tv Face the Nation CBS December 17, 2023 8:30am-9:01am PST
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i'm jane pauley. please join us when our trumpet sounds again next sunday morning. ♪ i'm margaret brennan in washington. can the border crisis push politicians into action? and breaking this morning, a new cbs news survey of voters in iowa and new hampshire, shows a ray of hope for republicans who want to deny donald trump the nomination. time has just about run out on a border security deal in
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congress this year. but the pressure to do something to control the massive number of migrants looking for a better life in the u.s. is growing. along with that, the former president's harsh rhetoric out on the campaign trail. >> if you hate america, if you want to abolish israel, if you sympathize with jihadists, we don't want you. >> can any of his republican challengers catch donald trump, as the campaigning in iowa and new hampshire enters the final months. we've been in those two states talking to voters and have new results from one of those states. we'll talk with former new jersey governor chris christie and turn to efforts being made on an immigration deal that could help free up funding to ukraine and israel. texas republican congressman tony gonzales, delaware democratic senator chris coons, and ukraine's ambassador to the u.s. oksana markarova will all be here. plus, the year end forecast from the fed might actually make
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americans feel better about the economy going into 2024. we'll tell you why. it's all just ahead on "cbs mornings." -- it's all ahead on "face the nation." good morning and welcome to "face the nation." in washington, lawmakers have been working through the weekend to negotiate a deal on border security and immigration as part of a larger package of aid for ukraine and israel. but there is no deal in sight yet. no framework and not enough time to get it done before the end of the year. meanwhile, we are less than one month from the votes being taken in the 2024 campaign. >> on my first day back in the white house, i will terminate every open borders policy of the biden administration, stop the invasion of our southern border
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and begin the largest domestic deportation operation in american history. i will immediately restore and expand the trump travel ban on entry from countries. >> that kind of talk according to our cbs news poll findings is resonating in iowa, where the former president continues to hold a commanding lead with 58% of likely gop caucus goers. florida governor ron desantis is in a distant second with 22% support. cbs news talked to iowa voters checking out other candidates. >> i feel like trump is one to go in and not care and make these changes now that we need done now. like the border, i can't even imagine what it's going to be like in a year. i mean, and i don't see how we're not going to be -- have some kind of terrorist attack between now and then. >> we're still faith, family and friends first. >> but it's a different story in new hampshire, where former
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south carolina governor nikki haley has emerged as the closest rival to trump. now at 29% support to his 44%. that is up 18 points since our september survey. desantis is next with 11% followed by former new jersey governor chris christie at 10%. new hampshire's republican primary is also open to independent voters. carol smith attended a haley rally last week. >> i'm a lifelong democrat and when i saw nikki haley in the first debate, i was overwhelmed. she was concise. she was on point. she said what needed to be said. there was no double talk. she needs to be elected. compared to the other candidates in the field. don't ask me if it's because she's a woman because that will
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m make my -- go up. we're joined by director of elections and surveys, anthony salvanto. this is a big move for nikki haley. what's behind it? >> it is, margaret. good morning. nikki haley is up substantially from where she was this fall and one reason is, voters tell us they see her as reasonable as compared to the other candidates and prepared to be president. her number there is on par with the former president. now she's helped by the independents who can vote in the new hampshire primary and it's not a surprise that she and maybe former governor chris christie are looking to do better in new hampshire because those independents say they're more amenable to the idea of candidate who is different from donald trump. now trump for his part still does well on two key measures. one, he's seen as a strong leader. two, that those voters think he can beat joe biden. margaret? >> anthony, as we know here,
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iowa still very comfortable place for donald trump. what is different about the dynamic there? >> it is. well, look, it starts with nearly half the iowa caucus goers say they themselves are part of the maga movement. that's base for trump and he's got more voters there saying they will only consider voting for him. iowa has often been a test for the more further right leaning part of the party, no different this year. we look at some policy measures, they have more voters there saying that they're in favor of making abortion illegal, in favor of ideas of deporting undocumented immigrants. all that adds up to a sizable lead for the former president. >> anthonysalvanto, thank you. we turn to one of the republican candidates for president, former new jersey governor chris christie who joins me from new jersey. good morning to you, sir. >> good morning. >> i know you say you don't believe people tell the truth to
