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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  December 20, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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what a mess across the bay area. widespread rain causing problems on the roads and bringing the threat of flooding. we are tracking the impacts. thank you for joining us this afternoon. it is a first alert weather day as we deal with yet our latest storm. and a flood advisory was just extended. let's get right to chief meteorologist paul heggen in our virtual view studio. >> reporter: that is what we call an urban and small stream advisory, not anticipating any widespread flooding issues, but some standing water and flood prone intersections on the sides of roads, especially where any of those drones have been blocked by leaves or any kind of debris or junk. we have some rain falling across the
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bay area right now especially as we look at napa county, solano county. same thing as we drift further south and parts of alameda county. but the rain has been diminishing in intensity over the past few hours. the widespread heavy rain earlier today. now the bulk of that is really being concentrated on the central valley where the heaviest downpours are going to remain. let's switch over to futurecast and track the rain throughout the rest of the evening into tonight. the showers do become fewer and farther in between, but they don't completely quiet down until overnight. we'll be seeing a dry start to the day on thursday, but then the potential for some more showers to drift up from the south, maybe into the southern half of the bay area. but i really think about san jose. it will be further north with the light rain showers on thursday are going to creep. they should not lead to any additional flooding issues. this is the last of the rain that we're going to see as we head through christmas weekend. the full seven-day forecast. we'll add up how much rain has accumulated since they all started on sunday in the full forecast in a few minutes. >> sounds. go thank you, paul.
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it's been a tricky few days for those of us trying to fly out early for christmas according to the website, flight aware about 270 flights have been delayed today at sfo alone. so far more than 60 delays at oakland and 45 at san jose. and on the ground, drivers dealing with wet roads around the bay on the peninsula today, it looks like a river was flowing next to some of the roads and parking lots. and in the east bay, they share these photos of the big rig crash, happened just before 6:00 a.m. about halfway between castro valley and pleasanton. likely no one was hurt. traffic, however, was backed up almost all the way to 880. the road should be fully reopening right until now. up in the sierra, they're getting rain, sleet, and snow. a little bit of everything actually. chp says if you're heading up to the mountains, slow down, especially after dark when those roads get especially icy. and be sure to stay with us for continuing coverage of our first alert weather. on kpix and on our website and, of
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course, streaming on the free cbs news app. well by now, you may have your holiday decorations up and you're probably getting ready for gifts, both to give and receive. but there might also be some unexpected dangers within all that holiday spirit. joining me live now is pediatrician and medical toxicologist with california poison control, dr. cyrus reagan. thank you so much for being here with us. >> thank you, thank you for having us. >> let's start with the items you may already have around the house like decorations. what are some of the unexpected dangers for kids and especially pets too? >> reporter: great question. at this time of the year, we have a lot of unique consumer products and food items that are coming into our homes. a lot of unexpected hazards can result. when we are thinking about the kinds of toys, many of them are electronic toys that may contain button batteries. and these are batteries that are easily accessible by children if they get their fingers around the
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product and they open it, right? they can get the batteries out. they might be inclined to put them in their mouths. and those batteries could make their way into our throat and esophagus and airways. that can actually be a medical emergency. so we think about the toys, we think about the food items that people might be bringing over if they are bringing over food and to make sure to put that food and make sure it doesn't get too cold before they get served to make sure that we're not setting ourselves up for anything like food poisoning. when you think about that wrapping paper that we use and all these things may constitute hazards for children as well. >> wrapping paper was interesting because you think of wrapping paper, make a joking hazard or something like that. but also there is lead in some wrapping paper. can you tell us more about that? >> when you look at wrapping paper especially glitter on top of it. the reason why this glitter is shiny because it contains a number of different metals. sometimes it's lead and other metals as well. that can get on our fingers, kids can
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put that in their mouths, and be a potential danger. in addition we want to ensure people don't take wrapping paper and throw it in the fireplace because it is not meant to be burned. you don't want those products catching on fire. >> i want to ask you about the plants associated with the holidays, a lot of flower arrangements, poinsettias, mistletoe hanging around. but that can be toxic for both kids and pets. what should you do if somebody that you love accidentally ingests one of those things? >> that's a great question. the good thing is a lot of the plants that we used to think were very, very toxic like a poinsettia plant is not as toxic as we once thought it was. but that doesn't mean it couldn't cause problems. in fact if you ingest any kind of part of any plant, it could cause nausea, stomach upset, vomiting, diarrhea. and the younger you are, the more likely you are to be affected by these products. so the bottom line is if your child does get into one of these plants and ingests one of these plants no matter what part of the plant it is, give us a call
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at poison control. 1-800-222-1222, and we'll tell you what the next steps should be. >> when in doubt, go to the doctor. they will never steer you wrong. thank you so much for joining us. have a very happy holiday. >> you too. thank you. all right, still ahead, stopping fare evasion on bart. the agency's new tool, and we ask riders will it work? plus football fans will be seeing red and gold this christmas. the big gift the 49ers are really hoping to get on monday night.
