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tv   The Late News  CBS  December 17, 2023 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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now at 11:00, scattered showers to start the day, but the real rain is coming overnight and it may also bring some thunder. light crowds in a san francisco winter walk at union square. >> it's the positive vibe we needed, which is amazing. >> we're celebrating with the faithful after the 49ers big win over the cardinals to clinch the nfc west. good
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evening, i'm andrea nakano. >> i'm devin fehely. more rain is on the way for most of the bay area overnight after a wet end into the weekend. this afternoon was more of scattered showers, brief for most of the bay area. >> let's get straight to first alert meteorologist darren peck to find out when the heavy rain is rolling in. >> within the next hour and an important update, andrea. within the last hour and a half, we have watched a very complex set of thunderstorms develop off the coast. now within the last ten minutes, we're detecting some of this lightning getting into the north bay. this is coming onto the north bay. for much of the city and the peninsula in the next hour, so don't be surprised if you get woken up by very loud thunder, some small hail. there will be brief and heavy downpours of rain with this. the kind of rain that could put down an inch of rain within an hour. that's the kind of rain that could lead to
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localized moderate street flooding. this is all going to come overhead pretty much on the cover of darkness for the next hour or two and be with us into the predawn hours. it will probably still be raining to a pretty notable degree as we get into the morning commute tomorrow. but i think it's the next two to three hours with the complex of thunderstorms that will move overhead to get a lot of people's attentions. let's start with the system. i'll be back with what comes after that in a few minutes. we'll see you then. a live look at the richmond san mateo bridge right now. traffic has been crawling for hours since a crash on the westbound lanes shut down traffic around 8:40 tonight. >> the two vehicles crashed in the middle of the span. at least one person was killed and another injured, taken to the hospital. no word on what caused that crash including if weather may have been a factor. police said there is also no timeline for when things to
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open back up. now to san francisco, where union square winter walk wrapped up the first weekend back. they say the crowds are bigger than expecting. >> soaking up the holiday cheer and hopefully not getting soaked in the process. the sounds of christmas at holiday sites brought hundreds of people out to winter walk in union square on sunday evening. despite rain moving through earlier in the day. >> and there were entertainers, food trucks, plenty of photo ops on the two block stretch of stockton street. shoppers also browsed the indoor holiday marketplace. they drove in from napa and hercules. >> this is amazing and
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fantastic. >> the city brought back the winter walk tradition for the first time since 2018. they said last year 2.2 million people. this year the mayor's office said san francisco is seeing a stronger holiday season than in year's past. public safety patrols are resulting in incidents of crime. >> we feel safe and we can walk around without feeling scared. knowing san francisco, the first thing is oh my gosh, somebody is breaking in or will steal or rob, you know, we are kind of like for now, everything is having fun. it's all the decorations. you feel the christmas spirit. >> the pop-up owner is participating for the first time. she usually sells her goods, which is imported from india, thailand, and indonesia in oakland. >> it can make the difference between paying the mortgage and
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not paying the mortgage, so it's crucial and what i do for a living. so we need more opportunities like this. >> reporter: they also say they are seeing an increase in ridership in the downtown and union square area compared to the same time period last year. bringing her mom and three kids. >> it's the positive vibe, which is what we needed. making efforts to make it safer and better and more family friendly. the effort will be great. >> reporter: jackie and luna didn't go home empty handed. the ten-day holiday pop up runs through christmas eve. the niners took care of business in arizona this afternoon and they checked off one of the goals for the process. vern glenn explains. >> reporter: the 49ers have clearly been the best team in the nfc west the last two
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seasons. they were a perfect 12-0 as they clinch another after beating arizona on sunday. >> that's big time and the standard now. >> do you know how you will celebrate tonight or tomorrow? >> the plane ride should be fun and enjoyable. just hanging with all my friends. >> it was a successful homecoming game for brock purdy. the arizona native first start in his home state throwing for the touchdowns, leading to the season high of 45 points. even managed to limit the ticket request. >> they hit me up for that stuff, it's crazy. to come home, to come to the game and support like they have. just to know they have my back.