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p pollsters but you have staked a lot on the state of new hampshire, coming in fourth in our poll and the governor of that state endorsed your rival nikki haley. do you still see a path to vi victory there? >> absolutely. when you look at the poll you just talked about, it has fewer than half the people it would need to even qualify to a poll of the rnc. it's kind of just a foolish poll with all due respect. and the fact that is in the end, governor haley got an endorsement that got her a lot of free media publicity, but doesn't change one simple fact she won't answer questions about donald trump. in fact, you know, she said just this week that he's fit to be president. this is a guy who last night in newhampshire used vladimir putin as a character witness for the decaying democracy in america. vladimir putin is an expert in
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democracy and someone who says that is fit to be president of the united states? it's ridiculous. and so, you know, we just continue to move forward because we know that voters are listening to the real things that are being said, and when they do, we'll do very well. >> okay. so new hampshire won't be the defining moment for whether you continue or not in this race? >> new hampshire will be an important moment, margaret. there's no doubt. what won't be a defining moment is your poll of 450 people. >> okay. it's not just our poll, though. i mean, the "national review" conservative leaning "national review" has a piece saying that even if chris christie pulled off an upset in new hampshire there would be nowhere else for him to go. a hypothetical chris christie win would rely on support from independents and democrats in the open new hampshire primary. those conditions would be impossible to replicate elsewhere. if he is as committed to stopping trump as he says it's time for him to retire to his tent. what do you have to say to them?
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>> they're just -- what i have to say to them they should get the facts right. first of all, democrats can't vote in the republican primary in new hampshire. so they're wrong about that. >> independents can. >> independents and republicans. >> yeah. >> you read me the quote. how about you get accurate. democrats, you said, reading their quote, can vote. they cannot vote in the new hampshire primary. secondly in michigan, the very weeks from the new hampshire primary. which is that republicans and independents can skroets in the michigan primary. the fact that they say can't be repeated anywhere, it would be repeated two elections away from new hampshire, south carolina happens in between. so look, the national review was campaigning for ron desantis until they concluded that he couldn't win. now they're campaigning for nikki haley and when they conclude she can't win either they'll move on to somebody else. i don't spend any time worrying about the editors at the "national review." >> noted.
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you've said though for nikki haley we have not just cbs, other polls, have said she is surging in the state of new hampshire. you said she's not a fundamentally serious candidate -- >> i'm going to stop you. hold on. i'm going to stop you right there because in the last two polls that have come out, nikki haley was at 13 or 14% and i was at 10 or 11. i don't understand where you talk about surging, margaret. i know that's the talking points on the teleprompter, but it's not surging. >> i'm not looking at the teleprompter sir. i'm looking at your face. you're up 2 points. don't trust polls you cited some. let me read you what you hae said about nikki haley. >> no, margaret i'm countering what you say, margaret, i'm countering what you say about other polls showing surges which they do not. so if you want to cite them at least cite them correctly. >> okay. you said nikki haley's not a
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fundamentally serious candidate when she said, as you said earlier on our program that trump is fit to lead. you said you wish she cared more about the truth and things she's said about global trade, for example, you say, show she doesn't understand what she's talking about. are you ruling out ever working with nikki haley in the future to defeat donald trump? >> i'm working on defeating donald trump. i'm the only one in the race who is working on defeating donald trump. when she hasn't ruled out being his vice president, i don't think you can take her as a serious contender against him. ron desantis and i have both ruled out accepting the vice presidency from donald trump. nikki haley has not. that's why she's not saying strong things against donald trump. why she's saying he's fit to be president of the united states. i mean, the fact is if you watch that speech last night, where he says that immigrants from asia, africa, and south america are poise beening the blood --
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poisoning the blood of america, i don't know how you can take someone like that and say they're fit to be president of the united states. >> are you surprised -- >> this is language and things being said -- >> sorry. >> that are just wrong. >> you are clearly distancing yourself from that sentiment. are you surprised that other republican candidates and sitting republican elected officials, have not distanced themselves from saying that immigrants are poisoning the blood of this country? >> yes, i am surprised about that. look, at the end of the day, you know, these folks are more concerned about their primary challenges and their house seats, than they're concerned about who is going to be the president of the united states and whether or not they're fit. when you're a candidate for president of the united states as someone -- the incumbent essentially donald trump having won the nomination the last two times you need to speak about what is their fitness. i'm going to take nikki haley's word at it. she believes he's fit to be president. if you believe someone who says those kind of things and is