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well, bart is hoping these new gates will help not only security, but also the agency's bottom line. they lost much needed revenue with fewer people getting on board since the pandemic. on top of all of that, there are people who frankly simply don't pay. our max darrow shows us how bart is putting up a barrier to fare evasion. >> reporter: he finds himself on a bart train. >> we've gotten a lot better. >> reporter: his daily commute will take him to san francisco from the east bay and back. but before his ride. he swipes his
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clipper card at a fare gate that's standard procedure. it's how you pay. but there are a lot of people who don't. >> it is definitely, i mean a problem. >> reporter: but these gates, that they pay to go through and many people just hop over, they are in the process of being phased out starting at the west oakland station. bart is about to begin field testing these new fare gates. >> i really hope that the implementation of this project shows that bart is listening to our riders, and that we are putting their safety first. >> reporter: they say these new fare gates will make it harder for people to fare evade, which should improve security. >> they are much tall or and stronger. it will be much harder to climb over these and much harder to find weaknesses once we get to the final versions that we implemented all of our stations. >> reporter: and he also says that the new gates will benefit their bottom line. >> so much of our budget more than 70% of our budget pre-pandemic was paid for by fares. so if they are not paying, that'll create a real budget challenge for us. >> reporter: the current system in place makes it tough for
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bart to measure the impact that the fare evasion will have on the agency's finances. >> i think a good way to look at it is if you talk to the riders, almost every bart rider has seen someone fare evade. it's a very widespread problem. >> reporter: the plan is to field test these prototypes in west oakland. finalize the new design, then upgrade the entire system by the end of 2025. >> we are looking to install and replace more than 700 fare gates at seven stations across the system. >> reporter: back on board, they see how the move could benefit bart. >> and i'm sure it is more of what they want, you know, they are getting more people to pay for the service. >> reporter: but is it the antidote that they need to get more riders on board? not on its own. >> and increasing their quality of service would probably help. it is more consistency, a little bit more frequent communication about the delays. >> reporter: he says he has noticed various ways bart is
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working to improve this system. >> it has probably been going on for a good four, five months now. >> reporter: and a lot more of the crisis. >> reporter: and bart says the prototypes for the new fare gates, the ones being installed, the west oakland station should be up and running by the end of the year. last month we took an in-depth look at bart's past, present, and its future. that was the focus of our series bart on the brink. you can find all of those stories on our website it takes a village when it comes to combating food insecurity and that village includes some bay area businesses, stepping up to help. reed cowan met some of the owners of the food bank.
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>> you've all heard that phrase it takes a village, and i have proof, right? our friends of the chambers of commerce, you're joined by the other business leaders in your community who have stepped forward because you saw a need. what's the power of joining together as a community and meeting needs? >> well, we are so excited to be here today to present this check to the food bank. you know, they will give back initiative, which was started by lisa, owner of perfect providence. it was an accident for all of our downtown local businesses and our businesses across the tiburon peninsula to come together and to raise funds for the marin food bank. you can do that with your customers or a percentage of proceeds or $1 for a drink or specialty item at the business. so this is just the beginning. we are going to continue to grow this. this thursday, we have a sip n shop from 4:00 to 6:00 in downtown tiburon. it's really an opportunity for folks to come out, par 'tis rate in
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the tiburon food bank initiative, and enjoy shopping and champagne. >> reporter: whenever i want to see beauty, i drive over tiburon. what's the beauty here? >> for every dollar raised, we're able to distribute two meals to the community. we believe it takes a community to support the community, and this is a prime example of how easily a group can come together and make a lot of impact. >> reporter: all right, impact is what it is all about. do something similar. you can do it. it takes a village if you want to be a part of our village. and you can scan the qr code on your screen to make sure that you are connected to your community. all right, let's go to first alert weather now. on and off showers after all that rain earlier in the day. chief
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meteorologist paul heggen in our virtual view studio with a look at the evening commute and beyond. are we finally done with the rain, paul? >> reporter: we are not quite done with the rain, but done with the intense rainfall. the evening commute will see pockets of standing water on the roads, but not nearly the issue we've had for the first half of the day. let's add up the rain accumulated since this all started on sunday. as usual, the highest amounts have been in the higher elevations of the mountains, over seven inches of rain. but spaced out enough that we haven't seen any significant flooding problems. again, there have been a few pockets here and there. over four and a half inches of rain, pacific almost four inches of rain and over three inches of rain in richmond and dublin and just over two inches of rain for sunnyvale. we'll fill in the rest of the map at 5:00. still tabulating all the numbers. the rain will continue to come down in spots
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especially over napa and solano county. the storm system is drifting farther to the south, dragging most of the moisture along with it. but the rain will kind of sputter out as we would head through the next few hours. it will turn off like a light switch. over the past couple of hours, we'll show you the shower activity right now in napa county, solano county. basically the eastern half of contra costa county, grazing alameda county, and a few more showers will try to make a run up into santa cruz county as well. the bulk is falling through the central valley, remaining the case through the rest of tonight. again, the showers will sputter to an end, but not until after midnight tonight. i think we do start the day dry tomorrow. some showers will try to make a run towards santa clara and santa cruz tomorrow. but even there the rain chances will be 20% or lower. we should see a mix of clouds and sunshine with plenty of sun on friday for the end of the workweek. and the beginning, it will be a busy travel day of christmas weekend. likely good travel weather locally and across the
