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tv   The Late News  CBS  December 13, 2023 1:37am-2:13am PST

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♪tasty glazed turkeys that won't be forgotten♪ ♪their warm mac and cheese has us feasting like kings♪ ♪these are a few of my favorite things♪ every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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. now at 11:00 to chaining up and security guards, bay area stores are tired of theft. now those that do pay, pay for convenience. in richmond they know something smells foul. >> it smells like raw sewage. this sewage smell is clinging to our clothes. >> the unbearable clouds hanging over their heads. oh, man. >> that will be a flagrant. >> is green trying to put mma in the nba? the latest ejection for the warriors star. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey. hello, i'm sara donchey. in an age that everything is supposed to be more convenient
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some people are saying it is a big step back. lotion, cold medicine, beauty products all under lock and key at some san francisco chains. they chained up ice cream freezers because shoplifters were clearing them out. if you want to buy anything, track down the employees that have the keys. self-check out was supposed to make getting what you need from a store faster and easier. it has had some unintended consequences. now, the shopping experience of the future is now a thing of the past. >> reporter: this safeway here on webster street is one of a number of stores in san francisco that has removed its self-check out stands. workers here tell me it is because of shoplifting. as soon as you walk into this safeway in the fillmore you are greeted by gates designed to detour shoplifting. empty check out
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aisles have gates. and the exit doors are permanently closed on the other side of the store. security guard told me the store recently added more guards to deal with thieves. and, safe way completely removed its self-check out kiosks. shortly after they installed the gates over the summer. mike is a regular customer who says it is not unusual to witness shoplifting. >> like i said, two guys stuffing bags of chicken, packages of chick nen their backpacks. when i came and told the security people about it, they said, well, there is nothing we can do. we have to see them in action. >> i am going to make other cookies. >> reporter: on this night he came to pick up baking ingredients. he remembers when he had to scan his receipt to exit the shelf check out area. >> i thought that would stop some of it. i used to use the shelf check outs myself. i used to see people come with stuff and walk through the area and walk out because they don't
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have to go through the cashier. >> reporter: in july safeway said they added the gates designed to slow down thieves, now the entire area is closed off. they noticed the self-check out stands were removed. >> it would be nice. again, i get the reason why. >> reporter: at target on mission and 4th the screens at the self-checkout area have been disabled. workers confirm to kpix they were deactivated due to shoplifting. target pointed to theft. shoplifting and organized retail crime as responsible for the increases in losses. this fall, target said they closed three bay area stores for those reasons. >> i don't know. it is, it is, it is a symptom of all of the larger society problems, i believe. >> reporter: we reached out to safeway and target about removing self-check out but we have not heard back. imagine if someone came to visit you at your house and
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told you it smelled like raw sewage. you might be insulted and you might kick them out. it seems to be the reality t. smells so bad in richmond they feel like they are attacked by the smell. the city seems to agree. they have a public meeting about it n complete with richmond's mayor making his own fashion statement. a sad face, as it turns out, some say it raises the question. >> you open your office at 8:00 in the morning and you open the door and it hits you. >> it is a disgusting smell and the serious impacts continue. if new work is being done like they talked about tonight we need to know in advance and how many workers live in our community? if you open the window right now the air smells right now. and this is our home. >> complaints about air quality and odors go back years. katie neilson has more from richmond
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residents pointing the finger at neighbors that need to clean up their act. it smells like raw sewage. even to the extent that when we leave the neighborhood sometimes our clothes, the sewage smell is clinging to our clothes. >> reporter: phillip has lived in point richmond for 30 years. his home is less than a mile from the city of richmond's waste water treatment plant and the chevron refinery. both, he says, creates some strange smells from time to time. >> it is actually not that uncommon. last week it was a particularly bad set of events. >> reporter: starting late in the evening on monday, december 4th, residents reported smelling an overwhesming sent of raw sewage and rotten eggs. they trace today back to the city treatment plant t. is run by . it is run by richmond.