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under four criminal indictments is fit to be president you can agree with her. i don't. >> okay. well, nikki haley i want to ask you about how some of your opponents who have stood on that debate stage have talked about her. you did seem to come to nikki haley's defense after the last debate when vivek ramaswamy went straight at her. you said you think he personally has a woman problem. do you think your party has a woman problem? do you think a woman could be the lead on republican ticket? >> sure. i think a woman can be a lead on a republican ticket and i don't think the party has a woman problem. i think vivek has a woman problem. i defended nikki haley at that debate because when someone on the stage like vivek treats someone who is as smart and accomplished as nikki haley is, has been my friend 13 years, says and compares her intellect to that of his 3-year-old son,
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the way i was raised, margaret, is you stand up and defend someone who you do respect being treated with disrespect by someone else. that's exactly what i did. i would do it again. and i think it's the right thing to do. >> all right. chris christie, we have to leave it there for today. thanks for joining us. we have to turn now to the crisis at the border and texas republican congressman tony gonzales with us from san antonio. welcome back to "face the nation." >> good morning. thank you for having me. >> i want to go into one of the issues we know is on the minds for voters and a crisis right now. you've been pressing for a border deal and we know that senators are still trying to craft one but doesn't look good for the near term. what is the real world impact in your district if there is no deal in 2023? >> yeah. i give a lot of credit to senator langford and cinema and
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tillis and murphy. certainly nothing happens without john cornyn making his inputs on there, and i appreciate their efforts on that, but the time is now. the time for a national security package is now. in my district it is pure chaos and people are upset, they're upset because their lives have been turned upside down. my district is predominantly hispanic. many are first and second generation americans but they're tired. they're tired of the high-speed chases, of their schools going ino lockdown, and i would argue we've been talking about the amount of people coming over that we don't know who is entering our country and the terrorist threat from external, but i would also talk about a terrorist threat internal. to 9/11 and what happened there, but i also think back to the oklahoma city bombing. people are furious at this open border crisis. it's why it's so impersive the senate and house work with the
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president to come up with a national security package that puts the country above everything else. >> okay. well, we know from some of the negotiators who have been out this morning that they don't think one is within reach right now, but cbs is reporting the white house says that it's willing to accept drastic limits on asylum that's raising the credible fear standard as you know, and a vast expansion of detention and deportation efforts as part of this deal. are you supportive of what you've heard is in this proposal? >> i think it's a good start. i think the devil is in the details when you start talking about deportation flights, i think, you know, are you talking about one flight or are you talking about 20 flights? are you talking about depore tating only along the border or interior as well? the credible fear standard is an area most agree we need to raise and i think that's one we're going to add border patrol agents, if so how many?
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then, the senate is much different than the house. the senate is going to have its battle getting to 60 votes. the house its battle getting to 218. we can do that, but there's going to have to -- we have to sweeten the deal. part of that is we have to get to the root of the issue is labeling cartels as terrorist organizations and holding smugglers accountable that cause damage and kill americans. those are a couple things that i believe can help get the house to 218 votes. >> well, of the deal that we know is being negotiated right now, i haven't heard that a terrorist designation of cartels is in it. are you saying it's being talked about right now? >> i'm saying the deal between the senate and the white house is going to be much different than the house and the overall package. >> that's what you would want to add to that. >> part of that is coming to the realization that there's going to be -- there's going to have to be some different things in there and part of that is
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labeling cartels as terrorist organizations will help get the house to 218 votes. i would say, too, if the white house is serious about this, the white house they shouldn't be sending a secretary, secretary mayorkas, to the negotiating table. where is the president and where is the vice president? these are some areas that i think could increase the level of getting to a real deal. >> okay. if this is crisis, then when the house comes back in january we're going head long into another showdown over government funding. if this is an emergency you would, in theory, want this to move quickly. has the speaker given you any indication of a timeline if the senate can get this deal? >> he hasn't. i don't think many people have, even on the senate side. the easiest thing to do in politics is just to wait for somebody else to pop their head out and build a framework and put it all together. the time is running out. we're at a national security crisis point now.