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>> we'll have more from arizona coming up tonight on game day at the bottom of the hour. up next for the 49ers? a christmas night matchup with the ravens at levi's stadium. >> thanks, vern. as the 49ers were clinching that big win in glendale, the faithful here in the bay area were celebrating, some looking ahead to the potential deep playoff run. our da lin got to hang out with some of those fans as they cheered the 49ers to victory. >> reporter: despite the rain, it was a good turnout here at the well-known 49ers spot in the east bay. now a lot of the fans have since left after the game was over, but they left with a full tummy and a big smile. from sports bars to glendale, arizona, to man caves around the bay area. 49ers fans celebrated another decisive win. we caught up with the
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lifelong 49ers fan and his garage as he would cheer on the nick bosa sack. >> the we're a big football family. and it is our religion. >> reporter: a religion and a way of life. we met jeff and his wife, a die hard bengals fan. back in october. >> i now pronounce you husband and wife. >> the two loved birds held their wedding ceremony outside levi's stadium when they hoisted the bengals. >> i pulled for her team more than they pull for our team, but we're coming around. >> reporter: this is what jeff means by that. dancing in the bengals outfit for his wife this weekend, after the team won in overtime. with three regular season games remaining for the 49ers, jeff and loyal fans are counting down to the post season. >> the goal is the super bowl. it's game by game, the ultimate goal is the super bowl to get there to win at this time. >> reporter: the super fan and
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about 30 friends would cheer on the team at state farm stadium in glendale, arizona. we did a zoom interview on sunday afternoon as the game was getting underway. >> it's amazing, man. it's about 85%, 49ers fans here. it's a sea of red. they were suppose to do the whiteout and that did not work out very well for them. so we are all here, repping the niners. >> reporter: the fans traditionally would travel well with the team so she felting up once again. for those who couldn't travel, they met at local sports bars to share their love for the team. >> and i miss this during covid. staying home, watching from, you know, from home. it's not the same. >> reporter: a win for the niners and a win for businesses like jack's brewing company. they tip the bigger crowds on game day. >> the 49ers when they do really well, people stay longer. for us, it's a big win to have them doing amazing. >> reporter: as for jeff, a super bowl on top of marrying the love of his life would make
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this the best season ever. >> i think we're going to do it though. i really do. touchdown. >> there were some scary moments tonight for biden. the car smashed into his motorcade, talking to the press at the time in his campaign headquarters in delaware. take a listen. the secret service says a man driving the sedan unintentionally crashed into the suv at the head of the motorcade. you can see that biden was ushered into his suv and taken away without incident. no one was hurt. and at nancy pelosi's home in san francisco appealing to the former house speaker as they want pelosi to add her voice, calling for a ceasefire in
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gaza. now those calls have grown louder since friday's emission by the military, that they mistakenly killed three of the hostages being held by hamas. and today the pope called their approach terrorism that was after the military sniper shot and killed two women inside of a church in gaza. israel says it is investigating the incident. the palestinian death toll in gaza has reached 19,000. and israeli leadership will make no indication of slowing down their military campaign. >> but despite the growing international outrage, prime minister vows to keep fighting at the same time, secretary of defense lloyd austin is in the region, trying to get israel to scale back their attacks in gaza. cristian benavides has that story. >> reporter: air strikes continue to rain down on gaza. one hitting the refugee camp that they say killed nearly 100. new images released by israel, showing what they say
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is a large concrete tunnel, designed to carry carloads of fighters from gaza right up to the border. it comes as the situation in the territory grows more desperate by the day. seeking food, rushed an aid truck on sunday. the world food program says more than half of the population in gaza is starving. prime minister benjamin netanyahu confirming renewed negotiations led by qatar to try to free the hostages are underway. the officials at the u.n. say the key part of any deal would likely require a humanitarian pause. >> we have managed to have a solid seven day pose here and we have managed to get people out on both sides. >> reporter: thousands rallied in tel aviv including those held hostage, calling for netanyahu to reach a deal now. >> and my anger only comes towards my government. >> reporter: another funeral was held sunday for one of the
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israeli hostages mistakenly shot by soldiers. carrying a makeshift white flag. secretary of defense lloyd austin is in the region for a visit to israel and three arab nations. the biden administration has reportedly asked israel to scale back its widespread attacks on gaza and focus on a more targeted approach. >> you can stay up to date with the very latest out of israel and gaza on our website and on the cbs news app. still ahead tonight at 11:00, small business owners react to the news that a housing development at the san jose flea market has been delayed. details on the new plan and timeline when we come back. and then we crack open the kpix archives. a look back at how the drug rehab facility turned into a dangerous and violent cult. and another look at a very impressive complex of thunderstorms sitting right off
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the coast. don't be surprised if you get woken up an hour or two with some rumbles of thunder. we'll talk about that and then look at next fo
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the flea market property is prime real estate for housing. in 2021, the city approved a plan to build nearly 3,500 homes. but with the cost of construction rising, the property owners changed their plan, proposing to build only about 900 homes. the city isn't thrilled about that. >> if it means waiting a few years until the interest rates come down and the cost of construction will stabilize, i think that's the right thing to do. >> reporter: in the meantime, those who make their living have been kept at a state of uncertainty with an agreement they will get a year's notice once a decision to build is made. and they were expecting something in january. but on friday, the word came down. >> they sent us an e-mail saying that the flea market has