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>> they did not respond to the city staff or myself for 30 hours. we had no clue what was going on. >> reporter: he represents the district around the plant and says there needs to be a more robust notification for residents when anything unusual happens at the treatment plants or oil refineries >> we will escalate it as far as we need to, to make sure the community gets the responses and accountability. at the end of the day it is accountability. >> reporter: the waste water treatment plant released above normal levels of a chemical during an up great of the equipment and issued a notice of violation due to the smell. only a couple days later, chevron was hit with a similar notice of violation due to a strong smell that residents described as like burning tires. that happened on friday. and was also caused by a waste water treatment facility. that one run and owned by chevron on
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their property. the issues were not related but residents like phillip say it is not fair they are bombarded due to seemingly endless mishaps. >> i think it is a moment of time where people are seeing how we are constantly assaulted. >> chevron said the smell came from a reactor at their waste water plant and not related to the flaring. after seeing that story you will have thoughts on this one. >> let me ask you the million dollar question. have you tried it? >> the push to get your drinking water from toilet to tap in record time. plus. >> awesome. awesome. an ugly incident caught on camera at the happiest place on earth and he did not know it then but this california hiker's social media post was about to save his life. the 1,000 foot tumble he lived to tell about. fog is the big story across the bay area this evening. you can see it out the window
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behind me. in our virtual reality map spreading in the bay area and see it as we look from sales force tower how compressed it is. we will tell you rain chances farther down-the-line in the first alert forecast. >> thanks. down goes grandpa, cradle and all. he hoped no one would notice but now the whole internet has.
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. a racist outburst caught on camera at what is supposed to be the happiest place on earth, disneyland. we spoke to the victim who says it was not just the verbal attack that hurt her. it is what happened when she talked about it. >> and this person just heard me speak spanish and she said, great you are a [beep] mexican, right? >> a mother records the moment that a mother told her to stop speaking spanish. >> what did you just say to me? >> it all happened inside of a disneyland bathroom. she was with her 2-year-old son celebrating his birthday. >> i have a child. and i can speak spanish to my child and you have a problem with that?
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>> reporter: during the two minute video the woman in the gray shirt says she should not have been using a large unmarked stall with her son. >> it is offensive you use the bathroom. >> no. >> no. your comment, your comment was racist and had nothing to do with using the rest room. >> i hate mexicans, it is true. >> awesome. >> i am born into my nationality, no one can change that. no one is born into being a racist. >> the video only shows half of what happened the woman was using profanity and threats before she hit record. >> she continued to scream at me and use profanity words. she said things i feel uncomfortable. >> the woman ends with sticking her middle finger to the camera. she is frustrated with how it was handled when she report today to disneyland security. >> his response was i already heard the story and you should go about your day. >> the park list rules
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including showing common courtesy by not using profanity or engaging in unsafe, illegal or disruptive behavior. >> someone would of acknowledged that it did happen to us and not shove it under the rug i feel that is all at the moment. all i was looking for. >> ramirez says she showed the video to the head of security but the woman and her family were still allowed into the park. we have not seen a statement from disney >> when california tourists snyder took this picture, while hiking in hawaii. you can never imagine what was about to happen next. the 34-year-old was visiting from fern dale. last monday he posted the video of the oahu coastline saying he was on the best hike he ever had been on. this was the last post showing the cloud cover rolling in over the mountain side. beautiful. but, it turns out these posts may have saved his life. three days later, snyder was found at the base of the water fall after tumbling
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1,000 feet from the trail. he says he does not remember the fall but managed to survive drinking stream water. >> i reached over all of the way across with my right hand. it was a trickle. i said my peace. if this is my time, i am ready to go. but if it is not my time i know that patch of sky in front of me, i will be able to wave at a helicopter.. >> the social media post before he fell helped rescuers track him down. snyder has broken bones and wounds. you saw he looked beat up there. his survival alone is being called a miracle. >> based on what we saw from air one and the terrain we were amazed to be 1,000 feet down from the trail and to have survived it as we said many times, a miracle. we are still baffled by it. >> the best we could give to the family would be we found a
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body. when we found a whole human living and waving at the sky. >> what an amazing moment there. snyder, as you see, got to meet the first responders and the hikers that worked to find him. snyder said his parents flew to the island to take him home. all right. check this out. nasa released a new image of the youngest super nova remnant in our galaxy. it was taken by paul higgins hero, the james web telescope. the closest and most detailed look inside of the exploded star. it seems to shine like a christmas ornament. nice image. paul is a big fan of all of the images and renderings. i wanted to ask you about something closer to home. that is all of the fog we are seeing. i feel like we can rate the fog at this point in our relationship with it. this is like grade a. really thick fog. >> yes. fog that means business. spreading out once
