, i have to do all of this perfectly. it is up to us as adults to model , this is a big issue, we understand this is gary. how can i help you take action? and we are not going to be able to do it all , it is important to find that balance and not get too fixated on making it perfect . >> our young people have so much more pressure on them it
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seems like these days, pressure to do well socially, pressure to do well academically, pressure to go on to the best college, or even be able to look perfect on social media. does all of that compound also with what is happening in the world in terms of just dealing --feeling the pressure to not only be outstanding in the world, but fix it as well? >> i think so. i mean, mental health is complex. there is a lot of contributing factors. so, all of these things are adding up to give us an overall landscape of a child's mental health, what is going on in their immediate lives now, what is going on in the larger systems they inhabit, what is going on in their relationships, what information are they getting from news, us as adults? it is a big role for us to take on now to navigate this in a way that also values their experiences, their appearances, and desires of
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how they want to help your >> you have resources on your website for parents to go to if they start to see signs of anxiety, depression, or overall mental health that is declining because of all of this information. how can we access that? >> our website has many public resources available. any question you have about children's mental health, you can look up information pages, videos, learn more about it, and more importantly, your monitoring your children's mental health if you feel like your child's anxiety is getting into an area that feels problematic and it is impacting their function and well-being, definitely check out what you can do to get help for themselves and support for you as parents as well. >> everybody is looking for help and how to navigate this change in climate me not only the actual climate, also our environment as well. thank you so much with the child mind institute. still ahead, a new patio is
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reigniting the debate between public access and public safety. why some are arguing the seating space in berkeley is relegated to push a certain group out. more help needed by the day. why bay area food banks say, 70 people are facing food insecurity this year and the generous donation offer if enough people act now.
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a new patio is open at the berkeley bart plaza , but the seating is only for customers of nearby businesses. as max reports, critics are worried this is a tactic to keep away people who are homeless. >> reporter: is gearing up for another day of sales, he is the owner of gelato in the downtown berkeley bart plaza. he likes the location, but
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says, operating here isn't always sweet. >> this area is affected by crime because of proximity with art. >> before opening up shop for today, he is glad to see this happening outside , ambassadors from the downtown berkeley association setting up the new papa plaza patio seating area. it is a shared space, reserved only for customers of the fine merchants at the plaza. >> honestly, it is not that we are taking anything away from anybody. the plaza is free, berkeley is free, we are just trying to add a layer of safety for people. >> the ideas to welcome more people. >> john is the ceo of the bba and says, they wanted to create a safe space for customers, as local business owners say, some customers were being harassed at the plaza . >> vocational disturbances, but
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also people not feeling comfortable necessarily staying in the plaza. what we wanted to do was create a clean, welcoming space under outdoor commerce sidewalk permit. >> he says, the aba sent around $1500, which this plaza goes up in the morning and down in the evenings. >> we do not take away general seating for the public to me we added seating. >> there are folks that call this a privatization of public space. >> it is absolutely an issue for me. >> like paul, who runs the organization, consider the homeless. >> we are a supplier to the ones sheltered peers >> he sees this as a way to try to push homeless people out of the public plaza. >> privatizing the public space makes it harder for organizations like ours to connect with people. we really need connection, rather than disconnection and polarization of people. >> we don't have anything against homeless people, but
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it doesn't have anything to do with our take on homelessness , social issues. we are unsafe . we feel unsafe . this is a tool to maybe feel a little safer. >> blake doesn't think it addresses the root problem . it is a pilot program for now, time will tell how it works out. >> despite the signage, merchants say, everyone is welcome and people are only being asked to leave if they are causing problems. a big deadline is approaching for redwood empire food bank in santa rosa. giving is down and they have a chance to match gifts, but only for the next 48 hours. rita callan is there with more on the increased need. >> filling up our hearts , this year is not different in the sense that volunteers are out ,
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your neighbors are here serving , feeling backs to make sure their hearts are full and stomachs are full . food insecurity does not take a break. it is a reality 365 here in the bay area. what is different this year is the need. david, you are with the food bank. you have been here 29 years . why is this year different as far as having to ring alarm bells marks >> the economy is very challenging. the cost of living is challenging post-covid impact, all of that has led to this perfect storm. >> so, the $100,000 match, tell me about that. >> we have a generous donor. we ring the bell and we have never rung the bell and said, we need more help now. one of our donors said, i will tell you what i will do, normally they were a $50,000 donor, they put a $100,000 and said, you have 48 hours to match it. >> it is all about multiplying good and doing the most with what we have. if you want to help them meet those goals,