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decided to extend the one year notice. meaning that the earlier state they would close would be 2026. >> for people like me, that has been many years here. and there is no more way to go. it's the flea market. that's all i have to make a living right now. i'm happy. >> we honestly worked here a lot. it means a lot to me because i grew up here working with my mom and grandpa. this is a family business, so we have worked here for a while now. and just to see that we're going to be able to keep this, it is really exciting, happy honestly. i'm happy. >> reporter: no one knows how long it will take to start building homes here. but those who spend their days at the flea market have learned to cherish whatever time they have left in a place that will feel like home to them. let's go and bring in meteorologist darren peck. it
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looks like we will have rain you said in a couple of hours, but also maybe some lightning? >> yes. that's the headline. this complex of thunderstorms that's sitting right off the coast will wake a lot of people up. probably over the next few hours. give it another hour or two before this smooths overhead. while that's the exciting thing for tonight, there's three days to go here, where we are tracking two separate storms. a lot of communities impacted by this. the first one is tomorrow morning's commute. start thinking ahead for rain. i'll show you why in a second. before i get to that, the matter at hand right now is clearly this complex of thunderstorms, sitting right off the coast and drifting our way. so the likely progression of this is for these showers to start to work their way overhead. it may not hold together as impressively as it looked right there on the last frame. in other words we may not be under a barrage of lightning by 2:00 a.m. but i think you probably are going to get woken up. you're going to sleep soon. you'll likely hear some thunder within that 2:00, 3:00 hour. here is why i would
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say this. look at that line of deep red that will show up here, tracking the storm for so many days, talking about the different kinds of models, their benefits, or inability with this. what we're looking at here is the best possible model available. picking up on a system, taking it ahead two to three hours. the rainfall rates could also be impressive. the complex thunderstorm is dropping an inch an hour. if they maintain that intensity, then that's enough to cause some minor localized street flooding. some ponding on the roadways because it will be around for a while in the overnight hours. when we get up, here is 5:00 a.m. we are still seeing this well put together line of showers overhead. i would start
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planning now. if you've got to be up early tomorrow, i would start planning now for extra time because you're going to have some wet roads to deal with, slowing the drive down. that's the first aspect of this, impacts on roadways, and anything you hear over night. it gets windy tomorrow. we'll have 30 miles an hour gusts tomorrow with this. so that is kind of like one of the headlines. then we keep scattered showers going with that through the afternoon, before the rainfall will pick up again in intensity. tomorrow night into tuesday, i'm just going to the camera for a moment because that's the one on top, you're looking at the salesforce tower, looking out to the north. i've seen four flashes of lightning. i've already got a personal eyewitness account of the lightning out there. if you watch how this goes, it will be on again, off again. then on
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wednesday, there is another storm that will come in. that line of rain right there, an entirely separate storm, and will keep the chances of rain going into wednesday and thursday with plenty of breaks here. it will not rain intensely for four days. but it's a busy forecast. when you look at it, you'll see a chance of rain on each of these next three days for monday, tuesday, and wednesday. by thursday likely near the tail end of it. it will be an active night with that line of thunderstorms is probably the first order of business to be aware of. all right. back to you. after the break, we will take a look back at a strange mass wedding ceremony kpix, the bay area's first television station, celebrating 75 years. test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test
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as we count down to kpix 5, 75th anniversary, this coming friday. tonight we have a report in marin county. also the subject that will delve into what started off as a drug rehab facility, but slowly turned into a dangerous and violent cult. in 1975, he
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reported a mass wedding. it started with the marching of the boot camp basic training core. that was followed by the jumpers, demonstrating their form of daily pulmonary exercise. but people came to see the wedding of 101 couples who had been married during the past year, but will join in the principles and lifestyles. ♪ [ music ] ♪ and your self and the one standing next to you. may you love rather than be
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loved. may you give rather than receive. and now you may consider yourselves husband and wife. may i suggest that you absolute one another? you have five seconds. now may the wedding hoopla begin. >> reporter: almost all the people married near the hills came here because of drug abuse or alcoholism. the shaven heads of the people is another mark of their commitment to the principles. david fowler, channel 5 eyewitness news. all right, so the group disbanded in 1991 after several members were convicted of crimes including the founder who admitted to a conspiracy to commit murder.
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welcoming up next, food banks in the bay area are pushing to get more alaska airlines $99 companion fare means that you can bring your best friend... you know, one of us is gonna have to change? but we're twinning? oh yay. ♪♪ ♪ we care a lot. ♪
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families have what they need this holiday season. >> a great opportunity for kids to come in to get involved. a lot of produce bagging is what they do, they bag a lot of the produce that goes out to the community. and then, you know, they have a good time and they get involved. >> the food bank of contra costa and solano is one of the only places to offer shifts for children between the ages of 5 to 10 years old. for more on how you can donate or volunteer your time, with bay area food banks,
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this is the bay area chevy dealers "gameday" on cbs news bay area. >> let's go, yeah! go 9ers! yeah! ♪ >> the super bowl is ours! ♪ >> oh, the good feels, "gameday" for december 17th, another day of clinchmas for the 49ers. now lorenzo neal and his 16 years of nfl experience has enjoyed a few t-shirt and cap days as a division champ. he'll be out here in a second. just like the 49ers did today for a second straight season.


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