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think back to fbi director testifying saying every red light i'm looking at is blinking red. something similar before 9/11 occurred. we have to push now. part of that is house republicans, we can't just wait. we have to find 218 votes, however we can, and push things over the finish line. >> i want to bring up something that we discussed with our last guest, which was a remark from donald trump yesterday and i want to play it here because i know you have endorsed mr. trump for president. >> they're poisoning the blood of our country. that's what they've done. they've poisoned mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in south america or three or four countries we think about but all over the world they're coming into our country from africa, from asia, all over the world. do you endorse the sentiment that immigrations are poisoning the blood of our country?
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>> i think immigrants are the lifeblood of our country and it's important that we have immigrants. i've been a pro po nent of legal immigration and what this open border crisis has done, it's put legal immigrant to the back of the line and encouraged illegal immigration and created this rhetoric and anger and it's not just former president trump. i mean in my district, people are angry, margare, all throughout the country, people are angry and seeing all this chaos. it's why it's so important that the house, the senate, and the president come together and find a real solution, a national security package, that takes care of our allies, also protects us at home, not only from foreign threats, but also internal threats, because the anger is very real. >> i realize that. we need to acknowledge it. but that phrasing poisoning the blood, is reminiscent of language the white house says hitler used which is why i wanted to get you to
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specifically respond to that. the biden campaign, excuse me. there's -- i have to leave it there. i'm told by my producer. we are out of time, congressman. we will come back to you as i know you are very much tracking these ongoing negotiations. "face the nation" will be back in a minute. stay with us.
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hi, i'm sharon, and i lost 52 pounds on golo. on other diets, i could barely lose 10-15 pounds. thanks to golo, i've lost 27% of my body weight, and it was easy. (soft music) we go now to democratic senator chris coons who joins us from wilmington, delaware. good morning to you, senator. >> good morning, margaret. great to be on with you again. >> thank you. as you know, there are ongoing talks about changing not just border security funding but also policy. from what we are reporting those two elements, in particular, raising the credible fear standard on asylum, and expanding detention and deportation efforts, some in the democratic caucus are objecting. are you okay with it? >> well, i need to know the final deals, but i am likely to
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support this. i have spoken with a number of the negotiators. they have been working hard this weekend. i am hopeful that we can reach a conclusion this coming week. margaret, for us to fail to come together and support ukraine, in their ongoing fight for freedom against russian aggression, would be a huge gift to vladimir putin, and xi jinping and hamas. there's a lot of other things in this funding package that i strongly support, interdicting fentanyl at our border, strengthening border security, humanitarian relief, aid to our indo-pacific partners, support for israel, so frankly, if we can come together on a border security deal that gets bipartisan support, i will support it. >> some of your fellow democrats like bob menendez said it's shameful and selling out migrants and asylum seekers. why is he wrong? >> i understand the passion on the part of making sure our immigration system is safe,
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legal, and humane, but as i've said in talking about the campaign for '24, president biden needs to be compared not to the all mighty, not to a perfect alternative, but to the actual alternative. you played for congressman gonzales, the stunning, hateful rhetoric of former president trump when he's talking about poisoning the blood of our nation. the former president would bring in place not these modest changes to asylum policy, but radical and dramatic changes to imigration policy. we need to take seriously that there is a border security responsible steps that reflect our values. >> that requires more conversation to be ahad on the other side of this break. please stay with us. we'll have more with senator coons. isk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular
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