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because that is different this year, the alarm bell has been run here at redwood empire food bank. we know we want to do all that we can to support them in their efforts to put food on table. all you have to do is go to our website,, or scan the qr code on the screen and we can answer those alarm bells with the sounds of our hearts, doing something good in our community and reaping the benefits in our homes and families. >> thank you, read. on to our first alert weather, things are mild to me but we are getting closer to our next chance of showers. meteorologist jessica burch is in our new virtual studio with all the details. >> throughout the bay area this morning, santa clara valley stretching all the way to wine country, where they were under a dense fog advisory until 11:00 a.m. this is what it is looking like this afternoon, clearing up a lot in the bay area, high clouds pushing along our coastline with light winds moving to the north around 5 to 10 miles per hour. into the
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evening hours, slowly we get cloudier , but still no rain in the forecast, for now at least . watch what happens, for now, the storm track is well north of us . that will be the case the next couple of days, showers impacting the pacific northwest . back here in the bay area, we are seeing leftover clouds until this weekend. as we advance to our long-range models, this area of low pressure will turn into a cut off low, that will move its way into the bay, having a shower throughout sunday, monday, and tuesday of next week , literally a week from now is where we are forecasting when it comes to these rainfall totals. things can change, this is monday through tuesday. about an inch and a half expected locally in the bay area. it will be a pretty impressive system. we are not there yet, we are clearing up from all of this fog . daytime highs will be sitting in the 50s in san francisco with oakland low 60s virtually everywhere in our inland east bay, all the way to the north bay, and of course the santa clara valley too. a beautiful
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day to get out there and get fresh air now that the fog is starting to bleed off. that will be the case for us the rest of the day too. low 60s for now, we warmed up into the mid-60s by this weekend at least by saturday, and we want to see sunshine too. that low pressure system moves its way in, heading into our sunday forecast. that is when the rain will return to the bay area and when temperatures drop pretty fast too, back in the 50s throughout the bay. that is inland. watch what happens along the bay waters, anywhere from san francisco to low waters, low 60s. that dead shower set up will last heading into the next workweek too. coming up, the 49ers are playoff bound with a little help from another team. plus, he surprised even his own teammates and coach . the big
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the 49ers are the first team to clinch a spot in the playoffs and they can think the packers for that. the green bay loss to the giants thursday night, which stamped san
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francisco's ticket into the postseason. this saturday, the niners can secure the second straight nfc east title with a win against arizona. they can also clinch a first-round buy in home-field advantage throughout the playoffs if they win their final four regular-season games. usually, it is the 49ers offense and defense that get all the headlines, but it was special teams this time that nearly stole the spotlight on sunday. take a look. this is the volkswagen red and gold report. the 49ers have plenty of playmakers, mccaffrey, divo, kittle, iu, even the punter, mitch wishnowsky , showed what he can do in the open field. >> nope, just mitch! >> he is a dad, you can do whatever he wants. >> the 49ers' punter called his shot when he saw the seahawks left the area uncovered. nicknamed the booming onion even took a late hit, but the play was called back because of
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a penalty on teammate ronnie bell. still, he earned some street credit with his teammates. >> i love that, honestly, we did not even get a heads up. we are getting ready to make corrections, all i see is the australian striking down the sideline . wow! >> i was sitting there , okay, all of a sudden, takes off, yes! you should have tackled. maybe next time . he will do some drills with us next time. >> i want to just get out of balance, get away from the big fellas. >> for the red and gold report, i am vern glenn. >> such an awesome moment. still ahead, shopping small and safe this holiday season. the new push to get into oakland's new fruitvale district for their holiday gifts. watches anytime on our streaming service, cbs news bay
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oakland's fruitvale district is inviting people to shop local this holiday season . small business owners gathered today to launch their holiday shopping campaign called, find it in fruitvale . it encourages folks to shop
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local, latino owned businesses and make sure they have a safe, shopping experience . >> i want to welcome everyone, but also continue having folks, not just in oakland , also the bay area to continue visiting fruitvale and know that it is safe and we are taking proactive measures to continue making fruitvale safe. >> the neighborhood was given a $250,000 grant from the city to increase safety measures. that includes ambassadors, patrolling the streets, and working with the department of violence prevention. the cbs evening news is next right here on kpix. local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. ♪ ♪ >> norah: tonight, president biden's dark new warning to israel that it is a losing global support over what he called their indiscriminate bombing of gaza. plus the high-stakes meeti


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