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state as we head into the beginning on saturday. we will keep you updated over the next couple of days. this is the seven-day outlook for rain chances beginning sunday. we're taking you through next week, which will take us to new year's eve. after dry weather on christmas eve, eve, christmas eve sunday and christmas day on monday. we're going to see the rain chances returning by wednesday, likely with more waves of rain headed towards this. back to the active weather pattern for the later half of next week. so if you're traveling out of town to get back in that time frame or if you have family that's coming to town and trying to get back out of town, it could be complicated by the end of next week. we'll keep you updated on that. we're seeing plenty of clouds. temperatures in the mid to upper 50s to around 60 degrees. that rain has not cooled us off. with the blanket of clouds sticking around tonight, we're only going to cool off to temperatures in the upper 40s and the lower 50s, above average for this time of the year. a mix of 30s and 40s. it's about 10 degrees above
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normal for those low temperatures tomorrow. highs tomorrow, still going to be a few degrees above average as well. mostly in the mid to upper 60s. cooler weather is in store as we would head into the seven-day forecast. a look at that seven-day outlook here and we will bring in the inland forecast first, which is going to cool off as we would head into christmas weekend, sunday and monday, temperatures down into the upper 50s for christmas eve and christmas day. then the rain chances are going to increase for the last day of the seven-day forecast. but again other than the chance for a couple of showers to roll up into the santa clara valley tomorrow, we are going to be dry for several consecutive days, so we will get a chance for the rainfall that has accumulated since sunday to kind of soak in. we really almost have elizabeth cook raced that rainfall deficit that we were running at this point in the season, that's what one good rain event could do for us. temperatures cool along the coast, but not much variation. temperatures across the entire bay area for christmas eve and christmas day running very close to what's normal for december 24 and 25. liz? >> sounds perfect. thank you so much. well the 49ers are hoping
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christmas will turn into a clinchmas. coming to town for monday night football. our vern glenn will look at what they could take for the niners to get the no. 1 that holiday night. the 49 ers will host on christmas day. it could turn into clinchmas if things break tear way. the 49ers will lock up the no. 1 as soon as monday with a win. the lions and eagles. christian mccaffrey enjoyed some cheese ball on the cast monday night. peyton and eli gave them a hard time for posting his off-season workouts on social media. and both being former quarterbacks, the mannings wanted to know more
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about cmz having to play the position during one play of last year's nfc championship game. >> my one goal was make sure to hear the play and don't get a delay of game. i've got to make sure to hear the play. i screamed in the middle of calling the play and i forgot what it was. i think it was deebo who told me to shut up mid call. i started whispering. i was trying to find the medium of how loud my phone should be. i threw one pass in that game and it was one of the worst throws probably in the history of football, but a great throw away. >> with the red and gold report, i'm vern glenn. well this week, we're looking back on 75 years of kpix. we've covered some pretty unusual stories over the decades. ahead, how wild parrots once became a big talker on the peninsula.
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1948 kpix went on air. >> we're celebrating the 75th anniversary of kpix with a deep dive into our archives. we're finding gems like this next story from 1973. kpix reporter christopher chow was hot on the trail of the double yellow head parrot after sightings all over redwood city. take a look. >> do you think you might want to try to catch any of them? >> no, i don't think we are. we have tried before, and you can't get near them. you can climb up the tree elizabeth cook venn chylely and fly away. we've had no complaints about him. >> reporter: the double yellow head parrot is from mexico. it should be approached. >> are these birds dangerous?
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>> dangerous only in the sense if you ever cornered one and you got bit by one, that you can do a little, you might injure it somewhat, yes. it might take off your finger. no, not really, but it might seriously hurt you. you can only imagine what they can do. >> reporter: perhaps the yellow head parrots will become a permanent part of the wildlife. eyewitness news, redwood city. >> and they are pretty. well at the time, the trainer at marine world suspected the birds escaped from the pet store shipment at sfo. we will have continuing coverage leading up to the anniversary of kpix this friday. you can watch more stories. from our archives on our website coming up, a delicious delivery, the home cooked dip for the very people who have helped us put food
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coming up tonight on the cbs evening news, former president trump could be removed from the primary ballot in colorado after the state supreme court ruling. what it could mean for trump's candidacy in other states. those headlines and more on the cbs evening news. at 5:00, today's rain was not what some san francisco vendors needed. how much they
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say it's impacting business in already challenging year. check this out, showing appreciation for the people who help us put food on our table during the holidays. the group farm worker caravan is delivering 2,400 precooked homemade tamales. they're also delivering warm clothes like coats and socks along with toys and christmas stockings for the kids. the group partnered with a loss. the san jose fire department and the non-profit los bomberos. the cbs evening news is next. local news continues on our streaming service cbs news bay area. i'll see you at 5:00. ♪ ♪ >> margaret: tonight, breaking news. the biden administration secures a deal with venezuela for the release of ten americans. why the white house is trying to repair relations with the major oil-producing coun


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