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again this evening. shallow layer of fog compared to what was developing last night t. is still spreading out across the bay area. fog tracker from the satellite. not the normal perspective we would show you because our weather software does not have this band of the image but this is what we use to track the fog when we are evaluating things behind-the-scenes. it spreads out. never dissipates along the north bay. the fog throughout the afternoon. now, spreading out around the bay and the inland valleys t is going to be dissipating fairly quickly. the fog is in effect as we head through 10:00 a.m. on wednesday. in fact, the weather service has not pushed it beyond that to 11:00 or noon indicates we are looking at the same data, we are going to see the fog eroding as we head through the first half of the day and midday into the afternoon. sunshine, breaking it through. for the moment, that fog is something as we look at it from sales force tower. that is a view to the west. that is the tower
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blinking in the distance. that shows you how compressed it is. sales force tower is sticking out of it. the temperatures are not impacted much at all. dropping off quickly. not much of an insulating factor on ground level. 42 degrees in livermore. still 49 degrees in santa rosa and in san francisco. 53 degrees is the temperature in san jose. letter on tonight, those temperatures will fall down to a mix of middle to upper 30s and lower 40s. again, the thin layer of fog. not too efficient. but, maybe it will keep the chili -- chilly spot a degree or above where we are usually. let's look at tomorrow's high temperatures, we will see the highs reaching up to 3-5 degrees above normal. 65 degrees above an jose. the santa clara valley right around 60 degrees for antioch. that will be the cool spot on the map. assuming the fog
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dissipates on the north bay, unlike today. reaching at half moon bay. some of the temperatures in the north bay. reaching up to the lower to middle 60s. stuck in the middle 50s. the persistence of the fog, we expect it to dissipate between 10:00 and 11:00 or so would give you more time to warm up. in fact, third degree temperature jump. now, farther down-the-line we are tracking a good chance of rain in the forecast by the time the second half of the weekend rolls around. any later plans saturday is the day for that. showers approach the coast on saturday night. more widespread rain in the forecast. sunday, sunday night, monday, even monday night and tuesday. starting to get closer and closer to us. the arrival of the first wave of rain. we are starting to get the rough details, start time, potential stop time, and rough idea of amounts. we use ensemble day. giving us a range of possibilities and, what the
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average of that data is slowing us is widespread amounts between an inch and two inches of rainfall. there will be spots that over achieve on that. higher elevations to the north bay and along the coast. let's take a look at the seven-day forecast. it is two halves of the seven-day forecast the next few days, calm weather, mix of clouds and sunshine on thursday and friday. warm temperatures on saturday and then things flip. the rain enters the forecast on sunday. it sticks around on monday and tuesday. right now it looks like the time frame for the most widespread and heaviest rain sunday night into monday that is one of the things we are still in the process of evaluating. unsettled weather pattern bringing rain to the bay area. may not necessarily be convenient for outdoor plans for the second half of the weekend. again, saturday is the day for that. and then we will be tracking that rain heading through saturday night and into sunday. sticking around through at least the first half of next week. three day stretch at least of unsettled weather.
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sara. >> good to be prepared. good to know. rain boots for the kids, paul, thank you very much. this holiday season food banks need all of the help that they can get. a donor is stepping up to match $100,000 to the redwood empire food bank. the catch is, they only have 48 hours to raise the money. >> we rang the bell. we never rung the bell before that said we need more help now. we rang the bell and one of our donors said i will tell you what i do. normally they were a $50,000 donor, they put up $100,000. they said you have 48 hours to match it. >> if you would like to help scan the qr code there you would like to see on the bottom or go to appreciate all of the donations. there is a lot of talk this time of the year about who is naughty and who is nice. tonight, the 49ers and the giants are on one list and a warrior is on the other, vern? >> what to do now? that is for the league to address, again.
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discipline, again. and for us to find out. oh, man,
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. the 49ers are on a hot streak on the field. today it was all about spreading holiday cheer for bay area families. 9ers players and staffers packed cars with things like food, shoes, eye glasses and of course toys, at a drive-thru distribution. even fan favorite george kittle joined? >> i l■ove hristmas. i m ll there for spreading christmas joy and hang out with allof my teammates while doing it. it checks all of the boxes. i am having a great time >> 200 families got help today along with plenty of photo ops. >> we saw you out there today. annual heroes event. >> yes. a live shot there. been around this event since it was halloween heros in the middle
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1990s. that was in october and switched to december and renamed holiday heroes. always lots of families out enjoying festivities at the ballpark. >> so, the big holiday celebration is a fundraiser put together by the foundation focusing on giving back and supporting underserved bay area kids >> there was even a giant slide out there. a photo op with the trophy and other venues, activities on the field. >> it is just wonderful. i think it ties us, all of the craziness that we get so involved in the day to day we forget to pause and enjoy the moments. so, this opportunity just gives you a reason. i see it every day through my son's eyes, now through all of the kids that are here. the magic of the holidays and what it represents. >> the foundation has been putting it on for 29 years. so nice to see the kids out there. it is really nice. our bay area sports teams do a great job.
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>> i say shout out to amy. she is the founder of this event. man, i tell you what. she was losing her voice in a speech today. it is okay. take a vow. great job. >> absolutely. >> all right, we have a lot of sports to talk about. i think we should talk about the flag flagrant. >> i mean, you throw your arms above your head, if you have not seen it, you are about to. safe to say i don't think there is much of a defense why green was ejected tonight. early third quarter. i don't know what compelled green to do this. right in the face. green received a flagrant two foul and ejected. that is the rule. the third time he has been thrown out in 15 games this season. green will likely be facing another stiff suspicion from the league. remember he got five games for the
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headlock. other than steph curry they struggled. kerr offered to play. his bench, building a double digit lead. the reserve, they scored 80 points, five players scored in double figures. klay thompson and wiggens ineffective and did not close the game. phoenix, led by one. going into the fourth, under five minutes to play. and, a give away. booker. part of a 12-0 run to put them up top. 20 points and 11 rebounds cut the deficit. 15 seconds left. it was, it was possible that golden state could tie the game. curry. took a look at it. no, no, no. they hung on to win 119-116. golden state, 6 straight road loss as the record fell to 10-3.. switching over to baseball. it was said on tuesday the team
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offered $700 million to ohtani. he believes he wanted to remain in southern california. can not do anything about that. giants fans get ready for the outfielder. san francisco reportedly signed the star for six years and 113 million. the 25-year-old was the mvp of the korean league in 2022. won 5 gold gloves in 7 seasons. but, back to the warriors for a moment. the last time they were in phoenix. he expressed his displeasure with the noise in the arena >> in this building you can not hear anything. it is a club. it is like t is like a south beach club out there. what are we doing? >> well, he came prepared tonight. walked into the arena with noise canceling headphones, nice move, coach. now, there is going to be a lot
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of noise sadly with them now waiting to see how quickly the league moves in. the warriors got to keep going with the ones who can score. that might mean the bench. they are at the clippers coming up on tuesday. i am sorry, thursday. >> a day that ends in "y." >> yes >> thank you very much. it might be the time to change the nursery rhyme to "down will come grandpa, cradle and all" the grand dad caught on camera falling into his granddaughtery's crib apparently the little girl was crawling out so they lowered the mattress. when he tried to put her down he went down with her. >> that is the only granddaughter. >> you almost loved her to death. [ laughter ] >> i would have been embarrassed if somebody saw me. >> well, the video was recorded a year ago. the little girl's mom post today to tiktok recently. it has gone viral.
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even though he fell in he was careful not to put his weight on his granddaughter who was totally unphased. water has been naturally recycled
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[toilet flushing ] >> we put that in there for you. paul you said you drink about five bottles of water a day >> yes. like, you know, about a gallon and a half. >> okay. >> yes. >> that is healthy for you. >> the one healthy thing that i do. would you still be that thirsty if you knew that same water recently was flushed? >> no. >> vern? >> you love to cook. >> all of the time. >> how about shower drain water for your pasta pot? >> can i boil it? >> what? >> state regulators are having new rules that would allow local agencies to convert sewage directly into drinking water after extensive treatment and testing of course. sounds like quite a process. the turn around from toilet to tap can take days. have you tried it? if so, did you like it? >> absolutely. i have tasted
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it, tried it, drunk it from the system that produce, noe produces it yet, but they produce reuse. and i sampled that water. and it is fantastic. >> hmm. i mean, i guess, comparatively speaking. [ laughter ] you like it? it is water. >> look the same water molecules have been on earth for billions of years statistically speaking we already drank that. >> don't, don't bother us with science, paul. >> sorry. >> it will probably be several years until it gets going, vern, don't worry. even then cities will be required to use a mix of sources just in case anything breaks down. >> that is what i would be worried about. some kind of break down in the process. >> all kinds of things running through my head right now. i am going to . >> depart gracefully >> yes. >> all right, well, thank yo
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(upbeat music)


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